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Vol. I No. 1 Wednesday, December 9, 1968



Wednesday December 9, 1968

RADICALIZE THE REVOLUTION! by Adam S. Maskevich Editor -in- Chief Apathy is the disease that is sapping the life – blood out of this University. The students of Rutgers care more about getting high and listening to Jim Morrison sing about getting high than getting off their asses and radicalizing this bastion of “THE MAN”. While millions of Vietnamese children are deep - fried and our nation’s leaders are shot in cold blood, instead of raising our voices in protest, the men of Rutgers would rather get drunk and get laid. And the chicks of Douglass are no better - they’re more worried about if their fondue is the right temperature than the murders perpetrated by their own government. Now don’t get me wrong brothers and sisters, I love getting high. I love fondue too, really who doesn’t, but we can’t let the cheesy goodness obstruct our responsibility to ourselves, our country, and our University. Look at what went down at Columbia, they’re not fuckin’ around over there. While we let our profs get fat and force-feed us bullshit, they hold them hostage in their offices. That’s the way to do things, pro -active resistance against the capitalist/ imperialist/sexist/racist /materialistic/ militaristic/- anachronistic/fascistic machine. While most of you were lounging around this summer tripping your faces off and working at a job Daddy got you, I went to Chicago to make my voice heard. Most of you probably think that social action can’t be fun, but the 1968 Democratic National Convention was the best time of my life. Sure I got my skull cracked open by the cops, yeah, I got gassed by the pigs, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I think that maybe this is part of what the students of Rutgers need; to get their skulls cracked open. It’s hard to be apathetic when the sidewalk is splattered with your blood, and the fat pig who did it is just standing there laughing. I don’t know what I can say to try to get my Rutgers brethren to do anything. This University, this country, this whole fuckin’ world is on fire, and nobody here is even willing to piss on it. The radicalization of the regime is our responsibility, and since you can’t trust anyone over thirty, it’s up to us to take up the challenge. Revolution is in our hands, and yet most of use are too busy using them to jerk – off to do anything else. We, the youth of America, have an opportunity to change things, and we must realize that. Revolution must be our religion, and radicalization our dogma. And, with every breath we must scream: “FUCK THE SYSTEM!!!!!!!!!”

As a special treat for our readers, one lower - case i in this issue is actually a microdot of LSD. You have to guess which one it is! STUDENTS UNITE!

Help shape the destiny of Rutgers’ official vehicle of the revolution, THE MEDIUM! If you have written anything for this radical student organization over the past semester, then YOU are elegible to become part of the power structure! Elections are Wednesday night at 9:30 in Yorba Lounge in Tillet Hall on Livingston Campus. Love - In afterwards, bring drugs. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!


Page 8 Revolution Page 9 Love Page 10 Peace Page 11 Drugs Page 12 Grooviness

Ya Dig It Protest Sit ins More Drugs

What’s Shakin’

Cover by:Adam Maskevich and Dana Lazar


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The Movement Editor in Chief Managing Editor Busuiness Editor Opinions Editor News Editor Features Editor Arts Editor

Adam Maskevich Personals Editors Anish Mehta What’s Shakin’ Editor Matt Medeiros Staff Artist Anish Mehta Photography Editor Emily Bohn Advertising Manager Matt Medeiros Senior Editor Amanda Hoffman Lovin’ Spoonful

John Farley and Joe Shramek Adam Ansorge Katherine D. Lazar Timothy Leary Dave Mach Anish Mehta We all need one

THE MEDIUM is the Revolutionary Vehicle of Rutgers University. All articles are the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily shared by THE MEDIUM. Submission and business deadline is Sunday at 12:00 pm. The office of THE MEDIUM is in the hearts and minds of the students. All correspondence may be addressed to THE MEDIUM L.P.O 16405 P.O Box 5064, New Brunswick, N.J. 08903-5064 or emailed to adamm@eden.rutgers.edu. FUCK DON’T KILL!


Wednesday December 9, 1968

THE PANTHERS SPEAK! by Todd “X” Graham

In a war, one must have goals or objectives to achieve victory. The Black Panthers have as objectives the “10 Points.” A list of these is available from me upon request, so I won’t list these by rote. However, I will focus on 2 main points. The first and foremost of these is the right for us as Black People to control the destiny of our community. It is a result of 350 years of oppression, of not controlling our own destiny in America, that the Panthers must exist. We must control our economic destiny instead of depending on the so-called kindness of White America. We must not fight for a so-called freedom that our people do not, and will not, get from the bourgeois ruling class of White America. Instead, we must fight for the freedom we do not get, and will not get, from this slave nation. However, we will not get any of these freedoms as a group unless we fight for our right as people to self-determination. That is what you see in the armed patrols and the

Hello, my name is Todd “X” Graham, Minister of Information for the Rutgers chapter of the Black Panther Party. I’d like to write this for the Targum, but the man is keeping me from writing for them. Some garbage about being too violent. However, since the Editor-in-Chief of this fine newspaper is a member of “Honkys for Huey,” he’s decided to give the Black Panthers a voice to the people in The Medium of the printed word. Many people ask why we are so angry, why aren’t we like the late Martin Luther King. I say that we have ever reason in the world to be angry. We were dragged to these shores to work for cruel white masters with no pay and less respect. When they saw fit to free us, we still weren’t considered citizens under Jim Crow. Hell, we aren’t free even now. We, as Black people, live in third-world conditions, and our people get a third-class education. Ever wonder why you never see a lot of people of color on Campus radical campus? Also, we have to deal with police over- & Black Panseers ( and I do mean overseers, not officers, be- ther, Todd “X” cause they seem to think slavery is still alive and Graham, well ) and other people who haven’t freed their protests U.S. minds. The bourgeois ruling class feels the need militarism in to commit acts of violence on a group trying to front of the excercsise their “inalienable rights”. No wonder ROTC Building King got shot; we are not only at war in Viet Nam, on College we as Black people are at war with America! Ave.

schools and the feeding programs...a group of people trying to fight off the chains of, “The Man.” The most important part of our self-determination is knowledge of the self. Without knowledge of self, Black People in America have no way of relating to others and, therefore, no way of truly understanding their oppressed state. It is important that universities, such as Rutgers, allow the Black People in their midst to learn the truth about themselves. We hear lies every time we go to American Government class when they dare say that the Black Man is free. We hear all about the accomplishments of the Greeks and the Romans, but nothing about our contributions and, more importantly, our oppression and repression in this world. The educated masses, Black and White, must unite in the struggle of self-knowledge in the Black colony. Then we, Black People, will be able to accomplish victory in one battle in the war to determine our destiny.

The Man by Chris DeSarno Okay, brothers and sisters, dig this ... The Man says people can’t smoke weed ‘cause it brings together the masses — and that’s not his trip. The Man says if I want food and water I have to compete for green paper — and that’s not my trip. The Man says I can’t yell “fire” in a crowded theater. The Man says I can’t light the theater on fire first. You can’t ever please him. The Man says I should brush my teeth three times a day (and floss!) That’s okay, though. ‘cause I like brushing my teeth. Okay, the man ain’t all bad. No, wait. Fuck that. FUCK THE MAN!

Now The Man’s saying I can’t jay-walk on College Ave. or he’s gonna use his pig empire to bring me down. So now I have to walk in THE MAN’s white lines. “That’s right. Walk that tightrope. Obey without question.” NO. I will NOT walk in between the white lines of oppression. The white lines of the dominant culture. The white lines of hate! Fuck that, pig. Brothers and sisters — hear my cry: WAKE UP! As I write this from a jail cell (which The Man euphemistically calls a “dorm room”) — in this graduate school of survival, this institution which divides the young people and fills their minds with hatred, I know that the people will rise up to defeat the war mongers and fascists. Right on! As a wise bus driver once told me, “Don’t let The Man get ya down.” ... SURVIVE! FIGHT! LIBERATE! ...


