Run for God - Connect Magazine - Summer 2017

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Connecting women through Run for God FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT SUMMER 2017




connect Hey Everyone, Summer is officially here and things are beginning to heat up. In fact, as I am writing this I am on my way to Seattle and it’s supposed to be 85 degrees when I land. That’s crazy! I sure do hope that you will enjoy this quarter’s Connect. I always enjoy getting to read the stories of how God is working through this ministry to change the lives of people through the sport of running.

All I can say is WOW!”

I would also like to take this time to thank you for your prayers and support. We have now received over 50 decisions for Christ since we began the “Who do you say that I AM” campaign, and all I can say is WOW! I know that it is in no small part because of your prayers. Please continue to pray! Again, I hope that you enjoy this issue of Connect. Our team always works so hard putting this together and we love to hear your thoughts and input, so please let us know if you have any. Stay safe out there, have a blast on your next run, and tell someone about Jesus! Mitchell Hebrews 12:1 James 1:2-4

Are you interested in partnering with Run for God and Connect Magazine? We have great opportunities for you to join us and grow with us! Contact Dean Thompson at to find out how you can help us to be a lamp unto the feet of runners across the country!




features 6 Runner Spotlight: Becoming Strong and Courageous 19 I nstructor Spotlight: Connecting Women

D E P A RT M EN TS 12. What’s Next in Running Shoes?

14. Running With Seashells

16. DEAN’S THOUGHTS: Running With Your Brain

25. Sticky Notes 28. DEAN’S THOUGHTS: Thoughts From a Parking Lot










RUNFORGOD.COM Copyright © 2016 Run for God, LLC. All rights reserved.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any other form or by any means without the prior written permission of the Run for God, LLC. Printed in the United States of America Dalton, Georgia If you require medical, fitness, or nutritional advice, you must contact your own health care professional. You should seek the advice of a doctor before starting any exercise routine. This publication may contain information relating to various medical conditions and their treatment and an exercise/nutrition protocol. Such information is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice of a physician or health care professional. You should not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or injury. To make informed health care decisions, you should always consult your physician for your personal medical needs. Neither Run for God nor its agents, affiliates, partners, or licensors are providing these materials to you for the purpose of giving you medical advice. For any questions about your health and wellbeing, please consult your physician.



Dean Thompson serves as

Andrew Dorn is the Store

Gaye Coker is the head

the National Race Director

Manager at Front Runner

of Customer Service for

for the Run for God Race

Athletics. He is a running

Run for God. She and

Series as well as serving as

shoe expert and veteran

her husband Shannon

an instructor at his home

of many Run for God Shoe

were part of the very

church in Cohutta, GA. Dean

Week talks. He and his

first Run for God class.

loves to run, loves life, loves

crew have been great Run

If Mitchell is the brain

his wife Debbie and loves

for God supporters for

of RFG and Holly is the

Christ. Look for all of Dean’s

several years.

soul; Gaye is the heart.

stories in Run for God’s

She loves all runners,


especially the ones who struggle!


Perfect for beginners and experienced alike! RUNFORGOD.COM



Becoming Strong and Courageous

Runner Spotlight

Most people go through life worrying that a seriously traumatic experience could change the course of their lives. For most of us, it remains just that, a fear that is never realized. For Lisa Geagan, that event came in February of 2013.

“ 6

Lisa was excited about taking the first cruise of her life. She had never

So they did what runners do when faced with uncertainty; they went for a run.


seen the incredible size of one of these floating cities, and it nearly took her breath away as it came into her vision. How magnificent! She was going to hang out for four days with some friends from church. They left on a Thursday, and they were having a great time…for a couple of days.

