IT Montatura in Grilamid
IT Nasello Ergonose™ 5 regolabile a 360°
FR Monture en Grilamid® DE Fassung aus Grilamid
model A 11
360° adjustable nosepiece Ergonose™ 5
Grilamid® frame
FR Pont Ergonose™ 5 réglable à 360°
ES Montura Grilamid®
DE 360° einstellbarer Ergonose™ 5 Nasensteg ES Puente Ergonose™ 5 ajustable 360°
Ultralight Kynetium™ aerospatial temple alloy with colored side emblem IT Aste in Kynetium™ superleggero con abbellitori laterali colorati FR Branches en alliage d’aérospatiale ultraléger Kynetium™ avec emblème latéral en couleurs
IT E’ possibile montare qualsiasi tipo di lente, senza limitazioni. Scegli ogni genere di materiale, potere, colore, trattamento, monofocali o progressive. FR Montez n’importe quel type de verre sans aucune limite. Choisissez le matériau, la couleur, le traitement, presque n’importe quelle puissance*, pour une vision simple ou progressive. DE Sie können ganz einfach jede Art von Glas einsetzen – die Möglichkeiten sind grenzenlos. Sie haben die Wahl: Material, Farbe, Ausführung – unmöglich gibt es nicht. Auch wenn es um die Glasstärke* für Einstärken- oder Gleitsichtgläser geht, ist fast alles machbar. ES Adaptable a cualquier tipo de lente, sin limitaciones, cualquier tipo de material, color o tratamiento y con prácticamente cualquier nivel de corrección*, ya sea de visión simple o progresiva.
DE Bügel aus ultraleichtem Kynetium™, einer Legierung aus der Raumfahrttechnik, mit seitlichem farbigem Schriftzug ES Patilla de aleación aeroespacial Ultralight Kynetium™ con emblema de color en el lateral
360° adjustable rubber temple tip IT Terminabili in gomma regolabili a 360°
Easy mount optical insert
FR Branches ajustables a froid DE Einstellbare Bügelenden
IT Easy mount optical insert
ES Varillas ajustables
FR Insert optique à montage facile DE Einfache Wechselmöglichkeit der Gläser ES Inserto óptico de fácil colocación
Rudy Project introduces the all-new Maya - the latest in multi-use prescription eyewear. Designed for sport but ideal for any occasion, the Maya serves up a fashionable, functional and flexible eyewear option for individuals with vision correction needs.
Rudy Project’s Maya Expands RX Options IT Maya estende le possibilità d’impiego di lenti correttive Maya è l’occhiale da vista polivalente di Rudy Project ed è caratterizzato da un design sportivo e attraente. Alla base del successo di Maya c’è la sua estrema versatilità. Progettato per lo sport ma ideale in ogni occasione Maya è un occhiale da vista alla moda, eclettico e funzionale. Rappresenta la soluzione ottimale per chi necessita di un occhiale in grado di correggere i difetti visivi e fornire allo stesso tempo un appeal accattivante.
FR Les Maya de Rudy Project élargissent les options RX Rudy Project lance les toutes nouvelles Maya, les dernières venues des lunettes de vue multi-usage. Conçues pour le sport, mais idéales pour toute autre occasion, les Maya constituent une option flexible, fonctionnelle et à la mode pour les personnes ayant besoin de verres correcteurs
DE Rudy Project Maya jetzt mit noch mehr RX Optionen Rudy Project präsentiert die brandneue Maya: Hier kommt der letzte Schrei im Bereich der Multifunktionsbrillen mit Korrektionsmöglichkeit. Ursprünglich für den Sport entworfen, ist die Maya ein funktionellflexibles Fashion-Highlight und Multitalent für alle, die eine Brille mit optischer Korrektur benötigen.
ES Opciones RX para la gama Maya de Rudy Project Rudy Project presenta la nueva gama Maya, lo último en protección prescriptiva ocular multiusos. Diseñada para actividades deportivas pero igualmente idónea para cualquier ocasión, la gama Maya constituye la opción más novedosa, funcional y versátil en materia de protección graduada para sus ojos.