Wednesday, December 9, 1968


This man, who goes by the name of “Fran X,” is actually an agent of the United States Government. He is among the growing legion of informants who have been sent to Rutgers to try to undermine our radical organizations. He must be avoided at all costs. Do not talk to him, do not discuss plans in his presence, DO NOT TRUST HIM!

Rutgers Revolutionary Students’ Union and Swingers Club

VIETNAMESE INVADE PISCATAWAY BY Anish Mehta,Opinions Editor To many Americans, the Vietnam Conflict is a harsh distant reality. However, three weeks ago, the violence of the war became distant no more when thousands of Vietnamese soldiers were seen pulling weapon filled rickshaws into the golf courses near our beloved new Livingston Campus. University President, Mason Gross said, “This is the most shocking attack on the United States since the Japs hit Pearl Harbor”. Gross, inherently being a megalomaniac due to his status as a Rutgers University President, decided to take the battle into his own hands. “We’re sending hundreds of Negro youths on suicide missions everyday just like they’re doing in Vietnam. Within a week, we’ll never Lookin’ for Charlies see another gook or any other Asian in Piscataway again. I’ll be damned if those little bastards get their greasy little hands on my University”, said President Gross. Unfortunately, one week has passed and thousands of black students and “personal assistants” of Gross are still being sent to Livingston to protect the University from the deadly Asians. A Livingston College freshman named Malcolm Z. sent a note to the Rutgers University Security Department saying “You jive talkin’ white muthafuckas are in deep shit now. Ya dig?” Before anyone had a chance to understand the message, it was discovered that the University’s stash of Napalm was stolen. Malcolm was immediately

held responsible and killed in retaliation by the RU Security Department. It was later discovered that Alpha Sigma Phi actually stole the Napalm as a fraternity prank and sold it to the freshman in Leupp who subsequently smoked it to get high. They were fined five-hundred dollars. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese made their camps and built scientific labs to make weapons and discover new ways to grow more efficient rice patties. The Vietnamese men spend most of their free time doing mathematical equations for fun, and playing pool and pinball games while dancing to the music of Herman’s Hermits, Bay City Rollers, and The Monkeys. They’ve also brought slaves from India who feed them homemade Beef Jerky. President Gross became dismayed enough by the threat in Piscataway to oversee the operations in Livingston himself. The President expressed in Piscataway his confusion when he saw the soldiers in trendy designer uniforms. He seemed to have a wild look in his eyes (but it may have been a result of his dysentery) when he stood up and emphatically pointed at a Vietnamese man in a rice patty and shouted, “THEY KILLED CHRIST, a beautiful white man with a swimmer’s body, so they could pray to those fuckin’ fat, green little statues of Buddha, I buttfucked Buddha! I fucked your God!!! Seconds later, in the middle of his irrational diatribe, Mason Gross was nailed in the crotch by a Chinese star. Edward Bloustein was sworn in as the new University President the next day. As of today, Asians still remain in Piscataway and Bloustein hasn’t announced plans on pulling Gross’ troops out of Livingston.


Wednesday, December 9, 1968

The Battle of Putang It’s hard to imagine as the sun rises over the serene Putang valley that two days ago the valley was at the climax of the bloodiest battle this war has yet to see. The ridges had been dowsed with Agent Orange six days before our advance, so there was no foliage for Charlie to hide under. Unfortunately, Charlie had dug in too deep along the northern ridge line, so they mortared the hell out of our boys from the 3rd Marine Division when we first entered the Putang a week ago. As we drove into the Putang the thunder of Charlie’s .50 caliber machine guns, and screaming 105 mm Howitzer fire was deafening. We called in the Air force B-52’s and had them lay down a couple of square miles of Napalm. But Charlie just hid in their endless tunnels until the flames died down. Then they came back up to the surface and their snipers picked off more Marines in the middle of the valley. That was the end of our assault for the first day. The next morning at about 0500 the F-4’s started a bombing campaign along the ridge that lasted for two hours. By the time the bombing was over, we thought that the ridge should be flat, and all of those fucking tunnels collapsed. So once again we entered the Putang, only to be confronted by more mortar rounds. This time from the southern ridge. As the Marine CH-53 Sea Stallions dropped in to medevac the casualties, two of the four were hit, and one crew was lost in the flames and sniper fire. Random volleys of gun fire were exchanged all day, but we knew that there was no way we could reach the objective without more air strikes. So we had to wait another day. Of course by the time we leveled the southern ridge, Charlie was back in position on the north. This cat and mouse game was getting too expensive, and

we paid dearly for it. This was the bloodiest and most expensive piece of Putang in the world. After six days, 300 tons of explosives, 1,000 gallons of Napalm, thousands of rounds of ammunition, two CH-53’s and the loss of over 200 men, the U.S. now controls the Putang. I had the chance to interview a few of the boys from the 69th heavy armor unit who is now in charge of keeping the Putang occupied by U.S. forces. JP: PFC Agerwal, do you have anything to say to the folks back at Rutgers? Agerwal: Yeah, you guys in the chemistry department need to develop a better form of napalm. The shit we have now works well for sticking on things as it burns. We even have a song “Napalm stick to kids!” But we need something a little more viscous, so that when we dump it on Charlie’s tunnels, it will run down into the hole and cook those fuckers. I think when I get back home I’m going to get a degree in chemistry so I can make sure that we develop my new and improved napalm. JP: Sgt Smith: What are you going to do when you get back

to N.J.? Smith: Well first off call me chef, everyone else does. I’m going to have a sex change operation. JP: Why? Smith: They don’t draft me again. They don’t draft women into the infantry, and there’s no fucking way I’m coming back into a combat zone again. This shit’s too crazy for me. Tonight I just want to kick back with my hash pipe and a six pack, and get so wasted that when I wake up in the morning I won’t remember watching Joey’s head getting shot off in front of me. JP: What else are you planning on after you have that sex change? Smith: I’m going to keep cooking. I make the best damn pork and beans casserole in the Army. I have an aunt who works at Tillet dinning hall, back at Rutgers. So I think she can get me a job there. That way I can get back at all those pansy ass draft dodgers, who are hiding behind daddies money for six years, while I’m here getting my ass shot at by gooks, just because I couldn’t afford to go to any college.

By Medium Field Correspondent, J.P.

“It’s all fun and games ‘till someone gets napalmed”


“I’m the muppet with the puppet that used to be grandma!”

