Emily Street Grade 9
Table of Contents Expository/Persuasive Texts ............................................................................... 1 Immigration by Jonathon Hardock............................................................................................................ 2 Explorer Letter by Cassy Petropoulos ....................................................................................................... 2 Japanese Devastation by Cameron Olson ................................................................................................. 3 Persuasive Essay by Collin Levesque ...................................................................................................... 4-6 The Beatles by Dominic Petti .................................................................................................................... 7 Drowning Boy Rescued by Dog by Dominic Petti...................................................................................... 7 James and the Giant Peach by Brock Fisher ............................................................................................. 8 James and the Giant Peach by Sophie Burt .............................................................................................. 8 The Justice System by Bailey De Jager ...................................................................................................... 9 Louis de Buade by Aden Garcia-Ahmadi ................................................................................................. 10 Marguerite D’Youville by Rachel Crossfield ............................................................................................ 10 Critical Response by TC Ruck .................................................................................................................. 11 Explorer Letter by Jack Collins ................................................................................................................ 12 Marie-Claude Chamois by Cali Champagne ............................................................................................ 12 The Old Man and the Sea by Rosemary Breton ................................................................................. 13-15 Immigration by Miraan Patel .................................................................................................................. 16 Wolves by Sadie Matus ........................................................................................................................... 16 Knights by Cameron Olson ...................................................................................................................... 17
Narrative/Creative Texts ................................................................................... 18 Two Bad Ants by Ashley Yee .............................................................................................................. 19-20 Mr. Huro Cane by Nathan Retzer ............................................................................................................ 20 Man vs. Animal by Tyler Robertson ........................................................................................................ 21 Edward’s Journal by Tayton Harbaruk ............................................................................................... 22-23 The Town in the Jungle by Brandon Loughlin .................................................................................... 24-25 The Three Little Pigs by Julia Hansen ................................................................................................. 26-27 The Crazy Two Ants by Curtis Holloway .................................................................................................. 28 My Bedroom by Jessica Lorne ................................................................................................................. 29
Man vs. Man by Sneh Yadav ................................................................................................................... 30 The Mole Person by Oliver Petti ............................................................................................................. 31 Rafting gone Wrong by Ross Geiger .................................................................................................. 31-32 The Polar Bear by Aia Davis................................................................................................................ 32-33 Jimmy’s Adventure by Bram Bouma .................................................................................................. 33-34 Bionicle by Ryan Nakamura .................................................................................................................... 35 The Tale of Chuck Nurse by Soren Bradley ........................................................................................ 36-38 Man vs. Man by Amy Cottingham ...................................................................................................... 39-40 The Prequel to “The Grinch” by Annette Berry ...................................................................................... 41 Igloo by Sierra Adamow-Boudreau .................................................................................................... 42-43 Clap of Thunder and Lightning by Nick Larmour................................................................................ 43-44 Two Bad Ants by Denyn McNeill ........................................................................................................ 44-45 Firecus and Aquadite by Adam Miller ................................................................................................ 46-47 The Grinch by Kemarr Bishop ................................................................................................................. 47 The Pig’s side of the Story by Adam Hadford ......................................................................................... 48 The Fighting Monkeys and the Lion by Lachlan Gordon ......................................................................... 49 The Green Jackal by Phoenix Shomody ............................................................................................. 49-50 The Spirit by Mitchell Kloss ..................................................................................................................... 51 Tropical Jungle by Avery Rogers ........................................................................................................ 52-53 The Trail by Taya Colwell......................................................................................................................... 53 Santa is Missing by Tal Preston ............................................................................................................... 54
Poetry and Potpourri ........................................................................................ 55 Zombies by Brice O’Brien ........................................................................................................................ 56 Poems by Darian Magee ......................................................................................................................... 57 Biography Poem by Madison Shields-Knutson ....................................................................................... 58 Biography Poem by Robyn Brodylo......................................................................................................... 58 Acrostic Poem by Juliana Bruyn .............................................................................................................. 59 Acrostic Poem by Evan Barter ................................................................................................................. 59 Poems by Kayla Wartman ....................................................................................................................... 60 Recipe for Mother’s Day by Gannon Wilson ........................................................................................... 61 Chirps of Birds by Avery Rogers .............................................................................................................. 62
Roses by Jeremy Brobbel ........................................................................................................................ 62 Snow Melting by Sarah Reeder ............................................................................................................... 62 Witches by Teanna Markle ..................................................................................................................... 63 Horses by Georgia Needham .................................................................................................................. 64 Pumpkins by Emily Smith ........................................................................................................................ 65
Remembrance Day Poetry ................................................................................ 66 Fought by Robyn Brodylo ........................................................................................................................ 67 Poppy by Cal Tecklenburg ....................................................................................................................... 67 Battle by Alix Stephen ............................................................................................................................. 68 Because of Them by Ross Geiger ............................................................................................................ 68 Freedom by JT Rehill ............................................................................................................................... 69
Mia Berloni Grade 8
IMMIGRATION A GOOD THING FOR CANADA JONATHON HARDOCK Grade 9 One issue affecting Canada’s immigration plan is the population pyramid and the work force. A study showed by 2025 illustrates the amount of people retiring is the same as the people being born thus the work force population will go down. The government needs immigrants to get the work force to grow and to fill the spots the retired left. Without immigrants Canada might have a shortage of people because there will be more people dying than babies being born. Canada’s plan is to depend on immigrants to keep the work force going. Canada’s Immigration plan attempts to meet the need of Canadians. One way it meets the needs of Canadians is keeping the economy going. With the work force going down the immigration is helping the economy fall into place by supplying Canada with new people who have come to seek a better life. This is also combing different cultures and is keeping in mind the fact that without immigration, the work force would plummet like a brick. Canada’s plan to help it citizens is to keep the economy and work force going. Another way the immigration plan helps Canadians is by cultural means. It lets the immigrants keep the ways tier native country lived but have the values of Canada.
Explorer Letter
February, 22, 1492
Dear family, I am on a ship far away. I left you because I wanted adventure. I was always working and working on the farm so I left. We found a new place. We call it the new world. It’s a pretty good place. We saw people there but, they live differently and talk funny. We called them Indians. I’ve seen so much stuff it’s so exciting! I wish I lived there. It would make my life better there because it has so much food and there is a lot off land to settle there. Our leader is so nice. He tries to make everyone happy. Everyone likes me on the ship but, it might be because I’m 10. We were tiring to look for the North West passage but, we found the new world. Of course are leader is paying for are trip. Once we get to the new land we are going to settle there for awhile. The weather is very dry and I need a bath soon. Luckily I slept under the deck. My friend had to sleep in the unions. Are food was horrible. It was all moldy and it has bugs in them. The people on the ship were very sick. Only a couple of people are not sick I’m not sick. Right now people are not happy. Its bin so dry and we have no water. People are getting sick so none of us are happy. We just found land got to go bye. Your little girl, Cassy Petropoulos Grade 5 2
Japanese Devastation Cameron Olson Grade 8
Three devastating things that have happened to Japan this past week were an Earthquake, Tsunami and loss of shelter and supplies. An earthquake happens when two tectonic plates rub together. The earthquake in Japan had a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale. The earthquake killed 700 people. The earthquake is what caused the tsunami that also hit Japan’s coast. A tsunami is a giant ocean wave that crashes on land. This particular tsunami was created by the earthquake. The tsunami had a height of over 20 feet. The wave destroyed everything in its path five miles inland of Japan’s North Eastern shore. Due to these two disasters, lots of people haven’t had food and very little water since Friday. 200,000 people were left homeless and have no supplies.
Victoria Hill Grade 10
Persuasive Essay Collin Levesque Grade 12 “No country should seek to extend its policy over any other country or people: rather, every country should be left free to pursue its own goals. Every country should be unrestricted, secure, and confident in pursuing these goals, regardless of the country’s size or strength.� To what extent should we embrace the ideological perspective(s) reflected in the source?
Under Woodrow Wilson's 14 points as outlined after WWI one of the leading values was the right to self determination, as in the right for a people and country to be allowed to govern themselves free from the control of outside powers. The United Nations is founded on the Principles of securing global peace and prosperity. In a dawning age of globalization and a shrinking world a new ideology has arisen, supranationalism, meaning to go beyond nationalism and one's own borders towards a new collective where all people work together to promote every country, whether it be economically, socially, or militarily through safety in numbers. Both Woodrow Wilson's 14 points and the United Nations founding principles agree with the source in the belief that all countries have the right to exist without fear of outside control. Without the guaranty that all people and countries share an equal right to exist and follow their own beliefs and self containing goals on this planet there will be no end to wars and racial hatred until society as we know it has been completely destroyed.
The nationalistic views of two competing powers could, and will lead to the ultimate destruction of humanity, it has nearly happened already, during the Cold War. The competing superpowers of the USSR and the USA created an arms race so destructive that open war would have left no victors, only nuclear wasteland. Until countries, their leaders, and people in general are able to accept that no one group of people are superior to any others conflicts will continue to arise and the death toll will rise with it. Nationalism is the biggest hurdle to overcome in the path to global security, because not only have two World Wars started because of it, the militaristic policies of many countries around the world are rooted in this ideology. Nazi Germany pursued the policy of brinkmanship, to push and push every country around them until either they were the final ones left or the world was forced to declare war. Policies like this are only in place to take advantage to smaller, weaker nations who would otherwise be unable to protect themselves if it were not for large collective allegiances that were in place pre World War II.
The regional collective security that an organization like the European Union possesses is fundamental in the coming years if we hope to achieve true global security. The partnership of the EU is mainly economic but it allows for smaller countries to pursue their own goals even when surrounded by much larger and more powerful nations. By setting aside nationalistic values that had been entrenched into European culture for centuries it guarantied the survival of tiny countries like Lichtenstein even when surrounded by large nuclear powers like France and Germany. By agreeing to give up some power of the national government the leaders of the member countries in the EU are bettering not only the countries around them but themselves, because it raises the social conditions thereby increasing the market for goods made in other member countries. A country does not need to submit all control to the larger group, only agree to follow policies that will better everyone. If all countries are able to coexist peacefully and trade freely, without preconceived notions of being superior, very quickly the world would see a drastic rise in the quality of life that is found throughout the world, not just in large, rich western countries.
The biggest challenge to world security Nate Loughlean Grade 10
is not the radical religious terrorist
groups but large, militarily and economically strong countries like America and Great Britain who feel that it is their job to "Protect the free World" and step in and unilaterally decide who is in the right and who is in the wrong. For, as shown by history, the majority of times when a foreign country invades a sovereign nation for whatever reason, whether it be under expansionist policies, colonization, or to "institute 5
democracy the invading forces are faced with fierce opposition from the citizens of that country, no matter what the pretence is that are used to justify the military action. The country of Afghanistan has been invaded numerous times throughout history, first Alexander the Great of Macedonia tried to push through in roughly 330 B.C. then the British invaded twice between 1815 and 1850 in an attempt to create a buffer state between their empire and the Russians, then in 1974 the USSR invaded in an attempt to stabilize the communist government, and finally, in 2001 a UN force led by the US invaded to root out the terrorists responsible for the September 11 attacks and for their human rights violations. In every invasion of Afghanistan by a superpower the invaders have been faced with tough opposition from, not just the countries military, but also the general populous. All attempts to conquer and stabilize by a foreign power have failed, with huge losses to both sides, this is because all the Afghan people want is what all other people around the world want, the right to govern themselves regardless of their religion or ideological stand point. Until the world superpowers understand that it is acceptable for differing beliefs to be had and theirs is not the answer for everything there will continue to be conflicts around the world.
The belief that one nation, culture or religion is better than another is the root of all major conflict in history; untold lives have been lost simply because people believe that they are better than others. Until it can be understood that all people are created equal in the eyes of his or her own God, regardless of what name they use to worship or even if the claim no God, it will be impossible for countries to coexist peacefully with one another as outlined in the source. I believe that eventually the world will become not a conglomerate of many nations all competing for world domination but one singular entity where all peoples and governments are treated as equal were decisions are made democratically for the betterment of all people. This idealistic utopia however cannot be obtained until nationalistic pride is set aside and governments allow for the removal of some of their power. This may take time but the only other option if not global harmony is global chaos and the eventual destruction of humanity by itself.
