V o l u m e 1 1 , I ss u e 6 May 6, 2014
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal
Cousellor’s Notes
Society News Leadership Profile In Their Own Words
Grade 9 Celebration Grade 12 Graduation
Grade 12 Graduation
Entrepreneurial Spirit Project
Glenbow Museum Fine Arts - Music Notes
Fine Arts - Drama
Kids Helping Kids Club
Travel Club - Eastern Canada
Travel Club - Europe
Food Sciences - Recipe
Senior High Badminton
Exam Schedule
Activities for May and June
Fundraiser Gala
RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914 www.rundleacademy.ab.ca
Last month, a number of our high school students and teachers had the opportunity to see the retired Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire speak. He spoke on two themes: 1) we should encourage students to get their ‘boots dirty’ and 2) as Canadians we should have pride in the work we have done locally and globally. As we move into May and June, I think these are appropriate themes for this principal’s update. Getting Our Boots Dirty Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire used the broad theme of getting our boots dirty to encourage the audience to leave our comfort zone and go see the world that surrounds us. His belief is that this broadened experience builds empathy, kindness and character. As I listened to his message, I could not help but be inspired by the actions of our students and staff over the past months. Groups such as Kids Helping Kids, Peer Tutors, Roots of Empathy and Student Council have all done exactly this. Whether it is donating items to the food bank, volunteering at Calgary Brown Bagging or working with the students or Rundle Primary, our students have found ways to get their boots dirty in the Calgary area. Perhaps even more exciting is the fact that later this month our entire school will go into the community of Calgary during Volunteer Day. During this day, Rundle Academy will give back nearly 1500 hours in service! In addition to the volunteer work our students are involved in, in the past months we have also travelled far and wide to see our world. Over spring break students from Rundle Academy travelled to Hong Kong, France, Belgium, Germany, Ontario and Quebec. Students did an amazing job of going to these far-away
places and being great ambassadors of Rundle Academy and of Canada. I hope our parent community can come together and join me in thanking our amazing staff and students for taking the time to get their boots a little dirty. Have Pride in What We Have Done As we move into May and June, Rundle Academy will take an opportunity to, as Rundle College’s mission statement says: ‘celebrate with them when they do.’ We hope that our community comes together to help us recognize the achievements of our student body. Here are a few of the celebrations to be aware of: Moves Mountains Breakfast May 1 – 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Rundle Academy Music Monday May 5 – 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Rundle Primary Drama Production of Oz May 13 – 16 – 7:30 P.M. Rundle Academy Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony May 28 – 1:30 P.M. Bethany Chapel Grade 12 Graduation Banquet May 30 – 6:00 P.M. Palliser Hotel Grade 9 Celebration June 3 – 6:00 P.M. Al Azhar Temple Awards Day June 5 – 1:00 P.M. Rundle Academy Grade 6 Celebration June 23 – 11:30 A.M. Rundle Academy Our students have worked extremely hard this year and we hope you join us in honoring their efforts!
