September 2011 Newsletter

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September ~ 2011

J R / S R Page 2-3 Class of 2011 Travel Club Friday Night Lights

H I G H Page 4-5 Jr. High Christmas Play Energy Project Exchange Students Governor General Award Senior High Arts

N E W S L E T T E R Page 6-7 Junior High Awards Senior High Awards

Page 8-9 Parent Advisory Council Student Services

office hours

Grade 7 Service Learning Project All of our grade seven students are going to b e i n v o l v ed i n a s e r v i c e le a r n i n g p r o j e c t t o r a i s e awareness of environmental damage in the McLean Creek area, and to plan restoration a c t i v i t i es f o r t h e s p r i n g . Service learning is a m e t h o d o f t ea c h i n g a n d learning that challenge s s t u d e n t s t o i d en t i f y, r es e a r c h a n d i m p l em en t s o l u t i o n s t o r ea l n ee d s i n t h e i r c o m m u n i t y. W h e n linked to classroom

learning, it is an ideal s e t t i n g f o r b r i dging the g a p b e t w ee n the classr o o m a n d t h e r eal world. S t u d en t s w i l l v isit Ralph Klein Park four times d u r i n g t h e y e a r. T h i s

Front Office Monday-Friday 7:45 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

will allow them to have extended periods to plan and problem-solve as a group, in a state-ofthe-art environmental education facility.

Senior High Office Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Student Attendance Please contact the office with your child’s absence at 403-250-7180 or email to: Junior High School - Mrs. Laidlaw ( Senior High School - Ms. Moodie ( Parents will be contacted if any student is absent without parent/ guardian permis sion.

Athletics The new school year has begun and the Cross Country Team is already up and running, open for students ranging in ability from beginner to elite. Practices began on September 6 with our coaches Mr. Franklin and Mr. Sylven. Practices are scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays after school from 3:00 to 4:00 PM. Races are Tuesdays after school where students compete against those from other independent schools. Runners will participate in four scheduled ISAA races and may compete in one additional race to compete for a spot on the Calgary Team at the Provincial Championships on Saturday, October 15 in Eagle Butte (south of Medicine Hat).

September ~ 2011

Class of 2011

Welcome New Teachers Rundle College would like to welcome our 3 new teachers joining our staff this year: Mrs. K. Thomson (SH Social Studies) Mr. A. Hardie (SH Science & Biology) Mr. A. Szott (SH Math & Physics).

Student Leadership Kathleen Ross (Gr 10) & Elizabeth Church (Gr 11)

Tr a v e l C l u b The Grade 11 Travel Club members had an amazing time during our week at Mully Children’s Family in Ndalani, Kenya, over spring break last semester. Some aspects of traveling in Kenya was like traveling to another universe, but our experience at MCF made us feel as if we were right at home. Even though we were in a different country, we felt warmly welcomed into the home of Dr. Mully and his family of 600 children. We have memories of being greeted with smiling faces and a song upon our arrival. This was just the beginning of many life-changing moments as we connected and worked along side the children and beneficiaries at MCF.

During the summer Nicole Carswell and Aelita Rozitis had the opportunity to reconnect with Dr. Mully when he travelled to Canada. Dr. Mully is a very influential and inspiring figure in Africa and abroad. Sharing time with him on our home soil was a great experience because we each had some one on one time with him. We were able to give him feedback about the trip, including how the student volun-

teer program could be improved. Dr. Mully also had the opportunity to tell all those in attendance about his most recent projects and how we can help. We were also glad to hear that the current crisis in Somalia and northern Kenya has not reached the orphanage, and our friends overseas are all doing well. Dr. Mully is a very easygoing man and you can tell he walks in God’s light. He is truly a holy and passionate man. Aelita and Nicole share the feelings of many that they are truly blessed to have been able to travel to Africa and to be able to have met so many inspiring people. We loved reconnecting with our second family over the summer, and cannot wait for the next opportunity to see them again. Written by Nicole Carswell and Aelita Rozitis

The newsletter that you are reading comes to you compliments of Kathleen Ross. With very little training, she has jumped right into the huge role of Newsletter Editor. She will be assisted by Elizabeth Church, who generously agreed to help out during her 1st period spare.

Calder Kitagawa (Gr 11)

Calder is new to Rundle, coming to us from the Calgary Science School so he has a great deal of technical expertise under his belt. Calder has agreed to be our Website Administrator this year, helping with any website updates that are required. FROM THE ENTIRE STAFF AT RUNDLE COLLEGE JR SR HIGH, THANK YOU KATHLEEN, ELIZABETH AND CALDER !

