Newsletter November 2013

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ROCKIES RUMBLINGS M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L Given that we are entering November, I thought an appropriate theme for this month's n e ws l e t t e r wo u l d be 'remembrance.' “WE MOVE MOUNTAINS”

Remember: planning is key. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal Open House


Cousellor‟s Notes Society News


Helping Mr. James


Annual General Meeting Parent Advisory Council Speaker Series Sibling Application for 2014-2015


New Education Act Free Information Sessions - Parents Professional Development Day Ambassadors


Stop a Bully School Nurse - Gr. 5/9 Vaccinations Kids Helping Kids - Poinsettias Mediation Mondays Dance Shoes for Cuban Souls


Rundle Rebirth In Their Own Words


WE Day


Fine Arts - Drama


Food Sciences


Outdoor Environmental Education


Wrestling Junior Girls Cross-Country Zones




Grit Awards Extra Curricular Awards


Citizenship Awards


Activities for the Month


LDAA Workshop


Alberta Health Services


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

In the coming month, our post secondary planning is about to kick into full swing. To assist with this, Ms. Caines has set up a number of university representative visits and is hosting a parent/student night on November 18th at 7:00 P.M. If you have a student in Grade 11 or 12, please mark this date on your calendar. If you see no other speaker series, please plan to attend this one! Remember: communication is critical. A large part of our success is due to the communication strategies that are put in place. Whether it is the report cards in Elementary, the grade updates in Junior/ Senior High or the ongoing parent communication, we pride ourselves in keeping open lines of communication. Thank you for doing your part to keep us posted as to what is going on in the lives of your children!

and then understand their personal learning in Junior High and finally learn to advocate for themselves in Senior High. With these three integral pieces to their education puzzle, we believe they will go on with strength and confidence to Move Mountains in the next chapters of their lives. Remember: our veterans! We work hard to keep the spirit of Remembrance Day alive and well. This year we are taking our Senior High students to France, Germany and Belgium to remember the impact of the world wars. Planning is well underway and we expect it will be another impactful experience for our students and staff. In addition, Rundle Academy is honored to host our upcoming Remembrance Day Ceremony on November 7th at 10:30 A.M. All community members are welcome to join us during this special ceremony.

Remember: Moving Mountains takes sustained effort and support. We are very proud of our students and their growth over time. We love nothing more than seeing our students first build their individual self esteem in Elementary,

OPEN HOUSE The admission process for Rundle Academy continues to evolve and our annual Open House has also seen a new change. Rather than an evening Open House with large numbers in an empty building, we created many small groups that saw classes in action during the day throughout an entire week. The demand for our program continues to grow exponentially and we are now faced with the challenge of choosing next year's students from the dozens of applications we've received so far

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COUNSELLOR ’S NOTES How to Raise a Kid with Grit As a school, we are focusing on “Grit” this year. Prominent researchers in the field of measuring grit in children define it as "perseverance and passion for long-term goals" (Duckworth et al., 2007). Developing grit is an important protective factor in terms of mental and emotional well-being. Students who are able to work hard in the face of challenges are less likely to struggle with issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress-related problems. Developing grit in children and youth is not just about academic success, but mental and emotional well-being as well! The following are some excerpts from “The Power of Defeat: How to Raise a Kid with Grit” ( Unlike IQ, which is relatively fixed, grit is something everyone can develop. Sure, some kids are naturally more gritty than others, but there’s plenty you can do to help your child develop the stick-to-itiveness that will help him succeed in whatever he wants to pursue. Put a challenge in front of him. True achievement happens when people bust through boundaries and barriers. If your child never has a chance to triumph over something difficult, he may never develop confidence in his ability to confront a challenge. Taking risks is an important way kids learn. Promote perseverance. Many of us hold on to the idea that skill comes naturally: that if we’re good—or not good—at something, it’s because we were born that way. The problem with this be-