Mount any type of lens, without any limitation. Choose any material, any color, any treatment, almost any power*, single vision or progressive.
anyprescription *up to 8.00D total power
edging parameters Recommended indications for shaping the nylon: - HEIGHT 0.8 mm - WIDTH 0.8 mm Suggested edge thickness: 2,8 mm.
* example of the shaped nylon
IT Parametri consigliati per fresatura nylon: - PROFONDITA’ 0,8 mm. - LARGHEZZA 0,8 mm. Parametri consigliati per spessore della lente al bordo: 2,8 mm. * dettaglio fresatura nylon FR Paramètres conseillés pour fraisage du nylon: - PROFONDEUR 0,8 mm - LARGEUR 0,8 mm Épaisseur conseillée pour les bords : 2,8 mm. * détail fraisage nylon DE Parameter für die nylon-fräsung: - TIEFE 0,8 mm - BREITE 0,8 mm Empfohlene Randdicke der Brillengläser: 2,8 mm. * Details der Nylon-Fräsung
0,8 mm.
0,8 mm. 2,8 mm.
shape H 61 | 36 mm
* A proper analysis of customer requirements will be carefully considered in case of multifocal lenses, fitting parameters combined with progressive corridors.
35 57
shape B 57 | 35 mm
shape I 60 | 38 mm
shape B 57 | 35 mm
shape F 56 | 33 mm
shape G 56 | 28 mm
shape C 54 | 33 mm
shape D 54 | 30 mm
shape S 53 | 34 mm
shape A 53 | 29 mm
shape E 53 | 28 mm
shape F 56 | 33 mm
ES Parámetros acosejados para fresado nylon: - PROFUNDIDAD 0,8 mm. - ANCHURA 0,8 mm. Grosor de fresado recomendado: 2,8 mm. * detalle fresado nylon IT Il supporto ottico removibile Maya consente il montaggio di qualsiasi materiale oftalmico. Tuttavia Rudy Project suggerisce: - Trivex - Alto indice (1.60 – 1.67) - Policarbonato * Tutte le forme di lente proposte consentono il montaggio di lenti progressive,
shape H 61 | 36 mm shape I 60 | 38 mm
You can virtually mount any kind of ophthalmic lens and optical design on all Maya patterns*. We however suggest the following: - Trivex - High Index (1.60 - 1.67) - Polycarbonate
33 56
shape G 56 | 28 mm
shape C 54 | 33 mm
Dopo una doverosa analisi delle necessità del cliente e dei prodotti oftalmici disponibili in commercio.
FR Vous pouvez montez pratiquement n’importe quel type de verre ophtalmique et de design optique sur tous les modèles Maya*. Nous vous conseillons néanmoins ce qui suit : - Trivex - Index élevé (1.60 - 1.67) - Polycarbonate * Une analyse appropriée des exigences du client bénéficiera d’une
34 30
attention particulière dans le cas de verres multifocaux, paramètres d’adaptation combinés aux couloirs de progression.
how to remove the clip
DE Für die Zusammenstellung Ihrer ganz persönlichen Maya-Kombination können Sie so gut wie jedes Brillenglas einsetzen und fast jede optische Ausführung wählen*. Wir empfehlen Ihnen jedoch Folgendes: - Trivex - Hochbrechende Gläser (1,60 - 1,67) - Polycarbonat * Bei Mehrstärkengläsern wird eine gründliche Analyse der Bedürfnisse der Kundin bzw. des
shape D 54 | 30 mm
shape S 53 | 34 mm
Kunden zugrunde gelegt: individuelle Parameter kombiniert mit variablen Korridorlängen.
