#13 Inside The Darkness

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Edition for true metalfans

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rve MetalZines




Evgeny-Destroyer Editor-in-chief, design https://www.facebook.com/ evgeny.dubovskoy Mail: destroyerr78@mail.ru WhatsApp: +79180242178

Olga «Blackie» Schneider Editor, interviewer, text corrector https://www.facebook.com/ olga.metalheart Mail: olgaschneider.1997@gmail.com Inst:https://www.instagram.com/blackie_metalheart/

https://destroyerr78.wixsite.com/insidethedarkness https://www.facebook.com/InsideTheDarknessMetalZine https://www.instagram.com/inside_the_darkness_webzine https://vk.com/insidethedarknessmetalwebzine https://twitter.com/metal_webzine

Editor’s brief

Andrew Stanton Editor, interviewer, text corrector https://www.facebook.com/ andrew.stanton.71216 WhatsApp: 0044 07527 362762

A special thanks to... Helmuth Lehner (Belphegor) for his TOTAL support

...and especially to these people Hails to everyone reading these pages! for the interviews Yeah, it sounds banal, but time flies as hell, so this is our Thomas Eriksen (Mork) second anniversary. It’s been 2 years since we started Shatraug (Horna) creating this webzine. Of course some difficulties took Duzl (Symbtomy) their place here, but we’re still here and we’re grateful Mortt (Temple of Decay) to all of you for your participation and support. Stevan (Northorn) And yeeeeah, finally Live on Stage has returned! Now Goncalo(Thrashwall) let’s get ready to 2021 and hope that it won’t be such D. Desecrator (Warkvlt) bastard as 2020. Eric Daniels (Soulburn) But at the moment... Just enjoy our 13th issue. Martin Schulman (Demonical) In Metal, Vincente Paya (Unbounded Terror) Olga Schneider, editor Pooyan Ahmadi (Bloody Sadism)


CONTENT Mork Interview with Thomas Eriksen..6 Horna Interview with Shatraug..............8 Symbtomy Interview with Duzl......................12 Temple of Decay Interview with Mortt.......................16 Northorn Interview with Stevan.......................18 Thrashwall Interview with Goncalo.................20

News from hell...........................................4 Metal Against Corona Fest.......................68 Warkvlt Interview with D. Desecrator.............22 Soulburn Interview with Eric Daniels.....24 Demonical Interview with Martin Schulman.....26 Unbounded Terror Interview with Vincente Paya........28 Bloody Sadism Interview with Pooyan Ahmadi.......32

Best Metal releases..............34

Stories about Metal bands..............70

Inside The Darkness reviews............86

Metalheads are waiting for it............108


World Metal News

Two of Europe’s most revered metal bands are set to combine forces to bring their ‘European Siege 2021’ tour to the old continent in Autumn 2021. Sweden’s ARCH ENEMY and Poland’s BEHEMOTH are joining together for a handful of dates, bringing their longtime friends and metal legends CARCASS in the special guest slot. Opening the evening’s thunderous proceedings will be hotly-tipped gothic metal newcomers, UNTO OTHERS (formerly known as Idle Hands).



ARCH ENEMY live 2021 2021-09-28 – Dublin, Olympia Theatre (IE) 2021-09-30 – Glasgow, O2 Academy Glasgow (UK) 2021-10-01 – Manchester, O2 Academy Manchester (UK) 2021-10-02 – Birmingham, O2 Academy Birmingham (UK) 2021-10-03 – London, O2 Academy Brixton (UK) 2021-10-05 – Paris, Le Zenith (FR) 2021-10-06 – Toulouse, Le Bikini (FR) 2021-10-08 – Lisbon, Sala Tejo (PT) 2021-10-09 – Madrid, Palacio Vistalegre (ES) 2021-10-10 – Barcelona, Palau Sant Jordi (ES) 2021-10-12 – Lyon, Le Radiant (FR) 2021-10-13 – Milano, Alcatraz (IT) 2021-10-15 – Berlin, Columbiahalle (DE) 2021-10-16 – Prague, Tipsport Arena (CZ) 2021-10-17 – Katowice, MCK (PL) 2021-10-19 – Budapest, Barba Negra (HU) 2021-10-20 – Vienna, Gasometer (AT) 2021-10-22 – Ludwigsburg, MHP Arena (DE) 2021-10-23 – Den Bosch, Mainstage Brabanthallen (NL) 2021-10-24 – Brussels, Forest National (BE) 2021-10-26 – Zurich, Samsung Hall (CH) 2021-10-27 – Frankfurt, Jahrhunderthalle (DE) 2021-10-29 – Munich, Zenith (DE) 2021-10-30 – Dusseldorf, Mitsubishi Electric Halle (DE) 2021-10-31 – Hamburg, edeloptics.de Arena (DE) 2021-11-01 – Gothenburg, Partille Arena (SE) 2021-11-03 – Helsinki, Ice Hall (FI) 2021-11-05 – Stockholm, Annexet (SE) 2021-11-06 – Copenhagen, Forum (DK)

ENSLAVED’s new studio album Utgard was recently released into the world, the concept of which explores the esoteric place in Norse mythology that celebrates the rebirth of the individual - a place where one goes for unification of that which is above and that which lies below. A reckoning of dark and light, of night and day. In continued celebration of Utgard’s release, tied in with the upcoming Winter Solstice (a Pagan holy day marking the symbolic death and rebirth of the Sun), the band are proud to announce a Winter Solstice streaming event for Saturday 19th December via the Revolver Magazine Facebook page, which will be followed by a live Q&A with some band members. The digital event will feature all three parts of ENSLAVED’s recent Cinematic Summer Tour, the revered filmed performances titled; ‘Chronicles of the Northbound’, ‘Below the Lights’ and ‘Utgard the Journey Within’. The performances will be presented by Revolver Magazine, and will be repeated the next day Sunday 20th December on the Enslaved YouTube channel. 20

years after it was

recorded and released,

Belphegor’s creation named Necrodaemon Terrorsathan came as a remastered version

November 2020. Helmuth states: «It’s great to re-release this offering after twenty years. The on

demons get what they deserve, and many have asked throughout the years.


album holds the flag high in the form of a raw atmosphere

Black Death Metal.» Order »NDTS« here: http://nblast.de/BelphegorNecrodaemon Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/4mWiL8x3iNo for blasphemous


Mork - Black/Metal from Norway

Interview with Thomas Eriksen


Interview by Andrew Stanton

First of all, thank you for the opportunity to do this interview! Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Thanks for having me. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? Well, since 2004 I’ve had Mork as a big part of my life. I discovered Black Metal and also discovered that special place within myself, that lets me create this music. Mork has grown from being a total underground project into

being an international act with global distribution and following. This is of course incredibly rewarding for me as I have lived and breathed this

ly. There on I got heavily into more classic rock and metal stuff; AC/ DC, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and on. Then I found the 80’s thrash and later got exposed to the more extreme stuff. - What are your lyrics about? I will not go deep into that, as it is personal and should be read and heard by the listener, with an open mind. I can say that there is a lot of misanthropy, sadness, emptiness and of course darkness.

nt piece a t r o p im n a ow is Black Metal n ge. a it r e h l a r u lt egian cu w r o N e h t of music the last years. - What bands did you like growing up? I got into 70’s punk rock, even before I reached my teens, actual-

- How did you think people would react when you did a cover of Burzum’s ‘Valen’? This is actually my second cover of that same song. I did a full on Metal version a few years back, which now is available on the Isebakke album, if I’m not mistaking. But, I suppose you are aiming at the fact that the new version is acoustic and clean sung. Well, to me, dark music does not have to be extreme in an electric guitar- and blast beating drum- kind of way. I would like to do more Mork like this cover, but with original material, obviously. “Valen” however is a beautiful song and I felt it needed a version like this. I suppose most people enjoyed it. Which is good. - Is Black Metal here forever, or is it a dying genre? It is forever, in my opinion. It lives in me, anyways. As long as there’s mankind, you will have the basis for Black Metal. - Should bands be allowed to write songs about anything, or should some topics be forbidden?

Let’s say, a song about pink taken at the very location where elephants riding on hot air bal- the Norwegian artist, Theodor loons really is not suited for this Kittelsen, did his “Pesgenre. Joking ta i trappa” and “Musstad” drawings. Both are part of the 1900-book, Svartedauden. Truly a special experience for me, and the song came out of that. The track is a classic monotonous and atmospheric journey. - Why do you think Black Metal is still frowned upon? Is it? As I see it, it is more or less publicly accepted, at least in Norway. Here Black Meta s i d e . al now is an important piece of I won’t mix politics the Norwegian cultural heritage. or racism into my music, as I - Sometimes you remind am not for that at all. People me of Enslaved. Are they a have the right to do whatev- big influence on you? er they want with their music No, never been into them. and songs. That is the freedom Great and respected band, for of creating. I do not make any sure. But, I have never gotrules for others than myself. ten to dive into their catalogue. - What can fans ex- - Will you ever sing in English? pect from your new EP? I have done one English “Pesta” is out and the spread Mork track in the past; has begun. I am glad to have “Black Thrashing Roll”. it out there. This release is all Thank you for your time. because of one song, which is Thanks for the attention. “Pesta”. The “Valen” cover and Hope to get covid over and the two live tracks are simply done with so that we can B-sides. The main track was go out there and spread our written because of a photoshoot plague live for you guys. in the late summer this year. I got to visit and have pictures 7

Horna • Black Metal from Finland

Interview with Shatraug


Interview by Olga Schneider

- First of all, thank you for the chance to do this interview. Seems like the current situation in this world ain’t any excuse for you and you’re keeping extremely busy with the upcoming Horna album. Could you tell a bit more in detail about it? What should we expect? “Kuoleman Kirjo” was actually ready just before all this lockdown

madness began and was supposed to be the end of a few months

that we’re known for and more. We took everything into more consideration, s p e n t more time working on it and despite it’s lengthy approach feel it’s a compact representation of our refreshed vision. There’s no wheel being reinvented, we stick to our strengths and keep it rolling.

al side is ic r ly e h t a n r o H r o F d’s n a b e h t f o t r a p r jo a ma o. s in a m e r ll a h s d n a identity break from live shows. In the end there’s been nothing but more and more time to focus on self and further creation. The new Horna album coming this December is all

- Your previous album was released in 2015. What made you take such a long pause before the next LP? Focus on touring, line-up changes and letting everything proceed naturally instead of feeling forced or obligated to do anything. Also have to remember we did do an excellent split LP with Pure and the fulllength “Kasteessa Kirottu” made from old unfinished ideas, originally serving it’s purpose as a special release to aid our visit to Japan. We never took any real break or had a pause, touring and live activity has always been strong. Apart from this miserable excuse of a year. - While making your lyrics in Finnish, you realize that the language is definitely not one of the most popu-

lar in this world, and the strongest part of your audience simply doesn’t understand the lyrics.

Or is it most important for you that people could rather understand your general ideology?

For Horna the lyrical side is a major part of the band’s identity and shall remain so. There has been no reason to alter this and we would not make such a compromise either way. The Lord’s hand reaches everywhere and is universal, it has no language. - What kind of artists (besides Metal bands) have always been an example of sincerity and Flame for you? Anyone with the passion for art, and art first before anything else is hindering the creative process. - Do you agree with the opinion that where commercial success begins, creativity dies and that a true Artist (and Prophet) must be hungry? Not necessarily. Success is welcome but any motivation to reach only success is what kills off sincere art. 9

Horna • Black Metal from Finland

- Before all this shit (you know what I mean) started, you had planned a tour with Belphegor and Incantation, and you’re gonna reschedule it for sure. Since we have such a great connection with Belphegor, I simply can’t avoid asking that... What do you expect from this cooperation with them? We believe it would’ve been a great tour and with variety but high standards. Unfortunate10

ly it’s not rescheduled anywhere yet, seems like everyone has to take their time before making new plans in this chaotic uncertainty. - This year, you took part in Steelchaos completely adapted to the current reality. What can you tell about this experience? And what do you think about this online format of Metal shows generally? Less spiritual, less motivating and rather bor-

ing in comparison. What saved Steelchaos was the small private audience present. We would not play such a stream in an empty room for no soul to be felt or seen and we do not plan to do so again in any near future. - Besides Horna, you have lots of other projects to work with. Do you have any priorities, since it’s always about time? And, on the other hand, how do you manage to find time for all of them?

Creation is art in itself. I write and compose constantly, projects are born and worked on whenever I feel inspired. Some take years to finish, some reach their fruition sooner and some never materialize. I do not find the time, time finds me. Finnish Metal scene have alw a y s been extremely large: f r o m underground Black M e t al to those projects which we call commercial nowadays. What is its future, in your opinion? What part of Finnish Metal scene is gonna be more developed and more demanded in the near decade? I do not care nor follow much of what happens in the metal scene here or what the current trends or flavor of the month may be. I check out anything I find inter-

esting and listen to what I enjoy, no matter what style it is. Finnish scene or Finland are not my future. - At the time, world is close, and Finnish Metal scene as

al question. What can you say to our crew and readers at the end of this interview? Be stubborn. Be against. Take your time.

well, everyone knows each others. Isn’t there kinda mental need some for new people? Reliability and honesty are first. New people come with a need to prove their being and with time being the greatest judge on that, none are new when they have finally earned their spurs. - Our last and tradition11

Symbtomy- Old School Death Metal from Czech Republic/United Kingdom

Interview with Duzl


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Hello, and welcome to Inside into action is simple: „ dust Covid-19 pandemic) with the Darkness. off the old practices of the a six-month delay. Demo - Metal Archives has 90‘s and pay tribute to the is enriched by a variety of very little information on bands from the same era“. very interesting guests. The you. Can you tell us a bit The material for the first vocal parts were performed about you? Where are demo was composed at the by Jonny Pettersson you from? end of 2019 and rehearsed (WOMBBATH), Ralf Duzl: Hi Andrew, we with POPPY SEED Hauber (REVEL IN are an old-school death FLESH) and metal band Johan Jansson d as a «tribute (INTERMENT). from Czech We consider the ban Republic/ e simply love Three songs in the w d n a l» a t e M h t U n i t e d to Dea style of Swedish . s 0 Kingdom. Death Metal will 9 e h t he era of T h e t be released 20th band was November 2020 by the originally created GRINDER drummer American label FROZEN as a side project of Štěpán (ex-DESPISE). SCREAMS IMPRINT, and Dejvy (SECTESY, ex Since our plans are to in Europe under the license DESPISE), but when follow the way of bands by the legendary Slovakian Martin (SECTESY) and from the 90‘s, the first label IMMORTAL SOULS I joined, SYMBTOMY physical medium had to be prod. became a regular band. an audio cassette, which - What bands did you like The idea that put the band will be released (due to a growing up?

