E- Magazine

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Teoría de la educación bilingüe. Professor: Starling Aguilar

E- Magazine

Student: Ruby Hernández

August 16, 2017

Learning activities

(Richards- Book on Approaches)

Activity 1

Method: The Oral Approach Purpose: To achieve verb tenses and grammar structures in the students. Steps: 1. We will need some flash cards in these activity. Each flash card

will have a picture representing the specific vocabulary that we as a teacher want that the students learn, in this case will be the verbs and some grammar structures. 2. Students will see the flash cards with pictures doing actions. They must say sentences according of what they see. 3. Another activity using the same flash cards, will be that the teacher will show the pictures and say the sentence and the

students will repeat at least twice.

Flash cards. You can buy it in a stationary store or you can make it. Materials. E-magazine activities: Cardboard. Glue. Scissors. Images. (You can search it in the web according with your topic). Example:

Activity 2 Method: The Audiolingual Purpose: The students will be able to learn personal pronouns in their speaking. (This will be implement in a basic class.) Steps: 1. First the teacher will say a sentence like: “I go to English classes every day”, at the end the teacher is going to say “he” as an example. 2. Second, the students will repeat the same sentence, but they must change “I” for the last personal pronoun that the teacher said. Like this: “He goes to English classes every day”. 3. Third, the teacher will repeat exactly the same sentence, but as the first point the teacher will change the personal pronoun at the end of the repetition. 4. Example: Teacher: I like to eat cake. “She” Student: She likes to eat cake. Teacher: She likes to eat cake. “They”. Students: They like to eat cake. 1. You can continuo and keep doing the activity, but changing the sentences and the tenses.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 3 Method: Total Physical Response. Purpose: This method will teach the students through commands. Steps: 1.

The group will be divided in two. It could be boy’s vs girls or you can mixed.


The two groups will be backwards in the wall.


Each group need to be in line.


You will tell them two words like “lemon” and “apple” these words will have actions as a meaning, like make three jumps when your hear the word lemon or sing your favorite song when I say apple. You can choose at least 5 fruits and put them some commands as I wrote above.


The students only have to realize the action if they hear first the word “pineapple”.


So if the teacher says pineapple and lemon the student that is first in the line has to realize three jumps or the action that you said.


If one of the students didn’t do the action correctly their group will have pointless.


The group with more points win.


All the members of the group have to participate.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 4 Method: The silent way. The class might work on sounds, phrases, or sentences designated. 1. First, the teacher will have a practice with the sounds of the language and the symbols. 2. Second, the teacher will say a word and will choose a student that have to guess the symbols compromised the word. 3. After practice with the sounds of the language, sentence patterns, structure, and vocabulary are practiced. 4.

The teacher models an utterance while creating a visual realization of it with the colored rods.

5. After modelling the utterance, the teacher will have a student attempt to produce the utterance and will indicate its acceptability. If a response is incorrect, the teacher will attempt to reshape the utterance or have another student present the correct model. 6.

After a structure is introduced and understood, the teacher will create a situation in which the students can practice the structure through the manipulation of the rods. Variations on the structural theme will be elicited from the class using the rods and charts.

References: Richard approaches. Teaching and methods in Language Teaching.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 5 Method: Community Language Learning. Purpose: In this activity we will use letters to form words and after sentences using grammar structures. Moreover, you can tell your students that the word they need to write be a specific part of the speech such as: adjectives, verbs, nouns, or adverbs. Steps: 1.

The teacher will say different letters to his/her students. (At least 5 letters).


The students will write down this letters in their note books.


After, the students have to write a specific word using each letter.


After this, the students must write sentences according with the grammar tenses and vocabulary studied in the class. Example: Letters: D, E, G, T AND U. Vocabulary: Animals. Tense: Simple past. Words: D-Did E-Elephant G-Giraffe T- Took U- used.

Sentences: I did exercise with my dog. I went to the zoo and I saw a giraffe. I took my sister old sweater for the bed of my dog. I used to have a fish as a pet.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 6

Method: Suggestopedia. Purpose: To create a good environment in our class to increase their learning process. 

You as a teacher will choose an interesting story to share with your students. For these activity we want the students will be in a relaxing environment in our class. So you can tell them to close their eyes or lie down in the floor and relaxed themselves (But always with their eyes close).

Steps: 1.

Once your students are comfortable and with their eyes close; you will play the story if it’s a recording audio, or you can read it by your own.


During the process of the story you might stop and ask questions according to see if your students are putting attention.


If they make mistakes, don’t correct them right away. Wait to finish the story and them you will do the right corrections for pronunciation or grammar mistakes in their speaking.


After the story ends, you can make groups of 4. Each group must create a dialogue with the important details of the story (The teacher will assign the details or vocabulary they will utilize). Examples of a story:

Materials are not need it. You can use this story following the steps above.

