Constructing Enviroment Log Book

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Wk 1 CONSTRUCTION STUDIO-­‐ LOADS AND FORCES GLOSSARY Elonga'on-­‐ The amount of extension of an object under stress, usually expressed as a percentage of the original length. Point load-­‐ Is a load which is localised to a specific locaJon on a structure Architrave-­‐ Main beam resJng across the tops of columns, specifically the lower third entablature. Bu4ress-­‐ A projecJng support of stone or brick built against a wall Ba4en-­‐ A long, flat strip of squared wood or metal used to hold something in place or as a fastening against a wall.

ACTIVITY-­‐COMPRESSION CONSTRUCTING PROCESS Aim: To build a tower high as possible using the least amount of material

We began by building a base in a triangular shape. We decided on triangular shaped base as it the would require minimal blocks compared to a squared shaped base. The blocks were oriented so that there would be a gap between the blocks rather than puBng the blocks next to each other in order to minimize the number of blocks. We decided to use the bed of the blocks rather than the side in the early stage of the construcJon to build a more stable/ stronger structure. In doing so we had to sacrifice the speed of which the structure got taller using minimal blocks.

As we reached a certain height we decided to stack the blocks verJcally in way represented in the diagram below.

The deconstrucJng process began at the base of the structure by removing a hand full of blocked on the edges of the triangular base then work its way up. The photograph on the right represents our tower standing with unnecessary block removed from it.

DECONTRUCTION PROCESS Aim: To test the stability of the structure, remove as many elements as possible without causing the tower to fall. The structure kept it form unJl we remove the blocked out of the corners. The blocks from the corners acts as the primary support as the blocks are removed from the edges the weight pressing on the block without a supporJng base is great which prevents the structure from collapsing

The load applied to the block holds the blocks together, which prevents the blocks from falling apart. The blocks that are seems to be missing its central support is supported by the weights of the blocks which is working downwards.

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