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It has been an exciting November and as we look towards Christmas Break I would like to take a few moments to reflect on the three key principles I started the year discussing with students, parents and staff.
classroom working through an academic challenge or at home doing review, Academy students have all the potential in the world to find success and we are so happy we can be there to help them and support them in reaching their goals.
Respect A common phrase I like to say to students is, "If we can truly respect one another and show it every day, everything else will take care of itself". What I mean by this notion is that if we are able to be kind and considerate of others, a lot of the "hard stuff" is made easy. Rundle Academy takes pride in the fact that we have a safe and caring school where every student is encouraged to take risks in their learning. This is not possible without the commitment of our students and staff to model and live this philosophy and I am so very proud to witness this each and every day.
Message from the Principal
Counsellor‟s Notes
Society News Ambassadors Poppy Fund Food Drive
Admissions Information - Siblings Annual General Meeting School Nurse - Vaccinations Graduation Ring
Alumni Mentorship In Their Own Words
Rundle Academy has a tremendous community due to the fact that we all take responsibility for each other and for the school. Nothing was more reflective of this than our recent Remembrance Day Assembly in the Fine Arts Centre. Rundle Academy can take a lot of pride in the event in how they represented themselves and how they represented the school.
Fine Arts - Drama
Fine Arts - Music
Director‟s Cut
WE Day Alberta
TED-Ed Club
Maker Club News
6/7 Boys Volleyball 8/9 Boys Volleyball
Kids Helping Kids Grit Awards
Citizenship Awards
Extra Curricular Awards
Elementary Honour Roll
Junior High Honour Roll
Senior High Honour Roll
Activities for the Month
RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914
Otherwise known as Grit, it is the quality of never giving up in the face of adversity. All students at the Academy are aware of what it means to struggle; however, they are also aware of their potential to succeed and do well. Whether it be on the volleyball court or football pitch, or in the
I want to thank all of the members of our community for taking the time to care about each other, ourselves and our school.
Remembrance Day Ceremony
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COUNSELLOR ’S NOTES Encouraging Positive Thinking at School and at Home Three ways to help your child think more positively about themselves: 1. Do not allow them to talk negatively about themselves. 2. Encourage your child to see the positive aspects of what they did, even if they did not succeed- "You may not have gotten an A, but I think you did a great job on the project". 3. Help your child set reasonable goals, then celebrate those goals. Tips to helping your child stay positive when trying something new: 1. If your child is afraid of failure, remind them of past successes and encourage them to try. 2. Reward them for their efforts and teach them it is okay for them to reward themselves for trying something new, win or fail. 3. Point out the advantages of trying a new activity, like learning new skills or meeting new people. Help your child see the good along with the bad: 1. When something bad happens, acknowledge it, talk about it, and move forward - do not dwell on the negative. 2. Use negative situations as learning tools to prevent them from making the same decisions. Let your child learn from their mistakes or other people's mistakes: 1. Show your child that everyone makes mistakes use personal experiences, news stories, or their favorite movie star as examples.
Suggest activities that can increase positive thinking: 1. Smile and laugh! 2. Communication - share your positive thoughts and experiences. 3. Associate with positive people at school or in the community. Give them a positive statement they can repeat to themselves to encourage positive thinking: 1. I can do this. 2. I have studied hard. 3. I am proud of who I am. 4. What I think of myself is more important than what others think of me. Tips to promoting positive thinking through parental care and support: 1. Be available when you child needs you and give them the encouragement they need. 2. Always show them that you love them unconditionally. 3. Provide a positive home environment where they feel safe and secure. Healthy children are more positive children. Here are three ways to help keep them healthy: 1. Eat a nutritious diet. 2. Get plenty of sleep and avoid too much stress. 3. Exercise regularly.
