Rundle Acandemy Newletter

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V o l u m e 8 , I s s ue 2

Ru n d l e A c a d e my

November 8, 2010


M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L November is a time when we pay tribute to our military and, particularly, our veterans for their efforts and sacrifices on our behalf. Remembrance Day is an occasion to remember and give thanks to our military personnel for keeping our world safe.

the Academy. The purpose of the day is to allow teachers from Rundle College, Rundle Academy, the Elementary and the Primary an opportunity to meet in their subject areas and share instructional and assessment strategies. Winter Uniforms

Report Cards and Interviews INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

High School Report Cards were sent home on Tuesday, November 2nd, Parent/ Teacher Interviews were Thursday, November 4th (1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.). Parents met with Teacher Advisors and Subject Teachers to discuss first semester achievements. The Report Cards for Elementary and Junior High will be sent home on Monday, November 22nd, with Interviews scheduled for Thursday, November 25th (1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.).

Message from the Principal


Counsellor’s Notes Society News


Academy Speaker Series


Music Notes Fine Arts


Poppy Fund Food Drive Southland Transportation Claymation


Jr./Sr. High Student Council Elementary Halloween Party


Professional Development Day

Kids for Kids Club


Outdoor Environmental Ed.


There will be no classes on Friday, November 12th, as all staff will be attending Professional Development sessions at

Golf Team Junior High Boys Volleyball


Rundle College Football


Honor Roll - Senior High


Moves Mountains Awards Citizenship Awards


Extra Curricular Awards


Activities for the Month


RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914

All students are to be congratulated on the excellent transition they made from “Summer” to “Winter” uniforms. I appreciate the efforts of parents assisting in the change and add a reminder that winter uniforms will be the apparel of choice until immediately after Spring Break, Monday, April 17th. AGM The Annual General Meeting will be held Thursday, November 25th, at the Elementary, Chief Crowfoot location. The meeting will begin at 7:00 P.M. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend.

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COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Post-Secondary Planning Believe it or not, it is nearly time for our Grade 12 students to start applying for post-secondary! Over the course of the last two months, I have met with each Grade 12 student to discuss their plans for after high school. It is exciting to hear about the wide variety of career paths our students plan to pursue! I sent home an information package with each student in which there was information about their programs, as well as some career planning resources. To help students with this important decision, I have created a number of opportunities for post-secondary planning, some of which we have already completed: October 27th - Out-of-Province University Fair November 9th and 16th - Government of Alberta Career Planning Facilitator November 23rd - In-Province University Fair November 15th through December 15th - Weekly “Lunch & Learn” Sessions Also, on November 17th at 7:00 p.m., there is an information night for Academy parents on career and post-secondary planning. This evening will offer valuable information that will assist you in guiding your child through the process of choosing a career. Here are some upcoming post-secondary information opportunities in Calgary: University of Calgary November 6th - Open House November 30th – Admission Workshops December 2nd – Admission Workshops

Ambrose University College November 20th – Open House

Mount Royal University November 13th – Open House SAIT November 3rd – Prospective Student Information Session December 8th - Prospective Student Information Session January 31st - Prospective Student Information Session

Alberta College of Art & Design November 20th – Information Session January 22nd – Information Session February 4th or 5th – Portfolio Review Day February 5th – Information Session St. Mary’s University College Call to Book a Campus Tour

Please feel free to contact me if you would like some further information on post-secondary and career planning. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines 403-250-2965

SOCIETY OFFICE Uniform Store Hours October 2010 to May 2011 Tuesdays and Thursdays only 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. The store is closed daily during the noon hour from 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M.

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Rundle Academy’s Speaker Series Information Evenings For Parents and Students September 15, 2010 Meet The Teacher October 13, 2010 Assistive Technology for Students with LD * Mr. Jason Maitland and Mr. Jason Rogers November 10, 2010 Open House * For prospective parents November 17, 2010 Career and Post Secondary Planning *Mr. Gary Sylven December 1, 2010 How You Can Help Improve Your Child’s Reading Skills & Hands on Moodle & WYNN Workshop! * Jason Maitland and Nicola Buchanan January 12, 2011 Study & Memory Skills * Ms. Emma Guy February 9, 2011 Junior High School Orientation & High School Orientation * All Grade 6 and Grade 9 Parents and Students * John Wolf, Jamie Burla and Terry Hoganson March 2, 2011 Open House * For prospective parents March 16, 2011 Panel Discussion on ADHD—Implications for School & Home * Speakers TBA April 14, 2011 What to expect at Post Secondary Institutions—Transition Planning *Dr. Brent Macdonald, University of Calgary and Alumni Student Panel

