April 6, 2016 Daily Medium Issue

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Serving the Rutgers community as the beacon of light in your dark, dark world since 1970.

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Local Artist’s New Modern Sculpture Attracts Many Spectators BY HALBERT PARKS STAFF WRITER New art has been popping up all over Rutgers lately and it has some students curious. Passersby on their way to class can be seen taking pictures with many of the sculptures. One abstract piece in particular has been called “inspirational” by many students. At the corner of Ray and Sicard, New Brunswick residents have been seen spending quite a lot of time around the sharp sculpture. They are eager to share their impressions on the artwork. “This has become the go-to spot for me and my friends during the night,” commented one local. “Something about this piece is just so calming.” The anonymous creator of the sculpture is very pleased to see that the residents are enjoying his work. He aspires to add many more installations to enhance the Rutgers New Brunswick campus and create an environment that is “sightly more provocative.” The Rutgers Community has taken to interacting with the art. SEE ARTIST ON PAGE 4



VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN ANNOUNCED AS 2016 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER BY MICHAEL-VINCENT D’ANELLA MERCANTI EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Addressing the press corps on Tuesday, Press Secretary Josh Earnest confirmed that the White House will be sending Vice President Joe Biden to Rutgers University to present the commencement address for this year’s graduation ceremony. “This is exciting for both the President’s administration and the Vice President’s family,” said Earnest in his written statement. “The second most powerful man in the world will go to celebrate Rutgers Revolutionary 250th.” This announcement comes after reports last week of US Secret Service surveying the Campus, specifically around High Point Solution Stadium. “This is a great opportunity for Rutgers,” said Vice Chancellor Richard Edwards during a press conference Tuesday afternoon on the Olde Queens section of the College Avenue Campus. Sources inside the Rutgers Administration told reporters that Edwards played a large role in getting the deal to go through. According to an official statement by Vice Chancellor Edwards, the University spent about $800,000 on the courting

Vice President Biden delivered the commencement speech for the University of Pennsylvania in 2013. He brought a message of hope and change. JING RAN/ COURTESY OF THE DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN process. This included dinner in the nation’s capital, Twitter promotions, and a video invitation sent out by the Rutgers Administration to the invited guest. “We were in a lot of communication with the White House after we sent the many letters over the course of several months,” continued Edwards. Our reporters reached out to the Vice President but could not

get through to his line. His office also refused to comment. “This is so exciting,” said Assistant Dean Penny Karlson of the School of Arts and Sciences. “Having the nation’s second-incommand will really resonate with our student body.” “This is an easy choice for the administration,” said Political Science adjunct professor Carolyn Chaney, “After the protests

following Condoleezza Rice’s announcement, the school has learned to make better choices.” Rutgers University President Robert Barchi weighed in on the appointing of Vice President Biden as the speaker for the 2016 Commencement ceremony. “We originally asked the White SEE BIDEN ON PAGE 4

Rutgers Business School Rutgers to pilot mandatory alumnus now CEO of Anthem Expos II requirement BY MITCHEL PRATSIS




On March 5th, Susan Grey, a member of Rutgers Business School’s Class of 1989, brought scarlet pride to the Fortune 500 as the new CEO of health insurer Anthem Inc. Grey began working at Anthem as an intern while majoring in finance during her undergraduate years at Rutgers. She attributes much of her success to her studies at the Business School. “I could not have made it this Grey maintains a modest working environment in her commitment to reduce the cost of insurance. COURTESY OF ANTHEM INC. far without the resources offered by Rutgers,” Grey said in an jobs from the temp agency, Grey locations in her junior year. Ademail. “I made invaluable con- helped her family pay for food ditionally, she was a prominent nections with my professors who and amenities from as early as member of Alpha Kappa Psi as guided me towards internships nine years old through neighbor- a two-year executive on their eand gave me the skills to thrive hood lawn care. Her persever- board. In her email with the Targum, there.” Grey continued to stress ance eventually led her to receive the importance for young stu- the Presidential Scholarship and Grey expressed interest in hiring current Rutgers students and dents to utilize Career Services attend Rutgers. While at Rutgers, Grey quickly graduates to work at Anthem: offered by University faculty. Her success story is considered got involved in several organiza- “Since I can attest to the work by some to be like the works of tions to gain the experience that ethic and knowledge of Rutgers Hollywood taken life. Grow- would contibute to her eventual students, I will say that we are ing up in Maple Shade, NJ in a success. She bacame Tresurer of family getting by on welfare and Rutgers University Student AlSEE CEO ON PAGE 4

Following a recent study on GRE testing scores across Rutgers, the School of Arts and Sciences has announced plans to pilot a new core curriculum centered around helping students prepare for future graduate careers. The study, conducted by Rutgers Office of Research and Sponsored Programs in partnership with the American Educational Research Association (AERA), focuses around the Analytical Writing and Verbal Reasoning sections of the GRE, and compares former Rutgers yearly averages with those of other schools in the Big10 along with PAC10 and Ivy League schools. The findings showed that despite producing strong Verbal Reasoning scores, Rutgers students ranked below comparable schools in terms of Analytical Writing, ranking only above the University of Oregon and Indiana University. With these finding, the University Senate leaders along with Karen R. Stubaus, Vice President

of Academic Affairs and Administration, has announced a new three-year pilot plan through the School of Arts and Sciences to improve these scores, centered around the addition of a new mandatory Expository Writing II requirement for graduation effective next Fall. “When we saw the data on our students’ GRE scores, we accepted that we were not taking a strong enough approach to preparing our students for this test, and therefore graduate level research and writing,” stated Stubaus at last Friday’s Senate meeting. “More and more students are applying to graduate school programs. We must do our very best to prepare them for graduate school and the competitive workforce they will face afterwards.” The three-year program would begin with SAS students who are 32 credits or fewer away from graduating being required to take the Expository Writing II class, following up on the “Expos I” class already required by the majority of all first-year students. SEE EXPOS ON PAGE 4


April 6, 2016

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Weather Outlook Source: What I saw on Salvia TODAY TONIGHT

High of 140mg/dL fasting, take insulin Low, low price of $9.99 until 11:59 pm



Acid Rain

Texas Tornado


The Infinite Void of Space and TIme

ABOUT THE MEDIUM The Medium is a student-written, student-managed, and totally underfunded satire and humor magazine for Rutgers University. But enough about me. I want to know more about you. What are your hobbies? Your dreams? Wow, you have beautiful eyes. I can see myself get lost in them. We have a good connection, you know? Good chemistry. Maybe we can do this again some time later? I’ve got these tickets to a Mets game in May. If you’re free let’s go! I know it seems like we’re going pretty fast, but I think that means we’re just that perfect for one another. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I could actually see myself spending the rest of my life with you. Geez, you’re so fucking hot. I just want your hot, steamy body against the folds of my Inside Beat. You like that, don’t you? You dirty, dirty reader, you like that Sports page. You get me so damn wet and horny YOU FUCKING SLUT! .... I didn’t mean that. Please give me another chance.

