June Newsletter

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a m p u s


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June ~ 2011

J R / S R Senior

high update

H I G H Junior

high update


“There is no way to sum up in one quote the unbelievable experience and the family that was created in The Crucible.” Taryn Knorren (gr. 12)

S tudent page 5

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rucible C pages 2-3

N E W S L E T T E R services


field promo

page 6-7

On May 4 to 6, Rundle College proudly presented Arthur Miller’s classic play The Crucible. Over 65 students from grades 9-12 received standing ovations for their strong performances, exceeding audience expectations. Here are some quotes from the cast and crew to sum up their four months of hard work.

“Being a part of the play this year has been fantastic. I’ve made so many memories with people that I’ll never forget. I can’t wait to do it again.” Nathalie Carson (gr. 11)

“Doing the costumes was a great experience for me and my team. We learned how to problem solve and collaborate as a group of artists working towards a common good. I loved every minute of this amazing experience.” Nathan Itzcovitch (gr. 12)

“It taught me a lot about what goes into the rehearsal process.” Owen Vouri (gr. 9)

“It excelled my knowledge of Drama and making friends with the senior high was awesome.” Jack Evans (gr. 9) “It helped me learn to be a better performer.” Paula Rooney (gr. 9) “A career highlight!” Ms. Snowden (director)

“This is the first year I have ever been in a drama production. At first I was unsure if I wanted to be a part of it but as time went on, I realized how much I love the production and how many friends I have because of it.” Travis Jozwiak (gr. 12)

BP awards $20,000 to Rundle

June ~ 2011


A+ for Energy program is offered to teachers to assist them in providing innovative classroom projects for their students to explore energy topics that will be increasingly important to their future. Grants of up to $10,000 are awarded to provide the funds necessary to implement the winning projects. Rundle College received $20,000 to fund two separate projects:

Is a Paperless Classroom Really More Energy Efficient? Submitted by Mrs. Armstrong & Mrs. Kowal Students in Ms. Kowal’s social studies classes will be investigating the energy efficiency of a paperless classroom. As an alternative to paper, they will be using iPads and laptop computers. Throughout the year they will compile statistics on the energy consumption of their classroom environment and compare those to the statistics they

The impact of your gift


the Development Office: Since launching our Giving Brochure in January, we have received tremendous response from our generous parents, family and friends of Rundle. We thank you for your continued support and are grateful for the numerous contributions you make to our Rundle Community. The Rundle Funds are new to our fundraising program, and as we continue to grow, we are confident that our members will appreciate the immediate impact

their donations have and the enormous benefits our students receive. We are pleased to report that your gifts to this year’s Annual Fund have: supported enhancements to our Primary program, provided upgrades to our Elementary gymnasium, increased our technology infrastructure at the Academy and Jr./Sr. High, and enhanced our exceptional Academy and Jr./Sr. High Performing Arts programs. Generous gifts to the Founding

B a rry B u geaud C awsey C o p ping D o u blet Fo r man G i a c chetta L a u we ryssen M o rrell S t . L ouis S u t h e rland

Light of Hope: Solar Lights with a Social Purpose Submitted by Ms. Woods This project presents itself as a “Scientific Human Endeavour.” Grade 9 science and social studies students will be actively involved in an interdisciplinary study to investigate how this alternative Fathers Scholarship & Bursary Fund, formerly known as the Education Assistance Program, allow us to acknowledge and reward students for their achievements, as well as provide education to students that may not be in a position to benefit from the experiences offered at Rundle. With your help, this year we have provided over $90,000 in financial support, allowing Rundle to retain some remarkable students that enrich our programs and deserve a quality education. A gift to our Founding Fathers Scholarship and Bursary Fund may:

Te c h c o n f e r e n c e s

Thank you to t h e f o l l o w i n g f a m ilies for their g e n ero us d o n a t i o n s to t h e S e n i o r H i g h A rt S h o w. We g re a t l y a p p re c i a te y o u r s u p p o rt .