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MUSIC NOTES Remembrance Day Ceremony Performance The elementary choir has been working very hard on the song "One Wish." It is a beautiful song about peace that they will be performing on Wednesday, November 10th at our Remembrance Day assembly. The junior high and senior high music students will be performing the song "Imagine." Save the date! "Jingle Bell Jukebox," a Christmas musical, will be presented by the elementary music students and junior high performing arts students on Thursday, December 9th at 7:00 p.m.. The Music Club and the Senior High Music Club will provide some pre-show entertainment that night too! Come prepared to catch some holiday cheer. More details will be coming in the December newsletter.

FINE ARTS Rundle Academy Drama Club Proudly Presents

December 13- 16 , 2010 Tickets on Sale December 1st

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POPPY FUND FOOD DRIVE Rundle Academy will be having its Sixth Annual Poppy Fund Food Drive for Canada’s war veterans. This important food drive is to support Calgary’s war veterans that need living assistance. Recently, a public plea from the Poppy Fund coordinators indicates that food is at an all time low and need at an all time high. For countless reasons this food drive is important, but it has special meaning to Rundle Academy as our high school students have the opportunity to visit WWI and WWII battlefields and memorial sites every second year. It is here that they learn about the great sacrifices all of Canada’s war veterans have made, are making and will make in the future. If possible, please have your son or daughter donate one or two perishable food items to this worthy cause. Donations can be brought to school and placed in their TA classrooms Thank You

S O U T H L A N D T R A N S P O R TA T I O N Southland Transportation has a website that can be used as a tool to check the status of your child’s bus. Notification of delays to the bus routes is not always possible. Please log on to and type in Rundle College Academy in the search field. As entries are made, the page will update automatically. Please keep in mind that Southland does not always know that a route is running behind and would appreciate you calling 403-287-1335 to inform them when your child’s route is 10 or more minutes behind so that they may post it.

CLAYMATION On October 20th, the grade 6’s utilized a computer program to bring clay figures to life. A lot of concentration and hard work went into their productions. Their animated clips would even make James Cameron proud! The grade 6’s are very excited and looking forward to sharing their clips with the whole school.

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JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH STUDENT COUNCIL Recently student council has been organizing a number of scary and exciting activities. We would like to start off by saying that everyone did a fantastic job on the gross food eating competition, especially Kayley Miller, Steven Timlick and Zach Woolf. Thank you, again, to anyone who participated in the Halloween Fashion Show hosted by Mr. Burla and Mr. van der Meer. The Halloween Dance we organized was also very successful, breaking records for the number of tickets sold to attend the dance. After a very busy October, we are already planning a special lunch (Peter’s Drive-In) and a Neon Clothing theme day for the month of November. If anyone has any other fun and creative ideas, do not forget to pass these along to your grade representatives or your student council presidents. Student Council Members

E L E M E N TA RY H A L L O W E E N P A R T Y The 29th was a fun-filled morning for the elementary. Watching movies, eating goodies, and dancing. A good time was had by all. All classes participated in door decorating and received House points. There were five costume judging categories and the teachers had an extremely difficult time narrowing their picks to five individuals!

Funniest Adam Miller

Scariest Juliana Bruyn

Most Original Aia Davis

Best Home-made Oliver Petti

Best Overall Dominic Petti

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Volume 8, Issue 2


KIDS CLUB Justice Film Festival The Kids for Kids group hosted their first Justice Film Festival event on October 6th. The film the students viewed was titled ‘Paperclips’ and documented one school’s mission to acknowledge all the Jewish lives lost during the holocaust. There were nearly 40 students in attendance and all proceeds that were raised are going directly towards the work of Kane Ryan and his organization ‘The Dirty Wall Project.’ The next Justice Film Festival will take place on November 17th. The title of the film will be announced in the days prior to the viewing. Admission for this event will be a $2 donation to the Dirty Wall Project. For more information, please contact Jason Rogers at

We Day – Vancouver, BC – October 16, 2010 Kids for Kids was lucky to be able to send four students to We Day in Vancouver, BC. Four of the Academy students joined 11 Rundle College students and 18,000 others from across Canada to celebrate the work of ‘Free the Children.’ The event was held at the Rogers Center and included musical performances by Hedley and the Bare Naked Ladies. In addition to the entertainment, there were motivational speeches by Al Gore, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Rick Hansen and Martin Sheen. All of the students who attended were excited and motivated to take social action.