Justin Fowler Grade 11
The BEATLES Dominic Petti Grade 6 The Beatles toured around the world in the 60’s; here are some of the places they went. At the Cavern club they played for the first time as the Beatles because before then they were known as the quarrymen. Getting better, the second gig they had was on the Ed Sullivan show. When they “invaded” America they happily and excitedly played at Shea stadium which had terrible sound. Wisely, the next place they went was Japan at the budi-con although they probably didn’t understand them. Happily, they got to record at the recording studio known as Abby road which has legendary quality recording gear. In the end they played on the rooftop at apple copse Inc. That was cool. The Beatles became famous all around the world and will be remembered forever.
Drowning Boy Rescued by Dog Dominic Petti Grade 6 It was yesterday afternoon when three year old Bob Jackson fell off his big wheel and into the Bow River. His shrieking mother, Jo Jackson caught the attention of 12 year old Sam O’Brian who yelled “fetch” to her dog Lassie. Lassie dived in the river and saved Bob. At one ‘o five in the afternoon Jackson was riding down the Bow River bikeway when he hit a rock and was knocked into the Bow’s fast current. O’Brian, (who was playing with her dog), yelled “fetch.” Her dog, Lassie dived into the river, grabbed him by the shirt and paddled out of the harsh river. When paramedics arrived at the scene, Jackson had a sprained ankle and a gash on his arm. They said if Lassie hadn’t been there or had been a different type of dog, Jackson wouldn’t have lived. Some of the things that helped Lassie save Jackson were: her capability to do amazing feats of strength, the fact that she is very good at taking directions, and her very energetic nature. A paramedic on the scene told reporters: “The boy is really lucky. If it had been any longer, he’d be dead.” “I’m so happy my Bob is safe,” said Jackson’s mother. Thankfully Jackson is doing quite well today. “I’ve never seen my dog do something so cool!” said O’Brian. Lassie was white hatted for her efforts.
James and the Giant Peach Brock Fisher Grade 4
James was a poor boy until he got magic green things. They were accidentally dropped by a peach tree. Slowly things started to happen. The peach grew to be oversized and James met some oversized creatures as well. Surprisingly they found some seagull friends to save them. You’ll find out how ladybugs work. Sharks are James’ enemy in this story. Although the peach gets damaged they are still okay. If I was asked I would say this book is very educational.
James and the Giant Peach By Sophie Burt Grade 4
Magically James was whisked into the air with hopes he would not meet danger. Dearly the ladybug adores James. Interested in shoes centipede loved his boots. They travelled over the blue ocean. Prepare to be amazed! Will James and his friends survive? Maybe, maybe not. Read it to find out!
Is The Justice System Fair and Equitable Bailey De Jager Grade 9 Is our justice system fair and equitable? Is the justice fair and equitable for youths? Do you think it is fair for youths? Every should be equal and treated fairly. What do you think? There are people that go against the YCJA and want to change it and be harsher on violent youth offenders. I think it is just fine as it helps first time offenders and it helps with rehab and reintegration. The act keeps the names of the youths protected from the public. The YCJA is fair and equitable because of how important rehab and reintegration is for drug users. It helps kids get back on there feet from what they have done. And helps every one by making everyone feel kind of the same in a way. Rehab and reintegration is important because without it kids wouldn’t get better and would repeat crime again over and over. Rehab is to help the kid with their problem and make sure he/she knows what he did wrong and no do it again. Reintegration is to help the kid come back into society and make sure they are not a kid who feels left out. I know this one kid that got caught stealing. He would go to rehab and get help with what he/she has done and reintegrated them back into society. And I also have heard the story about this other girl that had been doing drugs and got caught with them. Her home wasn’t very good. Her parents didn’t treat her well and just left her to do whatever. She needed help and she broke the law. She ended up going to rehab and got help for a couple of years. And then they helped her back into the world. The youth criminal justice act is fair and equitable because of rehab and reintegration.
Zach Woolf Grade 11
ADEN GARCIA AHMADI Grade 7 1622–1698 A Citizen of France Louis de Buade, Comte de Frontenac was a nobleman who enjoyed the rich life. Soon enough he went in debt for borrowing a lot of money. In 1672 King Louis XIV appointed Frontenac governor of New France now he ruled the colony on behalf of the King. One of the perks of being governor is that he would be able to keep his property instead of losing it to pay his debts. He had ideas to make the colony have a better future which often brought him conflict with merchants and council members. The king displeased with all this conflict recalled Frontenac to France in 1682. And from being recalled from governor he lost his property and went in poverty for some time. By 1689 New France was under threat from attacks by the Haudenosaunee and from invasion by the British. The king sent Frontenac as the commander. He burned the Haudenosaunee crops and villages. He stood firm against the British and he destroyed their colony. This was the FrenchHaudenosaunee War.
Marguerite D’Youville RACHEL CROSSFIELD Grade 7 1701-1771 Marguerite was born in New France and married a noble man in Montreal. She wasn’t a stranger to grief. Four out of six of her children died in childbirth. Perhaps this encouraged her special dedication to her faith and her church. After her husbands death Marguerite and a group of friends pledged there lives to helping the poor and the sick. They were well known for there work. In 1774, the colonial government of New France asked Marguerite to take over the General Hospital in Montreal which had fallen into disrepair and debt. She employed the poor and the sick in the hospital that were strong enough to sew, make sails and tents, make candles, cure tobacco and bake bread. She raised money in other ways to by renting land, and marketing produce from farms her group owned. Marguerite D’Youville and her fellow workers received official recognition from France and the church in 1753. They became the sisters of charity, also known as “the grey nuns”. The Grey Nuns eventually established many hospitals across Canada, including in Edmonton, Calgary, St.Paul and Lethbridge.
Critical Response to Literature T.C. Ruck Grade 12 The following are excerpts from an ELA 30-1 online discussion forum of Emily Bronte’s novel, “Wuthering Heights” : Mar. 7 My initial impression of "Wuthering Heights" is that the story is based around the reaction to the life and childhood of Heathcliffe and Catherine, told through a maid that grew up with them. The main idea is that Catherine and Heathcliffe both have a somewhat rugged, unrestrained personality that when young, they both exhibit freely. But with the advance of age comes a degree of responsibility, and being a woman in the late 1700's, she must grow up to be a dignified, refined person capable of finding a suitable, preferably wealthy, husband. After the death of Catherine’s father, Heathcliffe turns from favourite to labourer, forcing him to embrace his ruggedness and push away Catherine in order to avoid the physical abuse of his masters son, who now has inherited the estate and become the power figure. Eventually, after a particularly intense argument between Catherine and the narrator (the maid Nelly), Heathcliffe flees the estate. The result of this is an accumulation of wealth, though unexplained, that helps turn him from a harsh, unrefined farm boy to a gentleman, to a degree. I believe that his motive, now that he has a room he rents at Wuthering Heights, is to have his revenge on the people that harmed him and drove his poor withered soul from their midst into the dark moors. Mar. 14 Heathcliffe is definitely a victim of Catherine's selfish, rather poorly motivated behaviour. Nelly shows a degree of disappointment in her worthy of even my cynicism, as Catherine has accepted Edgar Linton's marriage proposal, against her own desires, in order to marry wealth. But to deny yourself the peace of satisfying your desires, is to rob yourself of life, it’s to deny yourself the happiness of a conscious that is truly at peace. If her sole motive in life was to marry into a wealthy, well-sustained family then this would be a welcome idea, but we know that isn’t what she truly wants. Heathcliffe is a mere victim of circumstance, his lack of power over the place he lives, and the constant abuse he suffers clouds his ability to see what is between them. What he desperately wants he can’t show in fear of abuse or even worse, denial. Mar. 22 After reading Wuthering Heights i was left with a feeling of happiness for lack of a better word. Though a rather depressing series of events occurred and Catherine, Edgar, and Heathcliffe die as tortured souls, the idea is that they are at rest, freed from the worldly bonds of passion and heartache. Heathcliffe died last, leaving him to be tormented by the unending memories of Catherine. My belief is that he died in the final happiest moments of his life, wandering the moors with Catherine, just as they did as children. The ending is terrific, satisfying to the core, the new Catherine and Hareton completing the unification of the personalities of the original Catherine, and Heathcliffe. 11
Explorer Letter
November 12, 1595
Dear family, Hello my name is jack. I left Paris a few months ago. I left Paris, France because I am a young explorer and I work on a ship called the “The Royal Jim.” We landed on shore looking for new land, the legendary North West passage, and recourses. I wanted to be an explorer because I love adventure. When I was a kid I used to play explorer with my brothers Tim and John. I wanted to move because I wanted to move to a new place. It gets boring living in Paris for your whole life you know. Anyways the only reason I could step foot on this ship is because my uncle Jim is the captain on this ship. That’s why this ship is called the “Royal Jim”. The other people on this ship think I’m extremely amusing so I have a very good reputation on this ship. Are plans when we got to the new land was to set up camp on now what we call New France. The weather was very nice when we first started but it then suddenly began to get worse and worse and worse. Luckily I slept on the very top deck with my uncle. Because my uncle is the captain of the ship I got a pretty nice place to sleep. Now this is the question of the day- what did we eat? Well we basically ate raw fish, raw meat, and stale crackers basically anything that you shouldn’t be eating until we found the cod. Sadly a man named Lenny was dying of food poisoning. Eventually he died and then we buried him on a nearby island Everyone else was kind of healthy. The people were sad and exited. They were sad because they missed their loved ones and because the trip was taking so long and they were exited because they all had something in common they all wanted adventure but when we reached new France... Love, Jack Collins Grade 5
Marie- Claude Chamois Cali champagne Grade 7 Marie-Claude chamois was a New France citizen. She was an orphan at 14 because she left her mother in Paris. She arrived in New France by boat looking for shelter and a future. She was accepted by the religious institution for the needy. She then was married to a solider named Francois Frigon. Together they had seven children. The king supported her travels by giving her a dowry. They worked along the St. Lawrence River. They built a house made from rough hewn-timber, a barn in which they had a few working animals, some of this stuff still exists today. Such as a table with several chairs and a feather mattress. Marie Claude is remembered today as a pioneer of Quebec. 12
The Old Man and the Sea Rosemary Breton Grade 11 The entire plot of The Old Man and the Sea reveals Hemingway’s belief that a “man can be destroyed but not defeated”. There are some situations in life when a battle cannot be won, no matter who is the warrior. To survive in such a world, one must conduct oneself with honour, endurance, courage and dignity. Upholding these characteristics in a lonely, losing war, is to truly show ‘grace under pressure’, which in itself, is a victory. It is the journey, not the accomplishment that lends meaning and value to the struggle. To fully grasp the above concept one must first define what it is to be destroyed, and what it is to be defeated, in relation to this novel. In order for destruction without defeat to even be possible, one must examine this idea not in its literal terms, but psychologically. Destruction, in the Old Man and the Sea, refers to being irreparably damaged, or physically ruined. If one follows this line of logic, life itself can been seen as ending in destruction, namely, death. If all that was significant, was the ‘winning’ of the game, and life can be considered the game, then human existence would be rendered meaningless with death.