CAMPUS CALENDAR APRIL 6-15 The Daily Targum’s annual and ongoing desperate struggle to remain a relevant source of watered-down summaries of what some bored journalism majors saw while looking out the window on an EE bus. Basically, they’re going to be on all campuses asking you to sign some shit. Just ignore them. SUNDAY APRIL 10 Kogaracon 2016, the anime convention hosted at the Cook Campus Center, will be held from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. We’re doing this shit again. One question: Why? No seriously. Why? Why is this a thing? I know Rutgers is supposed to be a hub of diversity and acceptance, but I’d take that Milo Yiannopoulos guy again over a bunch of weird, old nerds doing a more expensive Halloween where you don’t get candy or booze. How many balding 40-something year olds do you think will be there to buy naked anime girl body pillows? WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 The Medium Meeting. Look. If you couldn’t make it to this week’s

meeting, please just try and make it to this next one. It’s in the Media Center, 4th floor of the College Ave. Student Center at 8 p.m. We make jokes for about an hour and pitch new ideas. I’m going to keep reminding you until you come. FRIDAY APRIL 22 Color Me RU will be happening again on Livingston Plaza at 5 p.m. If you’re looking to run with a bunch of other sweaty and out-of-shape students look now further than this 2 ½ mile half-assed attempt to revive your New Year’s Resolution that you’ve since forgotten about. Think of the fun you’ll be having as you make your way through a mosh pit of other students, all the while keeping your head down, mouth and eyes closed, in order to avoid getting neon-colored, leadbased powder from getting in places you’ll be cleaning out for days, perhaps weeks, after the event. But hey, it’s for charity, so might as well.

THE MEDIUM MEDIA CENTER COLLEGE AVE. STUDENT CENTER RUTGERS UNIVERSITY PHONE: 1-900-555-6969 FAX: Who the fuck still uses fax? E-MAIL: themedium.eic@gmail.com WEB: rutgersthemedium.wordpress.com

SOCIAL MEDIA Follow The Medium on Facebook and on Twitter/Instagram with the handle @TheMediumRU. You can also find us on SnapChat using the code to the right. Read more of us at our website rutgersthemedium.wordpress.com.

But, c’mon people. Big picture here. What are any of us really doing on social media. This illusion that it’s keeping us “connected.” We should just meet up in person, like at the weekly The Medium meetings every Wednesday at 8pm in the Media Center, 4th floor of the College Ave. Student Center CORRECTIONS What’s that? We spelled “convince” incorrectly? We used “it’s” when we should’ve used “its”? Well, thank you for your attention kind sir! We would have lived our entire lives ignorant of this folly had you not so gallantly found our error. Please accept our most humble gratitude and we commend you for your fastidiousness. Keep your head held high as you change tabs from your email to Facebook pictures of your first cousin to which you secretly masturbate. You fucking prick.

April 6, 2016


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Rutgers to Build Wall to Keep Out International Students BY CAILLOU TRASH WRITTER As of Tuesday, April 5, the Rutgers Board of Governors has approved a Barchi-advocated proposal to build a thirtyfoot wall around the campuses to keep out international students, sources report. Students, faculty members, and alumni have come out on either side of the issue. “Look, I know foreign students. I love foreign students and they love me. They do. But they’re killing us. They’re taking all our scholarships. That’s why we need to build this wall,” Barchi announced. “I’m sorry, it’s true. It’s just horrible right now. The number of foreign students here is anywhere between 5% and 16.7%. I wouldn’t go to a school like that. You can ask anyone. And believe me; no one, and I mean no one, will help make this school great again like I will. I’ll build a wall. A great wall; beautiful wall. You’re gonna love this wall, I tell ya. And the people I work with? They’re all idiots. I’d like to congratulate them

Wendy Li, junior in the School of Arts and Sciences, was schocked by the reception from University that had awarded her several accolades. GUY WITH NICE HAIR / STAFF PHOTOSHOPPER on their hard work, but I can’t. They’re the worst. We’ll build this wall.” Professor of Jewish Studies Ernie Landers has spoken out in vehement opposition to President Barchi’s wall and many of his other policies as well. “One

percent of the Rutgers student body…receives 99 percent of the scholarships,” Landers shouts as his hands impersonate a cardealership’s wacky-inflatabletube-man. “Look, I want to break up the football team and redistribute the wealth back to

the students. I’m the only professor here who doesn’t have a grant. I’m telling ya, President Barchi has no idea what he’s talking about. There is no way this wall will ever happen.” Even with Professor Landers’ opposition, President Barchi’s

wall has been gaining support among students and faculty. “Yah, this Barchi guy: I’m a fan of what he’s doing now,” said Jim Bobby Jr. in that southern drawl that can only be replicated by those with seven generations of incest in their recent ancestry. “He’s not afraid to speak his mind, unlike those damn math majors with their funny words. And when he says that the internationals are stealing our scholarships and killing our squirrels and raping our sorority sisters…Well, I just don’t see no reason to not believe him, ya hear?” His opponents are still vocal and many. “Honestly, if President Barchi gets his way, I’m totally transferring to somewhere in Canada,” stated freshman Amanda Weiner, who lacks the money and confidence to ever transfer to Canada. “He’s totally getting out of control. He panders to the dumbest people, like the dance majors and the football students. It’s just disgusting.” For reference on the legality of the proposed wall, another contact was reached. According to sources in her office, law school professor Dr. Minton just wants everyone to like her and she’s already just like you and me and everyone else.

