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ing UoR work h RUSU & w rship it in partne Council Borough Reading
atio m r o f n I l sefu
C h e ck li st
¨¨St a rt pl a nn in g ea rly co m pa ni es on th e ¨¨Co nt a ct th e ut ilit y gi ve th e m a fin al da y yo u m ove out a nd lli ng ad dres s m et er rea di ng a nd bi ve all yo u r ho us e m at es ¨¨M a ke su re yo u ha ne w co nt a ct deta ils 3 m onth s ¨¨If yo u ha ve at lea st th en vis it lef t on yo u r TV lic en ce yo u r ref u nd im tv lic en cin g. co. u k to cla es s to yo u r la nd lord ¨¨Gi ve a co nt a ct ad dr ed a bo ut th e so yo u ca n be co nt a ct de po sit in gs a re ret u rn ed to ¨¨M a ke su re fu rn ish th eir origi na l pl a ce
op ert y as cle a n a nd ¨¨Le ave th e wh ole pr ed in a nd ta ke tid y as wh en yo u m ov proo f as tim e- sta m pe d ph ot os e ch ec ko ut invento ry ¨¨En su re a n a cc u rat th yo u r la nd lord is ta ke n a nd ag ree d wi or ag ent l at roy al m ai l.c om ¨¨R ed ire ct yo u r m ai , do cto r, HMR C a nd inf or m yo u r ba nk et c. of ne w ad dres s us e is se cu re, tu rn of f ¨¨M a ke su re th e ho u rn th e ke ys all ap pli a nc es a nd ret gs with yo u a nd ¨¨Ta ke all yo u r th in yo u r de po sit di sp os e of ru bb ish, or co ul d be red u ce d vic e Se rvi ce if yo u ¨¨Co nt a ct R US U Ad co nc ern s ha ve a ny prob le m s or
GOLDEN Included with this leaflet is your RUSU Green Bag and possibly a reusable good, a in items ld househo with bag your fill TICKET! We want you to homes. and rooms their in s student new by used be can that n conditio Here’s what you have to do: (check 1. Fill your bag with suitable household items you no longer need do the out ‘what can you put in your bag’)… Make sure your housemates same! on Mondays 2. Please bring your bag to the Student Activities Centre in RUSU off your g droppin for e deadlin The . OR Fridays between 3.00pm-5.00pm rd July. 3 bag is Friday *** If your bag is too heavy to carry please contact to arrange a pick-up. *** your full 3. I f you have a golden ticket within your pack, bring it along with bag and pick up your prize!
What can you put in your bag? ßß Tins and sealed, non-perishable food within the use by date. omewear e.g. cushions, rugs, ßß H picture frames
ßß Crockery and cutlery: please wrap anything sharp in a tea towel or newspaper! ßß Clothes
ookware e.g. pots, pans, ßß C utensils
ßß Stationary
ikes (only those in good ßß B condition)
ßß Toys
ßß Books
Unfortunately we cannot accept duvets.
What will happen to the bags? Any reusable household items collected will be sorted through and displayed at the Great Big Giveaway which will take place early next academic year. The Great Big Giveaway allows students to kit out their new rooms, all for a small donation to charity. In previous years we have raised over £400 for good causes. Any tinned or non-perishable food will be given to Reading Food Bank.
REMEMBER TO LOOK OUT FOR YOUR GOLDEN TICKET AND CLAIM YOUR PRIZE! If you have any questions, or if you would like any extra bags please contact
Get rid of your r charged for leav in the garden or paper & card, p cans and empty
Reading Bor Recycling c ßß Wednesday ßß Wednesday ßß Wednesday
ßß Saturday 4th Put out any ext bin.
Bulky waste can Household Wast Road, RG2 0RP. week, 8.00am – September.