Michael Savilow Gr 6
Santiago’s character, though he does not die, proves that there is another aspect to life then destruction. To be defeated, in this novel is to make one’s life worthless by refusing to accept life’s challenges. But it is not the victory that conquers ‘defeat’, but the means by which one confronts the trails and ones mentality while doing it. 13
The novel begins with the Old Man struggling to overcome his misfortunes; he has not caught a fish in 84 days. However, the Old Man does not despair at this. He, tight lipped, continues to go out to sea and attempts to break this streak. He is not bitter regarding his hardships. This is evidenced in the fact that he does not blame, or undermine the authority of the boy’s parents, who moved their son to a prosperous boat, thus depriving the Old Man of help and company on the lonely journeys out to sea: “You’re with a lucky boat. Stay with them.” (page 10). Santiago’s approach endears the reader to him. Though he may not be able to provide himself with food and other essential paraphernalia at this time, (“There was no pot of yellow rice and fish and the boy knew this too.”) (Page 16) which, if not for the support of others, would render him physically destroyed, he cannot be seen as defeated; he refuses to give up. His endurance continues -- he refuses to relent in his attempt to catch the giant marlin. As the reader witness the pains that Santiago puts himself through, one can see that the eventual destruction of the Old Man is not due to a deficiency in courage. Rather, that his body will fail him: “‘What kind of a hand is that,’ he said. ‘Cramp then if you want. Make yourself into a claw. It will do you no good.’” Despite that fact that in the end, all man must head our physical shells, Santiago will not willingly surrender to the inner muck of his body until his last dying breath. When first reading this book, some may argue that the Old Man’s desperate clinging to the fish is not anything as noble as determination or courage, but one of mankind’s greatest failing, namely, pride. While this might have some merit, one must also consider what the state of mind of the Old Man would have if he had given up on catching the marlin. He is clearly a man who values youth, symbolized in the lions and Manolin, and his younger years were filled with adventures and victories. Consider, for example, his arm wrestling match with the great Negro from Cienfuegos. What would it mean to such a man, who has always been identified with endurance, to be forced to give up? It can therefore be argued that it is not pride that motivates him, but self identity. If he abandoned this, then the old man would be truly defeated. During the days when Santiago attempts to kill the marlin, his refusal to accept defeat and the great nobility of his character, is not only shown through his actions, but also by the worthiness of his opponent. Hemingway goes to great lengths to reiterate again and again, the strength of the fish, “‘I’ll kill him though,’ he said. ‘In all his greatness and his glory.’” (page 66), and the bond between the Old Man and the marlin, “true brother” (page 75). This same thing is done, to a lesser extent with the great Negro from Cienfuegos. The reader is told of this great man’s strength. That Santiago bested him, implies greater strength, either physical or mentally. 14
As Santiago travels home with his prize, he does not, despite his fatigue, his wounds -- despite all of the mounting factors against him, have anything but grim determination in his mind as he battles shark after shark. “He was full of resolution but had little hope” (page 101). When he is finally in sight of the docks all that remains of the great marlin is its tail, head and bones. This is the moment when the Old Man recognizes that he has been destroyed (his body is in poor shape) and feels as if he has been defeated. But the reader can see what Santiago cannot – the Old Man was not defeated. He held himself to his courage, endurance, honour and dignity during the whole course of his journey. Such a man cannot be rendered meaningless; his actions still have value, regardless of their success. Even when the Old Man believes himself to be beaten, he attends to his fishing gear, putting them away as his routine dictates. “Then he shouldered the mast and started to climb.” (page 121). He has still not given up, though he does not consciously recognize that fact. Santiago is reminded (in Hemingway’s minimalist style) by Manolin that true triumph lies in meeting destruction with paramount virtues: courage, endurance, honour, and dignity. The boy does this in two ways. Firstly, by directly informing the old man: “He didn’t beat you. Not the fish.” (page 124). Secondly, by pledging himself to the Old Man -- disregarding the wishes of his parents. Both the reader and Santiago are aware that to earn the loyalty and utter devotion of a young boy who is even capable of these emotions is the true victory. In this way, the Old Man’s worth can be determined, not only by his own characteristics, but also by the characteristics of those who love him. In summary, the underlying philosophy of the Old Man and the Sea is that maintaining grace under pressure – or to behave well in a losing battle with life – constitutes its own victory. Because the Old Man confronted his hardships head on, while still establishing himself to the reader as a man of honour, courage, endurance, and dignity, his actions in the novel cannot be regarded as meaningless. In other words, though he has been destroyed physically, he has not been defeated. This point is demonstrated again and again throughout the story, not by continuous demonstration of the Santiago’s character, though they are present, but by the traits and greatness of his opponents, and those who admire him.
Lara Smith Grade 6
Looking back at Canada’s history and Canada’s immigration policies have changed over time. At the start of Canada’s history, Canada was a colony that didn’t have many rules for immigration. Over time the course of Canada’s history, Canada’s government decided to implement an Immigration and Refugee Act. Way before this there was a huge migration to Canada in 1776. It was called the U.S independence and the Loyalist migration. As the years went on a little, in the 1800’s the Irish started to immigrate to Canada , they moved here because of the Irish Potato Famine. In the 1900’s they started to settle Canada’s west to farm. Another important year of immigration was in the 1940’s. In 1940, war world 2 happened and it tore Europe apart, so people from Europe started to migrate to Canada. Another reason why immigration has changed for Canada is the need to fill our workforce. In 1967 is important because the Immigration Act was formed. In the future of Canada’s politics on immigration might change. One change might be towards the standard of people who come to Canada as a refugee. One possibility would be to research the back rounds of those who enter refuge, with the help of technology we can search to see if the claims of refugees are valid or not. Canada’s politics on immigration could change based on attitudes and values and opinions of Canadians. These are some issues that have shaped the Immigration Act and that could be some factors so the changing in the future to Canada’s Immigration Act.
Wolves Sadie Matus Grade 6 Wolves are scary because wolves look like skinny, long-legged dogs. Happily they have a wild head, long nosed, and looking pointed muzzle although their thick tail droops, the ears always stand up. Looking wolves have five toes on their front feet, and four on the hind ones. Their habitats are dens duilt in hollow logs, openings between rocks, or holes dug in the ground. Although a litter consists of seven or eight cubs, the eyes open about a week after birth, much like those of puppies. Which hunting is done alone or pairs during summer. In winter they tend to gather in groups or packs. In the county farms dislike wolves because they kill their animals. Strangle and sadly at a distance wolves cam be mistaken for dogs, because they look like dogs in the distance. Wolves hunt at night or in the day time when no one was around.
Knights Cameron Olson Grade 8 Knights were one of three types of foot soldiers. Compared to today, they would be the equivalent to a modern day tank. They were covered in about 40-60 pounds of armor. They also were usually the wealthiest of the soldiers. The armor and horse they used was EXTREMLY expensive. A good horse would cost the same as a small plane today. Knights were the sons of other nobles. They started out as pages when they turned the age of eight. He would spend his time building up strength wrestling, riding horses and training with a sword and spear. They would train on wooden dummies that would “attack” when they were hit. They would spin around and the page would have to jump out of the way. They would train as a page until they were sixteen or seventeen at which time they would become a squire. A squire would be assigned to a knight. He would then help the knight carry his equipment to tournaments. He would dress the knight in his clothes and armor as it was too hard to do yourself. The squire would also continue his training but on a more advanced level (wearing 40 pounds of armor and real swords). After a time the squire would be announced a knight or sometimes William Tyson Grade 11 on a battle field if they showed great courage and bravery. The night before the ceremony, the squire would dress in white and red robes, fast and pray all night for purification of his soul. The morning of the ceremony, he would bathe to show he was clean and pure and dress in his best clothes. After confession and breakfast the dubbing would be held outside in front of family. The king would tap the sword on both shoulders. Then feasting and dancing would follow. When a knight, they would follow something called Chivalry. It was their code that they followed for life. “They promised to defend the weak, be courteous to all women, be loyal to their king, and serve God at all times. Knights were expected to be humble before others, especially their superiors. They were also expected to not "talk too much". In other words, they shouldn’t boast”. Since a knight had LOTS of armor, he depended on his squire to help clean and take care of it. A knight would have about 100 pounds in total. 17
Declan Cronje Gr 11
Ashley Yee Grade 8
Two Bad Ants
One dark starry night at ten o’clock in a backyard, two ants were sleeping in the tall brown grass. However one of the ants couldn’t sleep. He didn’t like sleeping in the grass because it was uncomfortable and the ground was freezing. He wanted to fine somewhere else to sleep, like a lovely giant green leaf. The other ant didn’t mind the rough grass. He thought it was kind of comfy and relaxing with all the enormous stars out, and the fresh cool air. Interestingly, the other ant thought maybe if they climbed up that gigantic, high and green tree pressed up against that house, they could sleep in a leaf and still be outside. They both thought that was a fantastic idea. It was sort of a long walk since the tree was on the other side of the yard. It was almost about fifteen feet away from where they were. When they got to the huge tree it looked taller and bigger then it was from just fifteen feet away. All they thought about was how comfy and relaxed they would be when they got to the top of the tree to sleep in the leaves. As soon as they got to the very top, they hopped in a dark green leave and looked up and saw the night sky. That one ant still couldn’t go to sleep. He felt it was kind of chilly. He looked around and saw a window. Inside the window was a baby sleeping in a bed. He wanted to go inside the house and sleep in that bed. The other ant didn’t want to go. He was exhausted from all that walking. The ant was breathing very hard, his legs could barely move and he had really large bags under his eyes. He decided to stay and the other ant could go.
When he got to the window he didn’t know how to get in since it was closed. He walked all around it just thinking how to get inside. Then, just at the top, there was a little crack. Smoothly, he slipped right inside just like melting butter sliding on warm piece of toast. It was warm and cozy inside, maybe because the air vent was just underneath the window. The ant quickly and quietly jogged to the baby’s bed with jog. Even though the baby was sleeping in the bed, he thought, she couldn’t do anything to him. He softly jumped on to the pillow and gently went to sleep. It was about five in the morning when the sleeping baby woke up. She sat up, stretched her arms and yawned. She looked around the soundless room then started screamed for her mom. The ant rapidly woke up and started running around the pillow. Just at the corner of the screaming baby’s eye, she saw a large ant running in circle on her pillow. She screamed even louder then started crying. She was scared. The other ant heard her screaming from outside and ran inside. He found the same hole at the top of the window. Just then the mom came in the room and saw the ant on the pillow. The mom flicked the poor ant on to the floor. He tumbled in to the air vent. The mom walked over to the window where she saw the other ant and flicked him in to the vent. The baby stopped screaming and crying and her mom took her down stairs. The two ants crawled up the vent and outside the little crack. They were so scared, they were shaking, and you could hear their teeth. Happily, they never went in to another house or bed room again.
Mr. Huro Cane Nathan Retzer Grade 5 Moving around the world, Mr. Huro Cane lives in a gusting hurricane inside of a gray castle of darkness made of stone where black flags cover the walls. The hallways are very bland because there is nothing on the walls except the flags. Dinner jackets are not allowed because he does not like them. Mr. Huro Cane has a very unique appearance. He wears silver armor with gleaming small horns. With a massive 12-pack abdomen, he has 8,000,000 horse power strength. At 7000 meters tall, he is about as tall as the Burj Dubai. His size makes him weigh 40,000 tonnes. Mr. Huro Cane has many powerful abilities. On his back he has arms with giant saws that can slice through buildings. Strapped to his belt is a big 400 lb axe. Over his back he carries a devastating steel club. A huge sword is attached to his left arm which can smash through the ground with ease. A massive crossbow attached to his right arm gives him the ability to shoot helicopters. In spite of his unbeatable strength, there are a few ways to destroy him. You could make an upgraded clone to fight him, because he can’t defeat himself. Blowing him up from the inside by setting him to self-destruct works OK, but it is hard to do. You can make him swallow an atomic bomb by shooting it into his mouth, or you can also destroy him by digging out his core.
