Rundle Academy February Newsletter

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V o l u m e 9 , I s s ue 4 February 6, 2012



INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal


Society News Alberta Education Survey


Counsellor’s Notes


Academy Speaker Series In Their Own Words


Academic Fair Academic Fair Invitation


Cantos Music Foundation Telus Spark Science Centre


Family Literacy Week


Junior Boys Basketball Senior Girls Basketball


Honor Roll - Senior High


Activities for February


School Nurse


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

February is the beginning of a new semester and the halfway point of the year. The last three weeks have been filled with stress and anxiety and I am sure the students are relieved that Mid-terms and Finals are over and are excited about starting new courses. The High School students begin a new set of courses this semester. The Junior High will continue with the same core academic courses, but new options, and as for the Elementary, it will be business as usual. Mid-Term Examination Reports were sent home on Friday, February 3rd, for all Grade 6 to 9 students. The purpose of this report is to inform parents of MidTerm Examination results and Option final marks. There will be no Parent/ Teacher Interview. The next reporting period will conclude on March 9th, with Report Cards going home on March 16th and Interviews scheduled for March 20th.

would encourage your participation and honest input as last year’s report was useful in the identification of both areas of strength and growth. There is one very significant meeting scheduled for this month. The Junior/ Senior High Orientation is on Tuesday, February 28th, at 7:00 P.M. All parents and students entering Grade 7 or Grade 10 should be in attendance as important information will be shared on student’s approaching enrollment into Junior High and Senior High respectively.

The Senior High Final Course Mark Reports were sent home on Friday, February 3rd for all High School students. The purpose of this report is to inform parents of the final course results for all semester one courses. There will be no Parent/ Teacher Interview. The first reporting period for semester two will conclude on March 9th, with Report Cards going home on March 16th and Interviews scheduled for March 20th. Parents are encouraged to contact Homeroom Teachers/Teacher Advisors if they have questions or concerns. The Alberta Education Accountability Pillar Survey has been sent to all the Rundle Academy households to solicit parent input on the learning goals of schools, school authorities and the provincial government. The student and teacher portions will be completed at the school within the next two weeks. I

Special Guest for Literacy Week Keon Raymond, Calgary Stampeder

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Uniform Store Hours All Year Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

A L B E R TA E D U C A T I O N S U RV E Y Alberta Education Accountability Survey Alberta Education invites you to play an important role in your child’s education. In February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. Parents of students in grades 4 to 12 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. These surveys are mailed from Alberta Education and returned directly to them. Students in grades 4 to 12 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with this school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog. By completing the survey, you are giving your school authority and your provincial government important information to gauge the quality of education your child is receiving and make improvements where needed. Both PATs and Diploma Exams contribute to the Accountability Pillar, a tool used by Alberta Education to evaluate how well the education system is meeting the expectations of parents and the public. All parents want to know that their children are receiving a quality education. Grades are important, but there is more to it than that. A quality education helps all children make the most of their talents and abilities.

The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes, such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning. As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. Your participation in the survey helps, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to school authorities in May and will be reported publicly by school authorities as part of their 3-year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports. School authorities receive a results report that is colour-coded and easy to read. At a glance, it points out successes and areas of concern from both a local and provincial perspective. The results report shows which measures have improved, which have remained consistent, and which have declined. It allows everyone - parents, teachers, school authorities, students and the province - to celebrate successes and respond to challenges together.

Details about the Accountability Pillar and how to obtain results are available online.

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Volume 9, Issue 4

COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Keeping Your Child Safe Online (Excerpts from It's a different world for children growing up today. From the minute they're born, they're exposed to a digital world that will inevitably be their way of life – where plans are made via social networking sites, conversations are had over chat or text, and movies, games, music and TV shows are streamed at any time over the Internet. And while the internet is a wonderful educational tool, it can be a place where tough lessons are learned if children and teens have unlimited, unsupervised access to things they may not fully understand, or may not have the maturity to manage independently. The following list can help you keep your children safe when they use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as mobile devices. 

Make sure the protection features of websites and software your children use are activated. There are tools available through your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to help you manage your children's online experience (i.e., appropriate websites, amount of time spent online, who can and cannot contact them). It might also include other security features, such as pop-up ad blockers.


Get to know the online environments your children use and teach them how to deal with inappropriate material.


Talk to them about the implications of posting inappropriate pictures, saying disparaging things about other people and anything else that could damage a reputation or ruin a friendship.


