Rundle Academy Newsletter June 2012

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V o l u m e 9 , I s s ue 9 June 14, 2012



INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal


Counsellor’s Notes Society News


Grade 9 Celebration


Grade 12 Graduation


Graduating Class of 2012


Awards Day


In Their Own Words Heritage Park


Fine Arts


Fine Arts Continued


Music Notes


Kids for Kids Club


Outdoor Environmental Ed.


Moves Mountains Awards Extra Curricular Awards


Citizenship Awards


Examinations Schedule


Activities for May


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

It’s hard to believe that another school year is coming to an end. The last day of classes for all High School students is June 15th, the Junior High is June 20th, and the Elementary is June 22nd. That is when the real work begins as our students will be writing exams from June 12th to June 27th. Report Cards are given out and IPPs signed-off on June 25th for the Elementary and June 28th for the Junior/Senior High. Homeroom Teachers and Teacher Advisors will be contacting parents to set-up appointments. This past month has not been all work as there were several events that put closure on our year. Congratulations to Ms. Patience, her production crew and the performers on the outstanding presentation of the Fiddler on the Roof. The performance ran for four nights and was sold -out for each performance. A thanks goes out to Mrs. O’Brien and Ms. Henderson for the outstanding Spring Musical, Pirates! The Musical, they produced with our Elementary students. Congratulations are also in order to the students that participated on both the Junior and Senior Track and Field teams. Both teams were proud representatives of the Academy and provided us with some outstanding performance. The Grade 9 Celebration was on June 5th, where Grade 9 student achievements were recognized and they were welcomed into the High School community. The Celebration was, once again, held at the Al Azhar Shrine Centre and we were all treated to an exceptional meal and an enjoyable evening. The premier event of the year was the Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony and Banquet, which was held on June 1st. All 34 Grade 12 students crossed the stage at the Rozsa Center. We are very proud of this fine group of young men and women. We congratu-

late them and wish them success in the future. All Rundle Academy students were in attendance at the ceremony and should be commended on their deportment and support of our graduates. I hesitate to talk about next year at this point, however, there are some important dates for the 2012-2013 year that require your attention. September 4th will be the first day of school. The day will begin at 8:15 A.M. and end at 3:05 P.M. School buses will be running and full uniforms are required. Students may commence wearing summer uniforms on September 5th. Our orientation trips are already booked and all of them will occur in the first couple weeks. Specific information will be forthcoming. All parents will receive communication in early August outlining the start of the school year in more detail. Congratulations to Mr. Rogers on his new appointment as Principal. He is a strong leader and I know he will continue to do great work at the Academy. Also, congratulations to Mr. Gary Sylven who moves from Rundle College Junior/ Senior High to become our new Assistant Principal. Before I leave I would like to thank the Rundle Academy community for making my time here so fruitful. Our school continues to improve and grow due to the efforts of our staff, students and parents. I am proud to have been a part of the Rundle community for the past 10 years. Have a restful summer and perhaps we will see each other on the golf course.

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COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Accessing Support Services in the Summer The Student Services department at Rundle Academy offers students support in a number of areas. As we head into summer, some of you may be wondering where to find short-term assistance in the absence of in-school access. The following is a list of resources you may wish to keep handy in case you are looking for some help during July and August: Academic Support Chinook Learning Services Summer school and skill building for all grades; Consider a summer camp focused on academic skills Counselling Support South Calgary Health Centre Walk-in, no-cost counselling and referrals Monday - Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sunpark Plaza SE, 2nd Floor; 403-943-9374 Eastside Family Centre Walk-in, no-cost counselling and referrals Monday - Friday 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Northgate Village Mall, #255, 495 - 36 Street NE; 403-299-9696 Psychologist Association of Alberta Online referral search for private psychologists Crisis Support Calgary Distress Centre 24 hour telephone support and referral services; 403-266-4357 Community Resource Team 24 hour telephone support and mobile crisis response; 403-299-9699 On behalf of the Student Services department, I would like to say that it has been a pleasure working with you and your children during the 2011-2012 school year. We look forward to continuing our support of the academic progress and personal wellness for Rundle Academy students in the upcoming year. Please do not hesitate to contact me during these last weeks of school if there is anything with which I can be of assistance. Ms. Caines 403-250-2965 (ext. 103)