Man vs. Animal Tyler Robertson Grade 6 Karen is a 50 year old lady. She has short straight hair, with a green stripe going side-toside. Karen also has false, white, crooked, teeth with one gold tooth. Her lips are cracked and pierced. Karen’s mouth is huge! Karen lives in the Arctic, in 2222 A.D. The weather’s extremely cold, mainly -50! The brutal wind makes the weather worse. So Karen lived in a giant, magnificent glass dome. Oddly enough, outside smelled of mint ice cream. One day while Karen was walking she found a baby polar bear. Karen was just smart enough to know better than wake it up. Karen was out hunting jackalopes. All the shots from her 75 caliber hunting rifle woke up the baby bear. Karen had gotten 16 days of dinner from her trip. The baby bear had smelled the meat and ran after Karen. The bear broke a piece of the amazing glass dome to fit through. Karen had just closed the door of her house when the baby jumped for the meat. SMACK! The baby bear hit the door face first. “Hello, it’s unlocked.” said Karen. When Karen opened the door she saw a baby bear with a squished face. Karen dragged the baby in. The mother bear had woken up. It followed the distant smell of jackalope. It wandered around until it found Karen’s house. The mother bear saw her baby through a window. The big bear started to brutally attack Karen’s house. “If it doesn’t stop, it will collapse the house!” thought Karen. Then it stopped, Karen was confused. The baby bear was getting hungry; it viciously leaped at Karen. Karen thought that it wanted to play but it really wanted dinner. Karen threw a ball. It quickly bounced off all the walls and hit the bear in the butt. Its butt was now flat like its face. If this kept up the baby would be a box! The baby did hit Karen. It took off her legs. People came from the minny hospital and gave her a bionic leg. Karen curiously wondered why the mother bear hadn’t attacked the doctors. Two days later Karen attempted to escape. The mother bear bit Karen’s foot. Its teeth shattered on the bionic leg; it was made of metal. Scared, the bear cowardly ran away. Karen was now watching the bears as they ran into the massive, empty wasteland that that is the Arctic.
Tayton Harbaruk Grade 12
In England in 1483, after the death of his father, King Edward IV, the young prince Edward (age 12) becomes king. As he is too young to reign, his uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, is named his protector. Ambitious for the throne himself, Richard imprisons the new king in the Tower of London along with his younger brother, the Duke of York. Edward’s Journal It’s been so long I have lost count of the days and have now completely let go of my dreams of leaving this wretched tower. Richard and I are wasting away dreadfully slow. The walls only seem to get more angry the older we get, almost threatening us with the thoughts of dying without the soothing touch of the outside air. If it weren’t for that horrid uncle of ours we wouldn’t be rotting in this cylindrical hell. We were foolish to believe his sly, conniving ways. If I didn’t know any better I’d say he locked us up
Grayson Klimek Gr 10
in the tower to hide us from the people to allow him to be crowned the next king. He and his large deformity, how does such a vile person get the respect of this fair country? But I let it rest for another day, when I shall continue my thoughts. Another day has come and gone, my loving brother has already wrapped himself in what we have been calling sheets. Today was a good day, given the circumstances. I perched myself in front of the small window and watched a flock of birds float graciously through the harsh winds. Holding perfectly still as if 22
it were a painting. It made me think of being free, which led to heart-crushing thoughts of my mother. If Richard was treating my brother and I, just children, in such brutal ways I can only imagine that my mother is already dead. However, what if she is not? How must she be feeling to have her two sons locked in the castle’s tower, for how long, nobody knows? Again and again I curse that wretched uncle of ours that stowed us away in this house of devils. May he dream of the pointed scythe and never awake. Today I awoke from a terribly relieving dream or nightmare if you will. It was by no means a happy dream to the ordinary eye, although to two brothers who have been thieved from their mother, and kept away from interaction with anyone or anything, the thoughts are relieving. I have yet to share this dream with my brother because I’m afraid he may disagree. My mysteriously marvelous nightmare started at the mightily magnificent strike of midnight. My brother and I have just fallen asleep and no more than a few moments later a very dark man had entered our tower chamber. It was almost as if there was a pet sitting on his shoulder, however it looked as if it were the head of another human. But it couldn’t be I thought to myself, upon a closer look it was almost ghost like. The shadowy man grew closer and closer to our bed. As he reached the side of the bed I had it. The ghostly head on his shoulders was our uncle Richard III. I knew at once that it was indeed a hired henchman of our uncle that was there to take our souls from our chests. With firm grip he pulled the pillow out from our heads and held them over our mouths. We slowly begin to struggle less and less. Until finally I saw two soft white shadows almost evaporate into God’s holy air. So if I die tonight know that I am glad to be going to a better place. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to die but I will be accepting to whatever fate has in store for me. So to whoever may find this journal, share my story with the world and bring King Richard to his slow death!
Brandon Loughlin Grade 6 “Get out of my village “yelled Sam there town miserable leader angrily. “Not until you give some food to the other villagers. They’re dying of starvation!”Explained Avery. As Avery continued to talk guards that obeyed Sam because of the law grabbed his arms and pulled him away. Before Avery could protest the built guards through him in a little cell which they said he is going to have to start calling home. After 5 days Avery was starving but it wasn’t too bad because he only ate about 2 times a week. After a while of thinking Avery decided he’s going to break out! Later that night when all the guards were asleep Avery slipped under his bed silently. The next morning when the guards came to check on him they found he was gone, or so they thought. When they couldn’t see him they burst into the door looking for any sign of movement, but when the guards turned around Avery leaped out from under the bed and bolted out of the cell. Noisily he closed the door on the guards but it was too late the guards where already sealed in the cell. Dashing Avery made his way to the outskirts of the city and then he finally stopped running. He told all the people that where starving that their ‘great’ leader won’t give them any food. At that thought Avery dashed away into the wide open jungle to find some food. Usually no one would care if someone ran into a jungle but the thing is that no one has ever returned from the jungle. Avery was hungry, thirsty and very tired but he didn’t stop now until he went to sleep that’s when he found out where all the people that went in the jungle were. There were 24
people attached by chains on the ankles and were very beat up. Suspiciously Avery trotted over to one of the humans standing there like zombies. He asked them if they were forced to do this and he said yes. There was no one that Avery could think of that could do such a terrible thing other than Sam. With that thought he told the man he would help him and right while he was talking him started to make his way through the jungle but this time he was determined to find some food. If he got tired he used that as encouragement to find food. After a couple days of searching he began to give up. Then he sat down and started to say he will never find some food but them something caught his eye. It was a building the size of a red wood tree and it was red. It had a big
M as a symbol then Avery
listens to a sound that came from the building. It sounded like someone say da da da da da I’m loving it. Avery walked into the building and there was no one in it. Avery looked around found lots of‌ happy meals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later that night after eating some grub he ran back to the village and told all the villagers about the McDonalds and all the food but Rachel Crossfield Gr 7 Sam didn’t trust him so Sam stayed back at the city with a couple of his followers. Avery and the villagers went back to the McDonalds and lived there happily ever after. 25
The Three Little Pigs Julia Hansen Grade 5 The autumn mists were gathering early and the night was growing dark when the three little pigs came to a huge field surrounded by tall trees. They decided to build their houses right in the middle of the field but they did not know that nearby lived a big bad wolf with his strict mother. The youngest pig named Ashley started to build her house out of bricks the second youngest pig named Steve started to build his house out of straw the third pig built her house out of wood. Mean while the wolf and his mother were making pig soup but they didn’t have any pig meat for the soup so the mother wolf sent her son out to get some pigs. The mother wolf’s son wasn’t very smart so he did a lot of dumb things. The wolf went to the field to look for some pigs. When he got there he saw three little houses in the middle of the huge field. It was dark but the little houses had lights on inside. He stared at the first house and every now and then a little pig would run by the window holding something. The wolf looked at the other houses and saw pigs running by the window. The wolf made a plan of how to get into the house made out of wood but when he tried to blow the house down it didn’t work so he tried to blow the house made of bricks down but that didn’t work so he tried to blow the house made of straw down and this time it worked. The house fell down and the pig inside it yelled, “It’s going to eat me, it’s going to eat me!” The pig tried to run away but the wolf was faster. The wolf bit the pig and ran back to his house to show his mom the fat pig. When he got home his mother was surprised that her son had caught such a fat pig but the mom said they were going to have bacon for breakfast tomorrow so they needed another pig. The mother wolf sent her son out to get another pig. The wolf went to the garage to get a hammer. Then he sprinted back to the field to get another pig. The pig was sleeping when the wolf got to the little house made out of wood. He looked into the window and saw the pig. This one was really chubby. The wolf climbed onto the roof and started to pull the nails out of the wood. After he pulled ten nails out of the wood pieces started to fall into the house. Eventually the piece of wood that the wolf was sitting on fell down and landed on the pig and squished it. He got up then lifted the wood that he was sitting on and grabbed the pig that was underneath it. He ran back to his house and showed his mom. The mother wolf put the pig in the fridge then gave her son some pig soup then the tired little wolf went to bed. Meanwhile the third pig that lived in the brick house heard the roof of her sister’s house fall to the ground. She also saw the wolf run by hold her sister she also saw her brother’s house was destroyed. Now this pig was very smart so she put some logs in her fire place and covered them with gasoline then went to bed. She knew that the wolf was going to try to eat her.
Before the sun rose the wolf was at the brick house. He stared at the house for a long time then sprinted back to his house to get a ladder. When he got back to the house he saw that the pig was awake so he put the ladder against the chimney and climbed up the ladder. When the wolf was on the roof he thought about eating the pig then telling his mom that the pig ran way but he hated lying so he walked over to the chimney and started to climb down it. Mean while the pig was lighting a match. She put it in the fire and waited for the wolf. The wolf’s mother woke up and wondered where her son was so she ran out of her house and went to the huge field. The wolf’s mother climbed up the ladder and saw her son going down the chimney. The wolf looked up and saw his mom staring at him then he said “it’s the only way to get in”. So he lowered himself to the bottom of the chimney but he had his butt going down first. He yelled “OW” then climbed up the chimney and jumped off the roof. His mother stared at him and saw that his butt was on fire so she jumped off the roof and broke one of the windows. She went in and found the pig sitting by the fire laughing her head off the mother wolf walked over to the pig then ate it. Then she jumped out of the broken window and ran back to her house where she lived with her son for a long time.
Teanna Markle Gr 6
The Crazy Two Ants Curtis Holloway Grade 8
Wondering what they were going to do that day, two ants crawled in a family’s backyard. Curiously, they walked into the backyard trying to find something do to. Then a giant person came into the backyard and more giants followed him. The giants started kicking around the soccer ball and it was going back and forth really quickly. Then it came to an ant and hit him very hard. The giants stopped playing soccer and went inside. One of the ants was stuck on the soccer ball and unfortunately the other ant didn’t like him too much because it was idea that made them go into the backyard of that house in the first place. So he went over to the other ant, knowing that he couldn’t move, and he peed on him “That will teach you to not make me follow you anywhere,” he said. Then he helped him off the ball. Shortly thereafter, they saw a hole in the ball. They wanted to know what was in it. So then they scampered into the hole and the wounded one stopped breathing because he was already wounded. The other one held his breath. The one that ran out of air died. When the remaining ant was going to get out, the kids came and picked up the soccer ball and brought it inside to wash it off. When he was in the sink he crawled out of the ball and got sucked down the drain. He died drowning in the sink water.
My Bedroom Jessica Lorne Grade 7 My bedroom is warm and cozy. My carpet is soothing on your feet. My bed’s softness is like lying on a cloud of heaven with a blanket is that is bright lime green and a shimmering light blue. When I wake up in the morning, the sunlight shines through my window thus, making me squeeze my blanket and turning my body so I am lying on my stomach and pulling it over my head. I get out of my bed stretching my arms way high in the air. I stand up and look and my turquoise walls with many posters, of Justin Bieber surrounding me. I go to my black book shelf and grab a book, and sit down on my window seat. I pull my ruby red curtains so the gorgeous sun is not in my eyes. Nights falls, and it is time for me to get some rest. I turn of my light, and snuggle in my bed. I reached my arm over to my white night stand, and turn off my lamp. I close my eyes, and wonder what my room will bring me tomorrow.
