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INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal
Society News Counsellor‟s Notes
Awards Day
Grade 9 Celebration
Grade 12 Graduation
Grade 12 Graduation Cont‟d
Alumni Events 3D Printed Microscope Update
Volunteer Day
Kids Helping Kids
Fine Arts - Music
Fine Arts - Drama
Fine Arts - Drama Cont‟d
Jr. High Outdoor Environmental Ed.
Senior High Wilderness Option
Junior High Ultimate Frisbee
Senior High Ultimate Frisbee
Junior High Co-Ed Soccer Senior High Soccer
Rundle College Rugby
Track and Field Season
Jump Rope for Heart Grit Awards
Extra Curricular Awards
Citizenship Awards
Elem. / Jr. High Exam Schedule
Sr. High Exam Schedule
Activities for June
As we prepare for the end of the school year and the start of summer holidays, I can honestly say it has been a tremendous year for Rundle Academy. And while there have been a few noticeable changes around the school, there are a few things that have remained the same:
the school this year. Whether it be ensuring your child was in early for extra help or extra curriculars, or dedicating your time, energy or resources to supporting the many programs and projects undertaken this year, surely without your support these things would not be possible.
Our student's embodiment of our CORE values.
With such great students, staff, and parents, no wonder the school year has gone by so fast and has seen so many successes. We wish you all a happy and safe summer spent with family and friends.
Through their creativity, ability to communicate, understanding of themselves, responsibility for the school and their dedication to taking care of one another Rundle Academy continues to be a place where students are excited to attend and feel safe learning. And while another year has our grade 12 graduating class transitioning out of the Academy, they leave behind a lasting legacy of compassion and respect. A new school year also marks the induction of a new group of students to Rundle Academy and I look forward to the positive impact they will have on our school in the years to come. Our staff's commitment to our students. The continual commitment our staff has shown this year has ensured each and every one of our students found success. It has been tremendous to witness the level of involvement our staff has in the lives of all students of Rundle Academy. Whether it be their understanding of the individual learners in their classroom, or the support they have offered as a coach or mentor in our extracurricular program, truly the staff at Rundle Academy is of an exceptional calibre.
Academy Awards Ceremony
Our parents support of Rundle Academy. On behalf of all the staff at Rundle Academy, I want to extend our highest gratitude for all the support you have provided
Academy Valedictorian Mia Berloni
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SOCIETY NEWS Society Office Summer Hours Uniform Store The Rundle College uniform store is now officially closed. Parents are now required to order directly through Top Marks at www.topmarks.ca or call their customer service department at 1-800-667-7105.
Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Closed Daily - 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. Closed on the following days: Thursday, May 28 at 1:00 P.M. Tuesday, June 2 at 11:00 A.M. July 1-5 Friday, July 10, 17, 24, 31 Monday, August 3 Monday, September 7
COUNSELLOR ’S NOTES Accessing Support Services in the Summer The Student Services department at Rundle Academy offers students support in a number of areas. As we head into summer, some of you may be wondering where to find short-term assistance in the absence of in-school access. The following is a list of resources you may wish to keep handy in case you are looking for some help during July and August: Academic Support Chinook Learning Services Summer school and skill building for all grades. www.chinooklearningservices.com Consider a summer camp focused on academic skills: www.calgaryschild.com/resources/summer-campprogram-guide-2015 Crisis Support Calgary Distress Centre 24 hour telephone support and referral services. 403-266-4357 Community Resource Team 24 hour telephone support / mobile crisis response. 403-299-9699 Kids Help Phone & Online Chat1-800-668-6868
Counselling Support South Calgary Health Centre Walk-in, no-cost counselling and referrals. Monday - Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 31 Sunpark Plaza SE, 2nd Floor 403-943-9374 Eastside Family Centre Walk-in, no-cost counselling and referrals. Monday - Friday 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Northgate Village Mall, #255, 495 36 St. NE 403-299-9696 Calgary Counseling Centre 403-691-5991 www.calgarycounselling.com/
On behalf of the Student Services department, I would like to say that it has been a pleasure working with you and your children during the 2014-2015 school year. We look forward to continuing our support of the academic progress and personal wellness for Rundle Academy students in the upcoming year. Please do not hesitate to be in contact during these last weeks of school if there is anything with which I can be of assistance. Ms. Amie Staniloff, School Counsellor staniloff@rundle.ab.ca, 403-250-2965 (Ext. 103)
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AWARDS DAY Our annual award ceremony was held on Thursday, June 4th. It was great to see so many parents in attendance to watch our students celebrate their successes this year! Students who achieved bronze, silver, gold or excellence level on the honour roll were presented with achievement medals. Major awards were given for each core subject area, as well as in the categories of most improved student, outstanding student, citizenship, leadership, sportsmanship, athletics, and fine arts. The Spanish Award was presented for the first time, and a new tuition bursary program, Project 20.15 was introduced. Congratulations to all our award winning students for an excellent year of achievement at Rundle Academy!
