RunMinnesota Magazine September/October 2017

Page 18

MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting - June 12, 2017 Members Present: Dennis Barker, Sheila Becker, Cindy Campbell, Nathan Campeau, Jenny Harrington, Kathy Larsen, Dave Marek, Rick Recker, Sarah Stangl Members Absent: Rochelle Christensen, Mike Cofrin, Randy Fulton, Nate Klema, Lisa Richardson Guests: Sarah McInerney Secretary’s Report Minutes of the Board of Directors’ Meeting for May 9, 2017 were approved and accepted by Rick Recker, seconded by Kathy Larson. Treasurer’s Report • May revenues were unfavorable to plan by $4.1K and YTD revenues were unfavorable to plan by $16.1K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $3.6K and race receipts of $.5K. YTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by ad revenue of $10.3K and training receipts of $4.1K. • 2017 YTD revenues are unfavorable to 2016 YTD revenues by $20.0K. The un-favorability was driven by ad revenue of $10.2 and timing of training receipts of $7.7K. • May expenses were unfavorable by $1.3K to plan and YTD expenses were unfavorable by $11.9K. MTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by professional services. YTD’s un-favorability was primarily driven by timing of program expense of $6.2K, professional services $2.1K, race expense $1.5 and annual expense $1.3K. • 2017 YTD expenses are favorable to 2016 YTD expenses by $1.5K and net income was unfavorable by $18.5K. The treasurer’s report was approved and accepted by Jenny Harrington and seconded by Cindy Campbell.


Advocacy: Many of the water fountains in Minneapolis are not work-

ing. We will reach out to Minneapolis Parks Board to see if they have information to relay to runners. Club Administration: Researching Customer Relationship Management software continues. We found two that offer a google groups/forum equivalent within the database. There is difficulty finding one that has a function that will usable for race registration. It will work for classes. We will set up a demo for the board to review. Programs: The Trail Running Class has 5 registrants, the Track Club has a new coach, Fall Training Program coaches are in place, Polar Bear group has been increasing in numbers. Promotions: The new brochures are in. Our ad is in the City Pages and the Grandmas Marathon brochure. MDRA will attend Renewal by Andersen “runner’s expo” on July 30th 4-6 pm. We are looking into opportunities for high school track event table set ups. Publications: The July/Aug issue of RunMinnesota is in the works. The Grant eBlast announcement was sent and received good responses. The June eNews was sent. Updates are in progress for the website with race reports and cross posting. eBlasts for Victory and COLH are ongoing. Race: Volunteer positions are posted for all races at http://signup. com/go/9VWMmz USATF: No update. New Business: We have one open board position available. We are looking for someone with background knowledge in nonprofit, digital media and/or law. Old Business: Board Work Plan. The meeting was adjourned by Rick Recker, seconded by Sheila Becker. The next MDRA Board meeting will be July 10, 2017.

Office Manager’s Report Membership: 2016 2017 New Members 17 23 Renewals 48 48 (includes two-year renewals) Membership Total 2,090 2,023 (prior month: 2,014)

Web/Twitter/Facebook/Pinterest As of May 31 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Instagram

Last Month 6074 1620 462 189

Current 6170 1637 464 213

Renee Korczak, PhD, RD, LD Consultant Dietitian 201-390-0344

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