Man vs. Man Sneh Yadav Grade 6 Once upon a time in 1152 AD there was an evil, very plump, short, 50 year old lady named Caraboss. She had a lengthy, black cape and dress. She had no hair but horns on her head. Caraboss became evil from a spell when she was a little girl. Caraboss was vicious; when she got mad she would fight a tiger! Caraboss lived in a dark, gloomy, ancient castle. She had a potion room, bedroom and a kitchen. When you looked out the windows you could see dead trees. Her castle was always cold. When you walked in, there was a cold, scary breeze. One day Caraboss decided to run zigzaggedly to her mailbox. She ran down the winding stairs but stubbed her toe. Since Caroboss stubbed her toe she went to get ice. She opened the door to the kitchen but closed the door on her hand! By the time she got to the mailbox she needed to go to the doctor. Caraboss called 911 and they arrived shortly after. She got in the ambulance and drove off. As they were driving they hit a bump. Caraboss was knocked out. Strangely, the back doors opened and Caraboss fell out onto the grass beside the road. Caraboss woke up to the sound of a crunching sandwich: crunch, crunch! There, sitting on a bolder was a stinky, smelly robber eating his baloney sandwich, wearing Caraboss’s hat and carrying her wand and broomstick. She stumbled to her feet and was steaming mad! Caraboss demanded her things back! The robber laughed at her, Ha, ha, ha and he kept eating the sandwich. Mad, Caraboss threw a lightning bolt at him, but because she had a concussion she missed him and it hit the field behind him, flaring up into flames. Caraboss shook her head trying to get her bearings. She lookedup to the sky and with her hands she summoned the rains. Lo and behold, the field started to flood quickly. Everywhere you looked, you could see rain! The robber dropped his sandwich, Teanna Markel Gr 6 stood on the boulder and said, “Help, help, help! I can’t swim!” Caraboss slyly turned him into a slimy fish! She dove into the water and got her hat, broomstick and wand, and then swam to the nearest tree. From the tree she hopped on her broomstick and hit the sky. Shortly after she was back in her dark, gloomy, ancient castle she called home. She lived happily ever after! 30
The Mole Person Oliver Petti Grade 5 The mole person mainly lives deep down underwater in a secret castle that only he can see, but at night, anyone can see it. Inside the castle it smells like air fresheners and there are amazing things like gems and crystals that no one has ever seen! Shimmering platinum bricks and diamond windows like you would never imagine are outside the castle. Strangely, the mole person actually looks like a mole but… he has glowing red eyes! He is about the size of an average toddler with some blackish-brown fur. Chewing anything with enormous buck teeth, he can devour just about anything in a matter of milliseconds!!! Even you! This super villain has many super powers. Disguising itself as a human, no one is able to find him easily! Now I will explain why it has red eyes. It has red eyes because it has laser vision which can roast hotdogs and people. Hiding from his enemy, he has the ability to teleport to the underwater castle where he lives. Obviously, he can breathe in water because that’s where his castle is. Blinding people is its defense but… he can only do it when he is in serious danger. Last but not least, there a couple of ways to kill the mole person. First off, one way is… to feed it vegetables. This will make him turn light green and then turn into dust. Oddly another way is to make him go to school. You can also kill him by shooting him directly in the forehead. If you perform judo on the little dude, you will crack his skull. The hardest way is to push him down because of his amazing powers.
Rafting Gone Wrong Ross Geiger Grade 6 Sean was a dirty blonde boy with a passion for skiing. Simon had brown hair and a love for skiing. Last year Simon and Sean skied at every resort in BC Canada. Although this trip was not for skiing they were going to talk about it a lot. It was for rafting in the Canadian Rockies with their friend Kate and others. It was the day to start the trip. Around noon they all the hipper kids climbed in to the big red boat and pushed off. For the next day they will be all by themselves with no phones! They paddled for about four hours. Then they found a good spot to set up camp. Around the fire that they made they cooked hot dogs.At six thirty pm Sean remembered that they forgot to hang the food. He ran out of his tent and saw a bear about two hundred meters away he woke up the others and piled the stuff in to the boat and pushed off. 31
About two minutes later Simon said,” were Kate”. They all started to look and then Sean said,” here she is on the side of the boat,” everybody helped get her on the boat. In this part of the river had a good current so they did not have to paddle as much This all goes to show that don’t forget to hang the food wile camping.
The Polar Bear Aia Davis Grade 6 I sat on the side of the bed in the guest room. Why did I have to go to my crazy aunts house for the whole summer break and why did she have to live in the north pole with Ann? I thought to myself. All of the sudden Katie heard her aunt call her time to go to super mart I ran down hoping to get the back seat of the car. Katie looked out the window and she saw piles of snow and ice. She stared at the front seat where aunt Jan and Ann were singing songs in the car. They were driving to the super mart to get some supper. Katie was too hungry to sing even if she was not hungry she wasn’t going to sing. She read a book instead. It was called ”Polar Bears”. The book told her they were dangerous. All of a sudden there was a bang and the car stopped! Everyone went forward in their seats. As she got out of the car, Aunt Jan said ”we got a flat tire. We better call the tow truck.” She got her phone and dialed the number. The car had stopped in the middle of nowhere. There were piles of snow and that was just about all. Katie sat on the side of the road and read the book about polar bears. Aunt Jan was talking to the tow truck company in California. Ann started to cry because she was hungry and Katie was not worrying until she saw some sort of bear in the mist. ”What was that?” she screamed. But then it hit her! She looked at her book and exclaimed, ”Oh no! Was that a polar bear?” Aunt Jan got off the phone. They had transferred her to the right company and she said Kayla Wartman Gr 11 ”he will be here in 2 hours, but they are coming.” Ann cried harder ”I want some food!” ”Well, I have a granola bar for you.” Aunt Jan said sweetly. I could not move my eyes from the polar bear. I was afraid NOW! After 30 minutes I was thinking that I should start looking up things. I pulled the book out and started finding info 32
about the polar bear. I looked at the polar bear too. All I got was don’t move and don’t let them smell food . But that’s all thestarter book told me. Almost an hour had past since we got here . Iwas suprised it had been that long. Then I heard my aunt yell ”Katie, come here! Look what we found.” I didn’t want to go and see what they found but I went over anyway. I walked over to where they were standing. They were making a snow man. I stumbled back in surprise because it was a baby polar bear. In a stunned voice I said ”what are we going to do with it?” All the sudden we all heard a truck. ”Hi guys” said the a truck driver. The polar bear ran away. It was uncle Tom with his truck. He got out and talked with aunt Jan. Then he said ”you two come with me”. Aunt Jan will wait for the tow truck we got in I thought for a minit all the polar bear was doing was looking for her babby I looked owt the window of the car and saw the polar baers meat up the car started to move . I bukled my seat belt and we drove home. When we got to their house it was 9:50 pm .we had cereal instead of something fancy. That was my favorite summer break ever me and ann became best friends and I visited them every year after that but I never saw the polar bear again!
Jimmy’s Adventure Bram Bouma Grade 5 I’m Jimmy and this is my magnificent story of how I escaped slavery all the way to freedom. I was a slave working in a cotton field down by Tennessee. The farm I was working at had a great big stone court yard in front of the master’s great big mansion and the fields were so big you couldn’t see the other end. It was like an ocean of crops. Horribly I saw my brother getting beaten by my master because he dropped a steaming hot mug of tea on the lavender tile floor and that made me unexplainably sad and truly want to escape. I started thinking of escaping but it was hard without getting caught. I gathered an old sack filled with holes from the long windy potato fields for storing supplies. I slowly collected gracious food day by day. I stole a rusty old tomahawk and new gleaming rifle from the gullible black smith. My friend manny and Joe wanted to come with my brother and me. My brother got a canteen, which was gravely important because we needed something to put the life saving water in, because my brother works in the kitchen he could do that. The next day when the master went inside we suddenly ran as fast a speeding race horse. We heard horse tracks behind us! I grabbed everyone and threw us and the sack in the thick green bushes. He stopped right in front of us and got off. “I think he is a slave catcher,” I whispered. When he was far enough we ran at the horse, jumped on and ran as far as we could. The catcher yelled, “Get 33
back here!” but we couldn’t hear him over the sound of the horse galloping and we wouldn’t have done that anyway. Strangely I saw there was a muddy brown river I’ve never seen a river here before I must have never gone this far out in the forest before. It was too deep for the horse so we had to leave the horse. Before we decided to cross the river we decided we were going to camp there because there was fresh water and lots of twigs for a blazing orange fire. It took us a while to start the fire but we managed to get it eventually. We boiled a pot of steaming water for drinking. We slept on a patch of soft green grass which was also painful because of all the bugs but it was better than hard grey gravel. In the morning we had to cross the deep river which was rapidly flowing Avery Rogers Gr 6 and three painful feet deep. We tied a rope around us all and crossed slowly. We came out like a dripping dog that just came out of a pool. We kept walking along in the forests and we saw a few houses but none were safe houses and around dawn we managed to stumble across a white safe house. We got a secret attic room with a window so we could keep look out and see if anybody that looked like a slave catcher was coming but our small room was perfectly hidden anyway so we were pretty much safe. Half asleep, getting up to go eat breakfast was painful because I was so tired. I walked over to the glass window to open the white curtains and there coming up the cracked stone walkway was an old man with a pitch fork and a rifle. It was a slave catcher!!! I quickly woke up my friends and put a bunch of heavy boxes on the secret door on the floor of the attic so nobody could come up here. We heard footsteps and voices and then we heard a series of bangs and crashes and then we heard one last crash and then we saw the man leaving. We went downstairs to see what happened and when we got down, we saw it was a wreck. Mr. Athen, who was covered in cuts and wounds, said that the scary man destroyed the entire house looking for us. That afternoon we grabbed all our things borrowed a small wooden boat and we left for Canada. It took us awhile but we managed to get there. My brother and I got jobs as delivery men and we built a nice cozy home beside a small blue river and lived happy for the rest of our graceful lives.
Bionicle the Untold Tales of Marhi Nui Ryan Nakamura Grade 4 (This is underwater) One day Toa Hali was patrolling the western side of Marhi Nui when suddenly a midget harpoon launched out of nowhere and hit her protosteel claws, but she barely noticed it splash off her claws. There was a loud rumble and Kalmah erupted from the sand and started swimming toward Hali. Instead of Kalmah attacking Hali, she cut his twin sided tentacle whip into eighteen pieces. YEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWWW! Kalma screamed! He called upon Ehleek, Carpar, Mantax, Pridak, and Takadox. Then Hali called Jaler, Kongu, Hewki, Neparu,matoro, Dekar and Difilac. They all armed their weapons such as a flame sword, electro charged staff/blade, splitting cut shield, twin ice claws, and two cordac blasters. While Kalmah regenerated his tentacle whips Ehleek readied his own twin proto-steel claws and squid launcher, mantax readied his venom thorns and huge pincers, Takadox armed his twin knives, Carpar is just standing there with his mega-huge pincers, and pridak is just getting out his shark tooth blade( p.s. Ehleek, Carpar, Mantax, Pridak and Takadox all have squid launchers). Anyway Gadunka, Karazani, and Nocturn all swim past everyone followed by Hydraxon and Maxillos…anyway the Toa and Barraki were locked in heated battle when suddenly a startled hydruka fired a pressurised air sphere at Ehleek’s armour less back Ehleek schreamed and dropped unconscious while Kongu had run out of bullets but used his mask power and summoned spinax a rahi energy-hound to his and the others aid then Matoro froze Takadox in ice Kongu got knocked out of battle. Pridak fired his squid launcher Hali sliced it in half fired her cordak blaster Carpar caught the explosive bullet in his mega-huge pincers Jaller created a wall of fire and then Dekar started to yell at him because that would melt the ice that Takadox was in “oops heh heh sorry,” said Jaller anyhow Kongu was just walking toward the group all he saw was a wall of fire and a huge argument SHUUUUUUT UUUUUUP GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hali screamed “okay,” everyone said. Just at that moment Kongu came back and told everyone that the Barraki had extinguished the fire, and Ehleek had regained conscience and the battle resumed. Now back on dry land Axxon had been notified of this battle and sent a huge creature called the terrain crawler to aid the Toa’s struggle against the Barraki and Ehleek’s undersea army and then things got really exiting but in the end the Toa eventually won the great battle of the pit. To be continued…
Soren Bradley Grade 6 One day in shiny Texas1910, lived a man named Chuck Nurse. Chuck is thirty five years old. He has brown hair that is slightly faded but it didn’t matter because Chuck Nurse isn’t that old. Chuck’s eyes were brown and he was 5 foot 9. He weighs 185 pounds; most of it was muscle from his legs. Strangely Chuck was raised by wolves for most of his childhood, but when he was 10 a cowboy and a ninja found him in the forest. The cowboy and the ninja both rescued Chuck by beating up all the defenseless wolves. Without a doubt the cowboy and the ninja raised Chuck, and Chuck became a mix of the two. This combination made him a cowboy ninja. The clothes that he wore are from the cowboy side and his fighting skills are from the ninja side. The ninja’s name was Burse Lee. The cowboy’s name was ‘THE MAN WITH NO NAME,’ so when somebody said nobody’s perfect, he took that as a personal insult! His real mom and dad are Adam Sandler and Jennifer Anniston. They abandoned him because when he was born he roundhouse kicked Adam Sandler into a three day coma. So they threw him out a seven story hospital building! When the wolves first saw him he was doing a push-down, that’s when you do a push-up, but instead of pushing yourself up, you push the world down. Chuck had the best hearing in the land so he could almost hear everything that was happening when he wanted to. One night Chuck was freely walking on the rough, rock, paved road that had way too many horseshoe marks on it. Chuck didn’t like horses because who commits to a shoe for their whole life? As Chuck was walking down the street he heard a women crying for help. He ran toward the cry. Sadly the cry was just Lady Gaga singing Paparazzi. Chuck heard another high, pitched noise, but Lady Gaga was right there in front of him. So the cry wasn’t Lady Gaga. Chuck ran again to find the cry. He ran for three long and treacherous days, but finally he found the source of the cry. It was Joy, a maid who had been beaten by her boss! Chuck gladly stole an automobile to save her from her boss, Male Gibson. They drove for three days straight. Soon enough they got to Canada by accident.