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This year‟s grade 9 students donned their finest apparel and celebrated their achievements as they plan to make their journey toward high school. Students and families attended a phenomenal farewell dinner at the Al Azhar Shrine Centre on June 2, 2015. For the second year in a row , we were treated to a heart-warming toast to the students from Mrs. Charlotte Petti and we delighted in Dr. Robert Evan‟s famous Sara Finney apple story. Other memorable moments included Ryan Holan‟s toast to the parents and Amy Heise‟s lovely grace before dinner. Emma Jacob, Jasmine Mancuso, and Oliver Petti provided laughter with their roast to the teachers and managed to incorporate a little dance number for our enjoyment. Lachlan Gordon and Noah Kane served a memorable class history speech. The evening ended in a video tribute arranged by Ms. Switzer with the help of Penn Poutanen that featured the grade 9 students throughout the years. Congratulations Grade 9 Class of 2015. We have enjoyed our years with you!
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G R A D E 12 G R A D UA T I O N Grade 12 Graduation Ceremonies On Thursday, May 28th, the Grade 12 Convocation was held at the Bethany Chapel. There we were treated to a few words from Mr. Rogers who instructed us that it is best to wait for our marshmallows and to ensure we continue to grow so we do not become as obsolete as Kodak. Dr. Evans has always given us solid advice and this year he reminded us that armed with our education we will regain the thrill of discovery and that the pursuit of purpose means we must continue to reinvent ourselves, becoming a Renaissance person. Our guest speaker this year was Chandra Crawford, an Olympic gold medal winner in Womenâ€&#x;s Cross Country Skiing. Ms Crawford spoke about the importance of having a dream and chasing that dream and reminding us we all have our own Claudia to help make us better. We were also treated to a song from the grade 6 buddies who sang “At the Beginning". Parents, friends, students and staff watched and cheered as the Grade 12 students received their diplomas. The ceremony was completed with words from our Valedictorian, Mia Berloni. Mia explained that we are all heroes following our own paths. It was a
marvelous day. Thank you for everyone who helped out. These things could not have happened without you. The graduates, their families and teachers also enjoyed a dinner and dance the evening of Friday, May 29th at the Palliser Hotel. It was a fantastic evening. We were treated to songs by Stephanie Berry, Katie Magee and Carley Louw. Alex Moumdjian and Jesse Buker thanked all of the parents for their support over the years and then laid out some rules as they look forward to postsecondary. Mrs. Bobbie Jo Gaetz responded with some sage advice and left us with one word to remember, "Balance". Cristi Louw and Joey Gardner ensured the teachers knew how much they are appreciated and Nick Block and Jaxon Gaetz reprised their roles as Class Historians. The evening carried on into the wee hours of the morning with a lot of dancing, photo taking and dessert eating. Congratulations Graduates of 2015 and best of luck with your final exams.