Paradise Lost On early Sunday morning, the delightful serenity disappeared, suddenly. They heard an announcement come across the intercom at 5:30 a.m. and, although they didn’t quite understand what “Alpha team, alpha team, alpha team” meant, they knew something wasn’t right. The electricity was off, so they did what runners do when faced with uncertainty; they went for a run. The track was on the upper deck, so they went upstairs and began to run


Jet Hilton, Tammy Jones, Lisa Geagan, and Kendra Stroud set out on a cruise that would have a profound impact on many lives. around the track. They didn’t make it all the way around before they ran up

Back-up generators restored some

on some crewmembers in white jumpsuits. The men opened a door, looked

functions of the ship, but they would

inside, and said “Don’t go in there” as they slammed the door shut. They

not be able to restore propulsion. As

couldn’t see behind the mystery door, but they were asked to go down to a

the ship drifted in between Mexico’s

lower deck and that was the last time anyone saw the top deck. Now, they

Yucatan Peninsula and the southern

knew for sure, something was definitely wrong.

coast of the southeastern United

They found some beach chairs and sat down with the obvious questions bumping around inside their heads. Little did they realize that they would be spending many hours in those few square feet of deck space over the next five days. Lisa and her friends were on the Carnival Triumph. More than likely you have heard of that particular ship as it was in the national news for weeks.

States, plans were being made to tow the ship back to shore in Mobile, Alabama. It was the only safe way to get everyone back to terra firma. The end to their harrowing experience would not come until five days later.

Problem Found

Over 3,000 passengers, including Lisa

On that Sunday morning there had been an engine room fire that, although

living on the deck of the ship with

automatically extinguished, caused a loss of propulsion and electricity.

no bathroom facilities, no electricity,


and her friends, were stranded at sea,



Runner Spotlight

When she thought about running, she couldn’t get the sights of that Sunday morning or the smells of that week out of her head.

But the presence of her Lord and Savior being by her side is what helped her endure. The ship was pulled to the dock in Mobile very late on Thursday night where her husband, Jeremy, had been eagerly waiting. The next thing she wanted to do after wrapping her arms tightly around him on the firm surface of dry ground was to take a shower. She could have stayed in a hotel room that night, but that just wouldn’t work. They drove through the night and returned to their home in Houston, Texas. They picked up her children, arriving in town early Friday morning. She was home. But, it wasn’t over.

Returning to running Lisa couldn’t return to running right away. When she thought about running, she couldn’t get the sights of that Sunday morning or the smells of that week out of her head. Not wanting to intensify the thoughts of that week, she avoided running. More than three years later, Lisa found herself at home with her husband out of town and her 14 year old son, Jackson, and 10 year old daughter, Emma, at

and no way to call home. Lisa’s room was flooded as the listing ship caused toilets to overflow into the room and hallways.

The power of the Bible

school. She had thought about running many times, but on this

Lisa’s Friend Kendra on the lounge chairs that would be “home” for five harrowing days.

Fortunately, she had brought her Bible with her and she began to seek God and to feel His presence close to her. As God does when we need Him and call on Him, He stayed right there with her throughout the ordeal. She remembers how Joshua 1:9 sustained her through the week. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” It was just what she needed to get through the week. As long as God was with her, just as His word assured her, she could make it through the nightmare. There were ships that brought food, a partial restoration of electricity the day before they made it to Mobile, and even one chance to make a phone call home while another, fully functional, ship was next to them.




There were other references that helped Lisa through the aftermath of the ordeal. In particular: Isaiah 41:10 Deuteronomy 31:16

Joshua 1:9 is so powerful to Lisa, that she has an abbreviated version tattooed on her back! morning the desire to run hit her right between the eyes and she went out the door. “Running has become my solitude and my strength,” Lisa said. It is her prayerful time with God when she feels His strength for her life. It was difficult to put that fateful week behind her, but with God all things are possible. She still finds it hard to run with headphones because they remind her of that Sunday morning, but that’s okay because running beside God makes for great conversation. He has made her “strong and courageous.” Since then, Lisa found 14 similar verses that apply to the strength she found on the Carnival Triumph. Her favorites (besides Joshua 1:9, of course!): Deuteronomy 31:6, “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.” And Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

God is always sufficient Lisa found out the hard way that God is sufficient in the most appalling circumstances. Though most of us will never experience what she did, Lisa would want you to know that you can rely on Him. He will be there when you need Him most. And, no matter your circumstances, He can provide you

Lisa found out the hard way that God is sufficient in the most appalling circumstances. Though most of us will never experience what she did, Lisa would want you know that you can rely on Him.

with the strength and courage you need to make it to the other side of your calamitous conditions. Let Him make you strong and courageous, too!