ES Prácticamente cualquier tipo de lente óptica, de cualquier diseño puede montarse en todos los modelos Maya*. Sin embargo, nosotros le recomendamos las siguientes opciones: - Trivex - Alto Índice (1,60 - 1,67) - Policarbonato * Para las lentes multifocales, se considerarán detenidamente las necesidades del
cliente, parámetros de ajuste y pasillos progresivos.
shape A 53 | 29 mm
shape E 53 | 28 mm
color 01 crystal/black
color 06 frozen crystal/black
color 10 graphite/white
color 14 crystal orange/white
color 03 frozen ash/white
color 07 frozen crystal/red
color 11 graphite/black
color 15 crystal blue/white
color 04 frozen ash/black
color 09 graphite/red
color 12 crystal brown/brown
color 16 black gloss/black
color 13 crystal pink/white
color 17 white gloss/white
10 lens shapes 15 frame colours available. 150 combinations! color 05 frozen ash/orange
white F3 127709
orange F3 127705
white F0 127209
orange F0 667205
grey F3 127708
red F3 127703
black F0 667200
red F0 667203 side A
black F3 127700
brown F3 127704
brown F0 667204
side B
MAYA DESK TOTEM dimensions: 28,5 L x 8 W x 40 H cm AC 05 01 66
model C 12
model S 01
REPLACEMENT LENSES LE 12 38 03 MultiLaser Red™ lens
LE 12 85 03 ImpactX Photochromic Golf lens
LE 12 09 03 Laser Black™ lens
LE 12 03 03 Racing Red™
LE 12 10 03 Smoke Black lens
LE 12 11 03 Transparent
LE 12 81 03 ImpactX Photochromic Clear lens
LE 12 12 03 Yellow
Flip-up technology perfect for driving
model H 11
REPLACEMENT FLIP-UP FR 12 88 98 Graphite FR 12 88 87 Frozen Ash FR 12 88 91 Frozen Crystal
IT Tecnologia Flip Up perfetta per la guida
FR Technologie Flip Up, parfaite pour la conduite
DE Flip-Up Technologie perfekt für das antreiben
ES Tecnologìa Flip Up perfecta para conducir
14-CASE dimensions: cm 42 L x 8 H x 16,5 W - 1,49 Kg Samples case for 14 sunglasses, 6 performance models and 8 metal models (SUNGLASSES NOT INCLUDED) Full aluminium construction. AC 03 00 12 A aluminium
MAYA FLOOR RACK CRT for 12 sunglasses NOT INCLUDED with lock panel with pictures REMOVABLE INCLUDED dimensions: 30 L x 25,5 W x 182 H cm AC 20 00 23 A
model S 13
maya order form
IT Per gli ordini del Maya offriamo la massima flessibilità. Puoi acquistare il set completo o i clip e le montature separatamente per poi combinarle a piacere. Come ordine iniziale suggeriamo il Maya Starter Kit AC030026. 15 montature, 10 clip per ottenere 150 possibili combinazioni!
maya full set
FR Nous vous offrons un maximum de flexibilité avec la Maya : vous pouvez acheter le set complet ou acheter les montures et les clips séparément pour ensuite faire les combinaisons de votre choix. En commande initiale, nous suggérons le Kit Maya Starter AC 03 00 26 – 15 montures, 10 clips, 150 combinaisons !
maya frame
(frame + clip)
DE Bei Maya Bestellungen bieten wir maximale Flexibilität. Rahmen und Clips können separat bestellt und kombiniert werden. Zum Start empfehlen wir das Maya Starter Set AC030026. 15 Rahmen, 10 Clips, 150 Kombinationen!
ES Para las ordenes de Maya le ofrecemos la máxima flexibilidad. Puede comprar sets completos o conseguir clips y monturas separadad combinandoleas como prefiera. Como orden inicial le sugerimos el Kit Inicial Maya AC 030026. 15 Monturas, 10 Clips, 150 combinaciones.