lief is that it leads many kids to give up on things. Plus, it’s simply not true. Even naturally gifted people have to work hard to hone their ability with hours of practice. Provide a nudge. No one wants to be that parent, the one who pushes their child every step of the way. But it’s OK to let your kids know that you expect them to do their best and to create a structure that will help them do it. Welcome boredom and frustration. Success rarely occurs on the first try. In fact, there’s usually a pretty long road peppered with all sort of bumps and potholes to navigate along the way. Being confused, frustrated, and sometimes completely bored out of your mind is part of the journey. And when kids understand that learning isn’t supposed to be easy all the time—and that having a tough time doesn’t mean they’re stupid— perseverance comes easier. Let him fall - and model resilience. Being able to pick himself up from low moments is probably the most important skill a child can learn. As always, please do not hesitate to be in contact if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child‟s well-being. Ms. Caines, R.Psych. Academy Counsellor


Uniform Store Hours All Year Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. (store closed daily)

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HELPING MR. JAMES Dear Parents, The purpose of this letter is to have you save the evening of Saturday, November 23, 2013, for a very special Rundle Community event. By now, you have heard the unfortunate news regarding the health of Alison James, wife of long-time Rundle teacher, Brad James. On September 10th, Alison was diagnosed with a very serious and aggressive form of cancer, Cholangiocarcinoma - cancer of the bile duct. This was shocking news to the James family, as Alison was feeling very well and would never have suspected that she had cancer. Since the diagnosis, Alison has gone through an extensive array of tests to determine what treatment options are available. The best option is offered in Toronto where Alison, Brad and their 5-month-old son, Rylan, will live for the next 6 to 12 months. Alison will undergo chemo therapy, radiation, and finally a liver transplant. We, at Rundle, are going to host a night to raise money for the James family. These funds will go directly toward the cost of rent, travel, living expenses, and the many other expenses not covered by our healthcare system. So, how can you help us? 1. Please consider attending the event. Our theme will be sports (wear some sports attire - jersey, T-shirt, etc.). Tickets are $75 each and for this you will enjoy a drink, live entertainment, food and be entered into a wine draw. It will start at 7:00 p.m. Ticket sales will begin November 1 st and can be purchased at your Rundle main offices. 2. Please donate Silent Auction items. If you can donate, please bring items to any of our campuses and drop them off in the main office. Please touch base with anybody on the organizing committee for more information: Lisa Whiting at Rundle Academy (4330 - 16 Street SW) Carla Thio at Rundle College Elementary (2634 - 12 Avenue NW) Neil Domstad at Rundle College Junior/Senior High School (7375 - 17 Avenue SW)

More details and volunteer opportunities to follow soon. For now, mark your calendars! Thank you, Jason Rogers, Principal Rundle College Academy

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A N N UA L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G Rundle College Society Annual General Meeting Time:

7:00 p.m.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Rundle College Jr/Sr High School 7375 - 17 Avenue SW

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

P A R E N T A DV I S O RY C O U N C I L Ever wondered what happens at Rundle Academy after hours? Come to a Parent Council meeting and find out. It's like People Magazine, only better - at PAC Meetings we have 90 minutes of uninterrupted time with Administration! Intrigued? Join us at our next meeting on November 18 th at 6:00 p.m. when Mr. Dave Hauk, Rundle College Society Headmaster, will be in attendance. Come learn about the plans to upgrade the Fine Arts Centre, hear about the results from the recent Safety Audit, and find out what your $125.00 PAC Fee helps support. Questions? Email Charlotte Petti, PAC Chair, at

SPEAKER SERIES Information Evening For Parents and Students Post-Secondary Planning November 18, 2013 7:00 p.m.

Rundle Academy Junior/Senior High Assembly Hall

Helping your son or daughter make decisions about what to do after high school can be daunting, especially given the many options available that have vastly varying requirements. If you have questions about the post-secondary world, please plan to attend this information evening with Ms. Caines, our school counsellor. We will also hear from a parent of a previous graduate, who will offer advice from her parental perspective.

