#5 reissue in English

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#5 (2018)

Reissue in English


MOSCOW St. Petersburg Xe-NONE Centhron The End Of Melancholy


The Soul That Doesn’t Sleep

Hot news: Theatres des Vampires about Russian Tour!

Stefano Benfante About the past and the present

News I Interview I Reviews I Exclusive

Flavio Gianello

How I have became a vampire


Russian Candyland’s tour 2017: 6 Interview with vampires 8 Flavio Gianello… How I have became a vampire 14 Sonya’s photos 18 Cadaveria-The Soul That Doesn’t Sleep 22

Moscow, Zil Arena 27.10.2017

Our staff:

Editor-in-chief Evgeny Destroyer Editors Ketrin Dark Olga «Blackie» Schneider Design by Evgeny Destroyer E-mail: destroyerr78@mail.ru WEB: https://www.facebook.com/ TheatresDesVampiresMagazine http://vk.com/tdvmagazine Our site: http://teatr-vampirov.ucoz.ru Official pages of TDV: http://www.theatresdesvampires.it https://www.facebook.com/ TheatresDesVampires

DELTA MEKONG CONCERTS Centhron Xe-NONE THE END OF MELANCHOLY Rockcult. Svetlana Kovalenko Jay Reedus & Millenna Nero Millenna (Mil Fil) Katrin Antares (ANCKORA) Photoreview by Katrin Antares Olga «Blackie» Schneider †mortion† Dark Maria Olga Halloween in faces

27 28 30 36 42 51 54 56 59 62 63 64 65 67

St. Petersburg, Opera 28.10.2017 INFINITY CONCERT 71 Erema Nagual 72 Dracula is the leader of Halloween 74 Drop Dead video 76 Knightberg - Scary Pumpkin Ale 81 Sub-cult.ru. Anastasia Filippova 88 Photoreview by Anastasia 91 Moon Art 97 Olga Safronova 99 Ruslan Nagiyev 104 The most terrible Halloween in faces Photoreview by Anastasia 105 Photoreview by Olga Safronova 106

TDV and friends

Interview with Stefano Benfante 108 «Сказки Ино» band Interview with Valeria and Aleksey 114 Fanart 120

Vampires in cinema

The Haunted Castle Dracula Dracula’s Death Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens

News of vamp’s party

122 124 125 126


Editor’s brief This edition is devoted to Theatres des Vampires. And again, I must begin the greeting with justifications. But it is really a shame that our magazine is released just once in a year. It’s really sadly but I had no time to do what I wanted. We were forced to suspend the activity for an indefinite time. Fortunately for us (and, I hope, for you) the moment of revival has come, so we have a pleasure to present our next edition. It’s our fifth full issue. It’s a mini-anniversary and I congratulate all our team. It was hard, but we have made it, and I hope that our next creation will be pleasant to you, our dear readers. Of course, we had three intermediate releases issued by new year (2016), dedicated to Sonya’s birthday and dedicated to the new album-Candyland. But we didn’t numbered them because it were mini-issues devoted to a certain event releases. And now just a little about our new issue. This issue is entirely devoted to the Russian tour of Theatres des Vampires. This is the reason why we don’t release all of our plans but in the following issue. There will be many new sections that will be pleasant to you I hope. We have many exclusive materials there. We have a pleasure to present to you the interview with madam Cadaveria and of course with Flavio! In this issue we begin to tell you about movies dedicated to vampires. This subject became interesting for the cinema practically from the beginning. You will be able to learn about all interesting movies devoted to vampires and vampirism in chronological order. We will present an information that won’t remain without attention of followers of bloody inhabitants of night. I remind that we have a section «Question-answer». So everybody can ask the question to the members of Theatres des Vampires and they will answer. The band will answer all of your questions with pleasure. If you have questions, send it to the edition (destroyerr78@mail.ru). We will give them to the band and then the answers will be published in our magazine. And of course, don’t forget about the section called Fan Art. We are waiting for your works and we will publish it with pleasure. Stay with us and listen to Theatres des Vampires! See you.


date of this issue is

very important for us all.


is the birthday of two

Theatres des Vampires at the same time: their wonderful frontwoman Sonya Scarlet and their guitarist Flavio Gianello who came to the band not so long ago but now he is its essential part. Dear guys, let this day be unforgettable for you, just try to celebrate it louder than fucking hell. And... Just continue to members of

make your music and please your fans and friends with it and with your vampiric charm, go forward and always be strong!


TDV 02.04.2018

Blood is life!

Time goes ... the spirit remains, seeks for new directions, new conditions ... always in fragile equilibrium but determined in one’s instinct, following one’s own nature and taking us forward. happy birthday

Sonya and Flavio. Immortal comrades!

Hi Sonya! Happy «our» birthday beauty, may this year be full of satisfactions and blood... even if probably for you these are the same thing! :)

TDV 02.04.2018


On October 27, 2017 in Moscow, in ZIL Arena club the grandiose HALLOWEEN PARTY took place. Our vampires from Italy should perform that night and to show who are vampires at that party. The people wearing their thematic suits went to night party, they went to see their favorite bands...


TDV 02.04.2018

On October 28, 2017, after HALLOWEEN PARTY which that passed in Moscow, the guests arrived in St. Petersburg to play at Opera club. It was a more large-scale and fascinating thematic party and it was called ÂŤThe most terrible HALLOWEENÂť. Two stages, more music and the party till the morning. And now more about everything.

TDV 02.04.2018




with the vampires

Italian Vampires not just pleased us with their new and, by the way, a very cool album, but honored Russia with their visit. They played the two long-awaited concerts: in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A great occasion for a fresh interview, isn’t it? But now, fuck all these introductions, time to begin! Olga «Blackie» Schneider so many years of silence the

So you have returned from Russia a few days ago. What are your impressions in general? Sonya: It is always amazing to come back to Russia, this is a country I love lot! We did our best to come this time, we had some problems in South America because in Buenos Aires there was a thief who stole my bag with everything inside included my passport with my visa for coming to Russia a couple of weeks later. It was a bloody rush and a nightmare to make all the documents again with just few days left to do it, but coming to Russia was so important for us, we did everything possible and everything went in a good way.


TDV 02.04.2018

Zimon: It’s always a great honor to be here, for us it is different from other countries, you can feel it... Russia have something special in the history and the culture. When people think about it, they image a cold country and a close culture maybe... It’s not the truth. You have a lot of greats artists, from music to ballet... From painting to philosophy... It’s very interesting to understand deeper those things, and every time we played there we learned more. A s we know , it wasn › t your first time in R ussia . H as something changed in the country since the last time ?

Sonya: I found a country

every year better than before, people is amazing and hot even more and cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg are fantastic, I just hate a little the traffic, you have a so big traffic at almost every hour, especially in Moscow and it is worst than in Rome (that’s strange!) Zimon: Well, the latest time was on Moonlight Waltz tour and it was a great period for us, I remember a lot of snows and the audience was amazing as always. No, I didn’t find any changes, Russians are still cool.










big the

same stage with a lot of bands including the Russian ones. What do you think about them? Did you like working with those people? Sonya: We had a real great time with a very professional bands and amazing people and we are in touch with the fantastic guys from Xe-None, a real good band and friends of us now . The other bands were also really good, and a nice surprise, all of them had a very good sound and I enjoyed lot of listening to them. Those festivals were really well done with a killer line up! We are also in touch with all the other bands such as Centhron and Hanzel und Gretyl, such a great bands, I totally love those guys. Alien Vampires are already our friends in real life and I really enjoyed playing a song with them in St. Petersburg.

Zimon: Yes, we like to work with different bands and promoters... It’s important to compare the differences between

our way to play music from the others, not to copy but to grow as a band. We played in a lot of different contests, not always going well obviously but it’s great to be there with your band to show your personality even if it’s not your right place... It means that Theatres des vampires are a reality that can move from Gothic-metal to Rock and Electro-Goth. I’m proud of that! Did you have some troubles during the tour? Sonya: Everything went in the best way in Russia, simply perfect. Zimon: Troubles are part of the tours! Yes, we had some problems but if you are trained you could solve and go ahead. We always try to be ready.

TDV 02.04.2018


wrong to have religious prejudices, but maybe in some communities they are stronger than we think. H ave you ever had t r o u b l es like





Italy? Sonya: Yes, we had and this is the reason for that it seemed to be possible having troubles also in Russia. We had some problems years ago in Italy of course, but also in Germany and U.K., not for the religion but for my real blood on stage when I used to cut my arms and let people drink my blood… The police came to check our gigs ready to stop me in this case. Zimon: Sure! We had serious problems in UK, Italy and Venezuela. We try to do what we›d like in every place but it’s not easy to let authorities understand that we are a musicians, an artists...not a politics nor a religious. T herefore , as we have started speaking about religion ...A s I taly is a religious country countrie s including

L as t

year you were invited to

play in were

R u ssi a

but the shows




incompetence of the promoter



r e l i g i o us



fanatics .


H ave

y o u h e ard about an y other cancels




W h a t R u s s i a because of them ? Sonya: Yes, it happened w h e n y o u l e a r n e d a b o u t t h e to some extreme metal bands so I imagine that cancel? Sonya: They told me this thing could happen… that our gigs had been Maybe they do not like cancelled because of blood! religious fanatics problems Zimon: Religion power very important for and actually I still have a is doubt about it cause this the State for different time everything went in reasons, we are Italians the best way and no one and we know it well... stopped us in the middle We don’t want to offend of the street or stopped anyone because it’s not our gig for any reason, our message, we respect there are probably a lot of who respect « fighters against abortions ». so, I really don›t know... I everyone just know it was so bad for us. Personally, I think it’s W hat do you think about that ? us cause everything was ready to come to you last year, we were really sad also for our fans who were waiting for us… It was a shame. Zimon: Yes, that was true... But I don’t like to speak about the work of that promoter, it was a sad moment and we tried to organize other shows with Delta Mekong, because I think that our reputation needs more seriousness. However, he told us that as








f i rs t

t h o u g h ts

TDV 02.04.2018

Sonya: I think people should do what they want, always. No one has the right on a woman’s body, you cannot judge the life of another person, you cannot decide for her... This is terrible. A woman has the right to take her choice for herself and no one must control or stop her in this. These people are scary, they pretend to decide for the others, I hate them with all my heart. Zimon: Wow what a question!?! It’s an ethical decision... People spent lots of words for this, I think that women and man can choose by themselves thinking about the consequence on their own conscious. It should be hard for a woman to decide to abort and she needs medical end psychologic sustain for sure. I don’t think my country is ready for free abortions now, we need some laws to adjust this. S onya , you have been the band › s frontwoman for so many years . D o you notice in




connected with this fact ?

We have a long story, we changed members of our line up among the years, we made some changes in our sound but I seem to be the same person of some years ago. The difference

that some years ago it was not so! We were few and the world was not so easy for us, but I›m a fighter and I carried on this band without any problems about it and I’m really happy about all

is the experience I have after many years so I can manage some situations in a better way and I›m sure about myself and about what I do on stage now. But my feelings, my emotions are exactly the same. Every gig is a new amazing experience and I live it totally with my soul and my heart. Anyway, today it’s easier to be a female singer of a metal band, I remember

the things we have done and that we still have to do in the next future. D o you have some absolute idols





M etal ? Sonya: I have singers I like very much like Siouxie, Diamanda Galas, Bjork, I like women with a particular voice and a strong personality. W hat does your family think about your activity ? D o they support you ? Sonya: Yes, they always support me in my choices. Z imon , you have never spoken about how you came to M etal music . S o you have a possibility now . A nd by the way tell us about your hobbies . Zimon: I started to play bass at 12 and the first song I played was by The Cure... Then I turned in rock and heavy covers from 80’s bands just cause it was common to find musicians for practice.

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After that period, I went to clubs with friends older than me for listening to artists and find new sensations. When I was 15 I started to play Trash/ Death metal with a guys from my area and go around Rome to meet other Metalheads for sharing music, ideas and have fun with girls like all the teenagers... That was an incredible period! I fell in love with Metal primary for the energy and the poetry, that were the main reasons into that world and I discovered a lot of things. Then I entered Theatres des Vampires in ‹97 and I found a family traveling a great journey in metal. To finish I think that Heavy metal is important like rock, jazz, punk and classical music. It’s an attitude to life and you’ll never forget it because metal music grow with you. ЧAs for hobbies, I like a lot to travel and visit new cities and


TDV 02.04.2018

cultures, when I have time for this, I feel like a child. I Love also to be in the kitchen and experiment some new recipe, it’s funny and relaxing. W hat kind of music do you like besides M etal ? Sonya: I love Gothic, Darkwave, classical, but the important thing is that I love

music that I feel inside my soul and it doesn’t matter the genre, I simply need to feel it, and if it arrives to my soul, well, it’s done... But it is not easy! I’m a very difficult person about music. Zimon: I usually turn on the radio and leave music around me, I listen to different kinds of music, it depends on the moment... And conditions. I prefer Metal of course but I love to listen to different artist and bands that can give me a feelings independent from the genre. O ne more Q uestion from E vgeny : what is this new fighting color on your body ? Sonya: It is a professional black used for body painting, we really love to use it to have a strong image on stage, vampires from hell!



that ’ s

all .

T hank


h ad

you for the interview , it was


really a big honor for me ‌




p romised

last to

year ,



an yway and the y kept

Sonya: Thank you for your t h e i r promise . M oreover , interview, Olga, and thanks a b o u t a month before the to your readers for their t o u r Z imon told me about attention! We hope to come h i s t r ouble with his hand . back again to Russia for H e h a d a reall y bad pain some gigs all around! w h e n h e was pla ying and he Blood is life! c o u l d n › t move his thumb . I n c o n c l u s i o n , I w o u l d l i k e W e c a n often observe the t o sa y t h a t T h e a t r e s d e s t r e n d of metal musicians to V a m p i r e s a r e n o t j u s t a v e ry c o m e o n stage as if nothing t a l e n t e d b a n d t h e m e m b e r s h a d h a ppened ... A nd this o f w h i c h r e a l ly l o v e t h e i r


f a n s , t h ey a r e a l s o a v e ry





u n d oubtebl y

worth y



give up and nothing matters.





TDV 02.04.2018








Gianello: How I have became a vampire

You have been a guitarist in the band Lahmia for many years. Now you’re a guitarist for Theatres des Vampires. What’s happened to your previous band? Or you manage to play with these two bands at the same time? Flavio: First of all, hi to all the readers, it will be a pleasure to reply to your questions. Lahmia are still active. We had some line-up and personal problems that took us far from the stages in the last years but I didn’t stop writing songs and we are recording our new album at these weeks. It will be out next year (2018). I have been the main songwriter for Lahmia for almost 10 years and it’s really a project in which I put a lot of myself and I wish to take it back from where I was forced to leave it. So yes, I’ll do my best to manage the two bands together and give all myself in each of them. How did you end up in Theatres des Vampires? What motivated you to play with them? Flavio: Of course, I knew the


TDV 02.04.2018

As we known, Theatres des Vampires changed a lot of members during the time of their existence. But now they have a new guitarist that has perfectly fit into the team, by the way, and have already became an integral part of TDV. The name of this newly made vampire is Flavio Gianello. We have contacted him and learned what kind of person he was, and now we have a pleasure to share his revelations with you. Olga «Blackie» Schneider band, TdV began to be well know right from the beginning on the national scene, I remember when I read about them on magazines and see them on important festival bills like Gods Of Metal. They have always continued, through the years, to do great stuff and became a well-known international band. So I appreciated the band both from an artistic point of view and from a professional one. On top of this, Zimon was in my class at the high scool! I remember when he let me hear his fist album, and it was «The Vampire Chronicles», I think you know it, eheheh! I also have an early record of «When The Wolves Cry». After that period, we met just several times in the last years but it was always cool to meet him and exchange some words. What are your impression by working with the dudes? Have you became a vampire of your

free will or they have turned you without your wish? Flavio: I was bitten in the neck by Sonya. Then everything became much easier! Ahahah! Did you get accustomed to the new band fast or you had some difficulties? Flavio: I think we liked each other from the beginning. We have not the same but similar backgrounds and we all love what we do. This is a good starting point.

So it was your first tour with the band. What are your impression by going to Latin America and visiting Russia? Flavio: It was a great experience for me because in the past, I was never able to do such a things and I think I was at my ease. My bandmates were a perfect travel companions and the fans were great. I’m not saying this for flattery, I really think this and to me have such cool people at the venue is the most cool part of the show. Fan›s warmth


Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

with which we have lot of things in common, starting with the day of birth (2 of April!). We want our readers to learn more about you. Tell us about yourself: what’s your profession, how do you like to spend your free time, what are your hobbies? Maybe there’s some doings in this world that can make you really angry?

is simply a fuel both when you are playing and when you get of the stage and you meet people that are there for you. Which member of Theatres des Vampires have became the most close to you? Flavio: At the beginning, I was closer to Zimon because, as I said, we already knew each other. Then started to know better Gabriel and Sonya

TDV 02.04.2018


Flavio: Apart from playing, I am a web designer so I work with computers over the internet. I have a various hobbies: I’m a rider (I have a Ducati Monster), I love movies and TV series, even videogames, but between music and work I have very little time to do all this. If I have to choose how to pass my free time I prefer to spent it with my friend and with the persons I love in general and spent with them both calm evenings or Armageddon nights! I can’t bare ignorance, intended as a way to (do not) think. Ignorance is the cause of many of the world tragedies: racism, fear, violent extremisms and a lot of related distortions. I hate lack of respect too. It is the blindness of the mind. You always have to think that, for the other people, YOU are «the other» and act accord to this. Martin Luther King decades ago said «my freedom finish when someone else starts» and this will be always


TDV 02.04.2018

true. One can’t step on someone else freedom to feel free. What kind of music do you like? What are your favorite bands? Maybe you can make up the top 5 of your favourite bands? Flavio: I like mainly Metal music but I’m also really into rock and alternative stuff in general. I will name 5 genres and its better (to me) exponents: death metal (Death), melodic death metal (Dark Tranquillity), alternative rock (Placebo), goth rock (The Cure), classic rock (Queen). Do you have some weirdness you are chocked by yourself? Maybe you have some phobias or bad habits? Flavio: It seems strange but I have the fear to fly. Really! Approaching the South America tour was a real stress for me because I had to take 10 flights in 10 days, some of that of 10+ hours. Well, I decided simply to do it and to not make this phobia condition at my choices. It was hard but it worth it.

I still don’t like too much the planes but it goes a lot better! If you hadn’t do music, what would you do in life? Flavio: Acting or some competitive sport. I’m quite an ambitions guy I think. I love to try to pass my limits and to do something special in my life. What are your plans for the near future? Flavio: With TdV I hope to tour a lot, see new countries and we have a new album to write! With Lahmia we have to finish the studio work and then hope to reap what we sown in the past. What would you like to say to our readers? Flavio: Thanks for your support. You guys in Russia were great and we really enjoyed or time there. I hope to come back as soon as possible. Spasibo!


Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

TDV 02.04.2018



ony S y nb e k a st o t o Ph


TDV 02.04.2018

Exclusive Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

TDV 02.04.2018



TDV 02.04.2018

Exclusive Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

TDV 02.04.2018


Exclusive Interview.