You can also ar collection from be picked up a Reading Boroug www.reading.g
Don’t fly Tip! E Fixed Penalty rubbish on the
rubbish in time, as you may be ving bags behind, even if they are r driveway. Recycle newspapers, plastic bottles, food tins & drinks aerosols in your red bin.
rough Council Waste and collection Dates: 17th June Red bins (recycling) 24th June Grey bins (waste) 2nd July Red bins (recycling)
h Special extra waste July and small electricals collection tra bags that won’t fit in your
n be disposed of for free at the te Recycling Centre in Island . The centre is open 7 days a – 8.00pm between April and
rrange for a bulky waste m your house. To see what can and how much it costs visit the gh Council website.
Every year students receive Notice Fines of £75 for leaving e highway.
National Recycling Week begins 17th June! Get rid of bottles, jars, books and recyclable items at your nearest recycling centre.
Be sure to put items into the banks and under NO circumstances leave anything beside the banks. This is considered fly-tipping and you could be traced and fined £75.
Where / Location Palmer Park Car park by stadium Wokingham Road
Recycling ßß Glass/bottles/jars ßß Textiles ßß Books ßß Batteries
Erleigh Road By Fruit Bat Near junction with Addington Road
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars/ Cartons
Pepper Lane Former bus stop layby opposite Leighton Park School
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars
Mount Street Whitley Street Sainsburys Shinfield Road Morrisons Basingstoke Road
ßß Textiles ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Textiles ßß Glass ßß Textiles ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Textiles including Shoes ßß Books ßß Batteries
ASDA Chalfont Way
ßß Glass/bottles/jars ßß Textiles including shoes ßß Batteries
Household Waste & Recycling Site Island Road near Madejski Stadium
ßß Glass/bottles/jars ßß Textiles including shoes ßß Books ßß Computer equipment, TV’s and electrical items ßß Scrap metals ßß Green waste and wood ßß Batteries
t of your deposit? What can be taken ou er financial loss which from your deposit to cov
or deduct money professional cleaning Your landlord can only cannot charge you for ey Th en . wh sed n cau tha ve ion ha dit in worse con you or your guests have left the property you ct s tra les con un r use you ho eck the repainting normal use). Ch for wear and tear from could be you moved in (allowing that some of the terms are aw be o Als to. d ee agr ve to see what you ha vice. have concerns seek ad considered unfair. If you
for... Charges can be made üü Exit inspections tenants/guests üü Damage caused by anything soiled üü Cleaning charges for r above fair wear and tea üü Unpaid rent
entory/ issing items on the inv üü M missing keys if some keys are üü Changing the locks not returned n Service The Deposit Protectio d) (Custodial and Insure www.depositprotecti 0330 30 300 30 Tel eme The Tenancy Deposit Sch 0845 226 7837 Tel My Deposits 0333 321 9401 Tel
e for... Charges can’t be mad ûû Fair wear and tear ing ûû Professional clean
hold items worn ûû Replacing any house from normal use in the contract ûû Breaking a clause the landlord sed unless it has cau s los financial for items that ûû Charging full price ved in were used when you mo
Get your deposit back
n your Shorthold Tenancy the If you had an Assured It will . law by sit t your depo landlord had to protec nt me ern gov ee thr se the be protected by one of e left]. authorised schemes [se sure signed to help make These schemes are de More r. fai are sit po your de all the deductions of te bsi we SU RU the on nd information can be fou (
Back cedures. Claiming Your Deposit they have different pro sit is protected with as
eme your depo Check to see which sch seek advice. s been protected then ha If you do not think it vice Dispute Resolution Ser can use the Alternative , rd dlo tem sys lan r rt you cou d an the you use ver, you can also If you both agree, we Ho e. fre is e vic d. This ser within a set time perio ts. cos ur inc y ma which urned. r deposit should be ret over how much of you rd wever, dlo Ho lan r e. fre you h is wit ich te solution (ADR) wh Re te You may have a dispu pu Dis ve ati ern ion Students’ Un can use the Alt who are based in the You and your landlord tem. RUSU’s Advisers, sys rt cou the use o you can als help with this. presentation Centre can Building’s Advice & Re ending a Drop-in SU Advice Service by att RU the t tac con can You Thursday and Friday ld on Monday, Tuesday, Session. These are he 2.00pm to 4.30pm. and Wednesday from from 11am to 1.30pm Alternatively email ad