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G R A D UA T I N G C L A S S O F 2 0 1 5
Abbott, Tom
Elliott, Katharine
Moumdjian, Alex
Abdel-Keriem, Ramy
Evans, Taylor
Olson, Cameron
Berloni, Mia
Farmer, Carmen
Quantz, Taylor
Berry, Stephanie
Gaetz, Jaxon
Rinehart, Liam
Bhullar, Rajan
Gardner, Joey
Slater, Johanna
Block, Nick
Hansen, Nick
Smith, Mollie
Boland, Jonathon
Holloway, Curtis
Thomsen, Kristian
Bruyn, Jon-Jacob
Louw, Carley
Wheatley, Amanda
Buker, Jesse
Louw, Cristi
Wispinski, Derek
Clarke, Sean
Magee, Kaitlyn
Yee, Ashley
Colpitts, Gabriel
McNeill, Denyn
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TEDXRUNDLEACADEMY On May 23, 2015, 140 members of the Rundle Academy community came together to celebrate, think about and re -define the theme “DIVERSITY=US� at the inaugural TEDxRundleAcademy. This remarkable exercise in collaborative creativity highlighted the ideas of not only three remarkable professionals (Dr. Arun Lakra, Dr. Gina Cherkowski, and our very own Mr. Jason Rogers), but the equally compelling ideas of seven Rundle Academy students. Andreas Marinakos, Liam Morrow, Taya Colwell, Miles Fryett, Thrissa Bortl, Gannon Willson and JonJacob Van Oosterwyk Bryun spent much of the school year working on and developing their TEDx talks and were members of the Rundle Academy TED-Ed Club. As well, the audience at TEDxRundleAcademy had the pleasure of being entertained by Oliver Petti and Annette Berry. Furthermore, our two event dooders, Emma Jacob and Rowan Brandon-Christie were able to visually capture the essence of the seven student talks through live drawings. TEDxRundleAcademy could not have been possible without the concerted and collaborative magic worked by a large group of teacher, student and parent volunteers who graciously gave their time and energy to making this event a resounding success. It is a testament to the spirit
of Rundle Academy that all divisions of our school took part in this event. Stay tuned, as we will be releasing all of the talks and performances onto the official TEDx YouTube Channel in the very near future! Mrs. Goepen-Wee
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ALUMNI EVENTS In May, we held the Inaugural Rundle Alumni Homecoming and the Rundle Alumni Golf Classic. Both events were a great success and we look forward to continuing to foster an ongoing relationship with our alumni!
3 D P R I N T E D M I C R O S C O P E U P DA T E The junior high numeracy group has completed their microscopes as featured in the February newsletter. This was a problem solving initiative at its best! The numeracy group showed great perseverance in drawing their 2 dimensional models then worked hard from their blueprints to create 3D renderings. As with all projects, students encountered hurdles that they had to overcome. Some of these were design natured and some were learning how to work with the Tinkercad software. Some groups really focused in on using as little material as possible, while others were less concerned about material use and more focused on sturdiness at all costs! One thing that all groups learned quickly that would lead to success or failure was precise measuring and the importance of measuring twice! Below are some of the unique designs created by students in the numeracy group.
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VOLUNTEER DAY On May 22nd the students and staff of Rundle Academy participated in our 4th Annual Volunteer Day. This year we could be seen helping out at Grow Calgary harvesting food for the food bank, Westview Retirement Lodge, the Drop-Inn Centre, NeighbourLink, C.U.P.S., Weaselhead, and Silver Springs Birth Place Forest. With a beautiful sunny day on our side, staff and students were able to contribute more than 600 hours of volunteer service in and around our community. An amazing accomplishment we should all be proud of. A huge thank you goes out to our Rundle Academy community for making this day a great success.
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KIDS HELPING KIDS Another amazing year has come to a close. The Kids Helping Kids group had some wonderful volunteer opportunities and donated their funds raised to some very worthy causes. After the Used Uniform sales and Poinsettia Fundraiser, Kids Helping Kids donated to two very deserving groups. The group donated $1500 to Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids (BB4CK). During the month of May an anonymous donor pledged they would match any donations made. So our $1500 donation will turn into $3000 for our friends at BB4CK! The second donation recipient is Devoted to Children (D2C) Organization, a private orphanage in Haiti who have adopted eight amazing children. This money will be used to help feed, clothe and educate the children in Haiti.
Thank you to all the families that have supported Kids Helping Kids this year! We look forward to coming together to celebrate all the amazing things the group has accomplished this year on Wednesday, June 8 th, for a wrap-up party.
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On Tuesday, May 26th, the Academy Elementary students performed "Pirates 2: The Hidden Treasure". Students learned songs, lines, and choreography to prepare for this musical, and they gave an excellent performance. Congratulations great show!
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FINE ARTS - DRAMA Our spring production of Alice
was a great success. The whimsical world of Wonderland came to life thanks to the hard work of our cast and crew who volunteered hours of energy, talent, and enthusiasm show.
gratulations go out to Jasmine Mancuso and Carley Louw who won the
Shining Star Awards as voted on by their cast and crew. A big thank you and a fond farewell goes out to our grade 12s:
Mia Berloni, Nick
Block, Jon-Jacob Bruyn, Carley
Magee, Denyn McNeill, Alex
Johanna Slater, Mollie Smith, and Ashley Yee.
