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Red Hot and Blue GmbH

RUMBLE 59 looks back on rough times - when daring Moonshiners raced against Hillbilly-Cops, Rockabilly-Streetgangs fought for Little Italy and the first Rock'n'Roll idols appeared on the stages. RUMBLE 59 smells like Gasoline and self distilled booze, like a smoky honky tonk back room and a bloody boxing ring. It smells like pin-ups and betties, like tough guys and easy girls. RUMBLE 59 is quite the opposite of today's fashion-circus with it's Hollywood-Protagonists, no room for Bling-Bling-Shirtprints or Zero-sized Denim. RUMBLE 59 is the real deal, needs no bells and whistles to reach it's aim - just like a '32 Ford V8. Suitable not only for wrenching at the Garage, but also for rough everyday-life and wild party nights.
