Portfolio of activities Universidad Latinoamérica de Ciencia y Tecnología (ULACIT) Teaching and translation Ruby Hernández Ureña Teaching pronunciation
Index Content:…………………………………………………………………………........ 3 Vowels activities ……………………….……………………………………… 4
Consonant activities………….……………………………………………………….. 11 References ………………………………………………………………… 18
Content 
Vowel activities
Consonant activities
Vowels activities
Vowel /ɛ/ Stage: Description and analysis
Learning style:
Instructions: • The students will watch a video where the sound /ɛ/ is pronounced. • The students will watch how the vowel sound is articulated and correct position of the lips, jaw, and tongue. • The professor will give to the students words which contain the vowel sound /ɛ/ Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLG3cCLcNiI
Vowels activities
Examples of words: • • • • • • •
Vowels activities
Any End Egg Edge Error Effort Bed
• • • • • • • •
Rest Many Yes Red Sell Meant West Present
Vowels [i] and [I]
Stage: Listen and discrimination
Learning style: Aural style
The students will listen and circle the word which doesn´t have the sound [i]
Example: Least – list Field – filled
5. Beat – bit
Bean – bin
6. Sleep – slip
Neat – knit
7. Week – wick
Deal – dill
8. Green – grin
Vowels activities
Vowels [u] and [U] Stage: Controlled practice.
Learning style: Verbal style
Instructions: The students will read minimal pair sentences after the teacher with special attention in the phonemes [u] and [U] in order to raise learner consciousness. [u]
I hate the black suit
I hate the black soot.
She went to Luke house.
She went to look.
I have no pool
I have no pull.
He’s not a fool! Vowels activities
He’s not full! 8
The beef stewed for an hour
The beef stood for an hour.
Vowels [i] and [I] Stage: Guided practice
Learning style: Social and verbal style
Instructions: The students will work in pairs.
Each student will be given a sheet of paper with a dialogue. Student A will say his line to Student B, choosing the correct word that fits the sense of the sentence. Student B will have to circle the word he believes he heard, and then he will proceed to say his line, choosing as well the correct word that makes sense with the sentence. Vowels activities
Student A will have to circle the word he listens.
Vowels (all vowels or at least the vowels studied through class.) Stage: Communicative practice Activity: Phonemes competence. Instructions:
Learning style: Kinesthetic and social style If the member of the group don´t know the word, the team can help him/her.
The students will be divided in two main groups. The team with most of the words correct will be Each group will make a line.
the winner.
The first person in each line will have to write a
Example: Phoneme /ʌ/
correct word on the board with the phoneme
Team A: Up (Correct)
given by the teacher. (It’s not allow to copy
Team B: Once (Incorrect)
words from the other group.)
Vowels activities
Consonants activities
Consonant [ʃ] Stage: Description and analysis
Learning style: Visual and verbal style
Activity: Listen and repeat Instructions: The teacher will give to their students a worksheet of the consonant [ʃ] to each student. Print copies to distribute in class. As the following: The teacher will project on the board a diagram where English consonant [ʃ] sound is
produced. This can be eye opening for your students. Moreover, the teacher will show to the students how the correct position of the lips and tongue are. The teacher will say correct pronunciation of the target sounds and have your students
repeat it after you.
Consonants activities
Consonants [s] Stage: Listen and discrimination
Learning style: Auditory and verbal style
Instructions: The teacher will give to the students some words which contain the phoneme [s] The students’ will have to listen and circle the letter s in each word that is
pronounced the phoneme [s]. There is only one [s] in each word. Possible words:
Consonants activities
1. Suppose
4. Presents
2. Sussan
5. Posters
3. Season
6. Resist
Consonant [ʃ] Stage: Controlled practice.
Learning style: Verbal style
Activity: Tongue twisters Instructions:
Trough tongue twister you can practice consonant pronunciation. Give to each student a printed tongue twister as the following: Shy Shelly Shy Shelly says she shall sew sheets. Why does Shy Shelly say she shall sew sheets. After being shown a tongue twisters with the phonemes [ʃ]; the students’ will have to repeat along with the teacher. The students will try to say the tongue twisters with the phoneme [ʃ] in a fast pace. Consonants activities
Consonants Stage: Guided practice
Learning style: Visual and physical style
Instructions: Ask to your students to bring a mirror to the class or use the front camera of their cellphones if it possible. Give to your students a small text where the sound is through the text. As the example given at the end of the instructions. After, give your students a chance to view their physical movements while they are working on their pronunciation. (Using the mirror or cellphone.) You as a teacher, encourage your students to look at your mouth and face as you pronounce certain sounds, so they will also benefit from seeing what movement they are making as they speak.
Consonants activities
Text: Jim Thorpe / Retrieved from: Pronunciation made simple book
Do your know anything about Jim Thorpe? He was a Native American athlete. He excelled in everything at the Olympics. Thousands were angry when Thorpe’s medals were taken away because he was called a professional athlete. In 1973, long after his death, Thorpe’s medals were restores. Throughout the world, Jim Thorpe is thought to be one of the greatest male
Consonants Stage: Communicative practice
Learning style: Social and verbal style
Instructions: Give the students a few words with a phonetic transcription. As the following:
The students’ will have to write the correct word for each phonetic transcription.
After the students’ will have to create a short role play in small groups of 4 people, and say it in
front of the class with the correct words. Consonants activities
References Retrieved from: Pronunciation made simple American, S. (23 de 09 de 2016). Youtube. Obtenido de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLG3cCLcNiI&t=72s