Duzl: My parents were tramps, so I grew up on folk, country and Beatles haha… then I flirted with various musical genres, especially punk. When I was about eleven, a friend recorded a tape for me and on one side (probably by mistake) he recorded SUFFOCATION, this was a “break point” and since then it has been dragging on ... so then it was well known classics from “Florida school”- DEATH. MORBID ANGEL, OBITUARY, DEICIDE, MASSACRe... and “Sweden school” CARNAGE, MORBID, NIHILIST, R E P U G N A N T . . . German thrash, SODOM, KREATOR, DESTRUCTION also MOTORHEAD... etc. When I think about it in retrospect, I completely skipped the whole heavy metal and rock scene, which at that time seemed to me just boring and not very extreme, I found my way to these genres many years later and I am really picky. And now I’m digging back in the 90’s and listening to old death metal demos of bands that the world hasn’t heard much about, such as AGRETATOR, ENCINED, UNPAIN, GLOOM, ILEUS... to mention some

of them. - How do you describe your music? Duzl: SYMBTOMY play “HM2 old school melodic death metal”” with Swedish sound, inspired by bands such as UNANIMATED, G O R E M E N T , D I S M E M B E R , E N T O M B E D , INTERMENT, GRAVE etc... - What are your lyrics and themes about? Duzl: Lyrics for the first demo of SYMBTOMY are fictional stories written by Dejvy. For many years Dejvy wrote to a large Czech magazine and create there a section - The History of Death (death metal). And our lyrics are one of the story (one divided into three parts) from this section. Dejvy likes to play with the words and hiding a lot of facts behind gossip and fiction and those lyrics are quite scary and perverted at the same time, as Dejvy saying “perversely beautiful” ... - Will you always be a real Metal band, or will you eventually go down the Cradle of Filth road? Duzl: That’s a pretty funny question, I don’t think SYMBTOMY can be compared to CRADLE OF

FILTH in any way. Or at least I’m not capable of that, even though I respect their position on the scene, I’m not a fan of them, I don’t follow them in any way, so I really don’t even know what “road” you have in mind, whether their transformation from black metal to gothic and symphonies or something else. Anyway, I can promise that we will definitely not start playing black metal, or gothic, or any other branch of these genres, we will not have any masks or war paints at concerts, and I think that Dejvy and Martin do not plan any extravagance in terms of appearance (hopefully). So to answer your question - yes, we will always be an old-school death METAL band. - Do you want to remain underground? Duzl: We consider the band as a “tribute to DEATH METAL”. We are fans of this style, collectors, we live by this music and we simply love the era of the 90s, so honestly I don’t think we will step out from this way. Moreover, death metal has never been and is not currently a mainstream music stream, so Symbtomy will definitely remain underground. 13

Symbtomy- Old School Death Metal from Czech Republic/United Kingdom 14

- What advice would you give to new bands? I don’t know if I am right person to give any advice to starting or new bands, since this is also my first band, but probably the only advice is to go into “failure is not an option” mind set and be patient, take the time and go your own way. I think that determination, d e d i c a t i o n , perseverance are generally the cornerstones of every success. - Will your debut album be very different from your demo? D u z l : S Y M B T O M Y definitely don’t intend to get out of the way they went on the demo. Material for the new record is already composed and you can expect again old school death metal with a Swedish sound. Dejvy got used to HM2 and you will able to hear it on the new album, it will be simply sick and blast and on top enriched by characteristic Dejvy’s melodies, they

cannot be missed of course, same as a guests from the ranks of musicians, whom we appreciate for their contribution to the extreme

metal scene. Our debut full-length album you can expect it in the second half of the next year. - What do you think of magazines who ignore Black Metal? Duzl: If a magazine is narrowly focused on a certain style and black

metal or any other musical genre does not match the concept of the magazine, then I do not see a problem in that, why should someone focus on or deal with something that isn’t interesting at all or doesn’t have any relationship to this? And if you mean generally, extremely musicoriented magazines that cover the whole spectrum of genres, I personally do not feel that black metal is ignored in any way, I really have the opposite feeling, there are a lot of genres that are neglected and black metal definitely does not belong to them. - Is Black Metal just Rock music like some magazines will have it’s readers believe? Duzl: What a question… I guess we could read some clever precept that defines every genre and take some statement after that haha. But for me everything that is harder than big beat is rock and what is harder than rock is metal... but even this surely can be contradict by someone.

Honestly it’s not so important to me, simply I like the music or I don’t like it and then I don’t care if it’s big beat, rock, metal, punk or another genre. Fans should be self-aware enough and don’t let magazines to dictate anything even not what is w h a t , everyone c a n categorize music by own way because everyone has own different music limits in every genre. - What do you think of Rock bands who argue that they’re not Metal? Duzl: I don’t remember now any band who I knew they were arguing about which genre they are... but as I mentioned in the previous question, music is not about genre, or is the genre really so important?

I don’t think so and I guess for a lot of bands, the music itself and music impact on the fans are more important. - Do you have a message for our readers? Duzl: Message to the readers? Maybe just don’t forget that: “The only one commandment is: Use HM2” … haha... Well, be careful and stay healthy, don’t panic, everything will end once and we’ll 15

Temple of Decay - Black Death/Metal from Poland

Interview with Mortt


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Temple of Decay are amazing, and if you haven’t heard yet, I suggest you do. Andrew Stanton talked to the man himself, Mortt. - Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Hi Andrew. - What bands influence you? Ok. It’s not an easy question to answer because I listen to a lot of different music (except reggae and plastic techno shit ha ha). It probably won’t surprise you as I mention bands like

Bathory, Venom, Celtic Frost, Deicide, old Sodom, Kreator, Marduk also New Model Army and of course

cidental or more like a homage to Mayhem? I’m definitely not trying to copy anyone, especially Mayhem. I think nowadays it’s hard to not hear the influences of your favorite bands. Yes I quess is more accidental. Anyway I will take it as a compliment. - Is Black Metal a respected genre in Poland?

s. n ia t is r h C e h t y if r I don’t glo Devil!! e h t ’m I !! n a m e e r f I’m a Miles Davis haha. I can’t name it all, so many good bands. - Your clean vocal parts remind me of Mayhem. Is it ac-

In Poland we do have a lot of very good Metal bands, some of them are very well known all over the world. In my opinion they deserve respect even if you don’t like their music. Hard work and consistency led them to the top. So I don’t think most people think like this, especially religious one haha. I don’t think Black Metal is a really respected genre at all, but honestly I don’t give a shit. Also polish people are very demanding too haha… - What are your lyrics about? It’s difficult for me to talk about my lyrics. For sure they are part of me and my visions of certain things. I will be not original here, saying... I leave them for the listeners own interpretation and for sure I don’t glorify the Christians Mythology (God, Devil bla, bla) I’m a free man!! I’m the Devil!! - Does Black Metal work better as a solo artist? Less arguments? I personally think few like minded musicians have to more to show off, more ideas, more energy (you have to be lucky to find them). I prefer bands, but right now in my case, create myself, but it may change in the future. - Why do you think so many people can’t seem to appreciate the energy of Black Metal? People prefer more boring music.

Black Metal it’s very specific music genre and it requires that special sense from the listener. I think it’s a benefit. Just look around, most people are fucking morons (hate them). So lets stay in this smaller chosen group (probably we have a few idiots here too haha). Boring music. Boring people.

- Can Metal magazines who ignore Black Metal really be called Metal magazines? If someone wants to write, only about Death, Thrash, Heavy etc... why not. As I mentioned before Black Metal is not for everyone... Are there really any Metal magazines that haven’t written about Behemoth or

Mgla haha? - A few months ago I interviewed Old Forest and they said Black Metal is getting too commercial. Do bands really want to be underground? Good question. It doesn’t really matter to me anymore. When actually Black Metal was in Underground? (short period of time) Labels that released bands like Bathory, Venom, Darkthrone, etc. Weren’t small too. Sooner or later if your music is good, if people hear about you. They will buy your music and you become more...recognizable... Especially if you have worked hard for it. Natural order of things. I’m not hurt or interested in someone’s success. I also understand what they (Old Forest) are talking about. Shit like mouse pads, snickers or fucking varicose veins cream with the band logo on it, may piss off somebody, and I think I’m one of them too. hahaha - Why do Metal magazines rave about bands who desperately try to be controversial? Are they really Metal magazines or gossip pieces of shit? Fuck them including bands too. - Do you have a message for our readers? Destroy human stupidity!!!


Northorn - Depressive Black Metal from Indonesia

Interview with Stevan


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Post Black Metal might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Indonesia’s Northorn are committed to spreading Black Metal noise around the east. Andrew Stanton had a chat with front man Stev. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? Northorn was a one-man project when it started to

release the first demo in 2011, the member was me,

outside the country. Then the project became a legion, we reached m o r e friends, also artists and musicians that b e c a m e a part of this band. - What bands do you like? I have listened to many kinds of music. I like all kinds of Black Metal and extreme Metal in general...

t s e n o h e b t s u m e W . s e v l e s r u to o alone. I continued to write songs as my own self therapy. I didn’t have much of an audience until in 2014 I decided to release the albums

it’s difficult to mention bands. maybe it was too contrast to mention 90’s second wave of Black Metal to hypothermia and trist, but at the same time I listen to bands like cigarettes after sex and sigur ros. - When I first heard your music, I didn’t find it depressing at all. H o w d o fans r e act to your sound? It depends on what albums. Our latest album is more about anger and hate than about depression. Many people told us that our new record was kinda fresh, maybe because of the new sound and different songwrittings. - What is the Indonesian Metal scene like? We have a huge Death Metal scene. Black Metal is very underground here... especially in my town Manado, we have a really strict Christian society. Will you

tour Europe? For now we don’t know... we’ll focus on the national tour for our next schedule. - What will your new album be like? Maybe something new also. But as usu-

once again...We must be honest to ourselves. - What drives a band to stick around after poor record sales? Pain. - Do you have a message for our readers? Be yourself, if you hate yourself, you don’t have to pretend.

al I always want an honest record that really came from our darkest soul. - How do you describe your music? Suicidal, alcoholic, motherfuckers. - How important is image in Black Metal? Image is something that cannot be erased from what BM is. it is a part of the dark arts. But 19

Thrashwall - Thrash/Metal from Portugal

Interview with Goncalo

Interview by Andrew Stanton

Thrashwall’s debut album is totally amazing. Fast and cool and done properly. Andrew Stanton had a chat with guitarist Goncalo. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? ThrashWall were formed in 2015 in Évora, Portugal. It began when me, Gonçalo Branco (Guitars), and Garras (Drums) met, and thankfully we had almost the same taste and influences in music. Then we invited our good friends and brothers Luís Sepultura (Vocals) and Márcio Gonçalves (Bass) to help us and complete the first formation of the band. The band started playing live in early 2016, but we always felt like we

would need a second guitar to complete the sound and give it more power, so a few years later and some changes in the lineup, we invited our, also good friend, Nelson Coelho. Unfortunately, and with the release of the new record, our Márcio needed to change

- What bands do you like? We are all influenced by the delicious Thrash Metal sound, Old and New School, like Megadeth, Sepultura, Slayer, Anthrax, Violator, Municipal Waste just to name a few, but we could be here listing our favourite bands for a while... hehe. - What are your songs about? Our lyrics are inspired by our own revolts and nonconformities, that we, and most people, have in this society, and would like to change for the better. They represent our perspective on the social and timeless problems that lie outside the fictional “wall” that names the band.

e k a m o t inue t n o c l l i We w hat inspires and music t ou proud! make y


some parts of his life and gave his place to our new bassist, João Martins, who we thank and hope he could Thrash with us for a long time.

- What do you think about the ‘big fours’ albums over the last few years? We think that they made the best records in the early years, of course, but unfortunately, and with the conditions and changes in the music industry and in themselves, they had to change a bit of their sound. We hope that we don’t make the same “mistake”! - Why do you think Thrash Metal slowed down in the ‘90s? We believe that, again, the changes in the music industry and in the general sound, the “Grunge Era” and so on, had an impact in the downfall of Thrash Metal style, that unfortunately could not have stayed in the tops forever, but thankfully, and with the help of countless New School Thrash Metal bands and their fans, we are seeing in the last years the return of our favourite style. - Why do you think so many old school Thrash bands fail at making this kind of music? Honestly, we don’t really know why, but we imagine that, since their best songs (for us, of course) are from their early age, the youth and the raw feelings could show more easily than in more recent years, and of course all the pressure from the record companies and so on. - Bands always say the hardest part is writing the second album. Will your second album be the same style?

Hopefully not ahaha, we are already trying to compose some new songs so we don’t lose the momentum, but we imagine that

the second album will be harder to write, because of the “pressure” not to stop releasing new stuff and not to disappoint our fans. Of course, we will try our best not to diverge too much from the sound of this first record (it’s not too difficult because it’s the style that we love to play), but we’ll always try to make it even faster, louder and powerful! - When I first heard you, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How did you get your retro sound so accurate? Firstly, thank you very much for that! We only tried to make the songs that we listen to in our heads and always make it faster and powerful. Basically, we tried to make the songs that we would love to listen to and nobody until now had released. - Which ‘80s Thrash bands did you think were underrated? For example, D.R.I, Forbid-

den, Excel, Razor, Nuclear Assault, just in the top of my head, are bands that were so much more brutal and powerful than some of the mainstream ones that it’s almost unbelievable how they were not more well known. - You were unsigned for years. What were you doing? In that time, we tried to play live the most times that we could, to show our songs to most people, while at the same time composing and perfecting the songs to release in the first record. - Will you ever write an ‘80s Thrash ballad? We sometimes joke about that, and maybe someday we will write something in that area, but don’t expect it to be like “Nothing else matters” or something. We will wait for a girlfriend‘s breakup in our group to pull out that kind of feelings into the song hehe just kidding of course. - Do you have a message for our readers? We would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts all the love and support that we have received through all the years of the band and more recently since the release of the record, we could not believe the reactions we have received! Hopefully we will continue to make music that inspires and make you proud! And of course, we thank you Andrew for the opportunity and the support. We love you and are eager to see you live in the mosh pit! Thrash ‘till Death!!


Warkvlt - Black/Metal from Indonesia

Interview with D. Hellrazor


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Indonesian Black Metal is rare and Warkvlt are a very cool band. Andrew Stanton had a talk with D. Desecrator. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? Hi Andrew and Inside the Darkness zine, thank you for your interest in us, I am D the guitarist of Warkvlt. Warkvlt was forged on June 2013. The name

Warkvlt is taken from the Latin words “war occulti� which means secret war. And we al-

enced you? Venom, Bathory, Marduk, Dark Funeral, Mayhem, Nord j e v e l and Infernal War. - What are your lyrics and themes about? Our lyrics mainly about dark, occult things and war atrocities. - Is it very difficult making Black Metal in a Muslim country?

ymn h t a e D m u alb Our new between x i m a e is just lik rduk. a M d n a m e ayh Bathory, M ready released 3 albums including Deathymn, several EPs and singles. - What bands influ-

Not really, because Black Metal in our country is just a gimmick. - What is the Indonesian Metal scene like? Indonesian metal scene is big, many good bands here to name a view like Burgerkill, Deathsquad, Jasad, Deathvomit and so on. Jasad, Burgerkill also toured in Europe and played in Wacken and Bloodstock. What music is big in Indonesian? Pop Music I think. Will you ever tour Europe? Sure, why not. - Have any European Black Metal bands toured Indonesia? Yes, Marduk also toured 4 cities back in 2010, Once I played as the opening act in 1 city for Marduk. Dark Funeral also toured 2 cities in 2012. After In-

donesia had Hammersonic Metalfest, I noticed Mayhem Cradle of Filth, Belphegor also played on those festival, and Warkvlt been performed at the same stage with Mayhem at Hammersonic 2015. What will your new album be like? We already release Deathymn right now, so Deathymn is just like a mix between Bathory, Mayhem and Marduk.

- Will you ever sing in English? Our lyrics mainly in English for Deathymn, only one song written in Bahasa Indonesia. - Do you have a message for our readers? Hi there, thank you for your time to read this interview, be sure you listen to our new album Deathymn, it’s already online at our bandcamp: http://warkvlt.bandcamp.com. If you do interest to buy our album, please visit our label at: http://sadistrecords.bandcamp.com or through our bigcartel: http://warkvlt.bigcartel.com. Thank you for your time. Thank you Andrew, have a good day.