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COUNSELLOR ’S NOTES Test Anxiety Your child went to class, completed homework, and studied. He or she arrived at the exam confident about the material. But if he or she has test anxiety, a type of performance anxiety, taking the test is the most difficult part of the equation. Causes Fear of failure. While the pressure to perform can act as a motivator, it can also be devastating to individuals who tie their self-worth to the outcome of a test. Lack of preparation. Waiting until the last minute or not studying at all can leave individuals feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Poor test history. Previous problems or bad experiences with test-taking can lead to a negative mindset and influence performance on future tests. Symptoms Physical symptoms. Headache, nausea, diarrhea, excessive sweating, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, light-headedness and feeling faint can all occur. Test anxiety can lead to a panic attack, which is the abrupt onset of intense fear or discomfort in which individuals may feel like they are unable to breathe or having a heart attack. Emotional symptoms. Feelings of anger, fear, helplessness and disappointment are common emotional responses to test anxiety. Behavioural/Cognitive symptoms. Difficulty concentrating, thinking negatively, and comparing yourself to others are common symptoms of test anxiety. Tips for Managing Test Anxiety Share these tips with your child if he or she is anxious about an upcoming exam: Be prepared. Develop good study habits. Study at least a week or two before the exam, in smaller increments of time and over a few days (instead of pulling an "all-nighter"). Try to simulate exam conditions by working through a practice test, following the same time constraints. Develop good test-taking skills. Read the directions carefully, answer questions you know first and then return to the more difficult ones. Outline essays before you begin to write. Maintain a positive attitude. Remember that your self-worth should not be dependent on or defined by a test grade. Creating a system of rewards and reasonable expectations for studying can help to produce effective studying habits. There is no benefit to negative thinking. Stay focused. Concentrate on the test, not other students during your exams. Try not to talk to other students about the subject material before taking an exam. Practice relaxation techniques. If you feel stressed during the exam, take deep, slow breaths and consciously relax your muscles, one at a time. This can invigorate your body and will allow you to better focus on the exam. Stay healthy. Get enough sleep, eat healthfully, exercise and allow for personal time. If you are exhausted—physically or emotionally—it will be more difficult for you to handle stress and anxiety. Visit a counsellor. Counsellors can help you by providing additional educational support so that you can be successful. (Adapted from www.adaa.org) Please feel free to contact me if you would like some further information on helping your child with test anxiety. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines, School Counsellor caines@rundle.ab.ca, 403-250-2965 (Ext. 103)
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SOCIETY NEWS Uniform Store Hours All Year Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. (store closed daily)
L E A D E R S H I P P R O F I L E - N I C K W A T E R B U RY Rundle Academy is incredibly fortunate to have Mr. Waterbury as our Athletic Director, Physical Education teacher, coach, official, and volunteer. The role of Athletic Director is to provide training and support for coaches and officials and to motivate students, on top of having bureaucratic duties with purchasing, maintenance, and registration. Mr. Waterbury represents Rundle Academy at local and provincial sporting bodies, and he continually updates our school about upcoming events to encourage school support. Mr. Waterbury is certified in Wilderness/Adventure First Aid, at level 2 in the National Coaching Certification Program, and is certified as an official in hockey and volleyball. He is now pushing himself to the next level by taking his Masters in Sports Administration through Indiana State University.
As a testament to his success, you should know that Rundle Academy has fielded a total of 24 teams in various sports throughout the year, and has hosted 52 exhibition, regular season, and playoff basketball and volleyball games. Furthermore, we have had 76% of our junior high students play on at least one athletic team, and 64% in the senior high. Those are phenomenal statistics! Did you know that this consummate athlete and leader also has a brilliant math mind? He teaches grade 10 math and it is in that classroom that you can see the impact of the eight engineering math courses he took at university! Thank you, Mr. Waterbury, for building our athletics into one of the most respected programs in the city. Our gratitude for your contribution is like pi: it just goes on forever!
IN THEIR OWN WORDS How Our Alumni Continue to Move Mountains Alumnus Keith Gunning ‘09 After leaving Rundle Academy, Keith attended Acadia University pursuing Dramatic Arts. After a year at Acadia, Keith decided to reexamine his goals. In the summer, he worked in retail and decided to take some art classes. This was what he was looking for, an answer to his future. In his research of post-secondary, he found the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. He met with the Resource Centre and was very impressed in how they worked with students with Learning Disabilities. Keith applied to the University and was accepted into the Art Program. He will be graduating in the summer of 2015! Keith was diagnosed with dyslexia and during his years at the Academy, his determination and strong work ethic brought him his success, and will continue to do so. We are so proud of you Keith Gunning for all your hard work and perseverance!
