1 minute read
Interview with Mariia Sue

Interview by Jay Parker
1) Tell our readers a little about yourself...
My Name is Maria Sue, I’m a poledancer a metalhead, so I dance with Black Metal and other styles of Metal.
2) When did you first get into Black Metal?
When I was about 15 years old.
3) What bands do you listen to when you are not dancing?
I love Marduk, Watain, Belphegor since I was a teenager.
4) What inspires your dances? What inspired you to become a BM pole dancer?
Dancing is my passion and I love metal music, so I’m happy to combine it and enjoy life.
5) You have some breath taking videos on social media, and you are clearly very talent ed, tell us some bands that you have made videos for... have you performed live on stage with bands?
I danced with Zornheym, Heads For the Dead, Thamuzifer, Bloodeternal and many more. Once I performed on one bike fest but not with life band’s concert.

6) What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to move into playing or producing music?
Dancing is my hobby, and I’m happy people love my dancing, so I’m going to keep myself on fit ;)
7) Tell us about the Black Metal scene in Russia...
We have an amount of bands, I like Grond, Pyre, for example.
8) Do you have a message for our readers?
Just watch and enjoy.
My pages:
My profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006745360062
My group https://www.facebook.com/groups/671495906879529
My page https://www.facebook.com/mariiasue
Instagram: mariiasue