Boyfriend struggles to form his own opinions independent of girlfriend BY SUE DENIMM BRINGING THE BACON As political debates raise national issues to the forefront of casual conversation, local young romantic Matthew Radzinski came to the sudden realization that none of his opinions are actually his own. The realization came during a double date at a local Red Lobster with girlfriend Susan Wright and friends Herschel Brewster and Cleopatra Grantham. As the conversation became more and more political, Matthew waited for the right moment to chime in with his own opinions that would validate his own self-righteousness. However, he could not seem to find the right comment that would properly assert both his intellect and appropriate

level of regard toward who actually becomes president. “Who do you think would be the best candidate for immigration reform?” Brewster asked Radzinski. It was at that instant that Radzinski understood that his girlfriend had more control over him than he thought. “I don’t know. Susan, what do you think?” Radzinski said as he failed to answer in a way that would have indicated independent thought. Radzinski had desperately wanted to answer something about how Trump is an idiot with his dumb wall policy, or something praiseful about Bernie’s logical pathway to citizenship plan. But alas, he couldn’t muster the originality to say anything new and insightful. And if he could, he lacked the

strength to say anything at risk of circumventing Susan by not first securing approval. In the past, Radzinski would allow Susan to make decisions for movie nights, restaurant choices, and practically anything that required thought or decision-making abilities. Radzinski had received comments from friends in the past such as, “You’re being whipped, dude,” and “She’s not even smart. She’s like, a 6, at best”, but had ignored them in favor of the sexual benefits of the relationship, despite Susan actually being basically a 4. Waxing in retrospect, Radzinski realized his own opinions were always shot down, especially in matters of his fashion style. Radzinski now vows that his own opinions will be heard someday—as long as that’s okay with Susan. At least he can try and dream.

Radzinski manages to realize that he is incapable of expressing independence from his significant other. TOTALLY NOT STALKING THIS COUPLE/ BUT I HAVE A NICE CAMERA

April 6, 2016

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Fuck this shit, Edwards says

O-negative blood types preffered, Grey says

playing the numbers, they still can’t make us look good aca“They are all fucking stupid. demically!” When asked what So fuck ‘em and make them suf- this means for the Camden and Newark fer in their last campuses, semester with Expos II,” shout“They are all fuck- Ea dd wd aer dd s: ed Vice Chaning stupid.” “They are cellor of New already a Brunswick RichRICHARD EDWARDS lost fucking ard Edwards as VICE CHANCELLOR cause. No he pulled out a way they cigarette from ever get into his blazer. “We lower our goddamn standards a good graduate school, so let’s to let in more of these prissy just pretend they don’t exist privileged cocks and despite like usual.” CONTINUED FROM FRONT


looking for some kids who are willing to smuggle some good shit up to Montreal. And I’m talkin’ some ‘throw your “Hell, I ass on the ground’ level cocaine here. All I need is few bored and broke undergrads with big stomachs. Or big colons. Hell, I can stuff about dozen kilos in any hole.” Grey also mentioned that she was seeking to expand into

other business ventures and is currently seeing any applicant willing to part with one or more kidney to receive bonus pay.

cally. I want your organs.” Grey asks that any prospective students who wish to apply meet with her recruiters in person in the parkcan stuff about a dozen kilos in ing garage at the New either hole.” Brunswick train station SUSAN GREY between the ANTHEM CEO hours of 3 and 4 a.m. every “I’m taking Anthem in a new Wednesday for interviews. She direction and I want Rutgers instructs that applicants come students to be a part of it. Lit- alone and with a printed-out erally, be a part of it. Anatomi- copy of their resume.

Hillary Clinton Shoots, Butchers Wild Boar to Appeal to Voters

BIDEN Jeepers, Veepers! for his head. Okay, so it happens to be that he was voted House for Obama, but appar- the most charismatic president, ently he’s too good for us the but Rutgers has plenty of chaelitist jerk! That’s why the Uni- risma. We need someone with versity chose to avoid Obama good judgment and sound mind for the speech, considering that can be a positive influence his fuckon the outgoing stupid ing students, policies that and Biden was “We don’t even everybody the perfect fit. hates. The Have you heard think [Obama]’s President’s that Obama that sexy.” healthcare smokes? Is that plan, which the man we ROBERT BARCHI is KILLING want speaking RUTGERS PRESIDENT AMERICA, to our future has spurned leaders? Who too many knows what university students and his kind of venomous ideas he’ll presence would only upset the convey in his speech? A fucking graduating class. We don’t even boner apparently. The choice think he’s that sexy, despite was easy when we weighed the what the polls say. I mean, options and as much as Obama his voice is angelic and he is wanted to speak at the event, an amazing public speaker, we had to go with who was best but his ears are way too big for the school.” CONTINUED FROM FRONT

BY RANDY BUTTERNUBS LOCK AND LOADED In order to gain support among Southern and Midwestern voters, former Secretary of State and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spent last weekend hunting wild boar in West Virginia. Reportedly, Clinton shot a 287-pound hog and then approached its corpse to rip apart its skin, limbs, and internal organs. Hunters and spectators were shocked and visibly disturbed by the presidential hopeful’s vi-

olent rampage, which included her wrapping intestines around her neck like a scarf and laughing maniacally about how this image will help her polling data in the Wisconsin caucus. “Well, I was coaching her about her shot and once the boar went down, she smiled from ear-to-ear, ran up, leaned over it, and started drinking its blood straight from the bullet hole,” said Clinton’s hunting guide James Stevenson. “Right after that, she called her campaign advisor to have him buy a dozen of caged quail and bird-

shot for her next press conference.” “Holy shit! This is great!” shouted the blood-soaked Clinton as she reached into the skull of the boar and crushed its brain between her fingers. Brandishing her rifle, she announced to the hunting party, “Let’s go see Bernie’s bird now!” Still covered in gore, Secretary Clinton began going door-to-door in West Virginian neighborhoods extending a bloody hand to the members of confused, but impressed coalmining families.

