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Certificate Series
Office of Continuing Professional Education
Wetland Delineation
Certificate Series Vegetation Identification, Methodology for Delineating Wetlands
Basic Wetlands Training
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Pond Design, Management and Maintenance City
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Spring 2011 Wetlands Training See inside for details!
The Wetland Delineation Certificate is awarded to participants who attend and successfully complete assignments for Vegetation Identification and Methodology for Delineating Wetlands.
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station
Introduction, Hydrology
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NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 102 Ryders Lane New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519 Ph: 732.932.9271 Fax: 732.932.8726 Email: ocpe@njaes.rutgers.edu Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu
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May 19 and 20, 2011 Course Code: EH0201CC11 $515 before 5/5/11; $525 after; $495 multiple
June 1, 2, 3, and 4, 2011 Course Code: EH0401CB11 $1,030 before 5/31/11; $1,050 after; $990 multiple
Since plants are the most obvious clues to wetland boundaries, you cannot delineate a wetland without experience identifying vegetation. In this two-day combination classroom and field course, botany specialist Bill Olson will teach you how to quickly and confidently identify plant species that are important in determining if an area meets the hydrophythic vegetation criterion for wetland delineation.
Learn the methods of the experts! This four-day course will introduce you to delineating wetlands using the Federal Interagency Wetland Delineation Manual, which is required for use in New Jersey. Techniques taught will also be applicable to individuals interested in using the 1987 Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual as well.
FEATURED TOPICS: • Introduction to plant identification • ID characteristics • Wetland plant indicator status • Use of keys in the field • Plant names and groups • Basic botanical terminology • Woody plant morphology • Grass morphology • Sedge/Rush morphology
VEGETATION: Analyze plant communities and identify dominant plant and indicators of hydrophytic vegetation SOILS: Identify sandy and non-sandy hydric soils based on the National List of hydric soil field indicators HYDROLOGY: Recognize direct and indirect indicators
LEARN ABOUT: • Meadows • Restoration areas • Emergent wetlands • Riparian forest • Mature forest • Shrubs • Field edges • Upand-Wetland transition
“I learned more from two days with Peter than a whole semester of college!”
Required Textbook - Wetland Indicators: A Guide to Wetland Identification, Delineation, Classification, and Mapping [ISBN 0873718925] R. Tiner - $75 Recommended Textbook - Munsell Soil Color Chart - $125
“[Veg ID] provided great depth of knowledge in plant identification.”
Required Textbooks Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide [ISBN 0316604429] - $25 Grasses: An Identification Guide [ISBN 0395628814] L. Brown - $20
Recognize the key indicators of wetlands (hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils and wetland hydrology) while expert instructors Ralph Tiner and Dr. Peter Veneman show you how to use them in following proper delineation methods. Immediately apply criteria learned in the classroom by performing wetland determinations during team field exercises.
NOTE: The Corps Regional supplements for the Atlantic Coastal Plain and Northeast-Northcentral Regions will not be covered in this class. If you are interested in learning more about these supplements, our Advanced Wetland Delineation class covers them. “Smart and interesting … [Ralph] gave a semester of information in one day!”
INTRODUCTION TO WETLAND DELINEATION June 2, 2011 Course Code: EH0102CB11 $285 before 4/19/11; $295 after; $275 multiple
May 6, 2011 Course Code: EH0302CA11 $285 before 4/22/11; $295 after; $275 multiple
When you delineate wetlands without the proper training or experience, you run the risk of regulatory and career repercussions. Wetlands training can be diďŹƒcult to grasp if you start your education in an advanced course. Don’t make the mistake of jumping into the Methodology for Delineating Wetlands course without ďŹ rst being exposed to the basic principles of wetland delineation in this course!
How important is learning hydrology? Who ever heard of a dry wetland! By understanding the hydrology, you will understand the distribution and circulation of water in a wetland. If you are planning to delineate, manage, or construct a wetland, you will need to be able to identify and assess the movement of water.
This one-day combination classroom and ďŹ eld course, led by wetland expert, Ralph Tiner will teach you the basics of wetland identiďŹ cation and introduce you to the practice of wetland delineation. It will provide the essential background material needed for further study in the ďŹ eld of wetland delineation. Come review the skills you need to begin to identify freshwater wetlands and their boundaries! “Well worth the time and money! Informative and a good introduction.â€?
FEATURED TOPICS: • Wetland deďŹ nitions and concepts • Wetland hydrology indicators • Wetland vegetation - hydrophytic plant indicators • Wetland soils - soil colors, hydric soil indicators • Wetland types - wetland classiďŹ cation, wetland maps • Review of wetland plant characteristics “[Ralph] has a wealth of knowledge, experience, and a good sense of humorâ€?
