Rush Copley Nursing 2021 Annual Report: Nurses and a Voice To Lead

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To do what nobody else will do, in a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through, that is to

BE A NURSE. — Rawsi Williams

Nursing Voices Were Heard in 2021 After another challenging year, I am proud to lead Rush Copley’s caring, professional nursing team. While there were plenty of ups and downs in 2021 due to the pandemic, nurses remained innovative, collaborative and continued

Abby Hornbogen, MBA, MS, RN, NE-BC Vice President, Patient Care and Chief

to shine as leaders.

Nursing Officer

Rush Copley nurses were creative in their patient care delivery through three additional waves of COVID-19. They initiated and implemented vaccine clinics, vaccinating thousands of patients and staff members efficiently in a short period of time. They collaborated with our partner disciplines to assure appropriate standards of care were met with a continued focus on high-quality outcomes. And our patient experience scores for nurse communication ranked in the 86th percentile for the year. These are all significant accomplishments in what was yet another demanding year for nurses. The voice of Rush Copley nurses is strong, and we proved we can solve many problems and bring about positive change by working together. I held many town hall meetings throughout the year, focusing on department and hospital-wide issues. As a result, we created innovative solutions to strengthen our practice environment as well as patient outcomes. I continue to advocate for our nursing community in all that I do. Rush Copley nurses also helped drive the restructuring of Shared Governance. The work to streamline this collaboration was a joint effort between clinical nurses and nursing leadership. Through the work of the Nursing Care Committee, we were able to write and approve our first Hospital Nurse Staffing Plan. The collective work of the team assured that clinical nurses had input in the process, and the collaboration itself has created a safe space to discuss all aspects of staffing. Rush Copley nursing will continue to focus on the future, our continued Magnet journey, and ways to continue providing excellent care in a healthy work environment. Sincerely,


Nursing Empowered to Make Evidence-Based Changes Reflecting back on 2021, I have a great sense of pride in our Rush Copley nursing community. Through all of the adversity, ups and downs and challenges, we became a stronger Magnet nursing team. We have an administration that has a ‘you speak, we listen’ approach to bring about positive change. Our nursing teams are empowered to make evidence-based changes to

Tanya Antal, MSN, CMSRN, SCRN Resource Team/Float Pool Chair of Nursing Executive Council (NEC)

practice, and are included in decisions that affect our work environment. The Nursing Executive Congress is composed of staff nurses who want to be involved and play a part in elevating our professional practice. Our voices are heard, our ideas matter, and together we facilitate change. It is powerful to see the work in action. As you will read about our structure changes for shared governance, we have created true partnerships between the congresses, making it more interconnected and easier to discuss ideas and projects with input from all aspects of nursing. Witnessing the excitement and commitment from all of the congress members to create change fills me with pride and joy. I look forward to what 2022 will bring with our amazing team. While this past year has been full of challenges, it has been a year full of growth and achievements. I hope you take the time to reflect on the work that you have done this past year and how you have grown. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it has taught us to be innovative, flexible and committed to our teams, and that voices can be used in a positive manner to bring about change. Thank you to every nurse for the commitment and professionalism you bring to your teams and your patients every day. I am proud to be your NEC leader and represent the best nursing community around!



Transformational Leadership Shared Governance Redesign In December 2020, the entire nursing staff was surveyed to gain insight into the state of Rush Copley’s nursing shared governance structure, communication and participation.

Partnership EMPOWERING THE PATIENT CARE COMMUNITY Vice President, Patient Care & CNO

Unit-Based Partnership

Nursing Executive Congress (NEC)

Advanced Practice Provider Council

Nurse Staffing Committee

Seventy-five percent of participants Research & Professional Patient Care Quality Leadership Congress Practice Congress Development Congress & Safety Congress stated they had knowledge and understanding of the shared governance structure, with 56% expressing an interest in participating in shared governance by joining a congress. Based on the results, a focus group — composed of staff nurses, chairs and facilitators from each of the established congresses and the Chief Nursing Officer — was convened in February 2021. • Regulatory Readiness • Practice Environment • Patient/Physician Satisfaction Scores • RN Turnover/R&R • Engagement • Healthy Work Environment

• Documentation • Patient Education • Clinical Nursing Practice Standards • Nursing Wellness