ARTIST Rutgers’s newest GPA-booster counter these acts of barbarity, the NBPD has asked profesStudents have been seen sors to look out for sudden inperforming mysterious rituals creases in students grades and before the sculpture. The Offer- to send these students to the ings by students to the statue police station for questioning. for an increase in their GPAs Students suspected of performhas become a ing the ritual common ocare required currence at to participate “[NBPD] has rethe site. A in NJPIRG for covered twelve guided look at the rest of the the ritual reRutgers-affiliated semester. veals the act The creator corpses.” of spilling the of the sculpture BRIAN EMMERT blood of anhas asked to SPAM E-MAILER other student remain anonyto spell out the mous throughprayer “Barout this whole chi Pls”. This is thought to have debacle and had this to say lead to the recent kidnappings when questioned. of fellow students. “I wanted to create a place The New Brunswick Police where students could be inDepartment has begun inves- spired to solve their problems. tigating the site of the statue Since students view grades as a and has recovered twelve promoter of stress, I’d say that Rutgers-affiliated corpses. To I’ve done a damn good job.” CONTINUED FROM FRONT

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton leans over her game and then proceeds to cover herself in its evacuated blood and feces. AL BURTON / SISTER’S FATHER’S COUSIN BROTHER

The Daily Medium

Wednesdays: Room 439, College Ave Student Center 8:00 pm


1. Make at least 6 million dollars a year to make it socially acceptable. 2. Ensure that she is seemingly under the influence of something to ensure prime victim blaming. If she’s taken any illegal drugs, even better. If she’s an addict, you may as well beat her twice, because who’s going to side with a druggy? 3. Get a loyal, young, attractive female babysitter, and make sure you treat her well. She’ll always side with the strong male in the relationship, and depending on how the whole dilemma plays out, you may not even need your significant other with the babysitter around. 4. Make sure you use open fists so that you don’t leave a mark. Bonus Points if you’re an athlete. 5. Say she started it. That’s always a safe move. 6. If you’re Christian, make sure everyone knows you are religious. 7. If you’re not Christian, make sure no one knows you are religious. 8. Try to be a popular, attractive pop/R&B singer who sings solely about love and sex. Even if you just so happen to beat up one of the most popular female singers in the world, your fans will either forgive you or forget it ever happened within half a year. Plus, you’ll be rich. 9. Honestly, if you play literally any music at all, you’re probably in the clear. Time to finally learn that didgeridoo you impulse bought back in 2011. 10. If worst comes to worst and you can’t follow any of these rules, just don’t worry about it. You’ll probably be fine.

The Best Tacos in New Brunswick: An Inside Beat Meat Investigastion BY MAMES JULLEN FOOD GURU The Rutgers community and tacos go together like peanut butter and jelly. It can be hard to decide where to go with all of the options in New Brunswick. Here at The Daily Medium, we’ve put together a comprehensive analysis of all the best taco places in town at every level of cultural appropriation! Let’s start off our culinary journey with the brand new Tacoria on Easton Avenue. This contemporary hole-in-the-wall eatery gives a very modern, Brooklyn hipster vibe. It’s by far the best place in town to get tacos if you’re planning on voting for Donald Trump. The food is delicious, and the “spicy” chicken is still mild enough for the whitest taco lovers around. The hilariously named “Criminals and Tacos,” is another place where the drunk kids of College Avenue can get their taco fix—though it cold close down any day now because I don’t think anyone has ever eaten there. Actually, scratch this one off the list. Nobody eats there. If you want to taste some of the New Brunswick’s authentic Mexican cuisine, you may want to wander down over to French street to get a taste of Cinco De Mayo! Beware, however, because Cinco De Mayo is an actual Mexican restaurant in a Hispanic neighborhood! While a delicious place to eat, it may be a bit unnerving for some of our seasoning-wary readers (white people). So no matter whether you actually love tacos and authentic Mexican food, or you just want to eat some satisfying drunk food without having to listen to that damn Spanish music in the background, New Brunswick has a place for you!

Beats On The Banks!


The Daily Medium


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April 6, 2016

THE DAILY MEDIUM “Not the Targum since 1970”

148th EDITORIAL BOARD College Ave Student Center, Room 439 @TheMediumRU




























BUSINESS DEPARTMENT College Ave Student Center, Room 439 @TheMediumRU








Dance Marathon & Me






The Daily Targum promptly corrects all errors of opinion. If you are aware of any indivudals with pro-Israel or proJewish sentiments, please report them to The Daily Targum for immediate re-education.






“I’ll Show Them!”


I kept a detailed log of my experiences at RU Dance Marathon. Here are the highlights.

6:00 PM - Opening Ceremony Time to stand up. After a full day of class no less. I actually ditched class to do this. Worth it? I hope so. I raised $350 for this, so I’m just gonna have a good time with it. Hour 1 I’ve been standing for an hour. So far it’s no worse than an LX on a Friday at about the same time. There’s free Yogurt and tap water, and plus, it’s For The Kids. Hour 2 They just played Justin Bieber for the third time. I didn’t know he still made music. Is he still dealing with that DUI? I hope Usher got him a good lawyer. Good for him, though. Hour 3 More Justin Bieber. I don’t know if this was the 8th or 9th time. This is definitely some form of cruel and unusual hazing. How can they do this to us? I’ll clean the damn toilets again, no more Bieber please. Hour 4 What do you mean, it’s too late to say sorry? What am I even apologizing for? How long have those vultures been up there? I didn’t know the RAC roof even retracts. I don’t feel too good. What day is it? Tuesday, right?

