WINTER 2022 January • February • March
Cancer Resource Center
PROGRAM GUIDE Programs for Individuals Affected by a Cancer Diagnosis
Advanced and Metastatic Cancer Providing helpful tools, encouragement and support to empower those who have advanced or metastatic cancer
Advanced and Metastatic Cancer
Educational Presentations
Support Programs
Mind, Body and Spirit Programs
Wellness Programs
Salon and Spa Programs
1310 Waterford Drive Aurora, IL 60504 (331) 301-5280 Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed January 17 for Martin Luther King Day Waterford Place Cancer Resource Center provides services and support, free of charge, to anyone affected by a cancer diagnosis.
ADVANCED AND METASTATIC CANCER Dealing with advanced and metastatic cancer can bring fear and uncertainty to your life. Remember that you can still be in control of your choices and actions as you decide how to move forward with your care. To help with this, Waterford Place offers programs and services to provide helpful tools, encouragement and support to empower you to successfully manage the concerns that accompany your metastatic or advanced cancer diagnosis.
Choices for Care Decisions about care are very personal and look different for everyone. Treatment may cure, slow growth or only relieve symptoms of cancer. Sometimes treatments used to cure cancer are also used to slow its growth or treat symptoms, which can be confusing. Therefore, it is important to know what your goal is and to clearly communicate it to your care team and loved ones. No matter what your goal is, know that there are options for you. Talk to your medical team about what is important for you to find the best option for your situation. Ask as many questions as needed, and weigh the risks and benefits of each option. Remember that the goal of any cancer care is to give you the best possible quality of life. You want to feel as good as possible for as long as possible. Coping with Emotions You have probably felt a range of emotions during your cancer experience, but they may be more intense now. There is no right or wrong way to feel or to react to your feelings. You may feel fear and worry about the unknown, guilt because treatment did not work, or grief at the thought of leaving your family and friends. It can help to talk to a professional who is trained to help you manage your concerns, control your fears
Coping for Caregivers
avoid problems later and give you control
Being a caregiver for someone with
over your care. One of the best gifts you
advanced stage cancer brings new
can give your family is letting them know
challenges and concerns. As your loved
what your wishes are by filling out legal
one’s cancer progresses, things can get even
documents known as advance directives.
more challenging. It is important to take time
Other ways are to clear up any insurance
to take care of yourself and ask for help if
issues in advance, put your affairs in order by
needed. Over time, the long-term stress of
meeting with a lawyer and financial planner,
pushing your own needs and feelings aside
and help your family plan a funeral or
is not good for your health. A few ways to
memorial service that has meaning to you.
cope include joining a support group, talking about your thoughts and feelings, taking part in some of your regular activities, getting enough rest and participating in a physical activity. Getting help for yourself will
and find meaning in what you are going
also help your loved one.
through. For some, it also helps to build a
Planning Ahead
sense of hope by setting goals to look forward to each day or drawing inner strength from the things in your life that are meaningful.
Careful planning reduces the financial, legal and emotional burdens your family may face. For many people, it can be a difficult
Some programs designed especially for those with advanced and metastatic cancer can help. • Hospice and Palliative Care: Knowing the Difference – page 2 • Survivorship Essentials – page 2 • Introduction to Medical Cannabis – page 2 • Essential Oils for Emotional Support – page 4
topic to discuss; however, talking now can
Winter 2022
EDU CAT IO NAL P R E S E N TAT I O NS Personalized Financial Resource Consultation
By appointment only Cancer not only affects your physical health, it also affects your financial well-being. Several resources are available to manage the financial impact of cancer, including federally-funded programs and private nonprofit organizations. Schedule a virtual meeting with a financial navigator to learn what financial resources are available to you.
Identifying Psychosocial and Other Supportive Needs Thursday, January 6 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Lyndsey Craig, LSW, Apex Hospice and Palliative Care This presentation will focus on defining stress, fatigue and burnout and help you find the right resources for support. Advance Directives Welcome to Waterford Place Orientation
Wednesday, February 16 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Lyndsey Craig, LSW, Apex Hospice and Palliative Care
By appointment only
Learn about the different types of advance directives and their purposes.