Nowadays, women in Metal are not a rarity at all, but some years ago they seemed to be something unreal and in general some kind of fantastic. One of the brightest members of Italian and world Metal scene Raffaella Rivarolo, better known to as all as CADAVERIA, told us about how that all began for her and many other interesting things. Olga «Blackie» Schneider

Since we are an official edition dedicated to the band Theaters des Vampires, and you took part in the recording of the song «Le Grand Guignol» on the album called Moonlight Waltz, we have a question: how did it happen? What can you tell our readers about this cooperation? Cadaveria: Well, the band just contacted me with this proposal and I thought it was a cool idea. I’m always open to work with other artists and I appreciate cooperation between women. Si, I accepted. I respect everything Theatres des Vampires have done along their career and I’m happy to be a part of that. Finally, I


TDV 02.04.2018

think the result is absolutely great: Le Grand Guignol sounds killing! Have you had an experience like that before? What other bands did you collaborate with? Cadaveria: Many… But the very first one that asked me this was Mortuary Drape in the early Nineties. Probably not many people know that the female voice on the song My Soul from All The Witches Dance album is mine. I also would like to know your opinion about Theatres des Vampires. What could you tell about them? Cadaveria: They are vampires, so I totally love them!

It›s a great honor for me to take this interview with such a wonderful woman who left a significant mark in the history of heavy music. Let›s talk a little about you. Tell me how you came to the metal and why you have chosen this kind of vocals. Cadaveria: I started listening to Heavy Metal quite late… I mean I was around seventeen and it was “late” if you think that nowadays there are young twelve-fourteen years old guys who already listen to this kind of music. But, well in that period, there was no Internet and the access to music was more difficult.

You must search and find it, while now it is the music that comes to you through the net, social networks and streaming platforms. I always loved to sing and music has always been part of my life, since my father was a fan of classical music and my elder sister was used to listen to lots of rock live The Police, The Eagles, Pink Floyd. But well, when I approached myself to the microphone you know what? A growling voice came out naturally (with a great surprise of me!)! I started singing in a punkrock band called Marciume. It was in 1991. Then I entered Opera IX in 1992 and you know the rest. What king of music besides Metal do you like? Cadaveria: I listen to some acid jazz and I like Berlin based industrial techno music. Maybe this question is asked in all the interviews, but nevertheless… What influences your creativity? Cadaveria: Everything connected with my life can be a source of influence for my music. So, people I meet, books I read, experiences, dreams, nightmares, the inner part of me, the obscure part of me. Almost every person has some hobbies. What could you tell us about yours?

Cadaveria: I spent a period of my life (about ten years ago) doing abstract paintings on wood and on canvas. I produced about twenty paintings in two years, and then I stopped. I


Cadaveria: Well, to be honest I’m procrastinating. I dedicated 2017 to Far Away From Conformity reissue. It’s our 2nd album. I discovered we had lost the vocal tracks of two entire songs for a bug in the backup, so I had to re-enter the studios to re-record them. We remixed and remastered the whole album and this took some time. Finally, it came out on December 8 2017 and in January, a limited vinyl edition will follow. I will take a pause in early 2018 to catch new inspiration here and there, so I guess I will start dedicating myself to a new opus in half/late 2018. Fans must be patient, it will be a long process. Cadaveria band gives a lot of concerts. You have performed with different famous bands in different parts of this planet for many years. Surely, there are some very memorable tours both in a good way and vice versa.

Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

love movies and I like to read. Currently I like to spend my free time in relax, watching movies or series, or having a walk around the lake near my house or doing workout at the gym. I love to take care about myself. In a recent interview, you said that in the summer of 2017 you would begin work on a new full-length album. Is there any news about this?

TDV 02.04.2018


CADAVERIA? What is the reason for this? Cadaveria: Well, do you know the pale skin of dead bodies, the cemetery stuff, the gothic tradition, the sickness of death? I love all of this. Cadaveria name symbolize this obscure world anfd at the same time is inspired to Morticia Addams, a character I have been loving for years since I was a very young girl. And finally, some wishes from Raffaella (or maybe Cadaveria after all) to the readers of our magazine. Cadaveria: First of all I would like to thank you for this interview. It was a pleasure to talk to you. I invite all the readers to enter Cadaveria dimension. Listen to our music and share it with your friends! A special hail goes to all my Russian fans, I hope to come back there in the future. P.S. Official pages of Cadaveria: http://www.cadaveria.com/ https://www.facebook.com/cadaveria/ https://www.facebook.com/cadaveriaherself

Which tour was the most terrible, and which is the best in your career? I have no bad memories, every concert brings something good. The best moments were the gigs we did in Russia and Mexico. We would like to know about your participation in DyNAbyte. You took vocal parts of Giallo who had left. Why did it happen that you decided to diversify your musical life by participating in the Industrial /Cyber Metal band? I suspect that it could’t have been without the intervention of Killer Bob.


TDV 02.04.2018

Cadaveria: You are right. There was a time where Killer Bob and I where on the same wave and we loved to do music together. He made me go deep into Industrial metal and I decided to enter DyNAbyte as lead singer. It was a cool experience that opened my mind. Since then I started using my clean vocals more often in CADAVERIA band too. And one more question that have been torturing me, as, indeed, many of your fans, for a long time. Why have you chosen the pseudonym

Exclusive Клуб Roxy, Буэнос-Айрес 23.02.2013

Side 1: Blood and Confusion Eleven Three O Three Irreverent Elegy The Divine Rapture Side 2: Omen of Delirium Out Body Experience Prayer of Sorrow Vox of Anti-Time Total: 43:45.

TDV 02.04.2018


Club Zil Arena, Moscow

Delta Mekong Concerts

Organizer of Halloween Party


On October 27, 2017 in night Moscow, towards Zil Arena club moved a lot of bloody zombies, under leadership of Dracula. And accompanied their crew physicians and a girls in latex. And this violent crowd from underworld directly hurried to Halloween party. The organizers of the show pleased to bloody evil spirits from hell with performances of a famous bands who blew up this dark holiday with the cheerful and incendiary music and, of course, new blood for joys. Also, the Italian vampires who were invited to this action as guests of honor not deprived the Russian fans pleasure. And they brought a newly converted vampire Flavio by name who played the guitar instead of Giorgio who had moved off in a free travel in searches of new victims for bloody vampire requirements. SCHEDULE OF Halloween party: 19.30-20.00 Кроу (RU) 20.20-21.20 Theatres Des Vampires (IT) 21.40-22.20 Xe-NONE (RU) 22.40-23.40 Hanzel und Gretyl (US) 00.00-01.00 Centhron (DE) 01.20-02.00 The End Of Melancholy (RU) 02.00-04.00 DJ Oleg Xaler


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DMC is a concert agency that had worked at the Moscow musical market since 2005. For the last years they have organized many concerts and acquainted of the Russian audience with musical culture of other countries. Today DMC is not just a concert agency. By means of their reliable partners they provide visa support for foreign actors and placement in hotels in the center of Moscow for the best prices. They work with the most skilled companies providing concert’s equipment, they have partnership with popular concert venues of Moscow and St. Petersburg. They see a long-term outlook in cultural exchange between the different countries and they cooperate with the colleagues in Ukraine, Belarus and also in Finland and Germany. Their today’s experience is based mostly on work with actors of heavy music. They acquainted the Russian public with such famous bands as Anathema, Gorefest, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Draconian, Septic Flesh, Onkel Tom and many others for the first time. DMC closely cooperating with western booking agencies and record companies: English The Agency Group, German Continental Concerts, AFM Records, M&S Promotion and others. However, they aren’t going to limit to a narrow framework of musical genres as they set as the main objective satisfaction of inquiries both wide layers of fans of music, and private clients. DMC: «We bring actors that we like and it’s a pleasure for us that all this is pleasant to you too. We look for new names and are glad that you help us with that! We hope that the name of our agency symbolized the sign of good taste and the kind friendly relations.» http://www.deltamekong.ru

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Exclusive Interview.


Elmar Schmidt - Vocals, Mastermind Markus Vogler - Bass Sandra S. - Synth

Not so long ago the German Centhron released their new album called Allvater with which they visited Russia during the tour and took part in two large shows dedicated to Halloween and one of the bands who shared scene with Theatres des Vampires. Therefore, their creator, leader and just a good man Elmar Schmidt honored us to tell us about some details.

Olga «Blackie» Schneider Let’s speak about the Russian tour. Was it your first time here? What are your impressions? Elmar: It was our third time in Russia and we loved it a lot! The people here are very friendly, the cities have great buildings and the organizers each time made a great job. We always felt very welcome and that is of course very important for a band. You took part in two Halloween parties. What did you like most of all in each city and what were the most memorable things? Elmar: First time we went to Russia, I guess it was the Red Square but this third time may be all the people especially backstage and the crew were


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amazing. A great time! What do you think about your own shows in these two cities? Did you like the audience? Elmar: The audience in Russia is always great and we had a lot of fun! The people understand the message we send with our music. It is always a great experience for us with crowds like this! Was it difficult for you to play for other bands’ fans? Elmar: No, we did not play for other bands fans I guess. Most of them were the Centhron fans. They knew the German lyrics and of course, we were the third time in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Did you have any troubles during the tour?

Elmar: No, the organizers did a very good job and it was absolutely without problems. Just less sleep but that is no problem. So one of the bands you shared stage with was Theatres des Vampires. Have you seen their gigs? What do you think about their music and scenic image? Elmar: Yes, we have seen their shows and it was amazing. Great people, great band and great music! We think that there will be a new band friendship between TDV and Centhron, may be we will work together one day. Did you meet those people before? What could you tell about them? Did you like them as persons?

Elmar: We never met them before. But in this short time, we talked a lot, had fun and realized that we were close together in minds and thoughts. This includes the whole bands, just amazing. Let’s speak about you now. What does the name of your band means? Maybe your band has its own philosophy? Elmar: Centhron is a word creation by our own. It stand for power, strength, aggressions, honour and faith. For unity and brotherhood, for home and safety! Tell us a little about the story of the band. How did it begin? What are you inspired by? Elmar: We started in 2001 just for fun. We loved black metal bands like Emperor, Satyricon, Darkthrone, Cradle of Filth... And Death Metal. But also Suicide Commando, Feindflug and Kiew. The first years were for fun and experiments, but in 2009 we started to work with Dark Dimension/Scanner and were on tour with Agonoize and then we started to get professional and it worked very well!

What were the most memorable shows you have ever had? Elmar: Of course, the first Centhron show ever with Feindflug, First WGT Show, first time Amphi Festival and of course Mera Luna. But The shows during our US/Mexico Tour, Orus Fest and Russian tour are deep in our hearts forever! Every show is still important and special for us! As we know you are from Germany. And the German scene is one of the most popular around the worls. What could you tell us about that? Elmar: If you have a look

around the world, the scene in Germany is may be one of the biggest. But still in the underground. Just a few bands like Rammstein and Unheilig are real popular bands. May be Eisbrecher too. What about your everyday life? What is your profession? Maybe it’s not connected with your scenic image at all? Elmar: We are musicians and I work as a musician. I have students, bands and Centhron. That’s my life! What are your upcoming plans? When could we wait for you again in Russia? Elmar: Next year we will play more festivals again. WGT, Amphi, Plage Noire and so on. May be Infest in England. If someone of the organizers will book Centhron again for a Russian festival we are open for this! And finally, a traditional question. What would you like to say to our readers? Elmar: Thank you very much for the interview and thanx a lot to all readers that took their time to read my words! Thank you very much!

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On October 27 in Moscow passed Halloween Party in ZIL Arena, and on October 28 The Most terrible Halloween in St. Petersburg... Xe-NONE shared the stage with world’s Metal monsters. Theatres des Vampires were one of those bands. We have contacted Lexy Dance and he told us some secrets.

- How and when there was an idea of creation of your band? Lexy Dance: It was in 2001-2002 when I extorted inarticulate terrible cries as a part of the first dark-brutalpunk band - FAYTREMOR. I constantly suspected a subject of creation of a band which


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would play dancing metal. Not metal with electronics, namely dancing metal. But in view of own musical illiteracy and absence a number of the understanding people, the idea remained an idea until I state it to the old friend - Newman. And after short negotiations

on the ICQ system we began to model something under the conditional name «dancemetal». In summer we worked in studio on our first EP «Digital Fucker» and on October 31, 2004 «Xe-NONE» debuted on a local Metal festival called Blow. And all started turning...

- Why have you chosen such a name for your band and what does it mean? Your style is characterized as 666% of Industrial Dance Metal, what the devilry is that? Lexy Dance: well … if we write 146%, then we through some period nobody would understand it. People had to request Google or old persons who like to discuss everybody, and so everything is accurate and clear that concentration of the mixed styles considerably exceeds admissible maximum allowable concentrations! So: worship or die!!! - Who is the author of your music and texts? Where do you take inspiration to write the songs? Lexy Dance: the musical idea can proceed from anyone, but Newman is engaged in the main musical line. First of all, this is a person who has got music education, and secondly, who has the necessary tool. But there’s another situation with the texts. He can suggest the idea, and I or EvilAnn scribble certain lines which develop to a song! And as Samael said in an old interview, inspiration dictates your life. It can be everything: media information, a line from a movie, life situations... -What are your upcoming plans? To do think to release a new

album? Lexy Dance: yes, we have planned that already long ago. But somehow, we can’t do it yet. We have enough material. Many tracks were already

rolled at concerts, but we won’t reach record in any way. - Your inspiring list of concerts and festivals would be envied even by any very famous band. How do you manage to spend so much time on the stage? And how do you manage to combine concert activities with your ordinary vital routine?

Lexy Dance: well, I want to tell that we don’t have so many concerts. If you look at schedules of top teams, that’s quite another matter, and we have just diversionary sorties. It is combined very simply, it

is time-management and so on. All at affairs, during the works. But also as a hobby it is necessary that there was time. And we find it! - Do you have favorite Russian bands? And in general, what bands would be included into top three for you? Lexy Dance: I can’t choose only three band! I will divide on eras. From the old one: E.S.T., Korrozia Metalla, Crack. From the new one: Conflict. Sometimes I write down a guest vocal for that band and also for the St. Petersburg’s Vergeltung, Oblivion Machine and Kartikeya. - There was a time when you released Kirov an independent punk metal edition called Reflexya. Why have you stopped? Lexy Dance: Newman and me have decided to focus on band completely. And therefore, the project is preserved. So everything is easy here. - You have got acquainted with Hanzel Und Gretyl on May 29, 2009. In October, 2013 you acted together in St. Petersburg and Moscow again. Did you kept contact with them? And what gave you this acquaintance? Lexy Dance: this acquaintance gave us great thing - we are included in their tours as the support band for all time! It was a joke! Yes, since that time we repeatedly acted together, we communicate in network.

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At recent concerts our drummer Push played with them fullfledged sets. And, as it seems to me, he played just perfectly! And I had a part as background singer. It was in pure form the experiment from Kaizer. We discussed the Set List in advance. Then he sent the tracks with metronome to us, and our drummer learned everything for several persistent rehearsals. I remember at night in the train I have got up to reach a toilet, and he was ticking Das Boot with his fingers being sleeping. At this moment I have understood that everything would be just excellent! - You sang with HANZEL UND GRETYL. It would be desirable to learn about it in details. Lexy Dance: it began in 2009 when in Relaks club (who knows, that will understand) Kayser pulled me out on the stage during SS Deathstar Supergalactik, I don’t know why. I was a fan, I


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knew the texts, I understood their rhythm and since then it has become a tradition. And this year I have already begun to join also on other tracks because texts I know practically all. Even where they are absent! - Tell us about the kokoshnik. What is its history? Lexy Dance: Actually, this is a very touching history for us. When I saw shortly before the tour in Instagram of Vas Kallas a photo from a hospital where she had an operation, I thought what it would be cool to give to her some exclusive Russian gift. My wife knew a madam that was professionally engaged in scenic suits. She understood the idea of a situation, listened to their tracks, looked at an image and made very quickly that kokoshnik which we gave Vas in Moscow. She was really touched, and we understood that the idea was successful! And

when she went to the stage with kokoshnik, we began to pray for that it lived up to the end of the tour! - On October 31, 2009 Xe-NONE went to a foreign country for the first time to participate at the Aaltjesrock 2009 festival in the city of Harderveyk (Netherlands). You shared the stage with the mega known Crematory and Battlelore. How it was? Did you have the fear to perform before fans of such stars, especially in a foreign country? Lexy Dance: yes, we had. We sat before our exit in the dressing room and, I must admit, we were slightly excited. We went on stage and played, the people listened. After the second song they began to clap, someone started to dance. Well so we hyped up them. As we were explained later by the organizer «the audience was torn». OK! I ran then and checked out reaction to Crematory. It was in the same way. Local specifics!

- In the history of the band on your website we can see, I quote: «In October, 2011 XeNONE participate in annual Most Terrible Halloween in St. Petersburg in a holder with the St. Petersburg’s titans Vergeltung and the Austrians NACHTMAHR. The ideologist and the lead singer of Nachtmahr has characterized Xe-NONE performance the words «Epic performance». Subsequently this acquaintance has led to very unusual creative cooperation.» What was that creative cooperation and what was the result of that? Lexy Dance: yes, Thomas’s reaction to our performance really struck me. He ran to the dressing room, spoke in complex mix of English, Russian and native, and then already from the house wrote to me that he wanted us to sing on one of the tracks of NACHTMAHR. And the Russian version of Mother Russia was released. Later Thomas sent me the deluxeedition of that album. So many thanks to him! - Your band acted as a support band for SCOOTER in 2012. Probably, it was a cool event for you. Share your impressions with us. Lexy Dance: yes, we were nearly cumming at the same time with joy. There was a two-week competition on the website «ITalent» before it. Following the results, we had this opportunity. And, in fact, in two days prior to a concert we were announced as winner and have confirmed participation. I have urgently run to the

station, have bought tickets, and we have gone to this absolutely unforgettable trip. Never hid that SCOOTER exerted huge impact to us and to act in the first act of his concert for band of the Russian fartz, it was absolute something fantastic! Then the local press tore us to pieces two weeks! It was pleasant that many people who have heard us for the first time began to come to our next St. Petersburg’s concerts. The effect is reached!

- In 2014 you released a single on Russian called Kilometers of Water. Somehow, it is distinguished at once against the background of other creativity of your band with the seriousness perhaps. I must tell, it’s clings, and at once there is an association of the raised hands with the burning lighters. Was that an experiment or your band matures and it becomes a little more serious? Lexy Dance: yes, it was our

first Russian-language ballad. And EvilAnn debuted as the author of the text and she did it just perfectly. On mood it turned out our certain tribute to recitative ballads from the beginning of the 90th such as Madonna - Rain, Malchishnick - the Last Time, Lika Star, Svetlana Vladimirskaya. Well, you understand me if you grew at that time! It wasn’t without criticism, of course. Some of our listeners was a little puzzled with such a turn, and my cousin didn’t talk with me for a half year. He thought that we looked like «pop». WTFU! What was pop? Disco without ballad is a direct threat of demographic situation in the country! - This year is 13 years old of your band, so a baker’s dozen you’re already outlast. We congratulate you from the heart with such «round» date and wish you to continue to please us with the energy and incendiary music. So the question is: what can you tell us after these years about yourself and Xe-NONE? Lexy Dance: well, if you remember the termination of MANOWAR’s track called The Warriors Pray, then you remember the final words of the Grandfather there. About us I by just the same voice and with the same intonation can tell WE ARE DANCE METAL KINGS!!! We have constructed the Dance Metal the Kingdom and have headed it! Constantly! Followers, imitators, please. But the original is one!

