t u O g n i v Mo e/R
Reus / e c u d e R
posi e D e l c ecy
. .. t u o e v o m u o y n e Wh
rea di ng s fro m yo u r ¨¨R ecord th e m et er te r m et ers ga s, ele ct ricity a nd wa di ng s to th e ut ilit y ¨¨ Give yo u r fin al rea m kn ow th at yo u co m pa ni es a nd let th e ve th e ad dres s Gi are m ov in g out toda y. nt to se yo u wa nt th e fin al bi ll ve all yo u r ho us e m at e’s ¨¨ M a ke su re yo u ha yo u ca n so rt out co nt a ct deta ils so th at pa ym ent of fin al bi lls 3 m onth s lef t on ¨¨ If yo u ha ve at lea st vis it to ¨ yo u r TV lic en ce th en im yo u r ref u nd tv lic en cin g. co. u k to cla es s to yo u r la nd lord ¨¨ Give a co nt a ct ad dr a bo ut th e fo r hi m to let yo u kn ow ou ld co nt a ct d sh de po sit. Y ou r la nd lor if he wi sh es to yo u with in 10 -14 da ys m a ke a ny de du cti on s
ing UoR work h RUSU & w rship it in partne Council Borough Reading
ry to m a ke su re ¨¨ C he ck yo u r invento nd in th e rig ht everyt hi ng is pres ent a pl a ce ng is as cle a n as ¨¨ M a ke su re everyt hi ke da te d ph ot os wh en yo u m oved in . Ta lef t it in! yo u to prove th e co nd iti on u rat e invento ry ¨ ¨¨ M a ke su re a n a cc is ta ke n l at roy al m ai ¨¨ R ed ire ct yo u r m ai e yo u r ad dres s M a ke su re yo u ch a ng c as we ll! r et with yo u r ba nk , do cto us e is se cu re with all ¨¨ M a ke su re th e ho a nd ha nd ba ck ap pli a nc es tu rn ed of f, th e ke ys gs with yo u – yo u ¨¨ Ta ke all yo u r th in sto ra ge ot he rw ise co ul d be ch arge d fo r
Included with this leaflet is your RUSU Green Bag. We are collecting household items that are in a good, reusable condition so that we can pass We’ll pick up the bags from furnish. to houses them on to students with new part! your on effort l minima there’s your house so your house If you find any of the items listed below when you’re sorting out your outside them leave and please put them in the green bag provided and th 10.00am n betwee be will ons Collecti June. house on Wednesday 20 4.00pm. also If you do miss the collection date then your local charity shop will appreciate your offerings!
What we can reuse ßß Sealed, non-perishable food within the use by date ßß Homewear e.g. cushions, rugs, picture frames
ßß Cookware e.g. pots, pans, utensils
ßß Bedding
ßß Crockery and cutlery - Please wrap anything sharp in a tea towel or newspaper!
ßß Stationary
ßß Clothes ßß Books ßß Toys
Students can come to pick up any of the donated items for free. till Free Stuff will be held in Week 10, Monday to Friday from 11.00am 3.00pm outside 3sixty.
Could You Help?
and There are 700 of these packs to deliver to student houses in Reading in Stuff Free for time in sort hopefully a large amount to collect and ed describ stages the of any with d involve get to able Week 10. If you are ber, this Remem up. sign to k er@read volunte email please below, volunteering counts towards your RED Award! 20th June (afternoon) To help collect the green bags which students have left outside their houses 21st & 22nd June (afternoon) To help sort items in preparation for FREE STUFF Week 10 Each day this week we will be displaying the items outside the Students’ Union and it would be great to have students to man the stall, collect donations and talk to people about the project. Any time you can give, even just an hour or two, would be fantastic.
Make sure you g you may be cha if they are in th to recycle!
Reading Bo Recycling C
Wednesday 20 Wednesday 27 Wednesday 4th Saturday 30th J Put out any ext
Any bulky wast the Household Road, RG2 0RP. a week, 8.00am September.