Soulburn - Death/Black/Doom Metal from Netherlands

Interview with Eric Daniels


Interview by Andrew Stanton

The Netherlands’ Soulburn are a very interesting band with some very interesting opinions. Andrew Stanton talked to guitarist Eric Daniels about their new album, Noa’s D’ark. - Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? SOULBURN was formed by me in 1996, I was composing some ideas and I recorded at home some guitar riffs, in the style of the old Bathory. I was really excited about this so I called Bob Bagchus, my bandmate for years in Asphyx, if he like to do the drums in Soul-

burn. So he did and we recorded the album “Feeding on Angels” which was released in 1998 by Century Media Records. After that, we gave it a rest and in 2013 I formed Soulburn again with Twan van Geel on bass/ vocals, Remco Kreft on second guitar and with Bob Bagchus on

recorded our new album Noa’s D’ark, which was released this month. - What bands influence you? The biggest influences we have are: old Bathory, old Venom, old Celtic Frost, but we also like a lot of more bands which influence us on a special way. We are not boxed in, typical Black or typical Death metal. We like so much different styles of Metal, and even beyond metal. So that’s Soulburn. - Do you consider your music Death Metal or Black Metal? It’s from all those styles together, we have death metal parts, we have Black Metal parts, also Doom Metal parts. It’s very broad influences.

new r u o o t listen u o y n e h the W l e e f u o y , k D’ar s ’ a o N m u b l m. a o o d d n a s s e arkn d f o e c n e s e pr drums. We did 2 albums again, and then Bob left in 2018, now filled in by Marc Verhaar on drums and in July this year we

We mix that in our own style of music. We just consider ourselves not playing one particular type of metal. That makes it difference and gives us musically and lyrically a bigger area. - What are your lyrics about? Twan’s lyrics are about death, but maybe even more so, the life towards it. He likes to draw a thin line between imagination and reality, to play around with words and trick the reader. Puzzle the mind and all things that so full of dirt attach to our ways of thinking in the dullness of everyday life. Inspired by great writers and taboo breaking free-thinkers such as Nietzsche, Bataille, De Sade & Crowley, he pours the ink that drips like blood form his soul straight into the lyrics. - Why do you think some veteran bands become legendary, while others get ignored? Well, I think it deserves respect for the veteran bands, and I think they all should be legendary, however it’s not the bands who decide that, it’s the media and the public who have the power to ignore bands or summon them up to be legendary. That’s art, as art does, is my opinion. I am glad music is not boxed in, so much freedom to explore. - Why do magazines ig-

nore certain bands? I really don’t know, you have to ask the magazines who do that. It’s personal interest I guess. Sometimes magazines aren’t that transparent, I don’t know the reason’s but I think those bands need the respect they deserve. - Can Metal live forever? Of course, like country music can, like pop music can, like every style of music can. It’s art

and it’s all the matter how it will be brought and if the true ingredients are there. If metal music doesn’t become the true metal ingredients, then it will die of course. It ‘the musicians who keep it alive, creative minds. - Why do some bands refuse to support Metal? If bands playing Metal do refuse to support the Met-

al, then in my eyes they have nothing to seek in Metal-land. If other genres besides Metal refuse to support Metal music, I can understand that, and it means that Metal still isn’t the way how it was mentioned years back in the 70’s and 80’s. - What can fans expect from your new album? Brutality, doom, dark, death, atmospheric, psychedelic, we created a world in music to seek the darkness, the bitterness of mankind, the destruction of mankind, the destruction of the planet if we don’t act to reverse that. When you listen to our new album Noa’s D’ark, you feel the presence of darkness and doom. - Do you have a message for our readers? Keep safe, take care of each other and especially for the people who needs extra attention of this shit period of COVID-19. Further, check out our new album Noa’s D’ark, You won’t be disappointed in the true black/death/doom vibe Metal we created for you!!! Cheers - Thank you for your time. Thank you for this interview and thank you too for your time and good luck with “Inside the Darkness”.


Demonical - Death/Metal from Sweden

Interview with Martin Schulman

Interview by Andrew Stanton

Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Thank you, nice to be a part of this. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? I started Demonical in 2006 when I put my other band, Centinex, on ice. I had been doing Centinex since 1990 and reached a point where I wanted to do something new, start again from scratch. So I created Demonical and started to deliver oldschool Swedish death. Six albums have been released during


the years with World Domination being the latest one. - What bands did you listen to growing up? I started to listen to metal in the mid 80’s. As so many others, I started with Kiss, Wasp,

You know, Motorhead, Venom, Metallica, various thrash bands and so on. Then in the very early 90’s I discovered death metal and the rest is history. - The guitar solos are excellent. Excellent use of peddles. Most Death Metal bands don’t use them. Is this something you will keep using? Our lead guitarist, Eki, is really talented and has an excellent taste and understanding in melody and how to create good powerful leads and licks.

lody e m d n a ling e t e n f a t e r m o p r o m F e i r o m y. t i h l c i u b a m s i nical h c e t than Twisted Sister etc and then just moved on to harder and harder stuff.

Yeah maybe it’s not so typical to have this kind of stuff in death metal, most bands do just intense fast solos, and maybe it’s because lack of talent and feeling. It’s much easier to play a fast Slayer kind of solo than to create something great and melodic without sounding too cheerful. - How did the collaboration with Nils Patrik Johansson come about? Is he a fan of yours? Those people who know me, are certanly aware of the fact that I’m a sucker for 80’s hard rock and heavy metal and I have somekind of crazy fashination towards powerballads. So for this album I decide to write a track in that direction, a slower piece with somekind of 80’s arena feeling without being too cheesy. I figured out that I wanted to have somekind of heavy metal vocals on the track. Not light power metal vocals nor anything like that. I wanted more hard rock, more heavy metal, more balls! So when I had written the track, both music and lyrics, I was checking around and thinking who would be suitable, who would have the kind of voice I was looking for. Then I realized that Nils Patrik had that kind of heavy metallish voice, a bit raw and dirty but still very good with a wide range and so on. No wonder that he is called the Ronnie James Dio of

Sweden. Anyway, I contacted him and presented my idea and he immediately agreed to do it. I sent him a rough demo of the track plus the lyrics and he made a basic recording for me to listen

to. It sounded great so when the track was fully recorded (all the instruments) I sent it to him and he recorded the vocals in his home studio. I gave him free hands regarding the arrangement and melody line, I trusted him as after all he is the expert on such things, not me. The funny thing is that we have never met even if we just live like half an hour drive from each other... we blame it on the corona. - Do you play Slipping Apart live? We haven’t done any shows in support of the album yet, due to the situation. But I don’t think we can do the track live if Nils Patrik won’t join. - What do you think about more sophisticated Death Metal bands like Nile and Decapitated? Have they taken the fun out of Death Metal? Such bands are really not my

cup of tea so I really don’t have any opinion of that. For me feeling and melody is much more important than technical ability. - You must get very busy releasing World Domination the same year as Centinex’s Death in Pieces. How will you manage both tours? Well as all planned shows for this year got cancelled or postponed everything has been smooth. But I will manage both bands easily even then when live shows return, needs just some proper planning. - What can fans expect from the new albums of Centinex and Demonical? Two death metal albums, similar in a way but still widely different. Centinex is more riff oriented and closer to the old-school US death sound while Demonical leans more towards the Swedish sound. - Do you have a message for our readers? Thank you all for your glorious support! Hope to catch all you crazy headbangers out there as soon as this ongoing plague has disappeared. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Keep the flame burning! www.demonical.net


Unbounded Terror - Death/Metal from Spain

Interview with Vincente Paya


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Unbound Terror are a very interesting band from Spain. Andrew Stanton talked to founding member Vincente Paya to find out more. - Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? Hi, I’m Vicente Paya, founder of Unbounded Terror. My story begins in the early 90’s. I made the first UT

album in 1991, it was called Nest of Affliction, with which we toured

founded another band called Golgotha, which is also active today. Two years ago I activated UT again with a new line-up, and I made a new album which is “Faith in Chaos”, which came out in January of this year 2020, which has been well received. A month ago we have recorded a new EP with a new song, four rerecorded of the

e g n a h c o t t n a l w o t ’ o n h o c d S e W d l O o d and h Metal. As usual! Deat Spain and Europe. Due to disagreements between the members, it lasted only until 1994. But before ending with UT I

first album and three live songs recorded in August 2020 at the Sala Es Gremi in Mallorca, which will go on sale next year. Now I am active with the two mentioned bands, and also with one called Bis ¡ nte that hasa more Doom Stoner style and another that is Shock Wave that is more Thrash metal. I have also made a compilation of bands from my island (Mallorca, Balearic Islands), called Attack Metal Mallorca, it is a double CD since there are many bands and with very varied styles within “Metalâ€? and I want the rest of the world to be able to check the musical level on the island. As you will see I am fully active and only live for music. - What bands influence you? Well I started listening to the Heavy from the 80s, but as death metal started, I opted for that style. The bands that influenced me the most were Immolation, Incantation, Bolt Thrower, Unleashed, Obituary and some more, but these are the ones that did the most. - Why do you think

the Spanish Metal scene is so overlooked? Whoops! Good question! But it is a bit difficult to answer. I think we have been a bit at a

disadvantage just because we are Spanish, and I think that if people had the opportunity to hear the high level that there is in this country, they would change their minds. As I have told you, only on this island (Mallorca) have I managed to make a double CD with 32 bands and I think I will have to make a second volume to be able to bring out the ones that have remained in the pipeline. Imag-

ine if we add those that exist in the rest of Spain. Here there is a quality as great as in the rest of the world, but they do not give us the opportunity. So you know ... Listen to Spanish Metal bands !! - What are your lyrics about? My lyrics speak of good and evil. Of envy and the bad things that are done to feel it, in short of life itself and its difficulties. And all spoken between angels and demons: one is good and the other is evil. - Are you planning an American tour? The truth is that we would like to, but we are realistic and No, we do not consider touring America as it is very expensive for us. We all have our respective jobs and families, and we cannot leave them as we want to move on with our lives, and record more albums, of course! - Is it easier or harder for veteran bands? Well personally I think it is very difficult for everyone, since there is so much saturation of bands that people have so much facility to listen that in a short time they forget and listen to another band. There is also no help from music 29

Unbounded Terror - Death/Metal from Spain 30

companies, government cultural organizations, and also with this virus this year has been even worse. We have been lucky with Xtreem Music as it supports and promotes us a lot. - Do older fans expect more from you? No I don’t think so! I think older fans want Unbound-

ed Terror not to change. And we don’t want to change and do Old School Death Metal either. As usual! What will your new album be like? As I said at the beginning, on January 19, 2021 a new album will be released which will be an

EP with songs from the first LP “Nest of Affliction”, some songs from the new live album and a new song. And next year we will surely make a new LP but I haven’t started composing yet. - What do you think of the Florida Death Metal scene? As a true fan

of Death Metal I have to say that I have the records of many of the Florida bands. Obituary, Death, Morbid Angel, etc... I am a great melomaniac and devout of music. Many of them have marked me and I keep listening to

them. And buying their records. - Do you have a message for our readers? Let them be encouraged to listen to Spanish Death Metal. To us: Unbounded Terror, and to the other gangs in this country. Many thanks to those who do it and who buy our records since without them we cann o t d o

anything. A n d thank you very much for the interview and for giving us a voice in these bad times that we are going through.

Unbounded Terror: Infernal Judgment (Compilation) Release date January 19th, 2021 Tracklist: 1. Infernal Judgment 2. Dreamlord (2020 version) 3. Fear (2020 version) 4. Slaves of Sufferage (2020 version) 5. Sarcastic Souls (2020 version) 6. They Will Come From the Pain (Live) 7. Silent Soul (Live) 8. Hated in Hell (Live)


Bloody Sadism - Slamming Brutal Death Metal from Iran

Interview with Pooyan Ahmadi


Interview by Andrew Stanton

Hello and welcome to Inside the Darkness. Hello, much obliged. It is my pleasure. - Can you tell our readers a bit about your history, please? I was born in 1995 in Iran. I started playing music in 2007-8. I’ve been working with many bands since 2009. I’ve begun Bloody Sadism since 2014 and my debut album released in

2019 via Base Record Production. I can play Guitars (Classical, Electric, Bass, Acoustic and Flamenco) and I teach since

like when growing up? I really like Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel, Slayer and so on like them. - Why do you decide to sing in English? I like English lang u a g e and I’ve learned it independently (I’m still learning). I’ve tested Farsi (the Iranian language) but it wasn’t what I wanted.

here, w y r e v e law e h t k a t a e r o b n u s o ’ y t I f I up. d e k c u f untry. o c a you’re for g n i h t l specia 2 0 1 2 . Also I have a bachelor of civil engineering’s degree. - What bands did you

- What is it like making Death Metal in Iran? It’s not so good because there is no market for these kinds of genres and there is no profit from that. - Do you ever think your lyrics might give Islam a bad name? I don’t think so. I’m an artist who sings about horror stories so what are the relations between my songs and politics and religion! - In the west, we always hear stories of Iranian Metal fans being arrested just for being Metal fans, is it true? These kinds of news are completely bullshit and margins. If you break the law everywhere, you’re fucked up. It’s not a special thing for a country… It’s something global. If you mean those 2 stupid bands which are the real “Ass-Kissers”…they’re really foolish and they don’t have courage and talent to play the real music. They try to be famous by the wrong way. - Are you able to play live in Iran? Maybe but I’ve never tried to do it. I like to play in other countries. - What is the Iranian Metal scene like? Is it big? There are a few real bands in Iran and I real-

ly admire some of them. We don’t have a big scene. Music is a second job for many of us like many others in different countries. - What can fans expect from your new album? It’ll be more technical, brutal… something really new and specific. I can’t promise

when it would be released. - Do you have a message for our readers? Thanks to fans for their support. Listen to real bands not the fake ones. Thank you for your time. It was my pleasure.


Latest releases

Enslaved Progressive Black/Viking Metal band from Norway released the fifteenth Fulllength album Utgard on October 2nd, 2020. It is not about avoiding fear of the pitch-black darkness, but to go into the darkness itself. Enter “Utgard”. Enter a record brimful with northern magic. Let all those other bands sing about Thor’s mighty hammer and poor Odin hanging from


that tree in miserable weather conditions. ENSLAVED are looking behind the mirror, tracing the origins of the well-known fables of the northern world back into each and every one of us. The unusually rollicking rock’n’roll touch of ‘Urjotun’ or the archaic voice from the deep that is ‘Utgardr’, the raging force of ‘Flight Of Thought And Memory’ or the elegiac final curtain ‘Distant Seasons’ show ENSLAVED more open, more focused and simply more brilliant than ever.

Tracklist: 1. Fires in the Dark 2. Jettegryta 3. Sequence 4. Homebound 5. Utgardr 6. Urjotun 7. Flight of Thought and Memory 8. Storms of Utgard 9. Distant Seasons Lineup Grutle Kjellson - Vocals & Bass Ivar Bjornson - Guitars & FX Ice Dale - Guitars Hakon Vinje - Keyboards & Vocals Cato Bekkevold - Drums

Infiltration Death Metal band from Russia released debut Full-length album Point Blank Termination on October 9, 2020. Formed back in 2017, Infiltration is consisted of experienced local musicians, who were involved with such bands as Free at Last, Hellbomb, Chamber of Torture, Katalepsy, Abnormal, and who shared the stage with such household names on the heave scene as Cannibal corpse, Carcass, Suffocation, Broken hope, Destroyer 666, Necrophobic, Napalm Death, Decapitated, etc. The band recorded its debut Ep. Entitled “Nuclear Strike Warning” later the same year, during summer of 2017, with the consecutive release in October of 2017. It was very well received by both critics and fans, and made quite a stir on the local music scene.