gather from a traditional classroom. They will then be able to determine whether or not a paperless classroom is actually more energy efficient.


he 12th annual Explore IT Conference was held on Wednesday, May 4, at Mount Royal University. Sponsored by a consortium of Calgary business and educational partners, the main purpose of the conference is to increase girls’ awareness of the vast opportunities in the ICT field and inspire their future careers. Grade 9 students Ana Arsenych De Castro, Catherine Fuller, Britney Tang and Claudia Wilde were joined by grade 12 student Hannah Cawsey, who also attended Explore IT when she was in grade 9. Throughout the day the

girls learned a variety of new skills, such as Adobe Illustrator graphic design, Audacity audio manipulation, Scratch computer animation and Robotics programming. In addition to the many door prizes they won, the girls came away with a great new understanding of the Information Technology world.


ive senior high students attended the first annual Go Tech Girl conference on Wednesday, May 18, at SAIT. Supported by the Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists, Go Tech Girl was designed to encourage girls to consider a career in Engineering

energy source can significantly improve the lives of families in a third world nation such as Nepal. With the help of experts in the field of solar lighting research and development, students will design, construct and assemble their own solar panel lantern with the goal of providing a sustainable technology to communities in Nepal. The lanterns will be transported to Nepal, where Rundle students will witness first-hand (via Skype) how scientific and technological knowledge can benefit society, the self and the environment. • honour a graduating student • commemorate a winning season • celebrate a main stage performance • pay tribute to a successful year in band If you have not had a chance to contribute, please consider giving to this year’s Annual Fund or to our Founding Fathers Scholarship and Bursary Fund. Donations can be delivered to any Rundle campus or forwarded to the Society office: 4411 Manitoba Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4B9 Technology. During this full-day conference, Jinny Cho built an M&M launcher and designed pneumatic circuitry; Elizabeth Church investigated the future of energy and performed lab tests to simulate oil and gas deposits; Gurleen Gill, Raveena Gill and Chandan Kooner programmed their own mobile apps and designed magazine layouts in which they were the cover models! It was a very beneficial experience for all.

Coach Wanted Rundle College is looking to hire a JV Girls Vo l l e y b a l l C o a c h f o r t h e 2011 fall season. If you or anyone you know m ay b e i n t e r e s t e d i n t h i s position, please contact Laurel Adolphe at Ru n d l e C o l l e ge. We wo u l d like to have this coach hired by the end o f t h i s s c h o o l ye a r.

Athletic achievements

Once again, the senior high track and field team won the ISAA banner. All of our competing athletes put in strong performances against some of the larger schools in the city. This year Rundle sent 31 athletes to compete in the City Championships on May 28. The intermediate girls placed 4th, the senior girls placed 9th, the junior boys place 6th, and the senior boys placed 8th. Special congratulations to the following students: Jenna Westaway – 1st 200m, 1st 400m, 1st 800m Evelyn Anderson – 1st 1500m Sam Babcock – 1st High Jump Thomas Kellner – 2nd 400m, 2nd Triple Jump

June ~ 2011

Evan Morrow – 3rd Triple Jump Stuart Baker – 3rd High Jump Female 4x400m (Jenna, Evelyn, Erin Anderson, Kelsey Cook) – 3rd Jenna, Evelyn, Thomas and Sam all qualified to compete in provincials, which are in Edmonton on June 3-4. Good luck to them!

The senior girls’ wrestling team capped off a great year by winning the ASAA High School Provincial Team Championship on the strength of the performances by silver medalist Michila Scherger and 5th place winner Brittney Giacchetta. This is the third consecutive championship for the team. Michila’s leadership and expertise will be missed when she graduates

National essay contest finalist


ongratulations to grade 10 student Brielle Cram, who was one of the top 5 finalists selected from over 1000 essays submitted in the ‘Write the Wrong’ contest. The contest is put on by Maclean’s and Journalists for Human Rights and was created

in 2009 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly adoption of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Canadian secondary school students were asked to respond to the question: “What is the single largest

this year. We have a strong core group of boys and girls with us next year who will surely continue the tradition of wrestling excellence at Rundle. Well done!


