Rundle Academy January Newsletter

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Ru n d l e A c a d e my


V o l u m e 8 , I s s ue 4 J a n u a r y 1 4 , 20 1 1


M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L Our best wishes for a prosperous New Year. Hopefully your Christmas Break was restful and allowed for some quality family time.

Message from the Principal


Society Office Alberta Education Survey


Academy Speaker Series Academic Fair


Music Notes


Fine Arts


Calgary Spaceport Field Trip


Kids for Kids Club


January is a busy, hectic and anxious month in all schools. The end of semester is fast approaching as are Midterms, Final and Diploma examinations. All Teacher Advisors are busy working with their groups reviewing study time organization, study skills and test-taking strategies. Students should be in the process of preparing for their examinations by now. The last day of classes for High School students will be Tuesday, January 18th with Semester 2 beginning January 31st. All Grade 6 and Junior High students will write their examinations in the morning (January 21-27) and have scheduled activities and review sessions in the afternoon. Check the attached schedule for specific dates and times.

Junior Boys Basketball (Gr. 6-8)


Grade 6 Midterms

Junior Boys Basketball (Gr. 8-9) Senior Girls Basketball


Citizenship Awards Moves Mountains Awards Extra Curricular Awards


Examinations Schedule


Activities for the Month



RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

This is the fourth year all Grade Six students will write scheduled midterm examinations. Before panic sets in, let us explain our reasoning. At the end of the year all Grade 6 students write Provincial Achievement Examinations worth 15% of their final mark. Our experience has shown that our students do not fare as well as they should because these examinations are such a novel and anxious experience. We want to give our students every opportunity to succeed. With that in mind, our students will experience the study, review and test writing process at least once before the Provincial Examination in June. The setting will be the same as in June, with students writing midterm tests and utilizing all the accommodations available to them. The midterm test will not be weighted heavily, but will contribute to their second term mark.

High School Final Mark Statements & Elementary/Junior High Midterm Mark Statements High School Final Mark Statements (FMS) and Grade 6/Junior High Midterm Mark Statements (MMS) will be sent home on Tuesday, February 1st. The High School FMS will report the Semester 1 final marks, as well as the schoolbased marks for diploma-level courses. The Grade 6 and Junior High MMS will report student mid-term examination marks. These are not report cards and, therefore, there will not be Parent/ Teacher Interviews; however, parents are encouraged to contact Homeroom Teachers/Teacher Advisors if they have questions or concerns. Professional Development Day Professional Development Day is scheduled for Friday, January 28th. There will be no classes that day. Accountability Pillar Survey Once again this year, Alberta Education will be sending surveys to solicit parent, teacher and student input on the learning goals of schools, school authorities and the provincial government. More details are included in this newsletter.

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Uniform Store Hours October 2010 to May 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays only 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

A L B E R TA E D U C A T I O N S U RV E Y Alberta Education Accountability Survey Alberta Education invites you to play an important role in your child’s education. From January 15th to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in grades 4 to 12 will receive a survey from Alberta Education. These surveys are mailed from Alberta Education and returned directly to Alberta Education. In February, students in grades 4 to 12 and all teachers will be completing their surveys online at school. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with this school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish and Tagalog. By completing the survey, you are giving your school authority and your provincial government important information to gauge the quality of education your child is receiving and make improvements where needed. Both PATs and Diploma Exams contribute to the Accountability Pillar, a tool used by Alberta Education to evaluate how well the education system is meeting the expectations of parents and the public. All parents want to know that their children are receiving a quality education. Grades are important, but there is more to it than that. A quality education helps all children make the most of their talents and abilities.

The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes, such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning. As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. Your participation in the survey helps, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2011, and will be reported publicly by school authorities as part of their 3-year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports. School authorities receive a results report that is colour-coded and easy to read. At a glance, it points out successes and areas of concern from both a local and provincial perspective. The results report shows which measures have improved, remained consistent, and which have declined. It allows everyone - parents, teachers, school authorities, students and the province - to celebrate successes and respond to challenges together.

Details about the Accountability Pillar and how to obtain results are available online.