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- How have Xe-NONE got on the Most Terrible Halloween? You have become a constant participants of that for some years ago? Lexy Dance: We have been cooperating with the coolest St. Petersburg’s concert agency called Infinity for many years. Excellent selection of bands, rigorously preparation of each show, attentive attitude both towards bands, and towards fans, they are real professionals of their business. And it is very pleasant to me that their leader Vlad annually pulls us out to the Most Terrible Halloween. Immensely we are grateful to him for it! - What are your impressions of the show in general and of the performance of your band in particular? Lexy Dance: everything passed very cool. In spite of the fact that in St. Petersburg we acted first, there was enough people during our performance and the atmosphere was like in a room filled with gasoline vapors! It was necessary only to strike a match. Well, we did it!!! Our hour flew like a minute. Both


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us and the audience remained happy! - Was there something that wasn’t pleasant to you that evening? Lexy Dance: just my feelings after having left the club. That the party ended and it was the time to return again to everyday life! And for the rest everything was excellent! Especially final feast of all participants of the St. Petersburg’s party: Hanzel und Gretyl, Theatres des Vampires, Centhron, Alien Vampires and Xe-NONE... Total atmosphere of industrial and Gothic brotherhood and mutual understanding! - Had you heard about Theatres des Vampires before or their music was heard by you for the first time that evening? Lexy Dance: I heard some tracks and watched some videos. I even recognized some tracks on the concert. - What do you think about Theatres des Vampires in general? Did you like their music, their scenic image? What impression was made at communication with them? Tell us about series

called La Piovra and Felicita. Lexy Dance: I can tell absolutely precisely that Sonya is just an amazing frontwomen. The image, the behavior on stage, the virtuosity – everything was at the highest level. She not just goes on the stage to sing to public. She really gets used to each track and turns it into a performance. And at the same time, she remains a real rock’n’roll chick which safely goes then to the hall to hang out with her fans or can grasp room the girl for her juicy ass in a dressing room! This is old school! It’s cool! Other musicians pleased both with professionalism on the stage and adequate behavior in the dressing room too. And when we found out that I know the Al-bano song and Romina Power’s song Felicita and I remember series called La Piovra, they were just shocked. They thought that all that is forgotten in their country, but we in Russia still remember that!!! - You practise sports, heavy sports. It is close to me, I practise sports too. So, the next question: what are your records and how long have you been engaged it and how serious it is? And what music plays when you move iron tons? Lexy Dance: in the GYM, generally plays AC/DC. It plays almost constantly. Many in the hall think that it is put by me. They think: «And here for sure this informal man turns on his metal». And actually, it is put by one old resident of «Charge» (the hall so is called) - a huge uncle Zhenya.

Periodically we get tired to lifting some weights, when we hear «Back In Black», to do something or for the 100th time to echo «Highway To Hell», and I become a Dj. Of course, I like a hard lifting with hard music such as Body Count, Stuck Mojo, Powerflo, Fear Factory, Carcass, Samael. At these moments, likely, many visitors begin to miss AC/DC! And now questions from (as she has called herself) one representative of red witches. My assistant and in combination, the editor of our magazine Olga. - Alex, you don’t look your age at all. Just confess, do you suck blood of virgins (or of male virgins)? Lexy Dance: there is a double situation of course. On the one hand, it is possible to write that I am a fucking great man: I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke, I don’t eat meat, I pump iron, I have regular sex and so on. But, on the other hand, all this only the investigations of a condition of consciousness as it seems to me. First, old age comes to your mind. And when youth dies in your mind you become old. And as in my head there is a face control on old age, it can’t come in any way. - Was it not difficult to perform in this tour without female vocal? What tools of tortures did you use to force the guitarist to sing female vocal parts at song called Slave online?

Lexy Dance: yes, we have been touring for year without EvilAnn. We have slowly got used. At first, I worried that Fucker wouldn’t be mastered by

it wasn’t necessary! Now I am afraid that he will be invite to the second vocal to Otto Dix. :) - You have a big energy on the stage. What forbidden

this Hook f r o m «Slave OnLine» a n d

substances do you use? Lexy Dance: certain fluids from our audience. When I go on stage and I feel it, something just breaks in my head and holds apart me from desire to shake public on full and further it enters a certain resonance! Pure physics … or chemistry... algebra... I don’t know. But it works!!! - At the conclusion of our interview, your wishes, maybe offers to our readers? Lexy Dance: love life! Live and rejoice to every day. Don’t grow old soul and come to Xe-NONE!!!

I constantly carried nippers for his balls with me, but, thank God,

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Olly - Vocal&Lyricks Andrei - Music&Guitar Jane - Bass Denis - Drums

October 27, in Moscow Halloween Party passed on ZIL arena. THE END OF MELANCHOLY performed shared the stage with the world Metal stars. Theatres des Vampires were there too. We talked with Olly about that evening...


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- How and when did you get the idea to create your band? Did you have any musical experience before THE END OF MELANCHOLY? Yes, in my childhood, I have organized «Artefacts», a band with which I played metal, alternative rock, and at the end of our way, it was mathematical metal. There I used generally growl, but I wanted to do something more melodious. Gothic style on stage, performances with show elements, all at more large-scale and global level was important for me. And as a result, we released Ep called The winner makes the history that it was possible to listen to on VK and on the WEB. I decided to finish with the project, because I had got acquainted with Andrey, the current composer and the guitarist of

already more consciously and seriously. We work on the material, content and sound of the band much harder.

-Why have you chosen this name for your band and what does it mean? How could you characterize your genre? Are there any preferences in subject of your songs?

people and be most in it? There was some turning point in my life when I told myself stop! End of melancholy! Oh, so I decided to give this name to the band. I sing about my life, my feelings. I can see images of history of some characters and I can dream about their intimacies in the songs as, for example, in Playing with shadows. And I can sing as a man about a guy who lost the way as in the song called When night has come ;)

- Who is the author of music and texts? From where do you derive your inspiration while writing the songs?

our The End of Melancholy, and we began to comprehend very actively a musical subsoil in various directions. I began to be engaged even more professionally in a vocal, to work on the concept and style of our band. We got the members and approached everything

For me this name makes powerful sense and a great personal value. Some part of me has always been inclined to depression and self-damage, I saw how bad it is for my life, how it gets into the lyrics of my songs, the stories. And I began to think why I must show it to

The author of our music is Andrey, and lyrics is my sacred and very personal. I write from the heart. When I read that my text is bad, it means for me if they told – you have given birth to a bad child. I derive inspiration from vibrations of our Universe, our world … and myself, and people around.

- Recently the group has released the movie called The Demon. Tell us about shooting and what the video is about?

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try to obtain what I want... and such is in each of us. And it is normal.

- I know that you like English very much, but don’t you want to release anything on Russian?

no) But everything can happen) but I want to write books on it … and moreover, I already write them. It will be about my overcoming neurosis, disentangling of the psychological knots, about selfimprovement … and something else)

- What are your plans for the future? Do you think to release a new album?

There is a lot of plans. First of all, recording and releasing of new songs, and my big dream are performances at various big international festivals and of course our solo concerts!

- Will we see in the near future the new movie of THE END OF MELANCHOLY? Of course! An idea for a new

This story tells that it isn’t necessary to run from your own Demons... it is necessary to make friends with them... and something occurred inside

clip is already born, we have got an invaluable experience of shootings of our previous two creations, and the following movie will be more professional and even more abruptly!

me when I saw our movie... my Demon proved... and the sense is that he was not angry... he was simple... another... thanks - Tell about your concert to his strong qualities, I can activity. Do you have

many performances and where? Do you plan to expand the geography of the performances?

Now we perform at thematic actions, whenever possible, close to us on style and spirit, we try something new, for example, our participation in the Emergenza festival. And of course, it would be desirable to be attached to some famous band, to go touring with them, to accumulate experience. For example, with Theatres des vampires!


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- What do you like more - to - Do you have favorite perform for public or studio Russian bands? And in work and rehearsals? general, what bands would All these three acts are be included into top three absolutely different types of for you? What music plays our activity. In each of them in your player most often?

Hole, Marilyn Manson and NIN. So they are four)

- How did THE END OF MELANCHOLY get on Halloween Party? And why is everything so difficult the nuances, each way is From Russian bands, I love you went to perform from interesting. for example, I very much Psychea and the St. Petersburg to Moscow, and in the hometown, you couldn’t get to Halloween? We submitted applications for various concerts, and when we saw the list of the groups coming for Halloween, we understood that we perfectly fit in this format and we would like very much to participate in that action. I wrote about it to the Infiniti agency, but they answered: unfortunately, no. Well, we got it. I didn’t begin to find out why. But we were willingly invited to Moscow, and we wanted to drive to the capital, to be shaken in the train, to be photographed at Red Square, to feel that we had a mini-tour. And actually, everything passed as we wanted! =) And all of us were very grateful for this opportunity and happy with the trip)

- What are your impressions of a show in general and from the performance of your band in particular?

love the initial phase of songs composition when it just appears, from a sketch, from a line and turns into a song … and you feel that it’s cool, it captures you! These are an inexpressible feelings.

first albums Amatori. I listen to a lot of music, and is unambiguous to answer to this question is very difficult. But definitely top three bands for me are bands that created me as a musician – Nirvana,

The impressions are very positive, I worried very much, and in vain because everybody was friendly, relaxed and worked with pleasure, it was a rock concert, not any examination) and I relaxed and just got pleasure. Tt is the real godsend, and it rises your level very much to appear on one stage with masters and professionals of the affairs. You can learn something new, become impregnated with spirit of sure work of musicians, and it was occurred in that concert for us.

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The atmosphere in the hall was really mystical and impregnated with the spirit of this holiday. These are my elements, everything passed, in my opinion successfully! Sonya Scarlet riveted my attention... I paid attention during a sound check that this girl has very a strong internal core, she precisely knows where she is, what she does and for what. Each detail of her performance is important for her and she moved on the stage like a panther, adjusting everything as it was necessary for her. I see it extremely seldom and it inexpressibly admires to me. And their performance was amazing! I was captivated by her movements, her mad power exuding to hearts of the audience, her relaxed smooth dances and burning eyes! I stood and literally absorbed the events and thought it’s necessary to do it as she does it!

- Was it difficult to share the stage with such a famous bands? No! On the contrary! It was very cool!

- Did the fact that your band was put at the end of the list affected your performance? I think, at the gathered public the energy ran low after the performances of the foreign guests. How did the public meet your performance? Yes, definitely, but … Moscow wasn’t built in a day. The public after the first song shouted that we were not worse than the Americans were! Cool! Girls danced when we played our song called Playing with Shadows and I consider that everything was great! Further was only cooler!)


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- Did THE END OF MELANCHOLY have an experience of a performance with any famous bands before?

No, that was the first time)

- Was there something that wasn’t pleasant to you that evening? Well, only the fact that our performance was at one o’clock in the morning, and as a result the program was late and we go on stage at 2 AM … but even that didn’t prevented us to enter and get pleasure and to present it to the public)

- Did you heard about Theatres des Vampires before or you heard their music for the first time that evening? I heard their music and red their history before the concert and of course it was very much pleasant to me)

- What do you think about Theatres des Vampires? Do you like their music, their scenic image?

Yes! Yes! yes! May I still better to say, than have described before?))))

- Did you manage to get acquainted with the vampires from Italy? If you did, what was your impression? Yes, during the sound check the bass player of the band asked me to take a picture of him with our bass player Jeanne since they both had Spector guitars. We also took some photos with Sonya and she seemed to me very friendly and just a fiery woman)

- At the end of our interview what you would like to say to our readers? Do that your heart wants!

everything is possible to download, listen and see at home, but you know … your monitor doesn’t transfer that from the hall … concerts are an absolutely other thing! And who knows whom you will meet on one of them … maybe your destiny;)

Listen to music and go to concerts! Now, of course

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Halloween Party in ZIL arena lit one known portal, named Rock cult. We managed to communicate with the photographer that had shared the photos with us. And she told us about everything that had been created that evening with pleasure. So, meet - Svetlana Kovalenko. http://rockcult.ru/

Please, tell about past Halloween party 2017. What is your opinion about organization and composition of members of the show. Wheel of the year turns to the dark side, and that part of time I find as very important and perhaps even sacred. Therefore, the celebration of Halloween in any form is an important event. Somewhere in the depths of the soul lingers from childhood familiar idea: «like year meet, so spend it», and therefore the beginning of the year, that I coming in November, after Samhain, should be carried out correctly. What may be more correct for the person who can’t live without music, if not a concert? And better is festival. And better dark. And


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that a group, which longed to see ever since I heard the first time and lost all heart, comes. I do not know how Delta Mekong Concerts choose the performers, but each time it turns downright

perfect composition. This time even warming up, which is usually desperate, has left a very good impression: Crow was very cheerful and energetic group.

Next beautiful Sonya Scarlet and Theatres Des Vampires, who made the hall to downright ecstasy state, I was even afraid to go with a camera in the crowd, because it was just a maelstrom of passion of some kind. Sweet, forbidden

Gothic, sex and enjoyment, appealing as much as it can afford. There you may disappear. Xe-NONE, who, even without their singer give promised 666% Industrial Dance Metal and carry joy and dancing to the hall. Without a female voice was strange, but not bad, especially because some of parties quite well (unexpectedly :)) sang a guitarist. But we still await the return of EvilAnn. Headliners of the party, Hanzel und Gretyl, as usual a little foolish (Vas Kallas, for example, goes on stage in an embroidered kokoshnik with a gold logo HuG, presented to her by members of the Xe-NONE group), but traditionally giving out this is their heavy, thick sound, pulling out guts out and in which you sink with your head like under water. Uncompromisingly mad dudes from Centhron carrying to the masses an unbridled and furious mix of darkelectro and industrial. Barbariantribal war-cyborgs, this time just without gas masks and wolf heads, but already quite impressive and giving out absolutely bottomhole material. And the closing the cortege, The End Of Melancholy, are not so melancholic in fact, although at three (or how many there were on the clock?) hours of the night after 7 hours of continuous shooting it was difficult to assess anything sensibly. Total: tired as a dog, but happy and satisfied. What do you think about Theatres des Vampires? Do you like their music and stage image? What reaction did the fans have on the

TDV’s show? Here it is necessary to say specifically. About vampires to this point, I just heard the edge of my ear and I somehow wasn’t particularly interested.

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This topic is of course close to me, but there is a group and what, aren’t there many vampire bands with female vocals? And with that background you’re see


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and hear the band in the flesh for the first time in your life and from the first second there comes such harmony on the energy level that you just enter into resonance with them,

and it is immediately clear - that’s your own. Surprisingly, it’s really not my music, and I will not listen to them, probably never (although ... life is sudden), but the devil knows

at what cellular level of the body the organism recognizes them in itself and puts an mark «approved». Well, this music is good, but I’m a girl and I prefer male vocals. But the scenic image of Sonya is just something, I think I was ready to jump around her with a camera for hours. I would like to spent on she all given time. And of course it is felt that the audience is delighted (certainly!) and while it is clear that the musicians themselves are happy and satisfied to be here. It’s always cool when a musician does not stand with complicated muzzle on the stage, but contacts the audience and, quite naturally, gets a feedback. And, again as a photographer, I can’t be

Total: I’m waiting for Sonya and Theatres Des Vampires again. Who knows, maybe the music will come to the heart, everything may happen, for example, Hanzel und Gretyl started to

to such a gloomy holiday? And what was most memorable that night? Except for certain individuals who did not calculate their strength in the fight against alcohol (though not particularly spiteful towards others), I felt very comfortable. The public, who is well acquainted with many other events, can say all for a long time already their people. Well, the holiday is not so gloomy, as well as the performing teams are gloomy to call the language will not turn. Dark - yes. The same XeNONE arranged a disco for off-peak joy, for example, and the Lexy Dance itself is just a solid unhappy, because shooting get my understanding only positive. happy people on stage and at the third arrival, but they But, two things were in the hall - this in itself is started. remembered: the first is already great and through Did you have any the show of Theatres Des the photo you get into the unpleasant moments Vampires, to which I was general mood. unprepared. during a party dedicated completely

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I do not know what exactly I expected to see, I did not expect anything, probably, I thought that here is another group, well, okay, we’ll listen. And then Sonya comes out with these horns and begins some kind of madness on stage and in the hall, and it was perfect. Second, this is the performance of Centhron, which for I actually came. With them, I knew what to expect, but alive Elmar Schmidt is absolutely


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incredible, it’s such wild power and rage that the hair stands on end. And again, I also judge from the photographer’s point of view that and Vampires, and Centhron cause a raging desire to run around endlessly around them and press a button, and this is really a rare case for me when I’m happy with the result and even sometimes review the pictures because I it seems I with both of them resonated up and caught

the gist. Which band, in your opinion, was the most popular for the audience gathered in the club? And what kind of audience were there at all in terms of the theme of the party? Despite the fact that the headliners of the party should be considered Hanzel und Gretyl the amount of the audience in the hall at Theatres Des Vampires seemed to me to be significantly larger.

Perhaps it is irresponsible to say that the pier is not surprising, but who saw Sonya, will not have a question. And as for the public, I maybe can repeat myself, but in general, the party of the «dark» stage is rather limited in terms of the number of participants and every time you see a bunch of familiar faces. And it’s nice. Many of them, by the way, go to the usual concerts in costumes, not just Halloween. This time there were not many in the costumes, many just came in a suit of human, but it was funny to consider those who thoroughly prepared. Snow Queen, for example, or a girl with a crow on her head, a giant insect, skeletons, horned demons, wizards, latex and

masks, bloody nurses clothes, blood everywhere. and nurses-guys, bloody A warm, warm atmosphere zombies, death, blood on for those in the subject. their faces, bloodshot on Talk a little bit about you. How long have you been a photographer? This is your profession or hobby? Worth 14 years to live with a camera in hands in order to three years ago shoot a concert and understand that it is something that I want to shoot always. However, the office work hasn’t been canceled yet, and concert photography — this is mostly an unpaid activity. So this part of life exist (yet) by big love. You are a professional photographer and a member of the team Teamwork. Tell us about your team and what exactly it does.

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Teamwork is a team of photographers. We love cats,events,music,concerts, food, brides, children, buildings, abstractions, objects and much more. In addition to the love of photography as a whole, we are united by the project rockcult.ru and the desire to eat. To ensure that our talents are not wasted, because the live footage very much pumps skills, but does not bring the desired income, and Teamwork was created. Our main chips are, firstly, a really big pool of photographers with shooting experience in not very simple conditions (because the concert is not easy :)) which means that we can work on projects of any complexity solely with our staff and it is always easier than a lot of unrelated people. Secondly, it is the presence of a curator for each project, which is the responsible person on all


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issues. It is necessary that the customer does not have to coordinate everything with each photographer separately, select photos, explain by a thousand times what exactly he needs, etc. In general, with us it is convenient and we are classy :) You told me in our

interview that the Teamwork team created on the basis of Rockcult photographers order to apply your skills on a commercial basis. Hope your expectations were met and you got for what was actually created Teamwork? Teamwork really helps us earn for food, although gold, as you know, can’t be too much. By myself, I can say that after working with the customer through the curator, I do not really want to do it myself, it’s really very convenient. You seem to be a rock star and you have your own manager, cool! I can’t ignore the brainchild of your team, under the loud name Rockcult. Tell us about this important for each metalhead and connoisseur of rock music project.

