9 minute read
Nordjevel Interview with DezeptiCunt
I n t e r v i e w b y O l g a S c h n e i d e r
1. Nordjevel was found- like a breath from the 90`s, do- injection thus bringing back the ed actually not that long ago, ing something new with the feel- vitality that the Norwegian black in 2015, but you have already ing of the 90`s. In my humble metal scene had lacked for years. reached such a great success opinion I don`t think this album 2. How did your and your among Black Metal support- was ground- dudes’ particiers around the world. In your opinion, what helped you to become so popular in such a short time? We have reached far and Nordjevel is for sure part of carrying the torch for Norwegian black metal these days, re-lighting the spirit of old. pation in your other and previous projects influenced Nordjevel? Do you try to use any principles from wide because those projects in this of the quali- breaking at all, we one or do you rather avoid it? ty of music and the hard work didn`t invent anything new for Music wise we have all brought a we put into the band I would the black metal scene. How- piece of ourselves from previous insay. The feedback was that our ever, it had that x-factor that fluences and bands, I guess all musidebut album “Nordjevel” was sounded like we had a vitamin cians have that signature that makes
the way of writing or expressing yourself unique, like a part of who you are as a musician. When it comes to running the band, I have brought all the knowledge and experience I had from before. This has been the biggest part of Nordjevel`s success, running the band as a business. Understanding what to do and when, utilizing all tools available.
3. Nor wegian Black Metal has such a long and breathtaking history, but nowadays it feels like some bands who made this genre popular (you definitely understand who I’m talking about) are splitting up little by little nowadays. So I see bands like Nordjevel as some kind of chance to re-animate Norwegian Black Metal scene. What do you think about it?
There`s a time for everything, and everybody. The bands from the 90`s are getting old, priorities change and perhaps some of them feel like they did what was right at the time, that time has now passed. Nordjevel is for sure part of carrying
the torch for Norwegian black metal these days, re-lighting the spirit of old. New bands will arise and carry on our legacy.
4. Your sound truly reminds about good old TNBM, but it’s like some kind of refreshed version, with way better sound and of course made by people who do have this spirit and attitude. Do you agree with this kinda theory or do you prefer to avoid any kind of impact from the past?
To be honest we don`t think about it at all, we try to do our thing and hopefully people will like it. I know some bands are trying hard to sound like this or that, but in the end, you come off as a copycat. Nordjevel aren`t trying to avoid having a particular sound, but then again, we`re not trying to sound like anything in specific either. If we like the music we compose, we are happy about it. If someone else likes it, that`s just a big bonus.
5. Just like any Metal band of such level in this world, you lost lots of shows in 2021, but you didn’t lose your time and now you’re about to release your new EP named Fenriir. What inspired you not to give up in such a fucked-up time?
Our EP “FENIIR” was created because of this fucked-up time. We were unable to enter the studio as planned so we decided to use some older material we had laying around and wrote the title track “Fenriir”. We also had “Rovdyr” laying around but to make things more interesting “Gnawing the Bones” was added. We will re-record “Gnawing…” for our next album with minor changes. To make
the EP more interesting for the fans we decided to pay homage to our tour mates Possessed, making a cover from “Fallen Angel”. We also added a live track from our show at Brutal Assault 2019, it was a great concert and we decided to include “Det Ror og Ror”.
6. The most expected question for sure, but still... Tell us in a couple of words: what should we expect from the new EP?
This EP will be like a mix of both our albums, some like the epic parts with Norse melodies, others prefers the fast and aggressive parts. You will have both!
7. The tracklist of Fenrir also includes one of Possessed songs cover [Fallen Angel]. Why have you chosen this one? Does it have any special personal meaning for you?
Possessed has been a big inspiration not only to us, but to the extreme metal scene in general. After touring with them and getting to know them on a personal level we found ourselves admiring not only what they have done for the scene, but also for what they still are doing as a band. They are still hardworking, more than most bands these days. Nothing comes for free and the old timers are still grinding it like it was 1985, they deserve all good things coming their way. Forever respect!
8. What was the most memorable/the most crazy of the tours you had for all this time before all this shit with Covid-19 started? What bands ended up to be the most killer to share the stage with?
From all the tours I`ve been on, my first tour was the most crazy. We went to Russia in February combining the tour with driving a van and taking the train in Siberia. The audience was beyond expectations though, one of the best audiences I have performed in front of. From all the band we have toured with I would say Suffocation is the most killer band of all time. The best live band I have ever seen! But I still want to put other bands up there as well, Marduk, Belphegor, Possessed and Morbid Angel were also great bands to tour with.
9. Most of your lyrics are made in Norwegian. Is there any goal to popularize the language a little bit or it’s rather done just for creating the atmosphere?
We are not trying to push an agenda by writing in Norwegian. Sometimes it is easier to express feelings and emotions in Norwegian, simply because English doesn`t cut it. When writing in Norwegian we get the sense of seriousness, whereas English can sound dull at times. It is easy to fall into the cliché way of writing, specially using the English language.
10. So what’s the future of Norwegian Black Metal scene, in your opinion? Is there any chance to keep the traditions, or, while the society is changing, and Metal community as well, it’s rather about building new traditions based on old ones? Or about completely destroying the old ones?
I`m not worried about the traditions at all, what`s the point of re-creating something that was already made. It is difficult to find your own path but if you don`t, you end up being boring and sounding like an echo. The French scene has totally taken over, they have a different way of thinking and that makes it more interesting that listening to just another Darkthrone rip off from Norway.
11. In the conditions of changing world and society, what still keeps people so much interested in Black Metal, especially old one?
Black metal will forever stand as its own genre, and the turmoil in the world is for sure pushing
people in the direction of black metal. It is like a safe haven for like-minded metalheads, a place to sort your thoughts and get a break from all the shit around you. Black metal puts words on your darkest emotions, like a soundtrack to your life. The old bands were groundbreaking, so I have no problem understand why the old albums are still standing strong. They represent something new, something that became impossible to re-create, “de gamle er fortsatt eldst” as I would say in Norwegian. Whenever I listen to some of the old albums I go back in time, back to the atmosphere I felt when I first heard that album. That feeling will never go away.
12. What’s gonna be the firstthingyou’lldointheendof all this story with Covid-19?
First of all, I`m sure there will be shitloads of concert, everywhere. All the time.
I will for sure attend some gigs but my main focus will be planning my own gigs with Nordjevel and
Nattverd, but the marked will be over flooding so we have to plan carefully.
On a personal level this situation doesn`t make much of a difference to me, except for working with my bands I prefer to stay at home. Having a beer at home if I must and listen to my new vinyl from Borgne.
13. In the end of the interview, I just want to wish you really good luck with everything and keep your hearts on fire. What would you like to say to our readers and crew?
Keep your eyes open for the upcoming EP from Nordjevel and also the new album with Nattverd. Thanks for supporting us, you are the ones keeping us going! -DzeptiCunt