Who Has the Hottest Homeroom? Kids for Kids is going to be selling Curry Spice Packages to help with Kane Ryan and the Dirty Wall Project. These packages are $8 a packet and come in a variety of flavors (Chicken Curry, Vegetable Curry and Beef Curry). All proceeds will go directly to the Dirty Wall Project ( The homeroom that sells the most packages will be treated to a special surprise! If you have any questions about this initiative, feel free to contact Sarah Kaptiza at

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O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N The Junior High Outdoor Education Class has had a fiery start to the year. We started the semester learning about common outdoor rope work, emergency shelters and preparing for our Alford Lake camping trip. At Alford Lake, we started the day off with lessons on the three minute fire, emergency shelters and signal fires. Dinner was a smorgasbord of culinary delights. Each group of students participated in the annual Iron Chef contest and we had dinners ranging from gourmet chicken quesadillas to scallops wrapped in bacon. At the bonfire night, the Iron Chef competitors and award recipients feasted on snacks and tales of adventure from the wilderness. Thursday morning we participated in archery lessons. In the afternoon individual groups were sent off in isolation to “survive” with a basic emergency shelter, a flint and steel and six matches. All groups survived and had an entertaining afternoon building their home away from home. The Gourm-en-gash dinner was outstanding; thanks to Ms Phillips’s can opening ability. A wildlife identification lesson with the staff from Alford Lake was the last session of a very long day. Thanks to Ms. Phillips for all her assistance and time dedicated to the program. Congratulations OEE students on a very successful camp. Our next big outing will be the full day snowshoeing trip on Tuesday, December 14, 2010. Students will need winter snow boots and basic winter clothing.

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GOLF TEAM Now that October has come to a close, I see fit to reflect on the anomalous weather we have shared this month! Coming into September and the beginning of the school year, there were doubts that Mother Nature was willing to facilitate the golf program this season. However, 17 diligent students from grades 7 through 12 made a commitment despite the bouts of rain, snow and hail we were experiencing. And now look at us; September’s mild finish and a beautiful October saw the golf program flourish. Students in the program were set up with three group lessons from the assistant professionals at Country Hills Golf Club. They were taught basic swing mechanics, along with chipping and putting techniques. It was nice to see each student take away something from these lessons and build on their developing golf abilities. Overall, I was happy to see such a keen interest in the program this year and am looking forward to seeing the kids out on the links next season.

JUNIOR HIGH BOY S VOLLEYBALL Junior Boys Volleyball is coming to a close with our year-end tournaments being held this week. The grade 8/9 team will compete on Thursday, November 4th, and the grade 7 team will compete on Friday, November 5th, and Saturday, November 6th. This season has been great fun. Thank you to all the parents for their support! Coach: Ms. Carberry

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RUNDLE COLLEGE FOOTBALL The Rundle Football Team ended the regular season with a 5 wins and 1 loss record. We finished in first place in the Big Sky Conference. In our first playoff game we played Innisfail High School. It was one of our most complete games of the season as we won 51 - 0 to advance to the League Championship. We had played in the League Championship game the last three years in a row, winning for the first time last year. We started well again, putting together a complete game and defeated Drumheller 52 – 6, winning our second Big Sky Championship. The win improved our overall record to 7 – 3 and ranked the team # 3 in the Province.

We have achieved our first two goals of finishing in first place and winning the League Championship. Now the quest for our ultimate goal begins, that being a Tier IV Provincial Championship. It requires winning three consecutive games against very good football teams. Our first game will be this Saturday against 8th ranked St. Timothy’s High School from Cochrane. The game is schedule for Shouldice Park in Calgary at 5:00 P.M. Thanks to all the students, parents and staff for their encouragement and support in helping us fully experience this incredible season.