September ~ 2011

Rundle College Society presents

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS September 16, 2011



Rundle Cobras vs. Highwood Mustangs Tailgate party: 5:00pm Kick off: 7:00pm Spolumbo’s BBQ will be available

Rundle Athletic Field, 7375-17th Avenue SW Calgary

September ~ 2011

C h r i s t m a s M u s i c a l - B a b e s i n To y l a n d

A singing, acting and dancing extravaganza is coming soon to Rundle College! This year, the junior high drama production will be a well-loved, Christmasthemed musical called Babes in Toyland. This play will give students the opportunity to showcase their numerous skills in the creative arts. Auditions for acting and singing roles will be taking place during the second week of classes. Between acting and singing roles, set design, prop creation and acquisition, music compilation, make-up design, program creation, advertising, public relations and ushering, we

expect to have fifty or more students involved in this cheerful musical! We hope that you can come join us for our production on December 8, 2011. Please be sure to check out future newsletters for updates on our cast and crew. Director: Ms. Penton

Exchange Students Rundle College would like to extend a warm welcome to our four exchange students. This is our third year of welcoming 2 students from Caloundra City Private School in Queensland, Australia. Woody Hill arrived for the 6 week exchange in mid August and has had the opportunity to visit sites in and around Alberta and BC with his host, Tyler Bugeaud. Courtney Morley-Drabble arrived on September 9, and will spend the next 5 weeks being hosted by Emily Buchanan.

We are very happy to have our first two students join us from Lathallan, located in Johnshaven, Scotland. Iona Grant and Alex Gibson arrived on August 21 and are being hosted by Cayley Wreggitt and Caitlen Lehrmann . They too have been busy touring the sites in Alberta. Now that classes have resumed, we look forward to immersing these four students in the Rundle community. Look for an article in next month’s newsletter for their perspectives on the exchange experience.

Musical Director: Mrs. Robinson Technical Director: Mrs. Goepen-Wee Public Relations Coordinator: Mrs. Poirier-Amon

A+ For Energy Ms. Woods, Ms. Armstrong, and Ms. Kowal attended the BP A+ for Energy Education Conference in Canmore, August 15-18. Ms. Woods and Ms. Armstrong were both awarded $10,000 grants for the 2011-12 school year to initiate school projects in the junior high school; the conference was a gathering of award recipients to explore energy, network with other educators across the province, and discuss plans for project implementation.

away from the photocopy room!

This year, Ms. Armstrong and Ms. Kowal are collaborating on a project with Ms. Kowal’s Social Studies classes: Is a paperless classroom really more energy efficient? This involves a classroom set of iPads and Ms. Kowal’s determination to stay

If you have any questions about these exciting projects or would like to be involved in some capacity, please contact Ms. Armstrong or Ms. Woods at the school.

Ms. Woods is collaborating with the grade 9 teachers on an interdisciplinary project, “Light of Hope,” that involves exploring alternative energy sources and solar panel lighting. A key component of the project will be building solar panel lanterns to send over to remote rural regions in Nepal to provide light for education.

Governor General Award

Senior High Arts Senior High Art Rocks at Rundle

Rundle College would like to congratulate Evelyn Anderson on being the school recipient of the Governor General’s Academic Medal. This award is presented to the student who achieves the highest academic standing in his/ her last two years of high school. We wish Evelyn good luck as she pursues a Business degree at McGill.

Senior High Art Club meets weekly to spend time with other students who also have an interest in art. Working on individual and group projects in and around the school. The Senior High club is an opportunity for all students, of any level, to do self-expression of their own choice, subject and materials. Club meets Mondays at lunch in room 262.

Students interested in Photography club, see Ms. Levesque for more details.

September ~ 2011

A Message from the Parent Advisor Council

The Parent Advisory Council, “PAC”, is a partnership between the parents and the school administration and faculty. It facilitates a collaborative means to address issues affecting all participants of the school community. As a parent of a student in Junior/Senior High School, you are a member of PAC. We encourage you to attend our monthly meetings. These meetings are also attended by Mr. Schneider, as principal, and Mr. Buchanan and Sylven in their capacities as Head of Junior High and Senior High, respectively. There is always dynamic interaction on a broad range of issues. For example, issues discussed in the past include grade 12 diploma exams, academic and faculty assessments, staff appreciation events and volunteer opportunities at Rundle. Please check our PAC website under “Parents/Staff” tab at “” for the date of the upcoming meeting. Also posted are minutes from previous meetings which give a sense of the breadth of material discussed. In addition, at this time, we are looking for a hospitality coordinator to assist in organizing PAC hospitality events for the school year. This is a great way to meet other parents and the Rundle faculty. If you are interested in learning more about this position, or want to contact us at any time throughout the year, please send an email to We look forward to seeing you at the September meeting. Your PAC Executive, Chair: Wendy St. Louis Vice-Chair: Catherine MacNeill Secretary: Becky Shaw Treasurer: Renee Moody Past Chair: Donna Rooney

2011 Senior High Awards Dr. Conklin Scholarship ($2000 - Top Grade 12 Academic) Rachel Lee WJ Collett Award ($1000 - Top Academic In Grade) Grade 10- Erin Anderson Grade 11- Kathryn Hamilton Citizenship Student of the Year Grade 10: Rhys Johnson Student of the Year Grade 11: Lauran Cole Citizenship Award Grade 12: Taryn Knorren

Coleman Family Art Award Grade 10: Josh Lewington Grade 11: Annie Copping Grade 12: Taylor Welsh Drama Grade 10: Caitlen Lehrmann Grade 11: Carlo Galasso Grade 12: Janine Jomaa Director Choice: Thomas Kellner