Thanks to all who attended the show!
you next year!
Ms. Prest
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J R . H I G H O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D . Our Outdoor Environmental Education group had an incredibly busy months of May and early June. Here are some highlights of the month! Canoeing At the start of May the group got their feet wet, literally, at the Calgary Canoe Club canoeing on the Glenmore Resevoir. Students learned how to enter and exit their canoes properly, pry and draw paddle strokes and work as a team. Each day on the water was different and the group had an overall fantastic experience. Hiking On the 26th of May our group was able to travel into Peter Lougheed Provincial Park for our hike around Upper Kananaskis Lake. We had some wet spring like conditions, but as Mr. Palmer used to say, "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing", and the group followed his words accordingly. The group traversed as far as the Point Campground where we stopped for lunch, marveled at how low the lake had been drained and prepared for our return. It was really awesome to see our leaders help out those who needed encouragement and lightened the load for some. Biking On June 2nd the group took on the challenge of an Urban Bike Trek that focused on enjoying the Elbow Valley Trail. We had cool conditions, perfect for cycling. As we had a few practice days in May, the group was well trained for our trip, following traffic rules and bike etiquette. The group was able to stop at some of Calgary's famous sites such as Stanley Park, the Stampede Grounds, Fort Calgary, Eau Claire, Peace Bridge and the Memorial deck in Kensington. We stopped for lunch at Eau Claire and the students had found an apple stand and gorged on fresh apples. We also made a quick stop in Inglewood for some ice cream and a quick game of camouflage at Sandy Beach. Kayaking Our group will be back on the water in June for kayaking once again at the Calgary Canoe Club on the Glenmore Reservoir.
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Senior High Wilderness Option Camping Trip It was a beautiful late May weekend when a small group of grade 10‟s and 11‟s went camping to Little Elbow. Setting out on a blue-bird Friday afternoon the Elbow Valley was ours to enjoy… and enjoy we did! After arriving and a few quick housekeeping items we set off on a short bike ride followed by some late afternoon sun next to the Little Elbow River. A great meal, a relaxing campfire, a few too many puns followed by some star gazing and we were off to bed. The morning sun invited us into another perfect day and after a full breakfast we were off again but on foot this time. The Nahahi Ridge trail head was just a short walk from camp and its seeming endless rolling vein was ours to scale. The trail was a steady ascent and had us enjoying beautiful scenery almost immediately. The view
only improved with every plateau. Perfect sunny fresh spring weather left us with plenty of stamina as we ascended almost 600m in vertical over only 4 km of trail. Stopping for a bit of a late lunch we watched the sun peak high in the sky from the cool retreat of shade. With a much easier descent we enjoyed the landscape with fleeting glances between spotting our foot placements. Before we knew it we were down and packing up to move out. All the students conked out on the bus ride leaving a nice quiet drive back to Calgary. It was a great little trip and Georgia, Jennelle, Eric and Sepp were excellent outdoor enthusiasts. Special Thanks to Mrs. Phillips for accompanying us and all her positive energy. Mr. Eric Vesey
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This spring Rundle Academy has been fortunate to start a fledgling ultimate disc team in the junior high. Originally this began as a teamwork / sportsmanship oriented option. Mr. Paz and Mr. Anderson have been guiding this up and coming squad who have recently played Branton Junior High and Calgary Academy. On Monday, May 11th, the team was lucky to play two matches at the home of the Grey Cup Champions, Calgary Stampeders, McMahon stadium. It was quite an experience to play on the turf in front of 38,000 seats. The team will likely play a handful of games before the season wraps up in June.