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Do you want to run faster and/or enjoy running more? Do you need some physical AND spiritual motivation? Coach Dean could be just what you’re looking for!

Find out more at 10






What’s next in Running Shoes? BY: ANDREW DORN

Our friend Andrew Dorn from Front Runner Athletics talks running shoes and gives us a glimpse into the future...




One of the coolest parts of my job is getting

While runners were praising the comfort of ultra-plush shoes, footwear

to witness the development and evolution of

designers observed that running on a super-soft platform is not nec-

running shoe technology. The past eight years

essarily ideal. Studies concluded that, while a super-soft material was

have been host to a “running shoe renaissance”

great for absorbing impact forces, it was severely lacking in “energy

of sorts, where, more than ever before, footwear

return”. In other words, you would land on it, sink in, and not bounce

manufacturers began challenging traditional

back out of it. This observation inspired companies like Adidas to

beliefs of how running shoes should function,

explore alternative cushioning materials--materials that offered the

and how they should serve the runner. A few

runner significantly more “bounce” per stride, yet still provided the

years ago, minimalist and “barefoot” shoe styles

plush, pillow-soft landing they demanded. The result was a departure

were all the rage. Folks were running in anything

from the traditionally-used EVA foam in favor of a plastic-based TPU

ranging from racing shoes, to styles that were


essentially gloves on the feet, to bizarre-looking rope sandals, and all in the name of achieving a


more “natural” running experience.

This material, according to studies, offers the runner a plush, sink-in


feel upon footstrike, but then bounces the runner back off the ground far better than traditional, foam-based cushioning compounds. Ever

But for most, these “barefoot” styles didn’t cut it,

since Adidas introduced this material (they call it Boost), other compa-

and the pendulum swung to more “maximalist”

nies have been jumping on the “high energy return” bandwagon. Sau-

styles. Brands like Hoka One One introduced

cony has released a TPU material called Everun, Asics has developed

shoes that featured more cushioning material

a foam-Kevlar hybrid called Flyte Foam, and Brooks just announced a

than had ever been used before, but without

new shoe slated to launch this fall that features an all-new, ultra-boun-

abandoning the geometric design elements

cy polyurethane compound.

characteristic of most minimalist styles. People flocked toward these styles, which seemed to


offer the best of both worlds: the comfort of running on a mattress coupled with the efficiency of

There’s no doubt that “energy return” is the buzz phrase of today’s

running barefoot. But some shoe manufacturers

technical running footwear, but what will be next? What will the shoe

were not satisfied.

of the future look like? There’s, of course, no way to know for certain, but if the past several years are any indication of what is to come, I expect that we will soon see shoes that are considerably more ADAP-

I expect that we will soon see shoes that are considerably more ADAPTIVE to the individual’s biomechanics RUNFORGOD.COM

TIVE to the individual’s biomechanics; materials that are, perhaps, capable of altering their density, flexibility, and even shape depending on the individual footstrike patterns, cadence, and terrain variation. It’s been an exciting decade for running shoe technology, and I can’t wait to see what breakthroughs and twists the industry brings us in the years to come.



For information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at

Christ-centered through the week, running for God on the weekend! Terry Price is RUNFORGOD MAN! Here’s Terry and few of his close friends! Be a RUNFORGOD MAN or WOMAN this weekend! 14




A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to run on the beach. As I ran, I began to look at the shells along the tide line. We’ve all seen them, right?

on to say, “Let me be spilled out and used up

But this time the Lord began to show them to me in a completely different way than I

for Thee. Lord you were God’s precious trea-

had ever looked at them before.

sure….Just for love it was done.”

As I slowed to a walk for my cool down, I began picking up some of the shells. Not the nice

Just like those shells were smooth and un-

pretty, perfectly shaped ones, (of which there were very few) but I chose the ugly, broken

broken at one time then became shattered in

shells. Some large, some small but nevertheless broken, scarred and just not so pretty to

their ocean-tossed world, Jesus was perfect,

look at.

then scarred and broken by sinners just like us. His broken body became the glue to hold

Aren’t we just like those sea shells? They’ve been knocked around and damaged by their

our brokenness together. All we have to do is

world. Just like we have been tossed and kicked around, scarred by ours.

to put our complete trust in Him.

