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NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Ph: 732.932.9271 Fax: 732.932.8726 Email: ocpe@njaes.rutgers.edu Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu
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Please indicate which fee: $380 NJAWWA member $227.50 NJ licensed water operator (T, W, VSWS) $455 Non licensed/non - NJAWWA member
Drinking Water Operator Course October 6 - 8, 2010 Course code: EO0208CA11
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New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Drinking Water Operator Review Course
October 6, 7 & 8, 2010
Fulfills the NJDEP exam re-take requirement....great for anyone who needs to review prior to any water licensing exam! Office of Continuing Professional Education
Drinking Water Operator Review Course Back by popular demand! The American Water Association Works New Jersey Section (AWWA) and the NJAES OďŹƒce of Continuing Professional Education have teamed up to oer drinking water operators an excellent opportunity to refresh and review prior to taking state licensing exams. If you have failed a water licensing exam three times (T, W or VSWS), under the NJDEP licensing regulations you are required to take a refresher or review class prior to taking the exam again. This course will fulďŹ ll that requirement or are you currently licensed and planning to take a higher level exam in the future? Do you just feel a bit “rustyâ€? and want to gain back your edge when it comes to day-to-day operational knowledge? Whichever category you fall into, this is the course for you! Combining the Association of Boards of CertiďŹ cation’s (ABC) “need-to-knowâ€? guides with statistics from recent NJDEP exams and a wealth of professional, real-life experience from our presenters, this course will give you the conďŹ dence to conquer the “rough spotsâ€? on licensing exams or the “tough spotsâ€? faced daily in the workplace. SpeciďŹ c topics will include: • • • • • • • • •
Water treatment techniques Pumps/chemical feeds Testing/sampling procedures and protocols Facility and equipment safety Water quality regulations, Math and its applications throughout the workplace Valves/hydrants/meters Tank/system maintenance and Electrical safety and maintenance.
Presentations will focus on areas of concern from recent past exams. You will also have the opportunity to work in small groups on common problems areas.
Course coordinators William Mitchell (Trenton Water Works) and Carol Storms (AQUA NJ) have lined up the best and brightest from across the NJ water industry to participate. Breaks and lunch will allow time to network with the speakers, as well as with other operators and utility personnel. Do not miss this unique opportunity! Special rates are available for NJAWWA members or holders of current NJ drinking water licenses (T, W or VSWS only). Note: Current holders of NJ drinking water licenses (T, W or VSWS ) will be eligible 18 TCH’s for this program.
Phone: 732.932.9271, M-F 8::00 AM - 4:30 PM. Please have your Visa, Mastercard or AMEX number ready.
Fax: 732.932.8726, 24 Hours. Please include credit card information or copy of your check, money order or purchase order with your fax. Mail: Registration Desk, NJAES OďŹƒce of Continuing Professional Education, Rutgers University, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519. Please make check payable to: Rutgers University
Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu Payment Policy - All students must have prearranged for payment to be admitted to the class (purchase order, check, VISA, Mastercard, American Express or money order). Refunds - You may withdraw from this course with a full refund (minus a $50 processing fee) provided our oďŹƒce is notiďŹ ed at least three (3) full working days prior to the start of the course. Beyond that time, registrants may be responsible for the full registration fee. Substitutions are welcomed.