Roadside Management and Related Landscape Courses

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New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

Roadside and Right-of-Way Management March 24, 2011

Category 6B, CORE, & CPWM credits

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Small Engine Classes

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AL0405CA11 9:00am - 3:30pm

This one-day class provides pesticide credits in the right-of-way category by focusing exclusively on the challenges of vegetation along highways, byways and rights-of-way. Instruction topics will include: · Application Techniques · Safety Precautions · DEP Regulation Issues

Here’s what your colleague have to say about this course: “This is a very good class. All of the speakers were informative and made some very good points. I enjoy this course every year!” “The speakers used training aids that kept us involved and entertained.” “All of the topics covered in this course are practical for improving our roadside management work.”

Approved Pesticide Credits New Jersey and Connecticut 6 units in 6B; 3 units in CORE NY, PA, DE, MD, and CPWM Credits Credits pending final approval, please call 732-932-9271 x.625 for upated info.

Four Ways to Register

March 4-15, 2011

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NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Ph: 732.932.9271 Fax: 732.932.8726 Email:

March 24, 2011 $195 before March 10, 2011; $225 after

· Herbicide Modes of Action · Roadside Landscape Establishment · Roadside Landscape Management


We will never sell, rent or exchange your contact information with a 3rd party. To unsubscribe and be removed from our list, contact us at or by fax 732.932.1187 or phone 732.932.9271.

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 AMEX Check, money order or Purchase Order Charge to my credit card Visa Mastercard

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YES, I want to be informed about courses and related information through periodic messages from Rutgers via: (check all that apply) email fax



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Roadside and Right-of-Way Management

Managing Turfgrass and Landscape Weeds


(732) 932-9271; Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

March 9 and 10, 2011


(732) 932-8726 available 24 hours

Pruning Classes

Mail: Registration Desk; NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education; Rutgers University; 102 Ryders Lane; New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Online:

March 7 and 17, 2011 Office of Continuing Professional Education

Introduction to Small Engine Repair March 8, 2011 (1st session) AL0209CA11 $295 before February 22, 2011; $345 after March 11, 2011 (2nd session) AL0209CB11 $295 before February 25, 2011; $345 after

5 Technical CPWM Credits

9:00am - 3:30pm

9:00am - 3:30pm

Learn the keys to preventative maintenance and protect your equipment investment without waiting for or paying someone else to do it! Kurt Frede, of Gardner-Connell, Inc., will reveal the top reasons engines fail and teach you how to maintain and perform routine repairs, without voiding your warranty. This hands-on class gives you answers to your specific questions - something a manual or video cannot deliver. Please choose one of the two sessions above.

Advanced Small Engine Repair March 9 and 10, 2011 (1st session) AL0210CA11 $495 before February 23, 2011; $545 after March 14 and 15, 2011 (2nd session) AL0210CB11 $495 before February 28, 2011; $545 after

5 Technical & 5 Management CPWM Credits

9:00am - 3:30pm

March 9 and 10, 2011 $395 before February 23, 2011; $435 after

9:00am - 3:30pm

Two-Cycle Engine Maintenance

“Mr. Guiser is serious about his craft. He is clear, conversant, and able to cover a lot of information in a short period of time.” Approved Credits: NJ/CT Pesticide: 2 in CORE; 8 in 2 & 3A; 8 in 3B; 16 in 3B, 6B, 8C and PP2 CPWM: 5 Technical NY, PA, DE, MD, and MA Pesticide: Please call 732 932-9271 x625 for updated credit information.

March 11, 2011 $195 before February 25, 2011, $225 after

This new hands-on class is designed to prepare you to properly maintain the two-cycle engines that run your hand-held landscape equipment including string trimmers, chain saws, and backpack blowers. You will participate in a teardown and reassembly of a typical two-cycle engine.