Wednesday, December 9, 1968

The Film Vault By Max Quordlepleen (and embryonic Christopher Taylor) not for my trusty associates, I would hopefuls. It did pull in a nod in the directorial and Hello, brave readers, and welcome to have gone on a merciless killing spree screenplay categories. There was nothing, however, another exciting installment of “The Film in the homes of several of the more mentioned in any of the Vault.” I’m your host, Max Quordlepleen, and I prominent members of the nomination acting categories, despite have some disturbing news, folksies, for it committee. What had angered me so Keir Dullea’s startlingly seems that once again the Academy has shafted was not that spectacular performance. the most deserving of contenders. Last year, my “Oliver!” “Romeo Moreover, Mel Brooks, a pick for Best Picture was, by far, the most and Juliet” and newcomer to the film important film of the decade to date: “The “The Lion in industry, created exGraduate”. Unfortunately, although the film Winter” were tremely funny and excepwas nominated in almost every important present amongst tional work “The Produccategory, its only win was in the Best Director the nominees. ers”, which was left category (Mike Nichols). The fact that “In the These films are almost completely unrecHeat of the Night” won for Best Picture does worthy of recogni- ognized. not bode well for our generation’s taste, espetion. What anNow, my little Mel Brooks, (above) wins cially considering that Sidney Poitier was not Is there no end to gered me was a children, that you have Best Director for his film even NOMINATED for Best Actor. My faith in Streisand’s power of two-part case. heard of the atrocities of “The Producers” (below) the Academy was faltering coming out of this annoyance? Stanley Kubrick’s the Academy, please feel past year’s Award ceremony, but this did nothmasterpiece “2001: A Space Odyssey” free to reject all that they have said in the past, and all ing to prepare me for what happened last night. was not present amongst the Best that they will say in the future, and rely on more worldly Friends, the nominations for the upcoming Picture hopefuls, and “Funny Girl” was. and accurately chosen Cannes Film Festival nominations Awards was released Now, don’t get me wrong, I don’t and recognitions. Your taste will thank you. to press at midnight, actually hate Barbara Streisand (alwhilst most critics though I did think her performance were asleep in their nothing short of atrocious), but she has beds. I am currently no place within even the most poor of suffering from insomyears at the Academy Awards ceremony. nia, however, and was However, with all of the brilliant films present when the to arise this past year, especially “2001,” nominations came in must we be subjected to the horror that on the wire. Upon is Streisand’s nose? And voice? and reading the list, I was acting inability? “The Graduate” was an angered beyond “2001” was all but left unmenimportant, but under- belief. Believe me, tioned on the list of significant Oscar appreciated film this year. 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 people, that if it were 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 123456789012345678901234567890121234567890123456789012345678901212345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890 The first time I took a trip to Busch Campus, I found myself surrounded by Asians. Every where I turned, left, right, Asians all over. Asian girls wearing all black, lacy, low cut DKNY clothes, hair dyed brown with reddish tints, and their face painted like a corpse with makeup. What kind of imagine are they trying to show? Why can’t they just wear fuckin normal clothes. What’s with the name brands? Oh no, its not DKNY, oh damn!! With the Asian guys there, yeah you guys are so tough! Where those puffy ass Tommy Hilfiger clothes. You look like a fuckin meatballs. And also, your damn jeans! Why do they hang all the way down below your ankles? WHY? Don’t give me that fuckin bullshit, oh yeah its the in style, or its cool. WEAR YOUR PANTS IN A NORMAL FASHION. What kind of image are trying to project!! You don’t live in the ghetto, you don’t have to worry about money. Why are you trying to look like the Wu Tang Clan? I should call you the Kung Fu Crew. How’s that? Get rid of those damn pagers, and cellular phone. You don’t look cool with them. Your pagers probably aren’t even connected, you just want it so you can look cool. And the kind of cigarettes you smoke, Newport menthol lights! You’ll cough up blood after smoking those for two years! To the Asian girls, do yourselves a favor, buy some regular clothes so you won’t look like a cheap whore. To the Asian guys there, GET A FUCKIN LIFE!!!

BUSCH CAMPUS, Is there a Chinatown in New Brunswick? By Eric Chu (staff disgruntled Asian)



Wednesday, December 9, 1968

“The Sniffler”

The shellshocked Bostonian inspired by Stubby, written by Matt Medeiros I just got sent home from Vietnam, after a landmine took care of my a’m now where it once was there’s only a stub, so now I have finally returned to the hub, to get my educational process completed, at least my mind has not yet been defeated. except when I see kids with yellow skin, then a warzone is what I am in, I attack without thinking, without mercy, or pity, every damn Cha’lie in Goddamned Hub City, I can’t seem to tell the difference between, the gooks in ‘nam and in math 115, I explain to my teacher, the peace-loving nut, and out of the classroom she STILL kicks my butt, I got kicked out of school for similar incidents, so I ponder the worth of my existence I wonder haphazardly into a ba’, where I yell “duck and cover!” at a backfiring ca’ the consequences of screaming that was one of my ba’mates having a near-heartattack so now I’ve been blacklisted from houses of booze, I guess it is true that I’m destined to lose, I have no job, to pay rent or to eat, so now I have taken to living on the street, where kids throw me nickels, those cheap motherfuckers, so I’m beat by the gooks, and now I’m beat by Rutgers

by Greg Boggis So you’ve spent the last two days studying for some test. Since you can’t understand a word your professor says during lecture, you have to learn everything from the book. And then it comes... test day. You get there on time, you’re sitting there with your two perfectly sharpened pencils (in case one breaks), you’re feeling pretty good. You know the material, you know you’re gonna do well. Then about one question into the test, it happens. The guy sitting behind you is a sniffler. We all hate the sniffler. Was he studying out in the cold or something? Why does he have to have a cold RIGHT now? Can’t he take a make-up test since he’s sick? You can’t concentrate with all that sniffling. You just wanna turn around and say, “Blow your god damn nose, you sniffling bastard.” Instead, you give him the half turn. You know, the one where he can’t see your full face but you let him know that he’s irritating you. It would be great if you had a buzzer so you can call over one of the T.A.’s. They can take the sniffler out back and rip the snot from his fucking skull. However, we shouldn’t pass judgment on the sniffler. Sometimes, we ourselves are the snifflers. The worst is when you sit down for a test and you sneeze, which leads to sniffling. Sniffling was something that always happened to the other guy. Sniffling is for people that don’t dress warmly, it’s not supposed to happen to me. But it does. Everyone is looking at you, but you can’t say anything because you’re taking a test. With every person that gives you the half-turn, you just wish that you could stand up and say, “Look, I’m not always a sniffler. It just happened this once.” But they wouldn’t believe you. And why should they, you’re a sniffler.

Lick me! I’m LSD!!!

The magic, LSD inuced hippie-guy says, " Write for Features, send them to webityo@eden! Come to the meeting tonight, and vote in editorial elections, you can run if you've writtien just ONE ARTICLE!!! Tonight 9:30, Tillet somewhere! Grovvy!!!

A RUTGERS PLAYA by: Ronald Jeff Ladies and gentlemen. I believe that Rutgers has finally left me alone to live a prosperous sex life. I think this one may last so wish me GOOD LUCK.. Here is my story... As we sit there on the coach watching a scary movie, a part comes up and she freaks out and so I grab her waist pulling her closer to me for comfort and protection. She came closer and closer. As she came to me, I pressed my lips against hers and I slipped my tongue in her mouth. As the movie goes off I turned the lights off and shut the TV off and I laid her on the couch. I lied on top of her kissing her continuously and slid her shirt off and my shirt as well. Our lips were pressing against each others while pulling one piece of clothing off at a time. When we are fully naked I kissed her forehead and her neck and then chest, then moving to her stomach and lower and lower then I stop in-between her legs, sucking and sucking. Then she pulled my head up to stop and she I got on top of me kissing my body parts going south of the border and then stopping in-between my legs she started sucking and licking up and down. I couldn’t take it anymore so I placed her on top of my dick and she moved up and down up. I stopped, picked her up and carried her into her room and placed her upon her bed. I got on top of her I and moved up and down. I turned on some soft music to get into the moment. I stopped and I kissed her continuously. I kissed her gently on her stomach. Then I moved back up to her lips. As she held my head in her hands I gazed into her eyes and whispered “I love you” and I kissed her ear. As I got up I kissed her and put my clothes back. I told her she was the only one I love and to never forget that. I left that night without receiving any beatings or reprimands. I laid in my bed that night thinking about why I was given such a lucky night. Why had I finally found somebody hot and fuckable and not gotten my ass kicked for it. Look into the Medium next issue to find out how it turns out.