maya clip
frame color 01
color 01
shape H 61 | 36 mm
frame color 03
color 03
shape I 60 | 38 mm
frame color 04
color 04
shape B 57 | 35 mm
frame color 05
color 05
shape F 56 | 33 mm
frame color 06
color 06
shape G 56 | 28 mm
frame color 07
color 07
shape C 54 | 33 mm
frame color 09
color 09
shape D 54 | 30 mm
frame color 10
color 10
shape S 53 | 34 mm
frame color 11
color 11
frame color 12
color 12
frame color 13
color 13
frame color 14
color 14
frame color 15
color 15
frame color 16
color 16
frame color 17
color 17
frozen ash/white
frozen ash/black
frozen ash/orange
frozen crystal/black
frozen crystal/red
crystal brown/brown
crystal pink/white
crystal orange/white
crystal blue/white
black gloss/black
white gloss/white
model D 11
frozen ash/white
frozen ash/black
frozen ash/orange
frozen crystal/black
frozen crystal/red
crystal brown/brown
crystal pink/white
shape A 53 | 29 mm shape E 53 | 28 mm
maya starter kit
crystal orange/white
crystal blue/white
Sample case with 15 frame and 10 clip included. Dimensions: cm 42 L x 16 W x 14 H cm
black gloss/black
white gloss/white
AC 03 00 26 A
For Maya orders we offer maximum flexibility. You can buy full sets or get clips and frames separately and combine them as you prefer. As initial order we suggest the Maya Starter Kit AC 030026. 15 Frames, 10 Clips, 150 combinations!
model D 10
model A 11
model S 07
RUDY PROJECT HEADQUARTERS Via B. Marcello, 44 - 31100 Treviso, Italy Phone +39 0422 433 011 - Fax +39 0422 431 978 info@rudyproject.com - www.rudyproject.com
RUDY PROJECT NORTH AMERICA Customer Service & Orders 971 Calle Amanecer - San Clemente, CA 92673 USA Phone 888-860-7597 then hit 2 - Fax 800-272-5118 Marketing & PR - 3300 East 17th Avenue - Denver, CO 80206 phone 800-760-2518 - fax 949-260-7850 info@rudyprojectusa.com - www.rudyprojectusa.com
AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND CONTINENTAL OCEANIA Unit 10/37 O’Riordan St Alexandria, NSW, 2015 - Australia Phone + 61 2 9318 5300 Fax + 61 2 9310 4485 info@rudyproject.com.au www.rudyproject.com.au www.rudyproject.co.nz
BENELUX RUDY PROJECT BENELUX p.o. box 41 B-3580 Beringen - Belgium Phone +32 472 55 99 10 mail@rpb.be www.rudyproject.be www.rudyproject.nl www.rudyproject.lu
BRASIL GRUPO DI VIALLE Rua Minas Gerais, 194 2° Andar - Londrina - Brasil Phone +55 (43) 9138-2103 3321-5100 Fax +55 (43) 3321-7763 luciano@rudybr.com.br www.rudybr.com.br
DENMARK BJARNE EGEDESØ A/S M. P. Allerups Vej 69 5220 Odense SØ Denmark Phone +45 63 16 80 01 Fax +45 63 16 80 04 info@egedesoe.dk www.bikersbest.dk
FRANCE T&F SPORT MANAGEMENT Le Mirabel 4, Avenue des Citronniers Montecarlo - MC 98000 Principaute de Monaco Phone 00377 93 50 52 56 Fax 00377 97 70 65 48 info@rudyproject.fr www.rudyproject.fr
GERMANY and AUSTRIA SPORT DIREKT GmbH Am Haag 10 82166 Gräfelfing - Germany Phone +49-89-4522210 Fax +49-89-45222129 info@rudyproject.de www.rudyproject.de