S I B L I N G A P P L I C A T I O N S F O R 2 01 4 - 2 0 1 5 Each year, when considering new students for acceptance, Rundle College gives priority to existing families wishing to make an application for siblings. We would like to advise you of the following deadlines for sibling applications for the 2014-2015 school year. If you apply by the dates listed below, your son or daughter will be considered in our first pool of candidates: November 1, 2013 Applications for Preschool, Kindergarten and Rundle College Academy. December 1, 2013 Applications for Grades 1 to 12. Students writing the SSAT (applying for grades 7 to 10) must write the SSAT by December 31, 2013. Information regarding re-registration for current Rundle College students will be mailed to you in January, 2014. If you have any questions about the admission process, please contact Nicola Spencer, Director of Admissions, or 403-291-3866.

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NEW EDUCATION ACT Alberta's new Education Act will come into force in 2015. The Act has been written and was passed in the legislature in 2012, and now regulations are being drafted to guide how the new Act will be applied. In October, Mr. Sylven represented Rundle College Society in working

with the Regulatory Review Committee, MLAs, school board trustees and others to provide input into the new regulations. It will be an exciting few years to watch the impact that the Act will have on schools in Alberta!

FREE INFORMATION SESSIONS FOR PARENTS Family and Community Resource Centre Registration Required: November 5 - After the Floods: How Can You Help Your Children 12:55 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Kids 1st Parent Link Center - Chestermere November 19 - Supporting Anxious Children: From Recognition to Response 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Scenic Acres School November 21 - Videogame Addiction 6:55 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Bert Church High School, Airdre) November 27 - Parenting Sad and Depressed Children and Youth 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Genesis Centre of Community Wellness

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY On November 8th, all Rundle Society faculty will converge at Rundle Academy for a full day of extensive work. There will be dozens of sessions lead by various teachers across a wide array of subjects, with a particular focus on differentiating instruction. If you have any questions about or interest in what actually goes on during a PD day, just contact Mr. Sylven to hear the story!

AMBASSADORS Ambassadors are students who know our school well, are proud to attend here, and like to talk to others about their experiences. Ambassadors speak about life at Rundle Academy to prospective parents, they provide school tours for prospective students, and they generally will meet with anyone at anytime to talk about how great it is to be a student here! More than 50 students have volunteered to be Ambassadors this year and they have been busy already, especially with the Elementary grades. That degree of enthusiasm to share the value of Rundle Academy with others is truly exceptional!

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S T O P A B U L LY Rundle Academy's greatest priority is the safety and well being of its students. We are always seeking ways to maintain and improve the school environment for our students. One example is the new Code of Conduct that was communicated with families in the fall. Another initiative we have joined is the Stop-A-Bully website. It provides an opportunity for anyone to anonymously report

bullying activity. The information gets sent to the school for processing by Administration. For more details or to make a report, please go to

SCHOOL NURSE - GRADE 5/9 VACCINATIONS On Thursday, November 28th, the school nurse will be at the Academy to give the following vaccinations: Grade 5 - Eligible students will be receiving their second dose of the vaccination. Grade 9 - A few students need catch-up vaccinations. The majority of students will receive their vaccinations in March or April.

KIDS HELPING KIDS - POINSETTIAS The 'Kids Helping Kids' group from Rundle Academy will be selling poinsettias beginning November 1 st. This year the proceeds will be donated to the Kids Helping Kids charities of choice. Order forms were emailed on November 1, 2013. If you would like to conserve paper there is also an online option for ordering. Orders can be made at the following website: Your payment (cheque payable to Rundle Academy with student's name on memo line) can be brought into the school with your son or daughter. Colour Options and Pricing There will be three colours of plants available (pink, red and winter white). They come in 6.5" pots. The cost is $15 each or $85 for a box of six (must be same colour). Please direct any inquiries to Sarah Kapitza at

M E D I TA T I O N M O N DA Y S A small group of Senior High students have started meeting on Mondays to give meditation a try. It is a fantastic strategy to cope with anxiety of any kind and the students are really enjoying the experience.

All Senior High students are invited to

speak to Mr. Sylven if they would like to give it a try.