SOCIETY OFFICE Uniform Store Hours All Year

Uniform Store Hours Closed on the following days:

Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Friday, July 6, 13, 15, 20, 27 Monday, August 6 Friday, August 31 at 12:00 P.M. Monday, September 3

The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

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On the evening of Tuesday, June 5th, the Grade 9 class celebrated their many achievements and fond moments of Junior High at the Al Azhar Temple. After the meal, students and their families were treated to words of wisdom from Mr. Holowaychuk, Mr. Hauk and Dr. Robert Evans. Students also shared favourite memories and thanked those involved in their junior high years. Ramy Abdel-Keriem introduced the evening on behalf of the Grade 9’s, followed by Cameron Olson who said grace. The toast to the parents was given by Joey Gardner and Ashley Yee. A response to the students was given by Tony Yee. An entertaining junior high retrospective was given by the comedic duo of Nick Block and Jaxon Gaetz. The toast to the teachers was given by Mia Berloni and Auria Geskin. The evening concluded with the presentation of Certificates of Recognition to the students and a video presentation.

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G R A D E 1 2 G R A D UA T I O N

Grade 12 Graduation Ceremonies On Friday, June 1st, the Grade 12 Convocation was held at the University of Calgary’s Rozsa Centre. Parents, students and staff watched and cheered as the Grade 12 students received their diplomas. The graduates, their families and teachers also enjoyed a dinner on Friday, June 1st, at the Palliser Hotel. Thanks to everyone that was a part of organizing these graduation events. Congratulations Graduates of 2012 and best of luck with your final exams.

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Michael Abels Hugh Alvarez Callum Beckford Rosemary Breton Troy Brintnell Alex Brodylo Ryan Cartmell Alex Cope Declan Cronje Sarah Dowling Dan Driscoll Victoria Duckworth



Justin Fowler Carter Gall Virginia Gold Gordon Hunter Megan Janzen Jacob Kinzer Matthew Luca Meagan MacDonald-Jasper Darian Magee Ben Matthews Andrew Morrison Stefanie Mudry

Connor Ollive James Provost Amber Rose Connor Sands Shelby Stephenson Danielle Vanderbeek Matthew Vician Kayla Wartman Zach Woolf Joe Wright

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AWARDS DAY Rundle Academy Annual Awards Ceremony Our annual award ceremony was held on Thursday, June 7th. The weather cooperated for the BBQ lunch that was held before the main ceremony, and it was great to see lots of parents in attendance to watch our students celebrate their successes this year. In addition, we were joined by our Superintendent, Mr. Dave Hauk, and members of the board: Dr. Evans, Mr. Locking, Mr. Proudfoot, Mr. McColl and Mrs. Thorton. In addition, Clarence and Evelyn Buckley were in attendance to present our new Grade 12 award: The Buckley Scholarship. This generous new award provides successful applicants with financial assistance for post-secondary studies. Two new awards were added this year for junior high students: Outstanding Grade 7 Student, and Outstanding Grade 8 Student. Thanks to all of you who helped with the ceremony and to those who came and celebrated with us. See you again next year!

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IN THEIR OWN WORDS How Our Alumni Continue to Move Mountains Alumna Paarth Kelkar ’10 I am in the first year Bachelors of Science program at UBC Okanagan Campus, with the future goal to major in Chemistry in order to become a pharmacist. My experience at UBC-O has been wonderful to date, with the expectations that this state will continue. Since my time at Rundle, I have expanded my knowledge and my horizons. I have finally learned to manage my time appropriately – a necessary skill in Life. Additionally, I have learned the importance of having an outlet, and I will partake in intramurals when I need to let off steam. My advice to the current grade 12's is to have yourself organized wherever it is that you go from Rundle. If you are not a naturally organized person, develop those skills now. Do not be afraid to ask questions, it’s life not a prison sentence (I thought of that myself). And, most importantly, BE CONFIDENT. It will help you establish yourself. Thank You. Paarth Kelkar

H E R I TA G E P A R K On June 4, 2012, the students in Grades 4 and 5 went on a field trip to explore Heritage Park as part of the Social Studies curriculum. Heritage Park provided the students with a glimpse into the stories and histories of Canada’s past and the people who helped establish and build this country. Students especially enjoyed all of the hands-on materials and visual aids that helped to reinforce what living in early Canada might have been like for settlers. After a non-stop, action-packed day, we returned to school exhausted, but filled with new information.