AT0403CA11 9:00am-3:30pm

This one-day class focuses exclusively on the major turf diseases you will battle in the field. Rich Buckley, Director of the Rutgers Plant Diagnostic Lab, will teach you how to identify and control turf diseases from Dollar Spot to Pythium Blight. Rich emphasizes an integrated pest management approach to identify and alleviate the cause of the problem, rather than repeatedly treating its symptoms. Here’s what your colleagues have to say about instructor, Rich Buckley: “Always informative.” “Kept my interest entire time.”

AL0211CA11 9:00am - 3:30pm

AT0404CA11 9:00am - 3:30pm

This two-day course, taught by Penn State University Extension Educator Scott Guiser, will discuss weed biology and management strategies. In this hands-on course, you’ll learn how to identify the toughest weeds in the Northeast. You’ll learn the best control strategies by understanding weed life cycles, chemical and alternative controls, and long-term strategies to match your site conditions. This course also includes hands-on weed identification exercises, weed life cycles, ecology, proper use of mulches and other aspects of a comprehensive weed control program. Here’s what one of your colleagues had to say about Scott Guiser’s teaching ability:

Turfgrass Disease Management

In this two-day program, instructor Kurt Frede uses a complete “tear down” and rebuild of a 4-cycle Kohler engine to demonstrate maintenance and repair of small engines. You will walk away with these skills: knowing why and how to adjust the governor, making carburetor adjustments, selecting the best oil and gas types for the season and your equipment, and understanding and avoiding common problems like vapor lock. This class will be your first step in saving countless repair dollars and time! Please choose one of the two sessions above.

March 4, 2011 $275 before February 18, 2011; $295 after

Managing Turfgrass and Landscape Weeds

“Best instructor I’ve ever had.” “Insightful and energetic.”

Approved Credits: NJ/CT: 10 in 3B, 6B, 8C, PP2 NY, PA, DE, MD, MA: Please call 732-932-9271 x625 for updated credits CPWM: 10 Technical

Introduction to Pruning Techniques AL0208CA11 March 7, 2011 9:00am - 12:00pm $195 before February 21, 2011; $225 after

ISA Credits: CA: 2.5 BCMA-P: 2.5

Pruning is both an art and a science. Failing to understand the science of when, where, and how to prune can ruin the plant, the landscape and your reputation. In this popular hands-on, half-day course, Bruce Crawford will show you how to properly prune your landscape plants while preserving their natural vigor and beauty. Pruning shears will be available, but we recommend you bring your own equipment (if you have it), including hand pruning shears, lopping shears and a small pruning saw. Please dress for fieldwork.

Advanced Pruning Techniques AL0235CA11 March 17, 2011 9:00am - 3:30pm $195 before March 3, 2011; $225 after

ISA Credits: CA: 4.75, BCMA-P: 3, BCMA-S: 1.75

This hands-on, one-day program is designed for professionals and homeowners alike who have experience in pruning and shaping plants. It is strongly recommended that you take Introduction to Pruning or have a strong background in pruning prior to taking this course. Pat Cullina, Vice President of Horticulture and Parks Operations, Friends of the Highline, New York City, and Steve Schuckman, owner, First Mountain Arboriculture LLC, Certified Tree Expert and Consulting Municipal Arborist, will guide you through classroom and field demonstrations to ensure you gain a strong understanding of how, what, where, when, and why to prune - including specialty pruning techniques such as espalier, hedges, and topiaries. Please dress for fieldwork.

Reduced Pesticide Inputs and Organic Options for Sports Turf

AT0502CB11 March 3, 2011 8:00am - 12:00pm $175 before February 17, 2011; $195 after

Turf managers are increasingly being asked to reduce or even eliminate synthetic fertilizers and pesticides applied to natural turfgrass areas. When faced with the prospect of reducing traditional inputs and maintaining acceptable turf quality, managers know that ‘going green’ is easier said than done. Topics for discussion will include organic sports field management, soil management and turfgrass selection in an organic program, low-impact pesticide options, and lessons from specific sites including Central Park, New York City.

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