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R U N D L E ’ S A N N UA L A C A D E M I C F A I R
Portable Planetarium
Sporting Life @ Rundle
3, 4
Weather Report
Book Nook
Reel Time
RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914 www.rundleacademy.ab.ca
Amazingly, the annual Academic Fair was held in Rundle Academy’s main Gym on Friday, February 25, 2011 with a count of 113 students. All the Elementary kids participated including the junior high with some high school kids. The Academic fair is so students can learn more about a topic they are interested in. The topic doesn’t have to be science related. Everyone enjoyed the academic fair because everyone thought it was fun researching a topic they found interesting. The judges had a tough decision because all the students did an amazing job. But they could only pick a few winners. In the grade four/five category first place was Evan; in second place was Ryan and third place went to Oliver. Overall Winner was Michael in grade 6, first place went to William, second place went to Nick, and third place went to Amy C. They did a fantastic job. I thought everyone did very well. The teachers thought everyone did well and so do the parents and relatives.
Even though they could only pick a few winners, all participants got a certificate for trying their best. Sarah says “it was a good experience doing it because I didn’t do a science fair or something like that in my old school.” She said she liked the other projects too! By: Avery Rogers
Grade 6 Winners
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The Huge and Super Cool Portable Planetarium!!!!! Since the grade 6 students in Rundle Academy have started learning about sky science the teachers thought that it would be fun for them to see a portable planetarium. On Tuesday March 1, 2011 the awesome planetarium came. From the TELUS World of science James Darbano came to talk about the planetarium. James was a wonderful speaker. He spoke loud and clear and he knew a lot about the sky and the stars. He set up in the Elementary gym. The planetarium looks like a large black igloo. “The planetarium was so cool and so fun!!! When you look up you saw stars and it was in the day time. James was a very good speaker and he had a lot of knowledge,” Emily Smith thought about the planetarium. “I thought it was cool because it was not cold, you could look at the stars.” Aia Davis agreed it was a great experience. After James told us about the stars he let us ask questions and Jeremy asked “How do you know how old the sun is?”
James did not answer but I thought that it was an interesting question! The sun, James told us is 4 billion years old. He also said that in 5 billion years it will blow up so that means that the sun can live up to 9 billion years old! He showed us the stars that we could see in the North Pole but in the South Pole you can see different stars. It was so much fun going into the planetarium. When they are building the new science center I hope there is one in there!!!!! If you are interested in booking the planetarium then contact Mrs. Moslow for details!!!!!! By: Sarah Reeder
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SPORTING LIFE AT RUNDLE The Senior Girls are Stars! Amazingly, this season our Rundle Academy Sr. girls’ basketball team has been undefeated and is playing in the playoffs. Shockingly, the Sr. girls’ are the only girl’s team ever to be undefeated. This astonishing team has such players as Victoria, Chandra, Sarah, and Emily who make this team winners. The head coach is Mr. Wolf and the assistant coach is Mr.V. They are doing an excellent job keeping their team undefeated. The stunning team has held their undefeated strike, each coach and player did their part and led their team to being undefeated for the first time ever in Rundle Academy history. They won the 1A League Championships on March 9, 2011. They are on the road to the provincials. Come watch the girls play and cheer them on! Their next game is Friday March 11, 2011. By: Emily Smith
The Undefeated Senior Girls’ Basketball Team
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A N I N T E RV I E W W I T H T H E C OA C H BY: Brandon Loughlin This year the senior girls’ basket ball team went undefeated for the whole regular session. Today I will interview Mr. Wolf to see why the team is doing so well. All of your questions about the team will be answered. Here are some of the questions that will be answered by the girls’ head coach, Mr. Wolf. Q: What is the reason the team is doing so well? A: The team is doing so well is because most of the players have played on the team before so they already had lots of experience. Q: Who was the team’s strongest opponent to beat? A: Their strongest appointment is Clearwater. Q: Where is your next game? A: The teams next game is against Clearwater Academy and is going to be play on March 11, 2011. According to Mr. Wolf the team will come out with a gold medal and a great banner to hang with our many other banners. Those girls are a really great team. The girls made it to the playoffs and will surely come out with gold if they keep this up. Go Rockies Go. The girls made it to the playoffs and will surely come out with gold if they keep this up.
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Cold Weather Causes Indoor Recess! The ground hog is wrong. It is still winter and around minus twenty to thirty Celsius. The freezing weather is causing many indoor recesses! It affects the kids and the teachers. The teachers stay inside and have to watch the kids while the students are talking and playing in the classrooms and in the elementary gym. The indoor recess is happening a lot and because of it, it feels like it is normal for it to happen. The indoor recess happened throughout February and March. Brandon said, “I like indoor recesses when it is cold outside and in an indoor recess I usually eat and chat to neighbors.� Luckily the weather is brightening up. By: Jeremy Brobbel
J Weather Tuesday March 8
High Low
Mostly sunny -4c -18c
Wednesday March 9 Thursday march 10
mostly sunny 5c -10c
few flurries 6c -13c
Friday March 11 Saturday march 12
scattered flurries -12c -16c
sunny 2c -20c
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B O O K N O O K B Y A I A D AV I S This is the book nook. Each week I will be doing reports. For this week the book I am doing is “The Giver” by Lois Lowry. “The Giver” was a very good book. I liked “The Giver” because Lois Lowry made a new world and she made the problem very obvious at the beginning of the book. Although “the Giver” was a long book at the end I wished there was more because it was a cliff-hanger. In “the Giver” the main characters are Jonas and the Giver.
The Giver gives feelings to Jonas like snow and Christmas because there are no feelings in the community. There are no rights for the people they can only follow the rules in the community so it is not a democracy. Jonas runs away from the community so all the people get their memories back ......READ “THE GIVER” TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS!
The elementary students of Rundle Academy saw a movie called “The Boathouse Detectives” on Feb. 23, 2011. It was about kids who have a club house on the water. They found a letter and they try to figure out who the person was who wrote it. The six kids have a tree house on the lake that they meet in. They want to help a girl named Anna and her dog escape from her evil step mom and bring her to her lovely, wonderful grandmother. Miss Kapitza’s class rated the movie 4 stars. “It was like they were real detectives,” said Emily Smith, in grade 6. If you like mystery or like pop corn I would recommend this move to you. You can catch the movie on the big screen at Eau Clair Market during Film Fest.