Nursing Policy & Procedure Committee

• New Product/ Technology • Orientation • Continuing Education • Preceptor/Mentor/ Fellowship • Research Development/ Inquiry/PICOT • Scholarly Activities • Competency

• Safe Patient Handling • Med Safety (MSNPC) • Regulatory Readiness & Requirements • Infection Prevention • Nurse Sensitive Indicators (NSI) • Unit Dashboards/ Nursing Dashboards

Nursing Professional Practice Committee

After many meetings, research and discussion, Rush Copley’s revised partnership structure was unveiled in July 2021. Changes included holding all congress meetings on one day a month, Shared Governance Day, followed by Nursing Executive Congress, or NEC, in the afternoon. Participation in these congresses now counts as work hours, rather than being in addition to scheduled hours. Work has been consolidated into three congresses: Practice; Research and Professional Development; and Patient Care Quality and Safety. Leadership Congress has become a separate arm of shared governance. All congress members were nominated and voted into their positions by their fellow staff nurses. Chairs attend Shared Governance Day monthly, and the vice chairs will attend on a quarterly basis starting in 2022. After six months of the new process, much work has been accomplished. Each congress has developed working goals for the year, voted in a hospital nurse staffing plan, discussed acuity tools, approved the FY22 nursing tactical plan, and worked on nursing wellness. For the remainder of FY22, work will continue on streamlining unit partnerships, measuring outcomes of the fall-prevention process improvement initiative, and being the voice of nursing for practice issues. PAGE FOUR

Partnering with the Patient and Community to Improve Health Equity The discussion around social determinants of health, or SDOH, has become more and more prominent over the years, as health care organizations have seen an increase in marginalized populations. However, this is not a new topic for health care. Florence Nightingale originally emphasized the importance of hygiene, nutrition, social network and social class, when it came to health care outcomes. The World Health Organization defines social determinants of health as the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, live and age, as well as the set of forces and systems that shape daily life. Factors that contribute to SDOH include socioeconomic status, access to resources, housing, transportation and food insecurities. Due to the large impact social determinants of health have on an individual’s overall health outcomes, screening has become imperative in the health care setting. In 2019, H.K. O’Brien wrote, “Screening for social determinants of health allows health care teams to assess and address social factors that influence one’s physical and mental health and access to care.” For instance, racial inequalities and health care disparities are often correlated to patients’ social factors. Therefore, screening for social determinants of health will assist in closing the gap the health care system currently faces. In September 2021, Rush Copley began SDOH screening for the inpatient population. To date, approximately 60% of screened patients were positive for at least one determinant. In collaboration with the Care Management team, those patients were all given community resources to address their needs. Screening will continue during the coming year and expand to other patient populations, both in the ambulatory and hospital settings.


The Pause Supports Nurse Reflection The Pause is a practice used by the patient care team after a patient dies. The team takes 45 seconds to a minute after a patient passes to stand together in silence or to say a few words to honor the patient as someone’s father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, friend or other relationship — more than just a patient in a hospital bed. The Pause is a concept developed by Jonathan Bartels, a trauma nurse in Virginia. It is promoted by the American Nurses Association as a way to deal with grief and death. The Pause is meant to give closure to the team caring for the patient and to honor the patient’s life after the patient passes. Health care is a fast-paced environment and there are always tasks to do and patients to care for, so it is easy to quickly move on to the next thing after a patient dies. Health care workers often are not able to take time to let themselves feel the emotion of a patient loss. This can lead to stress, grief and compassion fatigue. Life is sacred, and so is the care that is delivered to patients. The Medical/Surgical/Oncology unit, or Med/Surg II, was converted to a dedicated COVID unit in March 2020. Because of COVID, patient deaths are higher than they have ever been on the unit, and patients have had longer hospital stays with only the staff as their support and “family.” Relationships and bonds were formed, so it was even harder for staff to experience a patient loss. They were losing someone they had grown close to, and the patients were dying alone without their loved ones by their side. Some of the Med/Surg II staff were struggling with the loss of their patients. PAGE SIX

