V o l u m e 9 , I s s ue 1 October 12, 2011
ROCKIES RUMBLINGS M E S S A G E F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L The 2011-2012 school year is off to a great start with staff and students looking forward to another dynamic year. Welcome to our returning families and a special welcome to our new families.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Message from the Principal
Counsellor’s Notes
Rundle College Open Houses Annual General Meeting Society News
Dare to Care
Curriculum Handbooks School Nurse - Vaccinations
Ambassador Program Student Council - Elementary
Outdoor Environmental Ed. Golf Club Junior High Girls Volleyball
Senior High Girls Volleyball Senior High Boys Volleyball
Junior High Cross Country
Senior High Cross Country
Rundle College Football
Extra Curricular Awards Moves Mountains Awards Citizenship Awards
Activities for the Month
Athletic Field Grand Opening
Seat Sale
RUNDLE ACADEMY 4330 16 Street SW Calgary, AB T2T 4H9 Ph: 250-2965 / Fax: 250-2914 www.rundleacademy.ab.ca
goals and decided to continue to work on them for the 2011-2012 school year Communication, Accommodations and Assistive Technology. These goals will be the main focus of our professional development again this year.
Our enrollment has increased to 218 students with 45 Elementary students, 77 Junior High students and 96 Senior High students. We have 35 staff members including the following new additions: Mr. Innes (Grade 6), Ms. Scott (Junior High Math), Ms. Coleman (Junior High ELA/ PEd), Mr. Vesey (Senior High Chemistry/ Physics).
The first Parent Advisory Council meeting was on Monday, September 12th, with an outstanding representation of parents. This year’s PAC Executive will include: Mrs. Petti (Chairman), Mrs. Larmour (Vice -Chairman), Mrs. Miller (Secretary) and Mrs. Timlick (Treasurer). We welcome them and look forward to their leadership. I would like to extend our heartfelt gratiMr. Rogers will be entering his fifth year tude to Mrs. Risebrough (Chairman) and as Assistant Principal and continues to Mrs. Dowling (Secretary) for their many increase his portfolio. There are three years of service and the considerable “Heads of Years” (Mr. Wolf – Elementary, contributions they have made to the sucMr. Burla – Junior High and Mr. Hogan- cess and evolution to this organization. I son – Senior High) and four “Heads of invite all parents to attend our PAC meetDepartment” (Mr. Morrow – ELA, Ms. ings as they have been the driving force Phillips – Mathematics, Ms. Davidson – behind many successful initiatives and Science, and Mr. Lawson – Social Stud- are an ideal way to voice opinions and concerns. ies). The Academy faculty and staff met prior to the school year to review last year’s
Rundle Athletic Field Grand Opening September 16, 2011
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COUNSELLOR’S NOTES Welcome to the 2011-2012 school year! For those who are new to Rundle, my role here encompasses personal, career, and academic counselling, as well as coordinating student services, schedules, and IPPs. I am involved in various wellness and leadership initiatives within the school. Students are welcomed and encouraged to access my services independently, but there may also be times when I connect with a student based on a teacher, administrator or parent referral. Please feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way! Post-Secondary Planning
Did You Know?
Believe it or not, it is nearly time for our Grade 12 students to start applying for post-secondary! Over the course of the last month, I have met with each Grade 12 student to discuss their plans for after high school. It is exciting to hear about the wide variety of courses our students plan to pursue! I will soon be sending home a package with each student who requested further information about programs and career choices along with some career planning resources.
· Universities require a recent Psych.Ed. report in order to provide learning accommodations! · Some universities start accepting applications in early October! · Getting a space in residence at some universities may require applications NOW! · Some universities, such as UAlberta, offer guaranteed early admission to students who meet the minimum requirements!
To help students with this important decision, there are a number of opportunities for post-secondary planning:
· The USask will now accept the course based OR diploma grade for admission – whichever is highest!
October 11th: In-Province Post-Secondary Fair October 26th: Out-of-Province Post-Secondary Fair October 31st: ULethbridge Rep at the Academy October–December: “Lunch & Learn” Sessions on various topics, including scholarships, applications, and accommodations.
· ULethbridge offers on-the-spot admission offers at their open house days in November!