I would like it to be true, and every metalhead before breakfast read Rockcult instead of a newspaper and sent us the rays of good. So far it seems to me that this has not happened, but we are striving to capture the world, and unlike many other publications in which I happened to participate, I believe in Rockcult. We will grab. Because we are a gang :) If about the essence of issue, then Rockcult is an edition about music, cinema, games and culture. Despite the speaking name, we write not only about rock music, but about rock as a style of life and about music as a phenomenon. And not only about this. We can be called a collective blog with moderation, content for which alone create more than 80 people. There is a chief editor, departments and editors of departments, a designer, developers, authors of materials, photographers and translators. Everyone participates in the project for their own reasons (experience, team of like-minded people, inscriptions for concerts, access to idols, etc.), without payment, only on enthusiasm, despite the fact that there is a lot of work. But that’s the feeling, when you give up a cool stuff and then he gets a bunch of positive reviews - it’s priceless. All is not in

vain. You always have to shoot a rock bands. How long have you been working in this field? Do you attend only those events that you like or where the editorial staff will send? What kind of event can you distinguish among the others during your professional career? I shoot concerts a little more than 2.5 years. I can’t say for other editions, but in Rockcult you (if you were well behaved and didn’t piddle) may go to those concerts, which one you choose. However, sometimes, the editorial Board asks to shoot something socially useful and necessary, and someone always called to help. Because it is our common affair. The most exciting shooting I have is, perhaps, were Shining and Niklas Kvarforth. Who is known on stage, cuts himself with a knife and throws dangerous razors around the room, extinguish cigarettes about his body, spits, pours the wine on the audience’s heads (or whatever at hand), knocking the micro stand over his head and just fights, catches photographers in photopit and trying to strangle them, etc, well he is «cute». Although, he strangled me lightly, no one spittle hits me and I managed to dodge the rest, but was treated me to whiskey.

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And I was shoot almost in the dark, but after all of the above it is not even the difficulty was, well, inconvenience. Nobody has yet compared with this adventure. Do you have your own approach to photography? What kind of lens do you like most and what kind of cameras do you use on the set? Concerning the shooting of concerts, I do not think that this is any very special approach. If you do something, do it well and conscientiously. There is an opportunity to shoot throughout the concert, and not just the first songs from the photopit - take off, look for interesting perspectives, try, and do not dump home in a warm bed at the first opportunity. You did not come for the check mark. And no matter how sad it does not sound, but you came to take


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photos, and not hang out at the concert of your favorite band, so don’t hanging over into a moshpit, you should shoot. In short, in any incomprehensible situation - shoot. But which camera need to shoot, it is of course important, but as it has been repeatedly said, the photographer takes pictures, not the camera. Good technology gives more possibilities, but if there is nothing in the head, then alas, you will get senseless pictures of good quality, that’s all pluses. My first concerts I shot only one lens 50 mm and got quite a good result, just had to more work with my feet, heh. So now I have 24-70 and 20 mm (although I would like something more wide-angle, so that you know, and your feet fall into the frame) to work in photopit and 70-200 for shooting from the hall and

close-ups. Carcass Nikon D800. It’s possible to live. At the end of our interview, what would you like to say to our readers? The question that always drives everyone into a stupor :) I wanna wish to all of us more cool and desired concerts, hugs with idols and making dreams come true. Thank you for the fascinating conversation. I wish you good luck and prosperity to Rockcult!!!

Halloween Party 27.10.2017. ZIL arena. Look from the first rows. Review by Jay Reedus & Millenna Nero. Finally, Theatres des Vampires arrived to Moscow! After annoying cancellation of the concert last year, Theatres des Vampires acted in Zil Arena on HALLOWEEN PARTY. As soon as we saw the announcement of the concert and the great name in the list of the acting bands, – without thinking, we ran to buy tickets! We couldn’t miss this event! And though during weekend on the eve of Halloween there are always a lot of good options where to spend time, – the choice was obvious! Jay: Personally for me Theatres des Vampires is not just a band, it’s the whole era. I’ve began to listen to this band since 2004. I remember I bought their album “Nightbreed of Macabria” devoted to the fictional world – Macabria. I bought up all their old albums and constantly I watched everyone new up to

divine “Candyland”. Millenna: I am a “young” fan. I have learned about TDV long ago, but I began to listen more often only about one and a half year ago... I have much more time to make up for lost time. After having visited a live concert, it just impossible not to fall in love with “Vampires”! The concert began after an atmospheric “Intro”. Sonya’s appearance on the stage was accompanied with roars of the crowd, she appeared before us wearing an amazing sexual dress of the priestess of Satan: with horns and the turned pentagram on her chest.

J ay: I t’ s pleasa n t f o r me that in Zil A ren a there isn’ t a h ug e distanc e between b a n d and public as it is in many c lubs. An d it’s great that Sonya d o es n ’t

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cha n g e h e r st y l e an d co n du c t s con ce r t s, a ttrac t in g fan s: sh e gi ve s t h e m i cr oph on e a n d pe opl e can si n g to ge t h e r with her, s he pour s bl ood ov e r ha n ds an d sh ake s ha n ds w it h oth e r f an s, tra n s fe r r i n g mad p o w e r ! A n d, of cou r se , s he t r e at e d f r om my gla s s w i t h w in e wh i ch w e pu t on th e st age w hi le w e dan c e d u n de r th e i r s on g s . Millenna: When it turned out that between the stage and the fan zone there was no


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barrier, I regretted that I hadn’t took the camera and accreditation to shooting … But I take my «lifesaver» – a smartphone with excellent optics! I allowed to make many excellent photos, it wasn’t worse than photos taken with my reflex camera. The photo is what I love on an equal basis with listening to good music. And if I do it at the same time it’s the real amazing! Jay: Time flew really fast. It’s sad, but it always

happens when you come to a concert of your favorite band which gives all the best and relishes from the fact that it does. There was a wish that this event would never came to an end! Not the first time I am surprised to their astounding songs, virtuoso playing of the musicians, the magnificent Sonya and very warm attitude of TDV to their fans. The action on the stage completely captures you if you get entirely into this gloomy and dancing atmosphere of songs of «Vampires». Every melody transfers you to the world, and you literally see everything in Sonya’s eyes. Especially compositions from «Candyland». She visited this abandoned building and it was right thing. Songs from the latest album are excellent! The band becomes better and better with every their new creation. Final lovely «La dance macabre du vampire» was simply magnificent! The whole audience echoed «Dance! Dance! Dance! The Vampire!» The real unification with band was felt. After the concert many people were photographed with the band in the hall, it once again shows TDV from the positive side, and that they really appreciate their fans. The only one thing that disappoints: there were not so many people as it would be desirable. This band must collect packed houses for a long time. I hope that in 2018

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We’re like to meet good people and experts who manage to stop a moment and to make many bright photos, thereby creating pages of history which will be included forever into the chronicle of Theatres des Vampires. So we have recognized the author of the remarkable pictures made by the smartphon, Millenna.

Tell us about the latest Halloween party 2017, your opinion about organization and about the list of bands on that show. It was magnificent! Our small company went to see «TDV», but I with pleasure got listened to the other bands. It was interesting to see «Кроу», we had fun listening dance-mixes from «Xe-NONE», and we enjoyed guitar riffs of «Hanzel und Gretyl». What do you think about Theatres des Vampires? Do you like their music and their scenic image? What was fans’ during TDV's show?


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Very stylish band. Esthetics of images and music conform and it's very important for me – I love not just to listen but also to watch when there is something to see. Sonya is really beautiful – she is sexual and charming! And the public has pleased, especially in the forefront, – all has a blast at the party! Were there some unpleasant moments during the party devoted to such dark holiday? And what was most remembered that evening? I have spent 90% of time near the stage, photographed, danced and enjoyed music. I haven't noticed any unpleasant moments. I try not to notice them – I have come to have a rest! It was most of all remembered: Sonya has

divided with us a glass of wine. Ha-ha! But I «expected» it! What band, in your opinion, was the most popular for the public? And what kind of people were there in general? I think many guests came to see TDV! (Unfortunately, they come to us so seldom …) But if you see polls in networks, the majority voted for Hanzel und Gretyl. However, it was not so important for me since the party was very successful! Almost everyone had smart suits an make-up! A great reaper, a black cat, monsters and devils with horns – the audience was prepared well! There was something to see with pleasure. Let’s talk a little about you. How long have you been engaged in the photo?

The photo as the main profession, I am engaged since 2007. But, as many people, at school age I began to be fond of photography with «Disposable camera», then on digital. And then I plunged into the world of retouch of photos and now I don't imagine myself without my camera. Even the smartphone has been chosen with the great camera mounted on it. You are a professional p h o t o g r a p h e r retoucher. It would be desirable to learn about details of your work. What are you engaged in? Subject photo, processing … Design and imposition of POS materials. At this moment of life, the most part of my work is connected with ware and home decoration. Also with pleasure, I participate in creative photo projects with colleagues. Shooting of an action similar to Halloween party is not your format. Tell how it was - to take photo of musicians whom you like and for the sake of whom you came to that action? I was very much delighted to free access to the stage, it happens not every time – with pleasure I seized this remarkable opportunity to test the smartphone in difficult conditions of shooting. To photograph and to listen lovely music is something that is not always possible to combine because of a frequent discrepancy of musical tastes with customers. Working with favorite musicians brings a special pleasure! Do you have your own

approach to shooting? What lenses most of all are pleasant to you and what cameras do you use on shooting? Mood. It is just a key moment in work for me. I try not to do what isn't pleasant to me. During work with people – it is especially pleasant when you are «on one wave» with them. I use the equipment of Canon. Depending on subject and conditions of shooting, different lenses. In creative shooting especially I love the Soviet manual lenses, for example, Helios. Yes, I very much love this lens, contrary to various opinions. My second «extreme» is a mobile photo. Technologies don't stand still and now in the compact smartphone is the

excellent camera which always near at hand! A year ago, my choice has fallen on the smartphone of Huawei with optics from Leica. Still I want to share joy: in November, 2017 I became one of winners of a competition of «The mobile photo of Huawei» and have won even more powerful smartphone. Now mobile reports will be even more cool! At the end of our interview what you would like to say to our readers? Music is an art which unites millions of people timeless and space. Listen to favourite music, dream and create!

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Katrin Antares-вокал Evgeniy JonPriest-гитара Andrey Lanchikov-bass Dmitry Shalaev-drums

That evening, on Halloween party, were noticed a very interesting people. These were members of the Anckora band. We have communicated to Katrin and she has shared with us the feelings and has told about her band... Tell us about the latest Halloween party 2017. What do you think about the organization and about the bands who took part in that show? We were there not from the beginning and not to the end, but everything we saw brought positive impressions, especially the performance of Theatres Des Vampires. The beautiful erotic vocalist couldn’t not to draw attention! What do you think about Theatres des Vampires? Do you like their music and their scenic image? What was fans’ reaction during their show? What about you? We saw them for the first time. Initially we had a strong wish to see Hanzel und Gretyl, but Theatres Des Vampires impressed us more. The show and music were pleasant, beautiful and harmonious. The public accepted them very warmly and positively too. Were there any unpleasant moments during the party


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devoted to such dark holiday? And what was most remembered that evening? There was nothing unpleasant. Some of our mates had negative comments about Theatres Des Vampires, actually, but after having seen them we made our own opinion, a very positive! What band, in your opinion, was the most popular for the public that gathered in club?

And what kind of people represented the audience in general? From those three bands we saw, Hanzel ung Gretyl were waited obviously more, but personally for us Theatres Des Vampires were more pleasant, their music is simpler but at the same time more pleasant and the show is more beautiful. Katrin, let's talk about you. How long have you been fond of photography? It is your profession or your hobby? Initially it was a hobby, and everything has begun with shootings on phone, many people said that I did it very well, and my husband decided to give me a camera as a gift for my birthday. It was so difficult to understand it, of course, but it was so interesting for me. As a result, I trained for about 4 years, and I think there is always room for improvement. Are you a professional photographer? And what do you shoot most often? People like my works, and now I would like to consider the photography as my profession. But I am over-modest. Usually I shoot concerts and various reports.

Do you have your own approach to shooting? What kind of lenses do you like most of all and what kind of cameras do you use? I prefer high-aperture optics. I have one camera, Canon 80d, it is considered semi-professional. And now it’s enough for my needs. Lenses are different because Canon are quite expensive, so I choose their analogs, for example by Sigma or Tamron. And now let’s talk about your band ANCKORA. It would be desirable to introduce your band to our readers. Tell us about it. The band has existed for 10 years, and during this time we have managed to change stylistics and many members. However, I think that these changes led only to success with each step and to the positive moments in the history of our band. I can tell more – we

have many cheerful stories from trips and performances. Among our achievements there are 4 albums and a set of concerts across Russia and Europe. Now we are making a new album, but it doesn't prevent to perform. Also, we always seek to improve our shows and music. I have learned the history of your band,

and I have impression that ANCKORA is a successful touring group, is it true? Yes, we have visited also Finland and England. There was very much pleasant for us, and we are planning to get out again there, it is just to to find time and forces for it. The organization of tours is not the easiest work. ANCKORA is noticeable for their fascinating and unforgettable laser shows. Who and when had the idea to realize this action and how does the public accept your show? The idea was introduced by our FX-er six years ago, it was pleasant to us, and we decided that it was suitable for us. It is beautiful and the audience is always happy! Why have you chosen this name for your band and what does it mean? How can you characterize the style of tour band? What do your lyrics mean and what kind of topics do you touch in your songs? This is a combination of two of my nicknames, it means nothing, just a beautiful word. However, recently we heard in could be translated drom Italian as «more». It's suitable to us! But the Italian word is written a little differently. We define a genre of our music for ourselves as alternative/industrial. However, there is no sense to drive ourselves into some framework, it is necessary just to do what you want! Many of our tracks are devoted to extreme sports and also fight of the personality against the elements or the internal contradictions. And of course, there are some songs about love!

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Who is the author of music and texts? What or who inspires to write texts and music? I usually write texts, and as a rule, we create our music together. We put to it some experiences and problems experienced by us or someone else, trying to lead these situations to the positive final. Are you planning to release a new album in the near future? Yes, we are working with new material now, and we plan to start record in the summer, and, probably, we will appoint the presentation in the autumn! What bands would you like to perform with or perhaps to go to a tour with? Do you think to make an expanded tour across the cities of Russia, visit the cities where you were not never before? Of course, it would be very desirable to play with Rammstein, but we don't make any concrete plans! It would be very interesting to visit those cities and edges where we weren't yet. The main thing is to have a little time for sightseeing because as a rule we can't do it at busy tour's schedule.


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ANCKORA has became 10 years old this year. How have you celebrated this anniversary? We decided to celebrate our own birthdays uniting them with Anckora's anniversary, and made a small concert in the friendly atmosphere. It was very great! One of the best birthdays! Only positive impressions and memories, thanks to our friends and fans for that party! R e c e n t l y there was the Emergenza festival where A N C K O R A won with a big breakaway and succeeded to the next round. Tell us how you get to this fest and about your success there. And what will be farther? Usually we try not to contact various competitions, but this time we decided to try as our familiar musicians had recommended. Well, now the next tour is coming, it

will start on January 28, and we will need your support in the vote again! If we win we will go to perform at a festival in Europe. Why do we must miss such a chance? What are your musical preferences and what bands do you listen to most often? I like electronic industrial, and in general I listen to quite different music, ot depends of my mood. At the end of our interview, traditionally, a couple of words to our readers. The New Year is coming, and let it will bring you only good things, and all the bad ones will remain in the outgoing year! Let your dreams come true! http://anckora.ru/ https://vk.com/anckora

Photoreview by Katrin Antares

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Who has been waiting for so long time and hoped to the long-waited meeting? Of course the fans who are not indifferent to the band and for the sake of it, they are ready to leave all their affairs and rush to the concert. We have several reports from the Halloween Party by the fans who decided to share their joy and to relive the happy moments of that evening ... Olga «Blackie» Schneider

We were waiting for this for so long, and now after so many years of silence Theatres des Vampires finally visited Russia. But to say ‘visited’ is to say nothing. The band should come to Russia in the last year during the tour dedicated to the latest album Candyland that tells us about all the horrors of the sadly famous asylum called Pennhurst and Located in Pennsylvania with two concerts: in Moscow and in Ufa. But suddenly we learned that the shows had been cancelled not so long before the arrival of the band. I still remember how Sonya wrote to me about that and how sad she was. Following the organizer’s words, it were some religious fanatics who interfered again and the local authorities pressed him, but we know that someone just didn’t make a good PR for the shows. I spoke with Sonya about that so much and she promised to find a way to go to Russia, so she kept her word! So the long-waited day came, they arrived in Moscow. And me too, I went from Nizhny Novgorod to


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see them again after so many years. They should play at the Halloween party where they shared the stage with a Metal monsters like Hanzel und Gretyl and Centhron and also with a Russian bands like Crow, Xe-None and The End Of Melancholy. Despite the scale of the party, it seemed to be a party for friends because the musicians walked amongst the audition, spoke with them, took photos… After a short time since we had entered the hall Sonya went pot from the dressing room. I called her name and we ran to hug each other. I’ll never forget that moment! She has changed so much! With age, this incredibly kind woman becomes just more and more attractive. Finally after having reunited, we should just wait… The guys were to play second. There became much more people on the hall, and almost everybody approached the stage. Finally, we heard the intro and then so familiar first accords of Kain that have become the traditional beginning of all their concerts. There

were played several songs from the new album: Your ragdoll, Delusional Denial, Parasomnia… But also some quite old songs like Blood addiction (during which Sonya traditionally shared blood with the people), Medousa, Unspoken words… And of course, not without La dance macabre du vampire that is player everywhere: on concertsfunerals-weddingsanniversaries-corporate parties, as we say it here in Russia. Sonya is just wonderful, she has amazing plastic, she keeps in touch with the public and does it just perfectly. At the same time, she doesn’t behaves like a ‘rock star’ or something like that and she is always open to communication. I totally love her! The new guitarist Flavio totally pleased us. He perfectly kept on the stage, and it was immediately evident that he had been quickly accustomed to the new collective, felt its atmosphere and become its integral part. I was also glad to see again the representatives of the old guard - Zimon and Gabrio. They are so funny guys that no words are enough to describe it, you just need to see and hear. In general, folks, I'll tell you so: it was just something incredible! I hope to see them soon and I already miss them very much.

†mortion† Dark

Since the moment of the last arrival of Theatres Des Vampires almost 7 years have passed. I remember, in far 2011 I was going to meet the idols for the first time, and this meeting surpassed all my expectations! Last year because of the irresponsible organizer their concert was canceled, and now they visited Russia again, having acted within the festival dated for Halloween that is so loved by informal young people. For our fan club meet and great was organized. Exactly to 6 pm my friends and me approached to the club, I called the organizer, he told us to wait a little. Heart began to beat faster waiting for a long-awaited meeting. And then Sonya go out for a smoke and she recognized me! My English isn't really good, I learned in advance prepared questions on the way, but there was some effect of suddenness. I told her about the long journey, and she regretted that the concert in Krasnodar had been cancelled, but she was glad that in Moscow and St. Petersburg they were manage to act. Having mentioned several offers,

Sonya run away into the dressing-room, and we stood in a lobby with hope that we will go into the hall soon and it would be possible to communicate again. As a result, we were standing outside nearly 1,5 hours and came inside together with all, but one of the first ones. Right there I begun to bother other organizer about the meeting, and at this time Sonya stood in a corner with guys from Nizhny Novgorod - Olga and Dan. Having run up to them, I have presented a ring with a bat, Sonya tried on it and has smiled. I have reminded about a disk that intended for Evgeny, our ideological inspirer. She took my friend Masha and me to the dressingroom room where we were photographed and Sonya signed our posters. Long it was impossible to be there and Sonya has delicately hinted about it. Concert detained, but I took already my place near the stage. On the stage there were Theatres Des Vampires, except the vocalist who appeared one minute later. The concert began with peculiar Intro. Vampires have decided to remember

at first old, having sung Kain and Unspoken Words, and then have executed a fresh hit Delusional Denial from a latest album of Candyland. The sound was qualitative that inexpressibly pleased. On the Sangue song inimitable and in a vampire way graceful Sonya bled from the mouth, soiled hands and reached for us. It was very spectacular! She saw me and periodically allowed to sing in the microphone. Practically tracks were recognized from the first notes: Morgana Effect, Wherever You Are, Resurrection Mary, Medousa, Blood Addiction, Angel Of Lust, Your Ragdoll, Parasomnia, Photographic, Carmilla. And the performance has ended with a hit of all times La Dance Macabre Du Vampire better known in our country as «dances in cellophane». The public chanted and sang along. But all good has property to come to an end … Vampires have said goodbye and have gone to the make-up room. Bands acted according to a line-up, but periodically we looked out for the idols among public. And in one moment they go out to us, but security guards didn't give pass of their fans. Sonya has interfered, she said: «It’s OK» and we could go and to be photographed in club. Already at the very end of the festival when we were going to leave, Sonya with Flavio for a couple of minutes approached the bar counter. Having snatched the moment, I have approached to say goodbye and have thanked for a performance, she has told on Russian «thanks», friendly embraced with vampire kiss on the cheek.