The idea of the Pause was introduced to help the team cope with the loss, grief and stress they were experiencing. Staff was encouraged to initiate a Pause when they felt comfortable. Alyssa Nasman, RN, CMSRN, took a Pause after her patient died. Here is what Alyssa had to say after her experience: “I recently held a Pause for a COVID patient who had passed away in the morning. I was honestly so thankful for that Pause. The morning was hectic and I felt like from the moment I walked on the floor there was so much going on. I was in another room when she passed away, so I ran in as soon as I was able and there was just so much going on, with staff moving equipment around. Since she was a COVID patient and unable to have family at her bedside, it broke my heart. Then our manager came in to help me call the time, and after we did, she prompted, “Shall we take a Pause?” I agreed, and we were able to breathe, take a moment for the patient, hold silence in remembrance of her life and the struggles she faced with COVID. The Pause was a nice way for me to reset my mind from the clutter of the day and to truly honor the patient. COVID has completely rewired a lot of people to think in ‘survival mode’ and ‘just move on.’ It’s nice to take a moment in the mess and the trauma that happens when a patient passes to recollect, pray and honor.”

Structural Empowerment Nursing Community Demographics: Education/Certification Lifelong learning is the cornerstone of successful professional growth and development. In 2021, the Rush Copley nursing community achieved all-time high percentages for earning degrees and certifications. Rush Copley is proud to recognize and support nurses in their continued professional development. Congratulations to everyone who achieved higher education this year.

BSN Percentage 90 80.3

80 74.1






Congratulations to the following registered nurses for obtaining their national specialty certification in 2021:


Jacylyn Bartow, CCRN


Sharon Colin, NPD-BC 50

Maria Gajjala, RNC-NIC 40

Clarize Gutierrez, CMSRN 30

Jillian Hermes, CEN 20 2015







Brittany Johnson, CMSRN Karoline Karbarz, RNC-OB Kaitlyn Kman, CMSRN

Certification Rates: Eligible RNs

Patricia Langan, RNC-OB


Olivia Lemberger, NPD-BC

57 56



Aira Reyes, CGRN



Rebekah Mendoza, CSC-CMC

Angela McCumber, SANE

54 53.2



Sarah Slouber, CMSRN


Oleaha Pilant, CGRA


52 51 50 2015








Future of Nursing Scholarship Recipients Graduate-level Future of Nursing Scholarship recipients were awarded a $4,000 merit-based scholarship to assist in funding their graduate-level nursing education. Congratulations to Ana Aguirre-Ruvalcaba, Anna Borycki, Jessie Elizalde, Gary Grandchamp, Marsha Helland, David Ivancicts, Christine Jewell, Megan Kuhn, Martha Magana, Viktoria Passaro, Chuck Schwab and Jennifer Wall.

Ana Aguirre-Ruvalcaba, BSN, RN

Anna Borycki, BSN, CNOR

Jessie Elizalde, BSN, RNC-NIC

Christine Jewell, BSN, RN, CCRN

Megan Kuhn, BSN, CCRN

Martha Magana, BSN, RN

Gary Grandchamp, BSN, RN

Marsha Helland, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC

David Ivancicts, BSN, RN, CCRN

Viktoriia Passaro, BSN, RN, PCCN

Chuck Schwab, MBA, RN, CNOR, CENP

Jennifer Wall, BSN, RN, CHFN

Undergraduate-Level Nursing Scholarship Recipients BSN scholarship recipients were awarded a $2,000 merit-based scholarship to complete their undergraduate studies. The scholars include Angelica Garcia, ADN, RN, and Donna Wagner, ADN, RN.


