V o l u m e 8 , I s s ue 6 M a r c h 8 , 2 0 11
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal
Counsellor’s Notes
Society Office Academy Speaker Series Calgary Learning Centre
Jr./Sr. High Student Council Spelling Bee Kids for Kids Club
Iron Science Teacher
Academic Fair
Music Notes
Telus World of Science
Jr. Girls Basketball - Gr. 6, 7, 8 Jr. Boys Basketball - Gr. 6, 7, 8
Jr. Girls Basketball - Gr. 8, 9 Jr. Boys Basketball - Gr. 7, 8, 9
Sr. Girls Basketball Sr. Boys Basketball Wrestling
Activities of the Month
RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914 www.rundleacademy.ab.ca
This year, once again, all Rundle College teachers participated in the Independent Schools Teacher’s Convention. Teachers from Calgary Academy, West Island College, Tanbridge and Rundle College all met at Rundle College Junior/Senior High on February 17th and 18th for the Coming Together 2011 Teacher’s Convention. It was a tremendous success and an important step towards building a strong independent school community. The keynote speaker was Tom Hierck who offered a thought-provoking and motivating presentation on “The Heart of Education.” Teachers also participated in subject and division specific sessions that focused on our 2010-2011 theme of “Assessment”. On February 9th, Mr. Hoganson coordinated our Grade 9 Information Night that outlined student requirements and expectations for High School. Parents and students were once again reminded of the increased responsibility and effort required to be successful at the High School level. Also on the 9th, Mr. Burla gave a presentation to grade 6 parents and students on the next step in their educational journey… Junior High. The changes and challenges were summarized and clarified to help ease the transition to that level. The month ended on an outstanding note with the Academic Fair. Congratulations to all participants on the excellent exhibits. The exhibits continue to progress each year and I know the judges were pushed to their limits in picking winners. Our Annual Open House was March 2rd, for prospective families attending a large group presentation, then breaking into their respective divisions to be given a tour and ask division specific questions. Mr. Rogers has been busy with preadmission interviews and has already
identified several strong candidates. Our enrollment for 2010/2011 will be about 210, with availability for approximately 20 new students. We are near capacity at all grade levels with some grades even now at “waiting list” status. The Elementary continues to have the greatest number of interested applicants. Elementary and Junior High report cards will be sent home on March 14th, with Parent/Teacher Interviews scheduled for March 17th, from 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. High School report cards will be sent home on April 19th, with Parent/Teacher Interviews scheduled for April 21st, from 1:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. All students will be dismissed at 12:00 P.M on interview days. March 25th is the last day of classes before Spring Break, with classes resuming on April 11th. When students return from Spring Break, they will have an opportunity to wear summer uniforms. I know the students and staff are looking forward to an opportunity to re-charge their batteries for the final three months. Have an enjoyable and restful Break.
New logo for Student Council jackets designed by Darian Halwas
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Volume 8, Issue 6
COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Understanding the School Counsellor-Parent Connection All students are able to learn; however, a student who is troubled cannot learn as easily. Divorce, substance abuse, relationship issues, anxiety, violence, disordered eating, depression, and suicidal thoughts are among the social stressors placing numerous students at-risk of educational failure. Early intervention is crucial, and parents play a fundamental role. As a parent, your past experiences with a school counsellor may be vastly different than what your child has access to. Today, school counsellors are certified, specially trained mental health professionals who focus on prevention and wellness through a counselling program that meets the needs of all students, not just a few. The counselling program addresses three areas: academic, career and personal/social. School counsellors advocate, mediate, coordinate, consult and, collaborate with teachers, administrators and parents to help students be successful. Professional school counselors also help children to understand themselves. But just what do school counsellors do? Today’s school counsellors: Develop a guidance plan based on a campus needs assessment. Counsel students individually and/or in groups. Provide systematic and developmental classroom guidance to all students. Respond to student needs in crisis situations. Orient students to new school settings. Work with absentees, potential dropouts and other at-risk students. Refer students to special programs and/or services when necessary. Analyze test results to provide information about abilities, achievements, interests and needs. Help with individual school, college, and career plans; coordinate school-to-work initiatives and connections with post-secondary institutions. Coordinate efforts with other school specialists. Conduct conferences with parents and facilitate parent discussion groups. Coordinate staff support activities. Adhere to ethical and legal standards. Pursue continuous professional growth and development. Conduct an annual evaluation of the guidance program. All of these activities and duties can make a real difference in students’ lives, improving their self-understanding and self-confidence, motivation, decision-making, goal-setting, planning and problem solving, interpersonal relationships, communication skills, respect for others and more. Parents contact a school counsellor to help their children with a variety of issues, such as academic achievement; orientation and transition; test interpretation; special needs; student crisis situations; family transitions; and higher education issues. By focusing on parents’ concerns and respecting why these concerns matter to you, school counsellors offer options, including better ways to communicate with your child. Both parents and counselors share information, an important part of establishing a helping relationship. Studies have shown that children have greater academic achievement when their parents are involved in their education. Motivation, positive attitudes about self, and sense of control over their environment improve with parental involvement in the schools. You, the parent, are the most important resource for the school counsellor and others. Your involvement is critical in helping your child to be successful! (Adapted from http://www.schoolcounselor.org) Please feel free to contact me at 250-2965 (Ext. 103) or caines@rundle.ab.ca if you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s education or wellness. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines, B.Ed., M.C. Registered Provisional Psychologist School Counsellor
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Volume 8, Issue 6
SOCIETY NEWS Uniform Store Hours October 2010 to May 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays only 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.