Hour 7? WHO KEEPS TURNING OUT THE LIGHTS? MY SKIN FEELS LIKE BUGS EVERYWHERE OH MY GOD BUGS BUGS BUGS ARE EATING MY FACE Hour X At this point, THANKS MAN THANKS MAN and I feel like THANKS MAN THANKS MAN despite numerous attempts THANKS MAN THANKS MAN THANKS MAN immediately. Hour ZZ-9, Plural-Z “Alpha” ‫ةثلاثلا ةرملل ربيب نتساج بعل درجم اهنأ‬. ‫ىقيسوملاب لازي ال هنأ فرعأ نكأ مل‬. ‫ال هنأ وه‬ ‫لمأ ؟ةديحولا ةيوهلا ةقيثو كلذ عم لماعتلا لازي‬ ‫ديج ماحم هل تلصح لهتست نأ‬. ‫هل ةبسنلاب ةديج‬، ‫نم مغرلا ىلع‬. Hour X(f)ej2πft0 REALLY I’M THE PLUG, REALLY I’M THE PLUG. REALLY I’M THE PLUG, REALLY I’M THE PLUG. REALLY I’M THE PLUG, REALLY I’M THE PLUG. REALLY I’M THE PLUG, REALLY I’M THE PLUG. REALLY I’M THE PLUG, REALLY I’M THE PLUG. DM is one of Rutgers’ best events, and I urge every one of you to get involved in next year’s historic Marathon as we break the $1M mark, For The Kids! ☐

The Daily Medium’s editorials represent the views of the majority of the 148th Daily Targum Editorial Board. Columns, cartoons and letters might reflect the views of The Medium staff. First Amendment motherfuckers.

The Daily Medium RutgersTheMedium.wordpress.com // Facebook: The Medium // Twitter & Instagram: @TheMediumRU

April 6, 2016

The Daily Medium

What Are Marshmallows? I’M TOTALLY A DOCTOR Lewis Rooney


hink about the great things our planet has to offer, and food is the first thing which comes to mind. Delectable fruits like apples and kiwis, hardy vegetables like green beans and cauliflower, countless grains of rice and bushels of beans which can be the cornerstone of any meal. Then there are numerous types of scrumptious meats like chicken, beef, venison and duck which can

fill you up and leave you feeling ready to conquer any task. And what do we decide to put into our bodies every once in awhile? With all of nature’s gifts to the human species what the fuck do we decide to ingest into our stomachs. Marshmallows. Son of a bitch. Who the fuck thought this gelatinous slime shit up, and decided: “Hey...I wanna eat that!” How stupid of a society have we become? Is our concept of mortality that skewed that we think it is okay to eat a white cylinder of shiny goo and think we are not shaving years off of our lives with each bite! Google that shit. Google it right now! Right fucking now before I waste my precious

Why I’m Running for RUSA We also intend to replace the uncomfortable dorm couches with the same plush ones found in the Student Centers. Do you want a CALLISTA say in the campus food? We intend MORROW to review the catering contracts to ello, fellow Scarlet make sure only the best restaurants Knights! My name is open their doors in the food courts! Does this sound good to you? Callista Morrow, I’m a Together, we can create a better Junior in SEBS and I’m running for RUSA Senator as a part of the Rutgers University for those who need it most: The STUDENTS! Scarlet UKNIGHT! ticket. Scarlet UKNIGHT! is ticket of Make sure you vote Scarlet like-minded students with a goal UKNIGHT! in the upcoming of increasing the friendliness of RUSA elections! Check us out on Rutgers University to the average Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and student. Our big drive is to improve Instagram. Together, Here’s to a the amenities for students. For Scarlet Future! Callista Morrow is a Junior in the example, we will be petitioning FirstTransit to reupholster the Rutgers School of Environmental & buses and fix the air conditioning. Biological Sciences.



time in this world explaining this shit to you. First thing you see: “a spongy confection.” Great, now we are all eating Spongebob, or worse something you use to clean your fucking sink. Okay what do we have next: “a soft mixture of sugar.” A mixture of sugar? You know what that means! Not real sugar that’s what it means! So there you go with the first round of carcinogens. Hey, we are Americans, we need a good dose of carcinogens everyday. Keeps the immune system active. Okay smart guy what do we have next: “albumen, and gelatin.” Oh. O?. What the fuck is that? Albumen is egg white protein, and by the look on your face you are most likely scared because you broke vegan law by eating a product of an animal. Good job fucker. Next is gelatin,

Opinions Page 7 which according to the PETA website: “is a protein obtained by boiling skin, tendons, ligaments, and/or bones with water.” Animal bones you cock sucker calm down we aren’t boiling your Aunt Helen up. Finally, if you look on the Marshmallow’s Wikipedia page, you will see the words: “conveyor belt,” so you know we are truly looking out for our well being, eating something which is processed through a factory I’M SURE the FDA is keep tabs on. Yeah, sure, okay. We were given so many gifts on this wonderful sphere of land and water, delectable treats for people of different preferences. And we eat gelatin sponge goo which violates vegan law. Fuck you, Marshmallows.




hese RUSA kids are so goddamn annoying. I don’t know where they got the notion that they have any authority here. They’re literally just a student club, just like any other. They’re basically a fraternity that we don’t have to keep an eye on. They’re not written into our charter. ONLY the Board of Trustees can make decisions. I have no idea why they think they can too. Every goddamn year, these kids elect a new Executive Board, and show up at my office making

demands and bargains. Last year, it was a campaign to bring back the dining hall trays. I don’t think they realize that we have an actual budget committee, whom we PAY, to come up with a suitable budget. We spent a lot of money upgrading the dishwashing systems in the dining halls, and a consequence was taking away the trays. It was an investment, and so far it’s saving us money. We can’t just bring the trays back. And now they want to get PAID for whatever it is they do. Where are we going to get that money from? Bernie Sanders? Yeah, right. Dr. Robert Barchi is the President of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He received his M.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.

YOUR VOICE The Daily Medium welcomes submissions from all readers. Due to space limitations, letters to the editor must not be exceed 500 words; we do make exceptions for letters of length between 575 and 600 words. And if it goes above 850, at least try to keep it below 915 words. However that is the absolute limit. If you have a submission that absolutely warrants more than, say, 1,264 words, we kindly request you cull it to a physical maximum of 1,571 words. I think that’s pretty reasonable, don’t you? Submit your content via e-mail to: themedium.opinions@gmail.com! (Keep it under 2,805 words, please).