Satan wants us to believe there is no hope, no repair for our damage. But unlike those

Okay, so you have made that decision.

shells, our broken pieces can be repaired, smoothed and made just like new. All we need to

You’ve trusted Jesus as your personal Savior

do is put our complete trust in the One who is the fixer upper, the Master craftsman, the

and allowed him to repair you for his King-

Lord Jesus Christ.

dom. How willing are you to spill out your broken pieces for the One who had His perfect

A song made popular by Steve Green several years ago, came to mind as I examined those

body broken for us? Use your testimony to

shells, and my own life. “Broken and spilled out, just for love of you Jesus”. The song goes

tell someone about Jesus today.




Dean’ s Thoughts

RUNNING WITH YOUR BRAIN WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR LIMITATIONS AS A RUNNER? Is it your respiratory system? Do you feel like your lungs are going to explode when you race? Or, maybe it’s in the muscle. You go as hard as you can, but there’s a point when your legs just won’t go anymore. Do you feel like you go a little faster if you could only be disciplined enough to eat well? Could it be those extra few pounds hanging on your frame? The most recent research tells us that, more than likely, your limitations are found in none of these things. It’s in your head.

What? More and more, research is telling us that our brain limits our running performance as much as any other factor. Oh, you want examples? Have you ever been running and struggling until you saw someone you knew? Maybe they called your name, or maybe it was a surprise, but somehow you suddenly felt better. What changed? Your mind! Why do some people run better with music in their ears? It takes their mind off of the discomfort. There are others who are distracted and cannot run as well with music. Why? Because it takes their mind off the task at hand and they prefer complete focus. So why does our brain and the way we think change the way we run?

You’re amazing! Our bodies are amazing machines. The most intricate and powerful computer in the world has nothing on the abilities of our bodies. We are equipped with safety mechanisms that tell our brain what is coming. The reason we “have” to slow down when we run hard is because our brain is telling us that, if we keep up this pace, we’re not going to make it to the end. When our body temperature rises, our bodies begin taking precautions. When it thinks it is in danger, it signals us to stop whatever is putting it in



More and more, research is telling us that our brain limits our running performance as much as any other factor. RUNFORGOD.COM

Dean’ s Thoughts

jeopardy. But, the brain is overly-cautious.

Can you do it? Yes you can!

The truth is that most of us can go faster and harder. For proof that the body is capable

Although it is not easy, it is simple. Without some catastrophic event,

of much more than we ask it to do, consider

we cannot reach the limits of our strength. It is impossible. That

the case of the 100 pound woman who lifts

means that we always have at least a little more in the tank. My best

the car off of her child after an accident. In

personal example came a couple of years ago in San Francisco in a

the case of an adrenaline rush, the safety

cross country race. It was a 10K event with hundreds of participants.

mechanisms of our brains are short-circuited

The finish of the race was on a dirt bicycle track surrounding a polo

and we are able to reach our full potential

field. Most tracks are 400 meters, and I’m used to running on those

strength. We know this from the investiga-

tracks, but this one was three times the size of a normal track. It was

tion of a bus accident in which passengers

still oval and in roughly the same proportions as a running track. So,

drowned because they couldn’t get out

when I came around the last turn onto the last straightaway, my brain

of the bus. They found that many of the

told me I had a hundred meters to go and I needed to go into a full

passengers had ripped the tendons apart in

sprint to the finish. Only I didn’t have a hundred meters to go. I still

their fingers trying to get the windows of the

had over three hundred meters to go. Of course I realized it after that

bus to open. It’s good that our bodies have

first one hundred, but it was too late, I had committed myself to the

safety mechanisms in place.

finish line. I was passing other runners, but I was about to run out of gas, until I saw a sign! In this race, we had to wear the number signi-

But, the brain is smart. It doesn’t wait until

fying our age group on the back of our jerseys. Up ahead, I saw three

danger is imminent before telling us a threat

guys with a “50” on their back. That was my age group. I had to catch

is on the horizon. The best runners in the

them. Somehow I was able to get up the energy to pick up the pace

world are able to manipulate their brains

one more notch in an attempt to catch them. My brain said no, but

to enable them to endure the pain that

my desire to catch them over-rode the signals my brain was sending. I

inevitably comes from the signals telling

never thought I would make it without slowing down, but I did!

them to slow down. It was a famous cyclist, Jens Voigt, who coined the term, “Shut up,

The next time you think you need to slow down in a race, think about

legs!” A reporter asked him how he made

saying, “Shut up, legs!” and keep running hard!

it through a tough stage in the middle of the Tour de France and he told him that he

And, it’s all God’s fault!

keeps using that phrase during the race to endure the pain that he is facing.