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FINE ARTS Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of Fiddler on the Roof for a very successful production.

Thanks to all the staff,

families and friends who came out to see the show. Congratulations to Ashley Yee and Aaron Belot for winning the Rising and Shining Star Awards. Auditions for December’s production will take place in September.

Ms. Patience

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Pirates! The Musical The elementary students gave a riveting performance of "Pirates! The Musical" on Thursday, May 24th. The choreography and singing from the whole cast was outstanding, and the grade six students did a fantastic job with their speaking parts. Well done! Thanks to the parents who sent in such great costumes, and for their encouragement at home while students practiced their songs and lines. Special thanks to all of the students and teachers who helped make this performance such a success!

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KIDS CLUB Kids for Kids is currently accepting any gently used uniform items. Any donated uniform items should be washed and free of rips and tears. All donations can be given to Ms. Williams or Ms. Whiting before June 20th. We will be holding our annual used uniform sale on Saturday, June 23rd, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the elementary gym, and again on Thursday, June 28th, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the elementary gym.

Early Entrepreneur Experiment As you may have heard, Kids for Kids spearheaded the Early Entrepreneur’s project. Each class was given $100 from Kids for Kids and were asked to use their young entrepreneurial minds to turn that $100 into $500, to be donated to The Dirty Wall Project and Room to Read. We had nine classes choose to participate and we are happy to say it was a huge success! The projects ranged from holding a bottle drive, selling Freezies, to holding a music night, a silent auction and many special lunches. We are very excited to announce that the combined total from the young entrepreneur project brought in more than $5000. We will announce the winners once we get our final totals, and the winning class will receive $150 towards an outing or class party from Boston Pizza. Thank you to all of our hardworking participants who dedicated their time and support for our chosen organizations that will directly benefit people who need it! Volunteer Day On May 25th, Kids for Kids held our very first Volunteer Day. Every student and staff member was out in the community volunteering their time to help others. Rundle Academy volunteered at the Drop Inn Center, Neighborlink, Children’s Festival, Shouldice Retirement Home, Westside Retirement Home, Weaselhead and Calaway Park. Volunteer Day was a great success and students and staff enjoyed their time. A huge thanks goes out to Rundle Academy for helping to make this day a great success!

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O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N OEE Spring 2012 This spring the OEE class has been very busy. Cycling classes ended with a full day bike ride where the students went around the reservoir and then to Fort Calgary, a 25 km trip. We had four terrific classes of canoeing at the Calgary Canoe Club and made it through without a drop of rain. The semester’s off-campus activities cumulated with a spectacular trip to the Grassi Lakes trail in Canmore and a trip up Heart Creek at Dead Man’s Flats. A big thank you goes out to Mrs. Del Castilho, Mr. Moodie, Mr. Maitland, Mrs. Adams, Ms. Scott and Ms. Williams for their ongoing support and time. Congratulations to the 13 grade sevens for a tremendous effort and for putting in lots of outside class time. We look forward to next semester.

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M O V E S M O U N TA I N S A W A R D S Awarded to students who overcome challenges academically or personally while displaying appropriate and positive behaviour.

Dustin Faulconbridge Grade 5

Sam Toews Grade 5

Keegan Janzen Grade 6

Mitchell Kloss Grade 6

Kayla Wartman Grade 12

EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.