DANCE SHOES FOR CUBAN SOULS Dance Shoes for Cuban Souls' is an initiative founded by a Rundle alumni that seeks to help dancers in Cuba. The Rundle Academy representatives are Emily and Ellie, and they are collecting any old dancing shoes or clothing that can be shipped to Cuba for their dance studios. If you have anything you could donate, please bring it in to Emily or Ellie in Mrs. Vesey's classroom.

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RUNDLE REBIRTH You might be wondering what the „Rundle Rebirth‟ is all about. Well, if you haven‟t already heard, the writing section of the Junior High literacy groups is putting together a student driven newspaper. Written and created entirely by students, this newspaper will focus on reporting about a variety of events around the school and in our community. The student body will be given a voice and the students are anxious for everyone, including the teachers, Elementary, Junior High and Senior High students, to share in the exciting things happening around Rundle Academy. The first issue will be out in the first week of November. As we go along and become more familiar with the layout, we hope to have guest writers from other grades also contribute their perspectives. For the writing group, it is all about different point of views, and hearing the voices of the student body. The name, „Rundle Rebirth‟, was inspired by the Social Studies 8 unit of study on the Renaissance which involves the resurgence of classical literature, art, music, and culture. The explosion of ideas within the Renaissance is symbolic of the new ideas and perspectives we want to be represented here with the student voices. Please take the time to read through the first issue of the Rundle Rebirth!

IN THEIR OWN WORDS How Our Alumni Continue to Move Mountains Alumni Stephanie Falkenberg (Rasmussen) ’08 and Mitchell Falkenberg ‘07 Mitchell Falkenberg: After high school, I took a year off to work, followed by a year at SAIT. Currently, I am enrolled in a double major degree in chemistry and biology at Minot State University in North Dakota. I will graduate this coming academic year. At first my goals were aimed at professional schools in the healthcare field. However, this goal has changed and I am applying for graduate school in Chemistry. I was enrolled in Rundle Academy in Grade 4. Rundle Academy allowed me to learn the skills that I needed to succeed in my academic career. It provided me with a safe and personal environment that taught me how I learn best and gave me the best chance to succeed in my education through graduation and into University. Stephanie Rasmussen: I was in grade 10 when I first attended Rundle Academy; it was a move that was necessary for my education. Throughout my education, I was extremely hard working and put a lot of time and effort into everything I did. However, my grades never reflected how much work I put into every homework assignment, project, or test. This all changed when my parents chose to place me in Rundle Academy. Rundle Academy gave me life skills to help prepare me to be successful. I truly believe that if had I never attended Rundle Academy, I would not be where I am today. Rundle Academy gave me the desire to appreciate the love of learning. Once I graduated in 2008, I attended Minot State University to become an Elementary teacher. I am now teaching at Our Redeemer‟s Christian

School in Minot, ND. Every day when I walk into my Grade 6 classroom, I think about how I am going to impact these children and how I want to influence them to become successful individuals. I want to be that teacher that I learned to love and respect, like the teachers that taught me at Rundle Academy. July 13, 2013 Rundle Academy was more than just a place that we had learned and became the adults we are today. Rundle Academy was the place where we met each other. I was in grade 11, when Mitchell (grade 12) and I began dating. From long distance to living in the States, we had continued dating each other through our post-secondary education. After five years of dating, he proposed. During our sixth year together, we got married. July 13, 2013, was the day that we will never forget; that day was an absolute dream come true. We have only been married a couple of months now, but we are loving every moment of it.