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ACADEMY SPEAKER SERIES Information Evenings For Parents and Students 7:00 p.m. February 9, 2011 Junior High School Orientation & High School Orientation * All Grade 6 and Grade 9 Parents and Students * John Wolf, Jamie Burla and Terry Hoganson March 2, 2011 Open House * For prospective parents March 16, 2011 Panel Discussion on ADHD—Implications for School & Home * Speakers TBA April 14, 2011 What to expect at Post Secondary Institutions—Transition Planning *Dr. Brent Macdonald, University of Calgary and Alumni Student Panel

ACADEMIC FAIR January 2011 Attention all Parents of Elementary and Junior High Students: Rundle Academy will be having an Academic Fair on Friday, February 25th. The intent of our Academic Fair is to help the student enjoy the process of academic discovery. When students do projects, they are independently working at their own level, developing and refining their process skills. While working on projects, they are increasing their knowledge and their ability to think critically. The project is to be completed outside of regular class time. We encourage you to support your child’s efforts at every step. Although it is the student’s effort, there is no substitute for a parent’s support. Areas in which a parent’s assistance is encouraged include:  Suggesting project ideas - The project for Academic Fair can be on any topic the student would like to explore. The internet and library are an excellent resource for ideas.  Transportation to libraries, businesses, museums, nature centers, universities, or any source of project information.  Technical support such as construction and photography.  Helping with project expenses.  Being attentive to safety issues.  Being an interested listener. Students must have chosen a topic for the Academic Fair by Monday, January 17th. They can let their teacher know when they have made a final decision. It is important for students to know what they are doing in order to make the learning experience a rewarding and enjoyable one. There is a package with information on the Academic Fair on our website for the students to refer to for more guidance. From, The Academic Fair Committee

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MUSIC NOTES Jingle Bell Jukebox

The December performance of "Jingle Bell Jukebox" was a smashing success. The performance was sold-out, and the audience learned all about Christmas spirit while listening to the positive message, favourite holiday songs and watching all the cool choreography. Congratulations to the elementary and junior high students who were involved! A big shout out to the teachers who helped with the rehearsals and the performance. Special thanks to the senior high music class and the music club for providing the pre-show entertainment.

Elementary Music This month, students are working hard on composing some songs about our school. Stay tuned... Next month we will begin our recorder unit. Students will learn how to read notes and play along with various accompaniments. We will also be going on a field trip to the Cantos Music Foundation. Senior High Music In December, the senior high music class was joined by the music club for a trip to the Bethany Care Centre in Harvest Hills. Students entertained the residents there and brought some holiday cheer into the building.

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FINE ARTS This year’s Christmas Production of “Annie” was a great success. Thank you to all of the staff, students and family members who attended our production. Congratulations to Gabrielle Hashman and Madison Hillstead for winning the Shining and Rising Star Awards. This May, the Rundle Academy Drama Club will be presenting “The Hobbit”. Tickets will be on sale in early May.

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On January 5, 2011, the grade sixes traveled to the Spaceport to reinforce concepts learned in their science unit ‘Flight.’ After viewing the Rocket Lab Stage show, they earned their wings by completing activities centered around air pressure, Bernoulli’s Principle, parts of an airplane, and the four forces of flight. As a reward, the students received ice-cream cones, and then they experienced different simulator rides.

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KIDS CLUB Kids for Kids is working hard to help improve the lives of kids here in Calgary and around the world. Recently, the group has coordinated the Christmas gift adoption of three Calgary families. No doubt, all families had a wonderful Christmas morning because of the efforts of all the people at Rundle Academy. The people at the Heartland Agency would like to extend their gratitude on behalf of these families!

In December, Kids for Kids volunteered with Samaritan’s Purse Canada - Operation Christmas Child. We took 10 students to pack shoeboxes filled with gifts donated from the community for underprivileged children overseas.

On January 6th, 14 of our Kids for Kids members went to Calgary Brown Bagging and packed lunches for more than 1000 students in the Calgary area. The students who went worked very hard for 4 hours and really impressed the staff at the Calgary Brown Bagging Foundation.

Finally, Kane Ryan has been back in touch! He has sent us another YouTube video. When you get a chance, please watch the following video: Thank-you for your continued support!

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JUNIOR HIGH BOY S BASKETBALL (GRADE 6-8) The Junior Boys Basketball team is off to a great start. With a roster of nearly 20 students (9 from elementary alone), the boys interest and enthusiasm is unrivaled in our league. Roster: Grade




Avery Rogers



Nick Larmour



Will Berry



Brice O'Brien



Quintin Millions



Tal Preston



Jackson Howe



Ross Geiger



Michael Savilow



Dylan Graham



Aden Garcia-Ahmadi



Garrett Smith



Tyler West



Max Smith



Max de Pavia



Payton Budd



Cal Tecklenburg



Mitch Brons



Sean Clarke



Rajan Bhullar



Curtis Holloway


The boys’ first game this season was against Waldorf. The boys played hard, but ultimately came up a little bit short. With a few adjustments, we are confident that we will be able to win the next one. On the weekend on January 7th and 8th, the boys played in the Rundle College Invitational. In this tournament the boys won their final game against Webber Academy to take 3rd place overall. Their schedule for the coming month is: January 11 - vs Foothills (4:00 p.m. at Rundle Academy) January 13 - vs Tanbridge (4:00 p.m. at Rundle Academy) January 25 - vs Menno Simons (5:00 p.m. at Menno Simons) February 3 - vs Calgary Islamic School (4:00 p.m. at Calgary Islamic School) February 4 and 5 - Menno Simons Invitational Tournament