Amber Rose Grade 12

Virginia Gold Grade 12

Michael Abels Grade 12

Justin Fowler Grade 12

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CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Ross Geiger Grade 7

Soren Bradley Grade 7

Mia Berloni Grade 9

Auria Geskin Grade 9

Lara Smith Grade 7

Aia Davis Grade 7

Tyler West Grade 8

Curtis Holloway Grade 9

Taylor Quantz Grade 9

Joey Gardner Grade 9

Max Smith Grade 8

Kennedy Huntley Grade 8

Nicholas Block Grade 9

Davis Maxwell Grade 8

Bradley Hollohan Grade 8

Cal Tecklenburg Grade 8

Carter Gall Grade 12

Jared Fischer-Essar Grade 5

Dominic Petti Grade 7

Oliver Petti Grade 6

Andrew Morrison Grade 12

Callum Beckford Grade 12

Margaret Smith Grade 11

Jacob Kinzer Grade 12

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Rundle Academy Diploma, Final and Achievement Examinations May 14 – June 27, 2012 Monday, May 14


Grade 9 English Language Arts Achievement – Part A

Wednesday, May 16


Grade 6 English Language Arts Achievement – Part A

Tuesday, June 12


English Language Arts 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A

Wednesday, June 13


Social Studies 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A

Thursday, June 14


Grade 6 Social Studies Achievement

Friday, June 15


Grade 6 English Language Arts – Part B

Friday, June 15 Monday, June 18

Last Day of High School Classes 9:00-12:30 Grade 6 Mathematics Achievement 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 30-1/2 Diploma – Part B 9:00-3:00 English Language Arts 20-1 – Part A

Tuesday, June 19

9:00-12:00 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00

Wednesday, June 20

9:00-2:00 Math 31 9:00-2:00 Math 10 Common 9:00-2:00 Science 10 Last Day of Junior High Classes

Wednesday, June 20

Grade 6 Science Achievement Social Studies 30-1/2 Diploma – Part B Social Studies 20-1 – Part A

Thursday, June 21

9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00

Grade 8 Social Studies Final Grade 7 Science Final Chemistry 20 English Language Arts 20-2 – Part A

Friday, June 22

9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00

Grade 9 Science Achievement Grade 7 Math Final Biology 30 Diploma Exam Social Studies 10-1/2 - Part A

Friday, June 22 Monday, June 25

Last Day of Elementary Classes 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 Mathematics Achievement 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 English Arts Part B Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 Social Studies Final 9:00-2:00 Pure Mathematics 30 Diploma 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 20-1 – Part B 9:00-2:00 Social Studies 10-1/2 – Part B

Monday, June 25 Tuesday, June 26

Elementary Report Card and IPP Meetings 9:00-12:30 Grade 9 English Language Arts Achievement Part B 9:00-12:30 Grade 8 Science Final 9:00-12:30 Grade 7 English Language Arts Final Part B 9:00-2:00 Chemistry 30 Diploma 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-1 Part B 9:00-2:00 English Language Arts 20-2 Part B 9:00-2:00 Math 20-1

Wednesday, June 27

9:00-12:40 9:00-12:30 9:00-2:00 9:00-2:00

Grade 9 Social Studies Final Grade 8 Math Final Physics 30 Diploma Biology 20

Thursday, June 28

Junior / Senior High Report Card and IPP Meetings

Friday, June 29

Last Teacher Day

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June 7

Awards Day

June 12

ELA 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A

June 13

Social 30-1/30-2 Diploma – Part A

June 14-19

Grade 6 Provincial Testing

June 15

Last Day of Senior High School Classes

June 18-27

High School Diplomas and Final Exams

June 20

Last Day of Junior High Classes

June 21-27

Junior High Provincials and Final Exams

June 21

Grade 6 Celebration

June 22

Last Day of Elementary Classes

June 25

Elementary IPP/Report Card Meetings

June 28

Junior and Senior High IPP/Report Card Meetings

June 29

Last Teacher Day

August 20

Administration Returns

August 27

First Teacher Day

September 3

Labour Day (No Classes)

September 4

First Student Day (Full Uniforms)

September 5-7

Senior High Orientation Camps

September 10

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M.)

September 11

Meet the Teacher Night (7:00 P.M.)

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle link. Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage ( Parents are able to access their child’s teacher Gradebook ( Username and password are the same as your child uses to access the network at school or moodle.

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