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On October 24th, 22 of our Grade 10 and 11 students had the unique and exciting opportunity of attending We Day Alberta at the Saddledome. We Day is an event intended to inspire young people to enact local and global change through activism and education, and is held in several cities throughout North America. The students were treated to a multitude of speakers and performers including Martin Luther King III, Magic Johnson, Amanda Lindhout, Mayor Naheed Nenshi, and Nelly Furtado. We look forward to our students taking this inspiration and creating positive initiatives in our school and local communities through groups like Student Council and Kids Helping Kids, as well as in their Social Studies courses. “We must be the change we wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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FOOD SCIENCES From the Kitchen of the Rundle Academy Foodies Need a new appetizer for your dinner parties? Here is a fabulous recipe from the Food Science Foodies. Morrocan Cigars Ingredients: ground pork 1 medium onion finely chopped 1 small potato boiled and mashed 1 cup peas drained salt and pepper to taste 2 tablespoons dill cream cheese 1 tablespoon olive oil puff pastry ½ teaspoon Cumin ½ teaspoon Paprika ½ teaspoon Turmeric ½ teaspoon Cinnamon ½ teaspoon Ground Allspice half can of tomato paste cooking spray 1 egg Preparation Instructions: Preheat oven to 325° F. Peel, cut and boil potato. Lightly mash when done and set aside. Add spices and onion to meat. Mix and cook in olive oil in pan until meat is done. Remove from heat. Add peas, tomato paste and cream cheese. Let the meat mixture cool. To cooled meat mixture, add mashed potato and salt and pepper to taste. Remove one phyllo sheet from package and keep the rest covered with a clean cloth until ready to use. On a flat work surface, cut the phyllo sheet into two 14 x 9 inch rectangles. Spray the first half-sheet with cooking spray, place the second half on top of it and spray again with oil. Place a generous teaspoon of the meat mixture near the narrow end of the dough. Fold dough over the top of the meat, fold in the sides of the dough and roll into a narrow tube (cigar) shape. Repeat with remaining puff pastry and meat until all the meat has been rolled up. Arrange cigars on prepared baking sheet. Brush each pastry with egg wash and place in preheated oven for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.

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O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N The Junior High Outdoor Education Class had a fiery start to the year. We started the semester learning outdoor rope work, knots, emergency shelters, safety, and camp cooking skills. The Fall Camp to Alford Lake was a tremendous success. We started the trip with lessons on the three-minute fire, emergency shelters and signal fires. Dinner was a smorgasbord of culinary delights. A wildlife identification lesson with the staff from Alford lake was the last session of a very long day. Thursday morning we participated in archery lessons and got dressed for the unsettled weather and dropping temperatures. All students were taught the safe handling and operation of bear spray, bear bangers and flares. In the afternoon, individual groups were sent off in isolation to “survive� with a basic emergency shelter, a flint and steel and six matches. All groups survived and had an entertaining afternoon building their home away from home. A bonfire night was where many marshmallows were devoured and everyone enjoyed a full moon sitting beside the reflective Alford Lake. A big thank you goes out to Ms. Heather Scott for all her expertise and assistance on the trip. Congratulations OEE students on a very successful camp. Other activities coming up include snow-shelter building, tobogganing, outdoor equipment, survival and wildlife assignments and a snowshoeing day in January. Our full-day snowshoe trip to Peter Lougheed Provincial Park is set for Thursday, January 16, 2014. Students will need to have ski poles, winter pants, jackets and snow boots. Full equipment lists will be sent out later in the semester. Thanks again to all the parents and teachers for their support of the OEE program.

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WRESTLING The wrestling season has officially begun and practices are underway for students in all grades in the Fine Arts Centre. It promises to be an exciting season, including our school's hosting of the ISAA Championship tournament on December 12th. Good luck, coaches and athletes! Coaches: Mr. Barry, Ms. Hoehn, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Sylven

J U N I O R G I R L S C R O S S - C O U N T RY Z O N E S A Thing of Beauty‌ The Junior High Cross-Country Zones Championships were again held in Canmore at the Nordic Center on Wednesday, October 9, 2013. We had five runners this year representing Rundle Academy which included our Grade 8 runner, Annette Berry, and our four Grade 9 competitors, Quintin Millions, Sneh Yadav, Aia Davis and Georgia Needham. The weather was sunny, the scenery was picturesque and it was a fabulous day for the mountains. Our runners were determined and showed great poise in each of their races. Out of 120 runners, the Grade 9 girls finished very well: Georgia Needham (45th), Sneh Yadav (49th) and Aia Davis (50th). Out of 113 runners Quintin Millions finished in 11th place. Annette Berry, once again, made the podium and literally gave her all during the race. Annette captured the 3rd place medal for Rundle Academy and we are extremely proud of her efforts. Well done Rundle Academy! The Cross-Country coaches are extremely proud of their entire Cross-Country team and cannot wait to see what they can do next year. Go Rockies! Coaches: Mrs. Vesey, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Vesey, Mr. Rogers, Mrs. Whiting