Remind them that the Internet is a public space. Things they do and say now on social networking sites could have implications down the road when they're looking for summer employment (employers often search personal profiles for information about candidates).

user could remotely control your webcam, so if you have an external camera, unplug it or cover your camera when it's not in use. 

If your child is using live text and voice chats for online games, warn them not to give personal information to a stranger.


Tell your child to ignore electronic messages from people they don't recognize.


Be firm about the risks of meeting face-to-face with someone they met online. Ask that they tell you if they're going to do this, and also where they plan to meet.


Be careful about what you post about your children or activities related to them like the location of their school, or where you or they are volunteering.


Make sure their mobile phone has a strong password and activate other security features before your child uses it.


Remind your child to think before they text. Messages can be misinterpreted and also forwarded.


Stay in the know about the latest ways children are communicating and what they're up to when they're at friend's houses.


Their mobile number should only be given out to people they know. Likewise, they should know not to share anyone else's number without permission.


Keep an eye on the sites they're visiting by keeping the computer in a common area like the kitchen.



Talk to other parents about their children's online privileges and what works for them.

Make sure your child has someone's permission before taking pictures or videos of them with their phone and vice versa.


Learn how to turn off geotagging on your child's phone and digital camera so that photos don't reveal their location.


Make sure you know how to block others from calling your child's phone. Using caller ID, you can block all incoming calls or block individual names and numbers.


Educate them about the risks of webcam use with people you or your children don't know. Video that's broadcast over the Internet is permanently out there and can be saved by anyone for later viewing or distribution. If your computer has been hacked, another

Please feel free to contact me at 403-250-2965 (ext. 103) or if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s safety, education or wellness. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines, B.Ed., M.C. Registered Provisional Psychologist School Counsellor

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Volume 9, Issue 4

ACADEMY SPEAKER SERIES Information Evenings For Parents and Students January 12, 2012 - CANCELLED It’s Test Time! Making these as successful with as little stress as possible…. * Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines February 28, 2012 Junior High School Orientation and High School Orientation * All Grade 6 and Grade 9 Parents and Students * Jana-Lynn Caines, John Wolf, Jamie Burla, Terry Hoganson March 20, 2012 Discussions on ADHD and Learning Disabilities - Implications for School and Home * Speakers TBA April 19, 2012 What to expect at Post Secondary Institutions - Transition Planning *Dr. Brent Macdonald, St. Mary’s University College, Alumni Student Panel

IN THEIR OWN WORDS How Our Alumni Continue to Move Mountains Alumna Andrew Hodgins ’06 “After graduating from Rundle Academy in 2006, I attended Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. I graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree where I focused on both Finance and Accounting. While attending Acadia, I was able to build strong friendships with a number of people from across Canada and gained knowledge of many valuable lessons moving forward. Once I graduated in May of 2011, I started the scary process of trying to find a job! After going through a number of interviews with various companies, I was offered a job at CIBC as a Customer Service Representative. While at CIBC, I was able to learn a lot about the financial service industry and gain valuable experience. After a short stint with CIBC, I was offered a job with Husky Energy as a Property Analyst. I continue to work at Husky, where I am learning new things everyday about the oil and gas industry and what makes Calgary the vibrant city it is. “Outside of work I continue to play hockey a couple times a week in a men's league, which keeps me busy. In addition to this playing I have started coaching a Junior C Minor Hockey Team out of Westwood. This has been a great experience, helping to pass on the knowledge and skills that I have gained over the years playing hockey.” Andrew attended the Academy for 10 years and was a crucial part of our student body. We are so proud of his accomplishments and we look forward to hearing about his future endeavours.

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ACADEMIC FAIR January 2012 Attention all Parents of Elementary and Junior High Students: Rundle Academy will be having an Academic Fair on Friday, February 24th. The intent of our Academic Fair is to help the students enjoy the process of academic discovery. When students do projects, they are working independently or with a partner, developing and refining their process skills. While working on projects, they are increasing their knowledge and their ability to think critically. The project is to be completed outside of regular class time. We encourage you to support your child’s efforts at every step. Although it is the student’s effort, there is no substitute for a parent’s support. Areas in which a parent’s assistance is welcome include:  Suggesting project ideas. The project for Academic Fair can be on any topic which the student would like to explore. The internet and library are an excellent resource for ideas.  Transportation to libraries, businesses, museums, nature centers, universities or any source of project information.  Technical support such as construction and photography.  Helping with project expenses.  Being attentive to safety issues.  Being an interested listener. Students MUST have their chosen topic to their homeroom teacher by Friday, January 27th. It is important for students to know what they are doing in order to make the learning experience a rewarding and enjoyable one. From, The Academic Fair Committee

A C A D E M I C F A I R I N V I TA T I O N Rundle Academy proudly presents our 2012 ACADEMIC FAIR Friday, February 24, 2012 9:30 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. - Viewing Student Projects (Judging) Main Gymnasium 12:15 P.M. – Awards Ceremony Elementary Gymnasium We would like to invite you to join us in observing and celebrating the elementary and junior high students’ projects. Academic Fair projects will be set up on Friday morning in the main gymnasium. Please remember that your child cannot bring their projects on the school bus.