During 2018-2019 the band continued to give live performances, both local and abroad, all the while, writing and recording the material for the debut full length album. For the release of the debut full length album, the band worked with highly acclaimed master of artworks Daemorph (who did artworks for such bands as The Black Dahlia Murder, Pyrexia, Lividity and many more...) In 2019 Infiltration opened for legendary Napalm Death, in front of a fully packed venue. Later they released its first single called “Missing in bodycount” extracted from the upcoming album. In 2020, Infiltration officially signed to Time to Kill records for the release of its debut full length

album. Tracklist 1. Plunged into decimation 2. Missing in bodycount 3. Sniper’s creed 4. Collateral damage 5. Rabid bloodshed 6. Missiles over the minefields 7. Radiation storm 8. Absolute brutality of terror Lineup Andrey Kozlov - Bass Alexey Semyonov - Drums Evgeny Hök - Guitars Pavel Vakhlakov - Vocals

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Latest releases

Necrophobic Death/Black Metal band from Sweden released the ninth Full-length album Dawn of the Damned on October 10th, 2020. With thirty years of active, nefarious service under their bulletbelts, NECROPHOBIC are undisputed legends of the death and black metal underground. The band’s ninth studio album is still a brutal whirlwind of aggression, of course, but something more grimly


magical lurks within Tracklist its subtler textures and 1. Aphelion ingenious side-steps. 2. Darkness Be My Guide 3. Mirror Black Lineup 4. Tartarian Winds Joakim Sterner - Drums 5. The Infernal Depths of Anders Strokirk - Vocals Eternity Sebastian Ramstedt - 6. Dawn of the Damned Guitars 7. The Shadows Johan Bergeback - 8. As the Fire Burns Guitars 9. The Return of a Long Lost Allan Lundholm - Bass Soul 10. Devil’s Spawn Attack

Benediction Death Metal band from United Kingdom released the eighth Full-length album Scriptures on October 16, 2020. Benediction are without a doubt one of the few remaining originals in the death metal scene and have achieved legendary status through various albums over the years. Until today they love what they do and always do their job without compromise - on record and on stage. After more than 30 years in the business and 12 years after their last album «Killing Music», BENEDICTION are now back with one of their best releases and play once again in the Death Metal

Champions League. The new album «Scriptures» sounds 100% like BENEDICTION: they blend death metal with a «fuck-off punk rock attitude», heavy metal riffing and a groove that hardly any other band can perform like this. Dave Ingram’s «signaturegrowls» and powerful lyrics enhance the tonal framework so that you can hear after a few notes that you are listening to Benediction. Tracklist 1. Iterations of I 2. Scriptures in Scarlet 3. The Crooked Man 4. Stormcrow 5. Progenitors of a New

Paradigm 6. Rabid Carnality 7. In Our Hands, the Scars 8. Tear Off These Wings 9. Embrace the Kill 10. Neverwhen 11. The Blight at the End 12. We Are Legion Lineup Peter Rew - Guitars Darren Brookes Guitars Dave Ingram - Vocals Dan Bate - Bass Giovanni Durst - Drums

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Latest releases

Mors Principium Est Melodic Death Metal band from Finland released the seventh Fulllength album Seven on October 23, 2020. The Finnish Melodic Death Metal legends return with their highly anticipated seventh studio album full of heavy riffs, brutal vocals and hauntingly beautiful melodies! For Fans Of: Children Of Bodom, Ensiferum, Wintersun, In Flames, Soilwork, Wolfheart. After more than 20 years, six highly

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acclaimed albums and various line-up changes, MORS PRINCIPIUM EST are currently only singer Ville Viljanen, who wrote the somber lyrics and functioned as the main producer, and British guitarist and songwriter Andy Gillion. Guitars and orchestral parts were recorded in Gillion’s home studio, drums and vocals were recorded in the Ansa Studio (Finland) and finally mixed and mastered once again by the sound wizard and longtime friend of the band Thomas “Plec” Johannson in

The Panic Room in Sweden. Tracklist 1. A Day for Redemption 2. Lost in a Starless Aeon 3. In Frozen Fields 4. March to War 5. Rebirth 6. Reverence 7. Master of the Dead 8. The Everlong Night 9. At the Shores of Silver Sand 10. My Home, My Grave 11. Uprising Lineup Ville Viljane - Vocals (lead) Andy Gillion - Guitars (lead), Programming

Red Moon Architect Melodic Death/Doom Lineup Metal band from Finland Saku Moilanen released the fifth Full-length Drums, Keyboards album Emptiness Weighs the Jukka Jauhiainen - Bass Most on October 23, 2020. Matias Moilanen - Guitars Finnish Doomsters RED Anni Viljanen - Vocals (female) MOON ARCHITECT are Ville Rutanen - Vocals known to create a unique Taneli Jämsä - Guitars sound of their own. Pure sweeping, yet crushing and highly atmospheric Melancholic Doom soundscapes consolidate with strong melodies, dark growls and haunting female vocals, crawling directly under your skin.

Tracklist 1. Hidden 2. Chained 3. Rise 4. Dethrone the Darkness 5. One Shines Brighter 6. Muse 7. Into the Light 8. Reform 9. My Beloved

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Latest releases

Mörk Gryning Black Metal band from Sweden released the sixth Full-length album Hinsides vrede on October 23, 2020. After fifteen years of slumber, the sleepers are asleep no more, the dead are resting peacefully no more. One of Sweden’s legendary black metal bands MÖRK GRYNING are about to unleash their wrath upon the masses with ‘Hinsides Vrede’, Translating into ‘otherworldly wrath’ or ‘wrath of the world beyond’, ‘Hinsides Vrede’ represents the doom of pre-historic cultures as well as our impending doom while the world is


cracking at its seams. It is a furious assault upon the civilized world and a descent into the nether regions of the world beyond. MÖRK GRYNING again found the synergy they had while writing their legendary debut record and return to their foundations by balancing melody with straightforward brutality. Yet, by striving to reinvent themselves with every record, the longawaited comeback of the band is by no means a reiteration of a glorious musical past.

Tracklist 1. The Depths of Chinnereth 2. Fältherren 3. Existence in a Dream 4. Infernal 5. A Glimpse of the Sky 6. Hinsides 7. The Night 8. Sleeping in the Embers 9. For Those Departed 10. Without Crown 11. Black Spirit 12. On the Elysian Fields Lineup C-G - Drums Goth Gorgon - Bass, Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals (backing) Draakh Kimera - Drums, Guitars, Keyboards, Vocals Avatar - Guitars, Vocals Aeon - Keyboards, Guitars, Vocals

Demonical Death Metal band from Sweden released the sixth Full-length album World Domination on October 23, 2020. «World Domination» is a gateway to old and new Demonical. The band’s sixth album marks the debut for vocalist Christofer Sätderdal and the return for original drummer Ronnie Bergerstål (2006-2011, 2019-present). There are no major changes to the band’s proven formula of brutal, melodic and insolently Swedish death metal. «World Domination» picks up where 2018’s «Chaos Manifesto» left off, with a touch of extra dynamics and vibrancy that enrich the band’s sound.

Lineup Martin Schulman - Bass Ronnie Bergerstål - Drums Johan Haglund - Guitars (rhythm) Eki Kumpulainen - Guitars (lead) Christofer Säterdal - Vocals

Tracklist My Kingdom Done 2. Hellfire Rain 3. Aeons of Death 4. The Thin Darkness 5. We Stand as One 6. Victorious 7. Slipping Apart 8. Calescent Punishment

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Latest releases

Darzamat Symphonic Black/ Gothic Metal band from Poland released the sixth Full-length album A Philosopher at the End of the Universe on October 27, 2020. Refreshed, world-class sound of the band, using classic rock and metal instruments and moving away from the use of keyboards. Stylistic variety of metal music and more. Darzamat clearly distances itself from labeling its music and would rather go for a concept of ‘travelers in


music’. The concept of the album captured in an extraordinary philosophical and lyrical idea. The album also includes a fragment of a story straight from a classic Gothic novel, written by the singer and band leader, Rafał ‘Flauros’ Góral, together with his poet friend, prose writer and linguist - Jesion Kowal.

Tracklist: 1. Reminiscence 2. A Philosopher at the End of the Universe 3. Running in the Dark 4. Thoughts to Weigh on Farewell Day 5. The Tearful Game 6. The Sleeping Prophet 7. Clouds, Clouds, Darkening All 8. The Great Blaze 9. The Kaleidoscope of Retreat Lineup Flauros - Vocals Chris - Guitars Nera - Vocals (female) Markus - Bass Jacek Gut - Drums

Begrafven B l a c k Metal band f r o m Sweden released the first Full-length album Dödsriket on October 30, 2020. Begrafven consists of Maturz, known from Elimi and Snötårar and Ursus. 7 years has past since their ”Begrafven” demo, containing the tracks ”Universums Grav” and ”Frälsaren” was released. Now, finally the debut album ”Dödsriket” is ready to be unleashed upon

the world. It contains 11 tracks with a total running time of 69 minutes of pure Swedish Black Metal magic. Lineup Maturz - Guitars, Drums, Bass Ursus - Guitars, Vocals

Tracklist 1. Nyckeln till dödsriket 2. Frostfödd 3. Slav 4. Universums grav 5. Döden är helig 6. Då jorden fylls av klagorop 7. Giftet 8. I mitt mörker 9. Frälsaren 10. Korpens tystnad 11. Livets fort

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Draconian Gothic/Doom/Death Metal band from Sweden released the seventh Full-length album Under a Godless Veil on October 30, 2020. Once again, the hidden masters of gothic death/doom metal release an absolute triumph of the genre. Draconian’s music, especially on Under A Godless Veil is a balancing act, finding a home


between the softer, overtly gothic elements and the heavy death/doom which (immediately) follows. Draconian’s wistfulbut-monolithic music is egalitarian between its two halves, but their main focus is the emotion which both carry. For those who haven’t really heard Draconian before and are gothcurious, Under a Godless Veil is a wonderful first album.

Tracklist 1. Sorrow of Sophia 2. The Sacrificial Flame 3. Lustrous Heart 4. Sleepwalkers 5. Moon over Sabaoth 6. Burial Fields 7. The Sethian 8. Claw Marks on the Throne 9. Night Visitor 10. Ascend into Darkness

Carcass Death Metal band from United Kingdom released the EP Despicable on October 30, 2020. True metal originators, Carcass influenced extreme metal all over the globe with early records like “Symphonies of Sickness” (1989) and “Heartwork” (1993). After a seventeen yearalbum sabbatical, critics and fans alike lauded 2013’s “Surgical Steel”, the band’s first record since “Swansong”

(1996), and the band’s return to form. Bigger than ever Carcass toured the world for years supporting the album. In the lead up to a new 2021 full length Carcass released the EP “Despicable”. The 4-track collection is made up of songs not featured on the band’s upcoming 2021 full length. Tracklist 1. The Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue 2. The Long and Winding Bier Road

3. Under the Scalpel Blade 4. Slaughtered in Soho Lineup Jeff Walker - Bass, Vocals Bill Steer - Guitars, Vocals Daniel Wilding Drums Tom Draper - Guitars

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DĂŠcembre Noir Melodic Doom/Death Metal band from Germany released the fourth Full-length album The Renaissance of Hope on November 13, 2020. Since 2008, DĂŠcembre Noir have introduced and developed their melancholic-melodic mix of Death and Doom metal. The band proves a grown feeling for the musical realisation of darkly coloured emotions and respective moods.


For fans of: SWALLOW THE SUN, old-MY DYING BRIDE, INSOMNIUM Lineup Kevin - Drums Martin - Guitars Lars - Vocals Sebastian - Guitars Stephan - Bass

Tracklist: 1. A Swan Lake Full of Tears 2. Hope / Renaissance 3. Ritual and Failure 4. Streets of Transience 5. Wings of Eschaton 6. Behind the Scenes

Strydegor Melodic Death Metal Metal band from Germany released the fourth Full-length album Isolacracy on November 13, 2020. In Nordic Mythology Strydegor is a warrior who was chosen by Odin to guard the mead. Over the last 10 years, Strydegor have been delivering their unique sound of melodic death metal with acoustic hymn-like swirls, not forgetting the windy black metal to complete the atmosphere. Three albums later and several gigs in the European stages, these northerners return in full fury with a brand new sound-storm that goes by the name of ÂŤIsolacracyÂť.

Tracklist 1. Beware the Beast Man 2. Innocence Corroded 3. Lucid 4. Stars and Strife 5. World in Your Hands 6. Into the Unknown 7. Escape 8. Enemy Inside 9. As April Slowly Fades 10. Oceans

Lineup Immanuel Promnitz - Drums Florian Kunde - Guitars, Vocals Daniel Hausschild - Guitars Martin Schmidt - Bass

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Uthullun Black Metal band from United States released the first Fulllength album Dirges for the Void on November 13, 2020. Musically defiant, overtly intense, this seventrack ordeal marks a step forward in U T H U L LU N ’s evolution in a multifold way, whether through the piercing technicality of the overall performance or the complexity of the arrangements. Indeed, one faces a maelstrom of sublimely intricate


p a t t e r n s , dissonant shapes, and razor-sharp riffs played with supreme precision and multilayered tenacity without ever losing an organic feel and depth that at times gets lost in other more dexterous and conceptually ambitious music.

Tracklist 1. Sunless 2. Silence 3. Pentinence 4. Ecstasies 5. Pyre 6. Returning Home 7. Down Rivers of Spilled Blood


Sorrow Melodic Death Metal band from Germany released the first Full-length album PRÆY on November 20, 2020. The band takes the DeathMetal-wheel, demolishes it completely and puts it back together again in their very own way, creating an individual sound with a lot of interesting facets. Their musical construct is born out of aggression paired with ear-catching melody and a sometimes Black Metallike atmosphere; the music is punchy, dynamic and drills directly into your head. Raw energy flows through every single song: boosting the urge to bang your head until total escalation. Definitely a band you should consider listening to.

Death Metal tradition of bands like Edge Of Sanity, At The Gates, Dark Tranquillity or In Flames, the band also impersonates a touch of a Black Metal feeling within its melodies, vocals and riffing. The foundation is Death Metal, but there is no rule to what it takes for an EMPYREAL SORROW song to be unique. This simple strategy also led to the implementation of two vocalists - with Martin Szeike providing the guttural, deep grunts, and Sebastian Moser slamming out his more Black Metal-like screams.

Inspired by the great Swedish Tracklist 1. Praey To Sorrow 2. Thrown Into The Fire 3. Source Of (In)Humanity 4. The Error Code 5. Come Down With Me 6. Quiet Depression 7. Scars Of Old 8. Voice Of Violence 9. Killing Silence 10. A Night Without Armo Lineup Sebastian Moser - Bass & Vocals Markus Winter - Guitars Martin Szeike - Vocals Julian Osterried - Drums Martin Hofbauer - Guitars

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My Dying Bride Death/Doom Metal band from United Kingdom released the EP Macabre Cabaret on November 20, 2020. The new EP of the band offers three new songs – dark luscious Death Doom ear candies that will dive their victim into a sensual world of darkness and temptation and conceal the borders between sweet pain and destructive illusion. Few words from Aaron on the new EP: «The latest offering f r o m Yorkshire’s finest


merchants of misery features new music composed in the style the band have made their own over three decades which continues their relevance within the scene today. Macabre Cabaret is as menacing and brooding as it is beautiful and melancholic with crushing guitar riffs sailing side by side with emotive piano pieces and vocals to suit all flavours. The stunning artwork captures the image of the band perfectly offering a visual interpretation of the aural devastation that is My Dying Bride.”