ICELAND HEILDVERSLUNIN AGGVA EHF Urdarhaed 8 210 Gardabaer - Iceland www.aggva.is Phone +3545309700 Fax +3545309701 elin@aggva.is
INDIA ETERNITY LIFESTYLES PVT. Ltd 129/131, Champaklal Ind. Estate. 105 Sion (E) 400 022 Mumbai – India Phone +91 2224091919 Fax +91 2224037900 rsheth@eternitylifestyles.com
INDONESIA PT. PROMATRA NUSANTARA Ruko Golden Boulevard, Blok W2 No. 12 Jl. Pahlawan Seribu BSD City, Tangerang 15322 INDONESIA Phone +62 21 5316 3512 Fax +62 21 5316 3512 rudyproject@cbn.net.id www.rudyproject.com
KOREA PARMA INTERNATIONAL Joomi B/D, 613-22, Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu - Seoul - Korea Phone 82-2-563-8264 Fax 82-2-563-8269 parma-int@hotmail.com www.rudykorea.co.kr
MAKEDONIJA SPORT MARKET Str. Dzumajska No 5/B 1000 Skopje - Makedonjia Phone/Fax 00389-2-3082 872 sportmarket@freemail.com.mk
MALAYSIA and BRUNEI SOLEXIS CORPORATION SDN BHD 8-7-3A Petaling Indah Jalan 1C/149 Off Jalan Sungei Besi 57100 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia Phone +603-905 11366 Fax +603-905 11367 info@rudyproject.com.my www.rudyproject.com.my
PHILIPPINES PHIL ITAL TREND RETAIL Inc. Unit #508 East Tower Philippine Stock Exchange Exchange Road Ortigas Center - Pasig City Phone +63 2 6374036 +63 2 6363574 Fax +63 2 6363577 gabriele@rudyproject.com.ph www.rudyproject.com.ph
POLAND GREGORIO FH UL. 3 Maja 24 A 43-450 Ustron - Poland Phone +48 33 8544802 Fax +48 33 8544802 gregorio@post.pl www.rudyproject.pl
ROMANIA EYELAND KFT 1052 Budapest - Hungary Pesti Barnabás u. 4. Millennium Center Phone +36 1 327 0111 Fax +36 1 327 0112 info@rudyproject.hu
SLOVAKIA SAGITTA, SPOL. s r. o. Turbínova 1, 83104 Bratislava Slovakia Phone +421/2/49205555 Fax +421/2/44462466 sagitta@sagitta.sk www.sagitta.sk
SLOVENIJA and CROATIA MAXISPORT d.o.o. Smartinska, 211 1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia Phone 00386 15411060 Fax 0038615416761 trgovina@maxisport.si www.maxisport.si
SOUTH AFRICA ASG SPORTS SOLUTIONS (Pty) Ltd PO Box 35960 Menlo Park 0102 - South Africa Phone +27 861 RUDYSA Fax +27 12 807 3684 mail@rudyproject.co.za www.rudyproject.co.za
TAIWAN Thames Co., Ltd. No.22, Alley 1, Lane 69, Sec.5, Minsheng East Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10572, R.O.C. Phone +886-2-27687068 Fax +886-2-27687078
THAILAND RUDY PROJECT THAILAND 296 Phayathai Road Asia Hotel, 2nd Floor, Room ST Rajthevee Bangkok 10400 - Thailand Phone/Fax +66-2-2152372 info@rudyprojectthailand.com www.rudyprojectthailand.com
TURKEY ISBIR OPTIK SAN. A.S. Esenboga Yolu 22. km. 06750 Akyurt/Ankara - TURKEY Phone +90 312 398 04 37 Fax +90 312 398 05 64 optik@isbiroptik.com
CHINA THAMES CO.LTD, 601, Xiangbin Rd., No, 73, Xiamen 361004 - People Republic Of China Phone +86-592-5311625 Fax +86-592-5929075
CYPRUS MICHAEL AGROTIS TR. Ltd. 3 Lerou STR. Aglantzia Nicosia Cyprus Phone 00357.2.2330470 Fax 00357.2.2333769 agrotis.m@cytanet.com.cy
CZECH REPUPLIC EXIT 1 S.R.O DVORSKA 217 503 11 HRADEC KRALOVE CZECH REPUPLIC Phone 420495273406 Fax +420 495 581 046 jan.camr@exit1.cz