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C A N T O S M U S I C F O U N DA T I O N On January 19th, the elementary students went to the University of Calgary for a workshop called Pipe! Pipe! Hooray! They learned all about the Ronald B. Bond Bach baroque pipe organ. This organ has more than 1,300 pipes and makes every sound from a trumpet to a bird whistle! Ms. Henderson, Music Teacher


On January 23rd, the grade 4 and 5 students went on a field trip to the new TELUS Spark Science Center. In the morning, students participated in a chemistry program called “Mix-it” where they looked at the different factors that can be used to identify chemical changes. In the afternoon, students explored the new galleries: Being Human, Open Studio, Earth and Sky, and Energy and Innovation. There was also an exciting live presentation called “On Fire,” where students observed what happened to different gases when a flame was involved. Overall, it was a very exciting day with plenty to see and do!

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From January 23rd to the 27th, students from Rundle Academy Elementary and Junior High participated in Family Literacy Week activities. These included completing literacy activities at home with parents, as well as during school. On Wednesday, January 25th, the Junior High students read with the elementary students. Everyone had a great time!

On Friday, January 27th, Kris Webber from Calgary Learning Centre came in to help us celebrate Family Literacy Day. She brought Angela Knight and her CBC crew to talk about the importance of literacy. We watched a message from Robert Munsch, who is the official ambassador of Literacy Week. Students were thrilled when special guest Keon Raymond from the Calgary Stampeders came in to read a book to our students and sign autographs for each of them. To end the day’s activities, students had a pizza lunch party which Mr. Holowaychuk was kind enough to provide. Students and staff had a great week reading and celebrating literacy!

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JUNIOR BOY S BASKETBALL 6,7,8 Boys’ Basketball Team Win 2nd Place at Clear Water Academy The grade 6, 7 and 8 boys’ basketball team played in a tournament at Clear Water Academy. The team played very well and had a couple of close games. Their first game against Clear Water went into overtime where they were able to hold off the attack and outscore their opponents. Congratulations boys! Their next tournament will be February 3rd and 4th at Bearspaw Christian School.

Players from left to right: Keegan Janzen, Quintin Millions, Brice O’Brien, Michael Savilow, Nick Larmour, Jackson Howe, Trevor Whight, Ryan Holan, Avery Rogers, Tal Preston. Missing: Max Smith


The Senior Girls Basketball team has had a very successful year so far this season. Although plagued by injuries early on in the season, the team has worked extremely hard and played through many tough games, sometimes with only five or six players. Currently in league play, the team holds a 3-2 record and hopes to continue improving upon this record into playoffs. In January, the girls travelled to Foremost and faced some tough competition. We played with tenacity and pulled off a win in our final game. All of the girls have stepped up at different times and each player brings invaluable skills to each game and practice. Upcoming tournaments include the Clearwater Tournament (February 10-11th) and the Stress Breaker Tournament (February 24-25th). Playoffs begin in March. Keep up the great work girls! Coaches: Ms. Coleman, Mr. Vesey

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Volume 9, Issue 2

SENIOR HIGH HONOR ROLL REPORT 2 - 2011/2012 Excellence (90% - 100%) Halwas, Darian (Gr. 10) Breton, Sebastian (Gr. 11) Midkiff, Will (Gr. 11)

Breton, Rosemary (Gr. 12) Brintnell, Troy (Gr. 12) Gold, Virginia (Gr. 12)

Gold (85% - 89%) Adams, Sam (Gr. 10) Faraj, Bader (Gr. 10) Hardock, Jonathan (Gr. 10) Maybee, Tristan (Gr. 10) Gardner, Doug (Gr. 10) Scott, Ryan (Gr. 10)

Smith, Drake (Gr. 10) Rasch, Conner (Gr. 10) Sikora, Kara (Gr. 11) Alvarez, Hugh (Gr. 12) Dowling, Sarah (Gr. 12) Rose, Amber (Gr. 12)