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HONOR ROLL - REPORT 1 - 2010/2011 SENIOR HIGH Excellence (90% - 100%) Midkiff, William (Gr. 10) Breton, Rosemary (Gr. 11)

Huband, Chris (Gr. 12)

Gold (85% - 89%) Warltier, Angus (Gr. 10) Alvarez, Hugh (Gr. 11) Abels, Michael (Gr. 11)

Brintnell, Troy (Gr. 11) Levesque, Collin (Gr. 12)

Silver (80% - 84%) Cosman, Lauren (Gr. 10) duBerger, Brock (Gr. 10) Dirks, Ian (Gr. 10) Empey, Luke (Gr. 10) Hartwell, Alex (Gr. 10) McColl, William (Gr. 10) Salahor, Drewe (Gr. 10) Cartmell, Ryan (Gr. 11) Cronje, Declan (Gr. 11)

Dowling, Sarah (Gr. 11) Duckworth, Victoria (Gr. 11) Gall, Carter (Gr. 11) Gold, Virginia (Gr. 11) Luca, Matthew (Gr. 11) Ollive, Connor (Gr. 11) Rose, Amber (Gr. 11) Vanderbeek, Danielle (Gr. 11) Bailey, Mackenzie (Gr. 12)

Lamoureux, Sarah (Gr. 12) Miller, Kayley (Gr. 12) Molle, Sean (Gr. 12) Reich, Taylor (Gr. 12) Warren, Andrew (Gr. 12) Wood, Emily (Gr. 12)

Bronze (75% - 79%) Buckley, Jason (Gr. 10) Timlick, Steven (Gr. 10) Beckford, Callum (Gr. 11) Brodylo, Alex (Gr. 11) Cope, Alex (Gr. 11) Kinzer, Jacob (Gr. 11) Magee, Darian (Gr. 11)

Mudry, Stefanie (Gr 11) Smith, Margaret (Gr. 11) Vician, Matthew (Gr. 11) Woolf, Zach (Gr. 11) Hashman, Gabrielle (Gr. 12) Henderson, Jackie (Gr. 12) Hendry, Cole (Gr. 12)

Hill, Connor (Gr. 12) Johansson, Stefanie (Gr. 12) Ruck, T.C. (Gr. 12) Smith, Riley (Gr. 12)

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M O V E S M O U N TA I N S A W A R D S Awarded to students who overcome challenges academically or personally while displaying appropriate and positive behaviour.

Mitchell Kloss Grade 5

Kemarr Bishop Grade 5

Andrew Warren Grade 12

CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

Annette Berry Grade 5

Adam Miller Grade 6

Sarah Reeder Grade 6

Darian Halwas Grade 9

Charlotte Jones Grade 9

Drewe Salahor Grade 10

Margaret Smith Grade 10

Ian Dirks Grade 10

Amber Rose Grade 11

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EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.

Jackson Howe Grade 6

Dominic Petti Grade 6

Sneh Yadav Grade 6

Teanna Markle Grade 6

Kennedy Huntley Grade 7

Cali Champagne Grade 7

Curtis Holloway Grade 8

Taylor Quantz Grade 8

Cameron Olson Grade 8

Carmen Farmer Grade 8

No picture at this time.

Ally Duckworth Grade 9

Charlotte Jones Grade 9

Steven Timlick Grade 10

Jason Buckley Grade 10

Carter Gall Grade 11

Linden MacMillan Grade 12

Taylor Reich Grade 12

Cole Hendry Grade 12

Tayton Harbaruk Grade 12

Riley Smith Grade 12

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ACTIVITIES November 10



Remembrance Day Ceremony (10:00 a.m.) Open House (7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.)

November 11

Remembrance Day (No Classes)

November 12

Professional Development Day (No Classes)

November 15

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

November 17

Speaker Series – Post-Secondary Planning (7:00 P.M.)

November 22

Elementary and Junior High Report Cards Go Home

November 25

Elementary and Junior High Parent/Teacher Interviews (from 1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.). Students dismissed at 12:00 P.M. Senior High PD Half Day. Students dismissed at 12:00 P.M.

November 25

AGM (7:00 P.M.) at Rundle College Elementary (2634 - 12 Avenue NW)

December 1

Speaker Series – How You Can Help Improve Your Child’s Reading Skills & Hands on Moodle & WYNN Workshop (7:00 P.M.)

December 2-4 Junior High Basketball Tournament December 13

PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)

REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on the website Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage ( November 25, 2010 - Elementary and Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews. Elementary teachers will contact parents to set up an interview time. Junior High parents are to contact Ms. Pumphrey (403-250-2965) to book interview times.

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