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Interview with Magnus Carlsson Wombbath
Interview with Magnus Carlsson
I n t e r v i e w b y O l g a S c h n e i d e r
1. Ablaze My Sorrow has that I became a father to a son you need a pause from any mubeen on board since 1993, but which took the most of the time. sicrelatedactivitiesingeneral? in 2006 you had to split up Another thing was that we had As I sad before I was tired of till 2013. What was the main almost a new record everything reason for such a long pause and what made you reunite again? I think there was many reasons for the split up. First of all a think that related to music. I didn’t even listen to other music under MDM is not as big as it was before. But there are quit a bunch of bands that still going strong. it was me that had come that period. to a point in life that made me coming after “anger” and some- 3. Your band was formed choose other priorities. I just how we did not manage to fin- at the time when Swedfelt that there was no longer ish it. At that moment we all felt ish Melodic Death Metal that fun to play and create music that we were done with AMS. was so actively developing, anymore. In that opinion I think 2. Did you have any attempts and even now we can hear I’m speaking for the others in to create any kind of side proj- strong impact of Gothenburg the band to. A few years before ects during this pause? Or did MDM school in your music.
Were there any bands you were and still are specially inspired of, or it’s just a mark of that time generally?
I think we have kept the style of MDM throughout all of our records. Of cause bands like In Flames, Dissection and At The Gates was a huge source of inspiration to us and still are. I think you can hear that when you listen to Among ashes and monoliths. Dissection is by far the best band ever btw ;)
4. At the same time, on your new album named Among Ashes and Monoliths we can also notice some modern tendencies impact. Don’t you deny it and what do you think about it?
It was never planned to use sting sessions, female vocals or digital sounds when I started to wright music for AAAM. And I don’t think it is so much of that either. When the preproduction was done and we started to record the album it just came up. I mean we have been really consistence whit our music through all these years and it is just natural to try something new for us.
5. What can you tell about the current situation with Swedish MDM generally? In your opinion, is it splitting up little by little or does it have any chances to get reborn?
For sure MDM is not as big as it was before. But there are quit a bunch of bands that still going strong. What will happen in the future I have no idea. All I now is that we will continue playing MDM.
I have already started to do some new songs and it will be no big difference to AAAM.
6. The cover of your third album Anger, Hate and Fury featured artwork by Niklas Sundin. Tell us a bit more aboutthiscollaboration.Have you ever had any thoughts about collaborating with him as with a musician as well?
No he was never on our thoughts for this record. You know that nowadays you have to pay almost everything by yourself and I can imagine that his artwork is to expensive. Lucky for us is that today there are so many skilled persons with a computer that can create something cool for almost nothing. I think Mustpha Design did a really nice work with AAAM. But if our record-label will spill some money over us in the future we shall definitely ask Niklas again.
7. Do you plan any tours to promote the new album when all this shit with CV ends? If you do, will you concentrate on solo concerts or rather on festivals?
Yea of cause we will play live again when all this is over. It would be nice to do something with the other awesome bands on Black Lion rec. A mini tour or something would be great and festivals are always welcome to ask us. We just have to wait and see.
8. Thank you for taking your time for this interview! In the end, what would you like to say to our readers and crew?
Thanx for this interview and for supporting us! “If Jesus made wine out of water, then I’ll make wolves out of sheep”