These amazing machines we inhabit were designed by the one and only true God. The more we know about how our bodies work, the more amazing it seems. But, it gets even better than that! When


you realize that the Bible tells us that even the hairs on our head are numbered by God, it really puts His omnipotence into a clearer focus. Of the over-seven billion people on the Earth, God knows your thoughts and everything about you. His grace has made it possible for us to be with Him forever, too. I hope you have a close personal relationship with Him. If you don’t, find Him today. He wants that relationship. He’s just waiting patiently for you.




For more information about becoming a sponsor contact Dean Thompson at




Instructor Spotlight

Connecting Women Through Run for God

Cathy Wuesthoff has always been an athlete.

From her younger years

of dance to her high school years of cheerleading, basketball, and volleyball to her collegiate career in volleyball, she has found ways to compete and keep herself in great shape. As a matter of fact, the entire Wuesthoff family is full of successful athletes, including her husband, Tom, who is an aquatic athlete preferring swimming and water polo. He and Cathy have worked together since 1991. He is a dentist and she is a dental hygienist. She says, “Work is easy when you work for a Godly man of character!” And, their four boys? Let’s go through them one at a time: TJ is 23 and competed in track and field when he was in high school. He loves to run Tough Mudders and is currently employed at the Port of Los Angeles as a Mechanic. He was instrumental in planting the “101 Church” in Camarillo, now in its third year with his former youth pastor as its leader.




Jake, 21, is the football player of

Erich is 19 and a twin. He just completed his freshman year in college

the bunch, starting all four years

at St. Mary’s Honors College of Maryland. He plays midfield on the

as a safety for the University of

Lacrosse team. He is studying Biology and would like to go into the Air

Puget Sound in Tacoma where he

Force to become a Flight Surgeon.

earned an Exercise Science degree and is coaching defensive backs for the football team. He plans to continue his football career in Europe in 2018. Jake was recently formally recognized for resurrecting

Luke is 19 and a twin. He just completed his freshman year at the University of Sioux Falls in South Dakota. Luke is a decathlete on the Track and Field team. His favorite event is pole vault. He is a Biology and Theology major with a Youth ministry emphasis. He would like to become a Nurse Anesthetist.

a dormant Fellowship of Christian

The family has competed together in obstacle course races and mud

Athletes program at the school.

runs, winning one as a team and sharing their first place prize with a group of firefighters. It must be fun to be a Wuesthoff!

The Family that plays and prays together, stays together. The Wuesthoff’s praise God through all of their life journeys!




Instructor Spotlight

But, Cathy was not always a runner. Oh,

God to bring a group of ladies together who, today, form an

she would run to stay in shape for other

extraordinary connection.

sports, but not for the enjoyment of running. As a matter of fact, it was her staying-in-shape running that caught the attention of her husband while at the University of California San Francisco. The Tom and Cathy Wuesthoff story began when he noticed her running and decided to try it as a way to meet her. Isn’t it funny how God can use running to bring people together? Of course, since Tom was a swimmer, he threw his running shoes away once they were married! She began running after her first son was born. Looking for a way to stay in shape, she figured she could take him along with her in a jogging stroller. Little did she know, that first run behind the stroller would start her on a path to be used by

Once she discovered the benefits and enjoyment of running, she went all in. By the time she was 33, she finished her first marathon. While talking with Cathy, she seemed to think 33 is late, but that’s just how she thinks. She is always looking for ways to push towards the next goal. Many of her goals today involve, not only her running, but the running of her weekly group. Once she felt like she had accomplished the things she wanted to achieve, she turned to the hopes and dreams of others. She immerses herself in her group and their issues, and becomes a small part of each solution. So, how did God get her into that position? It just so happened that one of her friends, Carrie, who she had been running with for 14 years showed up one morning wearing a Run for God shirt (can you see God’s plan?). Carrie’s mother had been in a class in Iowa and had sent her a shirt. Cathy loved the shirt, but like most Run for God instructors, she didn’t immediately plunge herself into teaching a RFG class. God got her attention when she had to stop running for a while and allowed her some time to