2. Help them recognize the factors that lead to their mistake so they will not make the same mistake again. 3. Give them options and suggestions on handling similar situations in the future. Please feel free to contact me at staniloff@rundle.ab.ca or 403-250-2965 ext. 103 if you would like further information on Positive Thinking as well as if you have any questions or concerns regarding your childâ€&#x;s well-being. Ms. Amie Staniloff, RSW, School Counsellor
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Society Office Hours Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Closed Daily - 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. Top Marks Uniforms to be ordered through Top Marks at www.topmarks.ca or call their customer service department at 1-800-667-7105. Customer Service Dates November 17, 2015 Society Office 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. December 8, 2015 Society Office 5:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M.
AMBASSADORS Ambassadors are students who know our school well, are proud to attend here, and like to talk to others about their experiences. Ambassadors speak about life at Rundle Academy to prospective parents, they provide school tours for prospective students, and they generally will meet with anyone at anytime to talk about how great it is to be a student here! More than 60 students have volunteered to be Ambassadors this year and they have already been busy. During our Open House week in October, the Ambassadors assisted families by answering their questions and informing them of their Rundle Academy story. A big thank you is owed to these Ambassadors whose enthusiasm in sharing the value of Rundle Academy with others is truly exceptional!
POPPY FUND FOOD DRIVE Rundle Academy is having our Annual Poppy Fund Food Drive for Canada‟s war veterans. This important food drive is to support Calgary‟s war veterans that need living assistance. For countless reasons this food drive is important, but it has special meaning to Rundle Academy as our high school students have the opportunity to visit WWI and WWII battlefields and memorial sites every third Travel Club year. It is here that they learn about the great sacrifices all of Canada‟s war veterans have made are making and will make in the future. If possible, please have your son or daughter donate one or two perishable food items to this worthy cause. Donations can be brought to school and placed in their TA classrooms.
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ADMISSIONS INFORMATION FOR SIBLINGS Each year, when considering new students for acceptance, Rundle College gives priority to existing families wishing to make an application for siblings. We would like to advise you of the following deadlines for sibling applications for the 2016-2017 school year. If you apply by the dates listed below, your son or daughter will be considered in our first pool of candidates: November 1, 2015 - Applications for Kindergarten and Rundle Academy. December 1, 2015 - Applications for Grades 1 to 12. Students writing the SSAT (applying for grades 7 to 11) must write the SSAT by December 31, 2015. For Rundle College applications please use this link: Rundle College. For Rundle Academy tours and application information please use this link: Rundle Academy. Information regarding re-registration for current Rundle students will be mailed to you in January 2016. If you have any questions about the admission process, please contact Nicola Spencer at spencer@rundle.ab.ca or 403-291-3866 for Rundle College and Andria Slipp at slipp@rundle.ab.ca or 403-250-2965 for Rundle Academy.
A N N UA L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G Rundle College Society Annual General Meeting Time: Date: Location:
7:00 P.M. Wednesday, December 2, 2015 Rundle College Jr./Sr. High School 7375 - 17 Avenue SW
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.
SCHOOL NURSE - GRADE 5/9 VACCINATIONS The School Nurse and her team will be at the Academy on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. All Grade 5 students will receive vaccinations. Grade 9 students who have returned consent forms will receive vaccinations.
G R A D UA T I O N R I N G It is not too late to order your graduation ring!
Design and order your ring at
www.jostens.com or place your order with a $60 deposit through your Jostens representative at:
sean.kelly@jostens.com or
call 403-252-1774 or 1-877-252-1774
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ALUMNI MENTORSHIP On October 14th and 15th, Alumnus „12 Connor Sands taught the Senior High Foods classes how to make a crispy chicken sandwich with pizazz. Connor had recently graduated from the SAIT Professional Cooking Program and he wanted to share his expertise with his fellow Rundle College students. We would love to continue this mentorship with other alumni. Any Alumni interested in mentorship opportunities, please contact Mrs. Cawthorpe.
