End of Module Student Evaluation BA (Hons) Illustration Module Code: OUIL501 Context of Practice Name: RUBY SHELTON Student ID: rs259237 Please identify where the evidence for each of the learning outcomes is within your submission and how well you feel you have met the learning outcomes. Please also grade yourself in relation to the learning outcomes using terms: poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent (Note - This is so that the team have an understanding of how well you feel you have done. It is not an indication of the actual grade you may receive.) Learning Outcome
Evidenced where? Blog, Visual Journal, Roughs, Final Illustrations, Storyboards, Development Sheets etc. (No more than 75 words)
Your grade Using words: > poor, satisfactory, good, very good, excellent
5A1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the aesthetic, cultural, historical, technological, social, political or other contexts relevant to individual subject disciplines. (Knowledge and understanding) (Research / critical awareness)
Demonstrated through research evidenced on my blog, throughout my essay, visual journal and context of practice 3 proposal.
5A2: Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between the theoretical and practical contexts of their own creative concerns. (Knowledge and understanding) (problem analysis/definition)
Evidenced on my blog, in my visual journal, and synthesis writing in the essay.
5B1: Evidence the ability to use logic, reasoning and critical judgement to analyse ideas from a range of primary and secondary sources. (Cognitive skills) (Critical awareness)
Demonstrated through my decision-making evidenced on my blog through analysed annotations of research found and visual explorations in my journal.
Very Good.
5C1: Evidence the capacity for undertaking practical and theoretical research that demonstrates an informed application of critical, effective and testable processes. (Practical and professional skills) (research)
Evidenced through research carried out on my blog, Good. throughout my essay, visual journal and cop3 proposal.
5D1 Organise and carry out selfdirected projects and communicate outcomes through written and other appropriate forms. (Key transferable skills) (professionalism / technical competence / visual quality)
Demonstrated through my time management and presentation skills found on my blog, visual journal and proposal for cop3.
Very Good.
Summative Evaluation (See Evaluation Guidance on next page for more information) You are required to write a 750 word Summative Evaluation of this module. Please type up your Summative Evaluation in the box below. Make a PDF of the document and post the PDF as your final post on your OUIL501 blog. At the start of this module I knew I wanted to take my investigation further from my essay and research carried out in first year about the presentation of gender. However I wanted to bring this knowledge in to the context of art and in particular how this relates to illustration. I feel I have learnt a lot about image analysis in this process and I also feel that I have dramatically improved my skills and understanding of my own practice in regards to media, communication and critically evaluating my visual exploration. In regards to my theoretical and academic learning I don’t feel I have learnt as much as I hoped to at the start of the project as my essay is quite similar to the findings I’ve found in first year. However I feel I have learnt a great deal about my visual practice in this module and my understanding that as a creative practitioner I enjoy working with figures and studies of the female form. I have learnt a lot about my visual practice in the fact that abstraction, shape and colour are my strong suits, however I have also learnt in this module that these processes can be applied towards character design in a successful and individual way. I have also learnt during my context of practice 3 researches for the proposal that I am very interested in the art history and beginnings of abstraction and have found that movements such as expressionism, cubism, primitivism and the Cobra group are great influences to my practice. I really enjoyed the visual development throughout my visual journal in this module. I found that I really enjoyed exploring different media and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. For example, I trialed using gouache paint with a cubist influence to create a study of the female form and really enjoyed the painterly aesthetic and textures this offered as well as the vibrant colours the medium allows. I took this technique further in the character development and I have also taken this technique in to my other modules and have worked really successfully within my already abstract practice. At the start of this project I understood that I enjoyed working with shape and colour, however I had never applied it to character design and studies of the female form but this turned out to be a process I really enjoyed; taking a physical object or being and turning it in to a very abstract composition of shapes. I feel I discovered these processes and what was working well mainly through the outcomes, however critically analysing the sketchbook pages in my journal on my blog really helped my visual development to move in the right direction. I feel I have learnt a great deal about my visual practice throughout this module, however I feel I discovered a lot about the theories and art history movements I am interested in too late in this module. Therefore I wish I had better managed my time towards the start of the year and invested more hours in to research of subjects that were better suited to my practice rather than just building on what I already knew about and didn’t particularly enjoy. I feel this decision making at the start of the module definitely meant my essay wasn’t as strongly argued and structured, as I would have liked it to be. I feel I did make use of the studio and the facilities provided throughout this module, however I wish I would have made more use of the staff
support we are offered as well. I feel my essay would have been much more focused and professional had I have made use of the library facilities more and the learning help provided for students that struggle. Moving this module forward into third year, I will make much better use of my time management skills towards the start of the project to allow my subject choice to be something I am genuinely interested in and something that will also allow me to learn new things about my practice. I feel the research for the proposal I have completed so far is a step in the correct direction, however I need to not let myself slack over the summer months when I can carry on this research. I also want to take the successful visual outcomes from this module forward and apply the techniques of painting, shape, character and colour development in to my future practice as I think I produced some really individual and exciting outcomes.