Tracklist 1. Macabre Cabaret 2. A Secret Kiss 3. A Purse of Gold and Stars Lineup Andrew Craighan - Guitars Aaron Stainthorpe - Vocals Lena Abé - Bass Shaun Macgowan - Keyboards, Violin Jeff Singer - Drums Neil Blanchett - Guitars

Dark Tranquillity Melodic Death Metal band from Sweden released the twelfth Fulllength album Moment on November 20, 2020. Swedish melodic death metal kings DARK TRANQUILLITY are back with new album, «Moment». It’s been four years since the (Swedish) Grammy-nominated album, «Atoma», but the time between was creative, innovative, and adventurous. The stalwarts welcomed two top-tier guitarists -Christopher Amott (exArch Enemy) and Johan Reinholdz (Nonexist)while writing a stunning

cluster of songs that not only push DARK TRANQUILLITY’s boundaries outward but also strongly typify the Swedes’ sonic fingerprint. Amazing songs like «Phantom Days», «Identical to None», and «Empires Lost to Time» are bright and aggressive, while «The Dark Unbroken», «A Drawn Out Exit», and «In Truth Divided» cast long, cold shadows. Tracklist 1. Phantom Days 2. Transient 3. Identical to None 4. The Dark Unbroken 5. Remain in the Unknown

6. Standstill 7. Ego Deception 8. A Drawn Out Exit 9. Eyes of the World 10. Failstate Lineup Anders Jivarp - Drums Mikael Stanne - Vocals Martin Brändström Keyboards, Programming, Electronics Anders Iwers - Bass Johan Reinholdz Guitars Christopher Amott Guitars

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Cadaver Death Metal band from Norway released the fourth Full-length album Edder & Bile on November 27, 2020. Back with a vengeance and hellbent on destruction, CADAVER are back in business and ready to reign. Edder & Bile – the first full length from this band’s new incarnation of Anders Odden’s original, extreme metal vision. Brimming with


the same primal, primitive spirit that drove the band’s early works, the likes of Morgue Ritual and Let Me Burn are also full of fresh perversity and evidence of the same contrary instincts that always set Cadaver apart from their supposed peers. Vocal cameos from death metal icons Kam Lee (MASSACRE) and Jeff Becerra (POSSESSED) ensure that this crushing rebirth has underground credentials to spare.

Tracklist 1. Morgue Ritual 2. Circle of Morbidity 3. Feed the Pigs 4. Final Fight 5. Deathmachine 6. Reborn 7. The Pestilence 8. Edder & Bile 9. Years of Nothing 10. Let Me Burn

Azarath Death/Black Metal band from Poland released the seventh Full-length album Saint Desecration on November 27, 2020. AZARATH crept from the shadows over two decades ago and is often described as a demonic mutation of Krisiun, Behemoth and Immolation. Co-founded by sole original member Inferno (of Behemoth fame), the group c o m p r i s e s long-running

guitarist Bart (Damnation, Armagedon), long-time bassist Peter (ex-Lost Soul) and new vocalist Skullripper (Embrional). Tracklist 1. Death-at-Will 2. Sancta Dei Meretrix 3. Let them Burn‌ 4. Fall of the Blessed 5. No Salvation 6. Profanation 7. Reigning over the Death 8. Life Is Death, Death Is

Life 9. Inflicting Blasphemy upon the Heavens 10. Beyond the Gates of Burning Ghats Lineup Inferno - Drums Bart - Guitars Peter - Bass Skullripper - Vocals, Guitars

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Varde Black Metal band from Norway released the first Fulllength album Fedraminne on November 27, 2020. Varde was forged in 2017 by Koll, Nord and drummer Dar’n. With traditional poetry in combination with their folkish and atmospheric brand of music, Varde shines a light on the northern heritage of story telling, historical events and folklore. VARDE present, with the immense primordial forces of their native Norway coursing through its v e i n s , their debut full-


length album «Fedraminne». Raw yet sophisticated, VARDE’s channeling of ancestral memories is fuelled by their deep connection to the national romantic era, and is centered around traditional Norwegian poems from the 19th century. VARDE´s blackened metal is steeped in lingering folk melodies and ferocious metal riffing, and the passionate vocals echo the call of the wild Nordic nature. There’s also a place for somber acoustics, ethereal saxophone leads and industrial beats on «Fedraminne», boldly telling its story with all means necessary.

Tracklist 1. Kystbillede del I 2. Halvdan Svarte 3. Forbundet 4. Et Gammelnorskt Herresæde 5. Fedraminne 6. Skuld 7. Koll med Bilen del I 8. Kystbillede del II

Mork Black Metal band from Norway released EP Pesta on November 27, 2020. Despite the resemblance, Mork is not derived from Mørk, which is the Norwegian word for «Dark». Mork only stands for Mork. Mork was created by Thomas Eriksen in the town of Halden in Norway during 2004. Both then and now the band functions as a oneman-band, much like many others within the Black Metal-genre. Thomas Eriksen explains the origins of Pesta: «The Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen (1857-1914) has been an important part of

Norwegian Black Metal since the early 90’s. Kittelsen’s artwork has a haunting, eerie and mysterious effect. Most noteworthy is his work in the book «Svartedauden» (‘The Black Plague’) which was originally published in 1900. During a summer trip I passed through the valley where Kittelsen resided, and visited the farm, Lauvlia. While there I found out that a couple of the drawings in «Svartedauden» are based on actual places. The Kittelsen drawings ‘Pesta i trappa’ and ‘Musstad’ are based on a particular house on a different farm, where the artist

lived for a while. A good friend of mine said that I should create a song to go along with the pictures, so it all fit nicely with the current Covid-19 situation, so I wrote a song about the Black Plague called «Pesta». Tracklist 1. Pesta 2. Valen 3. En sti inn i Remmendalen (live) 4. I Hornenes Bilde (live) Lineup Thomas Eriksen Everything


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Scour Black Metal band from United States released EP Black on November 27, 2020. Scour is a Black Metal band featuring Phil Anselmo (Down, Superjoint Ritual, ex-Pantera, etc) and members of Pig Destroyer, Cattle Decapitation. Animosity and Strong Intention. The sound of SCOUR can best be described as a modern reimagining of what primarily became known a s black metal,


but mixed with elements of grindcore and bits of punk and thrash. Notgetting too caught up in genre classification, the result is an ominously-hued punishing minimalism that pays homage, without the trappings of ‘throw-back,’ while reimagining the lineage from primitive punk darkness into modernity.

Tracklist 1. Doom 2. Nail 3. Propaganda 4. Flames 5. Microbes 6. Subprime Lineup John Jarvis - Bass, Vocals (backing) Derek Engemann - Guitars, Vocals (backing), Songwriting Philip H. Anselmo - Vocals, Lyrics Adam Jarvis - Drums Mark Kloeppel - Guitars, Vocals (backing)

Sodom Thrash Metal band from Germany released the sixteenth Full-length album Genesis XIX on November 27, 2020. Angelripper: “As a result, we were largely autonomous during the production of Genesis XIX and were free not only to concentrate on working on new songs but also to come up with the right sounds. That was important because we use neither digital amps nor plug-ins but played all the guitar parts using proper Marshall tube amps.” Following the preproduction, Sodom

completed the work at the renowned Woodhouse Studio in Hagen, where sound engineer Siggi Bemm recorded Tom’s vocals and mixed the album on an analogue studio console. Tracklist 1. Blind Superstition 2. Sodom & Gomorrah 3. Euthanasia 4. Genesis XIX 5. Nicht mehr mein Land 6. Glock ‘n’ Roll 7. The Harpooneer 8. Dehumanized 9. Occult Perpetrator 10. Waldo & Pigpen

11. Indoctrination 12. Friendly Fire Lineup Tom Angelripper Bass, Vocals Frank Blackfire Guitars Yorck Segatz Guitars Toni Merkel - Drums

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Toadeater Post-Black Metal Metal band from Germany released the second Full-length album Bit to ewigen daogen on October 2, 2020. This opus contains five monuments about mankind’s creation, their alienation with an ecosystem they were orginally born into and the happening decay of our civilization. Musically «Bit To ewigen Daogen» is Toadeater’s most elaborated work and the atmosphere is more oppressive and melancholic than ever before. Staying true to their trademarks, all songs are built on elegiac melodies alternating with manic riffing, rage filled drumming, ulver-ish synthparts and majestic clean vocals (for the first time). Tracklist 1. ...Before the Desecrated Sanctuary 2. Conquering the Throne 3. Crows and Sparrows 4. Returning the Crown 5. Too Close to the Sun


MyGrain Melodic Death Metal band from Finland released the fifth Full-length album V on October 2, 2020. The Nightmare 2. Out of This Life 3. Summoned Duality 4. The Way of the Flesh 5. Haunted Hearts 6. The Calling 7. Game of Gods 8. Stars Fading Black 9. Fathomless Freefall 10. Waves of Doom Lineup Jonas - Bass DJ Locomotive - Drums To(mm)yboy - Vocals Mr. Downhill - Guitars (lead) Joni Lahdenkauppi - Guitars (rhythm)

Namtaru / Legio Inferi Black Metal bands from United States (Namtaru) and from Colombia (Legio Inferi) released the Split That Is Not Dead Which May Eternal Lie on October 14, 2020. Legio Inferi - The Adept 2. Legio Inferi - The Black Host 3. Legio Inferi - The Field of Satan 4. Legio Inferi - The Cross of Bones 5. Namtaru - Intro 6. Namtaru - Plagues of Namtar 7. Namtaru Reptilian Conquerors 8. Namtaru - Eternal Torment Namtaru’s Lineup Namtar - Vocals, Guitars Legio Inferi’s Lineup Antichristian Goat - Bass, Choirs Beleth - Guitars Belzeth - Guitars, Choirs Leyroth - Vocals Sander Bermúdez - Drums

Kira Black/Death Metal band from Poland released the second Full-length album Peccatum et Blasphemia on October 9, 2020. The band Kira was founded in 2015 in Opoczno. The originator was Nameless guitar, music (Nomad, exEthelyn) who asked Groshek drums (Nomad, Peacemaker) and Mysth - vocals, bass, lyrics (Ethelyn, Deathstorm) for collaboration. Tracklist 1.Opening the Gates of Hell 2. Lucifer’s Herald 3. One Gram of Your Soul 4. Necroscience 5. Temple of Suffering 6. Lord of Hallucinations 7. In the Devil’s Embrace 8. The Fearful One 9. Weakness Isn’t Breathless 10. Silence Is Consent (Sodom cover)

Therrorder Thrash/Death Metal band from Colombia released the first Full-length album Sangre y muerte on October 15, 2020.

Death Comes in Waves Melodic Black/Death Metal band from Germany released the first Fulllength album Circle of Certainty on October 23, 2020. Tracklist Straight, melodic and 1. Intro uprising black-metal 2. Gates of Evil meets melancholic 3. Therrorder and atmospheric parts. 4. Revolución Tracklist 5. Esclavo del tiempo 1. Intro 6. Abismo 2. Circle of Certainty 7. Almas condenadas 3. Kneeling or Solitude 8. Sombras 4. Of the Host and the 9. Tiempos de guerra Virus 5. Eternity in Chaos 6. Death. Equal. Lineup 7. Was Bleibt... Felipe Gonzalez - Drums 8. I Am Enthropy Cristian Espinel - Guitars 9. Uprooted (lead) Carlos Romero - Vocals Lineup (lead) J.S. - Guitars Ana Briñez - Bass Kenaz - Guitars, Bass, Alejandro Espinel - Guitars Vocals, Keyboards (rhythm) Öskur - Vocals (lead) Erik - Drums

Lineup Groshek - Drums Nameless - Guitars Peter - Bass Cannibal - Guitars Hellishdust - Vocals



Latest releases

Prometheus Black Metal band from Greece released the second Full-length album Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old on October 23, 2020. Carrying the heritage of both Hellenic and Scandinavian black metal (from early SEPTIC FLESH and ROTTING CHRIST to EMPEROR and SETHERIAL), PROMETHEUS do not disdain to combine it with the esoteric death metal of MORBID ANGEL and early ABSU, among the others. Tracklist 1. Gravitons Passing through Yog-Sothoth 2. Azathoth 3. Astrophobos 4. Resonant Echoes from Cosmos of Old 5. Ανεμοι των Αστρων 6. The Crimson Tower of the Headless God


Depressive Mode Funeral Doom Metal band from Turkey released the third Full-length album Equilibrium on October 27, 2020. Tracklist 1. Equilibrium 2. Stay Strong! World Is Yours 3. Moon of Artemis 4. Sea of Solace 5. Internal Confrontations 6. The Voyage 7. Lesbia 8. The Mountains of Thrace 9. Frames 10. Great Desolation

Omramøryth Blackened Death Metal band from Croatia released EP The Grimoire Chronicles Vol 1 The Ritual on October 28, 2020. «The Grimoire Chronicles Vol. 1 - The Ritual» is a collection of songs inspired by the works of none other but H.P. Lovecraft. Tracklist 1. The Key and the Gate 2. March of the Thousand Young 3. The Faceless God 4. Ghordhaeth Lineup Kristijan Fištrek - Guitars, Bass, Drum programming

Antzaat Black Metal band from Belgium released the first Full-length album For You Men Who Gaze Into The Sun on October 30, 2020. Antzaat is an old Dutch word that means to be hostile and hateful, to be “against”. Tracklist 1.Intro 2. Between The Beginning And The End 3. For You Men Who Gaze Into The Sun 4. Crown Of Concrete 5. Through The Eyes Of A Rotten Mind 6. Radiant Fire 7. Veil Of Darkness 8. Man Made Flesh Made God Machine 9. And This Day Shall Come Again Lineup Isaroth - Bass Eenzaat - Drums Ronarg - Vocals, Guitars (lead), Composition Nihil - Guitars (rhythm)

Disgusting Perversion Death Metal band from Germany released the first Full-length album Eternity of Death on October 30, 2020. The band uses the elements of early death metal and can be described as guitarheavy old school Death Metal influenced by bands like Death, Grave and Bolt Thrower. Tracklist 1. Cosmic Circle 2. The Forgotten Grave 3. Eternity of Death 4. Impressions of Life 5. Depression 6. Encrypted Brutality of Life 7. Dead Man’s Face 8. Rotting Bride 9. Apud Vultum Tuum Lineup Stefan Bauer - Vocals Tobias Ruf - Guitars, Drum programming Simon Hörmann - Guitars Marcus Nagel - Drums Klaus Bergmann - Bass

Insidious Disease Death Metal band from Norway released the second Full-length album After Death on October 30, 2020. The title »After Death« carries with it philosophical concepts that can be found weaved throughout the lyrical content of the entire album; conspiracy theories, perception of reality and existence, the dread of disease, and the inescapable nature of death are just some of the ideas touched upon. These intriguing bits of subject matter are intelligent fuel for the band and their writing. Although topics of morbidity are fairly common in the realm of death metal, the members of INSIDIOUS DISEASE take a deeper step into their interpretations of these concepts through their violent, electrically-charged melodies. Tracklist 1. Soul Excavation 2. Betrayer 3. Divine Fire 4. Unguided Immortality 5. Invisible War 6. Born into Bondage 7. Enforcers of the Plague 8. An End Date With the World 9. Nefarious Atonement 10. Secret Sorcery

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Abstract the Light Avant-Garde Black Metal band from Australia released the first Full-length album Magna Sapientia Quaerere: To the Depths of Thy Soul... on October 31, 2020. Sonically Abstract The Light seamlessly merge the sounds of black metal, progressive, folk, doom and the avant-garde to create their own unique blend of dark metal… Tracklist 1. H.U.N.T.E.R. 2. Spinning Plates in the Tapestry of Existence 3. Waters of Fire 4. Broken Shards, of Inner Self 5. Primeval Essence of Nothingness 6. Smouldering Black, Thy Heart 7. Carousels of Eternity


Orcrypt Black Metal band from United Kingdom released the second Full-length album Balrog & Roll on October 31, 2020. Orcrypt formed in 2010. Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and the early demos of the Norwegian Black Metal masters.

