Dairy News Issue 254 2011

Page 1

TAF (trading among farmers) concerns linger among Fonterra shareholders Pages 3-4

september 13, 2011 Issue 254


role of co-ops

spread muck with care

Page 26

Page 46

A different business

Managing effluent

time to tear up outdated rules? “The regulations supposed to foster competition are now having the opposite effect.” – Fonterra director John Monaghan PAGES 7 & 8

A solid 3 to 1 return, increased productivity… a real no brainer!

Take it from someone who knows, Rumensin not only adds volume, but value to your business with a proven beneficial effect on dair y per formance and health. Rumensin improves milk production efficiency by producing more energy from the same feed. You get more milk protein and a proven 3 to 1 return.* With more than 2300 scientific papers to its name, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see what Rumensin could do for your herd.

I N - L I N E WAT E R | I N - F E E D | D R E N C H | 1 0 0 - D AY C A P S U L E

*Based on a 9c per cow per day average Rumensin cost and a minimum 27c per day benefit from improved milk protein response. Other benefits include improved protein/fat ratio, increased cow condition, reduction in ketosis and as an aid in the control of bloat. Available in water Trough Treatment, drenchable Liquid, 100 day capsule and in-feed Premix, from leading animal health stockists. Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly and Company (NZ) Limited, Botany Junction, Auckland 2016. Helpline: 0800 ELANCO (352 626). Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No’s. A3553, A9676, A7450, A8278.

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