Page 8



April 6, 2016

Down 1. A Michael Jackson song, or what this crossword is 2. A hipster’s choice at a bar 3. Interact with an electronic device through one of these 4. One depressed mule 5. With thumb, the title of a Rolling Stones song. 6. Pick this up at post office on campus. 7. Crème ______ 8. This was recently done to Silvers Apartment bathrooms 9. ______ last forever 10. With “Are You” the title of a Jimi Hendrix Album 14. “I agree” when texting 16. Wear a feather one of these and you will look fabulous! 19. What everyone is looking forward to, following finals 20. Give this to a waiter or waitress 22. An exclamation after a fuck up 23. It’s Uasst, I needed to make the crossword work 24. A campus full of Asians and nerds 27. Found to the left of the heart 28. Actress who plays Watson on Elementary 30. A Germanic Northern Slushie 33. With 52-Across, our mascot 35. Again, it’s Ochgiol, although the H can be whatever you want. 40. The French Left Radical Party 43. Might be seen in the top corner of a show intro 46. WHO e.g. 47. Japanese Musical Drama Horoscopes 48. Found in SOMF. Across 1. NCAA Division that Rutgers is part of 5. Wizard that takes over as headmaster of Hogwarts 11. Owner of the Kwik-E-Mart 12. Archaic nostril 13. What you are currently reading 15. Chain bakery at the CACC 17. The cuckolded moor 18. Namesake of Southwest Grill; Fan of Mondays 20. Raw material to smelt 21. A member of the rowing team might use one. 23. A type of cichlid 25. Hindu lord of wind 26. Used to serve soup 29. Little Johnny lost his leg after stepping on one 31. River in Nigeria 32. Anagram of a synonym for shop 34. One always disappears in the wash 36. The Deadliest one of these appeared on Discovery 37. An invitation to join a frat 40. A princess may sit on one? 41. Baseball Stat 42. This school 44. Found on a keyboard 45. Owned by a Piscataway Campus? 49. His puppeteer was gay 50. Every RBS student’s favorite term 51. The Answer is Keeptaal, whatever the fuck that is. 52. See 32-Down Cancer (June 22-July 22) - You need to take care of issues around your home today.Meaning, you need to clean those month old beer bottles. And the mold in theshower isn’t attractive. And if you have a double, you need to dispose of yourroommate, because where you live isn’t truly home until you have a bedroom to yourself. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) - Today, some people will agree with you, and some will not. If you are a liberal, it is your duty to silence those who do not agree with you by any means necessary. Your roommate thinks you don’t take out the trash enough? Knock him out. Mom thinks you drink too much? Knock her out. If you are a conservative, ignore those who do not agree with you and move on withyour life.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19) - You have been putting the needs of others before yourself for too long. Ergo, today, you must focus on yourself, and do whatever you please. Sleep through your class! Attach a piece of buttered toast, buttered side up, to a cat and throw it out your window to see what happens! Burn your professors house to the ground! The possibilities are endless! Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) - Be careful not to overdo things today. Give your girlfriend a rose. Eat half of your meal, especially if it’s from Brower or Wendy’s. Go to the gym, but leave at the first sign of sweat. Who needs competence in their daily life? Gemini (May 21-June 21) - A small snag could make you lose your temper today.Try not to do anything that could set you off. Unfortunately, since Rutgers is incompetent to a fault, the only real way to keep your cool is to avoid society and hide in your room all day, like you did as a child when mom brought overher friends that drank heavily and smelled like asparagus. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Be wary of people who are pushing you to make a big purchase today. Especially if these people are affiliated with Rutgers. If you are asked to donate to shady causes, or to buy a parking pass you do not need, just remember that as a college student, you likely have less than $50 dollars to your name. . Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) - The power balance in one of your more complicated relationships is starting to be an issue. You will see signs of power loss, such as your significant other finally standing up for themselves. Or maybe you’re strong enough to fight back when your dad decides to beat you with the jumper cables again. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) - You cannot take popular opinion seriously, right now. Donald Trump is the republican frontrunner. The Wii U is dead last in the console wars, even though the Xbox One exists. Rap is the most


Traitorous Gumball popular type of music. Go against popular opinions, because the majority of them are unambiguously stupid. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) -Today, your presence at work will be required by a group of important people who are looking for a solution. Unfortunately, you are unlikely to have any ideas. Your only hope of success is to state the first thing that comes to mind when asked, regardless of how ridiculous it is. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Do you think that the people who are in positions of authority over your life are not interested in what you have to say right now? You’re probably right, you’re likely too insignificant for your opinions to matter. Ergo, you should disregard people in authority and instead do whatever your heart desires. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) - Finishing other people’s sentences will be easy to do today, you’re so in sync with the folks you’ll be working with. Unfortunately, just because it is easy, doesn’t mean it is wise. Finishing other people’s sentences is both rude and creepy. Speak for yourself, and only for yourself. Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) - If you’re dealing with a group of people today, try to push your own agenda a little bit more forcefully than you normally would. Especially if it is sexual or academic in nature. Preferably, have sex with everything you need to learn about. You haven’t lived until you’ve came into a tree.


Diversions Page 9

April 6, 2016

Calvin and Hobbes

Bill Watterson


Charles Schulz


Scott Adams


Non Sequitur


Jim Davis


Crossword Answers


Page 9 How to Write a Personal

April 6, 2016

1. Look around you and focus on some guy that looks like a douche. He probably is, so fuck that guy 2. This guy is a facist pig that murders puppies in his free time for fun. Get fuckin’ pissed. 3. Write out your hatred of facist puppy slaughterers in a few quick lines and e-mail it to: themedium.personals@gmail.com 4. Look for it in the paper next week, and laugh at the douche because he’s in a personal.

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The Daily Medium 126 College Ave., Room 439 New Brunswick, NJ 08901 732-932-3930

“ - Your friendly neighborhood Personals Editor




My roommate is graduating but I don’t want her to leave. Looking for an ordained minister to get us married, as well as someone with access to chloroform. Oh and if you’re a lawyer that would be the icing on the cake since I’m pretty sure this is illegal.

Fuck all ZTA bitches and their raincoats. I heard one of them on the bus say “Oh my God I’m so hungover, I didn’t throw up enough!” Fuck her. Fuck her in the ass.