IN THEIR OWN WORDS How Our Alumni Continue to Move Mountains Alumna Sarah Lamoureux ‘11 After leaving Rundle, I became a Jedi Knight! Just kidding. After graduating from Rundle Academy, I applied to the Information Design program at Mount Royal University. It was definitely the right decision for me as it allowed me to use all of the things that I enjoy like math, science, art and design. Information Design is similar to graphic design, but it is based on user-centred design. For example, we create museum exhibition design, way-finding systems for hospitals, web design, video, book and magazine production, usability testing for mobile applications, and of course graphic design. After I graduate, and work for a while, my hope is to complete a master's program in either Exhibition Design or Museum Studies. My dream job is to one day work at the EMP (Experience Music Project) in Seattle in some sort of an exhibition design aspect. Presently, I have one class left in the elective portion of my degree. I am very close to getting that very expensive piece of paper. Plus, it's a music history class so it's smooth sailing. In 2014, I had the opportunity to do an exchange semester in Graz, Austria. I was a student at FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I'm not necessarily one to put myself out there, but my time there allowed me to experience new things, travel, and make many friends all over the world. Plus, Austrian beer is incredible. Currently, I work at Crave Cupcakes‟ head office as their Brand Communication Designer. I create the instructional design, social media, and other design work. It's a wonderful company to work for and my family isn't tired of the baked goods yet. My desk is massive and it's next to a huge bay window so I'm loving every minute of it. I guess the main thing that I miss about Rundle is hanging out in Mrs. Cawthorpe's room (forever “Ms. P” in my book though), doing homework and talking about life, as well as the amazing art classes with Mrs. Guy-Macdonald almost every weekday afternoon when I was in high school.
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FINE ARTS - MUSIC The North Pole is going green this year and everyone is excited – everyone, that is, except Santa who likes things just the way they are. On Thursday, December 17th at 7:00 p.m. come see the Elementary students sing, dance and act as they perform the musical „Santa Goes Green‟ by John Jacobson and Mac Huff. Tickets are $5 each and will be available on December 1st. Tickets may be reserved by sending your payment to Ms. Pumphrey in the office. Please reserve your tickets by December 16 th.
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Director‟s Cut Comes to the Elementary On October 26th and November 2nd the students of the elementary became filmmakers as they created short animation films. The grade 6 students used claymation to depict the Rundle Academy Core Values as they brought each one to life with tiny clay characters. The grade 4 and 5 students used stop motion animation to bring tiny Lego characters to life, also using the Core Values as inspiration for their movies. Their films are now preserved on CD. In February, some of their films may be chosen to don the „silver screen‟ at the Reel Fun Film Fest.
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This year Mrs. Whiting, Ms. Staniloff, Mrs. Speidel and Ms. Kapitza were able to take 27 lucky and well deserving students to attend this year‟s „We Day‟ celebrations at the Scotiabank Saddledome. The day is set out to encourage and celebrate the actions young people make to change the world. The day was filled with many amazing performances from Canadian artists, motivational speeches from some of Canada‟s most inspirational leaders and a strong message of hope for change and making the world a better place.
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T E D -E D C L U B Rundle Academy TED-Ed Club: Creating and Supporting Ideas Worth Sharing Rundle Academy‟s TED-Ed Club is off to a great start. During the last month 27 students have shown interest in either becoming a speaker or taking part in the club in other capacities such as Master of Ceremonies, blogging/vlogging, club photographers, graphic designer, event doodlers, and behind the scenes jobs like event and interaction design. This year we have students in the club from grades 6-12 and the energy and excitement in the room during our Monday meetings is fantastic. Our theme for the Club is Energies. Students are currently working at understanding the potential of such a broad and multidisciplinary topic and I am sure that they are going to amaze us with their unique and original interpretations of this theme. As well, we recently found out that TEDx renewed our TEDxRundleAcademy licence. This year‟s event will take place on March 12, 2016, in the Fine Arts Centre (FAC). Again, just like our TED-Ed Club, we will focus upon highlighting “ideas worth sharing” surrounding the complex and multifaceted behind Energies. We have begun to plan this event and are excited to bring to you a thought-provoking and inspiring roster of speakers. Once again, this event will feature many of our TED-Ed Club students and we know that their “ideas worth sharing” and youthful energy will bring a unique flavour to this high anticipated Rundle Academy event. Karen Goepen-Wee, Peter Morrow TED-Ed Club Facilitators TEDxRundleAcademy Organizers
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MAKER CLUB NEWS The inaugural first month of the Rundle Academy Maker Club is officially under our belts! Students have been diligently working to complete their first 3D printed items. The design process teaches students many skills, including the value of trial and error, learning from their mistakes, as well as benefiting from the power of collaboration; all while providing them with the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills learned in their academic classes. A handful of students have completed their first project and photographs of some of the creations are showcased here. Students can look forward to continued 3D printing in November. New students are always welcome! Read on to hear some thoughts from one of our very own Makers. In an interview with one grade nine maker, Nathan Litvinchuk: Q: What drew you to the Maker Club? A: The thought of 3D printing cool designs that youâ€&#x;ve created on technology I havenâ€&#x;t used before was exciting to me. Q: What have you designed and why? A: I originally started with a more complicated action figure design, and then switched my design so that I could have a more manageable print. I also wanted to have a design that would be useable, so I switched to designing a fidget toy. Q: How did your first print work? Was it successful? A: My first print was a fail! The dimensions were not correct and I had to redesign. You have to be ready for failure. My second print was a success! Here is a picture of Nathanâ€&#x;s fidgit.