Partnering with Kendall County Courthouse to Support Families Dealing with Loss Based on the article “Family Members’ Experience with Bereavement in the Intensive Care Unit,” published in AJCC July 2018, the ICU Partnership created a bereavement team to assist families with their grieving process. This, in turn, allows staff to have some closure and to continue offering compassionate care. The Bereavement Committee developed a process, completed staff education and created handmade sympathy cards. The process has been streamlined with the initiation of a bereavement follow-up form completed by the patient’s nurse or charge nurse on that shift. Resources are available for family members, including handprints and fingerprints, a locket of hair, a telemetry strip rolled up inside a tiny glass bottle and an ageappropriate book for children under 18 years of age. The resources used are tracked, and a list was created to compare how many staff members actually signed the card with the number of possible signers to track staff participation in the process. The name and address of the patient’s next of kin are included on this form, along with any pertinent details, such as young children, Gift of Hope, etc. A card is created with a note listing all the staff who cared for the patient. The goal is for staff to sign and mail the card within a month of the patient's death. Included with this card is a copy of local grief resources obtained from the Spiritual Care website. Then, at the one-year anniversary of the patient’s death, an additional card is mailed, simply signed “Rush Copley ICU Staff.” It includes a packet of forget-me-not seeds. With the multiple surges of COVID and the increased number of deaths in the ICU, staff held a fundraiser to support the bereavement program, allowing more books, seeds and other supplies to be purchased. Cards are donated by an ICU nurse using her Cricut machine. In addition to staff donating funds, the Kendall County Courthouse made a generous donation in February 2021, allowing for the purchase of 14 children’s books, a case of gift bags, a ream of paper for handprints and a case of seed packets. On occasion, the ICU has received a kind letter or card from a family member stating how special it was for them to receive this remembrance and any additional items to help them cope with their loss. The process allows staff to personalize their condolences and express what an honor it was to care for their loved one.

ICU staff members wrote condolence cards and sent packets of forget-me-not seeds to help family members in the grieving process.


Urinary Retention Protocol Urinary retention remained one of our top indications for Foley catheterization orders being placed. Evidence shows that in many patients, urinary retention can be successfully managed with bladder scanning and intermittent catheterization, thereby eliminating the need for an indwelling Foley catheter. By eliminating the Foley catheter, bladder deconditioning and increased risk of infection associated with indwelling catheters can be avoided. In 2020, all three Rush hospitals, with input from Urology, collaborated on the development of a systemwide Urinary Retention Protocol, or URP, to better manage patients with urinary retention. A standardized protocol allows the nurse to follow the algorithm for treatment and intervene as appropriate, without having to contact the provider for orders each step of the way. The use of the URP prior to Foley insertion may completely eliminate the need for Foley placement or minimally reduce the number of days a Foley is in place. The URP can also be utilized after a Foley has been removed to help with urinary retention, which some patients initially experience once a Foley has been removed. The rollout of the URP was delayed due to COVID but was successfully initiated in August 2021. Monthly Foley catheter utilization rates are being tracked and the goal is to see a decrease in the rates due to more patients being treated with the URP.


Exemplary Professional Practice Fall Forums Focus on Prevention, Safety Patient falls remain the number one health care associated condition, or HAC, in the United States. Patient falls are also considered a nursing-sensitive indicator, due to their incidence being related to the quality of nursing care, and are therefore a top focus of the Joint Commission, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Agency for

Total Patient Falls per 1,000 Patient Days 3.0 2.5 1.97









2019 Q3

2019 Q4

2020 Q1


1.0 0.5 0.0 2020 Q2

2020 Q3

2020 Q4

Hospital-Unadjusted Measure

2021 Q1

2021 Q2


Healthcare Research and Quality, and National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators. In October 2020 Rush Copley instituted the Friday Fall Forum as an additional fall prevention intervention. Each week, all patient falls from the previous seven days are presented and discussed by the nursing staff involved in the care. During the discussion of each individual case, fall prevention interventions that were in place are discussed, along with what interventions, if any, were missing. Also noted are changes in patient status or medications prior to the fall, and any follow-up or changes in practice that occurred post fall. The Fall Forum team then looks for trending prevention opportunities across all falls. These learnings are discussed at the daily leadership safety huddle and then distributed to the unit safety huddles. Key learnings are also sent out in the monthly Fall Facts fliers. Fall Forum has allowed for the identification of trends, including falls, in our alcohol withdrawal population and patients left alone in the bathroom. Specific hospitalwide practice changes and education were then developed for these patient populations. In March 2021, the Just Culture process was implemented for falls that were determined to be a deviation in the standard of care. There has been a continued decrease in the patient fall rate, resulting in Rush Copley’s lowest rate in two years during the third quarter of calendar year 2021. Even with the increased acuity of patients and high census during FY21, successful changes have been made in decreasing patient falls and increasing the quality of care provided.