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GRADE 9 CELEBRATION The Grade 9 Celebration for students in grade 9 and their families will be held on Tuesday, June 3rd at the Al Azhar Shrine Centre. This is a beautiful location by the river in Northwest Calgary and the event is a chance for students and their families to celebrate their junior high achievements and say farewell to the last of their junior high years. The evening begins with a buffet-style dinner and is followed by a short program with brief speeches given by the administration, teachers and representatives of the grade 9 class. There will be a video featuring each student and we will end the evening with a group picture. Parents of grade 9 students, please watch for email invitations. Please RSVP via email to delcastilho@rundle.ab.ca by Thursday, May 22, 2013. Please note: dinner tickets must be purchased for the grade 9 student and other guests that attend.
G R A D E 12 G R A D UA T I O N All Academy Students All Rundle Academy students will be in attendance at the Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony, which will be held at Bethany Chapel at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28, 2014. Full dress uniform (blazer) is required. Junior High students who are participating in Track and Field that day will return to the school at 12 noon in time to go to the ceremony. They will need to be in full dress uniform. Busses will take students and teachers to the Bethany Chapel at 3333 Richardson Way SW for the ceremony. The busses will leave promptly at 1:00 p.m. Once the busses arrive at the Bethany Chapel teachers will help show students to their seats. The ceremony should be complete at approximately 3:00 p.m. For students who take the school bus, their regular busses have been directed to pick them up in front of the Bethany Chapel at that time.
Students who do not normally take the school bus will need to make arrangements to be picked up by 3:00 p.m. Students who take public transit will need to research other routes. High school students who choose to drive themselves are welcome to do so, but may only drive themselves. Grade 12 Students Must be at the Bethany Chapel by 11:00 a.m. to get into their robes and do a run-through. If the student drives, they may drive themselves to the chapel, otherwise there will be a bus to shuttle the students there. Gentlemen need to wear dress pants and a collared shirt (preferably white) and tie. Grade 12 ladies may change into a dress or an open neck or collared shirt and skirt or pants.
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ESP Finale The ESP Finale took place March 19th to a host of parents, teachers and students in grades 4 through 9. Our four top-rate judges (Tom Budd, Thomas Clarke, Zakir Hussein and Lara Murphy) were left with a tough decision in selecting a winner as the competition was as fierce as it was creative. Ultimately, ECO Beads, made up of grade 7 student Ian Hards, grade 8 students Cassandra Petropoulos and Aneisha Gardiner and grade 9 student Aia Davis, took top honours. Their product sought to recycle old milk containers into fashionable jewelry exhibiting qualities of environmentalism, creativity and profitability. Honourable mention goes out to all participants as this year’s event was truly remarkable. Great work!
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G L E N B OW M U S E U M On April 17, 2014, the students in Grades 4 and 5 went on a field trip to explore the Glenbow Museum as part of the social studies curriculum. This interactive experience provided the students with a glimpse into the culture of the Blackfoot First Nations as they participated in a program entitled Nitsitapiisini: Our Way of Life. Students especially enjoyed the hands-on activities, visual displays, and stories that our educator told throughout the day which helped them to better understand this unique culture and to reinforce concepts learned at school.
FINE ARTS - MUSIC NOTES Monday, May 5th is Music Monday! This is a nation-wide event that emphasizes the importance of music education in our schools. To celebrate Music Monday, some of Rundle Academy's students will be traveling to Rundle College Primary where they will perform some musical numbers. For more information, visit www.musicmonday.ca. On Tuesday, May 27th at 7:00 p.m. the Elementary students will be presenting ‘Joust! A Mighty Medieval Musical’ in the Fine Arts Centre. More information will be sent home to Elementary parents in the upcoming weeks.
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KIDS HELPING KIDS CLUB Keep Calm and Academy On! The Kids Helping Kids group has been very busy bringing awareness to Rundle Academy. On April 24th, more than 90 students and staff committed to a vow of silence on the Day of Silence which targets the silencing effect of bullying. Students and staff wore their ‘Keep Calm and Academy On’ Tshirts to show their participation. The proceeds from the T-shirt sales will be donated to the Red Cross in support of their antibullying campaign. In total $1000 will be
donated. Thank you to all those who participated.