Activity 7 Method: Whole Language. Purpose: To uses this approach to help kids in reading.

Steps: 1.

Simply reading stories are going to be use with children.


After reading a story to the child, you can ask them some simple questions about what they understood to evaluate their development and give them feedback.


You can create a good environment for your kids with different stories. Moreover, talking, listening, and hearing stories will help to improve their skills as well the environment in the classroom.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 8 Method: Multiple Intelligences. Purpose: To take advantage of the different intelligence of your students to have a better result in their learning

process. ďƒ˜

With this method you can have several activities to develop according to what type of intelligence you can improve in your class. Moreover, you can use activities mixing certain intelligences in your class too.

Activity for spatial, kinesthetic and interpersonal intelligences. Students will create a multimedia project about preservation of the environment. Steps: 1.

Teacher will make groups of three people maximum 4.


Students will create a business or an original idea of how they can help the environment.


They will create their own stand with multimedia items (computers, power point presentation, and original video

of their idea). Then they have to present their stand in front of their classmates. 4.

All the students will speak in the presentation giving a complete explanation.


With small groups the interpersonal person will feel comfortable working, with a multimedia project the spatial person will improve and help their classmates with ideas, and with the oral presentation the kinesthetic person will be able to talk and express themselves.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 9 Method: Neurolinguistic Programing. Purpose: To increase their ability to write and listen.  In this activity you will tell to your students a hypothetical situation where you are going to help them to create their own story. In this way, you are going to help them to describe Christmas celebration in writing. You are going to say unusual vocabulary in the story below. Steps: 1. You will tell to your students the follow situation: 2. You’re at home…. You know that tomorrow is Christmas day…. But you forgot to buy a present for your parents….. It’s 6 pm of the evening…. All the stores of your neighborhood close at 6.30 pm…. But to go to the closer store take you at least 15 min walking…. What will you do? 3. With the situation gave it above your students will have to write a paragraph describing how they will fix that problem using their creativity. 4. It could be individual or in groups of three people you can decide. 5. Moreover, you can change the situation as you want.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 10 Method: The Lexical Approach. Purpose: To increase interaction between classmates.  In this activity you will give to your students a least ten situations, and they have to find a person that already did it in their lives. All the group must participate and they can sit down only if they find all the people with this characteristics. Find someone who… 

Loves to sleep early at night.

 Never eat breakfast in the morning.  Realize exercise often.  Loves dogs and cats.  Have traveled to a different country at least once.  Doesn’t have Facebook.  Doesn’t eat meat.  Wants to get married.  Is going out on the weekend.  Often got in trouble with their parents.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 11 Method: Competency-Based Language Teaching Topic: Costumer service at a call center. Purpose: To learn vocabulary related to customer service. Vocabulary: Greeting on the phone. Ways to complaint in different ways about something.

Simple questions to ask about the problem. How to apologize with your costumer. How to fix these problems. Steps: 1.

Divide your class in groups of three people or four people as maximum. One student will be the person calling to the call center to complain or ask about the service, the other student will be the employee of the company, and the last one will be the supervising manager of the company. (If there are four it could be two people calling at the call center with different scenarios, you choose).


Each team will create a dialogue with the vocabulary related to customer service. Creating a real

life example of how is the work as a call center. 3.

Students must represent different scenarios that could happen in these phone calls. Like to attend a happy costumer and angry costumer too. Representing how they will fix the problem if they were working in a call center.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 12 Method: Communicative Language Teaching Purpose: Be able to describe and guess which object is. Objectify Steps: 1.

Students have to draw from rolled sheets of paper containing names of different objects of the classroom. (TV, White board, pencils, floor‌)


Students will work in collaborative groups of two people.


One student will be who guesses one of the word, object, which the other student have in mine. Then they have to switch roles.


The people who is making the guess can say whatever they want, short of naming the object. They can gesture away, they can use the full repertoire of body language in order to shine the spotlight on the correct answer.


Each student will have two minutes as maximum to guess.


Student have to guess the correct word and be able to communicate the correct answer.


Each team will win points. The peers that has more point will win a prize. http://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator/communicative-language-teaching-activities/

Materials are not need it.

Activity 13 Method: The Natural Approach Purpose: To achieve new vocabulary related to environment.

Steps: 1.

The teacher will show their students a set of pictures of acid rain, biodegradable, climate, biodiversity, climate change, deforestation, drought, extinction, and so move on.


All the pictures or flash cards will be display around all the class. Each student will have their own pictures about the vocabulary. (You can make a paper with all the pictures in it.


The teacher will describe each picture and the students will put attention.


When the teacher is describing one of the pictures; the student must point the image they hear.


After, the students in pairs take turns to read the transcription to one another.