You can also ar from your hous and how much Council websit
Don’t Flyti
Every year stu Notice Fines fo
Don’t throw aw
educe Recycle
get rid of your rubbish in time as arged for leaving bags behind, even he garden or driveway. Don’t forget
orough Council Waste & Collection Dates
Red bins (recycling) Grey bins (waste) h Red bins (recycling) July *Special extra waste June collection day* tra bags that won’t fit in your bin!
0th June 7th June
te can be disposed of for free at Waste Recycling Centre in Island P. The Centre is open seven days m-8.00pm between April and
rrange for a bulky waste collection se. To see what can be picked up h it costs visit the Reading Borough te (
udents receive Fixed Penalty or leaving rubbish on the highway.
way £75.
National Recycling Week begins Monday 18th June! Get rid of any bottles, books, boxes and other recyclable items at your nearest recycling centre.
Where / Location Recycling Palmer Park Car park by stadium Wokingham Road
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Newspapers/Magazines ßß Textiles ßß Juice cartons
Erleigh Road Junction with Donnington Gardens
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars
Erleigh Road By electric sub-station Near junction with Addington Road
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars
Pepper Lane Former bus stop layby opposite Leighton Park School
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars
Mount Street Whitley Street
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Newspapers/Magazines ßß Textiles
The Maidens PH Shinfield Road
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars
Morrisons Basingstoke Road
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Textiles including Shoes ßß Books
ASDA Chalfont Way
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Newspapers/Magazines ßß Textiles including Shoes
Household Waste & Recycling Site Island Road near Madejski Stadium
ßß Glass/Bottles/Jars ßß Cardboard ßß Newspapers/Magazines ßß Textiles including Shoes ßß Books ßß Computer Equipment and TV’s ßß Scrap Metals ßß Green Waste & Wood
t of your deposit? What can be taken ou er to cover any from your deposit in ord
or any deduct money Your landlord can only e living at the property incurred due to anyon ve ting the ha y ain ma rep y or the s ing an los l cle financia for professional you rge cha t you no to can en ey than it was giv of their guests. Th perty in a worse state pro you the at t wh lef ve see ha to ct you your contra house unless from normal use). Check r tea d an ar we for (allowing agreed to. use ûû Redecorating the ho üü Unpaid bills ing ûû Professional clean tenants/guests by sed cau age am D ü ü items placing any household ything soiled ûû Re an for s rge use cha al g rm nin no lea m üü C worn fro r above fair wear and tea ng a clause in ûû A Penalty for breaki üü Unpaid rent the contract y/ tor en inv for items that üü Missing items on the ûû Charging full price ved in missing keys were used when you mo if some keys are üü Changing the locks ed not return
Get your deposit back
r dlord had to protect you Tenancy then your lan old es: rth em Sho d sch nt ure me Ass If you had an these three govern be protected by one of deposit by law. It will Scheme The Tenancy Deposit s sit po De My ce rvi Se com n k The Deposit Protectio .com 0845 226 7837 Tel 0 029 www.depositprotection 0844 980 Tel 000 7 472 4 084 Tel r deposit sits and TDS have you the landlord. MyDepo d dispute is an the you til for un sit e po em de DPS holds your sent in to the sch be to nt ou am ted money. pu the any dis not send in registered and require n if your landlord does eve ck ba you y pa can resolved. The scheme Back different procedures. Claiming Your Deposit ted with as they have tec pro is sit po de r eme you Check to see which sch seek advice. s been protected then ha it nk thi t no If you do deposit you should be know how much of the you let to and put in you t tac deduct the money for Your landlord should con rify what he wants to cla n the ee agr dis getting back. If you you have with this. writing any objections over how much of If you have a dispute returned then you your deposit should be Alternative the use or can go to court R) which is free. Dispute Resolution (AD you with this. lp A RUSU advisor can he g for more Visit s for each ces pro the information on individual scheme.