he girls’ rugby team has renewed energy and enthusiasm this year as they hope to win their final game against Springbank. The team has seen a lot of new faces this year, with excellent performances by rookies Amara Kraft and Niki Gellner, to name a few.


n May 5, the senior high students focused their attention on the less fortunate of Calgary by volunteering for the afternoon in places across the city. Students worked with a variety of organizations including the United Way, the Salvation

Army, and the Drop-In Center. While some students sorted clothes

Coach Wells believes that with such enthusiasm and talented players, the team will continue to grow and improve next season as we play on our new field!

With strong leadership from team captain Grace Carswell, as well problem that we face today and what do youth need to do to fix it?” In her essay, “Apathy: A Generation That Avoids Involvement”, Brielle wrote that apathy is the single largest problem we face today because it fuels social, political, economic and environmental problems. Brielle’s challenge for youth is to become active participants in our global environment. Her work will be

Vo l u n t e e r d a y at the drop-in center, others made sandwiches for students who would ordinarily go to school hungry, with an organization called Spread the Love. A group also went to Quest, a special needs school, where they interacted with the students and assisted the teachers. At the Rundle campus, the United Way ran a program called “Poverty Simulation”, which places people in the role of someone less fortunate and explores the challenges associated with trying to get assistance and balancing the necessities of life. The day was

as key veteran players Kathryn Hamilton, Chevonne Codd and Nicole Carswell, the team has improved upon their record from last season. Notable events include wins against FFCA and Bow Valley High School, as well as a tie with Webber Academy.

a valuable, eye-opening experience and served as a reminder of the poverty in Calgary, but it also reinforced that anyone can make a difference, even by giving up a single afternoon. By all accounts, our first volunteer day was a tremendous success. Christina Welch

published in an e-booklet and posted online at www.citizenshift.org. Please read this thought-provoking and poignant commentary if you get a chance. Congratulations, Brielle, on your astute observations and positive message of inspiring change through direct action on issues affecting our future.

WEB retreat and grade 7 orientation

June ~ 2011

participated in many team building

classrooms, where they participated

activities. In the evening, we had a

in activities that allowed them to get

wonderful meal, milled around the

to know their future classmates and

hotel and went swimming.

learn how to be successful in junior high. The grade 6 students enjoyed

The next morning we paired off,

their lunch in the Great Hall and fin-

organized our tasks, went through

On May 13, 22 grade nine WEB (Where Everyone Belongs) leaders

ished the day off with a tour around

the activities one more time and

leadership skills and spending time

the school in an interactive word

received our wonderful WEB leader

with friends. We want to thank Mr.

scavenger hunt.

t-shirts that we designed ourselves.

Lake, Ms. Dunsford and Ms. Baird for putting on this training!

headed off to the Delta Lodge in

Everyone involved had a great day getting to know each other and the

Kananaskis to participate in training workshops in order to prepare

On Orientation Day, the WEB lead-

new students are looking forward to

for Grade 7 Orientation Day on

ers participated in a group activity

a very successful year.

Tuesday, May 24. This is a day

that helped the grade 6 students feel

when all future grade seven stu-

more comfortable. From the time

dents come to the school for a day

they walked into the 17th Avenue

to experience junior high. While on the retreat, we learned all of the activities that we would be teaching these new students at the Orientation Day. We also

Hannah Magus & Val Turkunova

campus building to the time they left, We also went on a hike through the

they felt gradually more comfortable

mountains and played sports like

in their new surroundings.

volleyball and football. It was a wonderful time and a great opportunity

The day began with an assembly in

to learn new things while developing

the gym. Students then headed out to

Fe e d t h e H u n g r y , s t u d e n t c o u n c i l a n d s o c c e r

This year’s junior high soccer roster is:

possible. We raised $4200 for this vital community program run by St. Mary’s Church. Our Rundle College community can be proud of their altruistic approach to giving back and we sincerely thank

On May 1, 120 volunteers from Rundle College served dinner to

all of you who were involved in any capacity.

for the day” where boys could switch their shirts and girls could change up their socks. It was also crazy hair day, and we got to see some pretty wild hairdos!

