Spider God - Black Metal from The United Kingdom
Interview with Spider God
Interview by Jay Parker
come up with. I had some riffs for another project that I’d abandoned a few months before, and although they were quite melodic and positive sounding, I found they worked quite well when filtered through the raw bm aesthetic. 2) Run us through your dis1) Tell us covery, about Spifrom start der God… to finish... when/where/ (some seriously great BM why did you de- room projects - and I felt like there)... when and where cide to form the band?? experimenting with the genre did you record? Where can Spider God was conceived myself to see what I could our readers buy your music? Hi this is Jay reporting from Bogota, Colombia...Today I’m talking to Spider God from UK... A refreshingly melodic sound and with an abundance of material released since 2020, this band is certainly shining bright... Thanks for taking the time to talk to our readers...
during October 2020 in the South West region of the UK. The raw black metal scene was experiencing a resurgence thanks in part to the pandemic, which enabled a lot of solo musicians to indulge in new b e d -
n e e b e v a h nt My rdeleasbeys differem inspisrethat have given. e film icular inspiration part