Volume 1, Issue 1
February 16, 2011
The Kapitza Class Chronicle R S P E C I A L P O I N T S O F I N T E R E S T :
Orcas are dying
New species found
Artifacts stolen
Dinosaurs in Iqaluit
Rubber Olympic Highlights
Space mission disaster averted
Taking a break in Cairo
Brain tumor-Something in Water by Sierra Adamow-Boudreau
I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E :
Dinosaur Bones
Stolen Totem
Peace in Cairo
New Parrots Species
Rubber Olympics
There were 3 babies and 3 adults in the orca pod trying to migrate through the Pacific Ocean. Strangely the orcas were getting sick and all of a sudden they where dyeing. The disease is called cantacouditice. It was happening all through the pacific coast and the orcas washed up on shore dead. No one knew when it started but, people predicted that it was happening for about 6 months. Something was in side of the water called cantacouditice, which the
D i s a s t e r On February 1, 2011 a space ship engine failed and the crew had a shortage of food and water. There were eight crew members aboard the ship. The engineer started to fix the engine. He predicted it would take six days to fix
orcas were eating it in their food, was leading to their death and seizures.
Deadly disease killing orcas.
„„Orcas are dying because of a dieses found in their food. The disease is causing them brain tumors which are causing them to have
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S p a c e
the engine and they had only enough food for five days. They were one thousand light years away from earth. They had a couple of days without food. The engineer exclaimed “It looked harder to repair the
seizures,‟‟ said Dr. Doofensmerch the Marian biologist. It was only the orcas dying and no other animals were being affected. Dr. Doofensmerch is reaching why it is only happening to the orcas. If you would like to help leas contact Dr. Doofensmerch at aria code 777 house number 777-7777 extension 777. Sierra AdamowBoudreau is a grade 6 Student at Rundle Academy
A v e r t e d engine than it really was.” Luckily they brought plants so they didn‟t run out oxygen. They are happy that they are still alive. They have also informed us that the rest of the mission was a success. - J. Brobbel
P a g e
T h e
K a p i t z a
C l a ss
P a r k o r D i n 0 s a u r l a n d ! B y A v e r y R o g e r s Last week John Roy, a local in Iqaluit, was dog sledding in Rainbow Park. He couldn‟t get his dog sled past this white, long tree trunk. He‟s never seen that type of tree before. When he had to dig himself over the tree he looked at what he had uncovered and figured it‟s a dinosaur bone. Now the entire paleontology group from University of Iqaluit is searching for more
Rainbow Park has been closed to the public until further notice so the paleontologist team can search and research the park for more evidence of dinosaurs. Dr. Hensley, from University of Iqaluit, says, “I think there should be a large number of dinosaur bones to be discovered. This is where the dinosaurs lived and where the ice age may have
People don‟t want them to shut down the park because that‟s where they go for runs and walks. They hope it won‟t be long before the park reopens. While they look for all of the bones there saying they might want to make Rainbow Park a historical dinosaur park.
A m a z i n g On February 11 2006 in Edmonton two
“...the next day they were gone!”
totem poles were stolen. Two people named John Wild and Devon Show, to males, stole the totem poles. They just are figuring out now because the totem poles were found in the dumpster in February 2011. Ali Fisher (the person who made the totem
were my favorite.” She describes them as 6 feet tall and made out of teak wood. The one in the picture was made a week before it was stolen. Before the totem poles were stolen Ali was going to give her father one of the totem poles. The other one the
Dog sledding trip finds major discovery
T o t e m
P o l e
poles) was asleep when they stole the totem poles. The totem poles were in her backyard. The absolutely cool totem poles were worth a lot of money and they wanted to sell them, but when they tried to sell them they thought that they would be worth a lot in 2009 and they were not.
we don‟t have the picture was going to sell in a auction and the money would go to the cancer. It was going to sell for $800. Since they found the totem poles she did sell them for auction.