Here are some upcoming post-secondary information opportunities in Calgary: University of Calgary November 5th - Open House Mount Royal University October 29th – Open House SAIT October 21st and 22nd – Open House Bow Valley College November 15th – Open House Ambrose University College November 19th – Open House
· Over $7 million dollars per year in scholarship money in Canada goes unclaimed! · ULethbridge and AthabascaU both offer programs in Calgary! · All Alberta post-secondary applications are now processed through a central system at www.applyalberta.ca!
Also, on November 15th at 7:00 p.m., there is an information night for Academy parents on career and post-secondary planning. This evening will offer valuable information to assist you in guiding your child to choose an appropriate career path.
· Maclean’s ranked both UCalgary and UAlberta in the top 8 of all Canadian universities!
Alberta College of Art & Design October 30th – Information Session November 30th – Information Session January 22nd – Information Session February 4th or 5th – Portfolio Review Day University of Lethbridge November 17th – Open House (Glenmore Inn, Calgary) University of Alberta Student Advising by Appointment or Walk-In (Calgary Centre)
St. Mary’s University College October 15th – Open House Please feel free to contact me if you would like some further information on post-secondary and career planning. Ms. Jana-Lynn Caines caines@rundle.ab.ca 403-250-2965 (ext. 103)
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RUNDLE COLLEGE OPEN HOUSES Rundle College Open Houses for this fall are as follows: Primary Open House - 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 2445 - 23 Avenue SW Calgary Elementary Open House - 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, 2011 2634 - 12 Avenue NW Calgary Junior High Open House - 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 6, 2011 7375 - 17 Avenue SW Calgary Rundle College awards “sibling status� to any siblings applying before December 1st, however, parents are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as openings are limited. If there are any questions, please contact Lynn Moriarity, Director of Admissions ,at 403-291-3866 or Nicola Spencer at 403-250-2965. Lynn Moriarity, BA Director of Admissions 403-291-3866
A N N UA L G E N E R A L M E E T I N G Rundle College Society Annual General Meeting Time: Date: Location:
7:00pm Thursday, December 1, 2011 Rundle Academy Elementary Gymnasium 4330 - 16 Street SW Calgary, Alberta
For detailed information please refer to the official Board communication email to all society members from Mr. Ronald Carrick dated September 30, 2011.
Uniform Store Hours All Year Monday to Thursday - 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Friday - 8:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. 12:00 P.M. to 1:00 P.M. (store closed daily)
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CARE Rundle College Society Multi-Campus Focus on Safe and Caring Schools The Dare to Care program is a fully comprehensive approach to dealing with bullying and challenges within school communities. This comprehensive approach involves students, teachers and parents in an effort to eliminate bullying and other dangerous behaviours from their schools and, in turn, create an atmosphere of acceptance and respect. The Dare to Care program helps school communities, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, create a common language which then allows for more consistent intervention and follow through when dealing with challenging issues.
Dates for Rundle Academy Students and Parents: Grades 4-7 Student Sessions October 18, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Through grade appropriate assemblies and small group skill development, students are given the knowledge and skill set to collectively make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. The Dare to Care Student day emphasizes the important concepts of awareness, empathy and social responsibility. Grades K-7 Parent Session October 25, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Rundle Academy Campus Participants will learn about the scope of the problem in schools today. As well, participants will learn the difference between normal peer conflict and bullying, characteristics of children who are targeted, cyber-bullying and tips to work on at home. An expert in the field of bullying, Lisa Dixon-Wells will be facilitating the session. The Dare to Care program is the recipient of the coveted Imagine Canada award and brings a new approach to building caring and socially responsible community. All parents are strongly encouraged to attend! Grades 8-12 Student Sessions November 1, 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Part 1 (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.): An engaging assembly for all grade 8-12 students, which creates an awareness of the various groups that exist within schools and how we separate ourselves from others. All in attendance will view the “Surviving High School” video which will be followed by more discussion around body image, bullying, suicide, bullycide, the power of a person’s words, and appropriate charges under the Criminal Code of Canada for these types of behaviours or attitudes towards other people. Part 2 (12:20 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.): A small group activity with 25 student leaders, with a focus on creating student ownership for school climate. Grades 8-12 Parent Session November 2, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Rundle College Campus What are students facing everyday that distract from being everything that they can be? This presentation will look into the lives of today’s youth and provide an understanding of the pressures they face every day. Participants will also learn how students struggle to fit in with peers... while dealing with bullying, harassment, stereotypes, teasing, rumours, drugs, depression, suicide, violence, family issues and more. Also the power of the words we use every day, respecting others and self respect, body image and eating disorders, texting, sexting, the impact of media including video games on today’s youth and the importance of honest communication.