“Ah Chuck, that’s the sign for Canada,” announced Joy. “No, that’s sign Canaheo,” shouted Chuck. 36
“Ok, if it was Canahoe then why are we crossing the border?” mumbled Joy. “We’re not crossing the border. Those people walking up to the car are just wondering how our day is,” pointed out Chuck. “Um, can I see your passport?” asked the border officer. “Yeah, but I need to get it out of the trunk if you don’t mind,” blurted out Chuck. “I guess, but I’m coming with you I don’t want any funny business,” resumed the border officer. Chuck paused and thought of a plan. Soon Chuck and the officer walked to the trunk. Chuck opened the trunk slowly and gently. There was nothing, it was completely empty! So Chuck roundhouse kicked the officer into the trunk and stole his gun. Chuck tried to hit as many bumps as he could so the officer would get knocked out. Then Chuck realized that he was still in Canada. It was so snowy he could barely drive so he turned the car off and started again in the morning when the snow dialed down. Chuck just left the man on the street and they headed off. Finally they reached a small town. Chuck got out of the car and approached one of the people. “Hey I’m lost, and I’m wondering if you know how to get to Arizona?” questioned Chuck. Luke Fox Grade 9
“Oh you must be from the States, eh,” stuttered the local.
“Yes, I’m from the States, now do you know which way to go?” yelled Chuck.
“Um go south and then west, eh,” muttered the local. “Thank you,” shouted Chuck. Once again Chuck stole another car. Chuck and Joy spent another day and a half driving to Arizona. Chuck found a checkered hotel and they stayed there for the night. When Chuck and Joy were getting breakfast at a diner Joy saw Male Gibson. “Hey Chuck, I think I see Male across the street,” burped Joy. “What?” choked Chuck. “Yeah, he’s looking at me and you right now, see,” chatted Joy. In about 10 minutes, Male came over to the diner. Male fired a shot at Chuck. Chuck then dodged the bullet and proudly jumped out the nearby window that was placed right by their table! Instead of jumping out, Joy ran out the back door. Soon enough, the two met up in an old, abandoned building by a car factory that was calmly packed with people who peacefully worked despite the loud, shrill, metallic noise that repeatedly filled the poorly designed building. Chuck and Joy decided to set up some sort of a camp in the brick building that surprisingly held itself up like a tent. Chuck gathered many sticks from an oak tree that had been forgotten for several years and he found nylon sheets from the car factory. In about three minutes he had made two tents. One was for him and one was for her. The next day when he woke up Joy was gone. She had woken up and left. A few weeks later Chuck was reading the paper and he saw Joy in the paper. She had gotten a reward for telling the police about Male. She also moved to Canada. Chuck remembered back when he stole the automobiles and he wondered if anyone would charge him for it? He decided never to steal a car again! He felt happy that Joy was rewarded and that Male went to jail. He wished that Male would stay in jail for a long time and that Joy would live a happy life!
Man vs. Man Amy Cottingham Grade 6
One magnificent day in Apple Pine, it was 1999 to be exact, it was a very chilly morning. Apple Pine was a tiny town where it was always happy and even on the coldest days, everyone was still happy. The people who lived in Apple Pine especially loved Christmas because the town’s people loved to sing their favorite songs all along the town. There was also a rude, crinkly old man named Thomas in Apple Pine. He was the oldest person there! Unfortunately, most people tried to avoid him when he walked by on the streets. But there was a little girl named Sally who saw a sparkle in him. She always offered Thomas a bagel from her mother’s bakery, but every time he just stuck his head up and proudly but silently just kept on walking. One day Sally really wanted to know why Thomas would never take a wonderful, scrumpsious bagel because everyone in Apple Pine loved them. So that day Sally decided to follow Thomas and see why he was always so unhappy. Thomas could feel Sally following him. He spun around with anger! “Why are you always trying to bug me with your mothers stupid bagels?”he demanded. “I just wanted to see why you were so unhappy.”Sally was trying at this point not to cry as the crystal clear snowflakes kept getting stuck in her extremely long eyelashes. Thomas just kept on walking. Madly, the next day Thomas passed Sally again. As he was walking away Sally said quickly, “Oh please Thomas, please buy a bagel. If you don’t my mother will go out of business.” “Who cares!”Thomas madly said as he passed her. Sally thought of something that would make sure if Thomas was an actual mean man. She heard it from all of the town’s noise people that Thomas was mean, but for some reason Sally did not believe them. Sally got her friend Ally (who at the time had a broken leg) to ask Thomas if he would like to have a free bagel. If he took it then they would know that he was a nice ,caring old man and if he did not take it, then Sally would stop bugging him about the bagels and stuff like that.
“Thomas is coming,”cried Sally to Ally. “UUMM excuse me sir, would you like a free bagel?”Ally had a scared look on her face. “Yes, thank you, I would love one. Is your leg ok?”he murmured to Ally. “Yes thank you for asking.”Ally was very surprised. When Thomas left, Ally met up with Sally and, Ally told Sally the whole story. “I guess he is not that mean after all.”The two girls stood there for a moment or two. Thomas started to walk towards the girls. “Why did you come back?”asked Ally in a puzzled voice. “I thought about it. I knew you two were friends because I could smell your great bagels from a mile away!” I thought you hated my mothers bagels!” “I am very sorry. I was just mad because my granddaughter had died. When I saw your friend Sally, she made me think of my granddaughter and I felt better. I am very sorry. I hope we can still be friends. Do you two girls want to come over for some hot chocolate?” he asked. “We would love to!” said the girls, So they had tasty, hot chocolate and they all had a great day after all!
Andrew Warren Gr 12
The Prequel to “The Grinch” Annette Berry Grade 5 All the who girls and all the who boys were excited for Christmas. And so was the Grinch. A girl named Cindy Lou Who said, "Mr. Green Boy what do you want for Christmas?" and he said, "well let me think... oh I got it! Well I want a car." "Cool", said the girl. When every Who down in Whoville the tall and the small was asleep Santa Claus came. “HO HO HO”, he said. “It’s Santa. We better go to sleep,” said a mom. In the morning everyone got what they wanted for Christmas except for the Grinch. He did not get a car so everyone down in Whoville called him a Grinch because he was such a grump. The Grinch had been a grump since that Christmas. “I hate Christmas because I’m green and because I didn’t get a car.” There was only one person who asked me what I want for Christmas and that was a girl that is named Cindy Lou Who. Isn’t that a weird name? So the Grinch thought he wanted to get away from these people so he went on the top of a mountain in a cave and in that cave there was a mouse and there were rats. But you know that Grinch all he wanted to do was get away from those Whos. “Ruf ruf”, the Grinch found a dog and its name became Jackson. Jackson was brown and small. He had blue eyes and a pink nose. The next Christmas the Grinch said, “I most stop Christmas from coming so he needed a rain deer and coat to so he took his dog Jackson and tied a horn to his head. The Grinch made a hat and a coat and made a sled that they could ride in and headed off to Whoville. That Grinch took pop cans, and windup toys. In the morning the Grinch knew what the Whos would do when they saw that all there presents were gone. They would all cry “boo boo boo.” The Grinch heard a sound and it started to grow. All the who girls and all the who boys started to sing. So then Grinch thought and said maybe Christmas means a little bit more. So his heart grew 3000000000000000000000 times bigger. He returned all the toys that he took from their house and he the Grinch even carved the roast beef at the Who Festival.
Igloo Sierra Adamow-Boudreau Grade 6 On a very snowy night two polar bears Jill and jinnger’s mom Joanne fought for their food to survive the rest of the blistering cold winter. Joanne got in a battle and did not survive but she loved and cared for her to lovely polar bears. Jill was the oldest at 12 and Jinnger at 9 years old they both had very clean sparkling in the sun coats. Their mom was brave and got enough food to survive the winter. In the morning a storm had come over the night and continued through the day. They could not play with their friends cece and joy the seals so joyful jinnger and jumping Jill did their home work and chores for the week. ”Jinnger come over here look we might have to build an new igloo tomorrow because there is so much snow on the ground and there probably is too much snow to go to school,” yes exclaimed Jinnger. They both built half of their igloo by the sea and then it got dark outside so Jill and jinnger drank hot chocolate with very big marsh mellows. It got past their bed time. They went to sleep. During the night they heard a mstivouch noise and saw a gigantic shadow. barn boom barn they heard a noise. Boom barn boom they heard it again louder and louder each time with a grown. The next morning their igloo got demolished in to very tiny pieces. Luckily they had the whole week and week end because of the snow storm. For breakfast they had delicious fish pan cakes with whip cream and a big glass of orange juice. As they went outside they saw all their hard work gone. ”Hay look,” said jinnger “a track a big one too.” ”Wow you have good eyes,” said Jill. Thanks! Can you see the line? Ya . It’s strait. For sure it is. It could be Cece and Joy? No way it could never be them plus it would be too hard to get through all that snow and make all those noise. We got one person down lets go try to build a new igloo somewhere closer to the school so we don’t have too wake up so early anymore and find more people who could do such a crime. What a splendid idea. Jill and Jinnger went halfway and built half their igloo again then it got very dark and they herd the creepy noise over and over again and again but where was it coming from? They ran quickly in to their house before the noise got them jumping out of their fur. They drank hot chocolate and went to sleep. The noise got louder and louder each second. They woke up and ate breakfast. Jinnger do you think that we could sleep outside and see who is making all the noise and distorting all the igloos that we make and maybe other peoples to? Grate idea. We’ll do that to night. Ok then. They did their house chores and watched TV the rest of their day. They got there sleeping bag that are toasty warm and fluffy like a March mellow pillow. They got ready to catch the thing that kept destroying their igloo. The thing made its creepy noise a shadow look see of cores I can see please be quite so they can’t see and hear us. Ok. Jinnger fell asleep and did not 42
manage to stay awake all night but Jill did stay awake un till the thing went away. Jinngers guess what the thing was?? What was it? It was a human the noise was the snow pants and the snow mow be al. The snow mow be al destroyed the igloo we have to stay awake and scare them off tonight. Ok Jill let’s see if that works.” Wow! That was a rilly fast day,” for sure Jinnger. Lets go out side for the rest of the night and scarr the humans away. Ok. Hay look there they are. CHARGE!! Look they are running away. Wow! We did it together. The two poaler bears finnished the igloo and every one comenter on it. They all so do not have to wake up so early any more. The humans never came back again.