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Congratulations to the Rundle Football Team on an outstanding season so far. The team started the Big Rock Playoffs with a convincing 17-0 win over Tier II Provincially ranked Holy Trinity Academy Knights. In the Big Rock League Championship, the Rundle Cobras came out hard against the #1 provincially ranked in Tier II Foothills Composite Falcons. The score was 12-10 Falcons at the half, but unfortunately, a few third down conversions sealed the deal and our Cobras were unable to keep

up offensively. Regardless of a league championship, our boys played gritty against a very powerful opponent and our coaching staff is very proud of them all. Our season is not over yet, however, with a birth in this yearâ€&#x;s Tier III Provincial playoffs. The Cobras are currently ranked #2 in Tier III behind our rivals, the Cochrane Cobras. We will travel to Medicine Hat to take on Crescent Heights High for the Provincial Quarter final game. If we defeat

them, the Rundle Cobras will host the Provincial Semi-final game, most likely against Cochrane, for a rematch of last yearâ€&#x;s close battle. Thank you to all the students, parents and staff for their encouragement and support for that game and throughout the season. We now set our sights on the Tier III Provincial Championship with a game November 9th against Crescent Heights High School.

Academy Players: No. #7 #9 #32 #40 #42 #55 #80

Name Carson Brennan Conner Rasch Derek Wispinski Payton Budd Anthony Stan Paul Corrah Rajan Bhullar


Grade 12 12 11 10 10 12 11

Games Remaining: Saturday, November 9, 2013 Tier III Quarter-Finals Provincial Quarter Finals Crescent Heights (Medicine Hat) Saturday, November 16, 2013 Tier III Semi-Finals (TBA) Saturday, November 23, 2013 Tier III Finals (TBA)

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GRIT AWARDS „Grit‟ as defined by Laura Pappano in the Harvard Education Letter (Jan/Feb 2013) is a combination of “hard work, delayed gratification, curiosity, open-mindedness, and perseverance.” The Rundle Academy „Grit‟ Award will be awarded to one student in each division who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to developing these traits in academic, personal or extra-curricular pursuits.

Juan Asin Berti Grade 5

Ellie Hardock Grade 9

Carley Louw Grade 11

EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.

Trinity Derksen Grade 5

Sarah Hoffinger Grade 6

Miles Fryett Grade 7

Emma Jacob Grade 8

Georgia Needham Grade 9

Cali Champagne Grade 10

Derek Wispinski Grade 11

Matt Shideler Grade 12

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CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Marco Proverbs Grade 5

Liam Morrow Grade 6

Sarah Reeder Grade 9

Oliver Petti Grade 8

Max Smith Grade 10

Ben Maxwell Grade 7

Mia Berloni Grade 11

Connor MacLean Grade 12

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A C T I V I T I E S F O R N OV E M B E R November 4

Winter Uniforms Begin

November 7

Remembrance Day Ceremony (10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) Noon Dismissal Senior High P/Teacher Interviews (1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)

November 8

Professional Development Day (No Classes)

November 11

Remembrance Day (No Classes)

November 18

PAC Meeting (6:00 P.M.) Speaker Series - Post Secondary Education (7:00 P.M.)

November 19

School Picture Retakes

November 21

Noon Dismissal Elementary P/Teacher Interviews (1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) Junior High P/Teacher Interviews (1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.)

November 23

Alison James Fund Raiser Gala (7:00 P.M.) Rundle College Junior/Senior High 7375 - 17 Avenue SW

November 27

Rundle College Annual General Meeting (7:00 P.M.) Rundle College Junior/Senior High 7375 - 17 Avenue SW

November 29

Dress Down Day

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage ( Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle Pages. Follow us on Twitter @rundleacademy for more information and upcoming events.