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Maria A short report on the concert of Theaters des Vampires.

 On November 27th, with friends, I visited a party in honor of the upcoming Halloween in Moscow with a full concert program of Theaters des Vampires. My friends from the fan club Theaters des Vampires and I arrived in advance for an hour and a half to meet with the band, to give Sonya a small gift


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and to get autographs. Everything went a little wrong, but at the entrance, we still met with them, stood and smoked. After the concert began, we went to Sonya's dressing room, photographed, took an autograph and Morti gave her a ringlet with a bat. What a lovely Sonya, just lovely!

Insanely beautiful, artistic and talented woman was still very pleasant in communication, sweet and affectionate. During the concert, we stood in the front row in the center. The show began; Sonya came out wearing a Venetian mask and horns. We heard your favorite songs, such as Morgana Effect, Resurrection Mary, Parasomnia, Your Ragdoll, La Danse Macabria Du Vampire, Anima Noir, Medousa. Before the last song, emotions were bursting. Their live sound is even better than on the tracks, livelier, heavier, more penetrating, as it seemed to me, and the atmosphere and entourage of the show made itself felt. Near the end of the show, Sonya got blood from her mouth (of course, artificial), and she, bleeding to death, went to the edge of the stage, to the hands drawn to her fans to share this blood with us. And hands stretched to the bloody handshakes, and me, standing right in front of her, Sonya stroked her bloody hands with pale cheeks, and then she went to the end of the evening with a face in the blood. The audience eagerly sang along with the familiar songs, although there were not many people, the drive was felt. Personally for me time went somehow specially, I didn’t even notice how it flies and that the show already came to an end. Fans didn't want to let them go, but time was relentless. The last song was sung, the band left‌ But I will look forward new meetings and new concerts.

of a concert: it’s unforgettable! After the concert, I was photographed with Sonya and Gianello. Both of them are tremendous people in life! I would like to tell that it is one of the best Halloweens in my life! Vampires, thank you so much for that evening and good mood!

Olga My favorite Theatres des Vampires finally visited Moscow with a concert! All was top-level, Sonya just rocked the crowd. The sound was quite good, and the presentation of the new album Candyland was successful. I waited so much the song called Pierrot Lunaire, but I hope that Sonya will sing it next time. The new guitarist Gianello perfectly fitted into the band. He kept perfectly on the stage. TDV's hits La

Dance Macabre Du Vampire and Carmilla have been played. And La Dance Macabre Du Vampire was interesting to me to be heard performed by Sonya, it is necessary to tell that she sung it brilliantly! So, my impressions

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Evening came to an end, morning inevitably came. Ghouls and vampires, having sated at the celebration


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of Halloween, hurried to hide from killing beams of a rising sun, witches lost the charms. And guests of

Moscow prepared for flight on continuation of the banquet planned for October 28 in St. Petersburg...

Photoreview by Svetlana Kovalenko

Halloween in faces

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Opera club, St. Petersburg


Promoter of The Most terrible Halloween

St. PetersburG

On October 28, 2017 St. Petersburg continued, the evil spirits festivities had begun a day before in Moscow. Eminent guests were flown to the Opera club that it was good to have fun and please with the music the gathered children of darkness this evening. The favorable atmosphere was created by the skilled organizers and the pumpkin ale cooked especially for that party. Schedule of The Most terrible Halloween: 18:00 - open the door 19:00 - Xe-None 19:45 - Dominia 20:45 - Theatres Des Vampires (Italia) 22:20 - Hanzel Und Gretyl (USA) 23:50 - Alien Vampires (Italia) 01:20 - Centhron (Germany) 02:50 - DJ Void


05:00 - the end of evening

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017

Concert INFINITY from St.


CONCERT Petersburg

is an organization that is engaged in holding concert actions both in St. Petersburg and in other cities of Russia. The agency was founded in 2005, at that time the essence of activity consisted in holding medium-sized festivals with assistance of the Russian bands. Over the years, level and quality of implementation of projects of the organization increased, and soon the INFINITY

achieved and continues to grow professionally, increasing the level of the actions with each concert.



have organized performances of bands like: Hatebreed (USA), A Day To Remember (USA), Abney Park (USA), Annihilator (CAN), Alcest (FR), Iced Earth (USA), Amaranthe (SWE), Diary Of Dreams (DE), Megaherz

( DE ) , S uicide


agency began to cooperate with better known performers : both with R u ssi a n and with f o r e i g n , w i t h o u t forgetting to support at the same time and a Russian underground scene. It is already difficult to count the exact number of the actions organized by the agency, but they have organized hundreds of concerts. At the same time the INFINITY CONCERT team is never satisfied with what has already been

C ommando ( BEL ) , the Meteors (UK), London After Midnight (USA), Kylesa (USA), Saturnus (DK), Hanzel und Gretyl (USA), Kalmah (FIN),

Kypck (FIN), Amorphis (FIN), Norther (FIN), Finntroll (FIN), Korpiklaani (FIN), Theatres Des Vampires (IT), Napalm Death (UK), Leaves Eyes (DE), Das Ich (DE), Aesthetic Perfection (USA), Before The Dawn (FIN), Eternal Tears Of Sorrow (FIN), Reflexion (FIN), Lovex (FIN), Nachtmahr (AUT), Dagoba (FR), Sybreed (CH), Dezperadoz (DE), Dope Stars (IT), Diorama (DE), Sodom (DE), Alien Vampires (IT), Mad Sin (DE), Powerwolf (DE), Van Canto (DE), Die Apokalyptischen Reiter (DE), Dreams Not Reality (IT), Blutengel (DE), Lord Of The Lost (DE), Knorkator ( DE ) , T u r m i o n Katilot (FIN), Xe-none, Arrival, Артур Беркут (Ария ), Tracktor Bowling, Сергей Калугин (Оргия П р а в е д н и к о в ),Т р о л л ь Гнет Елль, Тараканы, 7б, Коррозия металла, План Ломоносова, Distemper, Слот etc. http://infinityconcert.ru http://vk.com/infinityconcert

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Erema Nagual is the PR-manager of the INFINITY CONCERT agency. We have known this person for many years and when I learned that he works in the agency organizing a concert of TDV, I contacted him and we discussed organizational issues of that show. Generally, every year we try to develop the Most Terrible Halloween. How you are to select participants and why this time the choice has fallen on those bands which are stated? We already worked with most of bands, organized their solo concerts in St. Petersburg. We offered these bands to play on the festival, they agreed with pleasure. I think that format is interesting to both bands, and public. Did such a significant event in the life of the night city draw attention of mass media? Yes, just like all events organized by us. Those were Darkside, Headbanger and other major online portals. Did official video filming of the action be carried out? Official video filming wasn›t carried out because there were some difficulties, but our team removed a detailed video report on the festival. Well, of course, by tradition there were photos from the photo zone where anyone could be photographed for memory wearing beautiful suit or without it. But the festival is remarkable still the fact that the public specially dresses up in beautiful and interesting dresses that gives to evening a special charm. Theatres des Vampires fit


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into the party›s format, but not absolutely into the format of musical part of the show. In my opinion, the main genre of the bands acting during the Halloween nevertheless is closer to the electro and industrial. And TDV play other music. Why did you decide to invite the Italian vampires to your show? Theatres des Va m pi res perfectly fi tted i nt o t he acti on. Esp eci all y , t he li st of parti ci pant s wa s by no means no t o nl y electroni c. Hall o ween is fi rst of all t he atmosphere, and ba nd s w hi ch fi tted i nto t hi s atmosphere p erfor m ed a t the festi v al. It would be desirable to hear opinion of the organizers about the latest show. How did the bands who played on the big stage performed? What band, in your opinion, caused the greatest storm of emotions in the gathered crowd? Was there any after party for eminent guests that evening? What can you tell in general about the organization of «the most terrible Halloween»? Was evening successful or perhaps there were some self-critical remarks which your agency will try to correct in the future? All the bands were accepted

very well, all of them performed vigorously. Headliners - Theatres des Vampires, Hanzel und Gretyl, Centhron, attracted the greatest interest on the big stage, of course. There was not any specially organized after party. Many musicians after their performance just went to the hall and communicated with the people, and Vampires were one of them. In general, the holiday was wonderfully successful. We always consider any objective remarks from public. As I know, after the performances on the stage, the musicians went to the hall in crowd of the audience. Does it have created additional problems to organizers of a show? The meeting of fans with the idols cannot always be smooth, especially in excited crowd. Their appearance in the hall didn’t make any problems. People on such concerts are totally adequate. Those are not fans of any Russian pop band. The shows devoted to the celebration of Halloween recently are quite widespread in our country. It gives a chance to dress different suits of gloomy and awful characters and anti-heroes and go to party and hang out in crowd. Was there some competition on the best suit or the brightest character that evening? A competition of suits was held, of course. It is one of obligatory components every Halloween. I was busy, and I don›t know who has won there. What can you tell about a bad sound on the show, including the performance of Theatres des Vampires? I heard many complaints from the audience about it.

I can tell that the sound in clubs depends on many factors, and not only from the sound producer, but from bands too. It can depend where you’re standing in the hall. Therefore, there were some people who liked the sound and who didn’t. There’s good sound in Opera club. Repeatedly I witnessed as top-bands with skilled technicians very quickly built up a smart sound. As for Halloween, nevertheless the action format should be taken into account. Perhaps, not everything has passed in this plan smoothly, but it will be considered too. Tell us about your specialty drink that was on sale that evening. It is the excellent pumpkin ale cooked by the Knightberg company together with Infinity Concert specially to an action. Not only visitors of a concert, but also

changed in the band (besides their members)? As I think, their music hasn’t changed so much if we take the period when Sonya has become their frontwoman. And so, perhaps, there was more spirit and power engineering specialists on performances. Did you organized the arrival of TDV to St. Petersburg or it was organized in cooperation with DELTA MEKONG CONCERTS? With the DMC in common. Thank you for an informative conversation, it was very pleasant to learn from you details of the «Most terrible Halloween».

musicians of the collectives playing that evening estimated it. I recommend testing it to everybody. A special question for you: your band Guaho already acted with TDV two times, and you are anyway a little familiar with their creativity. What do you think, has something

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Count Dracula Count himself.


Dracula arrived

under cover of darkness to


presence terrible




the most


took upon himself

management evening


that show.



brilliantly salute him




leader of the evening in the

guise of the Chernyshyov.



Tell us about the details of carrying out The Most terrible Halloween. How did everything begin, what competitions were held between performances of bands on the big stage, how actively participated the crowd in those competitions? I was invited by the organizer Dima Martynenko and he told that this year there would be actually an influx of people and the show was expected to be fabulous. Honestly, I also had no special doubts in this respect since last year›s Halloween had been incredibly successful! And even when the very first band played on the main stage the hall was already half full, and XENONE showed an amazing performance, pleased as well with some covers, everything was powerful, fervent! The organizers decided not to do too many competitions, there


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was a classical competition for the best suit where unconditionally won a girl in Slendermen›s suit. Also, I held a competition which was held in the homeland of various metalheads of Scandinavia: playing a fictional guitar where however this time won the girl in a suit of a pink dinosaur. How was it to be the host on similar actions? Usually people come to listen to their idols, but not to look at a host. Were there no problems when the bands left the scene and you appeared with your speech? Was there no feeling that the crowd already begun to be nervous waiting for musicians? I can tell that the people reacted very approvingly to my gruesome remarks and jokes, the atmosphere was obscurely good. In general, I decided not to do too big distance to

the viewer, I communicated with everybody on one wave. The change of the groups happened rather dynamically and there was an opportunity to visit the small stage so the people definitely didn›t miss, but I can say that a lot of people didn›t leave the main hall. Why did you choose such a suit for the show? Was it easy to enter the image to correspond to the suit? The image was chosen together with the organizers. The main organizer should have the status so the Count Dracula and the show that he represented is a quite successful image. The most difficult thing in my suit were the fangs, it was difficult speak in the microphone wearing them, it was fucking uncomfortable so it was necessary to hide them while being on stage. I was kind of

vampire grandfather wearing his false teeth. What are your impressions of the bands that played on the big stage? I can tell that there was some special atmosphere on the stage and in the dressing room. It was the moment when the groups that performed on the stage were super professionals and did a fine show! Do you often conduct this kind of actions? Are there any difficulties in conducting such a nonformat parties? I conduct this kind of actions not so often as I would like to do, but I get a real pleasure from them. I am a big fan of heavy music, I played a very hard music before, I visited different EDM and CyberPunk parties, so I know many old-timers of this scene. We would like to learn more and in details about it. I played in a Techno Brutal Death band Disfigured before (now it is called Narada), I also played Nu Metal in Fugu and I was a PR-manager and an expert and also a substitute bass player of Count to Six. They went to Wacken from Russia. Actually, I went with them too. And what happened on the small stage? Usually it gets so few attention. As I worked in general on the big stage, it was possible to be just a little on the small scene, but I can tell that the set of †CAIN† was very powerful. After the performances on the stage, the members of bands went to the hall to meet the audience. How did fans meet them? As far as I know, generally, they were in the dressing room, but those who waited got autographs and photos,

Russian Candyland Tour 2017

they almost tore Sonya into pieces. What are your impressions from the specialty pumpkin ale? It›s good that you asked about it because it was just incredibly cool! The guys from the Knightberg brewery did it really wonderfully! They spent 200 pumpkins, plus a lot of different spices. It was one of the most interesting beer I ever drank. It was a pity that it was limited and was done just for that party. I›d like to buy it more. Did you manage to get acquainted and communicate with foreign guests (I mean the bands participants, especially Theatres des Vampires)? When all the bands gathered in the dressing room, it was nearly cooler than the shows. First of all, it is necessary to tell that the bands were very different and came from different countries: USA, Italy, Germany, Russia. But despite it, there was a feeling that all knew each other for a thousand years, they told each other some stories and mocked stereotypes of the countries. Alien Vampires were a little tipsy from the provided strong drinks that, however, was not surprising for a rock party and for such a large-scale celebration. And Sonya came and sung with them during their performance. As we publish the magazine for our friends Theatres des Vampires, I must ask: what were your impressions from the performance of the Italians? In your opinion, did

Sonya know how to rock the crowd and how did the fans reacted to the performance of the Vampires? To tell that she rocks is nothing to tell. Of course, it was necessary to see it with your own eyes. I think if she went down from the scene during the performance, she wouldn›t be returned back … It was very cool! Thank you that you found a little time for me and supplemented your answers in the book of history of the vampires... Theatres des Vampires. Good luck to you in your activity and I hope that it is not last our meeting!

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Drop Dead video is a joined team of musical operators. They record concerts, reports, backstage, promo and other videos! On their account there are already a lot of various shootings. The Most terrible Halloween drew their attention too. And remarkable girls – Tatyana and Ekaterina are engaged in all this. We have talked to them and have received from them details of that evening. . Tell us about the last “Most terrible Halloween” 2017. What is your opinion about the organization and about the list of bands on this show? Tanya: The party was precisely successful! Halloween has turned out very atmospheric, with excellent music, the fortuneteller, exclusive ale... Katya: Unfortunately,


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I have managed to see only a small part of the event and the performances of only two bands: Dominia and Theatres Des Vampires. And in general, from the list of all participants I am familiar only with the creativity of Dominia, the others, unfortunately, I absolutely didn›t know. What do you think about Theatres des Vampires?

Were their music and a scenic image pleasant to you? What was the fans’ reactions to TDV show? Tanya: The band is interesting, as well as the behavior of the musicians on the stage. It is a visibly professional and creative approach at the same time. We recorded several fragments in slow-motion shot, we will surely show everything in the future, in what look we haven›t solved yet but a video with these shots will be obligatory and interesting. We prepare an interesting experiment! Fans were glad to see the musicians, as far as I know, many waited for them. Katya: I am absolutely unfamiliar with the band’s creativity, but the scenic image is impressing, especially, of course, the image of the vocalist.

There was a group of fans behind me, and they chanted «Sonya Scarlet!» for precisely fifteen minutes. In my opinion, they have welcomed them well. Were there some unpleasant moments during the party, after all the event was specific and the public peculiar? And what do you remember the most from that evening? Tanya: No, there was no problem, the public was peculiar but adequate: adults who came to have a rest and receive a dose of emotions. I remember the funny competition where girls played inflatable guitars, representing rock stars. Katya: I can›t tell anything about unpleasant moments, but Sonya, of course, was very much remembered! What band, in your opinion, was the most popular for the public which had gathered in club? And what was the public like in general? Tanya: HANZEL UND GRETYL, at least, were favourites, in my opinion, because

Russian Candyland Tour 2017

after their performance the number of people decreased a little. The public was varied, starting with those who were thoroughly prepared, and such as we were, observers. Katya: I had to leave earlier therefore I can›t precisely answer this question, but, according to stories by the audience, HANZEL UND GRETYL, THEATRES DES VAMPIRES and ALIEN VAMPIRES were the most anticipated. Much of the audience suited for party perfectly: the zombie and vampires were more than enough. Let’s talk about you.

Tell us about Drop Dead video. What do you do, how long have you worked in the musical industry? Is it your profession or a hobby? Tanya: this hobby developing into a profession. Drop Dead video is a united team of people who love music and want to keep the musical moments in history. I am upset every time I see a large number of people at concerts who constantly shoot videos on their mobile phone. They won’t remember the concert if they’re concentrating their attention on mobile, and videos will hardly make up for it. I remember, I saw a guy who went to a concert of Kaliningrad to St. Petersburg, he had bought the VIP-ticket and recorded the whole concert on mobile. Katya: Drop Dead Video as an association has existed since slightly more than half a year, however, of course, we have more experience. Personally I have been engaged in photograhy for about three years, and I work on a constant

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basis in the musical industry, probably since about a year, earlier was too, but occasionally, infrequently. So far this is a hobby, but I hope that it will develop into a profession. What are your musical preferences? Tanya: I can›t give any concrete direction, I can make a playlist, but it will be very varied too. I can say that I love emotions in music. If the music has emotions, it means that musicians are good fellows! Katya: My musical preferences turn around the styles having the words «rock» and «metal» in their names, generally but I also like other music styles: from the Neuromonk Feofan to Noize MC and Hollywood Undead, under different moods absolutely different music can come. Tanya, you travel very much. Is it somehow connected with video filming for Drop Dead video? Tanya: Travels are not specially connected with video filming in any way. If something is recorded, it happens


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the concert itself, more because of how human the attitude of the musicians towards to their fans was: they rented the boat, bought beer and pizza, paid for everything and sold tickets at 500 rubles (9 USD). The number of tickets, of course, was limited, but the most quick fans were in time. At this moment I thought of how the «Meet and greet» at Evanescence cost 14 thousand (250 USD). As a ruled, you could only spend little time with musicians to take autographs, you are on the way. Sometimes as thrown couple of phrases and the result we got kind you take photos. And here of films. - please! - 2 hours ride, Tell some interesting watch bridges, drink beer and story or a funny communicate with favorite anecdote. band. Excellent guys! Tanya: from recent From shootings in general, interesting cases, I then I very much remember have an example. I have when we went to the woods offered Dasha (Nookie, by the invitation of one of the vocalist of SLOT) to Slavic communities of St. make video as she lights a Petersburg to the holiday fire in slow-motion shot, Radogoshch. It was a very assuming that we will useful experience, it was leave and we will make not what we usually record it on the street, but she though it had the same didn›t become puzzled and essence. In general we burned that on the stage of position ourselves not only Aurora club. It has turned as purely concert photo and out very beautifully. video counts, but we are Katya: From concerts I ready to shoot in general remember a concert of Lacuna various events, not only Coil, but not so much for musical event.

