The North Face 50 - Australia

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May 16, 2015

The North Face 50 Australia 2015 From Awesome to Gruesome

Never really thought I would be taking part to that race for a couple of reasons • The entry Fee : AU$ 280, needless to make further comment here , all should know now where I stand. • They were sold out • The logisGc needed such as TransportaGon to the race plus AccommodaGon . Knowing that TNF offered opportunity to whoever who wanted to transfer* their entry to a third party could do it officially … I was just looking at supplies and demands …. * A very smart move that every single race organisaGon around the World should adopt . New parGcipants having to pay a transfer fee (-­‐ AU$ 50 -­‐) making more money along the way ! As we came closer to Race day , offers from pulling out runners started to fly around Asking prices became more reasonable , more tempGng and … all the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place. -­‐ I suddenly received an email from Anne, an amazing Lady with a Heart of Gold who offered me a warm and cozy bed and full access to her car … for free .. she later came to pick me up at Katoomba , 15 mn away from her place , and even drove me to starGng line at 6 am … I Love her ! She had heard about my needs from a Terrigal Tro\ers runner’s Friend -­‐ -­‐ Found a ride to Katoomba through Terrigal Tro\ers as well -­‐ 100 AU$ entries were flocking by , I grabbed one ! I was then fully set ; yet had not really trained but amazingly relaxed with no tension -­‐ no stress. 1


May 16, 2015

- Race Day -­‐ 1 . Once in Katoomba , had a late lunch with Steven, De\a and 2 other runners

. Done some shopping for Dinner and B-­‐fast . Met with Anne who came to pick me up -­‐ we immediately clicked into a nice lengthy conversaGon about Traveling and House sidng around the World . Drop by at the Expo at 6 PM , Met with the Bib Entry’s Seller , Walked to transfer’s desk, submi\ed my Transfer form . Paid the AU$ 50 . Confirm my Corral based previous races Gmes . DONE in 5 mn !



May 16, 2015

-­‐ Race day : Saturday 16 May . Weather was supposed to be cold and rainy . we had a sweet warm sunny day .

. The 50 km Trail was supposed to be beauGful … It’s Awesome . Rolling all the way to km 41 with some nice and decent Grades

. The last 900 m, i was told , would kill . They are Gruesome stairs and ladders. Would I run it Again if I have a chance ? Hell … Yes ! 3

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