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6 / 7 B OY S V O L L E Y B A L L Congratulations to the 6/7 boys volleyball team on a fantastic year. They got off to a terrific start, collecting third place at the Junior High Volleyball Classic, and enjoyed mixed success throughout the rest of the season. They remained positive, hard-working and committed to doing their best and developing their skills. By the end of the season, they were clearly beginning to click as a cohesive team, and finished strong with a terrific effort at the year-end tournament.. Excellent work boys! Coach: Mr. Carr
8 / 9 B OY S V O L L E Y B A L L The 8/9 boys volleyball team has continued to excel this season, posting a league record of 9 wins and 5 losses. The boys currently sit in third place out of 8 teams and are heading into the playoffs with a good chance to qualify for the Champions Tournament to close out the season. This is a very exciting time for the boys, please wish them luck! Coach: Mr. Anderson
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KIDS HELPING KIDS Used Uniform Sale Thank you to all the families that came out to support Kids Helping Kids at the Used Uniform Sale. All of your donations and the money from the sales will go to many worthy causes that Kids Helping Kids support. The next sale will be in March 2016! Kids Helping Kids Retreat This year the Kids Helping Kids group spent an afternoon collaborating and coming up with a plan for the year at The Keg. The group spent time together creating a Mission Statement, choosing groups and charities to support and ideas for spreading awareness throughout our community. All in all it was an amazing opportunity for this group and we look forward to having an amazing year!
GRIT AWARDS „Grit‟ as defined by Laura Pappano in the Harvard Education Letter (Jan/Feb 2013) is a combination of “hard work, delayed gratification, curiosity, open-mindedness, and perseverance.” The Rundle Academy „Grit‟ Award will be awarded to one student in each division who has consistently demonstrated a commitment to developing these traits in academic, personal or extra-curricular pursuits.
Carter Kemp Grade 5
Emma Buker Grade 9
Aia Davis Grade 11
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CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.
Dylan Fisher Grade 5
Tyler Chicoyne Grade 6
Matt Hopkins Grade 8
Amy Heise Grade 10
Aaron Clark Grade 7
David Samuels Grade 9
Quintin Millions Grade 11
Dylan Barr Grade 12
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EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.