Used-Uniform Sale On March 18th the Kids Helping Kids group held a Used Uniform Sale. Several members volunteered their time as ‘personal shoppers’ and sales associates. In total, the group raised almost $2000 which will help buy much needed baby supplies for Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS). CUPS is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families in Calgary overcome poverty. More details of the upcoming student shopping trip to come!
Brown Bagging for Calgary Kids On March 19th, 10 students from Kids Helping Kids volunteered their time to make sandwiches and prepare lunches for many Calgary students in-need. In total the group helped feed 582 students. Way to go, Kids Helping Kids! Another group will be volunteering on April 29th.
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T R AV E L C L U B - E A S T E R N C A N A DA Quebec City, Montreal, and Ottawa served as destinations for the 2014 edition of the Rundle Academy Junior High Eastern Canada Trip. Twenty-nine students, Mr. Burla, Mr. Mellor, Ms. Scott, and Ms. Hoehn came together to make the trip a success! Highlights for the students included sightseeing in Vieux Quebec, city tours (with guides from the days of New France!), the Huron Village at Wendake, lunch and treats at the Cabane a Sucre, the Biodome in Montreal, Parliament Hill, the Museum of Civilization and the Canadian War Museum. Our students were fortunate to experience the junior high social studies curriculum in a real world setting - the opportunity to expand their learning was immeasurable. We would like to say thank you to the students who made this trip what it was. We could not have asked to travel with a better group of kids!
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T R AV E L C L U B - E U R O P E Looking Back - Europe 2014 Over spring break 37 high school students and 5 teachers travelled to Europe to discover its history and culture. In 13 days, the group explored historical sites, museums, restaurants and the country-side of Germany, France and Belgium. Highlights from the trip include the walking tour of Dachau Concentration Camp, the muddy WWI German trenches and tunnels, the towering and impressive Vimy Ridge memorial and of course the Eiffel Tower where students travelled to the top! Check out our trip blog to see more from students and teachers http://rockiesineurope.blogspot.ca/.
Looking Forward - Peru 2015 Rundle Academy Travel Club is excited to announce next year’s trip to Peru! Next year’s trip is all about culture. We will be visiting Lima, Cuzco and Machu Picchu to see the sights and be engaged in a service project with a community in the Sacred Valley. Detailed information will be emailed home and the Information Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. Students or parents with questions can contact Kristina Thomson (thomson@rundle.ab.ca).
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FOOD SCIENCES Try this spring BBQ beauty from the kitchen of Rundle Academy Food Sciences
Chipotle Pork Cheese Burger Ingredients ground pork 1 tablespoon minced chipotle in adobo plus 1 tablespoon of adobo sauce 2 garlic cloves, forced through a garlic press salt and pepper Jalapeno Havarti cheese hamburger buns – toasted 1/4 cup Mayonnaise 1 large tomatillo, husked and rinsed, then sliced 1/2 small avocado, sliced
The Burger: Gently mix pork, chipotle, garlic and a scant teaspoon salt until just combined. Form into 1 inch thick patties. Do not pack burgers down hard. Make a thumb impression in the middle of the burger.
Preparation Heat grill and clean. Turn heat down to medium. Oil the grill. Place hamburgers on grill over direct heat and grill for 4 minutes and then flip and grill for another 4 minutes. Place burgers on top rack and cook for an additional 5 minutes. Add cheese and cook until cheese has thoroughly melted. Spread buns with Mayonnaise and assemble burgers with tomatillo and avocado.