But, Cathy was not always a runner. Oh, she would run to stay in shape for other sports, but not for the enjoyment of running.

think. He stirred her heart and she thought, “Maybe now is the time to get involved…” So she talked with Carrie, “her best friend who she could never have done it without,” and the rest is history. Today, Cathy’s Run for God group never stops. They go year round and start fresh with a new 5K Challenge every fall. It’s a good time for new runners to join the group and they usually pick up a few each fall. Today the group is 45 strong. They don’t all always make it to the weekly runs, but they know the group is there for them as soon as they need it. They range in age from 19 to 60 and each has a different story as they travel down their individual paths. But those pathways converge once a week on Monday evenings when they always know they have a support group to look forward to as soon as life gets in the way. They meet at the Wuesthoff’s residence and run in a beautiful nearby park. Her friend Monique usually takes the 10K group and Lori takes the half-marathon group, so Cathy can focus on the 5K group.




Once the 12 week 5K challenge is over,

Of course, the group spends time together learning more about running

the group often turns to devotional

too. They often share information they have discovered outside the

books (Devotions 3 this year!) for

group and Cathy continues to invite specialists to speak with the group.

weekly inspiration and even went

It may be about nutrition, stretching, injury prevention and treatment,

through Jan Greenwood’s Women at

or anything else pertinent to the group. In addition, they have a great

War at one time. The tagline for the

relationship with the local running store, Roadrunner.

book is, “Declaring a cease-fire on toxic female relationships.” You see, for many, the running is secondary to the encouragement. There are plenty of running goals met through the collaboration of the group, but more importantly, there are many lives being rebuilt through the same support group. In all, the group is made up

All of that would be a great accomplishment for anyone, but Cathy sees opportunities to extend that ministry. She also runs an additional ministry called “ Trails of Prayers.” There are advantages to being surrounded by a number of mountain ranges and a canyon that leads straight to Sycamore Cove Beach. The ministry brings women together who love to hike and mountain bike ride. They spend time during their excursions praying for the needs of all those in the group as well as the community and our great nation.

of ladies from 7 different churches,

Cathy loves seeing the physical and spiritual progress of the ladies in

including Cathy’s home church of

both of her groups. There are finish line stories where students never

Newbury Park First Christian.

thought they’d see it. There are the week eight triumphs when her first-

Cathy, Monique Reynolds, Christy Masyr, andStacey Scholle, after running 30 minutes for the first time on Ventura Beach




Instructor Spotlight that thing God is urging you to begin, think about Cathy and her

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

willingness to get involved in the lives of others. Her ministry opportunities take a lot of time, but Cathy wouldn’t take back a single moment from any of it. Sometimes when we go for a run, it’s difficult to get out the door and take that first step. But, we never regret it after we’re done. Take a step for Him and you’ll never regret it!

Cathy met up with Linda Null, fellow Run for God Instructor, while Linda was on a mission trip out in California.

Galations 6:2

time 5K Challenge students run 20 minutes for the first time. There are moments of obvious parallels between faith and endurance when the Word and the body are in sync. There are innumerable connections made through her groups that lead to strengthened relationships; relationships that are healed because of one lady’s faithfulness to Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We have probably all tried to figure out where we are going to get the time to let God use us for His glory. The next time you feel like you don’t have time to start




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Book Review:


John says of writing his book: “The goal of writing Coaching 100 Days with Jesus was to help bring at least one coach closer to the Lord. This goal was accomplished because one coach did improve his relationship with God - me.” John shares his heart in an excerpt from the afterword of the book: “It took me a while, but I learned to trust that my life is in God’s hands. Belief in Jesus allowed me to have no fear of living or dying. “The Son also became flesh and blood. For only as a human being could He die, and only by dying could He break the power of the devil, who had the power of death. Only in this way could He set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying.” Hebrews 2: 14b-15 NLT. I thought coaching was my destiny, but now I understand that it was only a vehicle used by

Are you a coach? Maybe you’re the leader of a different type of group. Or, you may just like to study leadership. In any of those cases, there is a unique book written by John W. Knuth called Coaching 100 Days with Jesus.