ARTS ARTS 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Courtesy of resident music expert Leslie Schultheis 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 we learn about new rock groups. Today 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Good morning boys and girls. Welcome 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 we will talk about Led Zeppelin (which, to music class. Today you lucky draft12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 for those of you who aren’t very cultured, dodgers are going to learn about rock and 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 is not the name of a man whose parents roll. Lesson #1: rock and roll is not the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 had a sick sense of humor.) Zeppelin is an devil’s music. Don’t listen to what your 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 unconventional, extraordinarily talented, parents say – they are over thirty so don’t 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 hard-rocking blues band comprised of believe their bullshit. Anyway, rock is not 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 John Paul Jones on a sublimely sultry 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 the devil’s music, in fact it is the word of 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 bass, John Bonham on earth-shaking the Lord. Have you listened to the white 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 drums, Robert Plant on excruciatingly 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 album? How could that be anything but a 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 blissful vocals, and the product of divine 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 master himself, Jimmy creativity? The devil 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Paige on a mindis definitely not that 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 blowing guitar. Put this talented! When you 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 paper down and go buy listen to “Dear 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 their self-titled record Prudence,” “Rocky 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 right now. It will 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Raccoon,” and “Back 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 change your life. in the USSR” you 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 It is somewhat may as well be 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 of a daunting task to listening to a reading 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 put into words exactly of the gospels. The 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 what this album does to Song of Solomon 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 you, because it isn’t must be the divine inspiration for 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 just about what it sounds like; 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 “Why Don’t We Do It In The 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 this is music that you feel as Road?” Helter Skelter is 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 it seeps into your skin and 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 obviously a direct interpreta12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 penetrates every orifice of tion of Revelations. Do you 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 your consciousness. You want proverbs? “Happiness 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 see, over the past century or is a Warm Gun.” You can’t 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 so, music has evolved into get much more proverbial than 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 what we call rock and roll, and that. Did you know that Moses 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 now more specifically, sang “Revolution” to 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Led Zeppelin. It is 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 his people as he led 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 now apparent that them out of Egypt? 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 music has changed and Then there is the fact 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 matured from year to that Paul McCartney 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 year and from artist to died but is now alive 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 artist, all for one again. Can you say 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 purpose: the creation of resurrection, folks? 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Led Zeppelin. Zeppe12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 So don’t fret 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 lin now stands at the about going to hell 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 top of the musical food 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 for listening to rock 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 chain. They have and roll music. In 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 created the highest fact, you should listen 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 musical “life form” to rock and roll as 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 possible (at least for often as possible – if 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 this particular gap you want to go to 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 between ice ages.) So heaven, that is. Rock 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 if you are in a band 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 and roll is like the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 right now waiting for magic bus to salva12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 your big break, give up. Trade in your tion; I promise you, it will save your soul. 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 guitar for a calculator because you are Lesson #2: Yoko Ono is the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 going to be an accountant, not a rock star. devil. She is the archenemy of Paul 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 If you don’t believe me, listen to “How McCartney, the Second Coming of Christ, 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Many More Times,” “Communication for a few reasons. Do you think that the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Breakdown,” “You Shook Me,” and 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 piercing shrieks and caterwauls of Yoko 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 especially “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,” “Beelzebub” Ono are creatively stimulat12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 and I promise you will be humbled by 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 ing the greatest songwriters of our time? 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 their overwhelming musical perfection. Hell no! That annoying, clingy, sorry12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Oh, and no, you are not worthy. excuse-for-an-artist bitch has possessed 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Class Dismissed. John Lennon and it is taking its destructive 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 toll on the rest of the group. If she stays 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 around much longer, the Beatles definitely 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 won’t last. She must be stopped or else 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 the Beatles will be destroyed and darkness 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 will reign over the land, forcing people to 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 wear polyester and butterfly collars as they 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 dance in a trance-like state to anti-music 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 called “disco.” I think what we need is a 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 good old-fashioned exorcism to free the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Beatles from the talent-stifling grip of the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 devil incarnate, Yoko Ono. Can I get an 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Amen, folks? 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345 Now is the time in class where 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345

Surrender to the waiting worlds that lap against our side

Wednesday December 9, 1968

It started as an ordinary Sunday. My friends from Philadelphia picked me up to go see the Grateful Dead at the Spectrum. I had seen them earlier in the year in New York, and was really excited. The Dead bring out a great crowd. It’s almost like they bring Frisco with them. Little did I know that this night would be like nothing I’d experienced before. As the Dead rolled into their second set, we decided to look for some fresher air. We wandered the hall and ran into a group straight out of the Haight. Their tanned skin and sparkling eyes spoke of California sunshine. One cat in particular caught my eye. He was pretty tall, with masses of curly dark brown hair framing his smiling face. Piercing green eyes held me captive, his wide-eyed gaze recalling that of a child. Seated on the floor were some friends of his: a Mexican man with mysterious black eyes dominating a face at once frightening and alluring; a luxuriantly long woman with a gypsy air and Aztec gaze. Drumming along with the band inside was a well-muscled black man, his lightening quick movements producing a visceral counterpoint to the Dead’s psychedelic jam. Our groups meshed well, conversation flowing freely. Together, we moved languidly back into the hall to enjoy the final moments of the show. The green-eyed man whispered to me, asking if I would like to hang with them after the show. A quick conference with my friends and we agreed to go with them. We went back to his pad to chill. He set out tea and brought out sugar cubes dosed with LSD. We weren’t in the mood for heavy subjects, but compared East and West attitudes. They had recently moved to Philadelphia for kicks, planning to hit New York before driving back west. As we talked, things began to get wavy. The discussion had moved to free love and a passion grew deep in me. The world spun itself out from under my feet. Light traveled at the speed of me. Everything in my field of vision pulsated to the rhythm of my heartbeat. Fingers ran lightly down my bare arm, the sensation coming over my body in tingling waves, growing intense before fading like the sound of wind chimes. I became aware of the man closest to me, his firm body, his warm smile. Like a serpent he writhed free from his clothing, shedding it like old skin. His hands helped me burst from my cotton cocoon. I stretched my naked limbs, feeling energy throbbing in my veins, electricity traveling through a thousand glittering wires. I was surrounded by bare skin in all tones, gyrating to a silent primal beat. Hands glided over my round backside, sending shooting stars up my spine to melt in my brain, oozing back through my nerves and out to my fingers. Hungrily I began sucking on a dark brown thigh. A tongue crept along my lower back and a hand teased my tender button. I found my face buried between soft, pale breasts. With my every stroke, the flesh beneath me quivered. My longing blossomed as the hands grasping me grew more insistent. I was a cherry tomato caressed by a salad of hands. Tension mounting, panting increased. Breasts pressed against my back; the sea of flesh rolled, pulled by invisible forces. I saw creation in all it’s beauty, finding purity in the human form. The clean sweat of the bodies around me drove me to heights of ecstasy. Race, gender, creed… none of it mattered in our mass of humanity. We were one body reaching toward Paradise. I could no longer tell where one body ended and another began. My pleasure was linked to that of the woman beside me, bubbling over us in ever increasing circles of pleasure. My eyes separated the green-eyed man from the tangle of limbs. Like the Earth welcoming the first sunrise, I reached for him. His infinite arms surrounded my delicate form as he pressed his warmth against my goosebump skin. With his entire body, he caressed mine. My yearning for him grew more intense as other hands joined his in massaging every inch of my body. Full lips kissed my ear, biting gently and breathing deeply. Hands ran through my hair as I dragged my nails along the sides of his body. He knelt before me, and I kissed his rigid love muscle. I heard moaning beside me, filling the room, echoing off the walls, growing like a primal cry in an infinite night. As I licked his peace pipe passionately, I felt a tongue stroking my dripping love mound. The room panted and moaned; I dug my nails into his side. His skin kissed every inch of mine as he slithered down to worship me. The tongue caressing my clit dissolved into an aching moment of nothingness. The void was filled by the kiss of the soft skin of his rock hard cock. The planets went retrograde as the tangle of flesh rose and fell in sinuous motion. My brain exploded into a galaxy of new stars as their touches electrified my skin. Groaning in ecstatic agony, calling for Eden, we climbed toward our collective peak in a symphony of primal urges. He crashed against me and broke like waves over seaside rocks. I was filled with dazzling light as every cell quivered and sparkled. With a last gasp I fell back against the pulsating bodies and passed into oblivion. Slowly blinking, I heard the strained breathing of the bodies around me. Looking around at the satisfied gathering, I realized that love is the ultimate trip.