Silver (80% - 84%) Dean, Jake (Gr. 10) DeJager, Bailey (Gr. 10) Heaton, Natalie (Gr. 10) Hockey, Jonathan (Gr. 10) Jones, Charlotte (Gr. 10) Matlo, Emily (Gr. 10) Sampson, Lucas (Gr. 10) Street, Emily (Gr. 10) Tempel, Oliver (Gr. 10)

Andreychuk, Loren (Gr. 11) Empey, Luke (Gr. 11) Hartwell, Alex (Gr. 11) Klimek, Grayson (Gr. 11) McColl, Will (Gr. 11) Salahor, Drewe (Gr. 11) Abels, Michael (Gr. 12) Cartmell, Ryan (Gr. 12) Driscoll, Dan (Gr. 12)

Fowler, Justin (Gr. 12) Gall, Carter (Gr. 12) Janzen, Megan (Gr. 12) MacDonald-Jasper, Meagan (Gr. 12) Matthews, Ben (Gr. 12) Morrison, Andrew (Gr. 12) Wright, Joe (Gr. 12)

Bronze (75% - 79%) Corah, Paul (Gr. 10) Duckworth, Ally (Gr. 10) Jones, Marisa (Gr. 10) MacLean, Connor (Gr. 10) Patel, Miraan (Gr.10) Reynolds, Lauren (Gr. 10) Risebrough, Cole (Gr. 10) Ruck, Alexandra (Gr. 10) Shideler, Matt (Gr. 10) Wood, Struan (Gr. 10)

Buckley, Jason (Gr. 11) Dirks, Ian (Gr. 11) duBerger, Brock (Gr. 11) Marston, Stephanie (Gr. 11) Rabik, Sarah (Gr. 11) Tate, Liam (Gr. 11) Taylor, Sam (Gr. 11) Timlick, Steven (Gr. 11) Tyson, Will (Gr. 11) Brodylo, Alex (Gr. 12)

Cope, Alex (Gr. 12) Magee, Darian (Gr. 12) Luca, Matt (Gr. 12) Mudry, Stefanie (Gr. 12) Vanderbeek, Danielle (Gr. 12)

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Volume 9, Issue 4



High School Final Mark Statements Home Grade 6 and Junior High Mid-Term Mark Statement Home

February 6

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M.) - CANCELLED

February 16/17 Teacher’s Convention (No Classes) February 20

Family Day (No Classes)

February 24

Academic Fair

February 28

Junior High / Senior High Orientation Meetings (7:00 P.M.)

March 5

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M.)

March 16

Elementary, Junior and Senior High Report Cards Home

March 20

Parent/Teacher Interviews (1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.) Elementary teachers will contact parents to schedule an Interview time. Parents of Junior and Senior High students to schedule an interview time with Ms. Pumphrey (403-250-2965).

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle link. Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (

January 2012

Kids’ Health Turn dental hygiene into a team effort A good way to teach children about dental hygiene is to apply a team approach to brushing. Alberta Health Services recommends that parents and children brush their teeth together until the children are eight years of age. “Team Brush” (adult helping child) at least once per day. Use a small amount of fluoridated toothpaste:  Ages 1-2: slight smear  Ages 3-5: half of pea-size  Ages 6+, pea-sized amount Brush gums and teeth for two to three minutes. Motivate your child by using stickers or music at brushing time. Ask your dental hygenist for help with Team Brushing!

3 ways to stay active ... There are three types of physical activity we all can enjoy: 

Endurance activities strengthen your heart and lungs. Try walking, running, biking, swimming, rollerblading or playing sports.

Gymnastics is one of the Flexibility activities most common types of flexibend and stretch your bility activities. body to keep your Try shoveling snow, joints in motion. Try stretching, yoga, danc- carrying groceries and raking leaves. ing and gymnastics.

Strength activities make your muscles and bones stronger.

Enjoy all three types of activity to stay healthy!

Parents can motivate their children during “team brushing” by using stickers or music at brushing time.

How you can promote a positive body image Body image is the mental picture we have of our bodies. It is affected by how one feels and values themselves. Those who feel really good about themselves, usually have a healthy body image. As children’s bodies grow and change it is important to promote For more information ... a positive body image. Eating healthy, being physically active  For ages 5-11, please visit and getting enough sleep are HEAL-5_to11-2011.pdf some ways to help them learn to love their body!  For ages 13-18, please visit You can also promote a positive body image by: HEAL_Brochure_13to18.pdf  Enjoying a variety of healthy foods at regular meal times.  Being physically active.  Encouraging your child’s unique interests.  Being a positive role model (don’t criticize yourself or others for size or shape).  Getting enough sleep.  Discussing unrealistic media images.

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