ACADEMY SPEAKER SERIES Information Evenings For Parents and Students 7:00 p.m. March 16, 2011 Panel Discussion on ADHD—Implications for School & Home * Speakers TBA April 14, 2011 What to expect at Post Secondary Institutions—Transition Planning * Dr. Brent Macdonald, University of Calgary and Alumni Student Panel
C A L G A RY L E A R N I N G C E N T R E Study Skills and Exam Prep for Junior and Senior High School Final exams are coming up quickly and they often make the end of the school year a time of increased stress and anxiety. This workshop will introduce a variety of key study strategies to help participants to prepare for their final exams more effectively. Topics to be addressed will include managing time, creating a study plan, engaging in active studying, memory strategies and test-taking skills. Participants will have the opportunity to practice strategies. May 4, 2011 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. CanLearn Centre/Calgary Learning Centre 3930 - 20 Street SW $40 for student and parent $20 per additional student and per additional parent Financial assistance may be available through generous community donations. For more information and to register, please contact the CanLearn Centre/Calgary Learning Centre at 403-686-9300 or workshop@calgarylearningcentre.com Save time, register online! www.calgarylearningcentre.com
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Volume 8, Issue 6
JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL Rundle Academy Jackets are on their way! Orders are due back to Mrs. Adams or Ms. Davidson by Monday, March 7th. See the student council bulletin board for more information and styles!
Our next special lunch will be Pizza Hut lunch on Wednesday April 13th. Forms and money are due back by Monday, March 21st.
SPELLING BEE Congratulations to grade six student, Adam Miller, who will be representing Rundle Academy at the Calgary Herald Canspell Regional Spelling Bee Finals on March 5th, at the University of Calgary. Adam competed in our school bee and then completed a qualifying spelling test. We wish Adam the best of luck as he represents our school!
Kids 4 Kids are back at it. In the past couple of months, the group has held a Texas Doughnut Sale and a Bake Sale. The proceeds from these two events are ear marked to support kids in Haiti and the Calgary Brown Bag Association. In the next couple months we will be volunteering again with the Brown Bagging Association, holding our Used Uniform Sale and going to ‘Skate, Walk, Wheel a Kid to Camp.’ We are excited about all the events that are coming up! One very exciting experience is that for the first time 8 of our 12 students will be travelling to Guatemala on March 24th, to help build stoves for some of the villagers in the highlands. They will be gone two weeks over Spring Break. Look for more updates in the next newsletter! Lastly, our partnership with Kane Ryan and the Dirty Wall Project is still going strong. We are in the process of shooting another video to send to him. Recently he posted a video for us and it can be found at http://vimeo.com/19795211
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Volume 8, Issue 6
IRON SCIENCE TEACHER Iron Science Teacher – Provincial Champion – Mr. Burla In December of this year, our very own Jamie Burla was nominated to be Discovery Channel’s Iron Science Teacher. The Iron Science Teacher competition was created by the Discovery Channel a few years ago and aims to acknowledge some of Canada’s best and most innovative Science Teachers. In early February, Mr. Burla received word that his nomination had been accepted and he would be competing on February 11th, at Webber Academy in the Provincial competition. The competition had a studio audience of over 200, was emceed by Dave Kelly and was observed by the Discovery Channel’s own Jay Ingram. At this competition, Mr. Burla had to present a number of science concepts using one ‘secret ingredient.’ While other teachers chose things like rocket fuel, air and electricity, Mr. Burla chose to think a little out of the box and use ‘pickles.’ During the course of the competition, he wowed the audience with demonstrations of buoyancy, flammability and conductivity – all the while using pickles. He was helped by Mrs. Adams, Mr. van der Meer and a crowd full of cheering Rundle Academy Grade 7 students. When the votes were in and the decision was read – we were all excited to find out that Mr. Burla had been named the winner of Calgary’s Iron Science Teacher Award! He and his team will now go on to the National Championships to be held at the University of Calgary on March 11th. Good luck Mr. Burla!