S WEDNESDAY Dec. 9, 1968 TO THAT SNOBBY BITCHY ASS BOY NAMED SAMIR WHO LIVES IN DEMAREST! EVERYONE HERE HATES YOUR FUCKING GUTS! YOU PSEUDO-PLUTOCRAT! YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE TO BE SO CONDESCENDING TO PEOPLE AND SUCH A BITCH. IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER BY THE END OF THE SEMESTER WE ARE ALL GOING TO TAKE YOUR UGLY ASS OUT SIDE AND STONE YOU.THEN HANG YOU ON A CROSS ON THE FRONT LAWN AND BEAT YOU WITH STICKS AND THROW DOG SHIT INTO YOUR DAMN MOUTH! THEN WE ARE GOING TO BURN YOUR FUCKING MESS OF A BODY AND FLUSH THE ASHES DOWN THE TOILET LIKE THE SHIT THEY WILL BE. YOU FUCKING UNTOUCHABLE!!! ————————————— this is to that indian guy in my intro to experimentation class who always wears the fly ass clothes and that RED JACKET. You are fine as hell! I want to suck you until you shoot hot indian sperm all in my mouth. Don't try to play that "im not gay mess" All i want to give you is a blow job. everyone likes blowjobs. no one will know you emptied your seminal ves icles in my mouth. If you are interested respond to Indian Lover. Can't wait to drink you! ————————————— this is to those two asian kids in my chemistry class mondays and wednesdays 6:10. You guys are too smart! All you do is sit in class and run your damn mouths! I bet you guys are getting hundreds in that class. You make me sick to my stom ch! I hope you catch the flowery disease and die! ————————————— To that guy who was looking at me in the computer lab and at brower. What's up? If you want me that bad the just tell me. You know who you are black eyes black hair i think i really wasn't looking at you that blue coat, i think you are armenian. you probably remember me as the guy who was making all that noise in the computer lab while you were trying to type your expos paper. and as the guy in the red sweat shirt who was yelling at the circular table while you were eating with that girl the sunday after thanksgiving break in brower. What's up you look at me like you want to eat me or something? did i do something to pissyou off? do you not like black people? was there something on my back? Tell me, what is going on? 'Cuz i don't like to have people staring at me for no reason. Reply to Peepers in the medium if you got the balls to say what you want. I won't bite. ————————————— to all the lesbians at rutgers U. I want some lesbian friends! All i seem to have is gay friends i am gay

The notion had been growing in my mind for some time... True force.

myself. I want some females who are lesbians to be friends with. Seriously i want to know what a lesbian looks like and i want to tell lesbians all of my secrets and stuff and just chill and hang out and what ever! if you are a lesbian and you want to be MY friend then email me at pizzicatto_8@yahoo.com —————————————— He wants to watch girls dyke it out. He’s cool. Really. —————————————— REAL AD...for sale--a brand new micro-fridge unused and yours to keep and don't have to return this to the school. For $190 or best offer....contact me through e mail at burn3424@hotmail.com or jldreyfuslover@hotmail.com —————————————— This is to the Corpulent Cassanova and Freaklet who think they are members of the butt 'tude room. Start paying us rent or give us noodles. Noodles own your ass, and so do we. And to the Robust Romeo, WE WANT YOUR BOOBIES. Take out our garbage cause the room stinks like corn poopy. You're like the third roommate in our huge ass room cause you're the Fat Faggot Listen up Beefy Bastard, can you see alright? cause you're on HIGH BEAMS now, boyo. Freaklet, god damn, you are such our bitch. Monkey boobs. Neeples. HaHaHa we own you. Butt 'Tude!! —————————————— there is this hot little Spanish chick in my TTh4 Physics class. You live on Barr 2 I think, .. . . you are sooooo hot. But I am afraid to talk to you because you are always talking to other guys. Still, I want to shag you rotten until your nose bleeds. This is probably the closest I will ever come to communicating with you, but you make my cock as big as Gary Coleman. I wish you would let me slip my Chicken Fajita inside your soft taco shell, you hot chica. just reply to LatinaLover via the medium. :-) —————————————— Boogie Becky says, "Why you no love me?" Cause you can't speak English, you dirty, dirty whore. "I burp biiiiiiiig." What the hell is that shite?! Speaking of shite, don't steal the Butt 'Tude's catch phrases anymore. Pupito. And Weiner, who knows the wonders of packaged dick, "sucky sucky fi dolla, me big man, love you looong time." People in Tinsley are gay. All Of Them, just like the Hefty Hunk. Clean up our room, dammit, cause I haven't seen the fucking floor since September. A final note, do not, i repeat DO NOT, leave underwear (clean or dirty) in our room or we, the Butt 'Tude, will make you wear it ON YO' HEAD. Steggie takes it up the ass from... no one cause she has no friends with dicks. Stinky salt-licking ho. Large Lova'! —————————————— This is in response to that dick who wrote about the tuba player on the 5th floor south tower. yo you you don't no jack shit what respect is you


fucking cumcatcher. this kid is the most humble and respectful person that I know. this guy shows everyone the respect they deserve. you are the type of person that probably sits in the front of class picking your nose and digging for gold while sampling that shit with your mouth to see if it got more flavor to it today. learn how to wipe your ass before you start saying things about people that show kindness love. your the the type of person that catches the seamon right in between the eyes while begging for more. yo you don't know what this cat has done for many people that needed help and needed someone to to guide them to a right way of life. yo don't spit the cum out swallow whole. ———————————— hey tubaman, whats going on? I realize all the hard work that you do and all the time and effort you put in practicing that horn of yours. don't let this silly jerk put you down, this person doesn't even now the half. Eventhough at times in the tower I don't want you playing it and others don't I respect all the hard work you do in perfecting your sound and your future profession. i also realize the joy you get in giving others the gift of your music and putting a smile to peoples faces and some people should take notice to this. you rock on with that big old bad horn of yours tubaman and you keep on styling with your bookbag and headband cause i certainly recognize all the hard work you put in. I respect you and the rest of us do too. Your passion intriges me and I know it takes a lot to keep on going when there are a lot of obstacles facing you , so you go boy ———————————— OK. People are defending a tuba player here. A fucking tuba player! I’ve seen RU’s tuba players, and they do deserve to be made fun of, specifically because they are all really fat. I mean Obese. In fact the entire band is mostly fat losers, with a few exceptions. Given I am also fat, but the band is even fatter. Fat enough were even fat people can make fun of them. ———————————— This country needs to redefine itself. Did you ever notice that it is usually black people who are in trouble with the law. This is not because of racist cops, it is because today's black youth have no respect. Last week I saw a big, bald, black state trooper kicking the shit out of some black kids on the turnpike. Do you think these kids are going to complain? No, that's because it wasn't a white cop putting them back in line. It is not the entire black culture that I despise, it is the new black youth that I refer to as