Sarah Reeder is a grade 6 student at Rundle Academy. She lives in Calgary at home with her parents.
S t o l e n ! Surprisingly they threw them on the dumpster! “I was at home and asleep. I could not hear them and either could my husband and then the next day they were gone!”Ali tells us, “One of them (the one we don‟t have the picture for) was my first one I ever made and they both
V o l u m e
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m o m e n t
A man named Ali stops protesting and runs for shelter in a nearby museum in Cairo. Having a key he got in to museum easily and
Aia Davis wrote this article in grade 6.
W a k a
o f
P e a c e
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stayed overnight. Friends said he just dropped his sign and ran off but they didn‟t come after him because they thought he said he was getting something. The protests were happening on Monday evening. “It was getting very dangerous,” said Ali, “I could not stay in the museum for much longer. I was hungry and tired.” Ali had worked at the Cairo museum previously to the protesting “it was easy to get in the museum. I had not given back the key in the hectic protesting.” Ali tells the reporter, „‟I am happy the police found me.”
W a n a , M e a n s P a r r o t J a m a i c a n ?
In 2009 a cave was discovered in western Jamaica. Scientists entered this cave to observe the rock the cave was made out of but they found a little surprise. A new species of parrot! This bird has not been identified yet. “We were packing up and getting ready to go home when I drop a rock and hit the floor. It made a loud sound but we all just laughed They are starting to breed these birds in captivity and they will soon have an official name for them. Zoos expect to be getting some of these birds in under a year if all goes well. Pet stores might be
but as soon as we got to the exit out of the cave I stopped and then a bird came and just missed my head then thousands of these birds came out!” exclaimed Dr. Snitzerdoodler. This town that the bird was found in is called Elvaclo and the locals in this area call the bird the waka wuna. So far, we know the bird is a parrot and its main colors are yellow, purple and orreceiving these birds in 2 -4 years and these birds will be expensive. For farther information you can call 111-3335555 or go to brandonnews@brandon.informa tion
C a i r o This picture was taken when he was in the museum by a security camera. The police thought that it was a robber and set off the security alarm. After they figured out that Ali was not bringing harm to the museum, the police got Ali a better and safer tent for him and his friends. We will keep you posted on Cairo and Ali.
“I was looking for a place I could hide for the night the I thought of the museum and hid in it.” says Ali.
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ange. It has a short beak and flies very fast. Its claws on its feet are sharp but the bird is a very calm bird and after the scientists stood quiet for a while the birds flew back into their cave.
New species of parrot excites zoo patrons in Jamaica and worldwide.
Rundle Academy
Rundle Academy Elementary School 4330—16 Street S.W., Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Phone: 403-250-2965 E-mail: kapitzas@rundle.ab.ca
We Move Mountains!
R u b b e r Snap! The only bone in Ruby‟s body broke! Ruby “Rubber” Rowman ran to the rubber Olympics which was held in Calgary for only one year in the Rubber Dome. When Ruby got there she had to go on right away without stretching first. She stated with her hardest move right when she did it all the way her bone snapped and so did something else in her mentally. Suddenly, she threw weights at the spectators and when the spectators threw them back they just bounced off her rubber body.
O l y m p i c s
g o n e
Amazed on how Ruby started her routine they heard a huge snap! “It was like if she had all her bones in her body hey would have snapped all at once.” confirmed Maria, a spectator. Her sister told reporters after the incident that she was angry all the time and dangerous to be around. Eventually everyone in Calgary knew that Ruby “Rubber” Rowman is uncontainable at all. “It was like a lion within her came roaring out! I‟ve never seen her like that; she is actually really nice or she was!” claimed her coach.
b a d !
Sadly Ruby “Rubber “Rowman will now be put in a rubber facility for rubber can only contain her. By Emily Smith, grade 6 student at Rundle Academy. - Emily Smith attends Rundle Academy, in grade 6
Rubber girl will live rubber life.