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Thy Dying Star. Interview with Bruno
Interview with Bruno.
Interview by Jay Parker
Hi, this is Jay reporting from Colombia... Today I will be talking to Brazilian Doom/black monsters THY DYING STAR. I grew up in England on a diet of Paradise Lost, Cathedral, Decomposed, My Dying Bride and Anathema, and these guys really touched by black rotten heart. Fantastically orchestrated, slow, gloomy riffs with massive chugging riffs. Keep it coming guys!

1) When and where was THY DYING STAR founded? Who are the members?
Thy Dying Star was founded early in 2021 by Bruno Bomfim and Daniel Sanchez, more specifically in February and quickly we composed our first song, The Last Verses.
2) Describe your music in 5 words.
Introspection, Intimacy Feeling, Love and Hate.
3) Tell me about your EP? When and where was it recorded? Are you currently recording new material?
We have already released two singles (Ashes and Last Verses) and both of them can be found on the platform streaming and YouTube, on our Channel. We take care of all the recording processes and the musical production, even with almost 200 kilometres between us. Once all the instruments and the vocals are recorded, Daniel is in charge of the mixing process and Bruno takes care of the mastering. We do everything in our home studios, we call them Havoc Records. Currently we are working on our debut album AD OMNIA FINEM and we have plans to release it by the end of this year. We have all the music done and we are working on the recording process right now.

4) Are you involved in any other projects?
Although both of us have other projects we are giving Thy Dying Star all the attention it deserves. TDS is bigger than us, it is a scream of a mute... we do that or we both will suffocate.
5) Who are your influences and which new bands do you listen to? Recommend some underground Brazilian bands for our readers...
Our main influences are bands like Paradise Lost, Anathema, Novembers Doom, Swallow the Sun, Thy Light, Harakiri for the Sky and ColdWorld. About the Brazilians bands, Brazil proudly is some kind of a cradle of influential bands of a lot of different subgenres of metal (like Sarcofago, Sepultura, Krisiun, Angra...) and we are lucky to be surrounded by bands like Vazio, Corpse ov Christ, LegioInferi, Head Krusher, Chaos Synopsis, Amantikir and so many others.
6) What are THY DYING STAR’s plans for the future?
We are eagerly awaiting the end of this pandemic to present our music live around the world. We hope to release our first album this year and that this album goes as far as possible.
7) Do you have anything to say to our readers?
First of all we would like to thank you for this opportunity to present our work, we are very grateful for the space you gave to us. Everyone who wants to know more about Thy Dying Star can find us at the main streaming platform or on YouTube, we are also on Facebook and Instagram. Greetings from Brazil!!! A massive thanks and a massive embrace for our friends at THY DYING STAR!