niggers. You people take it for granted that thos country ows you an easy ride through life. Well you are fucking wrong!The only reason you fucking niggers are here is because white people let you be here.If you don't like our racist attitude, why don't you go the fuck back to Africa!Oh wait I forgot, you can't because the REAL Africans don't even want you slave recycled ass. ————————————— Yeah, but if we get rid of minorities who would stupid fucking hicks like yourself make fun of? ————————————— Twist has a twisted mentality ————————————— To the punk ass who works at the Brower Knight Room. You are a waste of human flesh and deserve to eat your own shit(which probably tastes better than the food you serve) and die slowly. Stop trying to mack every single girl that comes in. They don't like you. You are short, ugly, and obnoxious. No girl would ever hold your prick, even after twenty shots of Jack. Stop talking to every body and just make my fucking sandwhich quickly. Nobody wants to spend an extra second in that shithole, its twenty degrees to hot and smells like farts. And now we can't even look at the paintings because they painted the hole place white. Good call RU administrators. If you ever try to talk to me again, I'll jump over the fucking counter and rip your pubes out one by one. ————————————— To that cutie Josh in Campbell. You are soooo sexy. Whenever I see you I get wet. I want to take your giant love tool in my mouth for hours. Only a real woman like myself will know what to do with a cock as big as yours. I saw you once in the elevator, the look you gave me made me want to fuck you sooo bad. I wanted you to take me right there. I also live in Campbell, I hope you know who I am, and I'm closer than you think. If I ever get the courage, I'll reveal myself to you; until then, I hope to see you in the elevator again ————————————— To everyone on Allen 2 who has made these last few months a lot of fun. I won't see you next semester, but I'll never forget you. Thank you and I love you ————————————— To the Allen 4 funnel guys, stop making that fucking horn noise down the hall at 1 in the morning. And to that tall kid on the second floor, you know who I am, get a fucking life! ————————————— This is to that gay son of a bitch that feels like getting off at the sound of my name. Listen you fuck'n ashole, no one writes shit like that me and lives to tell about it. If I ever find out who the hell

PERSONALS you are, you illigitimate bastard, I'll tie your freak'n "10-inch pecker" around a branch and use you as a fuck'n pinyata. The funniest part is that you think I joking. I want your fucking corny coward ass to confront me in chemistry and we'll see who's a fuck'n man. BITCH, go suck your mom's cock like you did when other men smacked your fuck'n ass. ————————————— ***HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO ERIN. NOW YOU'RE FINALLY LEGAL. LOVE YOUR GIRLS ON T3*** ————————————— To the UGLY ASS, CHIPMUNK CHEEKED, FREAK on Tinsley 2 that spends his entire fucking life in the loungue... DIE!!!! No one wants anything to do with your loser ass, and don't try parting your hair in different ways cause no matter how hard you try your just one DISGUSTING MOTHER FUCKER!!!! Why do you attempt to get with every girl in Tinsley? No one would EVER want your half inch dick. If I could go back in time, I'd slip a condom on your dads cock so the world wouldnt have to put up with you!! DIE DIE DIE!!!! ————————————— To dbond...I'm on to you. I know you did it. Don't try to deny it anymore. Ok, so you really didn't do it but I have to blame someone. Oh, by the way...I think your really swell, will you be my special friend??? We can watch bad movies all night long, even if we keep Jim up till the wee small hours of the morning :0) bye bye ————————————— L I S A BAGWELL...remember...don't break the club rules...V CLUB FOREVER!!! ————————————— first, a big what the fuck goes out to the people who are supposed to keep the tower's elevators running. do your job! second another what the fuck goes out the two people who got stuck in the elevator last friday night at two in the morning. i fucking busted my ass (and my lacrosse stick) trying to open the elevator door so you could get out, i called the housing guy to come get you out, and i kept you company until he got there. when you got out, i don't even get a fucking thank you. what the fuck is that? next time i see you stuck in the elevator, i'll just laugh at you. fuck that ————————————— out to all those hoods and bizatches up in johnson 105 you fuckas aint got no peanut butter to be seen thus bringing me to the conclusion that all that shiznit that i be hearin' comin' outcho systems is talkin' bout that girl that i see MW5 chem in beck hall you be a fine work of artista muchacha ill recite the periodic table to you anyday yo' contact me via ilovebbobb this has been the chronic youth fucking you brain yet again sucka'...

PERSONALS DRUMMER NEEDED for semiestablished original rock/pop band. Influences are R.E.M., Chili Peppers, Radiohead, etc. Must be dedicated and creative. We play are experimental and play a whole lot of stuff besides the influences previously mentioned. Transportation and own equipment is a plus. For more info contact Winston @ 3730263 or email jieuryli@remus.rutgers.edu ————————————— TO THE HOTTIE ON BARR 2 I'VE MISSED YOU LATELY-HAVEN'T BEEN GOING TO PHYSICS LAB. STILL PLAYING THE SAX? SOMEDAY YOU'LL PLAY WITH ME. I'LL WATCH FOR YOUR LIGHT TONIGHT. YOU SHOULD CONSIDER THE FROSTED TIPS AFTER ALL; NOTHING WRONG WITH IMPROVING AN ALREADY NICE PACKAGE. HOW ABOUT DITCHING THE LIVINGSTON FRIEND AND HANGING WITH ME INSTEAD. LOVE ALWAYS,V. ————————————— This personal is a reply to Ejaculator from last week's issue. Hey sexy, I'm the stunning, dark-haired beauty you wrote to and I'm very flattered by your message of love. You say that our eyes always meet at the dining hall and that we have a strange connection between us. Well if that's true, I know who you are. I too, watch you walk by me everyday and was hoping we could get to know each other on a more personal basis. (if you know what I mean) There are various things I'd like to do to you but I cannot describe them right now because my mom reads this paper. If you really want to have sex with all my friends, that's cool. Just bring that tall, dark Russian friend of yours and we'll have a party. Come talk to me soon, tiger. ————————————— This is for that piece of shit that calls himself Ace Cavalera-- You are a low life, nasty, wannabe white trash hardcore, shithead, that is in denial of his INDIAN background and homosexual tendencies. IF you ever make fun of me or my HOT BF (Butt-Fuck?) again I will personally kick the shit out of you and all of your fairy Fobbie friends too! FBNC IS A JOKE! All of u, except rza, are a bunch of pussies, that FUCK each other because they can't get any ass! ————————————— this is to all those herbs that go by the names FOBIN, HCFOB (yeah u bitch ass ace cavalera), Janey Qwest, and TechnoCHUDDIE--u guys think you're hot stuff but u ain't shit. u talk all this trash about fucking shit up, but the truth is u guys are too dumb, too weak, and too lazy to do jack. so just SHUT THE FUCK UP, and be careful on your filled gay vacation to canada, u never know who'll show up --grrl+

Silly White Boys Amanda from Clothier wants to let her sexy ponytailed man know that he rocks her world and that she digs his spanish flavor!!!!!!!!! You make physics worthwhile. I want the WU! —————————————— Joe M., you're in my Antebellum Lit class--MTh3. I just thought you should know how very gorgeous you are. You are a good excuse to spend that hour and 20 in that class. I sit next to you in that class, but I'm too shy to just start a conversation with you. If you know who I am and are interested, say hi or something--we can play tennis some time. —————————————— you know what? i think i want to transfer to rutgers...i go to james madison university in va and it is too good...i want to go to a school that sucks...that's why i want to go to rutgers. because i am stupid and i don't deserve to go to a great school like jmu. i think rutgers is shitty enough for me to attend there...in fact as a PUNISHMENT, they should accept me for being the shittiest school EVER. because once i go here i will make it a bad bad place to be. plus system of a down rules. east coast fuck you. —————————————— Did you write that offensive personal add in the Medium a few weeks ago? "I HATE BLACK PEOPLE. . . . etc...." If not reply to this message I will not bother you again. If so, let me know howyou really feel about black people. I wannt to sit down a nd talk to whoever wrote that personal. —————————————— To the little shit who calls himself Elliot, You are a fuking midget!! Wearing high heels so you can impress the girls(which you have no luck on) Your jet black hair is disgusting and your big belly doesn't help much either. Oh yeah you can go to the medical center for some help on your acne but sorry they can't help with your masturbation problem. But don't worry there's always hookers(but i think you have to pay double because they have to fuck a freak) but in any case just get yourself an std so you can have an excuse not to have sex. By the way if anybody out there find this attractive,including transvestites,men,midgets, and especially amputees you can e mail me at elliotsuxdick@hotmail.com —————————————— LOOKING FOR PROFESSIONAL MALE SWING DANCER that even knows how to do the flips and stuff will pay $45.00 an hour Please call (732)937-61 or reply via the Medium —————————————— Whoever wrote the above personal: The number got cut off, but fuck you, you tried to format the shit yourself. —————————————— The return of the upperdecker. Another house party has been struck by the foulest of creatures. These unsuspecting off campus students will behorrified when they find out that the awful smell that is coming