Rohan Pernitsky Grade 5
Lev Markin Grade 6
Liam Morrow Grade 8
Charlotte Holmes Grade 10
Tess Sangwine Grade 7
Nicole Menard Grade 9
Brice Oâ€&#x;Brien Grade 11
Max Smith Grade 12
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ELEMENTARY HONOUR ROLL REPORT 1 - 2015/2016 Excellence (90% - 100%) McBride, Mason (Gr. 4) Salt, Gabrielle (Gr. 5) Schaffer, Murray (Gr. 5) Stephen, Mack (Gr. 4)
Stephen, Sam (Gr. 6) Vollendorf, Max (Gr. 4) Zurowski, Alexsa (Gr. 6)
Gold (85% - 89%) Bruce, Avery (Gr. 6) Clay, Rachael (Gr. 5) Crawford, Noah (Gr. 5) Hecker, Kaden (Gr. 6) MacArthur, Munro (Gr. 4)
Mogan, Ellie (Gr. 6) Pacey, Ella (Gr. 5) Picklyk, Emerson (Gr. 4) Roessel, Nicholas (Gr. 6) Simpson, Annika (Gr. 4)
Silver (80% - 84%) Berkhold, Aiden (Gr. 6) Chicoyne, Tyler (Gr. 6) deBoer, Lyla (Gr. 4) Dixon, Mathew (Gr. 6) Dixon, Nicholas (Gr. 5) Holt, Kate (Gr. 6) Hussey, Jaeda (Gr. 6) King, Katie (Gr. 4)
Lupi, Flora (Gr. 5) Lylander, Jayden (Gr. 5) McGregor, Colton (Gr. 5) Pernitsky, Rohan (Gr. 5) Pinzon, Katalina (Gr. 4) Rengger, William (Gr. 4) Toews, Sasha (Gr. 6) Vik, Amelia (Gr. 5)
Bronze (75% - 79%) Blessing, Jonathan (Gr. 6) Brimacombe, Sophie (Gr. 5) Brown, Owen (Gr. 6) Dahlin, Zara (Gr. 4) Davies, Cameron (Gr. 4)
Fisher, Dylan (Gr. 5) Leischner, Jordan (Gr. 6) Markin, Lev (Gr. 6) Roy, Braelyn (Gr. 6)
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JUNIOR HIGH HONOUR ROLL REPORT 1 - 2015/2016 Excellence (90% - 100%) Bruyn, Juliana (Gr. 9) Morrow, Liam (Gr. 8) Petti, Amanda (Gr. 7) Pickles, Liam (Gr. 7)
Samuels, David (Gr. 9) Walters, Ben (Gr. 7) Yadav, Kai (Gr. 9)
Gold (85% - 89%) Bouma, Ari (Gr. 9) Clark, Aaron (Gr. 7) Clay, Zander (Gr .8) de Paiva, Will (Gr. 8) Ell, Carson (Gr. 8) Faircloth-Nunn, Elisabeth (Gr. 9) Figol, Sawyer (Gr. 8) Fryett, Miles (Gr. 9)
Gilmour, Cameron (Gr. 7) Hallgrimsson, Elizabeth (Gr. 7) Hoffinger, Sarah (Gr. 8) Khousakoun, Danielle (Gr. 7) King, Henry (Gr. 7) Menard, Nicole (Gr. 9) Nield, Isaac (Gr. 9) Schotanus, Chloe (Gr. 7)
Stephen, Jill (Gr. 7) Stephen, Tom (Gr. 8) Sutton, Leah (Gr. 8) Taylor, Ben (Gr. 9) Tiberio, Antonio (Gr. 7) Toews, Sam (Gr. 9)
Silver (80% - 84%) Bortl, Thrissa (Gr. 9) Brimacombe, Chloe (Gr. 7) Buker, Emma (Gr. 9) Ell, Blake (Gr. 8) Gruending, Carter (Gr. 9) Hamilton, Jared (Gr. 9) Hards, Ian (Gr. 9)
Hopkins, Matthew (Gr. 8) Jakubec, JP (Gr. 8) Knaus, Tylar (Gr. 7) Lupi, Isabella (Gr. 8) Maxwell, Ben (Gr. 9) Peddlesden, Rhys (Gr. 7) Read, Logan (Gr. 7)
Sangwine, Tess (Gr. 7) Stewart, Jessie (Gr. 7) Vertanness, Amy (Gr. 8) Warme, Charlotte (Gr. 7) Woronuk, Ellie (Gr. 8)
Bronze (75% - 79%) Carinelli, Isabella (Gr. 8) Colwell, Taya (Gr. 9) Cormack, Joel (Gr. 9) D’Onofrio, Nicholas (Gr. 8) De Land, Charles (Gr. 8) DeJager, Jaxon (Gr. 8) Derksen, Trinity (Gr. 7)