All new participants are invited to attend
Hospice and Palliative Care: Knowing the Difference
an introductory orientation to discover the valuable resources available at Waterford Place. Technology Consultation
Wednesday, March 16 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Shelley Cartwright, CEO, Apex Hospice and Palliative Care Learn the differences between hospice and palliative care to make the health care decision that’s right for you.
By appointment only Need help connecting to virtual programs through your personal computer, laptop or tablet? Schedule a virtual or phone consultation for assistance with setting up an email or installing and using the Webex
many prescription medicines, the
essential survivorship information from the
misconceptions about cannabis in general
start of diagnosis through follow-up. She
and the role of cannabinoids in relieving
will review possible long-term symptoms
symptoms associated with traditional
and ways to manage them.
application on your device.
cancer treatments. The application for a
Introduction to Medical Cannabis
covered. The same class is offered twice
Wednesday, January 19 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, January 26 • 1 to 2 p.m. Rick Niksic, Community Outreach Coordinator, Curaleaf Learn about the medical cannabis program in Illinois, including the science behind cannabis as a safe alternative to
Winter 2022
medical cannabis card will also be to accommodate different schedules. Survivorship Essentials Tuesday, February 15 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Rebecca Buttrum, BSN, RN, OCN Yorkville Outpatient Oncology Nurse Rebecca Buttrum will present
When I go to Waterford Place, I know I will always find caring, supportive people helping to improve each participant’s day.
S U PPO RT P R O GR AM S Our groups allow participants to connect with others experiencing similar circumstances. Goals are to exchange information and strategies for decision-making, help navigate the cancer journey and allow participants to connect, share and exchange support. Aurora Multiple Myeloma
licensed clinical social worker, this group
Networking Group (Virtual Only)
Cancer: Thriving and
will begin once five participants have
First Wednesdays: January 5, February 2
Surviving (Virtual Only)
and March 2 • 6 to 8 p.m.
Fridays, February 4 through
Affiliated with the International Myeloma
March 18 • 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Foundation, this group is open to those
Padraic Stanley, MSW, LCSW
diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma and
Rush University Medical Center
their loved ones. To sign up, please
Maintain an active lifestyle by
contact Valarie Traynham, group leader, at
building skills to manage your or (630) 423-6510.
emotional and physical health.
Bereavement Support Group First and Third Thursdays: January 6 and 20, February 3 and 17, and March 3 and 17 • 1 to 2:30 p.m.
This group will meet for seven weeks to support those who are managing cancer treatment or who are in remission.
West Suburban Brain Tumor Support Group (Virtual Only) First and Third Tuesdays: January 4 and 18, February 1 and 15, and March 1 and 15 4 to 4:30 p.m. This group provides you, your family and friends with information about brain tumors and treatments, available resources, and the opportunity to meet other people in similar circumstances. This group is facilitated by a nursing
Led by a licensed clinical social worker, the
specialist in the neuroscience services and
Bereavement Support Group is open to
a hospital chaplain. Contact Deb Brunelle at (630) 898-4637 to register.
any adult who has lost a loved one to cancer. It provides a safe environment in
Gyne SISTERs (Sharing Inspiration
which to process your grief. This group
and Support Through Education
will begin once five participants have
and Resources)
Second Thursdays: January 13, February
Short-Term Counseling
Breast FRIENDs (First Resource in Experiencing and Navigating a Diagnosis) Third Mondays: February 21 and March 21 • 6 to 7:30 p.m.
10 and March 10 • 1:30 to 3 p.m. Open to those who have had a gynecological cancer diagnosis, Gyne SISTERs is co-facilitated by a licensed social worker and a registered nurse.