God to bring me closer to Him my true destiny. I spent way too much time running away from our Savior when I should have been running into His open arms.” Whether you are a coach, a leader at work, or simply

There are thousands of books about coaching and the methods and philosophies that coaches use. Likewise, there are thousands of books about how we should apply our faith to our daily walk with God. This book combines

looking for some wisdom for your home, Coaching 100 Days with Jesus has something for everyone.

the two. Coaches are sure to find wisdom by the boatloads, but much of this advice is great for any leadership role. We

John W. Knuth is a National Coach of the Year Honoree, National

all deal with people and we have tasks to complete every

High School Coaches Hall of fame Inductee, and Michigan Foot-

day. Understanding how to focus on doing our best in all

ball, Volleyball and High School Coaches Hall of Fame Inductee.

we do and treating everyone with respect are universally

John is retired and enjoys each day in his hometown of Marysville,

useful topics and that is just what makes up the back-

Michigan with his family: wife, Ketha, daughter Kim, son Kevin and

bone of this book.

grandchildren Corbin, Cullen, Liam and Brynn.





By Gaye Coker


hompson. Does that name sound familiar? It is very familiar in the Run for God community. Yes, Debbie is Dean’s wife. Anyone who has ever run one of our races has most likely seen Debbie, but definitely not heard her. You see Debbie is our “Behind the Scenes” computer guru at the registration table who swiftly enters and transfers the same day race registrations to our timers so they can

class of a champion. We are so thankful she chooses to come along on the ride with Dean. We could never run our race registrations at packet pick-up and race day so smoothly without her calm expertise. And, Dean tells us she’s the same way at home, never looking for credit or attention, but making all things go ever so smoothly!

get the last minute entries in before

As soon as the last minute registrations are complete and sent to

the race begins. It’s one of those

the timers, you can find Debbie out on the course. No, not running,

unseen things that happens and is

(although she does that sometimes too) but at our races, she is behind

only noticed if something goes wrong.

her camera. She is consistently capturing pictures of our runners

Now I will be real honest with you, I only did this computer entry one time


If you see Debbie, you can assume her camera is not far away!

and the venue to be shared on all our social media. Photography is a passion for her.

at one race. Yes, just once. Wow! It is

Debbie is the ultimate Dean Thompson supporter too. Dean likes to

so nerve racking, tedious and requires

run as most of you know. As with any sport, running takes a lot of

complete concentration. But Debbie

time, especially if you’re a competitive runner like Dean. Not only

handles it with the quiet, smooth

does he run, but he is an Ironman as well, which includes swimming




Debbie Thompson leaves every place she goes just a little better. She even makes Dean look better when she’s beside him!

and biking. So needless to say, Debbie must share Dean with each

Dean says, “I could make it

training course. With never a complaint or concern, she is there to

through life without Debbie,

help get him ready for each race and can always be found cheering

but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun,

him on as he crosses the finish line. Since Dean would forget his own

satisfying, adventerous, and

head if it were not attached, she’s essential to his success!

awesome without her. She’s my

I will never forget a story Dean told me about Debbie which shows what a precious lady she is. When they first got married, Dean said he would come in and take his shoes off at the couch and he would place them under the coffee table until the next pair arrived beside them. Finally, after 3 or 4 pair of shoes were lying under the coffee table where he had removed them from his tired feet, Debbie came through looking at those shoes accumulating and said very kindly, “Honey, looks like we are going

best friend, best supporter, the greatest wife in the world, and the best, most precious, spritually sound person I know.” Thank you Debbie, for all you do for the Run for God ministry. All we have to do is mention a need and she is there for us.

to need to buy a bigger coffee table.” What a sweet, sweet spirit! Needless to say, Dean never left his shoes there again!