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Volume 8, Issue 6
ACADEMIC FAIR Academic Fair 2011 Winners Elementary Grade 4/5:
First Place: Evan Barter – Cross Bows Second Place: Ryan Nakamura – Catapults Third Place: Oliver Petti – Do male zebra finches make better parents?
Grade 6:
First Place: William Berry – Will Canada have clean water in 50 years? Second Place: Nick Larmour – Sharks Third Place: Amy Cottingham – Ballet
Best Overall: Michael Savilow – Tying Trout Flies
Winners: Michael Savilow, Will Berry, Nick Larmour, Amy Cottingham
Best Overall: Michael Savilow
Junior High First Place: Ramy Abdel-Keriem and Alex Moumdjian – Negative Mind Second Place: Bradley Hollohan – History of Goalie Masks Third Place: Kennedy Huntley – Popcorn Best Overall: Mia Berloni – Olive Oil
Mia Berloni, Ramy Abdel-Keriem, Alex Moumdjian, Bradley Hollohan, Kennedy Huntley
Best Overall: Mia Berloni
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MUSIC NOTES Cantos Music Museum The elementary students had a chance to visit Cantos during the month of February. It was an exciting look into the evolution of keyboard instruments and also how music technology has changed over the years. Students learned about some of the different ways that sound can be produced, and some of the math behind it. They really liked the chance to try out some of the instruments such as the hammer dulcimer, harpsichord, reed organ and theremin. Students and teachers especially enjoyed hearing and seeing the large theatre organ! Mrs. Christina O'Brien, Music Teacher
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Grade 4/5 Field Trip to the Telus World of Science On February 28, the grade 4/5 students were given a boarding pass, granting them permission to go aboard the R.M.S. Titanic. During their tour of the Titanic, the Archive Exhibit, students were able to view real artifacts recovered from the famous ship. They were able to touch an imitation iceberg, test and alter objects to make them float, and see if they could all fit into one life boat. Each boarding pass contained important information such as where they were sailing from, where they were sailing to, their name, age, class, and who they were accompanied by. At the end of the tour, students were shocked to find out they did not survive the sinking ship or were ecstatic because they had lived through this historical event.
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JUNIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL - GRADE 6, 7, 8 What a season it has been! With a team of nearly 16 girls, it took some time to grow together. As veterans, the grade 8 girls provided amazing leadership on and off the court. It was wonderful to watch these players showing the younger girls how to shoot, do a lay-up, pass the ball and run the offence. We also had many new players who had never played basketball before. They eagerly took up the challenge of learning a new sport and excelled.
Each practice they worked hard to learn the skills and use them in the games. Two grade 7 players, Gracie Guterson and Kennedy Huntley, worked extra hard to lead the team as point-guards. The team expected a lot from them and both girls willingly and confidently accepted the challenge. In the end, the girls went undefeated in the year-end tournament to win the Calgary I.S.A.A. 1J/2J Grade 7-8 League Championship for 2010-2011!
JUNIOR BOY S BASKETBALL - GRADE 6, 7, 8 The Junior Boys basketball team ended their season on a high note. On the February 26th weekend, the boys played in the League Championship Tournament. In this tournament, they played against Foothills Academy, Tanbridge Academy, Calgary Islamic School and Waldorf School. They won all four of their games by a margin of 15 points or more. By winning the tournament, the boys secured their seventh consecutive League Championship. A special note of congratulations goes out to Rajan, Curtis, Mitchell and Sean – these Grade 8 boys showed their leadership and skill and a large part of this victory is because of their efforts. Mr. Rogers and the boys would like to thank all the parents who supported us all season!