By appointment only Short-term counseling to address cancer-related issues is available to those diagnosed with cancer and their families. Up to five sessions are provided to address sadness, worries,
Facilitated by a licensed social worker and
Men’s Group
breast health navigator, Breast FRIENDs is
Fourth Tuesdays: January 25, February 22
for anyone experiencing a breast cancer
and March 22 • 6:30 to 8 p.m.
diagnosis, regardless of treatment type
This group is open to men who have had
or stage. This informal group provides
a cancer diagnosis. It is facilitated by a
Grief Counseling
support and a safe place to share experi-
licensed clinical social worker who is also a
By appointment only
ences, successes and ongoing challenges.
prostate cancer survivor. A light dinner will
Provided through a partnership with
be provided.
Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care of Illinois
Family and Caregiver Networking Group
TLC (Together Living with
Second Wednesdays: January 12, February
Cancer) Support Group
9 and March 9 • 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Second and Fourth Tuesdays: January 11
In this group, family, friends and caregivers
and 25, February 8 and 22, and March 8
of cancer patients will receive support for
and 22 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
themselves and network with others in
The TLC Support Group is for those
similar circumstances. The group is
living with an advanced or metastatic
facilitated by a licensed social worker.
cancer diagnosis. Facilitated by a
communication, returning to work, body esteem and other similar issues as they relate to a cancer diagnosis.
For many, the grief experience that results from the death of a loved one can generate a myriad of feelings, confusion and questions. Talking with a bereavement specialist one-on-one about this experience can assist in the coping process.
Winter 2022
M IN D, B O DY AND S P I R I T P R O GR AMS Vibrational Sound Therapy
and balance. This technique will help you
By appointment only
shift your emotional state and calm your
Sandy LaBianco-Brown, Certified
mind. The same class is offered each month
Vibrational Sound Therapist
to accommodate different schedules.
Vibrational sound therapy is a one-on-one
Essential Oils for Emotional Support
service using Himalayan singing bowls
Tuesday, February 1 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
gently placed on the body to promote
Audrey Stoppel, BSN, RN, Radiation
total relaxation and decrease the effects of
stress on the body and mind. The tones
Rush Copley Medical Center
and vibrations combine to produce an
Essential oils can support your emotional
immediate state of tranquility as sound
well-being. Learn to use aromatherapy to
waves act like a massage for the nervous
help with emotional regulation, bringing an
system. Reiki
Craft and Chat
By appointment only
Wednesdays: January 12, February 9 and
Sandy LaBianco-Brown, Reiki Master, and
March 9 • 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Karen Jendruczek, Reiki Practitioner
Join us for an informal gathering to chat,
This one-on-one service is an energetic
drink tea or coffee and work on your crafting
relaxation therapy that offers stress
project. Bring whatever project you are
reduction, mental clarity, relief of pain,
working on, such as knitting, crochet,
improved sleep and other benefits.
needlepoint, coloring or any other project.
Guided Meditation Wednesdays: January 5, February 2
This is an informal participant gathering and not led by a facilitator.
uplifted, calming feeling.
Mixed Media Art Class: Winter Stained Glass-Style Drawings Tuesday, January 25 • 1:30 to 3 p.m. Barbara Weigand Take inspiration from Louis Comfort Tiffany’s beautiful creations in stained glass to create your own work of art. Capture
and March 2 • 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Valentine’s Day Beading Class
Audrey Stoppel, BSN, RN, Radiation
Monday, February 14 • 1:30 to 3 p.m.
Sandy LaBianco-Brown, Reiki Master
Rush Copley Medical Center
Treat yourself this Valentine’s Day by making
This guided imagery experience
a bracelet and matching earring set as we
incorporates cleansing breathwork and an
relax, socialize and enjoy spending the
array of relaxation techniques designed to
afternoon together. All supplies will be
balance emotions, decrease physical and
provided, but feel free to bring any special
psychological distress, and promote the
beads that you may want to incorporate into
practice of living in the moment.
your creation.
Giving Back Society
HeartMath Meditation
as the Impressionists would. No
Fridays: January 14, February 11 and
Audrey Stoppel, BSN, RN, Radiation
experience required.
March 11 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Lisa Lapinski
Rush Copley Medical Center
Are you looking for opportunities to pay it
Tuesday, January 18 • 1 to 2 p.m.
forward by helping other cancer patients on
Tuesday, February 15 • 1 to 2 p.m.
the journey? Join the Waterford Place
Tuesday, March 15 • 1 to 2 p.m.