Dean’ s Thoughts

Thoughts From a Parking Lot I

’m sitting in a parking lot in Atlanta. Isn’t it great that we can pull a computer out of a bag and create something while cars circle around us? The busy street just to my left has hundreds of cars driving by, everyone with a different agenda on the day.

While it is true that we need to stay busy,

It’s interesting to people-watch in Atlanta. I just saw someone walk by with two pitchers of water talking out loud to herself as if she was holding her own conversation. I’ve never seen that in Cohutta. I wonder what her story is. The people I see are busy. There’s certainly nothing wrong with being busy. I’ve found a way to occupy my time now so that I don’t have to wait for my appointment with nothing to do. We’re so concerned with staying busy. So much so, that when we’re not busy, we sometimes feel guilty. We think, “I should be getting something done.” While it is true that we need to stay busy, it’s what we choose to do with our time that boggles my mind sometimes. We

it’s what we

all have our quirks when it comes to particular things we like to do. Some

choose to do with

seem to “not care” about their appearance so much. Some people are neat

our time that boggles my mind sometimes.

people spend an inordinate amount of time in front of a mirror, while others freaks, spending time organizing, reorganizing, throwing out, dusting until the paint wears off, vacuuming, and making sure there is nothing, and I mean nothing, that is not in its place. Others are hoarders. I’m a runner. I choose to spend way more time than is practical hammering my feet into the pavement for about an hour a day, except on long run day when it may be two hours. We know, from many studies, that running that much is excessive. It’s not extreme, but it is more than I need to keep myself in good shape. Depending which study you read, some would suggest that I would be in better (read,




faster) shape if I ran less. So, why devote so much time to running? I love it. It’s

for a ten-miler? Am I thinking about how

really that simple. I love the way it makes me feel, the solitude I experience, the

that time in God’s word can strength-

exhilaration of race preparation and the thrill of the race. The health benefits are

en me the same way I think about that

nice too!

ten-miler making me a better runner? Am I in constant contact with God through

But, why so much? Like anything we do, we can get wrapped up in the habits

the day? Do I rely on His comfort when

we enjoy. I don’t plan my running week, or day, wondering if I am going to run

I’m stuck in traffic? Or, do I get frus-

that day. I already know I plan to run. The question is, when. And, if that were

trated? Do I thank Him for a beautiful

all there were to it, feeling good would be a great excuse to continue, but that’s

rainbow after the rain or for the rain itself?

not enough. I know that my competition is out there running hard trying to stay

Or, do I complain that it rained? You get

ahead of me, or trying to catch me. I feel the competitive bones urge me to keep

the point.

trying to be as fast as I can be. It is just so, well….exciting! And, here’s the thing: I SAY my pasBut there are some loud questions banging around in my head that beg for

sion for Christ is much deeper than my

answers. Do I get that excited about worshipping God? Am I that passionate

fanaticism for running, but is it? When

about reading my Bible? Do I pray to God more often than I think about run-

what we say and what we do don’t

ning? Wow. I do get pretty excited about feasting on worship, but is it stand-

match, we’re deceiving ourselves. The

ing-ovation excited? I don’t mean; am I excited once I get there. I mean, am I

truth is that I probably spend equal time

going in anticipation for a great time with God like I am on my drive to my next

on running and God. Some would think

race? Do I pick up my Bible with the same zeal that I have as I run out the door

that was pretty good, but is it? The Bible




Dean’ s Thoughts is clear: Luke 14:26 says, “If anyone comes to

God is still perfecting me, and He is so patient. I can look back and

Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife

see how much He has developed me and made me so much stronger

and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his

spiritually, but oh my, what a long way I have to go! The battle with my

own life also, he cannot be My disciple. “ Jesus

Adamic nature rages on. I’m better today than I was yesterday, but not

is not telling us we have to hate our family, but

as good as I will be tomorrow. My fastest running days are behind me,

He is telling us that by comparison, we have to

but my best days for God are all in front of me!

put Him above all else. When we TRULY do that, it will be evident in our actions, not just in our words.

Come Join Us! 2017 Race Schedule July 22, 2017 Dalton Parks Triathlon - Dalton, GA August 19, 2017 The Pinky 5K - Dalton, GA August 19, 2017 The Virtual Pinky 5K - Anywhere, USA





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