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SENIOR HIGH BADMINTON Rundle Academy would like to thank all those who came out and played in the Independent School Badminton Tournament this year. A big thank you goes out to the following individuals and teams. Singles Senior Boys Sam Adams – won Bronze Intermediate Boys Curtis Holloway – won Silver Junior Boys Malyk John Senior Girls Natalie Heaton – won Silver Intermediate Girls Carley Louw Stephanie Berry – won Silver and went to City Championships Junior Girls Robyn Brodylo – won Bronze
Mixed Doubles Intermediate Mixed Ashley Yee / Jesse Buker Taylor Quantz / Gabe Colpitts – won Silver and went to City Championship Doubles Intermediate Boys Joey Gardner / Alex Moumdjian John Boland / Rourk Meronek Intermediate Girls Taylor Evans / Cristi Louw Junior Boys Max de Pavia / Payton Budd Eric Hallson / Davis Maxwell Junior Girls Kennedy Huntley/Maddie Hillstead
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EXAM SCHEDULE Rundle Academy June 2014 Exam Schedule Times 9:00 - 1:30
Date May 12 May 13
Exam ELA 9 Part A PAT ELA 8 Part A
9:00 - 12:30
May 15
ELA 7 Part A
9:00 - 12:30
May 22
Social 9 Part A
9:00 - 1:30
ELA 30 Part A
9:00 - 2:30
ELA 20 Part A
9:00 - 2:00
Social 30 Part A
9:00 - 2:30
Social 20 Part A
9:00 - 2:00
Social10 Part A
9:00 - 2:00
Math 31
9:00 - 2:00
June 12
June 13
June 16
June 17
June 18 June 19 June 20
June 23
June 24
June 25
June 26
Math 10 C
9:00 - 2:00
Science 10
9:00 - 12:30
ELA 30 Part B
9:00 - 2:30
ELA 20 Part B
9:00 - 2:00
Social 30 Part B
9:00 - 1:30
Social 20 Part B
9:00 - 2:00
Social 10 Part B
9:00 - 2:00
Spanish 10
9:00 - 12:00
Biology 30
9:00 - 1:30
Biology 20
9:00 - 12:30
Chemistry 30
9:00 - 1:30
Chemistry 20
9:00 - 12:30
Math 7
9:00 - 12:30
Science 8
9:00 - 12:30
Science 9 PAT
9:00 - 12:00
Math 30-1
9:00 - 2:30
Math 20-1
9:00 - 2:00
ELA 7 Part B
9:00 - 12:30
Social 8
9:00 - 12:30
Math 9 PAT
9:00 - 12:30
Physics 30
9:00 - 1:30
Physics 20
9:00 - 12:30
Science 7
9:00 - 12:30
Math 8
9:00 - 12:30
ELA 9 Part B PAT
9:00 - 12:00
Social 7
9:00 - 12:30
ELA 8 Part B
9:00 - 12:30
Social 9 PAT
9:00 - 12:10
Science 30
9:00 - 1:30
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ACTIVITIES FOR MAY AND JUNE May 1 May 2 May 5 May 7 May 9 May 14 May 19 May 23 May 26 May 27 May 28
May 29 May 30 June 2 June 3 June 5 June 12 June 13 June 17 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26
Moves Mountains Breakfast (8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M.) School Track and Field Meet Music Monday at Rundle College Primary Elementary, Jr. High Music Classes, Sr. High Music Club Alumni Speaker Night (7:00 P.M.) at Rundle Academy PD Day - No School Sr. High CISAA Track and Field Championship Grade 6 PAT Part A ELA Victoria Day- No school Volunteer Day Grade 6/12 Buddies BBQ (Afternoon) Junior High CISAA Track and Field Championship Grade 12 Graduation Ceremony Bethany Chapel (1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M.) Junior High CISAA Track and Field Championship School Rally Grade 12 Graduation Banquet PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M.) Grade 9 Celebration Academy Awards Sr. High Rally Last Day of Sr. High Classes Last Day of Jr. High Classes Grade 6 Celebration Elementary to Calaway Park Last Day of Elementary Classes (Noon Dismissal) IPP Sign-off - All Divisions
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (www.rundleacademy.ab.ca). Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle Pages. Follow us on Twitter @rundleacademy for more information and upcoming events.
Save The Date! Saturday, October 18, 2014
Fundraiser Gala at Rundle College Jr. Sr. High Mix and mingle with Rundle families from all campuses
Support the Building on Success Campaign * We are looking for Gala Committee volunteers. Please email tecklenburg@rundle.ab.ca if you are interested.