Giving Back Society to brainstorm ideas
HeartMath Meditation is a simple, yet
and participate in activities that make a
powerful, meditative technique that uses
difference in the cancer community.
heart-focused breathing to help bring you more clarity, harmony of the mind and body,
Winter 2022
the beauty and simplicity of a birch tree in winter. No special drawing experience required. Mixed Media Art Class: Winter Landscape Impressions Tuesday, February 22 • 1:30 to 3 p.m. Barbara Weigand Using pastels (or paint, if you prefer), capture the drama of a winter landscape
Mixed Media Art Class: Mind Gardens Tuesday, March 22 • 1:30 to 3 p.m. Barbara Weigand Start dreaming of spring gardens and create your own “mind gardens” using simple materials and creativity. Fun, creative and easy.
W EL L NE S S P R O GR AMS No experience is necessary, and all supplies are provided. Caregivers are encouraged to attend with the person living with cancer. Tai Chi/Moving Meditation Mondays • 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Kristi Niedzwiecki, ACE Certified Fitness Instructor Center yourself as you become aware of your own energy, while relaxing and strengthening your body without injury or strain. Tai chi is an ancient form of meditative exercise that helps to harmonize mind and body. A simplified routine is taught with traditional postures and slow soft movements.
Nutrition Consultations
WEEKLY VIRTUAL MOVEMENT PROGRAMS Mondays 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. — Tai Chi/ Moving Meditation 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. — Gentle Movement No classes on January 17 Tuesdays 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. — Gentle Yoga Wednesdays
By appointment only Michelle Cordes, MS, RD, LDN Rush Copley Medical Center Nutrition consultations are available for anyone diagnosed with cancer at any stage of diagnosis. Our registered dietitian will discuss basic meal preparation and current diet trends and help you manage treatment-related side effects and choose healthier foods. The Healing Kitchen: Salmon
10 to 10:45 a.m. — Gentle Pilates
with Walnut Flaxseed Pesto
11 to 11:45 a.m. — Lymphedema-
Thursday, January 13 • 6 to 7 p.m.
Focused Movement
Carly Smitherman, MS, RDN, LDN
5 to 6 p.m — Restorative Yoga
Learn to make an easy and healthy seafood dish.
Gentle Pilates Wednesdays • 10 to 10:45 a.m. Judy Siek, 500 eCYT, Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor Low-impact Pilates is a series of exercises that develop the body’s strength, flexibility and control. Gentle Movement Mondays • 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Judy Siek, 500 eCYT, Certified Cancer Exercise Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor This beginner movement class will help improve balance, increase range of motion, strengthen muscles and build strength and resilience for daily life.
Lymphedema-Focused Movement Wednesdays • 11 to 11:45 a.m. Judy Siek, 500 eCYT, Certified Cancer
The Healing Kitchen: Dipped Pears and
Exercise Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor
Strawberry Cheesecake
This class will address cancer-related lymphedema through gentle movement and stretches for both the upper and lower body. Modifications are offered so that
Gentle Yoga
everyone can participate safely. A yoga
Tuesdays • 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
mat is recommended.
Mary Keane, RYT200, Certified Yoga Instructor Achieve a higher state of mindfulness while building strength and balance. This gentle yoga class will help you manage cancer by tapping into your mind-body connection to improve overall wellness. Modifications are offered so everyone can participate safely.
Restorative Yoga Wednesdays • 5 to 6 p.m. Chitra Singh, Certified Yoga Instructor Restorative yoga is a gentle, calming, therapeutic yoga that cultivates relaxation and balance and uses props to support the body. Each restorative pose will be held for five to six minutes to release tension and
Thursday, February 10 • 6 to 7 p.m. Carly Smitherman, MS, RDN, LDN During this cooking demonstration, participants will learn how to make delicious dark chocolate dipped pears and strawberry cheesecake. A healthy alternative to satisfy your sweet tooth. The Healing Kitchen: Jackfruit Tacos with Fresh Salsa Thursday, March 10 • 6 to 7 p.m. Carly Smitherman, MS, RDN, LDN Join Carly as she creates an easy, vegan version of a favorite Mexican dish.
deepen relaxation.