The Founders Award Grade 10: Garrett Copp Grade 11: Dylan Amirault Grade 12: Jared Reinhardt

Coleman Family Music Award Grade 10: Elizabeth Church Grade 11: Alex Doublet Grade 12: Dominic Bartlomowicz Keith Mann: Andrew Thomas

Faraz Sachedina Spirit Award Daniel Broodo

Yearbook: Evelyn Anderson Speech: Samantha Sirianni Reach for the Top: Duncan Warltier

Rundle Pride Grade 10 Melissa Gunette Richard Moody Grade 11 Kayla Barry Pat Tapuska Grade 12 Alexa Scarcello Chetan Shory Richard Lobsinger Award: Sheena Bridal Rod Martens SS Award: Evelyn Anderson Goodarzi Science Award: Justin Ma Math Award: Rachel Lee Premier’s Citizenship: Michelle Chang Bruce Hicks Service: Stephanie Horner and Carolyn Dunk Spanish Nathan Itzcovitch

French Kathryn Hamilton

Shad Valley Recognition: Katy Kemp Kevin Wang Gabe Lo Anthology Recognition: Christina Welch

2011 Junior High Awards Top Academic

Coleman Family Band Award Grade 7: Jeff Lee Grade 8: Kathryn Anderson Grade 9: Justin Bagga

Grade 7: Sophie Thornton Grade 8: Dana Will Grade 9: Alex Spurgeon Citizenship Student of the Year Grade 7: Evan Lambie Student of the Year Grade 8: Morgan Gregg Citizenship Award/WJ Collett Scholarship ($2000): Noah Muruve

Jazz Band Tessa Krause Drama Grade 7: Thaddeus Chong Grade 8: Kathleen Seto Grade 9: Jack Evans

The Founders Award Grade 7: Leonardo Arreaza Grade 8: Noah Cooke Grade 9: Erin Osler

John Voth Award Ethan Leier Fine Arts Alex Spurgeon

Marc Hester Spirit Award (Scholarship $100) Ana Arsenych- de Castro Rundle Pride/Spirit Grade 7: Male- Ellis Johnson Female- Courtney Bashnick Grade 8: Male- Sam MacLennan Female- Safira Keshavjee Grade 9: Male- Jack Evans Female- Caitlin Holm

Coleman Family Art Award Grade 7: Katherine Hollroyd Leduc Grade 8: Emily Liteplo Grade 9: Catherine Fuller

French Grade 7: Danika Lipman Grade 8: Danielle Chang Grade 9: Chella Thornton Spanish Grade 7: Jennifer Chow Grade 8: Dana Will Grade 9: Kate Nakagawa

Student Council Spencer Calvin Volunteer Claudia Wilde Debate Megan Beitel Jane MacGillivray


September 2011

University Visits - Fall 2011 Institution University of Calgary University of Alberta University of Saskatchewan Western University Dalhousie University St. FX McGill University University of Victoria Queen’s University University of British Columbia

Junior Achievement

Date Thursday, September 29th Thursday, October 13th Tuesday, October 18th Wednesday, October 19th Friday, October 21st Monday, October 24th Tuesday, November 1st Wednesday, November 2nd Tuesday, November 15thth Wednesday, November 16th rd

The JA Company Program will be starting on October 3 . The entrepreneurship program is truly a very valuable experience for high school students and it prepares them even further for Post Secondary. Students meet once a week at Rundle College over the course of 18 weeks (MonThurs, 6-9pm). For more information, see To register, see Ms. Dunsford as soon as possible. Tentative deadline is set for September 15th.

Scholarships Loran Awards: $2,000-$3,000 in awards. Only 3 students sponsored per school. See Ms. Dunsford to be sponsored. Only tenable at partner universities. See Deadline: October 19th.

TD Canada Trust Scholarships: Up to $60,000, with 20 scholarships offered. More information at Deadline: October 31st.

US College Admission Tests The ACT (American College Test) is one of the achievement tests used for college admission. The next test date is Oct. 23rd with a registration deadline of Sept. 17th. Go to to register. In order to prepare for the ACT students are encouraged to take the PLAN test. This test is for grade 10 students and will take place in February. SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test) is another achievement test. The next SAT test date is on Nov. 5th with registration deadline of Oct. 7th. Visit to register. The PSAT helps students prepare for the SAT. This test takes place on Wednesday, Oct. 12th at our school. Please see Ms. Dunsford to register.

Parent Information Night: Thursday, Oct. 20th 6:00

Diploma Examination Parent Meeting in the Multipurpose Room. Open to parents of students who are writing diploma exams.


Post-Secondary Parent Presentation in the Aux Gym. Open to all high school parents.

University of Calgary – Open House The University of Calgary will host an Open House for all prospective students on November 5th from 10-3 pm in MacEwan Hall. Visit for more details.

Time 2:07-3:00 (J Block) 2:07-3:00 11:12-12:00 (lunch) 11:12-12:00 12:08-12:50 (lunch) 11:12-12:00 11:12-12:00 11:12-12:00 11:12-12:00 11:12-12:00

Ms. Sarah Dunsford, Director of Student Services 403-250-7180 ~

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