OFF CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION SITE ONE The apartment is a five store building with 42 residenHal units. This project is a mulH million-‐ dollar project where the budget is approximately 24 million dollars. The construcHon site iniHally was a residenHal houses which were broken down and the foundaHon were recreated. MATERIAL ü In-‐situ concrete ( the flooring of the building.) ü Timber rods/poles (used for the guide lining the in-‐situ concrete to sit in place ü Steel rods (used in foundaHon, used as a guideline of the construcHon) ü Timber sheet (used to construct the outline of the structure.) ü PlasHc pipe (Big green colored pipe located under ground.)
CONSTRUCTION SYSTEM AND METHOD Ø The sides of the soil is sprayed with Ø concrete in order to create a solid support Ø prevenHng from soil wall collapsing.
Ø The soil is dug out Ø Steel rods are stabbed into the soil the Hmber sheet are placed on the sides of the soil wall Ø The steel rod areplaced on top of the hole in a checker paTern supporHng the soil from collapsing
Ø Some form of concrete foundaHon. Ø The soil was dug out by the crane Ø concrete was poured into the gap.
OFF CAMPUS CONSTRUCTION SITE TWO The second construcHon site was much smaller construcHon compared with the first site. The construcHon site was renovaHon to expand a size of the residenHal property. The only thing we have observed were the foundaHon of the building. There were six soil humps made as represent on the image on the leZ which was then covered with sand to make the structure more rigid.