Human Trafficking

Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under United States and Illinois law If you or someone you know: • Is being forced to engage in any activity and cannot leave, whether it is: • Commercial sex industry (street prostitution, strip clubs, massage parlors, escort services, brothels, internet), • Private Homes (housework, nannies, servile marriages), • Farm work, landscaping, construction, • Factory (industrial, garment, meat-packing), • Peddling rings, begging rings, or door-to-door sales crews • Hotel, retail, bars, restaurant work or • Any other activity • Had their passport or identification taken away or • Is being threatened with deportation if they won’t work

Human trafficking is a worldwide public health dilemma affecting individuals, families and communities. The health consequences of this violent crime can manifest in all sectors of health care, including, but not limited to, mental health, behavioral health, emergency medicine, women’s National Human Trafficking Resource Center health and pediatrics. Major professional health care organizations have 1-888-373-7888 Or Text “HELP” to 233733 recognized the public health impact of human trafficking and call on to access help and services. health care professionals to confront the epidemic (American Hospital Association, 2019; American Medical Association, 2015; The Joint Commission, 2015; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Office on Trafficking in Persons, 2019b). In June 2020, Rush Copley formed the interprofessional Committee on Human Trafficking with the aim of disseminating best practices, establishing a structure for response and reporting, and serving as a support network for clinical staff who are in a unique position to identify and assist potential victims of human trafficking. The hotline is: • Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • Toll-free. • Operated by nonprofit nongovernmental organizations. • Anonymous and confidential. • Accessible in more than 160 languages. • Able to provide help, referral to services, training, and general information. For more information:

The Committee on Human Trafficking achieved two major goals: the development and stakeholder approval of the “Caring for Patients at Risk for Human Trafficking” policy and the human trafficking response protocol. Committee members collaborated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement in Aurora and Yorkville to develop a community partnership and provide direction in how to appropriately notify law enforcement. Additionally, the committee worked with Rush Copley’s Epic team to translate the protocol into the electronic medical record system, allowing for proper documentation of encounters. PAGE TWELVE

An order set titled “Rush Copley Medical Center Human Trafficking Order Set” was also created to guide providers on best practices when caring for patients at risk for human trafficking. The Rush Copley intranet jump page also provides a Human Trafficking Resource Page, with comprehensive resources for staff when responding to a suspected victim of human trafficking. In November 2021, the committee implemented the human trafficking response protocol in the pilot units: Emergency Departments in Aurora and Yorkville and the Family Birth Center. Trainees for the protocol included 250 staff members from the responder groups in the pilot units. Nursing staff, care managers, nursing supervisors, security personnel, registrars and interpreters were trained in screening and assessing patients at risk for human trafficking, delivering trauma-informed care and activating the response protocol. Prior to training, the committee issued a pre-implementation survey to determine the level of awareness of all clinical staff on the topic of human trafficking, which garnered 345 respondents. After completing a NetLearning module and attending a live training, staff from the pilot units completed a post-implementation survey. The survey revealed training in the human trafficking response protocol increased participants’ general knowledge about human trafficking and the indicators of human trafficking – knowledge that is vital to identify and support potential victims of human trafficking.

How would you rate your knowledge of human trafficking (sex and labor trafficking)?

How would you rate your awareness of the factors that might make an individual vulnerable to becoming a trafficked person? 60%

60% 53.62% 54.41%

56.65% 50.49%




40% 34.31% 29.86%



20% 13.24%






4.05% 1.96%

Far below average


Below average



Above average




Far above average

Far below average


Below average



How would you rate your knowledge of the signs and symptoms that might help you identify a victim of human trafficking?








Above average

Far above average


How likely is it that a victim of human trafficking would be identified in your primary work area? 70.10%