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JUNIOR HIGH BOY S BASKETBALL (GRADE 8-9) The Rundle Academy 8/9 Boys Basketball team is well underway and proving to be a tricky team to play! So far the boys have hosted a tournament and placed 3rd, went to the Clear Water tournament and placed 3rd, and are sporting a 3-2 record in league play. Although we play in an 8/9 league, our team is made up of grade 7, 8 and 9 students. When our intensity is up, we are hard to beat. The boys are gearing up for the Cobra cup, which will be held at Rundle College this coming weekend. We are looking forward to a strong finish to our season! Coaches: Mr. Holowaychuk, Mr. Paz

SENIOR HIGH GIRLS BASKETBALL This year our senior girls’ basketball team has three returning seniors, Olivia Adams, Chandra Horth and Anya Curtis. We also have two new additional players, Emily Wood who is a talented senior and Alexis John, a rookie with great potential. Along with the new additions, this year’s team has the ability to do very well! They can play a fast or slow paced tempo game. We started the year off with a win against Webber Academy, a 2A school, in an exhibition game. The team followed this up by winning both of their first league games against Heritage Christian School. On January 7th the team finished second in the Foremost Tournament where Emily Wood and Sara Dowling were named tournament All-Stars. This is an exciting year for senior girls basketball as the team tries to win their first ever league championship. Come out and support your Rockies!!! Name


Anya Curtis



Olivia Adams



Emily Wood



Chandra Horth



Kayla Wartman



Sarah Dowling



Megan Janzen



Danielle Vanderbeek



Amber Rose



Stefanie Mudry



Victoria Duckworth



Alexis John



Coaches: Mr. Wolf, Mr. van der Meer


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CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Nick Larmour Grade 6

Will Midkiff Grade 10

Rajan Bhullar Grade 8

Phoenix Shomody Grade 5

Scott Roman Grade 10

M O V E S M O U N TA I N S A W A R D S Awarded to students who overcome challenges academically or personally while displaying appropriate and positive behaviour.

Lauren Reynolds Grade 9

Nicolaj Duus Grade 9

EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.

Anthoney Stan Grade 7

Mia Berloni Grade 8

Georgia Kaluznick Grade 8

Taylor Quantz Grade 8

Charlotte Jones Grade 9

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Rundle Academy Diploma, Final & Mid-Term Examinations January 12 – January 27, 2011 Wednesday, January 12 Thursday, January 13 Tuesday, January 18 Wednesday, January 19

Thursday, January 20

Friday, January 21

Monday, January 24

Tuesday, January 25

Wednesday, January 26

Thursday, January 27

Friday, January 28 Monday, January 31

9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-1 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-2 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 Social Studies 30-1 Diploma – Part A 9:00-3:00 Social Studies 30-2 Diploma – Part A Last Day of High School Classes 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-1 Diploma – Part B 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-2 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-2 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 30-1 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 30-2 Diploma – Part B 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 20-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 20-2 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 10-1 Final – Part A 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 10-2 Final – Part A 9:00-12:30 Chemistry 20 Final 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-1 Final – Part B 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-2 Final – Part B 9:00-2:00 Grade 9 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 6 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-2:00 Biology 30 Diploma 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 20 Applied Final 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 20 Pure Final 9:00-12:30 Physics 20 Final 9:00-12:30 Science 10 Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 8 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Mathematics 30 Applied Diploma 9:00-2:00 Mathematics 30 Pure Diploma 9:00-12:30 Mathematics 10 Common Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-2:00 Grade 7 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part A 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-2:00 Chemistry 30 Diploma 9:00-12:30 Biology 20 Final 9:00-12:30 Social Studies 20-1 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 Social Studies 20-2 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 English Language Arts 10-1 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 English Language Arts 10-2 Final – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Science Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 7 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Mathematics 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Mathematics Mid-Term 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 English Language Arts Mid-Term – Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Social Studies Mid-Term 9:00-12:00 Grade 6 Science Professional Day – No Classes Semester Two Begins

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January 10

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

January 12

ELA 30-1/2 Diploma - Part A Speaker Series - Study & Memory Skills (7:00 P.M.)

January 13

Social Studies 30-1/2 Diploma - Part A

January 14

Rally, Dress-Down Day

January 18

Last Day of Senior High School Classes

January 19

ELA 30-1/2 - Part B

January 20

Social 30-1/2 - Part B

January 21-27

Exam Week

January 28

PD Day (No Classes)

January 31

Semester 2 Begins

February 1

Midterm/Final Mark Statements Home

February 7

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

February 9

JHS/SHS Orientation (7:00 P.M.)

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on the website Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (

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