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Electricity, Motors & Meters
Oct. 13, 2010
Variable Frequency Drives
Oct. 28 & 29, 2010
Ladder Logic
Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 & 2, 2010
Motor Control Circuits
Dec. 15 -17, 2010
O & M of Pumps
Electricity, Motors and Meters September 8, 2010 Course Code: EO0707CA11 Instructor: Sheldon Kay Registration fee: $270 Multi fee: $250 NJ licensed water operators $135 (T, W or VSWS only) 0.6 CEUs/6 TCHs for water and wastewater license holders Approval #01-090002-30 This course has been designed to introduce attendees to the basics of electrical technology, including electrical terminology, theory, common circuits, test equipment, safety concerns and motor name plate data. The material covered is easily understood through the use of simple terms and the use of real-life experiences as examples. A great introduction or refresher! Topics include: • Fundamentals of voltage, current and resistance • Basic circuits and motor name plate data • Multimeter functions and meggar use • Clamp-on amp probe use and circuit protection.
Upcoming Classes of Interest
Courses for Water/Wastewater Operators, Maintenance Personnel & Industrial Professionals
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Industrial Wastewater - Sept. 2 through Dec. 23, 2010 City
Name Tag
Sept. 8, 2010
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NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Ph: 732.932.9271 Fax: 732.932.8726 Email: ocpe@njaes.rutgers.edu Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu
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New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Improving Management Skills - Sept. 15 and 16, 2010 Writing Skills - Sept. 21, 2010 Stormwater Management - Sept. 29 through Oct. 1, 2010 Safe Drinking Water Act Regulatory Update Jan. 20 and 27, 2011
www.cpe.rutgers.edu Variable Frequency Drives October 13, 2010 Instructor: Joseph Longo Course Code: EO0706CA11 Registration fee: $270 Multi fee: $250 NJ licensed water operators: $135 (T, W or VSWS only) 0.6 CEUs/6 TCHs for water and wastewater license holders Approval #01-090008-30 This class will introduce you to variable frequency drives (VFDs) and the reasons for their application in controlling the rotational speed of motors and other electrical equipment. While most control circuits used in industrial or commercial applications still use mechanical operating systems, the application of VFD’s is increasing as a way to reduce power consumption and other operating costs. Topics will include: • VFD theory operation and application • Control status, monitoring and troubleshooting of VFDs
• New installations, startup/feedback controls • Maintaining, servicing and operating VFDs.
Ladder Logic October 28 & 29, 2010 Course Code: EO711CB11 Instructor: Terry Tomsky Registration fee: $370 Multi fee: $345 NJ licensed water operators: $185 (T, W or VSWS only) 1.2 CEUs/12 TCHs for water and wastewater license holders Approval #01-090005-30
Motor Control Circuits: Wiring to Troubleshooting Course code: EO0709CA11 Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 & 2, 2010 Instructor: Terry Tomsky Registration fee: $490 Multi fee: $465 NJ licensed water operators: $245 (T, W or VSWS only) 1.8 CEUs/18 TCHs for water and wastewater license holders Approval #01-090006-30
One of our popular hands-on courses taught by one of our most popular instructors. The course will show you how line diagrams provide fast and easily understood pictures of control circuit operations. Topics include: ladder diagrams, circuit design, voltage back feeds and control circuit basics.
This course will present the theory of control operation and the proper techniques for diagramming control circuits. Once you are familiar with the basic circuit, you will be shown how to apply the same theories to more complex systems to quickly troubleshoot and repair equipment. Topics will include: • Basic control circuit and holding circuit wiring • Permissive circuits and light indication wiring • Time interface circuits • Electrical interlock interfacing circuits and timers. PLEASE BRING YOUR VOLT/OHM METER!!
O & M of Pumps December 15-17, 2010 Course Code: EO0710CA11 Instructors: Terry Tomsky and Robert Waldron Registration fee: $490 Multi fee: $465 NJ licensed water operators: $245 (T, W or VSWS only) 1.8 CEUs/18 TCHs for water and wastewater license holders Approval #01-090010-30 This is without a doubt, our most popular hands-on course! You will learn and practice accepted procedures for both daily and long term maintenance of pumps and related equipment. Proactive maintenance and a thorough understanding of the inner workings of a pump can save time and increase the eďŹƒciency of your operation. Topics will include: types and uses of pumps, terms and classiďŹ cations, mechanical seals, pump head calculations and performance curves. FOUR CONVENIENT WAYS TO REGISTER
Phone: 732.932.9271, M-F 8AM - 4:30PM. Please have your Visa, Mastercard or AMEX number ready.
Fax: 732.932.8726, 24 Hours. Please include credit card information
Mail: Registration Desk, NJAES OďŹƒce of Continuing Professional Education, Rutgers University, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519. Please make check payable to: Rutgers University
or copy of your check, money order or purchase order with your fax.
Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu Payment Policy - All students must have prearranged for payment to be admitted to the class (purchase order, check, VISA, Mastercard, American Express or money order). Refunds - You may withdraw from this course with a full refund (minus a $50 processing fee) provided our oďŹƒce is notiďŹ ed at least three (3) full working days prior to the start of the course. Beyond that time, registrants may be responsible for the full registration fee. Substitutions are welcomed.