Clap of Thunder and Lightning Nick Larmour Grade 6 This is a story about a young, brave boy named Olympoe. Olympoe was a small boy who wanted to know why he was alive. Olympoe was also a calm boy and the smartest in his school! He was 6 feet tall, took everything seriously and was extremely bashful. He had no real friends and would put shame on himself when he did anything wrong. ‘’Olympoe get up time for,’’ Olympoe’s mom was interrupted. CRASH! Cerberus’s 3 pale heads popped through the wall! Charging, Olympoe skillfully pulled his sword off his night table and charged at Cerberus! In a flash of smoke Cerberus was gone. Olympoe’s angry face quickly turned into a smile of happiness. The attack of the day was over; he could relax for now. After Olympoe’s mom Aaron Belot Grade 10
recovered from extreme shock she stammered, ‘’Olym…poe g. g. go to school.’’ At school Olympoe fell asleep and saw Athena in a dream. Athena whispered, ’’To stop an attack start a storm with a clap of thunder and lightning; find a place in a cave in the sky.’’ ‘’Olympoe, wake up Olympoe!!!!’’ Olympoe woke up. ‘’What, find a cave in the sky?’’ sleepily mumbled Olympoe. The teacher did not like a random comment like that so he decided to whip Olympoe! As fast as a bullet, the teacher tried to whip Olympoe harder than he had ever tried to whip someone before. Sourly Olympoe screamed, ‘’I have had it!!’’ Olympoe ran and ran. He just wanted to be alone. He ran to the top of a mountain and saw a cave. He got in and in three hours he slowly started to calm down. Out of a puff of devilish looking smoke the Minotaur and Medusa came charging, thinking it was a good time to attack, but this happened:
‘’I call on the unknown power of nature!’’ loudly roared Olympoe. He clapped, a defying sound came from the sky and a brilliant bolt of light came down. It broke into two, hit the monsters, and they died in a heartbeat! From that day on the chant (‘’I call on the unknown power of nature!’’) will protect you from monsters. Since that day Olympoe happily wished he could use the chant on all the monsters that existed. He decided if the teacher tried to whip him again he would hit him with a bolt of lightning! The thing Olympoe loved the most was the boom of the Thunder and Lightning; it felt so powerful, that’s why he loved it! And that is how Thunder and Lightning came to be.
TWO BAD ANTS Denyn McNeill Grade 8 Happily, one bright and sunny day two ants by the name of Coolbeans and Rocks went for a walk. They were always told not to go near a school because it was full of vicious and powerful giants, but they decided to be stupid and go into one anyway. When they crawled under the door they found a large machine that had strange food, in colourful wrappers, they decided that it smelled too good to be true so they crawled in. They climbed onto a package that said Sun Chips their mouths were watering because it smelled so delicious. All of a sudden through the glass door they saw a big blond haired kid press a button, suddenly they started moving out to him 44
they fell and the fat blond kid grabbed the package of chips while they were still on it. He opened the bag and they fell off. They quickly scurried out of the building talking about the events that had just happened. They decided that they would never enter that death house again. Quickly they ran back to their colony without even looking back, and told the chief and queen the events that had just happened. For disobeying the chief and going into the school they were banned from every colony. He said that they could not be trusted and they would bring madness to the colony. Sadly with big frowns and watery eyes they walked away with nothing but dirty looks from the other ants. They quickly huddled down because they saw a big but really dog they were frightened and their eyes were wide. But Coolbeans said that they should face their fears and grab on to him. When the dog walked above them they grabbed on to the dogs paw and hitchhiked the rest of the way. They then crawled onto the dogs back. The dog was big, black and sweaty he smelled like rotten eggs he had a red bandana on. Suddenly the dog stopped and the two ants climbed off got off. They started walking north but saw a abandoned shoe and decided to stay the night. They decided to sleep on the outside on the sneaked not daring to go in just in case. That night when it was pitch black outside Coolbeans had to use the washroom, so he walked up the shoe and accidently fell in. He called for hours and hours for rocks but he never heard him. When rocks woke up he noticed he was gone, he looked around for him and called for him, Rocks was scared and worried. Finally he found him. He used a piece of grass and pulled him out. Coolbeans greatly thanked him and they were on their way. Suddenly out of nowhere an overweight kid picked them up and put them in a jar with pretty much no air. He grabbed a magnifying glass and pointed it at Rocks. Rocks was so hot he could not move, and them‌ BAM! He was gone. Dead forever. Coolbeans was scared. He was also sad. He knew that his faith was the same. He boy was called by this mother and he left for a moment, just enough time got Coolbeans to escape. He was horrified and was running all of a sudden he saw the fat kid run up to him so he stopped and tried to blend in. But he was too late and got stepped on. And no ant ever went close to the school again. When the colony heard on the tragedy they felt guilty and felt bad, they decided never to ban a ant again because bad, bad thing happens, and everyone else lived happily ever after.
Firecus and Aquadite Adam Miller Grade 6 There once lived a brother and sister who lived in Athens. They were named Firecus and Aquadite; their family was prosperous. Firecus always liked hot things, like spicy food. Aquadite liked wet things like the ocean. Aquadite has stunning blue eyes; she wears a sapphire tunic, has lustrous blonde hair and adores baby goats. Firecus has bloodshot eyes that make him look evil. He wears a scarlet red tunic and has jet black hair that makes him look cold and heartless. Firecus may look cold, menacing and heartless, but he’s really a nice guy, who helped kids with their homework. Athens is a picturesque, democratic city-state that has a stunning Acropolis on top of the hill. Although they are nearly always at war with Sparta, they are generally very peaceful. Athens is very culturally advanced in art, acting, music and games. Athens is very rocky, desiccated and scorching! When they were born, Hades, god of the underworld, said that at age 20, Firecus would become insane. So twenty years passed and they led very normal lives, until 2000 B.C. Firecus went completely bonkers and destroyed his family estate. The Athenian army was at war, so they couldn’t stop Firecus. Firecus was moving dangerously close to the Parthenon, so Zeus summoned Aquadite and his mortal son Hercules to stop Firecus. Hercules ran to Firecus faster than an Olympic runner and took a monstrous lunge at Firecus… but Firecus happened to have a torch, which burned Hercules, making him unable to fight. “Aquadite, you must stop Firecus!!!” Hercules cried before he painfully passed out. “Come and catch me sister!” Firecus shouted menacingly. “You can’t do this to Athens!!!” Aquadite screamed with tears in her vivid, sapphire eyes. “Oh, but yes I can,” Firecus calmly remarked. All of a sudden, Zeus threw a lightning bolt down at Firecus, but Firecus dodged the lightning bolt with appalling agility. Zeus threw another lightning bolt, but narrowly missed Firecus and the Parthenon. At that point, the whole city was in a state of chaos! Lightning kept falling and narrowly missing monuments like the Parthenon and the Statue of Athena. “Ha ha ha!” Firecus laughed maniacally, “You’ll never catch me! You should give up because I’m winning!”
Suddenly, Aquadite desperately jumped at her insane brother Firecus and yelled, “FOR ATHENS!!!” before the impact of Aquadite’s head hitting Firecus’s head killed Firecus and Aquadite. When their souls reached Hades (underworld), they had the choice of being reincarnated or going to heaven. They decided to be reincarnated: Firecus as Fire, Aquadite as water. The people of Athens hoped that something like this would never happen again. Since Aquadite felt that Firecus was still insane, water would put out fire for eternity. Firecus would never forget when he almost destroyed the entire city. Aquadite decided to always be available for people to drink. Hercules recovered and went on to be an amazing Greek hero!
The Grinch Kemarr Bishop Grade 5 The people in Whoville thought the Grinch was a nasty creature because he was green and hairy and he had cockroach in his teeth and he hated Christmas. The grinch had a friend a dog. The dog was like a slave to the Grinch. The dog was named Max. He was brown and white with grey eyes. Max loved Christmas and didn't understand why the Grinch was so sour. Then the Grinch had an idea to steal Christmas. The Grinch was going to make a sled and he was going to make a suit. So the Grinch cut out a Santa suit and a hat. The Grinch was ready for Christmas. But the Grinch was missing something he was missing a reindeer so he looked at max he asked max if he will be a reindeer. max said no he would not the Grinch got mad the Grinch grab max and went to the door he saw a little girl the girl did nothing then the girl looked up and scremed the Grinch open the door and grab the girl antlers and put it on max and slammed the door on the girl the girl ran away from the Grinch house and the Grinch put a string on max and then tied the string to his bed and max got so mad. The Grinch was ready for Christmas. The Grinch waited ten minutes and then he watched t.v. until midnight. The Grinch went to Whoville and went to the first house. He went inside and stole the presents and the tree. He did this to every house in Whoville until there was no sign of Christmas left. The Grinch was happy with his work and went home to his cave. He couldn't wait for Christmas morning!
The Pig’s Side of the Story Adam Hadford Grade 5 Once upon a time in a far away land there lived meee. I am a pig. That doesn't mean I don't have manners. I am the brains of the entire pig family operation. I lived in an apartment until the mailman came to me and my brother's door. I opened the door and there was a check for $3,000,000,000,000. "We have to get out of here," we all said in unity. So that day we tried to agree on a building material. I wanted to build a home out of bricks but after a week of discussion on the building material we could not agree. We had to split up the money. 1,000,000,000,000 went to each of us. With that amount of cash we all went to acreage to build our homes. After 9 days all our homes were built and the next six days went... well... the next day the BIG BAD WOLF came to my dumbest brother and said, "Little pig little pig are you in?" No answer. Who can blame him? He will get eaten by THE BIG BAD WOLF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But now he made up his mind and started huffing and puffing and blew the home down. Lucky him though. He saw it coming so he ran to our other brother's home. But the same thing happened to this home so they ran to my home, and this time my home did not fall into rubble! Declan Cronje Gr 11
But the wolf kept trying to blow my
home down. After a very long time he got caught by my sister who happened to be visiting me. My sister pulled out her cell phone. She dialed 911. Later the cops put him under arrest and we all lived happily ever after.
The Fighting Monkeys and the Lion Lachlan Gordon Grade 5 One day in a scorching hot Savannah during mid-afternoon two rushing monkeys crashed into each other. The bigger, buffer primate challenged the weaker monkey to a fight. The monkey accepted the challenge, but before the puny monkey was ready, the huge monkey pushed real hard over and over again. Meanwhile a starving lion was looking for food. At the same time he heard monkeys chattering in the enormous trees and went off to look. Thrashing and biting, the monkeys kept on fighting until the puny and weak monkey was bruised, cut and battered, while the other monkey gloated how nobody could beat him. As soon as the monkey finished gloating, he heard a deep voice in the shade that said, “I bet I could beat you!” Then the ferocious lion came out of the shade. The monkey glanced for a second then started sprinting to get away, but the speedy lion was too fast for the monkey. The lion picked up the monkey by the scruff of the neck and carried the monkey to his den proudly. Luckily the other monkey was healing and happy to be alive from the fight that mid afternoon day. Moral: Don’t gloat because there is always someone stronger or faster than you are.
The Green Jackal Phoenix Shomody Grade 5 In the scorching red hot desert, in a miniature little cave there was a shy emerald green jackal that was so lonely he wished he had a friend to have fun with. Deserted by his friends for his color, he sits lonely in his dark aged cave. Desperate for a companion to enjoy the day with, he started fiercely howling. Waiting, he could hear another howl from the distance wich sounded like a Banshee. The lonely jackal was still not happy because hearing another jackal was not going to make him glad without the other creature trying to help him. When the other jackal heard the heartbreaking cry for help, he came and asked the green jackal what was wrong. 49
The bottle green wild animal remarked, “Nothing,” because he was to sad to speak. He asked again, “What’s wrong?” Finally he added, “I’m so lonely I wish I had a friend to play with.” “Maybe I can help you with that.” running around?”