You cooperate with a well-known and remarkable band - SLOT. Can you tell why you chose them? Probably it is your close friends and you combine business with pleasure? Tanya: Yes, we are friends. We started to shoot the whole blog about their concert life long ago - slot.NEWS and it has existed for about 7 years, now we have slowed down a little, but we will surely continue! About the SLOT a question to you, Tanya: tell about your friendship with group. Tanya: What can I tell? They are good guys. Interesting persons, they’re out of stardom and hypocrisy. By the way, they are really hard workers, and they love what they are engaged in and it›s the main thing. Last year I booked a trip to a holiday to Vietnam, and I went with SLOT on tour instead :) It was a very useful experience. However, after such holiday it was necessary to take one more. I imagine. Can you share how it was - to go on a tour with friends and such a popular band? It was a useful

Russian Candyland Tour 2017

experience, something new for me. In general life when you go night by the train, then day in the city, then night in the train and again it can seem too difficult, but I somehow haven›t felt a big pressure. We have shot the whole film on the way, sometimes I rewatch it from the beginning to the end even though I recorded it and I know every detail. About popularity... It is their popularity, not mine. It doesn›t mention me in any way. I am glad for SLOT that they organize concerts through the whole country! What event can you

distinguish from the others during your professional activity? Tanya: I very much like to record dynamic musicians and in general any dynamics. For example, I often go in slam to get some shots just from the heart of the event. From the last such dynamic concerts I can recall Alestorm, of course, the SLOT, Knorkator. There is an event that has changed all my understanding about musical events in general. The Sziget festival which I managed to visit last year, and I’m sure that it was not last time. I didn’t record anything at all there, I just plunged into this world and then came up from it. Once we went to Budapest. On the one hand, I could have brought one more interesting video, but on the other hand, I kept this madness to myself in my head and this is important! Katya: There was a lot of different events, but the most interesting are still ahead ;)

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What is your approach to shooting? What lenses are more pleasant to you and what cameras do you use for shooting? Tanya: I always study the performer in advance if he is unfamiliar to me. I try to understand the style of the music, what there can be recorded, how popular the musician is and some news. I try to find what will be pleasant to me personally and the creative process starts. It rarely


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happens that I like nothing at all. The most effective shootings are shootings of favourite performers of course. We generally shoot with ordinary reflex cameras, if necessary we bring a heavier artillery. Katya: The most important is quality and variety. Some photographers can spread 200 photos from one concert which almost identical from time to time. I consider, the quantity can be sacrificed,

but quality - never. I try to make reports the most interesting I can. I film with Canon, a lens with the ordinary reflex camera and a standard zoom the 17-50th. Periodically I use a long-focus lens. At the end of our interview what you would like to tell our readers? Tanya: Listen to good music, travel, create, go beyond your comfort zone! Everything you do for the good of creativity allows you to grow and get new emotions, energy, impressions which feed new fulfillments! The most terrible thing is to settle down and to do nothing! Katya: I think, here I will be stereotyped: be engaged in what is pleasant to you, and that will bring happiness to you and if you don›t know what is pleasant to you - try everything that you can (if, of course, it isn›t forbidden by the law:)) https://vk.com/dropdeadvideo

Russian Candyland Tour 2017


It’s the end of October, and it means that time for something seasonal, spicy and pumpkin has come! We are glad to present to you the most autumn grade of beer welded by the limited party together with the Infinity Concert especially for The Most Terrible Halloween. Especially for that beverage, we baked and added 200 kilograms of pumpkin, manually processed a special mix of spices and got a rich, saturated, slightly spiciness of seasonal ale which

would become your favourite dessert and become an excellent addition for the most terrible and at the same time most cheerful autumn holiday! The first and the only presentation of the Scary Pumpkin Ale took place at The Most Terrible Halloween festival where the pumpkin ale was present in all types, in bottles and as draft beer.

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And certainly, by the old good tradition, boxes with the Pumpkin Ale were sent to the dressing rooms of the musicians. We thank our friends from Infinity Concert agency for this cooperation and this joint experience that, as we hope, will continue!


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Russian Candyland Tour 2017



Austrian minibrewery in Vienna, founded by the SALM Company. Production

The premium Brewery of St. Petersburg - Knightberg is a family brewery, whose of beer is based on history leaves in 2007. independently developed The name of the brewery original compoundings, it consists of two words: is exclusive and based on Knight - a knight and Berg – environmentally friendly a hill, so it can be translated raw materials of the leading as ‘knightt’s hill’, a place of world brands. From grade to grade, the competitions, holidays and junkets. Here beer flows, brewers of Knightberg use the spirit of hospitality, joy a set of five-seven types of and delight reigns. malt among which there is One of the fundamental Belgian Castle Malting, principles of their work the German Weiermann, the is the orientation to the French Malteries quality and the stability Soufflet, the of the taste. It is very Finnish Viking important that from cooking and the Russian to





that the taste didn’t change.












brewers use

three grades of the and




The main Grades: Baltic Porter 20%/6,8% Oatmeal Stout 13%/4,6% American Pale Ale 12%/4,8% Zhigulyovsk pivzdrav 12%/4.5%. Spread in 3-liter jars. Premium Lager 13%/4.7% Russian classic 12%/4%. Phone of office:+7 812 3187888 (9.00-18.00), Shop +7 812 9825100 (12.00-21.00) MondaySaturday.




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The comment and photos from brewery Knightberg

The musicians apprehended our ale very positively. Even in spite of the fact that first they didn›t want anything to drink «prior to the performance», everything was opened and drunk with great pleasure. Vas Kallas told that it was fuckin› perfect pumpkin pie!!! And Sonya told that she liked Russia very much and that she was surprised that the beer had been cooked in Russia! We supply the musicians acting in Opera and Aurora clubs with our beer from time to time. And this time was a party when everything was drunk/hidden on suitcases without remainder. It was about 100 bottles at that festival. It is one of our favourite acts to give to drink beer to various musicians.


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Russian Candyland Tour 2017

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TDV 02.04.2018

Russian Candyland Tour 2017

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The Subculture portal is an Internet portal founded on July 1, 2011 and dedicated to modern culture. On the pages of this edition you will be able to find every day: topical news and novelties of music, cinema and literature, exclusive interviews with stars and unusual people, fresh reports of the brightest events, fascinating articles, posters for every day, draws of tickets. Since 2017 their own blogging platform, which has united creative people among whom there are poets, writers, musicians, directors, actors, travelers, is started. The project includes: Annual photo exhibition «Gallery of a Live Sound» removed by photographers of the portal; own musical festival «Subculture Portal Festival». The Subculture portal - community of a large number of professional photographers where good photo reports of concerts, exhibitions and other actions are provided. They participated at the most terrible Halloween. We talked about that evening with Anastasia Filippova, the author a big set of photos which forever will remain the memory of the arrival of Theatres des Vampires to Russia! Tell us about the latest Most terrible Halloween 2017. What is your opinion about organization and about the list of bands on this show? 
 There was a loud announcement about the second stage, but for me as for a fan of live music, this «smallest» stage seemed not so entertaining as the main.


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The most terrible Halloween initially also drew my attention with the announcement of Theatres des Vampires’ performance. I was also pleased with sound during Dominia’s performance, it was a Russian band that definitely deserves attention, at least because of presence of a violin. 
What do you think about Theatres des Vampires?

Did you like their music and their scenic image? What was the reaction of the people on TDV show? I learned about Theatres des Vampires at the very beginning of their career and THAT heavy sound of the first albums attracted me, and the vampire esthetics always has submitted me! 

 Were there some unpleasant moments

during the party devoted to such a dark holiday? And what was the most remembered thing that evening? Unpleasant? Oh, no! What are you talking about? Not of course! Sonya is extremely great! It’s an incredible pleasure to see her on stage! Each movement is a tastiness for eyes and a gift for the lens of my camera. What band, in your opinion, was the most popular for the public which gathered in the club? And what kind of people were there in general? I didn't remain until the end of the evening, but from what I had managed to contemplate, it was clear that Dominia attracted the interest of the people. I liked their sound very much. The audience was different because there were various guests and music styles. Many in the images corresponding to the holiday, it was laudable and it was curious!

 Let's talk about you. How long you are

Russian Candyland Tour 2017

engaged in the photo? It is your profession or a hobby? A hobby that has outgrown in … work, air, life! The photo has entirely captured me and it has continued for about 6 years! All this time I don't leave the camera, being engaged in the

favourite work.

 You are a professional photographer of the Subculture portal and PetroJazz. How do you manage to combine work in such obviously opposite places? It would be desirable to learn details of your work. I found subculture by myself and have presented to the founder of the portal my candidacy as the photographer, having also noted that I could not only remove, but also write reports. I thought that the leader didn’t have any doubts about me, and I was accepted to shootings at once. So I saw and heard and get acquainted with many favorite and interesting bands, and grew up together with the Subculture portal year after year. Now it is an impressive platform, not only a musical side about life of St. Petersburg, but also

about literature, theater and other manifestations of art. Over time, it became interesting to me to try the forces somewhere else, PetroJazz has so appeared. Having finished shooting for them a press conference (besides on own initiative), I got the invitation for further actions and I shooted already, actually, three-day festival in St. Petersburg, I also left together with the team of organizers and musicians to Tallinn. I continue to work with them. I appreciate them very much and I love them. 
 Tell about your cooperation with Reflections of Darkness. Oh, our acquaintance was a lucky coincidence that opened a path to the new horizons! I love great German groups, and RoD was founded by a young lady from Germany. We found the common language at once, and I began to shoot not only solo concerts of my favourite Germans, but also well-known festivals of that land. It is a big godsend for me!

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As I understand, the photo isn't the main source of your activity, you also practice yoga. Does it help you in your life and how have you came to this exotic, but so popular thing? It is true, but nevertheless the photo is in the priority. I live in every sense by photos. The yoga really helps to restore moral and physical forces. I started with yoga for that. And now also I conduct group lessons, and it is aero-yoga. In hammocks. Above the ground. Feelings as well as when I remove favourite performers - above the ground!

 You should constatly shoot a rock bands. What is the time you work in this sphere? Do you attend only those actions that are pleasant to you or you go where edition will send? What action can you distinguish from the others during your professional activity? Necessary is not that word which defines my activity. Everything is


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made on inspiration, or it is not necessary to take the camera. I am not sent anywhere, they just can invite. The choice and an initiative - it’s only my choice. In a priority reporting shooting, and a scene... it has been given the most part of me. Perhaps, photographing, I express the gratitude to bans, I try to express all my love to their creativity when I shot. And it is not any kind of big words... this is my feeling of shooting. The «dark» scene is my weakness.

Do you have an approach to shooting? What lenses most of all are pleasant to you and what cameras do you use on shooting? During this period, when I was approved in a thought to be engaged in photographing, I consciously collected a set from a professional camera and high-aperture lenses allowing to remove even in the most difficult conditions (at concerts often there is a light, not most favorable for shooting). I work with Nikon and its lenses. I change lenses on circumstances therefore to love some certain especially there is no sense, there is a reference point on conditions of light, spaces and a desirable shot is rather. 

 At the end of our interview what you would like to tell our readers? Be courageous and do that you really like to do!

Russian Candyland Tour 2017 Photoreview by Anastasia Filippova

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017 Moon Art

So, it became true! To be exact, it happened. Theatres des Vampires’ concert in St. Petersburg! The band visited our city not for the first time, but the last time had been long ago, that were the years when the legendary club Arctic was shaking from sounds elicited from the guitars by hordes of all kinds of Metal bands. I didn’t go to see Theatres des Vampires that time, I don’t remember why. It was too long ago. But this time I haven’t missed the chance to see the famous band live. And I am not sorry about it! But it is very difficult to remember now how everything passed. I remember some people wearing white masks, and then Sonya has stepped on the stage. And everything in fog and some scraps of memoirs. I remember precisely that I was in the first row and there was kind of hell. The scene had no protections that allowed mad crowd to grab legs of the vocalist who didn’t resist too much, constantly

coming to the very brink of the stage, so she made contact with public even more. Oh, yes! Sonya Scarlet is a bloody beauty who knows how rock the crowd and uses it skilfully! Especially furious fans tried to kiss her feet! You can see anything like that not everyday. Anyway, describing the impressions can’t help you to feel it, it can’t be described by words. There is only one way to feel this mad power, it’s just to come to

their concert and to see everything by your own eyes. We will hope that Sonya and Co won’t keep the St. Petersburg’s fans waiting for so many years again and will arrive already with a solo program. P.S. In blood we lust.

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017 Olga Safronova T



Halloween has lodged in Russia. At the end of October, the majority of concert scenes of St. Petersburg is assigned to powers of darkness from music. Witches, devils, the bloodstained persons creep out from all cracks and come to the stages of night clubs, concert halls, warming up themselves various potions to be loaded with dark energy of the acting colleagues. horrible holiday

Let’s pay special attention to Most terrible Halloween in the club Opera on October 28-29. The tickets for this horrible

action were bought up quicker than weather in the city changed. The club in the historical and gloomy district of old St. Petersburg, on Obvodnoy C a n a l Embankment, already creates the atmosphere. On an entrance of all of purposeful and accidentally come people, met shreds of spider’s web and a huge number of Jack lamps that were settled along all club. Security, waiters, guests everybody corresponded to the atmosphere of a holiday. I was impressed by the number of Gothic young ladies dressing crinolines, the blood-stained nurses, pirates, unknown ladies in masks, I especially liked cyber-Goths with their bright dreadlocks. The pink dragon and cookies

monster were noticed in crowd. At the fair of Dark Masters, it was possible to buy festive accessories. Somewhere under a ladder, I saw a fortuneteller with tarot cards. A nice witch in a frank decollete and a warm shawl surrounded with candles predicted future to young people in general, they were concerned by questions: whether their single friends will marry in the near future and whether there will be world peace. Guests communicated, rejoiced to meet their old friends, posed in the photo zone and ran to smoke outside in the smoking zone fanned by legends and baizes.

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The exclusive beer specially cooked for that day warmed up the holiday. Dense, with addition of spices, perfectly increased mood degree. The light source in the ladies’ room, in the form of Jack Daniels’s bottle was corresponding too. I liked the fact that there were the organizers on the Big and Small scene, 16 performers accommodated there, the people were divided basing on interests. At the Big scene gathered fans of metal-dance, gothicmetal etc... The charismatic leader in shape of the vampire entertained crowd, announced competitions and bands who performed on the stage. Xe-None band opened the concert, fans emotionally reacted to the messages of the


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vocalist and danced together with him. Who could think that melodious hits of the 90th, perfectly look in Dance Metal style! I liked Dominia for their hard melodies. The electro violin tore thin strings of crowd. The guest banged their heads and became possessed… The appearance on the stage of the fine Sonya from Theatres Des Vampires torn the audition into pieces! Slowly, sensually, she took away hearts of fans with each her step. During the performance, the crowd went crazy charmed by Sonya’s voice, by the submissions of the songs and very young girls madly tried to kiss the details her suit, boys tried to stroke her ideal legs. The heavy footwear of

the guitar player attracted interest too. Several times the sound tried to break, but Sonya perfectly played with the band, having left an indelible impression! In breaks between performances, the competition of suits attracted the most live interest, without feeling sorry for vocal chords and palms, the people actively voted. The hospital attendant Stern and ladies’ option of Slendermen won. A white stocking on the head of the girl and disproportionately long, thin fingers gloves especially impressed. Tickets for the next concerts and a bottle of wine was played. The winners of the competitions were treated of festive beer. Hanzel Und Gretel from USA were met loudly.

Russian Candyland Tour 2017 The kokoshnik of the vocalist Vas Kallas and the suit of the guitarist of Kaiser Von impressed everybody. Masterly knowledge of the instruments, the rhythm didn’t allow the audience to relax, and somewhere in a scene corner, members of the team quietly shot the taking place bacchanalia with phone... In completion of a performance, the guitarist treated persons with his beer and gave to play on the guitar. Representatives of darkelectro called Centhron pleased with the laser show, the keyboardist in latex, and extremely emotional speech of the vocalist who removed the top attire, in process of increase of tension. Closer by midnight the structure of public a little exchanged: there were representatives of cybergoths, the Big scene had a group of youth of Kinetic

Weapon - Industrial dance team. The harmonious work in dance, the guys took away a part of admiration from Alien Vampires which have gloomy dismissed the infernal bog of the music, sucking in it listeners more and more deeply... there wasn’t without binge: the vocalist gave vodka to everyone who wanted, directly from a throat... Time passed long after midnight, there was an early morning, it was time to go to sleep. In conclusion, I want to tell that I visited Halloween since the times of Arctic and Orlandina, there was never such a number of guests! It was close, stuffy, but it is very

sincere. Usually at such actions by three hours of the night remains ten the most active zombies, but here, the people danced, drank and sang! Time flew very quickly! I wait for continuation!

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Russian Candyland Tour 2017

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Ruslan Nagiyev

Sonya looks very impressive, perfectly works with the audience and creates the atmosphere of proximity, and her vocal is very close to studio. In general, the performance was fine, only the sound disappointed me. Sonya likes to approach the stage edge when she sings, and fans, actually, didn›t miss an opportunity to touch her, someone managed even to touch her ass. Well, the power was cool though she sometimes screamed when she was touched too actively or dragged to the audience. Sonya played a song with Alien Vampires. She just went to save a performance as I think, because the vocalist didn›t do anything, except a rare yapping in the microphone because he was drunk and stumbled periodically about monitors. Of course, Alien Vampires have disappointed with it since I too very much waited for them. And they don’t like to shake hands of audience nor to be given to public as much as Sonya. But the bonus in the form of pouring vodka to the mouths of the audience from the scene was not bad.