Winter 2022
S A L O N A N D S PA P R O GR AM S Simply Beautiful Skin
This relaxing evening will leave you feeling
Oncology Facials
Friday, January 14 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
refreshed and renewed. Sit back in our zero-
By appointment only
Friday, February 11 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
gravity chairs with a Bel Mondo sheet mask,
Geralyn O'Brien and Kate Romano, Licensed
Friday, March 11 • 10 to 11:30 a.m.
especially created for cancer patients. Come
and Oncology-Focused Estheticians
Geralyn O’Brien, Licensed and
with a clean face and drift away to some
Cancer treatments may leave the skin
Oncology-Focused Esthetician
simple breathing, meditation and sound
dry, sensitive and lacking proper nutrients,
Developed to help you manage skin
healing. Mask will stay on during the sound
and traditional skin care methods and
changes during cancer treatment, this class
healing. Please let us know if you are allergic
products can sometimes do more harm
will demonstrate how to implement a skin
or sensitive to any ingredient.
than good. When skin is compromised, it
care regimen with safe products and enhance your natural beauty using the timeless principle of simplicity. The same class is offered each month to accommodate different schedules.
Waterford Place Wig Boutique and Salon By appointment only Salon services are available for those experiencing hair loss due to cancer treatments. Services include addressing
needs products that are safe and gentle to bring it back to health. Geralyn or Kate will assess your skin care needs and provide appropriate treatment to help restore and maintain healthy skin.
Simply Beautiful Hair
treatment-related hair changes,
UZIT (Urban Zen Integrative Therapy)
Monday, January 17 • 2 to 3 p.m.
customizable complimentary wigs, wig care,
Customized Comfort Session
Monday, February 21 • 2 to 3 p.m.
options for head coverings, and assistance
By appointment only
Monday, March 21 • 2 to 3 p.m.
with styling hair as it grows back.
Pam Riley-Valesh, RN, Certified Clinical
Oncology Massage
Aromatherapist, Reflexologist, Healing
Jenny Burns, Licensed Cosmetologist and Medical Hair Loss Expert If you need help managing hair changes related to cancer treatment, this class is for you. Topics to be covered include initial hair loss, wigs and head coverings, hair regrowth and safe products that can help with achieving your hair care goals. The class is offered each month to accommodate
By appointment only Michelle Haugen, LMT, CLT Oncology massage combines compassion and specialized massage treatments to decrease treatment-related side effects, reduce stress and pain, and improve perceived quality of life.
different schedules.
Oncology Skin Care Consultations
Put the Glow Back in Your Skin and Soul
Geralyn O'Brien and Kate Romano, Licensed
Monday, January 10 • 6 to 7:30 p.m. Geralyn O’Brien, Licensed and OncologyFocused Esthetician Sandy LaBianco-Brown, Certified Vibrational Sound Therapist Audrey Stoppel, BSN, RN, Radiation Oncology, Rush Copley Medical Center
By appointment only and Oncology-Focused Estheticians Individual consultations are available to help you manage skin changes due to cancer treatment. Services include a comprehensive review of products and cosmetics, recommendations for oncology-safe products, and addressing skin-related issues.
Touch Spiritual Ministry Practitioner Urban Zen Integrative Therapy uses a variety of complementary therapy modalities that include breathwork, body awareness meditation, restorative poses, Reiki and essential oils to help ease discomfort. Schedule an appointment to learn how small things can help you to feel better in a big way. Reflexology By appointment only Pam Riley-Valesh, RN, Certified Reflexologist The practice of reflexology involves massaging or applying pressure to various acupressure points on the foot to reduce stress and support overall health.
Waterford Place is located at 1310 Waterford Drive • Aurora, IL 60504 Online at Call (331) 301-5280 For more virtual programming, view and subscribe to Waterford Place’s YouTube channel.