4 minute read
Awicha. Interview with Rex

Interview by Jay Parker
Hi to all our readers, this is Jay. Today I’ll be talking to the legendary Black Metal musician and producer Rex from Awicha, in Bangkok Thailand. Awicha is a well-established band in Asia and is currently promoting various new releases…
Hi Rex, thanks for taking the time to talk to us.
1) Tell our readers about Awicha? When and where was the band formed? What have you released so far?
Awicha is my solo Black Metal project. It was formed right after we founded Dei Tetra in 2008. Both of the bands were formed in Bangkok, Thailand. Awicha is me, Rex Viperon alone. The music focuses on producing raw crushing Black Metal music with influences from my Thrash Metal and Death Metal background. So far, I have When I became a bit older, I became deeply obsessed with metal music. released 7 main releases (1 full length ablum, 4 demos, 1 EP, and 1 single). There are also 6 other Split Albums, collaborating with amazing bands like Galpedar (Italy), All (Morocco), and the most recent, Morkhgrat from the Philippines.

2) Tell us about the inspiration behind your songs and lyrics?
Most of Awicha’s material is based on my own perspectives about life, humans, society, religions and beliefs. Events around me play a significant role in how I portray my music and art.
3) Who were your influences growing up? What inspired you to play Black Metal?
Luckily, my musical journey started when I was very young. My parents would put on different genres of music every time we were in the car. There were songs and bands from the 60s all the way to the 90s, and anything from “ballad” to “rock”. Artists and bands like Elvis Presley, the Carpenters, and The Rolling Stones were among some of them. When I became a bit older, I became deeply obsessed with metal music. Bands like Metallica, Slayer, and Rammstein were my favorites. I started playing Black Metal in 2007-2008. There has always been something about Black Metal that fascinated me, whether it’s the sounds, the atmosphere, or the rawness of the music. Some of the bands that I praise are Dark Funeral, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, and Emperor.
4) Are you planning to expand Awicha and play live? Why?
Yes, with the experience of playing live with Dei Tetra, I can imagine how Awicha would be doing live shows. When Dei Tetra was playing live, we delivered. There were real blood, spikes, nails, candles, bones, and even pig heads. I would definitely bring these up on stage for Awicha as well. Playing live is special. It helps connect the fans to the music, to the band, to the band members on a different level. People would have a better understanding about what Awicha truly is. Maybe they will also have a different experience through personal interactions.

5) Which bands do you listen to today?
Same old bands that I have been listening to for years; Metallica, Rammstein, Slayer, Behemoth, Dark Funeral, Nile, Cannibal Corpse, and Gorgoroth. Out of the metal genre, I also listen to some jazz, underground drum n bass, orchestral music, and psychedelic trance from the 90s. These other genres are very helpful when you want to compose something different.
6) What is the black metal scene like in Thailand? How do people outside the scene perceive the music? Recommend some Thai bands for our readers...
Thailand Black Metal scene is coming back from what I consider a long pause. There are more new bands in the scene, showing their abilities for this extreme art. Black metal bands are now working and supporting each other more than before, which is a really good thing. Black Metal, Death Metal, and Thrash Metal are the extreme genres for extreme listeners. People outside the scene probably find it hard to accept our art and music. And I personally have no problem with that. If I do, I would have played pop music. For Thai Black Metal bands, I highly recommend Northern Darkness, Leftmuenang, Sumis, Vajra, Dark Mystery Ihllus, Satanic of Phuphan, and Lotus of Darkness.
7) What are Awicha’s plans for the future? Are you recording new material?
Awicha is in the process of releasing the 13th anniversary album this year. Most probably in either August or September. It will be a special release with old songs (remastered) from the first demo, and unreleased songs recorded between 2009 and 2020. Moreover, I have already written and recorded some new material for 2021. So be prepared! Apart from that, if everything works out, AWICHA may have its first live show very soon.

8) Do you have a message for our readers?
First of all, I would like to thank Jason, my good brother, for this opportunity and for the interview. For the readers, I would like to say thank you for anyone who has read this interview, and maybe would look up Awicha and listen to the songs on bandcamp and youtube. Check Awicha out if you can! Hails!
Thanks Rex... black blood my brothers!