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SENIOR HIGH ULTIMATE FRISBEE The Ultimate Sport‌‌Ultimate Frisbee Never before seen at Rundle Academy, yet always dreamed about. A sport loved by the students and staff alike, valuing hard work, athleticism and above all, sportsmanship. We are proud to be able to say that our inaugural year of playing Ultimate Frisbee has been a massive success. We had an impressive turnout of high school students, both female and male, from grades 10, 11 and 12. Practices were held twice a week after school, where students played scrimmages against one another and participated in drills to improve their backhand, forehand and defense. We competed in two games against Calgary Academy, with one taking place at McMahon Stadium which was a phenomenal experience for everyone involved. The highlight was a weekend tournament in High River, where the students showed determination, grit and improvements in all areas of their game. As if this was not enough, to end off the season, the students challenged the teachers to a game over at Glenmore Park. Thank you to the entire team, for making our first year of Ultimate Frisbee competitive, fun and memorable. We hope to see returning players continue to be leaders, and encourage everyone who has a love for throwing the disc, to come out and play next year. Athletics at its finest. Great job Rockies!
Ultimate Frisbee Team Grade 10 Lara Smith Sneh Yadav Georgia Brennan Sepp Kerkovius Nick Larmour Quintin Millions Georgia Needham Arcie Sarro
Grade 11 Grade 12 Katherine Bennett Taylor Quantz Kennedy Huntley Jonathon Boland Sarah Fawcett Jesse Buker Cali Champagne Cameron Olson Alycia Udy Liam Rinehart Dylan Barr Derek Wispinski Jack Bridges Payton Budd Max de Paiva Malyk John Brendan Molloy Max Smith Cal Tecklenburg Madison Shields-Knutson
Coaches: Mr. Anderson, Mr. Vesey and Mrs. Vesey
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J U N I O R H I G H C O -E D S O C C E R This year, the Junior High Co-Ed Soccer Team ended its season with mixed emotions. Although winless, the Rockies fought hard and gained an immense amount of experience. As the weeks progressed, the athletes learned new skills and continued to gel as a cohesive
team. Mr. Locking, Mr. Paz, Ms. Kapitza and Mr. Carr would like to congratulate the players on a successful season of building and development, and thank you for your hard work and commitment.
SENIOR HIGH SOCCER The Senior High co-ed soccer team had a fun and productive season, showing major improvement over their results from previous years. Due to some strong play, the team was able to compile a record of 2 wins, 1 loss, and 1 draw heading into the playoffs. They came up against a tough opponent in Ecole de la Rose Sauvage, and were unable to pull off the victory. Despite the disappointing loss, the team should be very pleased with the progress made this season. We would like to wish our seniors all the best and will certainly miss them next year!
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RUNDLE COLLEGE RUGBY With the beginning of June came the end of another successful rugby season. Just like football, our rugby team is a combination of Rundle Academy and Rundle College athletes. The boys team this year, with Cameron Olson, Anthoney Stan, Brice O'Brien and Dylan Graham representing the Academy, had a very successful season. In addition to their trip to Victoria, the boys played 5 games in their Senior Varsity season, finishing with a 3-2 record. As for the girls, with Alix Stephen, Alycia Udy and Taylor Quantz representing the Academy, they showed a lot of growth and potential for the future. Have a restful summer, and we look forward to seeing you all on the pitch again next Spring!
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Last week we finally wrapped up the Rundle Academy track and field season, by sending four competitors to the C.I.S.A.A. South Central Zone Championships. The season started over two months ago beginning in Phys. Ed. Class. Our school wide elementary and junior high meet was held Friday, May 1 st, at Glenmore Athletic Park and saw more than 70 competitors enjoy sunny weather and great competition. On Wednesday May 27th, 33 athletes participated in the city meet held at Glenmore Athletic Park. This meet is for the best track and field athletes in the city. Our athletes were great sportsman and ambassadors for our school. From this competition, Kemarr Bishop (long jump), JP Jakubec (long jump), Ben Maxwell (shot put) and Tom Stephen (1500 meter) represented us well, with JP garnering a second place finish in long jump. We are so proud of the determination and focus the athletes had over the long season. Congratulations: Mr. Paz, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Vesey. Mrs. Vesey, Mr. Anderson, Ms. Defoy, Mr. Locking, Mrs. Falkenberg, Mrs. Whiting, and Mr. Waterbury.
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JUMP ROPE FOR HEART On May 21st the students of Rundle Academy Elementary participated in their third Jump Rope for Heart Skip-a-thon. This year, the weather angels were on our side as we were able to participate in an afternoon of sunshine, skipping and fun! The students were divided into eight teams and went through eight stations with various skipping activities that included a range of skills. Some stations included team building partner work. Other stations were devoted to developing independent skipping skills. One station fostered healthy competition with an extra long rope that allowed for entire teams to skip together as a group and compete against other teams to see who can jump the most consecutively. As a group, we raised almost $1000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. In the end, all students and teachers enjoyed the day. We look forward to another great event next year!