fromthere bathroom is actually the result of someone shitting in the tank oftheir toilet. Please people of rutgers, if you are going to have a party,make sure your toilet tank lid is securely fastened down so that noone craps in your tank. ———————————— My roommate loves fat girls. Especially the ones who giggle when they think of going out on a dinner date or get all wet when they think of food. He'll rub cheesesteak grease on his chest just to get those heffers all warm and tingly when he walks by. So to all you fat girls, put on your tightest couter pants and some tight sweaters and go grind your fat asses all over him. ———————————— to my sexy, volumptuous roomate. OK, so this time you've gone too far! You can't just leave me and take my TI-82 and my toothbrush with you. Damn you, woman! I told you I soooo sorry but you still act like Bitch. OK, fine I admit I'd be pissed off too if I walked in on you wearing my underwear on your head, dancing naked around the empty brita, blasting the Riverdance soundtrack at 1:30 in the afternooon while reciting passages from the Torah(YOU JEW LOVER). But its not like you don't eat all my food, steal all my highlighters, fart under my covers, pick your nose and eat it in front of me. If you come back I'll clean out the frig. Take me to bed or lose me forever!!!! ———————————— to that gorgeous girl who used to work at Hardenbergh on Tuesdays. I don't see you around much anymore but I wanted to let you know that you have the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. I'm pathetically shy (whenever I sign in I can't even make eye-contact with you). maybe one day I'll grow enough balls to say something to you but for now I'll just admire you from a far. ———————————— You’re a fuckining pussy. ———————————— to the guy who lives above me on the fifth floor in Frelingheisen. You go boy!!!!! It seems like everytime I try to go to bed you're getting it on. I was especially impressed with last Tuesday's performance 1:30 in the afternoon. ———————————— TO ANISH, THE UGLY MOTHERFUCKER FROM WINKLER 4TH FLOOR WITH THE RACOON EYES AND BROWN PIMPLES. YOU ARE THE BIGGEST FAGGOT ON BUSCH. YOUR DRY, SCRAWNY CHICKEN LEGS ARE SO FUCKING DISGUSTING. AND THAT HUGE EARRING IN YOUR LEFT EAR

WEDNESDAY Dec. 9, 1968 MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE SOME KIND OF FUCKIN' GAY PIRATE OR SOMETHING.OH, AND DO ME A FAVOR, DON'T WEAR T SHIRTS OR THIN SWEATERS ANYMORE CAUSE YOUR LITTLE TITS STICK OUT AND MAKES ME WANT TO BARF. GET A TRAINING BRA FOR THOSE THINGS, YOU NASTY PIECE OF SHIT. YOU AIN'T NOBODY, SO STOP GIVING PEOPLE LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE SO TOUGH, I MEAN GIVE ME A BREAK, YOUR'E STILL A VIRGIN. NO WONDER PEOPLE CALL YOU GAY, AFTER 19 YEARS OF NOT GETTING SO MUCH AS A BLOW JOB, I'D TURN GAY TOO. LOVE TWEE, 4TH FLOOR FRELINGHUYSEN. ————————————— To That Sexy Lukata, yes, once again it's me. I can't get enough of the site of you. Get some edible oils and respond to meat rutgers115@aol.com Later sexy ————————————— To the sexy girls on Stonier 4, every time I walk down the halls of your floor, I am amazed at the beauty that I observe. I just wanted you girls to know that.

I was just a mouse on the train to New York but you, you were blonde and captivating... Youre smile made my day thank you. —————————————— Dear April, I know you hardly know me, but I'm asking you from the bottom of my heart to fuck me. It doesn't have to be anything special, and you don't have to tell your boyfriend. I'm just looking for a lay. Just about anything that I do with you would probably last about 3 seconds anyways, so who really gets hurt? Reply —————————————— To that cutie i saw in the store at the Busch Campus Center, Tues (12/1) night you had a black hat and jacket, you told me you liked my pants... well i liked yours too =) respond via the Medium if you'd like. I'll be waiting —————————————— ok egyptian mike its been about 3 weeks since i told you i liked you!!!!!!why didnt you respond by now?(You’re an ugly whore) i know you want to know who i am so why dont you just write back?????? (see above) do you like someone else? (yes, skinny chicks) cant we talk about this? (No) i want to get with you so do me a favor and respond to me because i cant stand this whole secret admirer part of my life i want to tell you i like you but i dont know how. ill be waiting for your response to ready willing and able ps. sorry if i came off really strong before i just wanted to let you know how i feel

The Fuck a Medium Editor of Your Choice Contest

We haven t run a contest in a while, so I figured I would come up with one the where there would be an good approval rate among those involved (the editors, as I am an editor, yet fall into the non-participation catagory). The rules:

1.You must be a Rutgers student 2.You must come to the meeting on Wed., December 9 3.We will then judge all contestants, both male and female, and come up with a winner from each gender (we reserve the right to declare nobody the winner). 4.The winner then chooses the Medium editor he or she would like to fuck. 5.The lucky Medium editor then gets a chance to turn down the meaningless sex they have just won, but the beauty part is, you pick again until an Editor will do you!!! To Rob in House 34.. You Phi Sig.. I think your name probably don't remember is ChristineI heard you havme but I remember you.. ing good old time up in room @ You're a manly man.. and I thelaundry wanna shag you rotten .I Hardenbergh.. Those were want your magic rod deep MY clothes in the dryer!!! inside me.. I can't wait to see If you're single and willing, I want you and you will have you again.. Fly Sexy Sexy ——————————— the besthot beef injection Shout out to Beepa- Yo it's you ever imagined in your been an awesome semester.. life I will make you come How's your APES? Did you over and over again ever find out what "FLAVA" I will rock your entire world he was? I'm betting on You are soo fuckin' fine and SPICY BEEF!! How's Fresh I want you all to myself Cum meat? 10 inches of GOOD on over to Hardenbergh LOVIN'? You're such a foxy ANYTIME .. I will find you someday and then you can lady.. Love RED ——————————— rock me ANYTIME.. ANYTo that dark-haired girl... in PLACE..


WEDNESDAY Dec. 9, 1968 To Rami I saw you at Queen's last week but I was too shy to come over and talk to you. I wanna know exactly what flavor noodles you've got at your place.. Chicken, spicy beef, or cajun... You can rock me tonite or anytime.. ————————————— To all the hard-core sorority bitches.. Give it a rest.. Nobody gives a fuck who you are and what you represnt or about your boyfriend.. and how much $$$ he makes...Get a life outsode the Greek system or here's another idea ... Just SHUT THE FUCK UP@!! ————————————— Sara, you're the best! I've found a lifelong friend! I love ya! #9 and #22. . . here we come! ————————————— to the girl in my physics class 3rd period on wednesdays, you are the most incredible thing i have ever seen! i saw you walk in last wed. wearing a tight blue shirt and black stretch pants. you have blond hair and are incredibly hot. you sit in like the 4th or 5th row with some girl with brown hair. you are the girl of my dreams please email me back so i can get to know you. mustnotice@aol.com ————————————— in response to the guy who watched me deep throat a hot dog in the busch dining hall, what can i say i have skills! if you want to see them up close i can do that too...give me your hot dog and i will make that one disappear as well.. i will make you cumm over and over again with my talented mouth..and if you see me showing off my skills again why dont you say something next time.. if you are interested respond via the medium. ————————————— to my mills lane midget of a roommate on campbell 6 i love u bro but if i have hear "everyday struggle" one more time ur out...and stop fuckin screamin...i do have one request if u dont wanna hit ur head sleep da other way and stop complainin otherwise love ur lil troll hole....stop talkin in ur sleep its scary shit and tell ur boys to stop callin while im asleep peace son MIKE ps "OH MY GOD THAT IS SOOOOOO FOUL!!!!" ————————————— to the herb that talks shit about the staten Island boyz your suck a pussy why don't ya tell them who you are?? you hide behind this paper be a real man and tell them you wrote it then i'll kick your ass ————————————— TO THOSE GUYS ON THE 6TH FLOOR IN THE NORTH TOWER, BRIAN AND GREGG. GREGG, I ALWAYS SEE YOU IN YOUR ADIDAS JACKET AND AFTER I GET A HOLD OF YOUR ASS, ALL DAY ALL YOU WILL DREAM ABOUT IS SEX. I WANNA FUCK YOU SO THAT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO SIT DOWN UNTIL THE MILLENIUM. YOUR OWN Y2K