HONG KONG SIGNEO DESIGN INTERNATIONAL LTD Unit 2305, Tsuen Wan Industrial Centre 220-248 Texaco Road, Tsuen Wan Hong Kong hk Phone 0085234032890 Fax 0085223347948
HUNGARY EYELAND KFT 1052 Budapest - Hungary Pesti Barnabás u. 4. Millennium Center Phone +36 1 327 0111 Fax +36 1 327 0112 info@rudyproject.hu
ISRAEL FORACTIVE Ltd Kefar Netter 40593 - Israel Phone +972 9 899 7929 Fax +972 9 899 7179 info@rudyproject.co.il www.rudyproject.co.il
JAPAN RUDY PROJECT JAPAN 2-8-15 Kitanosyo-Nishimachi Nara-Shi 630-8452 Japan Phone +81 742 64 7001 Fax +81 742 64 7002 rudy-j@rudyproject-japan.com www.rudyproject.jp
MALTA MAGRI CYCLES & SPARES 148B/155 Eucharistic Congress Road, Mosta MST07 - Malta Phone +356 21 414399 Fax +356 21 436377 magricyc@nextgen.net.mt www.magricycles.com
MEXICO DISTRIBUIDORA OPTICA CIAO ITALIA S.A DE C.V Cerro De La Libertad No. 321 Col Campestre Churubusco Mexico 04200 Mexico Phone 0052 555 5499052 Phone 0052 555 5444021 Fax 0052 555 5499143
NORWAY NORGESPORT A/S 2072 Dal Vognveien 1, Ømfeltet - Norway Phone +47 639 633 90 Fax +47 639 633 92 firmapost@norgesport.no www.rudyproject.no
RUSSIA Velomarket CSKA Leningradsky Prospect 39/1 Russia Phone 007 495 613 2938 www.velomarket-cska.ru
SAUDI ARABIA GULF TRADING CORPORATION LTD 10th Floor, Kashoggi Building (Habitat Building) 31952 Dhahran Street, Al-Khobar-Saudi - Arabia Phone 0096638985001 Fax 0096638951631
SINGAPORE RPA Pte. Ltd. 30 Kaki Bukit Crescent #04-00 Kaki Bukit Techpark 1, Singapore 416261 Phone +65-67464772 Fax +65-67469002 rpsingapore@gmail.com
SPAIN RUDY PROJECT ESPAÑA Centro Empresarial La Plana Nave 24 12550 Almazora (Castellon) - Spain. Phone +34964630382 964636248 - 964961720 Fax +34964961729 info@rudyproject.es www.rudyproject.es
SWEDEN NORDIC TRADE AB Skolvägen 3 780 67 Sälen Phone +46920-228700 info@nordictrade.se
SWITZERLAND INTERCYCLE Postfach - CH-6210 Sursee Switzerland Phone +41 41 926 65 11 Fax +41 41 926 63 55 info@intercycle.com www.rudyproject.ch
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES PASTEUR MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC LLC P.O. Box 6372 Dubai United Arab Emirates Phone 00971 4 2679738 Fax 00971 4 2679748 pmidubai@pmidubai.com www.pmidubai.com
UNITED KINGDOM YELLOW LIMITED Bury Bank Farm Stone - Staffs ST15 0QA - England Phone +44 01785 819995 Fax +44 1785 818794 info@rudyprojectuk.com www.rudyprojectuk.com
VENEZUELA SPORT VISION REPRESENTACIONES, C.A. Calle La Tinaja Edf. Penlu - Piso 1 Zona Industrial El Llanito Caracas - Venezuela Phone + 58 212 2571732 Fax + 58 212 2565362 sport.vision@hotmail.com
GREECE GATSOULIS IMPORTS Vitinis 26 143 42 New Philadelphia Greece phone 003012512779 fax 00302102533960 gatsoulis@gatsoulis.gr www.gatsoulis.gr
IRAN MPT CO. No. 22 Pamchal Alley, East Kokab St.45 meters Golshahr Phone 0098 261 3519815 0098 912 1159594 0098 912 2644118 info@mpt-co.com www.mpt-co.com www.rudyproject.ir