1 minute read
President CSF Int Alan Coxon
Editor - In - Chief Jacqui Brown
Chef Chef Juliana Ramero
Chef Chef David Mizon

Publisher Runaway Media
Web csfint com
Email info@csfint com
What a catastrophic few months we have had, with so many countries succumbing to the dramatic elements that mother nature has shared with us
Retaliation maybe for man’s ongoing abuses of the environment?
It appears that our generation could be bearing witness to the future norm, so eventually the residence of planet earth may have to sit up and pay greater attention or are we all waiting until it’s too late?
Spain, Portugal, Greece, Canada and now the island of Maui, Hawaii have seen devastation One that wrecks people lives, with hundreds killed and thousands displaced
Amidst the wreckage and carnage that the fires leave behind and the global media refocus their attention elsewhere, take a closer look at the locations that have suffered and you will gradually see the hundreds of artisan food producers with no homes, no work and for many no hope
Standing amongst the ashes that were once trees displaying a vibrant abundance of olives and nuts, have been replaced with smouldering embers
Lonesome shepherds starring at grey charred pastures, where their cattle once grazed, their flocks could not escape the inferno`s that engulfed them The milk supply from the herds that once went to the local cheese producers have literally gone up in smoke, so too has production
The beehives and bees that once produced the local honey, supplied local restaurants and local weekday markets, have disappeared without trace
We are seeing fires, but we are not seeing the consequences of what they leave behind
On the opposite end of the scale we are seeing towns and villagers literally drowning, as El Nino pours its contents on Peru
Peruvian farmers have lost crops and no longer able to put food on the family table, or make a living from selling their produce, leaving both farmer and villages running the risk of hunger and starvation
CSF-int was created to help artisans suffering these very real issues and we are doing the best we can

We are still young and increasing our members and support, (now with a presence in 59 countries around the world), sadly the amount of catastrophes we face are too numerous and greater support is needed to be able to financially assist

I call upon all members in all countries to help with this growing global issue, create a fund raising event and help support the food producers that lose everything in these natural disasters
Together we can make a difference, together we can help retain cultural gastronomy, culinary heritage and keep traditional skills alive for the next generation to come