Wintarnaht Pagan Black Metal band from Germany released the fourth Full-length album Hriuwa on October 31, 2020. Wintarnaht - the first metal band who sing all their songs in a preform of the Old High German (ca. 650-700 A.D.) language. Hriuwa means Grief in old high german. Tracklist 1. Hriuwa Tracklist 2. Urlagfrôwa 1. Oubliette (intro) 3. þe Hreôgot 2. Beholder 4. þaz tuncel Grabahûfo 3. Vermintide 5. þez Hraban Swarzi Trahanûn 4. Hexblade 6. Sîn þiu Erþa 5. Flight of the 7. Firhazzêt Truhtîn Dracolich 8. Îr in Flamma 6. I, Mindflayer 9. Runagaltar 7. Welcome to Barovia Lineup 8. Dice and Damnation Grimwald - Vocals, Guitars, 9. Tomb of Horrors Bass, Keyboards, Lyre, 10. Greenskins of Greyhawk Shaman drum, Mouth harp, Drum programming

Shattered Hope Funeral Doom/Death Metal band from Greece released the third Full-length album Vespers on November 6, 2020. Shattered Hope’s music can be described mainly as atmospheric doom/death - funeral doom metal. The Greek masters of atmospheric doom death metal are now back with a new, third full-length album aiming to surprise and conquer listeners once again. As usual, the musicians add new colors to their palette to demonstrate feelings opening up from a new angle. The shrouding with coldness Shattered Hope’s novel work is a deep philosophical dialogue with eternity, expressed through deep texts hiding references to the classics, as well as through powerful crushing music performed with impeccable skill and sincerity. Tracklist 1. In Cold Blood 2. Verge 3. Συριγμός 4. Towards the land of Deception 5. The Judas Tree Lineup Thanasis - Bass George - Drums, Percussion Thanos - Guitars Sakis - Guitars Nick - Vocals

Grimcult Black Metal Metal band from Poland released the EP Revelations of Sinister Flame on November 6, 2020. Grimcult is the band with members of already known Odour of Death. Atmospheric black metal in the vein of old finnish and polish scene!

Warkvlt Black Metal band from Indonesia released the third Full-length album Deathymn on November 10, 2020. Warkvlt is Black Metal band which was forged on June 21, 2013. Warkvlt name is taken from the Latin language «war occulti» meaning the Secret War.

Tracklist 1. Welcome to Void 2. Revelations of Sinister Flame 3. Przymierze 4. Maze of Madness 5. Rotten Chains of Life 6. Death Dream 7. Conclusion

Tracklist 1. Inquisition 2. Morbid Ritual 3. Hitam Kelam 4. Panzer VI 5. Ancient Hellfire 6. Holokavst 7. Khaoz 8. Plague 9. Deathymn

Lineup Nobody - Everything

Lineup D - Guitars E - Guitars A - Drums D - Vocals

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Heretic Ritual Black/Death Metal band from Mexico released the first Fulllength album War Desecration - Genocide / Passages of Infinite Hatred on November 10, 2020 . Tracklist 1.Infinite Hatred 2. Disciples of Fire 3. Black Perverted Abomination 4. Lord of Sekhet Aaru 5. Macabre Magic Adoration 6. Summoning Genocide 7. Into the Nightside of the Dead 8. Rat Krusher Kommando 9. Hammer of Satan (Archgoat cover)


In Malice’s Wake Thrash/Death Metal band from Australia released the fourth Full-length album The Blindness of Faith on November 13, 2020. In Malice’s Wake have established themselves as the dominant thrash/ death metal force for well over a decade in Australia. Tracklist 1. The Blindness of Faith 2. Graven Image 3. See the Light 4. Religious Holocaust 5. Unbound Sinful Light 6. Houses of God 7. To Die As One 8. Into the Outer Darkness 9. Ritual Slaughter 10. Gehenna

Soulburn Death/Black/Doom Metal band from Netherlands released the fourth Full-length album Noa’s D’ark on November 13, 2020. Soulburn - band breathing a Nietzschean storm upon the narrow minded plague this world is infested by. A serpent’s tongue attached to the strings of hell, spreading fear to some, yet a glorified temptation to others. Tracklist 1. The Morgue of Hope 2. Noah’s Dark 3. Tempter ov the White Light 4. Anarchrist 5. Shrines of Apathy 6. Assailed by Cosmic Lightning 7. Triumphant One 8. Anointed - Blessed - and Born for Burning 9. The Godless I 10. From Archaeon into Oblivion 11. Abyssica 12. On the Crimson Wings of My Ruin

Thrudvangar Viking Black Metal band from Germany released the sixth Full-length album Vegvisir on November 13, 2020. Thrudvangar have been an important part of German Viking Metal for almost 20 years and have managed to be a constant in the scene. Thrudvangar return to their melodic roots with their new album and reflect on the trademarks of Viking Metal: powerful riffs, catchy melodies and grand choirs take the listener on a journey to the ancient myths and legends of the Vikings. Tracklist 1. Vegvisir 2. Wächter der Brücke 3. Jörmungandr 4. Ran 5. Hravnagud 6. Fenrirs Brut 7. Siegvaters Maid 8. Sturm aus Eisen 9. Für die Ewigkeit 10. Fardrengir 11. Alles was bleibt Lineup Torsten Schildhauer Drums Daniel - Guitars Mathias Träbert - Vocals Sebastian Rasch - Guitars

Demogorgon Black Metal Metal band from Australia released the third Full-length album Futile on November 17, 2020. Demogorgon is a solo black metal project from Melbourne, Australia. Inspired by Gorgoroth, Emperor, Arch-Goat and Carpathian Forest. With lyrical themes covering War, Satan, Death and Anti-Christian sentiments, Demogorgon’s sole member writes black metal in the style that inspires him. Written to reflect a low point in the artists life, Futile is a record of darkness, hopelessness and depressed rage, heavily inspired by bands such as Shining and Mgła. Fusing together Black Metal, Doom Metal and elements of Drone, Futile is a dark album to reflect the darkness of the artist at the time of writing. Tracklist 1. Futile 2. Waste 3. Fruitless 4. Hopeless 5. Empty 6. Acceptance Lineup Demogorgon - Vocals, Guitars, Bass

Hegeroth Melodic Black Metal band from Poland released the third Full-length album Perfidia on November 19, 2020. Perfidia - comprises a second wave of black metal, diversity and some unconventional solutions. Full of energy and expression that let you flow to the most deep and hidden emotions. For open minded listeners who are not afraid of some dissonant vibes and catchy moments. Inspired by bands like Dark Funeral, Emperor, Naglfar, Old Man’s Child. Tracklist 1. Hand By Hand 2. Distorted Visions of the Saints 3. The Wind Embraces Me 4. Raise Your Voice 5. Sacrificed 6. Last Salvation 7. How Sore Can Be the Fall 8. An Angel Won’t Come Lineup Edward - vocals Bene - guitars, bass Bila- drums, guitars

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Latest releases

Inquisition Black Metal band from Colombia released Full-length album Black Mass for a Mass Grave on November 20, 2020. Tracklist 1. Spirit of the Black Star 2. Luciferian Rays 3. Necromancy Through a Buried Cosmos 4. Triumphant Cosmic Death 5. My Spirit Shall Join a Constellation of Swords 6. Ceremony for the Gathering of Death 7. Majesty of the Expanding Tomb 8. A Glorious Shadow from Fire and Ashes 9. Extinction of Darkness and Light 10. Hymn to the Absolute Majesty of Darkness and Fire 11. Beast of Creation and Master of Time 12. Black Mass for a Mass Grave


Crawling Chaos Death Metal band from Italy released the second Full-length album XLIX on November 20, 2020. XLIX is the story of an epic rise followed by a painful, totalizing fall. Each of the seven songs relates to one of the main aspects that constitute the narration. The tale abounds with quotes and cross-references, with the writing process requiring a thorough work of research and contextualization. Tracklist 1. My Golden Age 2. The Prince Is Here 3. Block and a Bloody Knife 4. 49th, or the Law of Desperation 5. Ishnigarrab, or the Awful Offspring of the Goat 6. Covered in Debris 7. Doom of Babylonia

Stormkeep Melodic Black Metal band from United States released the EP Galdrum on November 20, 2020. Features members from Blood Incantation and Wayfarer. Stormkeep’s debut MLP is a perfect soundtrack for journeys through snow capped mountains, medieval dungeons and regal castles. The four hymns which make up ‘Galdrum’ create a world of ancient legends and magick, a place of long ago, somewhere deep in time. Tracklist 1. Glass Caverns of Dragon Kings 2. Lightning Frost 3. Of Lore... 4. Lost in Mystic Woods and Cursed Hollows

Lord Belial Black/Death Metal band from Sweden released the Compilation Wrath of Belial on November 27, 2020. Lord Belial are back with a great Compilation of Demo’s 1993 & 1994. Tracklist 1. Bleed on the Cross 2. Hellspawn 3. Grace of God 4. The Art of Dying 5. Jesus Fails 6. Malevolently Reversed 7. Maniac Madness 8. Lilith - Demonic Queen of the Black Light 9. Into the Frozen Shadows 10. Mad Redeemer 11. Satan Divine 12. The Ancient Slumber Lineup Micke Backelin - Drums Niclas Pepa Green - Guitars Thomas Backelin - Guitars, Vocals Anders Backelin - Bass

Nar Melodic Black Metal band from Malta released the second Full-length album Blood Moon Omen on November 28, 2020. «Nar» means «fire» in Maltese. NAR is a Maltese Black Metal solo project founded by Dagor in 2013. Music is composed and played by Dagor, together with the lyrics and vocals. The main concept behind this project revolved around creating some classic melodic Black Metal vibes. Tracklist 1. Red Skies Looming (Intro) 2. Winds of Decimation 3. Path of No Return 4. Prova Tan-Nar 5. Rabid Earth 6. Under The Great Eye 7. Il-Ħakem ta’ Bufies 8. Into The End (instrumental) Lineup Dagor - Everything

A Congregation of Horns Black Metal band from United Kingdom released the first Full-length album Blasphemic Hellsorcery of the Necrogoat Deathlegion on November 30, 2020. Tracklist 1. A Congregation of Horns 2. Blasphemic Hellsorcery of the Necrogoat Deathlegion 3. Shattering the Swastika 4. Hellrazor 5. Rabid Dogma 6. Mass Grave 7. Molotov Inferno Napalm Ocean 8. Crucified on the War Cross 9. Surgery of Horrors 10. Hanged High on the Goatangel / Fascism’s Funeral 11. Torment Awaits the Coward 12. A Destiny of Pain (Forever Burn in Hell) 13. Baphomet Supreme

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† Hellfest † Wacken Open Air † Tuska † Brutal Assault † Summer Breeze † Rock Fest † Rock Am Ring † Rockest † Download Festival † Resurrection Fest †

Live on stage Reviews

Sinful, Blackthorn, Sunwalter, Fausttophel, Addict live at Live Stars club, Moscow, Russia. 02 October 2020. Review and photos by Olga Schneider

Fausttophel Addict Blackthorn Sinful Sunwalter Hell can’t last forever. Local concert industry here in Moscow is slowly awaking from that slumber, lots of underground gigs happen here constantly again, so for me the first 68 68

Metal event I visited after the lockdown was Metal Against Corona Fest [02.10.2020]. Live Stars club where the festival took place is kinda bombastic concert area located in

the historical part of the city, not even adapted for such events. So the last thing I expected was good sound. And... I must say all my doubts went to hell at once.

Of course the first band named Fausttoplhel didn’t get so many people during their stage time, since it was Friday, so folks just started arriving and warming up. But the band indeed tuned the audience for the right mood and brought this special atmosphere again after such a long time with their raw guitar sounds accompanied with keyboards strongly recalling about Cradle of Filth and bands like them. The second band, Addict, blasted the concert area with the first seconds of their stage time. I’m not a big fan of modern Groove Metal, but I must confess that the quality of this band’s music and the

musicians’ skills of working with the audience are incredibly high. It sounded harsh and straightout, just like old Pantera or Lamb of God, it brought lots of drive and simply made you not to give a fukk about all this shit that is currently happening in the world. You’re right here right now, and that’s the only thing that matters... The third band, Blackthorn, was actually the main reason for me to visit that event in general. We already wrote about this band in our previous issues, but for those who don’t know, this is an all-female Symphonic Extreme Metal project from Moscow. These women simply break all the stereotypes about all these female fronted Metal bands, always sound strong, with no less strong lyrics, and keep the audience excited every single second. Completely slayed the stage and the audience and brought that atmosphere I’d been missing for all the lockdown time. Local oldies named Sinful were those who actually organized the whole event. Can’t assure that they have any kind of special sound or stage manner, but they


were indeed one of the most waited bands of the whole evening. Just lively Symphonic Black Metal, nothing extra, but nothing boring at the same time. And finally the headliners of the evening, local band Sunwalter which can be described as Sci-Fi Metal, kinda new Metal genre. Their lyrics are completely dedicated to cosmos and all the related stuff, stage image including some neon elements and modern sound completely match and at the same time create this whole atmosphere. The whole event was being streamed on social media, you can find it on Facebook and Youtube, and leaded by a hostess which also provided interaction of musicians with online audience. Such formats definitely unite Metalheads of the whole world and probably make you discover some new unknown bands which can easily turn into one of your favorite ones in future.

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Band Links https://www.facebook.com/TortureMachineDeathMetal https://torturemachine.bandcamp.com/ https://www.instagram.com/torturemachinechile https://open.spotify.com/artist/4iJpELaBAFOVpaiqFNCZkp

We present to you our new experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Torture Machine - Death Metal band from Chile. Andrew Stanton

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Formed in 2010 in Chile, Torture Machine were influenced by Entombed, Dismember and At The Gates. But later on they discovered more extreme bands like Decapitated. Their sound is pretty much what you expect - old school Death Metal, maybe verging more on Slam. Four years later they signed to Australis Records and released their first EP entitled ‘Mortuary’. The EP had very mixed reviews, but gained a fan base. They had a long break to concentrate on a more brutal sound and made a comeback in 2019. Their songs are about death and destruction and all in English. It’s all been very slow with Torture Machine, but let’s hope they don’t take any more breaks. Good luck to these guys. Discography: 2014 - Mortuary

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Band Links https://www.facebook.com/saturnometalband https://saturnometalband.bandcamp.com/album/menhir https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtCo9oQSJu8n9s7RXgsU9lQ

We present to you our new experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Saturno Blackened Death/Doom metal band from Chile.



New on the Chilean scene is quite an unusual band. It’s Blackened Death Metal, but heavily influenced by old school Doom Metal. Their sound positively crunches and booms. The Doom element is definitely present, but done in a faster way. Sometimes they remind me of Paradise Lost, other times they remind me of old Incubus. Newly signed to Progotida Gravida to help them demonstrate this odd, brutal, Doomy, Black noise… For you to enjoy. Featuring ex-members of Black Messiah, Stigmacode and A Sad Bada, this is one band I’m very excited about. Their first full-length album ‘Menhir’ is available now. Line up : Roberto Toledo - Bass Luis Comte - Vocals Lautaro Muñoz - Guitars Andrés Henríquez - Drums David Sandoval - Guitars



Band Links https://www.facebook.com/EvilHatred https://evilhatred.bandcamp.com

We present to you our new experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Evil Hatred Old School Death Metal band from Chile



Evil Hatred Hailing from Santiago, Chile, Evil Hatred create old school Death Metal. The lead vocals are a deep growl, while the backing vocals are a high pitch screech. The sound is slowish - not super fast, but not dull. The drums create a good energy. The guitars play low. They came out with a demo in 2018 and signed to Hellrecords. Last year we had their first album entitled Rotten Decay. This year, they are reissuing it. The music is very much along the lines of Morbid Angel, Deicide, Napalm Death, Carcass and Terrorizer. Never boring and very cool. I have been asked to check out a few Chilean bands, and old school Death Metal seems to be a bit of a thing there. As an old school Death Metal fan, I love it. And I’m glad some bands still want to make it and keep it alive.