Emery, Morgan (Gr. 8) Fischer-Essar, Jared (Gr. 9) Huck, Soleil (Gr. 8) Lawson, Jaylah (Gr. 7) Litvinchuk, Nathan (Gr. 9) Lynch, Eden (Gr. 8) Marinakos, Andreas (Gr. 8)
Martopullo, Anthony (Gr. 9) McIntosh, Owen (Gr. 9) Medwid, Mary (Gr. 8) Proverbs, Marco (Gr. 7) Rogers, Jaxson (Gr. 8) Valentine, Andrew (Gr. 9)
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SENIOR HIGH HONOUR ROLL REPORT 1 - 2015/2016 Excellence (90% - 100%) Bennett, Katherine (Gr. 12) Heise, Amy (Gr. 10) Huntley, Kennedy (Gr. 12) Needham, Georgia (Gr. 11)
Oliphant, Claire (Gr. 11) Poutanen, Penn (Gr. 10) Smith, Max (Gr. 12) Stephen, Alix (Gr. 12)
Gold (85% - 89%) Barr, Dylan (Gr. 12) Hughes, Jennelle (Gr. 11)
Smith, Emily (Gr. 11) Udy, Alycia (Gr. 12)
Silver (80% - 84%) Bhullar, Monique (Gr. 11) Bouma, Bram (Gr. 10) Brandon-Christie, Rowan (Gr. 10) Budd, Payton (Gr. 12) Coombs, Annelise (Gr. 12) Fawcett, Sarah (Gr. 12)
Gaur, Rishi (Gr. 11) Giles, Jackson (Gr. 10) Gordon, Lachlan (Gr. 10) Holan, Ryan (Gr. 10) Holmes, Charlotte (Gr. 10) Jacob, Emma (Gr. 10)
Kerkovius, Sepp (Gr. 11) Molloy, Brendan (Gr. 12) Petti, Dominic (Gr. 11) Reeder, Sarah (Gr. 11)
Bronze (75% - 79%) Bischoff, Alexi (Gr. 12) Blair, Mark (Gr. 10) Brennan, Georgia (Gr. 11) Davis, Aia (Gr. 11) Garcia-Ahmadi, Aden (Gr. 12) Gardiner, Aneisha (Gr. 10) Gardiner, Samuel (Gr. 10)
Geiger, Ross (Gr. 11) Hallson, Eric (Gr. 12) Hillstead, Madison (Gr. 12) Kane, Noah (Gr. 10) Kitchen, Benjamin (Gr. 10) Kloss, Mitchell (Gr. 10) Major, Amy (Gr. 11)
Mancuso, Jasmine (Gr. 10) Petti, Oliver (Gr. 10) Shomody, Phoenix (Gr. 10) Sisson, Teagan (Gr. 11) Tuckwood, Mitchell (Gr. 12) Voit, Aiden (Gr. 10)
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Rocks and Rings (Curling Instruction Grades 4-10)
November 23-27
Rundle Dance (Guest Instructor in Physical Education – All Grades)
November 26
PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M.) Learning Commons
November 27
Dress Down Day
December 1
Staff Alma Mater Day
December 2
AGM (7:00 P.M.) Rundle College Junior/Senior High 7375 - 17 Avenue SW
December 8–11
Drama Production „The Pink Panther‟ (7:00 P.M.) Fine Arts Centre
December 9
Grade 5/9 Vaccinations
December 15
CISAA Wrestling Championships (4:00 P.M.) Hosted by Rundle Academy
December 17
Elementary Christmas Production „Santa Goes Green‟ (7:00 P.M.) Fine Arts Centre
December 18
Last day of Classes before Break 12:00 P.M. Dismissal
January 4
Students Return from Break
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (www.rundleacademy.ab.ca). Look for morning announcements posted on our Moodle Pages. Follow us on Twitter @rundleacademy for more information and upcoming events.