The other jackal asked, “Have you tried
“I have tried everything. I have even tried going for a 10km run and still that didn’t work,” uttered the jade jackal. “Have you tried getting some sleep?” “I have tried having jam-packed 12 hours and that was as unsuccessful. I just can’t get any sleep.” “Have you tried having a feast?” “Yes I have had the whole pork buffet.” The other jackal replied, “This is the only other thing that I can think of: Do want to be friends?” The green jackal said, “Yes! Yes! I do want to be friends. I am so cheerful and happy right now!” “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. My name is Fin.” “What do you want to do now Fin?” “I don’t know. Let’s start off with doing a little trot around the canyon followed by doing some rock and sand dune climbing.” “Ya! That’s a great idea lets go!” And from that day forward, green jackal had a friend to spend his time with.
Moral: A good friend is worth the effort.
The Spirit Mitchell Kloss Grade 5 On an island in the Atlantic Ocean lives a creature called The Spirit, who lives in a secret cave that’s hidden in a mountain with his mentor. Generally it is the same temperature as Death Valley because the force field generates heat. Thick palm trees grow all over the island. Jaded rocks a few depths below the ocean’s surface open up to reveal a ship. If you are to travel there, it will be dangerous with all the mythological creatures like giant squids that can take down two aircraft carriers at the same time or sharks as big as a 7407 passenger planes. And there are land monsters that roam around on the island. There are 2 centuries old Spartans, thousand year old dinosaurs, and his creations like that fish person. Decaying skin all these years makes him look like a skeleton now. Metal hands and metal parts like laser weapons are all over his body. Ripped blue jeans with thread still sticking out cover his legs like shorts. Although he can swim, he’s always lit on fire. The Spirit’s powers are very strong making him very hard to kill. Rapidly he shoots fire out of his finger tips. If he wanted to, he could jump all the way up to space. He can run around half the earth in under four minutes. In front of him he’s able to animate force fields. Luckily there are ways to kill it. Shooting it or slicing it with a sword work Sarah Reeder Grade 6 well. Since it’s a skeleton, you could punch him in the rib cage and he would smash into pieces. The other way to kill it is to incinerate it with a molecule destroying machine.
Tropical jungle Avery Rogers Grade 6 One hot moist day in the jungle there were spiders, leopards and others sorts of creatures. There were two monkeys, one named Brandon and his older sister Veronica. Curiously, they always wondered what they could do to make their stinky beast like predators stop being predators so they can show that there tough. While they get chased they still think what it would be like to go out of there hut and not get trampled by predators. Calmly Brandon along with Veronica doesn’t react to it but they want that to change. After they came home from Coke and Sprite High School they went for a modest, joyful walk and talked quietly as if they were getting spied on. Daringly Brandon who is always so courageous he went in the bushes and tried to see what kind of creature it could’ve been. It could’ve been slimy, scary and hairy. It could’ve been an alien for all we know but it wasn’t any of those things. Slowly he looked away “It, it’s….” Brandon was speechless “it’s an umm run” said Brandon to his older sister! Breathing heavily, Brandon told his sister “when we get home I’ll tell you what it is”. Veronica screeched it out “what was it?” Brandon whispered “it’s a cucumoka, the funniest looking type of beast”. Surprisingly he described it like no one’s ever described it. He said it was like razor sharp teeth plus he said it had 10 eyes looking at him with a creepy, soothing look. Sarcastically, in his head he said he wanted to go back and kill it because that was one of the things that killed our parents. But then, Veronica yelled his name she said “Brandon, we have to go to McDonalds”. When they got there and Brandon ordered a big mac and 4 large fries and a large root beer and veronica ordered 10 small fries 3 burgers and a medium sprite and they met this one guy there named Avery. He was nice. Accordingly to plan, Veronica whispered “let’s try to ambush the Predators cave”. It is the darkest place in the whole jungle. It’s terrifying, slimy and when you walk down into the cave it sounds like ghost are following you. As they were getting ready for battle they had to go into their attic where there are shotguns, assault rifles and Dessert eagles. While they got them loaded with bullets chchch went the loading off the guns. “Ahhhh!” went Brandon falling out of the attic. “Are you alright?” ask Veronica. “Ya, I’m alright.” screeched Brandon. Much later…..when they arrived to the predator’s cave they ran in with their guns and started pinning everyone with them. The predators started attacking with their Tommy 20s and missing their bodies when they tried to hit them. Almost everyone was dead except for the cucumoka. It was trying to kill them except Brandon jumped up on the table Veronica through him a gun and Brandon started shooting and cucumoka dropped down dead. 52
Brandon and Veronica jumped in glory and hugged “we did it!” They walked out feeling appreciated by each other. Later on in the day they got their dinner from Wendy’s and went home ate it then went to bed.
The Trail Taya Colwell Grade 4 “Wake up Max! It’s almost lunch time,” said Max’s mom. “Coming Mom,” Max struggled to say. He had dark blue eyes, short brown hair, and a few freckles on his nose. After he had lunch Max went outside. “Ahhhhh,” Max yelled as he was falling down a hole. Once he was at the bottom he saw lots of trails leading in all different direction. “Which one?” he asked. “The one to the left,” a voice said to Max. “Who are?” asked Max frightened. “It’s me Litea.” She jumped out from behind a rock. She had brown long hair and freckles on her nose. “How long have you been here?” asked Max. “Two years,” she said. “Two years?” Max said surprised. “Yes,” she said. “Blang we must go,” she said frightened. “To the hollows,” Litea said. “What’s that?” Max asked confused. “It’s a place where danger always comes. Anything can be a trap,” Litea said. “Why are we going?” Max asked. “There’s nowhere else to go.” “What are we running from?” “The Zombies,” she said. “What do they look like?” Max asked. “You don’t want to know,” she said. Blang! Blang! Blang! Three zombies were chasing behind them. Aia Davis Grade 6 Ahhhhhh! “Now what?” he asked. “Jump in the trail on the right.” So they jumped into the hole on the right. “Now the one on the roof,” she said. The two of them climbed and once they got in, the zombies were right behind them. “We’re safe, we’re safe, we’re safe,” Max sighed. “We’re not safe,” Litea said frightened. “What?” he said. “The zombies are coming in through the top,” said Litea. “Look, a hole let’s go inside,” Litea said. “Okay I’m home. This is home,” Litea said. “Yes home,” Max said. “Bye,” Litea said. “Say ahhhhhh anytime you would like to see me you’ll appear in my house.” “Okay ahhhhhhh,”
Tal Preston Grade 6 It was 2020, Dec.24. Santa was missing! Mrs. Claus and the ugly elves looked everywhere and couldn’t find him! The thick head elf searched in the smooth cookie room and he wasn’t there. Mrs. Claus badly searched in the small sleigh. Mrs. Claus didn’t have anyone to deliver the hairy presents. So Mrs. Claus had to get the head elf to do the dirty job. The elf has to wear a sumo suit. Behind the sleigh is a jet in the back; it has card board reindeer, and 8 wheels. The sleigh ride was hot and windy in the sky. So the head elf got to fly all over the world. The head elf had to stop on the roof and go down in a chimney. The head elf got stuck in the chimney because of the fat suit! So the head elf had to get out of the suit and go through the front door. The head elf got back to the North Pole. When the head elf got back he saw Santa by a lake. Happily they got Santa and the head elf is now always the temporary Santa!
Alison McCarthy Gr 10
Zombies Brice O’brien Grade 6
Zombies, zombies, zombies. Scary zombies, Horrid zombies, Foolish, cruel, creepy zombies, Bloody, sticky, green zombies, Those are just a few. Evil zombies, Sinister zombies, Towering, frightening, cunning zombies, Terrifying, crushing, over powering zombies, Gutsy zombies too. Idiotic zombies, Horrid zombies, Crude zombies, Don’t forget strange zombies. Last of all – best of all – I like bloody zombies.
Poems by Darian Magee Grade 11 A quick poem about my reoccurring panic attacks. A heart made of iron, so heavy all the time A thud in your chest, your pulse it starts to climb Legs won't stop quaking, knee's can't quit shaking Eyes piercing me like a knife, this anxiety is breath taking Tongue slowly slipping away, trying to keep the fear at bay Feeling hollow, like a balloon you start bursting This mind is like a dungeon, for tranquility I'm thirsting How can I possibly escape myself?
Falling For those down days...
Stef Mudry Grade 11
I am falling, To a place where you can't see. Your ignorance is my only blessing, in my personal travesty. Don't attempt to catch me, I'm too far from the top. It's going to take a lot more then a helping hand to get back up. I won't forget the gesture, though I wish you wouldn't try. It only makes it harder, when I start to see the bedrock. But I'm not worried, because before I reach the end I'll find a way to pull myself back up onto the ledge. So I hope you know, it's going to be alright This everlasting sun won't fade out into night. Because of you. 57
Madison Funny, creative, active and cheerful Sibling of Caden, Reese, Brodie and, Spencer. Lover of my family, Taylor Lautner, twilight saga series Who feels to help others. Who needs to make a difference in the world Who gives support to anyone that needs even if they don’t want it Who fears spiders Who would like to see friends, family and my pets Resident of Calgary Shields-Knutson
Robyn Athletic, random, chatty Kathy, colorful Sibling of Alexander Lover of basketball, animals, nature, and art Who feels that nature should be left the way it is Who needs a dog Who gives happiness Who fears some spiders Who would like to see animals talk Resident of Calgary Brodylo 58
Unafraid Lively Independent Athletic Notable at gymnastics Arsty Juliana Bruyn Grade 4
Rallies Uniforms No bullying Donut day Longer recesses Everything is easier At Rundle we have bake sales Camp Kindle At Rundle we have smaller classes Dress down day Easier to concentrate More field trips You get gym almost everyday Evan Barter Grade 4 59
Poems by Kayla Wartman (Gr. 11)
Gannon Willson Grade 5 Ingredients: 1 cup of great happiness 2 cups of bunch of love 3 cups of super kindness 4 cups of good excellence 5 cups of your son Gannon Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Make the oven 1000 degrees Celsius. Gently mix it with a meat tenderizer. Pour in an 8 x 75 heart shaped pan. Bake for only 20 seconds. Do not let cool or it will be ruined.
Chirps of Birds Chirp chirp all I do My tongue shivers when I say Chirp chirp till the way Avery Rogers Grade 6
Roses They come in bright red The rose smells like perfume They are beautiful Jeremy Brobbel Grade 6
Snow Melting The snow is melting It is becoming water You can see the grass Sarah Reeder Grade 6 62
Witches Teanna Markle Grade 6
Witches, witches, witches Skulky, witches Cruel, witches Hidden, secret, foul, witches Gross, lurking, needy, witches Those are just a few. Hideous, witches Wicked, witches Shocking, mocking, clutching, witches Repulsing, frightening, startling, witches Obscure, witches, too. Terrible, witches Offensive, witches Thin, witches Don't forget mischievous, witches. Last of all - best of all I like frivolous, witches.
Pumpkins Emily Smith Grade 6
Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Big pumpkins, Small pumpkins, Empty, fat, crazy pumpkins, Carve, purple, lighted pumpkins, Those are just a few. Weird pumpkins, Orange pumpkins, Staring, laughing, popup pumpkins. Carved, covered, eating Scary pumpkins, too. Blue pumpkins, Happy pumpkins, White pumpkins, Don’t forget stinky pumpkins.Last of all-best of all- I like stretchy pumpkins.
Justin Fowler Gr 11
Fought for us Old partners and children Unknown soldier Guns fire Had and lost Tattered memories and dreams Robyn Brodylo Grade 7
Protecting our country. Others who fought for our country. Proceed to the tank. People sacrificing their lives. Yelling for help. Cal Tecklenburg Grade 7
Battles were fought and lives were lost Armies advance to the lines Time is of the essence Time to advance, Lets go, pick up the pace Enemies are going to attack, be ready Alix Stephen Grade 7
Because of Them In the war people died They fought for you and me, The days were long in the trenches Lots left, some came back But they who did not come back shall be remembered Because of them we are who we are today The world is a place for peace When the sun came up it began again The front lines were the last place you would want to be So I think we should remember those who fought By Ross Geiger Grade 6
Freedom Really sad Enter a new world Eating dirt Doing it for you Objective: freedom May we remember JT Rehill Grade 7