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Band Links https://www.facebook.com/Skullpture https://skullpturechile.bandcamp.com https://instagram.com/skullpturedeathmetal

We present to you our experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Skullpture Death metal band from Chile.



Skullpture. Chile’s Skullpture creates some amazing old school Death Metal. Heavily influenced by Terrorizer and Cannibal Corpse. The vocals are a deep growl that we all love to hear. In 2011 they independently released their debut album ‘Skullpture… The Sinister Art’. Though they have been around for a while, they are only two albums old. They seem to spend more time on stage as opposed to in the studio. The sound is very old school Florida Death Metal with all the trademarks. The songs are short and cool with good energy. Certain parts of the songs remind me of early Deicide. In 2019 they signed to Ten-Cai Records and released ‘Reborn in Decay.’ Currently they are busy in the studio recording album three for us old school guys to enjoy. Lineup Daniel Rodríguez - Bass Pedro Donoso - Guitars Francisco Sereño - Drums Alex Jofré - Vocals

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Band Links https://www.facebook.com/symbtomy https://symbtomy.bandcamp.com/releases

We present to you our new experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Symbtomy Old School Death Metal band from Czech Republic/United Kingdom.

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SYMBTOMY was originally created as a side project of Dejvy; but after Duzl and Martin joined the permanent lineup, SYMBTOMY became a regular band. The idea that put the band into action is simple: „dust off the old practices of the 90’s and pay tribute to the bands from the same era». The material for the first demo was composed at the end of 2019 and rehearsed with POPPY SEED GRINDER drummer Stepan (ex-DESPISE). Since the band plans to follow the way of bands from the 90’s, the first physical medium had to be an audio cassette. It is released (due to a Covid-19 pandemic) with a sixmonth delay in the autumn of 2020, and enriched by a variety of very interesting guests. The vocal parts were performed by Jonny Pettersson (WOMBBATH), Ralf Hauber (REVEL IN FLESH) and Johan Jansson (INTERMENT). Three songs in the style of Swedish Death Metal released in October 2020 by the American label FROZEN SCREAMS IMPRINT, and in Europe under the license by the legendary Slovakian label IMMORTAL SOULS prod. „Demo#1» was recorded in the DEJVY?S HELL and HOLLYSOUND studios during the spring of 2020, in following line-up: Martin (Vokill), Dejvy (all Guitars), Adis (Bass) /ELYSIUM/, Frank (solos), Stepan (Drums) /POPPY SEED GRINDER/, Jonny (Vokill) /WOMBBATH/, Ralf (Vokill) /REVEL IN FLESH/, Johan (Vokill) /INTERMENT/ LINE-UP: Guitar- Dejvy Vocal: Martin Bass: Duzl

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Band Link https://www.facebook.com/force.of.destruction.official https://www.instagram.com/forceofdestruction https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsO9HyNVAw2omoj7GKConeQ

We present to you our new experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Force Of Destruction - Old School Death Metal band from France.



Force Of Destruction is a french band of Old School Death Metal creates in 2017 by Mourad. Mourad create this band in 2017. He have write all... and Mourad have choose inclu on band his friend Nils Moliner for guitar and drums. Mourad do bass and vocals. The band’s influence are Immolation, Vital Remains and Krisiun - Old School Death Metal. 2 single is a available in video clip and the album is available since 15 october. It’s a Old School Death Metal speak of evil and destructor force and person of this world. If you like Old School bands you’ll like Force Of Destruction. Discography: 2019 - Invocator Of Evil (single) 2019 - Knight Of Desorder (single) 2020 - The Destructive Evil

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Band Link https://www.facebook.com/bloodysadism https://bloodysadism.bandcamp.com http://instagram.com/bloodysadism

We present to you our experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Bloody Sadism Slamming Brutal Death Metal Band from Iran.



Bloody Sadism is a one man Slamming Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore band from Tehran, Iran. Formed by Pooyan Ahmadi in 2014. The band has released debut studio album by Base Record Production (Label from Spain) in October 2019. It’s a concept album about a psychopath who is living all alone. Lyrics theme: Sexual Sadism, Gore and Blood, Drags, Violence Composer, Arranger. Band’s main influences are bands like Cannibal Corpse and Morbid Angel. Lineup Lyrics, Vocals, All Instrumentals, Drum Programming by Pooyan Ahmadi.



We present to you our experience. We would like to tell you about musicians and bands not so well known around the world. This is the story of Blackthorn - Allfemale Symphonic Hextreme Metal band from Russia. Band Links https://www.facebook.com/BlackthornMetal https://blackthornmetal.bandcamp.com http://instagram.com/BlackthornMetal https://twitter.com/BlackthornRus https://www.youtube.com/BlackthornRus

Andrew Stanton



Blackthorn Quite literally the world’s sexist band. Combining Black Metal with Gothic Metal this band from Moscow are the thing of dreams and fantasies. They formed in 2004 and struggled a lot in their early days. In 2009 they signed to Ravenheart Music and released their debut album Gossamer Witchcraft. They very quickly earned cult status. In 2011 they signed to MSR Productions where they remain today. Many years later and many, many line-up changes. Blackthorn have proved a total commitment to their art and their fans and refuse to quit. Mixing deep growled vocals with sopranos and quicker, more vicious screeches. Their sound is never rough. This is a band who insist on cleaning up all their mistakes. A very heavy use of Classical music with this band. Fronted by the most breathtaking woman you will ever lay eyes on. Blackthorn are near impossible to hate. A band to die for. Discography: 2009 - Gossamer Witchcraft 2009 - Аранеум 2011 - Codex Archaos 2015 - Witch Cult Ternion





Review by Andrew Stanton Helvetes Javla Skit Ok then. What we have here is insane, 1 minute Grindcore songs. 20 tracks under 20 minutes. An insane amount of energy. Ridiculously over the top (if that’s your thing). Not boring for a second. The vocals are almost screamed as opposed to growled. Even though it’s Grindcore, I think it’s almost Hardcore Punk. On some songs


it’s harder to say. The album just explodes from track one and never slows down. The blast beats never end ( well for a good 18 minutes anyway ). 18 minutes you’ll be glad you’re not getting back. Does that mean their live shows will be 18 minutes too? It’s definitely a great debut, and I’m already excited to know what they do next. It’s just over the top, in your face noise.

Pretty much just that. Not really much to art-up here. When the album ended, I actually thought I pressed pause by accident, but no, that really was the end. For those people who hate epic music, this is one for you. It’s just noise really… Enjoy.

the guitars, blastbeats and hysterical scream voice Review by Olga Schneider awake you from this atmospheric s l u m b e r accompanied by the mood changes the guitars and whole time. The whole acoustic creation opens with the clean vocals. melancholic intro which Actually great one for is way closer to Doom relaxing and recharging Metal and suddenly your batteries a little continues with true bit, especially during raw Black Metal sound. these long cold autumn Throughout the whole evenings. album, this merciless raw sound gives way to something lyrical and then backwards, roar of

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From one issue to another, I simply wonder how many worthy projects are unknown in this world, really. So, another one who found us lately is named Sepulchre by the Sea, a one man Atmospheric Black Metal project inspired by Edgar Allan Poe. Founded in 2019, the band has released its first fulllength album named C on qu e ror Worm. Actually there’s not that many information about the band, nor do we know the history and stuff like that, but it’s definitely worth of listening. First of all, I must say that this work is truly large-scaled, cause each track is really long, but at the same time, they don’t feel like something overextended cause



Review by Andrew Stanton Asarmoth Princess of the Darkness First of all, this is an interesting Death/ Doom crossover. Very much like Opeth. I always give a lot of credit to solo artists. P o e t r y seems to play a big part of this guy. It’s a very slow album throughout. It’s definitely an album


that concentrates more on the dark gloomy side, rather than the high-energy Death Metal. It’s not really my thing, but Doom fans will love it. At certain moments, it starts to remind me of Carach

Angren. My biggest issue with this is the lack of energy, but it’s at least

interesting. This is the debut album from this Italian guy. Where he goes from here remains to be seen. This is a very short album with a super epic opening track that goes on and on, maybe for a few years. My god it goes on. The opening track is like half of this album. It’s okay, but it’s not amazing.


Symbtomy - Demo This is very brutal. Kind of like Melodic Blackened Death Metal. Good speed and good energy. This is a three track demo, and it’s very good. The vocals are pretty dominant with this band. It’s a very hard album to fault, mostly because of how good and how short it is. Apparently, this is ‘Demo 1’, but I think they should stop wasting time and release a full length album as soon as possible. The sound and style is perfect. You know I love good, deep growls. According to Metal Archives, this band have been around since 2019, so this is quite a slow band. But in all fairness, I suppose the pandemic hasn’t helped. This debut is so good, I honestly can’t even

Review by Andrew Stanton imagine any other magazines finding fault (but I wouldn’t put it p ast them). If this band splits up before their first full length album, I will NEVER f o r g i v e them.




Review by Olga Schneider

After having been following their way for 30 years and after havig changed a bunch of members, Necroplhobic is still remaining one of those bands who still keep following their own traditions, without trying to found any compromises please a bit more modern Metal audience. Their last release named Dawn Of The Damned, which is avaliable since October 2020, is a great confirmation to that. Maybe some of you would mean that this one sounds a bit «calmer» than the previous album, but still,


Necrophobic haven’t lost their venomous and blasphemous essence. All starts with the atmospheric and melodic intro and continious with growing fury, plumming the listener deeper and deeper into hell. This venom and cold will follow you during the whole opus, it’s rough and hypnotic at the same time. Here you can feel so clearly the influence of NWOBHM, just as they made this kind of music way more... Blackened. The coldest and the harshest version ever. Suspense on top which makes your blood blaze and freeze alternately. With this work, Necrophobic have

solidified their own style brought through the decades, and, as I mentioned before, it’s just a pleasure to see such bands follow and develop their traditions, without trying to gain more and more audition. Trends come and go away so easily, but loyality to yourself and to what you do is everything and remains forever.

new with this creation, but Review by Olga Schneider as we can see, that was not the goal. But at the same time, this traditional Death hit. The album itself is just Metal in their interpretation pure Old School Death sounds way more developed. Metal built actually of The band just took all the the same materials. So it’s modern possibilities for it and used them to make their sound harsher and even more precise than ever. Good old music on a completely new level, mix of nostalgy and impossible to assure some kind of new power. that Benediction have created something

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30 years from the very first release including 12 years of silence since their previous release, and now finally here they are! Benediction have released their new album named Sculptures this October. As lots of bands nowadays, they had to postpone this release for couple of months, but it was definitely worth it, but it’s not even the point. So, the point is that good olg David Ingram is back. Back after 20+ damn years. Honestly, I’m one of those people who can’t really take Benediction without him, so the last year’s news about his return and of course about the new album with him was some kind of a hammer


Review by Andrew Stanton New World Depression - Descent. The growls in this one are actually quite easy to understand. Very similar to Cancer and Obituary. A bit of an old school sounding band.

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Very cool. This is some quite slow Death Metal, but it’s not boring. For me personally, it’s very nostalgic. I used to listen to a lot of stuff like this in the early 90’s. When I first read their name I was expecting s o m e

DSBM, so I was quite surprised. Many people complained Death Metal went stale, but compared to what shit some people listen to these days, Death Metal has always remained great. I’m struggling to find fault here. This is my kind of thing. The memories I’m getting are amazing Death, Cancer, Masacre, Obituary, Nocturnus. I’m loving this. Even though they’re from Germany, it sounds like Florida Death Metal right, left and centre. In the early 90’s these guys would have been huge. Metal fans my age will love this.


Antzaat For The Men Who Gaze Into The Sun. The album starts off with a bit of church music, similar to Gehenna’s First Spell. If you hate Black Metal, this is gonna do very little to change your mind about it. It’s raw Black Metal, there is some Melodic Black in there a bit, a bit of At mo sphe r i c Black also, but mostly it stays Raw. It’s not an easy listen, It’s definitely one for the more experienced listener. It’s definitely not as raw as the likes of Satanic Warmaster or Temple of Decay, but you get what I mean. I would have preferred it more rough and unrehearsed. After the intro, the album quickly

of listener. It’s very obviously Black Metal. They’re not trying to be clever, it’s just Black Metal. It’s one for the Black Metal collectors (we know you’re out there). It’s ok, but don’t expect anything amazing.

Review by Andrew Stanton becomes very different from Gehenna’s First Spell. Maybe more like Adimiron Black. There’s some nice touches with the cymbals during the blast beats. This drummer must get sore arms after a gig. The bass on the last song is very cool. It’s one of those albums that takes the right sort

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Review by Olga Schneider Mors Principium Est - Seven. Lots of you can admit that each time you hear something about Melodic Death Metal, you immediately recall such bands as good old Dark Tranquillity, Ceremonial Oath, At the Gates... But what about Finnish Melodic Death Metal? Always lots of mixed reviews.

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For me Mors Principium Est have always been some kind of outstanding band regarding Finnish MDM. Yeah, they changed members the whole time, but the manners, the energy and the atmosphere have always remained the same. October 2020 was the time when the dudes released their seventh full-length album named «Seven» after 3 years of silence. The first thing you remark

at once is that guitars have got some kind of more «modern» sound if you compare this release to the previous ones, what makes this one a bit closer to some kind of Progressive Metal. But in this case, this is not to say that the band is trying to be more commercial and shit, there’s nothing to do with that, just a fact. In general, the album turned out to be incredibly strong, there are no tracks you just get to listen once and then forget it: each track has something unique and remarkable. Blast-beats and tight guitars are perfectly mixed with breathtaking orchestral parts and vocals. Not always you need clean vocals to tear souls apart... Having listened to the whole opus several times, I can guarantee that it’ll keep you in tense and kinda out of reality each second of its lasting.


Draconian Under a Godless Veil. So, here is another portion of autumn melancholy from the Swedish Doom/ Death Metal band Draconian. 5 years of silence, seventh full-length album... So let’s see what they’ve come with this time! As it always happens when it’s about something related to Doom Metal, you need a special mood for listening to such kind of music. And now I guess it’s a perfect time, season or whatever you call it. Something that always remains the same with Draconian are of course really long tracks. You don’t notice any strong contrast among them, one comes from another, and while listening to that, you don’t even notice how time flies. It’s possible to assure that

of course strong post Metal influence this time. It’s always such a specific thing, you n e e d to know how to work with it, and in Draconian’s case, it turned out to be more than fitting. Yeah, generally it’s hard to say that the band has created something completely new with this album, but... Did someone expect this? I guess no. They’re just keeping their own spirit (for which we love them!) and trying to expand their horizons. And, I must say, they’re doing good with it so far.