FIELD EXERCISES: • Wetland plant identiďŹ cation • Hydric soil recognition • Wetland hydrology indicators • Wetland delineation
This introductory one-day course with Dr. Claude Epstein (Professor of Environmental Studies at Richard Stockton College) combines classroom instruction with a hands-on ďŹ eld visit to provide you with a basic understanding of how wetlands are created and sustained. In the morning, you will review the connection between soil, water, and vegetation which creates a wetland. After lunch, gain practical experience using a soil auger to investigate hydrologic evidence for wetland delineation, water table depth and evaluation, and Hydrogeomorphic Models (HGM’s) identiďŹ cation. FEATURED TOPICS: • Saturated conditions • Geochemical nature of wetlands • Wetland soils and vegetation • Wetland aeration zone • Texture of muck moils • Surface runo accumulation • Ponded and perched wetlands • UnconďŹ ned ground water discharge • ConďŹ ned (Artesian) ground water discharge • Hydrogeomorphic models (HGM’s) • Field evidence for HGM-type diagnosis “It (was) a real treat to hear from someone who has such a great breadth of both technical and historical knowledge.â€?
Vegetation IdentiďŹ cation SOUTH - September 15 and 16, 2011 www.cpe.rutgers.edu
POND DESIGN, MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE April 15, 2011 Course Code: EW0315CA11 $295 before 4/01/11; $325 after; $275 multiple This one-day class, led by Dr. Stephen Souza, is meant for pond owners, pond managers, landscape architects, engineers and anyone involved with the design, management or maintenance of ponds. The program is structured to help you make the proper decisions regarding the appearance, function and up-keep of your pond. Starting with design, you will learn how to build a pond through the construction of embankments and dams as well as the selection and installation of liners. Gain the knowledge necessary for creating and maintaining a stable shoreline. Develop new skills for building and aquascaping littoral benches. Discover ways in which to optimize your habitats for ďŹ sh and aquatic wildlife. Long-term maintenance of ponds, whether constructed for stormwater, irrigation, ďŹ shing or aesthetic purposes, is also crucial. • Properly select, use and apply aquatic pesticides to control invasive aquatic weeds and algae; • Make use of non-pesticide, and other environmentally friendly techniques to control invasive aquatic weeds and algae; • Design and implement a dredging project, including the proper navigation of the environmental rules and regulations; and, • Correctly select, size and install various types of aeration systems.
AQUASCAPING AND BIOENGINEERING Combine landscaping and evolving engineering solutions to correct eroded shorelines, create and maintain stable and attractive vegetation shorelines, and integrate native, non-invasive, easy to maintain, yet attractive plant species into the design of retroďŹ t or new ponds! STORMWATER BASINS NEW FOR 2011! Additional focus will be placed on the management of stormwater basins with respect to MS4 compliance requirements covering inspections, maintenance, repair/enhancement and reporting/ record keeping.
Courses in this brochure have been submitted for the following:
Landscape Architects
Other New Jersey Credits
- New Jersey - New York
- Health OďŹƒcers/REHS - CertiďŹ ed Public Works Managers
Many of our WETLANDS courses have also been approved for: - Professional Engineers (New York) - Land Surveyors (New York) - Society of American Foresters (New Jersey) Pond Design, Management & Maintenance has also been submitted for: - Aquatic Pesticide Credits in NJ, NY, PA, DE, and MD - Golf Course Superintendents - NALMS CertiďŹ ed Lake Managers/Lake Professionals Please call Bianca Scardina at (732) 932-9271 x.643 for more information.
“A wealth of information - well organized and presented ... for anyone responsible for ponds, dams and waterways.�
Phone: 732.932.9271, M-F 8AM - 4:30PM. Please have your Visa, Mastercard or AMEX number ready.
Fax: 732.932.8726, 24 Hours. Please include credit card information or copy of your check, money order or purchase order with your fax. Mail: Registration Desk, NJAES OďŹƒce of Continuing Professional Education, Rutgers University, 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519. Please make check payable to: Rutgers University
Web: www.cpe.rutgers.edu Payment Policy - All students must have prearranged for payment to be admitted to the class (purchase order, check, VISA, Mastercard, American Express or money order). Refunds - You may withdraw from this course with a full refund (minus a $50 processing fee) provided our oďŹƒce is notiďŹ ed at least three (3) full working days prior to the start of the course. Beyond that time, registrants may be responsible for the full registration fee. Substitutions are welcomed.