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To: Principals of Public, Charter, Catholic and Private Schools, School Council Chairs The general and Catholic 2011/2012 Curriculum Handbooks for Parents, Curriculum Summaries for Kindergarten to Grade 9 and senior high school, and the Curriculum Express for Parents, Kindergarten to Grade 3 are now available on the Alberta Education website at www.education.alberta.ca/parents/resources/ handbook.aspx. They may be downloaded for viewing and printing as required. The handbooks are also available for purchase from the Learning Resources Centre at 780-427-2767 (toll-free by first dialling 3100000). An order form can be found on the website. Updated on an annual basis, the Curriculum Handbooks for Parents offer in-depth information about what students are expected to learn at each grade level of the curriculum, the Curriculum Summaries provide concise grade-at-a-glance information, and the Curriculum Express for Parents gives a short explanation of the curriculum for parents who are English language learners. Parents and parent groups have shown a keen interest in how to better support students and an appreciation for parent resources, such as the Curriculum Handbook for Parents, Curriculum Summaries and Curriculum Express for Parents. We also recognize that parents’ needs are changing and that parent resources need to be enhanced to meet those changing needs. Through a review of the handbooks, summaries and Curriculum Express for Parents, a suite of resources has been developed to facilitate more focused and efficient communication with parents. Therefore, 2012 will be a year of transition in which the present Curriculum Handbook for Parents series will transform into an integrated and enhanced parent digital resource in English and in French. For further information, please contact the Curriculum Sector, Education Program Standards and Assessment Division, at 780-427-2984 (toll-free by first dialling 310-0000). Joan Engel Director Arts, Communications and Citizenship Mathematics and Science Curriculum Sector Education Program Standards and Assessment Alberta Education
SCHOOL NURSE - GRADE 5/9 VACCINATIONS On Wednesday, November 2nd, the school nurse will be at the Academy to give the following vaccinations: Grade 5 - All students will be receiving their first dose of the vaccination. Grade 9 - All females will be getting vaccinated and a few males who are receiving the vaccination series will be getting vaccinated. The remainder of the males will not be getting vaccinated until the Spring.
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ACADEMY AMBASSADOR PROGRAM This is the first year of the Academy Ambassador Program. Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Spencer are running this program for students from Grade 5-12 who are interested in being representatives of Rundle Academy. Students who applied had to fill in an application form and provide a cover letter explaining why they would be a great Academy Ambassador. To our amazement, we received 35 completed applications! All of the applications and letters were extremely well done. To quote a couple of the letters: “I believe I would make an excellent Rundle Academy Ambassador because Rundle has changed me, once a struggling, school hating girl into a girl with confidence in her learning style and a broader outlook on her true potential. I am fun loving and personable. I love meeting new people and making friends.... I hope that I can get my story across to those children who are going through what I went through, and I hope I can be the example to those children that just because you have a learning disability, does not mean you’re an outcast and different, but rather it means that with a little perseverance and the right schooling there is nothing stopping you from reaching every goal you wish to reach.” and “I see so many children who’ve been forgotten by the public school system, left behind because not a single teacher could take the time and ask “How can I help you? What is it you are having trouble with?” and it breaks me, to know I could have been one of those students so easily had I not been introduced to Rundle Academy. I wish I had learnt about this school earlier on in my life, and I hope you’ll give me the chance to welcome others, and let them know that there is hope, that it doesn’t lie in dingy “Special Education” classrooms where code 54’s are cast aside. The heart of education lies within these walls.” These are just a sampling of how great the letters were! We are excited about having this group of students represent Rundle Academy whenever the opportunity arises! We will be calling on these students for parent tours, student tours, a spring leadership retreat, open houses and many other events!
S T U D E N T C O U N C I L - E L E M E N TA RY Congratulations to those students who were elected as student council representatives for their classes! This year, elementary student council began with organizing a Terry Fox fundraiser where students contributed Toonies for Terry. A bucket was passed around each day to collect money for cancer research. On Friday, September 30th, all students at Rundle Academy participated in a walk to support cancer research.