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Russian Candyland Tour 2017 Photoreview by Anastasia Filippova

The Most terrible Halloween in faces

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TDV 02.04.2018

Russian Candyland Tour 2017 Photoreview by Olga Safronova

The Most terrible Halloween in faces

TDV 02.04.2018


4 years ago Stefan has left Theatres des Vampires. I wanted to talk with him about the reasons, about the music and about his new band for a long time. So we have finally done it. He has told about his new life with pleasure. Tell us about the new group SHADOWTHRONE. Whose was the idea of creation a new band and why have you chosen the style of music similar to old school Norwegian black-metal? At the beginning ShadowThrone was an idea without name. I started to write personal material during last times with TdV. Started like a joke but I thought to search musicians to make a project outside TdV, a more metal project different from Gothic sound. I am a fan of black metal and grew up with classic metal and black metal bands. The tracks were good to start a band, so I found


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Serj Lungdren as vocals, Emanuele Lombardi at bass, Davide Tomadini at drums and Francesco Caponera at guitars with me. I always listen black metal bands but not all bands. ShadowThrone during early months was just a musical tribute band at founding fathers (the bands I have always listened to) so was easy to fall in the Norwegian style but I think it’s only a label cause inside ShadowThrone you can find classical metal riffs, trash riffs and speed mood. Is the name of the group somehow connected with the second studio album of Norwegian black-metal band - Satyricon, that

was presented in 1994 or it just coincidence in the name? We were recording the first demo/ep called “Through the Gates of Dead Sun” and the band was without name. For me this was the last of the problem cause a name is just a recognition’s status but at the end needed to call this project. My principal idea was to call the band Blackest Legacy and I still love it but the others members dislikes this name, so we were listening Satyricon’s Shadowthrone album in the studio and decided to take this name. I am not a big fan of last Satyricon’s works but early albums are my adolescence.

Do you know that in Hungary there is already a group with the same name, Shadowthrone which was formed at the beginning of the 2000th? I don’t know this band. I checked during this interview and found just a page about infos. Some demos and splits, no live, no albums, no label, duo band with no active: dead. It’s not a problem cause there are so many bands with same or similar name. For example: Emperor was a progressive band of 70s or Mayhem was a trash metal band from U.S.A. formed in 1983 but these bands they did not succeed, just some single or LP. Today there so many of millions bands of various genre that it’s so simple to have similar name, attitude or riffing. All lots of these bands are dead without minimal success and why I must leave a name if this


one did not work with them? You have released the first studio album «Demiurge of Shadow» at the beginning of 2017. You have been going to that for years. How did this creation arise? “Demiurge of Shadow” album was born with all tracks and material that we had in the middle of 2016. So we decided to take all this songs and produce a full length album. It’s not concept album or similar. This album is just a beginning to understand the future way. Record the first album to understand all the defects of ShadowThrone.

and all of them gave their contribution with their various musically influences so inside “Demiurge of Shadow” you can find more metal styles. You can find trash, death, black, folk, heavy and symphonic soundtracks, all influences inside ShadowThrone. Nothing of new but we like it. During the recording sessions we decided to play real drums and not a fake or synth drums like a great part of actually productions today. This was a defect on “Demiurge of Shadow” cause the sound was a little bit poor but album reports were good cause this mean that today it’s still possible to listen a good production without fake instruments.

Indeed, after “Demiurge of Shadow” came out we started to write new material for next album and the start point was all these defects that we saw and listened. But personally it’s a good album, atmospheric cold, trash and melodic riffs, epic and symphonic passages. I wrote all the tracks and worked with others musicians to improve the composition

Who is the author of the texts and who writes the music to SHADOWTHRONE? What kind of topics are touched in the new album and where do you take your inspiration from? Topics inside Shadow Throne’s lyrics are various but always with an only shade: black colour.

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Texts speak about dark dimensions where there is no light and not too many colours. A journey through black, deep blue and cold lights. There is a track called “Seal of Opulence” that was inspired by the goth/horror movie The Church from 1989. All the lyrics have been written by our singer Serj Lungdren and inspired by his status soul and vision of music tracks. What kind of bands have influence on formation of SHADOWTHRONE? When I started to write ShadowThrone’s tracks I was influenced by a lot of bands like every musician today. Listening “Demiurge of Shadow” you


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can find Bathory, Emperor, Mercyful Fate, early Dimmu Borgir and other bands and soundtracks. I like movie soundtracks and classical music cause I think some compositions are very heavy. I think symphonic side is an important element if you want to create an atmospheric concept. But everyone of us insert own influences and style into the compositions. Why did you to choose the Japanese label - Zero Dimensional Records for your new album? We sent promo album at various labels but some labels were interested to produce it but ask to wait long time cause their production program was

full during the year and some other ones were not interested. So Zero Dimensional Records/ Hydden Marly Prod answered to us that album was good, and they were interested to produce it. The contract was right, and we decided to give it ‘em. They have a good distribution all around world on various sites. Zero Dimensional is a co-distribution under Plastic Head Productions in Europe. What do the covers of «Through the Gates of Dead Sun» and «Demiurge of Shadow» mean? On “Through Gates of Dead Sun” we use a different logo band cause just later we decided to create a new and personal logo by the hand of a graphic art worker. T.G.O.D.S. artwork was made by me inserting the symbol of black sun on a frozen landscape with a skull overside. Not a particular meaning I was liked. For “Demiurge of Shadow” artwork is different cause we had a clear idea on mind. Artwork was created by artistic hand of Graziano Roccatani.

He is a painter and artworker and he loves epic and fantasy style so was perfect. There is a ghost ship over waters damaged on downside and the souls come out in a desolated and frozen shore. It represents a journey into the unknown to unknown lands and these lands are frozen and dark. The same for ShadowThrone, I don’t know where or when this new way will take end. On your debut EP we can see Samuli T. Makela as the invited musician. What was this cooperation? Would you like to invite someone of musicians to record of the following album in the future? I have known Samuli during the Moonlight Waltz European tour by Theatres des Vampires. He was the guitar player for support band Snovonne. He gave me links where listen his works about orchestral symphonies and I liked so during the recording session for “Through the Gates of Dead Sun” I call him to participate. We’re composed tracks for next album but at the moment we’re not thinking for a special guest. If will be a guest I would to invite some Italian singer from excellent metal band. Have you been plotting for years the idea to leave Theatres Des Vampires or it has turned out


spontaneously after the Latin American tour in 2013? And what was the reason of your leaving? Was there the feeling of a regret about this act? Well! At the end of South America Tour 2013 we needed to start e write a new album. Fabian left TdV time before and part of the orchestral mood left the sound with him. I was there when Candyland sessions have been started, and I was not agreed with some decisions about next album. I was feeling some negative impression about new album. I don’t like electro-synth and darkwave mood, so I saw the TdV was starting to keep a different way than the past. I was agree for a more heavy album with more goth/ horror atmosphere like in “Moonlight Waltz”. When I was listening to Candyland promo I was thinking : “No, this is not my style, this is

not music I would to play” and when you produce a new album you must to play it, promote it, make videos and make tours. Too many time for something that I disliked. Was the time to choose different ways from Theatres des Vampires. That’s just my opinion. Was so sad but the time to left the band was arrived and I disliked some people around TdV. If you don’t like your work this last one can be a prison… better to leave it and make something close to you. I resumed idea about a new band close to style that I like. That’s the reasons. What›s your relationship with Sonya, Zimon and Gabriel? I hope, you remained the friends as you were in the past? I have a good relationship with the rest of TdV... with Sonya, Gabriel, Zimon and Fabian. Nothing is changed. Often we talk on fb or keep in

touch for a beer or dinner. Talk about personal life or about bands situation and think to make a concert Theatres des Vampires – ShadowThrone at the first opportunity. I spent about ten years with them and make together a lot of big experiences on the road . Nothing is changed. Recently your band plays many concerts with famous masters of black-metal scene. How you are met by fans of celebrities and what performance was most remembered to you?

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During last year we had some concerts and tours weekend with big bands of death/black metal like Rotting Christ, Absu, Necrodeath, Opera IX, Batushka, Carpathian Forest… all exciting experiences like support band. We ‘ve received good live reports and made good concerts. These experiences helped to study about live attitude and performance. I was impressed not by headliner bands cause I knew but by others support bands. A band in particular caught my attention , an italian band called Darkend. We made two concerts with them to support Absu and another one to support Ad Hominem. I was impressed by music and atmosphere on stage with ritual/occult presence and symphonic/liturgic orchestra inside death/black metal music. Moments of ritual prayers that remind me at the movie ‘’ The name of The Rose,, from Umberto Eco’s novel. I’m attracted by support bands than headliner cause everyone know headliner band and it’s ok but what’s about the new bands and proposals. Are you have a plans to shoot the video on some song from a new album? Demiurge of Shadow came out on January 2017 but we had other material to start compose a new album so we’re writing enough tracks to complete next chapter. New tracks are more heavy and elaborated with a long duration than “Demiruge…” songs that it was a shy step. We made just two lyrics videos for “Demiurge..” cause it was just the first album and we would to spent energy and money for next album that we hope to give it


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the right thickness with more good sound production. Do you think to make a European tour of SHADOWTHRONE in the future or maybe would you like to visit America? We finish to promote the album on December with last gig here in Italy and stop to take the right time to focus on new album. But we received some interesting proposal during 2018 about some festival and gigs outside Italy. I don’t know at moment about future.

Black-metal scene is differs from your past experience. If we compare your performances now with performances of Theatres Des Vampires, what can you tell us where do you get more drive, power and energy, and fans who love all that are you doing? I like to make music for me and if fans don’t like it I don’t care. That’s my music like every kind of music. If I wanted to make songs to buy all kind of fans probably was to easy write theme songs for cartoons. I always follow black metal scene when I was teenager and the scene is changed like the style of the great bands. Black metal has evolved in music and the musicians are better than the past. There are a lot of people that they said to be “true” .. but what’s mean “true”? If you’re not a good musician with an awful sound you’re “true”, if make just two concerts during year you’re “true”, if live in a forest you’re “true”, if at your concerts there just twenty persons you’ re “true”... sorry but all this attitude is like punk movement ahhaha! I don’t care about all these words. How do you see your following album? Will


you continue the line of «Demiurge of Shadow» or it will be differ from the previous works? Following album will be more strong, more heavy songs with the same mood of «Demiurge…». I think we’re better than early days, so we’ll try to do our best. We don’t offer anything of new or special. This is our style if you like or not.

And at the end of our interview my traditional question - what do you wish to our readers. Thanks to Theatres des Vampires Webzine for the interest about ShadowThrone and join us at www.facebook. com/shadowthrone. Hope to come in Russia one day. I have visited your land for three times with TdV and I really love it. Stay heavy!

ShadowThrone: Serj Lungdren – vocal Emanuele Lombardi – bass, Davide Tomadini – drums, Francesco Caponera – guitar, Stefano Benfante – guitar.

TDV 02.04.2018


Quite recently my friends Valeria and Alexey, with the new band called with a mysterious name «Skazki Eno» (Fairytales by Eno), have released their first album. Music, I will tell you, is estimable obligatory to listen! I couldn’t have left this event without attention, as a result, I’ve got the idea to make an interview and to tell our readers about the band especially as they know Theatres des Vampires personally. And now more details about that all... You have been living already in Moscow for some time, but still there, at home, you had a band, that was some musical experience is already available for you. Skazki Eno this certain continuation of your previous band or it›s another band? Valeria: Hi, everybody! Ok, we will begin with a history


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lesson:) I think, you mean our good old «Cupronickel»! This band played very big role in our life, especially in mine (guess from where my creative pseudonym!)), Alex and me ( Alexey Zlenko is a guitarist of the band) have even won back in due time several solo concerts in its structure. And then our life was sharply turned,

we moved to Moscow and exactly here in 2015 the Skazki Eno has been created. It isn›t connected with Cupronickel in any way (well, unless only its two former participants). It is a new round, a new stage of our musical development.

And I am madly glad that everything has developed quite so! Why have you chosen that kind of style for the band? Alexey: not that we directly chose... Rather songs, their plot direct us at such sounding... How would you characterize the genre of your band? What does the name mean and what are your songs about? Valeria: In general, we carry ourselves to the melodic metal direction more than all. It is quite indistinct subgenre, but we do it for the reason that it is difficult to determine style by our songs unambiguously. As you already could understand when listening an album, our creativity is more likely a mix of several styles at once. Something go more to sympho, something – in heavy, somewhere is more than dark-electro, and lyrical piano motives somewhere prevail. But, according to our listeners, we have understood that much so have even more to liking, it is possible to find that among all songs that is the closest to you. And that the most important, we try to write the memorable, bright melodies in our songs. As for the name, here in general a long story:) Many names came to o u r mind!


B u t everything was on the tip of the tongue the word «fairy tales», we understood that it really suits us! And here, approximately at the same time, I wrote the story «On the other Side of the Sun». Here the name of main character - Eno. In general, the plot there quite twirled and long will also not be told about it by me now. I will tell only that as a result all of us had liked the idea to call our band - the Skazki Eno. So this name has also got accustomed. Who is the author of texts (I of course guess what there will be an answer, b u t

nevertheless) and music? Valeria: Texts are written by me, and here concerning music on the first album we had split up: some songs were composed by me, some of them by Alex. Also, our former keyboard player Vanya took part in creating of «Live dolls», the idea of this song belonged initially to him. How long did you go to writing of the album and why it was called so? Valeria: in general, on recording of the album we passed about nine months. Some songs had been written even prior to recording of the album, and we composed some already in the course of record. We didn›t think long about the name of an album «Last Light» because the song of the same name, as it seemed to us, best of all is suitable for the name. And is where to disperse imaginations! What does your cover mean? And how did you get idea of this cover? Valeria: of course, the cover is a partial reflection of contents and mood of our disk!

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Alexey: the cover of the disk is executed in style of the ancient book. Books of magic or magic fairy tales that in general hints at what waits for you inside! Valeria: and the picture in a cover is an illustration to the opening song «Dark Dancing». Our friend and the gifted artist Mischa Malkin was engaged in registration of a disk. We have sent him for preliminary listening our album and he has got about it some impression, and already on the basis of it he drew a cover. Of course, what we have seen was pleasant to us: the dark glade, the fantastic beings who have gathered around a fire, the mysterious forest girl – all this is in «Dark dancing». I think, the cover left just excellent! Recently the presentation of your album happened. Tell us about it in details. How did the audience meet your music, what were your feelings after the concert? There was a nervousness, experiences, thoughts that suddenly the audience won›t like music? Or you knew that your songs are created to win the hearts of metalheads and you went with confidence in success on the stage?


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Valeria: да, точно, мы презентовалyes, we presented our album on November 25. Really not many people have come to the concert, generally it was our friends whom we invited in advance, but we have been pleasantly surprised when we have seen in the hall unfamiliar faces. Guys have learned about our event in network and have come to listen, support. It›s so cool! We together have abruptly annealed! :) Each of our song was accepted with big heat, we felt that real power which happens only at concerts in the audience, and shared with them our energy. Before the concert we, of course, worried, and is rather strong – not every day you have the presentation of the first album! :) But, in general, everything has passed very great. After the concert friends have fallen upon us, we signed autographs on disks, listened to reviews of our performance - it›s always such improbable feeling! We are grateful to everyone, who has divided with us this holiday! What are your plans for the future? Do you plan some concerts dedicated to the new album?

Alexey: There is a lot of plans! Now we have material for a new album! But before it we will present one very curious work in a format of EP. And we have a plan to shoot the video on one of songs from the first album. And certainly, there will be live performances. So, you watch news! What format of the album will be available? Whether there will be an official release of this material or it›s available only to listening in network? Alexey: The album is available in three formats - a CD disk and digital version MP3 and Wav. In January it has to appear in all online stores. And now you can buy it directly in our community on vk.com. How will you advance your album? You would like to get on well-known label and to conclude the contract with it (perhaps, long-term)? Alexey: it›s our debut album so everything should be done by own efforts. But of course, we will try to find people who will help us to show it to large audience. There is no desire to submit the application for participation in some open-air or some festivals? I›m sure, you can show something on such largescale actions. Alexey: Open festivals will hold in the summer so still rather early to speak about it. But we love big platforms and we will surely try to perform somewhere. And nevertheless, it would be desirable to dwell upon your new album. Tell about the birth of each song if it›s possible. About everything and one after another. Valeria: as we have several authors of songs, everyone will tell about own songs)

Alexey: then I will begin, perhaps. Dark dancing is the album opener. This is such symphonic «fighter» in Nightwish style. Also, the atmosphere of a mysterious fantasy is a lot of string, keyboard instruments. The second track - «The last light». The evil song which excellent to listen after the difficult working day when all took out your mind! Riffs like industrial, there is some little electronics and a pinch of scream from Lera in the middle! Valeria: The Requiem song has a long and complicated story. I wrote it when I was on 9th year of school, however, then it was in English. It was called «Sorrow» and the melody was a little another. Later I somehow investigated the old records, have come across this song and have understood that it can turn out excellent heavy metal ballad. A lot of things had to be altered, the text has been written in Russian with absolutely other idea, and as a result has turned out the song what you hear now! I have written song «a dream reader» with an impression of the book by Ray Bradbury «From the dust Returned». The book has just subdued me the mysteriousness and a certain grotesqueness, and main character of the novel of Sesi has served me as inspiration for writing of this song. Alexey: «into the sunset» classical «biker›s» heavy with a men›s and female vocal. Very invigorating track! And at once it›s followed by «Live dolls». Perhaps, the complete antithesis a gloomy electronic and dancing gothic style with a plot in the spirit of horror films. Very interesting song written by our keyboard


player I. Fyodorov. The next track «She Lives in Me». Such psychological thriller with mysticism elements. The main motive of this song has come to me in a dream once, so before you very unusual work! Valeria: The song «Imagination» - the latest song which I have written already to time of recording of the album. Perhaps, it›s reflects me inside. The song revelation, I so would call it. Framed in the stiffened winter fantastic landscape. Well and, at last, «On the edge of a chasm». The finishing song of the album and I›m very much proud by it. I have written it when I have once again woken up in the morning, and the series of bad news have fallen upon me from network as it usually happens: accidents, wars, blood... The world slides in a chasm. But we all the same continue to live. This idea dominates in the song. Further, it would be desirable to learn about your musical preferences,

Valeria. What are you listen to, and what are your favorite bands. Whether musical tastes have changed over time? Valeria: Oh, well, I›m a metalhead until tips of hair:) I love new opening, especially, if it abrupt and unexpected! Here from recent magnificent opening, for example, Ayreon, Seventh Wonder … Fine deep music, I became the fan of conceptual works recently. I love very much Avantasia, Kamelot, Edguy, good old Nightwish, Helloween, Epica… It›s that is called music for all time for me. Musical tastes… Yes, I think, it has considerably changed. I became much more selective in music, have learned to select for myself the best. Earlier, about 5 years ago, I listened to a huge number of metal in different genres, both famous, and absolutely little-known bands. In the majority it was gothic. I opened for myself everything new and new bands, so, by the way, I learned about Theatres des Vampires!

