Rural News 6 March 2012

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nait registration What’s involved? Rural News editor Andrew Swallow finds out. page 34

keeping it simple Why it’s hard to resist Kawasaki’s Brute Force. page 45

Rural NEWS

Organics A trans-Atlantic pact has lessons for NZ, says OANZ’s Derek Broadmore.

page 18

to all farmers, for all farmers

march 6, 2012: Issue 510

Enviro Report Act planned pam t i pa

NEW ZEALAND’s lack of an Environmental Reporting Act is an anomally and it needs to be sorted, Environment Minister Nick Smith told last week’s Landcare in Action conference in Hamilton last week. Outlining four legislative priorities, Smith said we’re the only OECD nation without a statutory system of environmental reporting. “This is significantly out of step with the importance New Zealanders put on the environment which is crucial to our industries and quality of life… “I intend establishing a five yearly report that, for instance, rates New Zealand’s rivers from the cleanest to the dirtiest.” This would record those which were improving or deteriorating to focus authorities on how they were looking after the resource. To ensure independence and integrity reports would be done by the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment. Smith also intends establishing a “brains trust” or policy unit within the Ministry, with the Environmental Protection Agency the independent regulator and an Environmental Commission as auditor. The next priority is improving

Exports safe – MFAT pete r burk e

AGRICULTURAL EXPORTS won’t be hit by impending staff cuts at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), says Ministry chief executive John Allen. Speaking to Rural News after industry bodies said they are keeping a close eye on the implications (see p6), Allen sought to reassure. “We are continuing to resource our trade effort but we’ve said there are different ways that we can manage our representation. In Europe we believe for example that it’s possible to ‘hub’ more of our activity out of Berlin and Brussels rather than out of every single capital in Europe.” Trade and economic growth continue to be a priority for government, and MFAT, he stresses. In Asia, there is a ‘New Zealand Inc’ strategy, developed with all major primary producer organisations and other government departments such as MAF and NZTE. The strategy takes account of the total resource needed in a given

country –not just the diplomatic representation. “For example, in India or some other post, it may be better to have extra MAF, NZTE or Customs staff to deal with issues. Or it may need more diplomatic representation which we would do. “So what we are trying to do is rather than seeing it through a single organisa-

tional lens in those important markets we need to see it through an integrated strategy lens. The changes are all about giving us the flexibility to move resources for the benefit of NZ Inc.” This approach will ensure the right staff are in key diplomatic posts to deal with any ‘technical’ or trade issues which may arise – a concern raised

by some producer groups. “We absolutely understand the importance of particular markets to them. We also understand the need for flexibility and we want to be able to move resource around against business opportunity. That’s what Fonterra and others want and that’s what this change process is designed to deliver.” More: page 6

hard harvest Mark Scott reels in Italian ryegrass on a rare sunny day near Timaru last week. Full story page 5.

to page 3

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