Student council is also planning to raise money next month in our annual UNICEF campaign. This year’s council decided to try something different, so stay tuned to find out more in the next couple of weeks. Special Lunch brought to you by student council: Peters’ Drive-In
Pictured from left to right: Zander Clay (Gr. 4), Lachlan Gordon (Gr. 6), Bram Bouma (Gr. 6), Evan Barter (Gr. 5), Ryan Nakamura (Gr. 5), Oliver Petti (Gr. 6), Brock Fisher (Gr. 5)
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O U T D O O R E N V I R O N M E N TA L E D U C A T I O N The OEE class has been working on our cycling skills over the last month. Uphill, downhill, single track and bicycle maintenance has taken us to our afternoon ride this past week. The trip around the reservoir was a chilly and windy one, but the fall colours were spectacular. In the next few weeks, we will be working on shelter building, trip preparation and food planning as we move towards our camping trip on the 19th, 20th, and 21st.
GOLF CLUB Another season is coming to an end with a successful golf program having taken place at the Academy. Students have made the trek to Country Hills Golf Club every Tuesday and Wednesday, taking lessons and working on their swing, short game and putting. We were represented well by all golfers this year, with four Junior High students: Nick Larmour, Michael Savilow, Ross Geiger and Eric Hallson representing Rundle at the CISAA Tournament. Thanks for a great year everyone, and remember – keep your head down!
JUNIOR HIGH GIRLS VOLLEYBALL The Junior High Girl’s Volleyball season is off to a fantastic start. We have many veteran players, as well as a few new faces. This season, the 6/7/8 girls will be competing in one league and many of the Grade 8’s are playing up in the Grade 9 competitive league, gaining much court time experience. There will be a number of home games throughout the season, so we hope that you can find time to come out and watch our very talented group of athletes. We have had our first tournament of the year, where the girls have shown improvement and that they will be a force to be reckoned with. Your 2011 Junior High Girls Volleyball Roster includes:
Ashley Yee
Madison Shields-Knutson
Taylor Quantz
Madison Hillstead
Carmen Farmer
Cali Champagne
Mia Berloni
Aia Davis
Georgia Kaluznick
Sneh Yadav
Sydney Almond
Sadie Matus
Auria Geskin
Teanna Markle
Kennedy Huntley
Sierra Adamow-Boudreau
Alix Stephen
Emily Smith
Gracie Guterson
Olivia Reeder
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SENIOR HIGH GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Congratulations to the Senior Girls Volleyball team who are off to a great start this season. We competed well at our first tournament of the season in Duchess on October 7th, and are looking forward to our next tournament in Claresholm on Friday the 14th and Saturday the 15th. The Senior girls host three more matches before the completion of the 2011 volleyball season. Your Senior Girls Volleyball team is looking for your support, come out and cheer for your team!
Volleyball Team Sarah Dowling Megan Janzen Meagan Macdonald-Jasper Amber Rose Danielle Vanderbeek Kayla Wartman Alexis John Ally Duckworth Bryce Hall Natalie Heaton Charlotte Jones
SENIOR HIGH BOY S VOLLEYBALL The Senior Boys Volleyball program at Rundle Academy has had its strongest start in the team’s history. Our 4-1 start in season play and strong showing in Canmore and Lethbridge tournaments can be attributed to the strong core of players lead by Ben Matthews and Jake Kinzer. Davis Avery and Dan Driscoll have been hitting well from the right side, while Matt Vician and Matt Luca have been very strong roles as well. Jason Buckley has had an impressive season so far, proving to be one of the top setters in our league. Zach Woolf is adapting well to his new found position of Lebaro, and James Provost and Michael Abels are hitting well from the power side. New comers Ben Davis and Will McColl have helped round out our squad. We are well on our way to completing the best season yet as a Senior Boys Volleyball team here at Rundle Academy. Come out and cheer on the team during their final three home games as they chase that illusive 1A volleyball banner! See you on the court�
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The Cross-Country team had a slow start to the season, but with every new race, there were more and more participants turning up to run. The weather was glorious, and the turning red and yellow leaves at both Glenmore Park and River Park made for very enjoyable afternoon races. Practices were held on Thursdays after school while races were on Mondays. The Junior High Cross-Country team consisted of 18 runners in total. The runners in grade 7 included Quintin Millions, Adam Miller, Tal Preston, Sierra Adamow-Boudreau, Rowan Edy, Liam Cronin and Tyler Robertson. The Grade 9 crew, led by JJ Bruyn, consisted of Curtis Holloway, Cameron Olson, Mia Berloni, Rajan Bhullar, Sydney Almond and Taylor Quantz. All of the runners represented Rundle Academy with poise and dignity. We were especially pleased with some strong finishes by Taylor Quantz (4th Juvenile Girls), Mia Berloni (6th Juvenile Girls), Curtis Holloway (5th Juvenile Boys), Jackson Howe (7th Midget Boys) and Quintin Millions (9th Bantam Boys). Thanks to all members of the 2011 Junior High Cross-Country team! We cannot wait to see what you can do next year!! Coaches: Ms. Coleman and Ms. Williams
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S E N I O R H I G H C R O S S C O U N T RY Congratulations to the Senior High Cross Country team for a very successful season. The team won another ISAA banner for their division. Thank you to the following members: Mike Abels Troy Brintnell Sarah Dowling Luke Empey Victoria Hill Matt Luca Connor MacLean Will Midkiff Amber Rose Zach Woolf A special thank you to Ms. Phillips and Mr. Lawson for organizing the team.
