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Austral Wolf. Interview with Ulfrmir Svarti.

Interview by Jay Parker
Hi this is Jay in Bogota, Colombia… Today I’m lucky enough to be talking with Ulfrmir Svarti from the up and coming Black Metal band from Bogota, AUSTRAL WOLF. AUSTRAL WOLF released the mind blowing full-length album ‘COLD SOUTHERN BLOOD’ this year, I highly recommend it…
1) When, where and why was AUSTRAL WOLF formed?
AUSTRAL WOLF was born in 2015, in February, founded by myself and a bassist, who played with me until 2018. Since then, the band has followed a different route for personal reasons. AUSTRAL WOLF was formed to reignite Black Metal, the ancient Pagan visions (or some part of them) and to awaken the consciousness of bygone times, superior in abysmic proportions, far superior to the modern world of today.
2) AUSTRAL WOLF is just you, you play every instrument…How do you manage that? Have you thought of expanding the project and perhaps playing live?
I play all the instruments and I write all the songs. I am not planning to play live, it is a one-man project just for studio recording.

3) The album, COLD SOUTHERN BLOOD, is amazing. You have captured the essence of the Andean Forests, very much like Emperor captured the atmosphere of the Norwegian Forests in the 90s… What inspired you? Where and how was the album recorded?
All music has inspiration, my main influences are Immortal, Burzum, Ulver, Summoning,Skogen, and, in essence many bands that express melody with anti-christian, pagan, magical, mythical and warlike ideologies. The album COLD SOUTHERN BLOOD was recorded at ESTRUENDOS INFERNALES STUDIOS in Bogota, Colombia in May 2020 and released in 2021.
4) Tell us your plans for AUSTRAL WOLF in the future…
The future in uncertain, only will determine that. AUSTRAL WOLF will be realizing a split LP with a band called LUGUBRE, from Duitama, Colombia later in 2021…and we are planning to record the second d album in 2022, battling for the resurgence of pagan and anti-materialist cosmovisions.
5) Tell us about your experiences as a Black Metal musician in Colombia…
Being a Black Metal musician in Colombia is simple…our war is fought with will and passion, the work is hard, a rebellion against the modern world… and in many aspects, the reality in our country, internal and external battles and our lives.
6) Recommend some new Colombian bands for our readers…
In Colombia there are many excellent Black Metal hordes. However, there are others that, for me, don’t follow the significance nor the essence of Black Metal. I would personally recommend Somnum, Abscision, Atrium, Insurreccion, Mantra Anguis, Luciferian Werewolfs among many others, it would take too much space to name them all…
7) Is there anything else you’d like to add for our readers?
I would like to add that our music is one of the few fronts that still resists the weakness and sickness of a world in ruins, modern and monetized, our labours must be focused on preserving nature, mystical ways, developing our own will and the resurgence of pagan ways. The Darkness is the only true existential reality. Hail Heathenism! Hail true Black Metal! Thanks, and Brotherly Greetings from Bogota, Colombia. Ulfrmir Svarti , Austral Wolf.