70% 60%

60% 51.96%

50% 42.24%





40% 33.33%






20% 5.88%

10% 0%


9.20% 6.03% 1.15%


Far below average

Below average Pre-training


Above average Post-training

Far above average






0% Very unlikely

Unlikely Pre-training


Very likely



Workplace Safety Review of Alcohol Detox Orders to Reduce Staff Assault From January through October 2021, 141 workplace safety reports for physical or verbal abuse were entered into the occurrence reporting system. Twenty-eight percent of the reports of physical abuse or assault occurred with the admitting diagnosis of alcohol withdrawal. Others occurred with diagnoses of psychosis and dementia. Based on a seeming increase in assaults on staff, an interprofessional team was formed to review the practices for managing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The team included nursing representation from medical surgical and emergency services, ED physicians, the family medicine residency program and a physician trained in the medical management of substance abuse. The team was led by the assistant vice president of Medical Affairs. Order sets were reviewed and compared with the literature, while orders utilized at Rush University Medical Center were also reviewed. The team drafted an order set using Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment, or CIWA, scores to determine the medications to be administered — as well as frequency of assessment and revision in the electronic record — to outline the symptoms associated with each score on the assessment scale. This was intended to improve consistency of scoring to ensure appropriate medication was administered to manage the patient’s symptoms. Dosages of the medications related to scoring were a critical component of the revised orders. Nursing staff was provided education on the new approach to the medical management of alcohol withdrawal, and ongoing review of the reports of physical assault will be conducted post implementation.


New Knowledge, Innovations and Improvements NICU Reading Program Parents, siblings and staff read to babies in the Rush Copley NICU during the September 2021 “Babies with Books NICU Read-a-thon.” Babies with Books, a youthled organization devoted to bringing early literacy into health care, encourages family reading and highlights the importance of reading to children. Reading to babies supports infant brain development and reduces stress, according to Laura Bowgren, BSN, RNC-NIC, RNC-ELBW, who coordinated Rush Copley’s participation. It also encourages bonding with the parents, who often feel helpless while their babies are in the NICU. Babies who are unable to tolerate touch can listen to a parent’s voice.

Laura Bowgren reads to one of her NICU patients.

The goal for the 11-day program was 100 reading sessions. The team met that goal in eight days and reached a new high of 149 reading sessions by families and NICU staff. Rush Copley placed 14th out of all the hospitals participating internationally. During the read-a-thon, siblings participated by “reading” virtually, often by Laura Bowgren, BSN, RNC-NIC, RNC-ELBW and Louise Fazio MSN, CNML, RNC-ELBW, looking at pictures and telling their own RNC-NIC, pose with the NICU’s Books for Babies read-a-thon display. story. Rush Copley staff, including nurses, therapists, techs and neonatologists, also read to the babies. Those families that participated were entered into a raffle to win bags filled with books in their preferred language, along with infant developmental toys.


Nutrition in Breast Cancer Patients Ellen Berg, MSN, RN, OCN, led a team conducting a pilot study of nutrition interventions for non-metastatic breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. This IRB-approved

Number of servings of vegetables and fruit per day in breast cancer patients 25 21



15 study was done to investigate 13 10 the efficacy and impact of 8 5 nutritional counseling and 2 1 0 0 0 information for breast cancer No servings 1-2 servings 5-7 servings 3-4 servings patients receiving radiation Pre intervention assessment Post intervention assessment therapy for non-metastatic Data shows improved knowledge re: nutritional facts and eating healthy after dietary intervention. breast cancer. Patients’ knowledge, pre- and post-treatment, was compared, anticipating an improvement in knowledge about healthy eating and changes in eating behavior.

Research has shown that this patient population is often highly motivated to change their lifestyle after diagnosis and are easily accessible due to their daily treatment schedule. A prior study Ellen conducted showed chemotherapy patients were seen less by a dietitian than radiation therapy patients, most likely due to accessibility. Thirty participants had a brief knowledge assessment before their first visit and again after their last visit with the dietitian. Patients met with a Cancer Center dietitian three times during their course of treatment and received handouts with diet and lifestyle advice. Findings indicated the majority of participants increased their daily number of servings of vegetables and fruit, tried to eat organic fruits and vegetables when possible, and increased their understanding of how to read a nutritional food label. The study suggested that nutritional support and education by a dietitian can improve or influence eating behaviors during radiation treatment in non-metastatic breast cancer patients.


Bundle Up for Patient Safety In 2020, the Neuroscience Unit, or NSU, implemented a bundled approach to reduce the risk of infection in the craniotomy, craniectomy, VP shunt, extraventricular devices (EVD), burr hole and any other brain surgery patient population. The bundle included daily chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) baths throughout hospitalization; patient hand hygiene three times a day with meals, with one of those being a daily CHG nail scrub; and standardization of dressing changes. Patient education included specific instructions about hand hygiene for the patient, family and others as well. Through this team approach to infection reduction in this population, NSU has been surgical-site infection-free since July 2020. This is an excellent example of how interprofessional collaboration is such an important component of patient safety and improved outcomes.


