wellers winners
new gear, please
National Ballance Farm Environment Award winners share their philosophy. page 12
A key lesson for Wairarapa contractor Paddy Buckley was don’t show up on farms with old gear. page 37
Rural NEWS
worm challenge Why aren’t we using genetics to combat our endemic parasite problems?
page 29
to all farmers, for all farmers
July 5, 2011: Issue 495
Feds’ first lady P E T E R BU R K E
HISTORY WAS made at Federated Farmers’ annual conference with the election of the first woman to the board. Mt Hutt farmer Jeanette Maxwell (44) joins the board by virtue of being elected chair of the federation’s meat and fibre section, replacing Bruce Wills who ends a three-year term. Maxwell, born at Paekakariki, near Wellington, says she hasn’t thought of herself as the first woman on the board; she’s simply looking forward to it. “Hopefully we can see some changes about who has what portfolios, so people who have a passion for something get it, rather than it going to the person who had it before. “I don’t see sweeping changes coming, just the opportunity to pick up people’s changes and work with them.” Maxwell says she was surprised to find herself the first woman to chair an industry group, having assumed someone from the dairy section would have been the first. But she notes a lot more women are gaining higher office in the federation at sector and provincial levels. Maxwell’s election was one of many changes at the conference. President Don Nicholson bowed out after three years on the board, as did Phil York and John Hartnell, paving the way for newcomers including Maxwell. (See p7 for exit interviews with Nicolson and Hartnell). The other new confirmed board member is Ashburton dairy farmer Willy Leferink who, as expected, was
Jeanette Maxwell
elected chair of the dairy section, replacing Lachlan McKenzie who stepped down and stood for president. As Rural News went to press the ballot for president was still underway. Result and a report on the outcome were posted Friday on www.ruralnews. co.nz. The dairy group elected Robin Barkla and Andrew Hoggard as vicechairs, with Michelle Riley and Kevin Robinson rounding out the industry group’s executive.
Ciaran Tully returns as the sharemilker section chair. The meat and fibre industry group’s new vice-chair is Dugald McLean, with Tim Mackintosh, Wil Foley and Lyn Neeson elected to the executive. The conference attracted 200 delegates from around the country. Guest speakers included Finance Minister Bill English, Opposition leader Phil Goff, Act leader Don Brash and emminent scientist Sir Paul Callaghan. More from Feds AGM: pages 4-5
Chinese investment negligible – English FEARS ABOUT rampant Chinese investment in New Zealand are incorrect, says Finance Minister Bill English. He last week told Federated Farmers annual conference in Rotorua that China’s footprint in the country is negligible. “I’ve been trying to find out if the Chinese have bought one farm. As far as we know, no Chinese company has bought a single farm in New Zealand. You’d think they’d bought half the South Island. Well DOC has and China hasn’t.” English says if New Zealanders want to own more of their country they should stop spending, save some money and buy it back. “That’s the only solution. If you to page 4
Signing for SIDE
All Blacks coach Graham Henry last week told the South Island Dairy Event’s 600 delegates he spends hours getting on the same wavelength as his players, and stressed the importance of brand New Zealand to both rugby and dairy. More from SIDE pages 3, 6 & 9.
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