I still haven’t found any-


one to butter my muf-

WYatt gould. will you marry me and let me have your children so i can divorce you and take half of your money? I’m going to marry a male escort. Will you donate to our gofundme so we can pay for the wedding since my parents don’t approve. Seeking



my erotic friend fiction ring. Learn how to write sensual and lecherous narratives

fin. If interested please come to the DKE house

The Targum is looking for someone to give them jobs. You know the kinds of jobs we’re talking about right? The gross and sticky kind. For inquiries, email eic@ dailytargum.com

Looking for three women willing to fuck Adam Romatowski. If interested, email themedium. beards@gmail. com

and ask for Harnil.

Thinking about breaking up with your girlfriend who you’re only with out of pity? Not sure how to do it? Go find that bitchy blonde lady who swipes you in at the Livingston dining hall. She’ll completely ignore your problems and make you realize how great your girlfriend is. My fiance dumped me so I’m looking for a new partner. I am done with hu-

FOR RENT I’m subletting my apartment on Plum St. next semester. I will be in Ireland dancing with leprechauns and having my blood surgically replaced with Guinness. If you’re interesting in living in somewhere that is modly and constantly at risk of being burglarized and pissed on, email leprechaunis- continued from Sports RECRUIT mykink@gmail.com

A maid for WANTED my roommates Looking for a roomso I don’t mate. Preferably have to be someone who is a mom for 3 manic depressive 22-year-olds. and wouldn’t mind ricksantorum@ me “borrowing” their gmail.com

meds. For questions, call 1-800-LUV-MEE

hazed his freshman year. Seniors apparently touched his “no-no area” and laughed at his “training bra titties”. As per tradition, most teams haze incoming freshman, but the football team has a reputation of being particularly cruel and intense.

continued from Sports GYMNASTICS

“I’m excited to play for Coach Ash and Rutgers, and

bring this caliber of athlete to this university, we can

I know I’ll take a few lumps my freshman year,” said

really change this program.”

Moses after he signed. “I already shaved my asshole

The expansion will not need Rutgers to change the

as preparation. I know there will be a lot of butt stuff.”

current recruitment system, according to Hobbs, “we have too many fucking faggots laying around this

According to a source close with the team, one haz-

goddam campus. We need something to rally them

ing ritual involves upperclassmen forcing freshmen to

group of writers. For info dying dog or cat, message and inquiries email cool- me on tumblr, pussylover.


use their new teammates’ buttocks as kicking tees by

The exponential influx of homosexual males on rut-

placing a football on their anus. Reportedly, the three


gers campus has become extremely apparent in the

players with the shortest kicks must prance around

last year alone. New research by George Takei musky

Highpoint Solutions Stadium naked and say, “I’m a

phallus shows a 700% increase in the average male on

little fairy”.

about your friends. No mans so if anyone would judgment, no kink shaming be willing to offer up their


Tests/Studies Chronic smokers needed for study on Molotov


male sex on campus. This rise is is due to the opening of a Andrew Chris-


tian store in the heart of George Street. Known for

Send inquiries to ru.ulta@

their assless underwear, for easy access for anal

ulta.com. Looking for three youngfemale professionals

To the weirdo walkseeking for long-term ing around with an afro in the learn- postions that will be willing center today, ing to perform a hands-on I hope you fucking expirement. die.


penetration. Because of the rise in gay sex, there is a rise in how buff and masculine these men become. Jonathan started as a 150 pound twink, and is now a 250 pound bear who only wears nasty pig underwear. To succeed, the team will need to focus all of their energy on competitions, not on fucking each other’s brains out.


Page 11

April 6, 2016 NOT FOOTBALL

REPORT: Steve Pikiell, Rutgers Basketball interested in signing D’Angelo Russell as team spy BY HEN HEN MAN STAFF WRITER

Sources surfaced on Wednesday morning that Rutgers Basketball Head Coach Steve Pikiell is “close” to signing D’Angelo Russell as the official team spy after video he filmed was leaked on the Internet. The video was of Russell’s teammate Nick Young confessing he cheated of his fiancée, hip-hop star Iggy Azalea. “This kid shoots cell phone video better than he shoots a basketball,” Pikiell said in a released statement. “I think he will add a lot to this team, especially after this embarrassing time. I’m sure our players, who went through an embarrassing season themselves, will relate to Russell and see him as a role model.” According to a person with knowledge of the

situation, Rutgers will offer Russell a multi-year contract sometime next week. The deal will include a “spy-option” after the first year, meaning the rookie point guard can decide if he still wants to be labeled as a little snitch after his first season with the University. The source requested anonymity because contracts cannot be signed during midterm exam period. Sources also say Russell’s role with Rutgers Basketball will include infiltrating other Big Ten teams’ practice facilities to secretly scout players and steal playbooks. Russell and his agent have yet to respond to an email sent by the Medium staff, but signs point to Russell wanting to do anything to leave the sinking ship that is the Los Angeles Lakers.


uckily for students, disc golf courses are soon to be revamped. With many of the Cook/Douglass disc golf playing area in dire shape, Pat Hobbs has started a campaign to upgrade the course for all the frisbee enthusiasts at Rutgers. “The lack of righteous flicks and bullet passes has been a downer for too long”, says Hobbs. The course has been idle for over 5 years, reflecting the entire atmosphere of the campus. Perpetually high students have wanted change for years, but never pushed for action. Finally, disc golf enthusiasts can get back to practicing the grueling sport, and quit crowding the Cook/Douglass streets with Hacky sack gangs.

R Russell apparently has no problem exposing horrible secrets


Chris Christie to be named new defensive coordinator for Rutgers Football BY HENRY CHEN COPY EDITOR

Christie has experience in sports, as catcher for Livingston High School. We’ll see if those skills translate to football. Good thing he looks like a lineman.