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RUNDLE COLLEGE FOOTBALL The Rundle Football Team ended last season with a 13-2 season, capped off with a hard fought victory over Holy Rosary High School to win their second Tier IV Provincial Championship. The Cobras have moved up to Tier III this year and have some stiff competition. The goal this season is to win the League and the Provincial Tier III Championship. It is a tall order as everyone will be gunning for the reigning Tier IV Champs, but the team is not fazed and has a lot of fresh faces who are focused on making their goals a reality. To make the schedule even tougher, the Cobras have scheduled exhibition games against: Sexsmith, Ernest Manning, John G. Diefenbaker, Bishop Grandin and Cochrane (the Tier III champs) to test our resolve. The Cobras have started this season with a record of 4-1-1, currently ranked 3th in the Province and tied for 2nd in league. But if the last game against Cochrane is any indication, they are starting to round into form and ready to take another serious run at the Provincials. Thank you to all the parents for their encouragement and patience in getting the season off to a great start and to the Rundle community for their support.
Remaining Games:
Academy Players No.
Carson Brennan
Badar Faraj
Conner Rasch
Sam Taylor
Doug Gardner
Steven Timlick
Sebastian Breton
Dan Hohmann
Paul Corah
Will Tyson
Friday, October 15, 2011 – League Semi Final Rundle College at Foothills - Foothills HS Field (TBD) Friday, October 21, 2011 – League Final TBD Saturday, October 29, 2011 Tier III Playoffs (TBA) Saturday, November 5, 2011 Tier III Playoffs (TBA) Saturday, November 12, 2011 Tier III Quarter-Finals (TBA) Saturday, November 19, 2011 Tier III Semi-Finals (TBA) Saturday, November 26, 2011 Tier III Finals (TBA)
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EXTRA CURRICULAR AWARDS Awarded to students who exemplify the values of sportsmanship, participation, cooperation and team work.
Conner Rasch Grade 10
Ryan Cartmell Grade 11
Steven Timlick Grade 11
Will Tyson Grade 11
M O V E S M O U N TA I N S A W A R D S Awarded to students who overcome challenges academically or personally while displaying appropriate and positive behaviour.
Virginia Gold Grade 12
CITIZENSHIP AWARDS Awarded to students who display an aptitude in leadership, contribute to positive school climate and have a genuine concern for the well-being of others.
Julianna Bruyn Grade 5
Ben Maxwell Grade 5
Nicole Menard Grade 5
Lachlan Gordon Grade 6
Tyler Robertson Grade 7
Max Smith Grade 8
Anthoney Stan Grade 8
Robyn Brodylo Grade 8
Denyn McNeill Grade 9
Nick Hansen Grade 9
Johanna Jurok Grade 9
Nick Block Grade 9
Ramy Abdel-Keriem Grade 9
Alison McCarthy Grade 11
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October 6
IPP Conferences (1:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.)
October 10
Thanksgiving (No Classes)
October 13
Speaker Series – Assistive Technology (7:00 P.M.)
October 14/15
October 17
PAC Meeting (7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.)