Podiums, Posters and Publications Rush Copley Nurses Are Disseminating Best Practices Across the Globe Dr. Lauren Franker, DNP, Molly Pretet, MSN, RN, CNL, CPPS, Kristin Simmons, MHA, BSN, CIC, RNC-MNN, Barb Douglas, MBA, BSN, RN, NEA-BC, and Ariel Roche, BSN, RN, CCRN, had their research "Preoperative Prevention of Surgical-Site Infection in Spine Surgery" published in the Sept/Oct 2021 edition of Orthopaedic Nursing.

Patient-Staff Communication Judi Bonomi, MS, MSN, OCN, NE-BC, Corrine Lindquist, MSN, RN, CMSRN, Olivia Lemberger, MSN, RN, CHSE, and Elisabeth Garrison, MBA, MSN, APN, ACNP-BC, CWON, NPD-BC, published “Evaluating the Effects of a High-Tech Call System on Patient-Staff Communication” in Nursing Management, February 2021 edition.


Mindful Moment Study Stephanie Patronis, BSN, RNC-NIC, and Beth Staffileno, PhD, FAHA, published “Favorable Outcomes from an In-Person and Online Feasibility Mindful Moment Pilot Study” in the May/June 2021 edition of Holistic Nursing Practice.

Lugod Selected to Present at National Conference Maureen Lugod, MSN, RN, CEN, was selected to present the e-poster “Beat the Timer! Examining the Effects of Gamification on Emergency Nurses' Satisfaction and Engagement” at the national Emergency Nursing 2021 Conference in September. Her poster was voted “Best Evidence-Based Poster” at the conference.

Rush Copley Nurses Present at Magnet Beth Garrison, MSN, MBA, APN, ACNP-BC, CWON, NPD-BC, Sharon Colin, MSN, RNC-NIC, Olivia Lemberger, MSN, RN, CHSE, and Maureen Lugod, MSN, RN, CEN, published their research titled “Interactive Learning for Nurses Through Gamification” in the February 2021 edition of The Journal of Nursing Administration. Maureen and Sharon were also poster presenters at the 2021 ANCC National Magnet Conference – the first time Rush Copley has presented at Magnet.

Nutrition Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients Sumita Bhatia, MD, Ellen Berg, MSN, RN, OCN, and Amanda Baker, CCRP, presented their poster, “Pilot Study of Nutrition Intervention for Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiation Therapy,” at the 2021 Rush System Nursing Research and EBP Symposium.

Quality Improvement Initiative Jacqueline Wagner, BSN, RN, Laura Agrella, MS, CNP, and Antonella Mossa, MSN, RN, CPAN, presented their poster “Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Vascular and IR Procedures: An Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Initiative” at the 2021 Rush System Nursing Research and EBP Symposium.

Using Technology to Increase Nursing Knowledge Andrea Heimer, MSN, RN, CCRN-K, was selected for an oral poster presentation, “Surviving Patient Emergencies: Use of Gaming and Technology to Increase Nurse Residents’ Knowledge and Comfort Levels When Responding to Emergency Andrea Heimer, MSN, RN, CCRN-K Situations,” at the 2021 Rush System Nursing Research and EBP Symposium.

Nurses Holding Leadership Roles GI Manager Val Ricken, BSN, RN, CGRN, and GI registered nurses Judy Lopez, BSN, PCCN, and Amber Lackey, BA, RN, all hold leadership roles on the board of directors for the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates. Val serves as president, Amber is the secretary and Judy is the director of membership and marketing. Together with the other board members, they planned and held the “Fall Into GI” virtual conference on November 6, 2021, where topics related to GI health were discussed.

Exploring the Benefits of Bedside Documentation Javier Medero, MSN, RN, Janice Phillips, PhD, RN, CENP, FAAN, and Hugh Vondracek, MSc, presented the research poster, “Enhancing Documentation Timeliness, Exploring the Benefits of Bedside Documentation,” at the 2021 Rush System Nursing Research and EBP Symposium. PAGE NINETEEN

Nurses in Action


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