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JUNIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL - GRADE 8, 9 The grade 8/9 girls basketball team had an excellent season this year. It started early in December and continued through to the end of February, with the girls practicing and playing games numerous times each week. The girls worked incredibly hard to achieve their personal goals and improve their basketball skills. With many hard won games and some close upsets, this season was a tremendous success. As we look forward to next year, two players will be greatly missed as they move into high school – Ally Duckworth and Charlotte Jones. Their skill, leadership and commitment to the team were essential this season and we wish them the best next year on the Senior High team.
JUNIOR BOY S BASKETBALL - GRADE 7, 8, 9 Congratulations to the Junior High Boys Basketball team as they completed a very successful season. The team finished the season in third place with a 7-5 record. In the first game of the playoffs, they played second-place Waldorf and pulled off the upset to win 44 – 41. They then advanced to play undefeated Chinook Winds in the championship game. The team played their best game of the season and even closed to 6 points with 7 minutes to play, but could not overcome Chinook’s size advantage, losing 39 -27.
#3 and won the first game by a large margin. We then played Rosemary (the eventual champs) and, even though we were down by as much as 15 points, we fought back to almost pull off the upset, losing 37-31. In the third place game, we played well and defeated host Rolling Hills 54-26 to win bronze. The Junior Rockies would like to thank all the students, staff and parents who supported them this year. It was very motivating to play in front of such loud and supportive crowds.
The team did, however, qualify to play in the Provincial South Central Zone Championship beginning on March 4th, in Rolling Hills. We went into the tournament ranked The team members are: Nos.
Sam Adams
Cal Tecklenburg
Rajan Bhullar
Curtis Holloway
Luke Fox
Max de Paiva
Sean Clarke
Conner Rasch
Doug Gardner
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SENIOR GIRLS BASKETBALL Senior Girls End with Perfect Record! The Senior Girls’ basketball team went undefeated in league play this year. The girls have been playing fantastic basketball, with everyone contributing. They also placed third in the Clearwater Tournament after beating St. Martin De Pores and Masters Academy. Their only loss in the tournament was a hard fought game versus Clearwater. Late in February, the team also played in the Crescent Heights Tournament which featured mostly 4A schools. The team showed that they could hold their own and competed with those teams. Next up will be the league playoffs where they hope to win the first ever Rundle Academy Senior Girls league championship.
SENIOR BOY S BASKETBALL The Senior Boys finished the regular season in fourth place and are getting ready for playoffs to start. The team has had a good year, finishing with a regular season record of 6 wins and 3 losses. The senior boys also participated in four tournaments this season, two in the city, one in Trochu and one in Drumheller. The team will be losing five grade 12’s this year, but with a good group of
grade11’s, next year should be another good season. Chris Huband, Taylor Reich, Tayton Harbaruk, Cole Hendry and Collin Levesque have been with the program for a long time and we wish them all the best as they leave high school.
Brock duBerger - Grade 10
Luke Empey - Grade 10
William Midkiff - Grade 10
The Wrestling City Championships took place on March 2nd and 3rd this year at Lester B. Pearson High School. Brock duBerger, Luke Empey and Will Midkiff wrestled very well, all making it to the second day of competition. Brock has also qualified for Provincials in Edmonton this year with a fifth place finish. It was a very successful first year for the Rundle Academy Wrestling program and we look forward to building on that success in the coming years. Anyone interested in joining for the 2011/2012 season should contact Mr. Barry. Great job Guys!
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Volume 8, Issue 6
March 7
PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)
March 9-11
Junior High Ski Trip
March 14
Elementary and Junior High Report Cards Home
March 16
Speaker Series - Discussion on ADHD (7:00 P.M.)
March 17
Elementary and Junior High Parent/Teacher Interviews (1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.) All students dismissed at 12:00 P.M.
March 18
Dress-Down Day, Rally and Talent Show
March 22-25
Elementary Ski Trip
March 25
Last Day of Classes before Spring Break Dress-Down Day
April 11
Classes Resume, Summer Uniforms
April 14
Speaker Series - Post-Secondary Transition Planning
April 18
PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)
April 19
High School Report Cards Home
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Elementary teachers will call parents to book Parent/Teacher Interviews. Junior High parents please call or email Ms. Pumphrey (250-2965 or pumphrey@rundle.ab.ca to book Parent/Teacher Interviews. Look for morning announcements posted on the website www.rundleacademy.ab.ca Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (www.rundleacademy.ab.ca).