October 25
Picture Retakes
October 26
Post Secondary Fair (Bishop Carroll)
November 1
Full Formal Uniform
November 1
High School Report Cards
November 3
High School Parent/Teacher Interviews (12:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.) Elementary and Junior High PD – 12:00 P.M. Dismissal
November 7
Open House
November 9
Remembrance Day Ceremony
November 10
Professional Development Day (No Classes)
November 11
Remembrance Day (No Classes)
REMINDER TO ALL PARENTS Look for morning announcements posted on the website www.rundleacademy.ab.ca Our Classroom Moodle Pages and our Division Portals sites are accessible from our homepage (www.rundleacademy.ab.ca). November 1 - First day of full formal uniform.
Rundle Athletic Field Grand Opening September 16, 2011 After years of preparation and planning, the Rundle Athletic Field was officially commemorated on Friday, September 16, 2011. This exceptional facility, the first independently owned artificial turf field in the province of Alberta, was the highlight of the celebrations. We started the day with a visit from 90 of our grades 1-3 primary students who were excited to run around on the field playing numerous games of tag and soccer. Even rolling down the hills and sliding on the turf was part of the morning’s agenda. The PE 10 students had a hard time keeping up with the energy and quick movements of our young athletes. After a much need snack break, the students were back on the bus heading to the Primary for their special lunch. On the heels of the Primary school, over 220 students from the Academy and Elementary took to the field for spirited games of soccer, capture the flag and dodgeball. Many talented athletes showed their skills and competitive edge. Another group of PE10 students took over and soon found the Elementary students to be even faster, stronger and more determined to win the games. The buses rolled in and off the Elementary students went back to their campuses. For the Official Grand Opening ceremony, administration, faculty, staff, Academy Sr. High students and Jr. Sr. High students from the College welcomed our special guests to our celebrations. Honourable Ronald Liepert brought a congratulatory message from the Province and Alderman Richard Pootmans spoke on behalf of the City of Calgary. Dr. Evans and Dave Hauk addressed our community with messages of pride and gratitude. The celebrations carried on into the evening with a family friendly tailgate party at the Jr. Sr. High school in preparation for the main event; Friday Night Lights at Rundle. Cobra fans lined up to purchase their Spolumbo’s BBQ meal, kindly donated by Spolumbo’s. This generous sponsorship raised over $2600 to support our athletics programs. Fans were treated to a meet and greet with Stampeders Johnny Forzani and Nik Lewis. Amp Radio stopped by to hand out some give-a-ways. Over 600 students, family and friends came out to support the Rundle Cobras as they took on the Highwood High Mustangs. Spurred on by cheers from the crowd, the Cobras went on to take the win with a score of 35-7. Tony Spoletini’s game commentary provided high energy and entertainment throughout the evening and the Academy staff and students put on an exciting half-time show. Rundle College Society would like to thank all our Rundle families for joining us at our Grand Opening and for sharing in the celebrations. Our students showed a tremendous sense of pride to be part of Rundle and gratitude for the opportunities they have been given. The Rundle Athletic Field is for our students, first and foremost, and we have encouraged our administration to include the use of the field in their physical education curriculum. We look forward to seeing students from each of our campuses benefit from this exceptional playing field.
Complete the attached order form and send it to: tecklenburg@rundle. ab.ca; fax to Leslie Tecklenburg at 403-2507184 or drop off at any Rundle Campus.
Show your Rundle pride for our students today and for our students in the future.
Rundle Athletic Field Bleacher Seat Order Form Name: ___________________________ Email: _________________________________ Phone #: _________________ Address: ________________________________________ # of bleacher seats purchased: ___________________ Cost: $200/seat Method of Payment: Cheque attached Credit card information as follows: Card Number:_____________________________ Expiry Date: ______________ Tax receipts will be issued in the full name provided above.
In recognition of our generous donors, plaques will be placed on the backrests of the bleachers. Please note that this does not designate reserved seating. Inscription on Plaque(s): (use multiple forms for multiple plaque inscriptions)
_________________________________ _________________________________ (Actual Size)
Samples: Thomas Moult 2009 & 2010 Provincial Football Championship Team
Tanner Buckley Class of 2014
Drop off your Order Form at the main office, fax to Leslie Tecklenburg at 403-250-7184 or email to tecklenburg@rundle.ab.ca
Don’t miss out. Buy your seat today!