Review by Olga Schneider this work is kinda special for the band. Yeah, still the same melancholy mood, but

this time it’s way more brutal and at the same time emotional. And

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Review by Andrew Stanton Sweden’s Demonical are an old school Death Metal band. Been listening to a lot of this stuff this month. Swedish Death Metal is very different from the old Florida stuff we all loved back in the day. The vocals concentrate more on aggression than the quick, vicious growls. One thing I love here is the

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guitar work, especially on Aeons of Death. The album remains short (about half an hour),

Deicide style. No idea what the songs are about, but clearly all in

English. Slipping Apart mixes Power Metal with Death and is very cool. It works really well and probably better than it should. The energy is ok, it’s never boring. Having never followed the Swedish scene, this band is very new to me, though they have been around for a while. By and large, it’s been good. The song writing is okay. The album keeps it simple. Not as good as Deicide, but better than Bolt Thrower.

Review by Andrew Stanton so it’s very cool. Some will hear this as just noise, while Black Metalheads w i l l have a better understanding (lucky us). It’s Black Metal made by a Black Metal fan for Black Metal fans and i t never tries to be anything else. It’s raw, it’s horrible, it’s brutal, it’s rough. I’m not gonna

say I loved every minute, but I did l i k e it. For the most part it’s good.

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Temple of Decay Last Manifestation of Life. The sound is certainly very rough around the edges and a good use of crushing distortion with this Polish band. It has that classy car crash sound that Metalheads love. Some parts remind me of Satanic Warmaster, Mgla, Marduk and Darkthrone. The clean vocals definitely remind me of Mayhem. It never bothers to try to be nice. Some of the guitar riffs remind me of Slayer, but other than that, it’s definitely 100% Black Metal. This is a debut EP and it’s ok. Judging by the song titles (which is all I have to go on), I would say like half is in English and the other half is in Polish. Personally, I would have preferred faster vocals, but I understood what this singer is trying to do,



Review by Andrew Stanton Therrorder Sangre y muerte. This year was complete and utter shit, but one thing we did get was the first Therrorder album. This Colombian band has been around for quite a while, but this year we get their first album. People who know me ( yes, they do exist ), know that one of my idols plays bass in this band, but I will be totally honest despite this. Therrorder were


influenced by old school Testament, Kreator, Death, Obituary, but they don’t really sound like any of those bands. The vocals are often fast and slightly growled. Good drums, the guitars are always good with this band. They almost sound like Colombia’s answer to Sepultura more than anything. People who loved their EP a few years

ago, ‘Tiempos de Guerra’, won’t be disappointed. This time we get a song in English, ‘Gates of Evil’, no idea what it’s about as I don’t have a lyric sheet. It’s a sort of Death/Thrash crossover band. This was an album I was excited about for a while and I’m not disappointed. I have no idea what any of this is all about. It would be nice to know. The intro is very cool and weird. Basically, Therrorder fucking rules.


Demonstealer - And This Too Shall Pass ​Quite an impressive solo project from India. At times it reminds me of Deicide, Behemoth, Vital Remains. According to Metal Archives this is Blackened Death Metal, but definitely more on the Death side of things. Black Metal influences can be heard, but it’s not constant. The last track ‘From Flesh to Ashes’ is a great and very random Power Metal song that is a big

Review by Andrew Stanton surprise. It almost seems like it’s on the wrong album. But it shows their range of talent. This is a really great EP. I’m not really finding many faults here. Even though it’s all in English, I can’t quite work out any themes or subjects, Or maybe I’m just very thick. This is a crowdfunded release and I

think people involved will feel very proud. According to their press kit, Demonstealer were around for a good 10 years before they decided to release anything, but it’s been worth the wait. Enjoy.

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Review by Andrew Stanton Decembre Noir - The Renaissance of Hope. To be honest, I’m probably not the right person to be reviewing this album. December Noir are a Melodic Doom M e t a l band from Germany. I must admit, I don’t really hear the Melodic part of this. I t just sounds l i k e Doom Metal to me. Good, deep growls that we expect


from Doom Metal. It’s almost like a cross between old school My Dying Bride and new school My Dying Bride. It goes on a bit like. Lots of 9 minute songs. This is my main issue with this genre of music, if you don’t like it, it out

stays it’s welcome very quickly. But if this isn’t a problem for you, you’ll probably love it. The growls sometimes remind me of

Moonspell, but saying that, they actually remind me of a few bands I’ve heard over the years. About half way through the album, they actually start using blast beats. Very strange for this genre. The more I listen, the more interested I get. December Noir are a Doom Metal band, but clearly influenced by some slower Death Metal bands. I can’t claim to have heard every Doom band, but this one is definitely unique.


Uthullun Dirges for the Void. Thank your lucky stars, there are some American bands who take Metal seriously. They haven’t all bought into this powerful Rock music shit. It’s not super heavy, but it’s not lightweight either. Some beautiful drums and bass on this one. The vocals aren’t trailblazing like I would prefer, but it’s ok. Similar to Mgla, the distortion plays a big part of this. The vocals almost sound like Emperor. But the vocals are a bit slow with this band. A bit too slow for me personally. Every once in a while it starts to remind me of very early Emperor, like the ‘As the Shadows Rise’ era, but

rest of the album. It does seem more along Review by Andrew Stanton the Post Black Metal lines. It’s the only beautiful part of this really. much slower. Some beautiful Whether or not it’s great interludes on this album. According to Metal shouldn’t matter too much. Archives, they write songs These are the kind of Black about death and sorrow, but Metal bands we should be it never becomes obvious. supporting. These are the It’s not DSBM or Post Black bands who will make Black Metal. It’s just a Black Metal Metal huge over time. This is album really. About half a very new band, so all I can way through the album you say is ‘welcome to the Metal get the song ‘Pyre’, it seems scene guys’. slightly different from the

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Review by Andrew Stanton Hegeroth Perfidia. Awesome drums on this one. Shortish songs. Fairly high energy Black Metal. It’s not Black Thrash, but it’s nearly there. Some fairly strange songwriting at times. I don’t know if it’s just me, but sometimes it sounds like Judas Priest playing Black Metal. This band is clearly influenced by a lot of different kinds of


bands. At times, they almost sound like Sabbat. Despite what the title tells you, it is all in English from what I can tell. I admit, I don’t really

like this album at all, but I love the energy. It’s never boring. Maybe some will appreciate it more than I do. I am finding this hard to make an opinion on if I’m honest. Some of this

I love to bits, but the rest I hate. This band could be truly amazing if they wanted to be. If you’re a Black Metal head w h o just happens to love the old Sabbat or King Diamond, definitely check this band out, 100%. They’re a band I’m glad exists. I’m actually dying to hear more. It’s an odd one, but to the right listener, it’s perfect.


Azarath - Saint Desecration. Poland’s Azarath have returned with a new singer. Over the last few years, Poland has really been showing the world how it’s done properly. Good growls, a good use of blast beats, good guitars. Sounds a bit like Morbid Angel at times. The songs average around the 3 or 4 minute mark. It’s Satanic, but not

Review by Andrew Stanton quite in Deicide’s league of shock. It’s all horrible, but quality horrible. No acoustic guitars or nice melodies or anything. Nothing here for the Nirvana fans or Bush fans… Thank god. The album finishes with the longest track with an outro that lasts about a minute. As an old school Death Metal head this is

a hard album not to love. Above all, it’s very good. Very good Death Metal like old Masacre or Morbid Angel. Polish Metal heads will be very proud of this one.

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Review by Andrew Stanton Varde - Fedraminne. It’s time for some epic stor ytelling f r o m N o r w a y, and my god it goes on. No idea what these stories are about as it’s all in Norwegian. Very much influenced by Tyr, Isengard and maybe Enslaved. Starting off with a 13 minute opening track (


yes, 13 whole minutes ). Probably longer t h a n some people have lived.

Track two, ‘Halvdan Svarte’, is very different from the first track. Almost sounds like a different band. The

more I listen, the more I’m reminded of Enslaved. Not as good as Enslaved, but that’s sort of to be expected. The title track is an acoustic ballad with horns and it’s quite good. It’s an album for the Nor wegian market, it’s not really for anyone else. In my defence, even if this was all in English, I would still say it’s too epic. Honestly, I think it’s quite good, but ruined by the length. Pretty much running for an hour, it’s one of those sort of albums you need to create the time for. If you have all day, it’s quite cool I suppose.


Mork - Pesta. A four track EP from Norway. One original song (the title track), one cover ( B u r z u m’s ‘ Va l e n’ ) , and two live songs. Very few people ever agree with me, but I still think No r w e g i a n B l a c k Metal is the hardest Black Metal to get into, and this hasn’t changed my opinion. All in Norwegian. No idea what any of it’s about. According to Metal Archives they write songs about Satanism, nature, misanthropy… And that’s a bit of a mixed bag. If you’re a fan of Mork and you’re buying this just for the live songs, I probably wouldn’t blame you. But the Burzum

Review by Andrew Stanton cover is good. As far as I’m concerned, the best song here. Of course, many will choose to boycott this just because of the Burzum cover and Mork probably knew that to be fair. If like me, you’re a Black Metal head who doesn’t follow the Norwegian scene, you probably have no interest in this at all.

But it does have some good qualities. People who only listen to Norwegian Black Metal, what are you waiting for? This is your dream EP.

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some German Death Metal bands. Review by Andrew Stanton I always write while I listen. I’m trying very hard to concentrate, but Featuring cameos the drum lines are insane. I Cadaver - Edder & Bile. brutal. Norwegian Death Metal is from Massacre’s Kam Lee and think the drummer makes this very rare. In fact, Cadaver Possesed’s Jeff Becerra. The album. Practising drummers is the only band I know. A songs are short and simple. out there need to hear this. The band who didn’t buy into It’s very much traditional guitars and growls are good also, but the drummer steals the Black Metal trend. the show here. We live in an age where Finishing off with the longest if someone mentions track on the album at only Norwegian Metal 4 minutes. It’s been fairly we all automatically amazing. It never gets think Black Metal. nice, it never slows down, And seriously, don’t it never tries to be clever. I knock it until you hear love this band. Maybe one of it. Hopefully, Cadaver the best albums of the year. Metal. can start a Death Metal Death There’s no Black influences trend in Norway. The drum kit abuse is at all. They remind me a lot of



Scour - Black. Phil Anselmo is back in black. This is my thing, short, quick blasts. It’s pretty intense stuff. Phil’s vocals here are very different from Pantera. Definitely not aimed at Pantera fans. The blast beats explode on this EP. I think it’s the shortness of the songs that make this great. No time for epic songwriting. Having never been a fan of Pantera, I was always put off by this band, and now I’m starting to regret it. It is really awesome. One for the true Metalheads. A lot of different kinds of growls and

Satanic, but n o t h i n g Review by Andrew Stanton obvious to me. From what I can tell, this screams and screeches band only seems to be heard. If I didn’t to release short EPs. actually know this was I’m not complaining Phil Anselmo, I never though, I think I might would have guessed. actually prefer it this Quite possibly the best way. If you’ve got American Metal band. 15 minutes to spare, A kind of cross between thrash out with Scour. Black Metal and Awesome. Hardcore. I’m struggling to compare them to anyone else. Apparently

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Upcoming albums

Horna are back with new album, «Kuoleman kirjo». Horna’s vision of unapologetic BLACK METAL is proud and pure, and played with an intensity and finesse that’s familiar yet unique. The past is alive because the present is dead; there is no future. Horna thus continue to stand immortal, and Kuoleman Kirjo is the only firmament on the foreseeable horizon. Line-up: Shatraug Guitars, Songwriting, Lyrics Infection Guitars, Songwriting Spellgoth - Vocals LRH - Drums VnoM - Bass «Kuoleman kirjo» will be released on December 11, 2020.

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Death metal legends Wombbath announce their 30th anniversary release which very few active bands can boast of. They’ve become a force to be reckoned with especially in recent years, after carving a reputation for themselves in the underground especially with their ‘Internal Caustic Torments’ full length in the early ‘90s. Since then they’ve released three more full lengths, each one better received than the last. This here is a release that includes completely re-recorded songs from their early years as well as brand new material representing the band’s current sound. The songs have been mastered in a way that there’s no difference in sound quality all through and plays almost as a whole new album. It’s fascinating to mark the progress of the band over the course of three decades and this release is a testament to the timeless quality of their brand of hard-hitting and memorable Swedish death metal. Tales of Madness will be released on December 18, 2020.

Mӕre - a malicious folkloristic entity creeping on sleeping people’s chest during the night and causing breathlessness and anxiety. It’s exactly this state of diffuse terror and paralysis that has been enshrined in HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY’s music ever since their debut album. And now, more tales from feverish dreams are being released in the form of the band’s 5th longplayer «Mӕre». As pioneers of the post movement, mixing haunting black metal with post rock moments, the Austrians have, ever since their conception in 2011, drawn fans and critics deeper and deeper into their maelstrom of melancholy, self hate and anger, and even reached #29 of the German charts with their previous release «Arson». And once again, several friends of the band entered the intoxicated world of HARAKIRI FOR THE SKY to guest on «Mӕre»: While Alcest’s front man Neige brings a haunting flair to ‘Sing For The Damage We’ve Done’, before the anonymous voice of Gaerea joins in on ‘Silver Needle // Golden Dawn’. As session drummer, the band one again commited none less than Kerim „Krimh“ Lechner (Septicflesh, live Behemoth) in the studio and the atmospheric artwork was designed by Art of Maquenda. Mӕre will be released on January 29th, 2021.

Having recently signed a twoalbum deal with ENDEZZMA, Dark Essence Records have today announced the details of “The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder”, the third full-length album from the Norwegian Black Metallers, and which is set to herald in the new year when it hits the streets on the 21st January 2021. Formed in 2006 by frontman M. Shax, ENDEZZMA’s current lineup, includes M. Malphas on guitars, Nihil on Rythm Guitar, Skriu on Drums and Aske on bass, forming a cohesive group of musicians who together demonstrate a brand of brutal, fiercely intense, and yet aesthetically mystical approach to their music. With “The Archer, Fjord and the Thunder”, ENDEZZMA have taken a huge step forward in their song writing. Mixing the raw grimness of the early days of black metal with the epic grandeur of later bands, to produce an album that bridges the gap between dark anthems and primitive aggression.

The legendary Dutch Death Doom Elite ASPHYX finally return with their new, 10th full studio album release. The human race is doomed and only death is real. 2020 was that kind of year. And now, to noisily emphasise that oblivion is definitely coming, the mighty ASPHYX are back with a brand new album and another blizzard of mortality-threatening riffs. Deafening proof that the last 12 monthshaveconjuredafewpositive results along the way, Necroceros is a murderous masterpiece for the never-ending age of death. Still heavier than just about everything else, ASPHYX will be first to the frontline of live performance when all this madness is over. After all, death comes to us all in the end.

Thrash metal powerhouse Nervosa attacks with inexorable full femme power, leaving the world in «Perpetual Chaos». The newly staffed quartet showcases their ability for impetuously feral, pungently sharp riffs and aggressive vocals on 13 massive tracks. The new line up – featuring founding guitarist Prika Amaral and talented new members Diva Satanica on vocals, Mia Wallace on bass and Eleni Nota on drums – delivers a massive punch of thrash spliced with remarkable death metal assaults. The powerful new formation of NERVOSA adds a contemporary touch to this already thrashing institution of metal. A tremendous outcome awaits with brawl-brushed guitar lines, Lineup blisteringly fast drums and critical Martin van Drunen - Vocals lyricism - striking the listener in a Paul Baayens - Guitars way only NERVOSA could. Viva Alwin Zuur - Bass «Perpetual Chaos»! Stefan Hüskens - Drums Lineup Prika Amaral - Guitars “Necroceros” will be available Mia Wallace - Bass worldwide on January 22nd, 2021. Eleni Nota - Drums Diva Satanica - Vocals Perpetual Chaos will be released on January 22, 2021.

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