GRIT AWARDS „Grit‟ as defined by Laura Pappano in the Harvard Education Letter (Jan/Feb 2013) is a combination of “hard work, delayed gratification, curiosity, open-mindedness, and perseverance.” The Rundle Academy „Grit‟ Award will be awarded to one student in each division who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to developing these traits in academic, personal or extra-curricular pursuits.
Chloe Schotanus Grade 6
Sarah Hoffinger Grade 7
Mitchell Tuckwood Grade 11
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EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.
Dylan Fisher Grade 4
Aaron Clark Grade 6
Andreas Marinakos Grade 7
Juliana Bruyn Grade 8
Cassandra Petropoulos Grade 9
Nick Larmour Grade 10
Sarah Reeder Grade 10
Lara Smith Grade 10
Katherine Bennett Grade 11
Jon Boland Grade 12
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CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.
Amelia Vik Grade 4
Trinity Derksen Grade 6
Trevor Whight Grade 9
Mia Berloni Grade 12
Cristi Louw Grade 12
Taylor Quantz Grade 12
Blake Ell Grade 7
Liam Rinehart Grade 12
Nathan Litvinchuk Grade 8
Jaxon Gaetz Grade 12
Denyn McNeill Grade 12
Mollie Smith Grade 12
Ashley Yee Grade 12
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ELEM. / JUNIOR HIGH EXAM SCHEDULE Rundle Academy Grade 6 PAT Schedule June 2015 Date
English Language Arts 6 Part A
English Language Arts 6 Part B
Math 6
Science 6
Social Studies 6
Rundle Academy Junior High Final Exam Schedule June 2015 Date
English Language Arts 9 PAT Part A
English Language Arts 8 Part A
English Language Arts 7 Part A Science 9 PAT
Science 8 Math 7 Math 9 PAT
Social Studies 8 English Language Arts 7 Part B English Language Arts 9 PAT Part B
Math 8 Science 7 Social Studies 9 PAT
English Language Arts 8 Part B Social Studies 7
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SENIOR HIGH FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE Rundle Academy Senior High Final Exam Schedule June 2015 Date
English 30-1 Part A Social Studies 30-1 Part A Social Studies 30-2 Part A
Social Studies 20-1 Part A Social Studies 10-1 Part A Social Studies 10-2 Part A Math 31
Math 10C English 20-1 Part A English 20-2 Part A English 30-1 Part B
English 20-1 Part B English 20-2 Part B Social Studies 30-1 Part B Social Studies 30-2 Part B
Social Studies 20-1 Part B Social Studies 10-1 Part B Social Studies 10-2 Part B Spanish 30
19-June Spanish 10 Biology 30 22-June Biology 20 Chemistry 30 23-June Chemistry 20 24-June
Math 30-1 Math 30-2 Math 20-1 Physics 30
25-June Physics 20
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Travel Club Meetings (6:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M.) PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.)
June 12
ELA 30-1/2 Diploma Part A Last Day of Senior High (Dress Down Day for Senior High)
June 15
Social 30-1/2 Diploma Part A Grade 4 and 5 Field Trip to Heritage Park
June 17
ELA 30-1/2 Diploma Part B ELA 6 Provincial Achievement Test
June 18
Social 30-1/2 Diploma Part B Math 6 Provincial Achievement Test
June 19
Last Day of Junior High (Dress Down Day for Junior High) Science 6 Provincial Achievement Test
June 22
Biology 30 Diploma Social 6 Provincial Achievement Test Grade 6 Celebration (1:00 P.M. – 2:00 P.M.)
June 23
Chemistry 30 Diploma Science 9 Provincial Achievement Test Elementary to Calaway Park
June 24
Math 30-1/2 Diploma Math 9 Provincial Achievement Test Last Day of Elementary (Dress Down Day for Elementary) Elementary 12:00 P.M. Dismissal Elementary Report Cards Home
June 25
Physics 30 Diploma ELA 9 Provincial Achievement Test Part B
June 26
Last Day of School Social 9 Provincial Achievement Test
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (www.rundleacademy.ab.ca). Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle Pages. Follow us on Twitter @rundleacademy for more information and upcoming events.