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How in general have you come to music? Tell us how everything began. Who or what influenced your decision to become a musician? Valeria: well, I think the music lived always in me. As long as I could remember – since the childhood in ears there were always earphones:) Mother has sent me to music school on a piano class in 6 years, and since then music lives near me. In the eighth class I have for the first time taken a guitar in hand and I have rushed…:) Aria, Kipelov, the King and the Jester, the Russian rock, a foreign alternative. From foreigners, I remember, I very much-loved Avril Lavigne! :)), after that was Nightwish. Then I began to try to write own songs, I have understood that I do it not bad. I performed with own songs at festivals in the city. High school is associated directly with continuous writing. It seems to me, I never composed so much how many than those green years:) Then already in University I have created the band which, however, hasn›t lasted long. But quite good


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experience has been got. And then was created Cupronickel. Then – tests in my own solo project. And then - to this day – Skazki Eno. And it, I consider, the best that I have! :) Do you have a music education or you are a self-educated person? Valeria: All of us have a secondary music education, of course. And our guitarist, Alex, has graduated from The Belarusian State Academy of Music. So, in many affairs of band without him, of course, no way:) By the way, many note quite good data of

songs and in general a sound on an album. It completely his merit! Our edition is devoted to Theatres des Vampires. Let›s talk about it. In the latest arrival of the Italian vampires to Moscow, you met them. Let›s remember in brief as it was. Valeria: Yes, what I can tell… A lot of water has flowed away since then:) But I remember this day and the concert very well! We went from Minsk to that concert! So many impressions were, the concert was just the most excellent, I remember, I still then have even written the review about it to you for the magazine! :) We have communicated with musicians after the concert, were photographed. Generally, everything was very cool! What can you tell about the latest album of TDV? What do you think about the subject touched in the lyrics? Valeria: what is pleasant to me in a latest album of TDV? It is conceptuality. They have chosen a subject for themselves successful (though, in my opinion, unusual to their creativity),

Exclusive in the best traditions of American horror – really existing once psychiatric clinic with horrible stories, bright mystical implication, such an attraction for listeners. In general, the album is good. It is a lot of interesting experiment with electronic sounding. But personally for me their old creativity is lovelier, the same symphonic Moonlight Waltz, for example. But I am sure, this album has found the true fans! And at the end of our interview, the classic your wishes to our readers. Listen a good music and call of the heart – it will never fail! And finally, we congratulate all readers of the magazine with coming New year and we wish abrupt music, bright impressions and not killed strength of spirit! :) P.S. you can buy an album here: https://vk.com/market-83214368 Official page of band: https://vk.com/skazki_ino

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We devote this section of our magazine to you, fans of Theatres des Vampires. We will publish your works here - drawings, verses, stories devoted to TDV. If you are a fan of the Italian vampires and you have something to say to TDV or show your love somehow differently, now you can easily make it. For this purpose you can contact with the editor of our magazine (destroyerr78@mail.ru). And be sure, in the following issue of our magazine, you will see your works. And, of course, everything that is published in the magazine will be seen also by Theatres des Vampires. Unfortunately, in this issue we can’t place a lot of material in view of its absence. Olga «Blackie» Schneider

I gave it to Sonya when I met her,so she has it in her house now. I made it when there was not even any announce of their shows, and when there were two weeks before the concert I thought: why not?... She really appreciated it!


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Theatres Des Vampires it’s one of the first bands who make vampiric metal. I learned about the creativity of TDV when they played black metal. From year to year the band introducing all new elements from the gothic style, classical and electronic music, and in lyrics «the red line of blood» traced the subject of predators of night. I consider top of TDV’s creativity next albums: «Jubilaeum Anno Dracula» (2001) and in particular «Suicide Vampire» (2002) on which the magnificent theatrical atmosphere of old horror films and depth of a multilayered sound of group is fully felt. Latin and Italian lines in English-language lyrics introduce a shade of mysticism and grandeur. All compositions are sustained on average speed, but really differ both according to melodic contents, and mood. There are three of my favourite compositions from a majestic album «Suicide Vampire»: smart «Lilith Mater Inferorum» is replaced by dancing «La Dance Macabre Du Vampire», and then the bewitching ballad «Queen Of The Damned» follows. In general I admire of creativity of these unusual people. Their style made a deep impression on my inner world, my soul. I have seen something for myself unusual, new or even unclear in their works … We will wait for a new fine creations from Theatres Des Vampires!

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The Devil’s Castle

The Devil's Castle / Le manoir du diable Section: Vampires in films Release date: 1896 Categories: fantasy, horror, comedy, Running time - 3 min Starring: Jehanne D'Alcy Jules-Eugene Legris

“Le Manoir du diable” or “The House of the Devil”, released in the United States as “The Haunted Castle” and in Britain as “The Devil’s Castle”, is an 1896 French short silent film directed by Georges Melies. The film, a brief pantomimed sketch in the style of a theatrical comic fantasy, tells the story of an encounter with the Devil and various attendant phantoms. It is intended to evoke amusement and wonder from its audiences, rather than fear. However, because of its themes and characters, it can technically be considered the first horror film (and, because it includes a transformation involving a bat, it has even been called the first vampire film). The film is also innovative in length - its running time of over three minutes was ambitious for its era. The Haunted Castle was


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Company, and numbered 78– 80 in its catalogues. It remains unknown whether the film was either released at the end of the year 1896 or at the beginning of 1897, but it should not be confused with Le Chateau hante, made by Melies later in 1897 and also released as The Haunted Castle.

filmed outside in the garden of Melies’s property in Montreuil, Seine-Saint-Denis, with painted scenery. In Melies’s era, film actors performed anonymously and no credits were provided. However, it is known that Jehanne d’Alcy, a successful stage actress who appeared in many of Melies’s films and later became his second wife, plays the woman who comes out of the cauldron. The film historian Georges Sadoul hypothesized that the Devil in the film was played by Jules-Eugene Legris, a magician who performed at Melies’s Theatre RobertHoudin in Paris and who later made an appearance in Melies’s famous 1902 film A Trip to the https://www.youtube.com/ Moon. The film was released by watch?v=mw8bzC33CGY Melies’s studio, commonly known as the Star Film


Plot: The film opens with a large bat flying into a medieval castle. The bat circles the room, before suddenly changing into the Devil. Mephistopheles produces a cauldron and an assistant, who helps him conjure a woman from the cauldron. The room is cleared shortly before two cavaliers enter. The devil’s assistant pokes their backs before instantaneously transporting to different areas of the room, confusing the pair and causing one to flee.

The second stays and has several other tricks played on him, such as furniture being moved around and the sudden appearance of a skeleton. The cavalier is unfazed, using a sword to attack the skeleton, which then turns into a bat, then into Mephistopheles, who conjures four spectres to subdue the man. Recovering from the spectres’ attack, the man is visibly dazed and is brought the woman from the cauldron, who impresses him with her beauty. Mephistopheles then turns her into a withered old crone in front of the man’s eyes, then again

into the four spectres. The second cavalier returns and after a brief show of bravery, flees again, this time by leaping over the balcony’s edge. After the spectres disappear, the cavalier is confronted face-to-face by the Devil before reaching for and brandishing a large crucifix, which causes the devil to vanish.

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Drakula Directed by Victor Turzhansky. Poster by Alexander Apsit.

their blood... His scandalous non-sexuality makes him more similar to the character from statements of Alexander Rowe. So it is not simply the first in the world cinema movie about Dracula, but also what is much more interesting, one more good stuff on a sexuality tabu research in the Russian literature and cinema.

The first Russian silent movie Drakula (Дракула), is based on the Bram Stoker’s novel. Until November, 1920 Yalta becomes the largest Russian cinema center. In 1920 in Yalta Dracula has been removed. It was one of the last pictures shot by Russian cinematographers in the homeland. After defeat of army of Wrangel most of them emigrated. A part of movies were evacuated at departure from Yalta, others have fallen into private hands


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or have been destroyed by the Soviet power as «bourgeois». No information about Dracula existed until recently, and it was considered as lost. But in 2013 parts of the movie «Dracula» have been found in Serbia and restored. The Russian Dracula – a striking example of the decadent direction of Russian art. The Russian Dracula is similar to the Baba Yaga and Koschei the Immortal. It’s just impossible to imagine how this rediculous creature will enchant girls and suck


Dracula’s Death


Dracula's Death (1921) Directed by Karoly Lajthay. Written by Mihaly Kertesz, Karoly Lajthay, Bram Stoker. Starring: Erik Vanko (aka, known by his stagename Paul Askonas) as inmate who claims to be Count Dracula Lene Myl as Mary Land Carl Goetz as meatman Aladar Ihasz as the meatman's assistant Dezso Kertesz as George Lajos Rethey as the fake doctor Elemer Thury as Doctor James Ard as the doctor's assistant Margit Lux(also) as Mary Land

Dracula’s Death, or Drakula halala, sometimes translated as The Death of Drakula, was a 1921 Hungarian silent horror film that was written and directed by Karoly Lajthay. It is presumed to be a lost film. The film marked the first screen appearance of the vampire Count Dracula, though recent scholarly research indicates that the film’s plot did not follow the narrative of Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula. There are no records in existence to prove whether the film was given

a wide (or limited screening) release in the USA. After originally opening in Vienna in 1921 and enjoying a long and successful European run, the film was later re-edited and rereleased in Budapest in 1923. The film was about a woman who experiences frightening visions after visiting an insane asylum where one of the inmates claims to be Count Dracula (here following the Hungarian spelling Drakula). She has trouble determining whether the inmate’s visions are real or merely nightmares.

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«Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror» Release date: 1922 Directed by F. W. Murnau. Starring: Gustav von Wangenheim as Thomas Hutter Max Schreck as Count Orlok Greta Schroder as Ellen Hutter Alexander Granach as Knock Fanny Schreck as hospital nurse Ruth Landshoff as Annie John Gottowt as Professor Bulwer Gustav Botz as Professor Sievers Max Nemetz as The Captain of The Empusa Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (translated as Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror; or simply Nosferatu) is a 1922 German Expressionist horror film, directed by F. W. Murnau, starring Max Schreck as the vampire Count Orlok. The film, shot in 1921


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and released in 1922, was an unauthorized adaptation of Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1897). Various names and other details were changed from the novel: for instance, «vampire» became «Nosferatu» and «Count Dracula» became «Count Orlok». Stoker’s heirs sued over the adaptation, and a court ruling ordered that all copies of the film be destroyed. However, a few prints of Nosferatu survived, and the film came to be regarded as an influential masterpiece of cinema. The film was released in the United States on 3 June 1929, seven years after its original premiere in Germany. In 1838, Thomas Hutter lives in the fictional German city of Wisborg His employer, Knock, sends Hutter to Transylvania to visit a new client named Count Orlok. Hutter entrusts his loving wife Ellen to his good


friend Harding and Harding’s sister Annie, before embarking on his long journey. Nearing his destination in the Carpathian Mountains, Hutter stops at an inn for dinner. The locals become frightened by the mere mention of Orlok’s name and discourage him from traveling to his castle at night, warning of a werewolf on the prowl. The next morning, Hutter takes a coach to a high mountain pass, but the coachman declines to take him any further than the bridge as nightfall is approaching. A black-swathed coach appears after Hutter crosses the bridge and the coachman gestures for him to climb aboard. Hutter is welcomed at a castle by Count Orlok. When Hutter is eating dinner and accidentally cuts his thumb, Orlok tries to suck the blood out, but his repulsed guest pulls his hand away. Hutter wakes up to a

VAMP-CINEMA deserted castle the morning after and notices fresh punctures on his neck which, in a letter he sends by courier on horseback to be delivered to his devoted wife, he attributes to mosquitoes. That night, Orlok signs the documents to purchase the house across from Hutter’s own home in Wisborg and notices a photo of Hutter’s wife, remarking that she has a «lovely neck.» Reading a book about vampires that he took from the local inn, Hutter starts to suspect that Orlok is Nosferatu, the «Bird of Death.» He cowers in his room as midnight approaches, but there is no way to bar the door. The door opens by itself and Orlok enters, his true nature finally revealed, and Hutter hides under the bed covers and falls unconscious. At the same time this is happening, his wife awakens from her sleep, and in a trance walks towards the balcony and onto the railing. Alarmed, Harding shouts Ellen’s name and she faints while he asks for a doctor. After the doctor arrives, she shouts Hutter’s name, remaining in the trance and apparently able to see Orlok in his castle threatening her unconscious husband. The doctor believes this trance-like state is due to «blood congestion». The next day, Hutter explores the castle. In its crypt, he finds the coffin in which Orlok is resting dormant. Hutter becomes horrified and dashes back to his room. Hours later from the window, he sees Orlok piling up coffins on a coach and climbing into the last one before the coach departs. Hutter escapes the castle through the window, but is knocked unconscious by the fall and awakens in a hospital. When he is sufficiently recovered, he hurries home. Meanwhile, the coffins are shipped down river on a raft. They are transferred to a

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schooner, but not before one is opened by the crew, revealing a multitude of rats. The sailors on the ship get sick one by one; soon all but the captain and first mate are dead. Suspecting the truth, the first mate goes below to destroy the coffins. However, Orlok awakens and the horrified sailor jumps into the sea. Unaware of his danger, the captain becomes Orlok’s latest victim when he ties himself to the wheel. When the ship arrives in Wisborg, Orlok leaves unobserved, carrying one of his coffins, and moves into the house he purchased. The next morning, when the ship is inspected, the captain is found dead. After examining the logbook, the doctors assume they are dealing with the plague. The town is stricken with panic, and people are warned to stay inside. There are many deaths in the town, which are blamed on the plague. Knock, who had been committed to a psychiatric ward, escapes after murdering the warden. The townspeople give chase, but he eludes them by climbing a roof, then using a scarecrow. Meanwhile, Orlok stares from his window at the


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sleeping Ellen. Against her husband’s wishes, Ellen had read the book he found. The book claims that the way to defeat a vampire is for a woman who is pure in heart to distract the vampire with her beauty all through the night. She opens her window to invite him in, but faints. When Hutter revives her, she sends him to fetch Professor Bulwer. After he leaves, Orlok comes in. He becomes so engrossed drinking her blood that he forgets about the coming day. When a rooster crows, Orlok vanishes in a puff of smoke as he tries to flee. Ellen lives just long enough to be embraced by her grief-stricken husband. The last scene shows Count Orlok’s ruined castle in the Carpathian Mountains, symbolizing the end of his reign of terror. The story of Nosferatu is similar to that of Dracula and retains the core characters— Jonathan and Mina Harker, the Count, etc.—but omits many of the secondary players, such as Arthur and Quincey, and changes all of the characters’ names – although in some recent releases of this film, which is now in the public

domain in the United States but not in most European countries, the written dialogue screens have been changed to use the Dracula versions of the names. The setting has been transferred from Britain in the 1890s to Germany in 1838. In contrast to Dracula, Orlok does not create other vampires, but kills his victims, causing the townfolk to blame the plague, which ravages the city. Also, Orlok must sleep by day, as sunlight would kill him, while the original Dracula is only weakened by sunlight. The ending is also substantially different from that of Dracula. The count is ultimately destroyed at sunrise when the «Mina» character sacrifices herself to him. The town called «Wisborg» in the film is in fact a mix of Wismar and Lubeck; in other versions of the film, the name of the city had been changed, for unknown reasons, back to «Bremen». Nosferatu brought Murnau into the public eye, especially since his film Der brennende Acker (The Burning Soil) was released a few days later. The press reported extensively on Nosferatu and its premiere.


With the laudatory votes, there was also occasional criticism that the technical perfection and clarity of the images did not fit the horror theme. The Filmkurier of 6 March 1922 said that the vampire appeared too corporeal and brightly lit to appear genuinely scary. Hans Wollenberg described the film in photo-Stage No. 11 of 11 March 1922 as a «sensation» and praised Murnau’s nature shots as «mood-creating elements.» In the Vossische Zeitung of 7 March 1922, Nosferatu was praised for its visual style. This was the only Prana Film; the company declared bankruptcy after Stoker’s estate, acting for his widow, Florence Stoker, sued for copyright infringement and won. The court ordered all existing prints of Nosferatu burned, but one purported print of the film had already been distributed around the world. This print was duplicated over the years, kept alive by a cult following, making it an example of an early cult film. The film has received overwhelmingly positive reviews. On Rotten Tomatoes it has a «Certified Fresh» label and holds a 97% «fresh»

The Great Movies, writing: Here is the story of Dracula before it was buried alive in cliches, jokes, TV skits, cartoons and more than 30 other films. The film is in awe of its material. It seems to really believe in vampires. ... Is Murnau’s «Nosferatu» scary in the modern sense? Not for me. I admire it more for its artistry and ideas, its atmosphere and images, than for its ability to manipulate my emotions like a skillful modern horror film. It knows none of the later tricks of the trade, like sudden threats that pop in from the side of the screen. But «Nosferatu» remains effective: It doesn’t scare us, but it haunts us. rating based on 62 reviews. The website’s critical consensus reads, «One of the silent era’s most influential masterpieces, Nosferatu’s eerie, gothic feel— and a chilling performance from Max Schreck as the vampire—set the template for the horror films that followed.» It was ranked twenty-first in Empire magazine’s «The 100 Best Films of World Cinema» in 2010. In 1997, critic Roger Ebert added Nosferatu to his list of


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News of vamp’s party Every fan of Theatres des Vampires knows that there are also friendly bands similar in music stylistics or who performed with TDV at one stage. Our edition constant heading about friendly bands doesn’t doze, and continues to trace the hottest news for new releases. So, we begin the review!

Ketrin Dark

On June 23, 2017 Guaho has a concert in honor of a decade of the band. However, the official public message sayes that it was the last concert. The concert took place in one of clubs of St. Petersburg. The End of Melancholy and Sanctorium were guests of evening. After the concert, on June 24, on the band’s official page there was a message saying «yesterday the last concert of GUAHO was held! It was really cool! Thanks to all who were with us!» The reasons of disintegration of band are unknown. Since then, the official group is thrown, and no news are available. And Witchcraft aren’t going to break up, and moreover, their musical life is filled with different events.


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In 2017 the band announced their fourth full-scale album named «CINEMA», and supported news about preparation of an album with the release of two new singles at once – in January left «The truth nearby», and at the beginning of August – «In embraces of darkness». The second single in several Russian charts has been called the best single of summer of 2017. Also the band made a movie called «the Requiem». On September with replenishment in the discography we are pleased also by the Orestea. New musical release of the band is called Element. Guys have been preparing this album for several years, and the audience liked the new creation very much.

Also the bass player of the band Mike and his wife Zoe bragged of replenishment too, replenishment in the family. On the seventh of October on the page of the Orestea there was a message – they had given birth to a girl! We congratulate them on this joyful event and we wish to the new little human and her family huge happiness!

Winter storm is going to release an album in 2018. For now the band pleases us with their performances and a new single called Astral World.

DYONISIS slowly but surely, conduct the process of recording of the new album. The band have organized an autumn sale of own merch dedicated to that event, in passing acting on joy to the audience.

The mariana hollow in the summer of 2017 missed their drummer. On this occasion, the network has a lot of different gossip about conflicts in the band. Musicians themselves deny this fact and say that the departure of the musician is connected with his own personal interests. In August, they announced the appearance of a new drummer Lucas Selvatici by name.

Regardless of me have released the new album named The covenant and also the first movie on the single called Losing you.

Die so Fluid do a lot of different things too, the release of the fifth album named One Bullet From Paradise took place on December 1, 2017.

EXCITER’S released a new album too on February, and on March on one of singles called Fate have released the clip. This is the first official video of the band.

stage with 2 new participants at once – the drummer and the bass player. Ex-participants of the band say in numerous interviews that personal situations became the reason of withdrawal from the band, and they also remain good friends with the present participants, including also the new musicians to whom they wish a great fortune! The bass player Max Rivers said that he would continue participating in activity of the band, but only behind the stage. And that was all news from friendly bands of TDV. Of course, it is more of them Fright Night, Konsistoria, Motherstone, JTR Sickert and many others. Some of them regularly act, pleasing public with their old program, from some messages isn’t present, the pages of the bands in network are removed. We will observe a minute of silence for the broken-up bands, and later we will support those who weren’t included in today’s list of hot news of 2017. We wish all the bands a good luck and we wait for news in the future! Listen more to heavy music! Stay with us!

Damian Aranza’s band Von Leufel is preparing a new album that will appear in 2018 and will be called The lies behind the order. And in 2017 the band made the video clip on the Willow Of Time song. https://youtu.be/0SoFijDzJ9g Mandragora Scream in 2017 suffered losses – the band in the last show stepped on the

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