Aaron Gruending (9) Aidan Gruending (7) Alyssa Barry (8) Anna Watt (7) Brianna Caldwell (7)

The house winners for this year are…

Christiana Bellusci (7)


Connor Wassmuth (9)

will be heading to Southland Leisure Center on June 3 to celebrate their

Dylan White (8) Elise Buck (7)

Calgarians struggling to put food

win with pizza and swimming while

on their own tables. We handed

the rest of the school is in class.

Hayden Munn (7)

out 800 plates of food to 600

Congratulations to the Hippos (7.2,

Jack Evans (9)

hungry men, women and children.

8.2, 9.2).

Jane Moult (8) Kathleen Seto (8)

Forty-four families were involved

We would like to thank the junior

in the serving and preparation,

high students and staff for helping us

but many more of you donated the money that made the meal


message from the junior high

student council: The month started off with the third and last junior high dance of the year, and it was a huge hit! The Feed the Hungry fundraiser was also a success; we donated over $4000 to the organization. We recently held the “alter your uniform

make this school year great! Have a wonderful summer holiday! Dana Will – Press Secretary

Congratulations to the junior co-ed soccer team on a great start to the season! Even though the weather has not cooperated, we have won two out of three games!

Meg Buchanan (8) Morgan Saunders (8) Natalie Terriff (7) Omar Razari (7) Paula Munroe (7) Rhys Kramer (7) Riley Terriff (9) Ryan Finn (9) Val Turkenova (9)

STUDENT SERVICES Post Secondary Newsletter June 2011

Order Your Final Official Transcripts! The transcript that includes your June Diploma Exam results MUST be sent to the universities you have applied to. You will need your Alberta Student Number and the school code for Rundle College: 9952. The cost is $10 per transcript. Order them through Alberta Education at http://education.alberta.ca/ students/transcripts.aspx. Exception: you DO NOT have to apply for transcripts for post-secondary institutions in Alberta. US College Admission Tests ACT: The next test date is June 11th. Go to www.act.org to get information on test dates for the 2011-2012 year. SAT: The next SAT testing date is on June 4th. More information can be found at www.collegeboard.com. Summer School The first day to begin registering for summer school courses at Chinook Learning Services was in early May. You will need to call to make an appointment in June and get a prerequisite form signed by Ms. Dunsford. See http://www.chinooklearningservices.com /SummerSchool/SumSchool10-12.html for more information.

SMART GRAD Grade 12 Peer Support members ran a SMART GRAD campaign again this year. Some of the messages that were conveyed through announcements and posters included Look First, Wear the Gear, Get Trained, Buckle Up, Drive Sober and Get Help. During rehearsal, a small group of students presented the importance of taking SMART RISKS during graduation season to their peers. All of the grade 12 students made a pledge to be safe during graduation and signed a banner that read:

Rundle College Grads of 2011 Pledge to take SMART RISKS during GRAD season!

Summer Programs There are numerous summer programs for students. Several are not associated with post secondary institutions, yet others are. Please see Ms. Dunsford for more details.

Through a program called, PROM PROMISE, grade 12 students received letters from their grade 4 buddies at the elementary school asking them to be safe during graduation! GRADUATES, we wish you a SAFE graduation season!

! Honour a Graduating Student Commemorate a Winning Season Show your Support for Rundle

We are offering our alumni, students, parents, family and friends of Rundle this rare opportunity to buy a seat for $200/ea. There is a limited number, so buy yours today. Complete the attached order form and email to tecklenburg@rundle.ab.ca; fax to Leslie Tecklenburg at 403-250-7184 or drop off at any Rundle Campus.

Let's fill up those seats and get ready for another exciting year at Rundle!

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