Rutgers began its search for a new defensive coordinator after cleaning house this offseason in an attempt to challenge Big Ten foes. In a public statement, new Director of Athletics Pat Hobbs shared his thoughts on who could help head coach Chris Ash. “Get us somebody who can really stop an offense. Really make it like they’re not even there, you know?” Ash immediately got to work contacting the one person he knew fit the description Hobbs provided. Worried he would succumb to the dreaded Rutgers Football coach curse and lose his job before it started, Ash quickly found the man who would save his job: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Christie immediately accepted, and he spoke with The Medium about how he will fair at his new job. “Well obviously this is no leisurely drive over

a bridge on the first day of school; we’re talking about full and able football teams here. We’re going to have to get creative.” Christie then went into detail about some of his plans, including inciting air traffic controller strikes. College football analysts now see Rutgers as a soon-to-be Beast of the East. Rece Davis of College GameDay is interested to learn more about a Rutgers program that went 4-8 last season. “It’s no secret that Christie likes to be a part of the bandwagon and join the winning team. There must be something he sees in this program that no one else can.” Rutgers knows that having the support of its fans is just as important as bringing in quality players and coaches. Luckily, with the hiring of Christie, the same Lebron-esque bandwagoners will be on the Knights’ side once kick-off time rolls around. With Christie, Rutgers can truly be B1G.

ecently fired men’s basketball coach Eddie Jordan was arrested early Monday morning for smearing shit on new head coach Steve Pikiell’s car. Police reportedly found Jordan, who went 29-67 in three years at Rutgers, atop Pikiell’s car totally nude, screaming “AAAAHHHHHH BALALALA MAMAMA JABABA”. Pikiell would not comment on the situation, but did say he hopes the poor, current state of Rutgers basketball will not drive him insane like it did Jordan. Ironically enough, Jordan’s disgusting actions closely resembled the product on the court.


ountdown to 2021! With another academic year coming to a close, Rutgers can finally breath easy knowing that we are one year closer to full membership in the Big Ten. This, of course, does nothing to mitigate that Rutgers will once again run the worst athletics deficit in the entire country. After the 2014-2015 season Rutgers Athletics spent over $23 million more than they earned in revenue. The deficit is paid for in part by student fees and general university funds all while other departments remain drastically under-funded. Oh and by the way, that deficit does not even account for the buyouts for fired coaches that will hit the books in the coming year. You may have heard about that.


ntegrity is the hallmark of the National Football League. Things like the NFL’s decision to pull $30 million from a concussion study strongly linking CTE to participation in football highlight this fact. Perhaps the greatest measure of uprightness in the NFL is seen in the treatment of Ray Rice vs. that of Greg Hardy. Rice has shown exceptional remorse for his actions and has gotten no second chance. Meanwhile, the more talented Greg Hardy has shown absolutely no remorse, denied wrong-doing, and might get a third chance this offseason after a tumultous year in Dallas. Good going, NFL.

TWITTER: @TheMediumRU WEBSITE: rutgersthemedium.wordpress.com BLOG: whoblogsanymore.com


Sports WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016

QUOTE OF THE DAY “Sports is a practice of patience. Greatness comes from failure.” —Former Rutgers Basketball Coach Eddie Jordan


Rutgers lands No. 1 recruit Dylan Moses BY ANDREW BLUSTEIN

the team’s record. “I look forward to seeing what this guy can do,” said fifth-year senior defensive lineman Darius Hamilton. “He just needs to come in here with a good attitude. I hope he knows what he’s getting


Chris Ash has done it. Seemingly out of nowhere, Dylan Moses signed on the dotted line yesterday, officially committing to Rutgers. Ash was introduced as head coach just over two months ago, and already has proved his worth. Moses played outside linebacker and running back for IMG Academy in Bradenton, Florida. He is set to bring his versatile skill set and 4.57 40-yard dash time to Piscataway. Moses is a big get. He is the consensus top high school prospect, and was heavily recruited by LSU, Michigan and Texas. All signs pointed to him signing with Alabama, but Ash swooped in and snagged 6-foot-2 athlete at the eleventh hour. “This is exactly the kind of splash we wanted to make,” said Ash at a press conference publicizing the commitment. “This is the first step in making this program a powerhouse.” Ash added Moses will play full time at outside linebacker and will likely start the first game of the season, but said the team may have some trick plays in store with him at running back. Last year, Rutgers finished with a record of 4-8, but went 1-7 in conference. Other players are excited to have Moses join to help boost

himself into.” Moses, who posted an impressive 4.13 20-yard shuttle run time, took to Twiiter and said, “Blessed! Cant wait 2 c what RU has in store fo me.” Moses, like other freshman, may

be surprised when they see what college football life is like. Hamilton also mentioned hazing, and said he was brutally SEE RECRUIT ON PAGE 10


Dylan Moses looks to bring his winning smile and all-around ability to Rutgers, hoping to bring the team to glory.

Rutgers to add men’s gymnastics to B1G athletics line up BY MICHAEL-VINCENT D’ANELLA-MERCANTI EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Announced by the NCAA tuesday afternoon, Rutgers will add a Men’s gymnastics team. This initiative will create seven new coaching jobs and seventeen new scholar athletes. Rutgers joins Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio State, Penn State, Nebraska, all schools with Men’s Gymnastics. “We as a program are very excited,” says female head coach Louis Levine. “Visibility of the sport of gymnastics is always good.” Men’s gymnastics, on average has the highest amount of scholar athletes turned olympic athletes according to the NCAA. Rutgers is hoping to elevate the caliber of

their scholar athletes starting with new recruits, according to Levine. “This is a big jump for the Rutgers Athletic program,” said famed gymnast and coach Mary Lou Retton when asked at the Men’s B10 Championships last weekend, “A good men’s program always can grow a sports program.” The new men’s program will practice in the use the same space as the girls team, in the Livingston Rec Center. The two teams will share the space until a new Gymnasium can be erected on Busch Campus. “This is one of the most demanding sports ever,” said athletic director Pat Hobbs, “If we will be able to

Buddy Hield Oklahoma

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Rutgers -8 Any B1G team 100+

Michigan State Vegas Bookies

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Trump The Field

Embrace Kids Embrace Kasich

$912K $3.75

tears of joy tears of sadness

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The men’s gymnastics team looks to bring Jersey flair to B1G competitions



Villanova UNC



basketball recruit, standing at 8 ft. tall and 145 pounds. Lacks facial features but does not let that define him. Facilitates comradery by hiding pages in the lockeroom and “playing games”






at NC State A&M University College

WNIT Seventh Place Game

at Seton Hall

Raritan River

Today, 4:00 PM ??????, N.C.

Today, 7:00 PM New Brunswick

1:19 p.m. Westeros

Saturday, 1:00 p.m. New Brunswick

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