The students, talk each other about what they think about the environment with their pair.


Also, you can change partners to increase the interaction in your classroom.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 14 Method: Cooperative Language Learning Purpose: To all the group interact with each other. Steps: 1.

Show to your students a video about an interesting topic. As an example could be about different types of families.


After, line students up in two lines facing each other.


You will tell them that they have to share their opinion about the video and the topic about what they think, with the person they have in front.


You will give them 1 or 2 minutes to talk.


Then move on to another new partners in the line by having one line move to the right. http://www.brighthubeducation.com/esl-teaching-tips/99116-using-cooperative-learning-in-your-esl-class/

Materials needs: Search for a video about the vocabulary that you are studying in your class.

Activity 15

Method: Content-Based Instruction 5 thinking hats. Purpose: To increase group collaboration and share different point of view. Steps: 1.

The teacher creates 5 groups with 5 people each.


The teacher will give to all the group an equal problem, like water shortage, and each group need to find a possible solution for the same issue.


Each group will have a specific way of thinking as information, emotions, discernment, optimistic response, and creativity.


All the students have to create a presentation with their way of thinking and the possible solution for the problem.


After all the teams presents their presentation, all the groups will make a round table and work out for the best solution incorporating each different element.

Materials are not need it.

Activity 16 Method: Task-Based Instruction Teaching Department of tourism. Purpose: To create a tourism campaign about a country to visit. Steps: 1.

Ask to your students to make a brainstorming about a country where the dominant language is English and they want to visit someday. With important details like what’s interesting of that country, food, attractions, their expectation among other important things.


Then, you are going to create groups of 4 people. Each group need to choose a country. If you see that are some students interested in the same country you can group them together.


Students will design their own poster campaign for the country they choose.


These posters need to be creative, with images, correct use of grammar, and have to be convincing for the class and the teacher. Something that make us want to go there.


The most creative poster wins.

Materials needed: Cardboard. Markets. Images of the country Creative materials. Also, they can make it in Wix or a power point presentation.

Activity 17 Method: The Post-Methods Era This is a game to have fun in your class! It has some methods already mentioned in it. 1.

Divide the class into two teams and put a chair in front of the whiteboard facing the class.


Write a word on the board. Example: Car.


One person from one of the teams sits in the chair and that person’s team tries to explain the word on the board without saying the word. If the person in the chair says the word, the team get a point.

Materials need it: A chair and a white board.

Bibliography Alvior, M. G. (21 de January de 2015). SimplyEducate.Me. Obtenido de SimplyEducate.Me: http://simplyeducate.me/2015/01/21/how-to-applysuggestopedia-as-a-method-of-teaching/ Andrea. (28 de July de 2013). World teacher. Obtenido de World teacher: http://worldteacher-andrea.blogspot.com/2013/07/five-communicativelanguage-learning.html Arroway, R. (s.f.). FluentU. Obtenido de FluentU: http://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator/audio-lingual-method/ Beare, K. (31 de March de 2017). ThoughtCo. Obtenido de ThoughtCo.: https://www.thoughtco.com/multiple-intelligence-activities-1211779 D, S. (s.f.). FluentU. Obtenido de FluentU: http://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator/total-physical-response/ Lackma, K. (s.f.). Lexical Approach activities. Obtenido de Lexical Approach activities: http://www.kenlackman.com/files/LexicalActivitiesBook102.pdf Literacy, I. (28 de July de 2010). Improve Literacy. Obtenido de Improve Literacy: http://www.improveliteracy.com/jul10_newsletter.aspx Maguire, T. (6 de June de 1996). TESL. Obtenido de TESL: http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Maguire-NLP.html Mar0919. (26 de April de 2011). iSLCOLLECTIVE. Obtenido de iSLCOLLECTIVE: https://en.islcollective.com/resources/printables/worksheets_doc_docx/example_for_competency_based_teaching/restaurant-elementary-a1/5369 Norman, L. (31 de December de 2013). bright hub education. Obtenido de bright hub education: http://www.brighthubeducation.com/esl-teachingtips/99116-using-cooperative-learning-in-your-esl-class/ RHALMI, M. (27 de September de 2009). My English Pages. Obtenido de My English Pages: http://www.myenglishpages.com/blog/natural-approach/ Spanish, C. (24 de September de 2013). Calico Spanish . Obtenido de Calico Spanish : https://calicospanish.com/15-fun-collaboration-activities-for-worldlanguage-teachers/ Thornbury, S. (s.f.). One stop english. Obtenido de One stop english: http://www.onestopenglish.com/methodology/ask-the-experts/methodologyquestions/methodology-the-natural-approach/146401.article Zludwig, J. (s.f.). FluentU. Obtenido de FluentU: http://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator/task-based-language-teaching-activities/

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