PROBLEM (OR SHOULD THAT BE KY PROBLEM, IF YOU'RE LUCKY). BRIAN (JUNGLE BOY), I THINK YOU'RE SO HOT. I ALWAYS SEE YOU IN THE SHOWER, AND THANKS FOR LEAVING THE CURTAIN OPEN. IF YOU EVER DROP THE SOAP, DON'T WORRY, "I'VE GOT YOUR BACK." BRIAN AND GREGG, MY TOWER BOYS, COME ON OVER AND I'LL SHOW YOU MY SEX TOYS....:) —————————————— To the fine ass sexy rucas guy who lives in Elizabeth I talk to you on the phone a lot, but when are we really going to hook up????? I find you very attractive and you have a phat ass personality You don't understand how I get when I talk to you!! I really wanna mess with you!! Let's get it on Love you know who!!!! —————————————— this one is for taliba. first of all i know the boys that you mess with(or boy friend) doesn't have the cock size i have. NOW MY QUESTION TO YOU IS TRY THAT DOWN SOUTH GAME AND I'LL HAVE YOU AND YOUR PUSSY SPEAKING IN TONGUES. YOU KNOW MY STROKES CAUSE SOUTHERNERS WILL MAKE YOU CHOKE. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN GAME ME THEN I'M WAITING....CALL ME —————————————— TO THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS REPRESENTIN ON ST4 FLOOR. WE GOT EVERTHING FROM HOES TO FOOTBALL STARS TO TRACK STARS TO HACKERS. PLUS ORGY INITIATORS TO THUGS TO NIGGAS WHO JUST GET HIGH. CAN'T NOBODY FUcK WITH US. WE'LL TAKE YOU WITH THE ONES AND FUCK YOUR SO CALLED BITCHES. —————————————— To whoever wrote the IHATEAYSHA letter last week, her plague has spread across campuses all the way to College Ave. That annoying bitch should fuck herself in the goatass!!!!!! That skank ho never stops whining about her problems and just does not realize how much everyone hates her!. Somebody should tear off her nappy ass hair and gag her with it so she cant whine any more! AYSHA - NEVER BRING YOUR SCABBY, CRAB INFECTED, VD SPREADING, RAT FACED ASS TO BRETT HALL AGAIN! If you do come back, we are going to rip off your tits and staple them to your forehead so everybody can see how small they are, you stank ass whore! Peace out mutha fuckaz. —————————————— This goes out to Democrat Dave from house 24, I think you are so incredibly gorgeous. You don't know me and I doubt you ever will because we hang out with the same kind of people. I always see you outside smoking a cigarette or at the bus stop with your portfolio. I want you so


bad but I doubt that I an your type. Anyway I'll see you around. ———————————— This is for that hot guy from house 29. My friend has the hugest crush on you. Her roommate told her that you name is Jeff but it is with a "G" instead of a "J". Anyway she doesn't have the balls to go up to you and tell you how she feels. Instead she just sits around drooling over you. Just smile at her if you have any idea you she is. ———————————— To that big chunk of polish love god named Arek, I see you walking around Livingston like you are the shit but your more than that you make me cream my pants. You are the hottest guy on the campus and i want to fuck you all day and all night. I know that you would rock my world. How 'bout it big boy?! I see you at the arcade everyday and you are really good at NFL Blitz and you can tackle and pin me anytime. Show me the GreenBay Packer you really are!!!! This is making me sooooo horny. respond via Medium to jes. ———————————— This is in response to the girl, who wrote about the guy at the Cherry Poppin Daddy's show who was from Cook. I just wanted to tell you that if you were the girl who kept sitting next to me all the way in the back; then I just wanted to tell you that I definately want to meet you again. You are a freshman from Rutgers College on (CAC) and you have curly hair as I remember. I wanted to talk to you more, but it seemed you were shy. If you read this respond back to me tool@eden. ———————————— This goes out to the neos rocking the baby blue.You know who you are.Mad shout outs to our line sisters.....stay strong the end is near.By the way who put the X in Xingu? and why the hell is Flaco still eating?Number 5 stop running around campus looking for your cacique....pledging is over "turst me this is not a mind game." ———————————— will someone please tell the girl who i saw at brower (while that stupid dating game was taking place) wearing a green t-shirt and jeans with somewhat long dark hair that has a grey jacket with a fake fur collar that i saw her and thought she was very attractive and would like to talk to her. so please have her e-mail me at siverape81@hotmail.com....thank you! ———————————— TO MY HOTTIE IN DAVIDSON B...I see that my little article last week caused some chaos. I was sitting in your lounge waiting to see you and I

heard people talking about it. I am sorry to cause such a mess, but I love you, and I can't help but let out my feelings. Please respond, I have needs, and you are the only man that I want to fufill them. If you have needs too, I'll be in your lounge sometime soon, look for me. I love you. -THE DAVIDSON B STALKER ————————————— To the girl who walked onto the H bus at the SAC stop around 6:50 on Thursday the 3rd. You were wearing a purple shirt, and, as you walked onto the bus, we momentarily smiled at each other. You were quite possibly one of the most beautiful creatures I've ever seen. And, when we both got off at the BAMM stop and you started walking towards Barr and Allen, my heart nearly tore in two. I was the guy wearing the retarded green hat. I would have talked to you then, but I was so stunned that all I could do was glance at your beauty over my book. I would really like to get to know you better. If you read this, please E-mail me (Mike) at StratPlus5@aol.com. If not, sorry for wasting everyone's time.

————————————— To the fucking asshole who wrote the article in the medium last week about the two crackheads in house 25, FUCK YOU. You have the entire house talking about it. People are getting blamed because you are too fuckin' pussy to admit you wrote it. If you were able to submit such a piece of shit personal, why didn't you write your name asshole?!? Next time get your facts straight and if you have problems with people, bring this shit to their face and don't hide behind the pages of the medium you faggot. ————————————— To that hot little Slovak nympho on Cook, I want to fuck you. Just imagine, someone with the sexual deviances and stamina to rival your own. Missionary, sidesaddle, doggy-style, 69, baby, I'd pleasure you so many ways you'd think the Trojan army just rammed your love-hole. If you think you can handle fifteen straight hours of non-stop passion, I am ready to make you cum. I just hope I don't break you with my enormous man-muscle. Send reply to "the ped" via the Medium. I'll be waiting.

Hey Kids. Great semester of personals. We commend you on your efforts. If eden wasn t being a bitch, even more would be here, not just this filler. Oh well. Next semester send personals once again to moronboy @eden or to jshramek@eden. Elections are on December 9, 1998 if you want to try to dethrone us. Dicks.



December 15, 1968 Doors (npi) open at 9pm - $1

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