Join the LDAA-CC for our Parent/Educator Workshop Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Post-Secondary Education: The Next Step in the Journey for Students with LD/ADHD Challenges Planning for the transition to post-secondary is something that should be thought long before grade 12. Join Dr. Betty Reiter as she presents a workshop aimed at parents and teachers on the resources and services available within the post-secondary setting for students with documented disabilities like LD and ADHD. This workshop will be applicable to those with children or students from junior high and the high school years. Some of the topics covered will include: How to help your child think about what he or she might want to do after high school What students need to do to hit the ground running (i.e., registering with the accessibility office at the post-secondary institution they have been accepted at) The type of documentation that is required in order to become registered with the accessibility office The type of accommodations, support services and adaptive technology that is typically available at the post-secondary What government funding is available for students with disabilities The need for student self-advocacy Presenter: Dr. Betty Reiter has more than 20 years experience as a Registered Psychologist in Alberta. She has skill and expertise in working with all ages of students and Dr. Reiter also has teacher certification status with the Alberta Teachers' Association. Although she has experience in many other roles, Dr. Reiter has direct experience being an accessibility advisor for post-secondary students with disabilities.

REGISTER NOW! All are welcome to attend. This event is FREE for LDAA-CC Members; $10/person for nonmembers (payable at the door). For more information, please contact 403-283-6606 or visit our website at

When: Tuesday, November 5, 2013 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM MST Add to your Calendar

Where: Rundle Academy (Altadore Community) 4330 16th Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9

November 2013

Kids‟ Health Healthy drinks, healthy kids Children and youth need fluids to prevent dehydration and to stay healthy.

too much juice, they may not be hungry for healthy meals and snacks.

However, what your child drinks can have a big impact on his or her health.

Drinks to choose sometimes... Flavoured milks or flavoured soy beverage: These drinks have the same bone-building nutrients as milk or fortified soy beverages but also have added sugar.

Drinks to choose most often... Water: Offer throughout the day. Encourage your children to carry their own water bottle during active play, sports, and on the go. Wash water bottles daily in hot, soapy water. Milk or plain fortified soy beverage: Send milk in their lunch or include with breakfast or dinner to help your child get enough protein, calcium, and vitamin D. Kids need two cups (500mL) of milk per day.

Drinks to choose least often… Drinks with added sugar: Did you know that fruit-flavoured beverages such as „drinks‟, „punches‟, and „-ades‟ are made up of mostly sugar and water? Limit drinks that are high in added sugar. Examples of these drinks are sugar-sweetened pop, fruit-flavoured drinks, punches, and ice slushes.

100-per cent juice: Choose 100-per cent juice and limit juice to a half-cup (125 mL) per day. Ideally, kids should eat their fruit instead of drinking it.

Specialty waters: These waters often have added sugar, sugar substitutes and herbs. Specialty waters are not recommended for kids.

Juice has vitamins and minerals, but is also high in natural sugar. If kids drink

For more information about healthy drinks, please visit

Children should have two cups (500mL) of milk per day. and search for “Healthy Drinks, Healthy Kids.”

Make influenza immunization a part of your routine Influenza season has just begun and is very contagious in the winter months. The influenza immunization should be part of your routine health care. Here‟s why: The influenza shot is the best protection against respiratory influenza. Influenza causes a respiratory illness that can last for seven to 10 days. It does not cause the stomach „flu‟ or a cold. Children and adults with chronic conditions are at greater

risk for complications of influenza. Influenza can account for 2,000 to 8,000 deaths every year in Canada. The influenza shot is available in two forms: Nose spray (Flumist) and injection (Agriflu and Fluviral). Flumist requires no needles. Children 2-17years of age and adults afraid of needles should consider this form of immunizations. Check with your local public health unit for dates and times of flu clinics in your area.

For more invormation about the above, or any other health-related topic, please visit

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