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When the Customer Isn’t Right: The Basics of Diagnosing RV Repairs Page 9
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An RV Without a Water Infill? PPaaggee1122
December/January 2012
Water Heaters 5
Diagnosing problems with pilot gas water heaters
Service Contracts 7
55 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg ggaass wwaatteerr hheeaatteerrss
Processing Extended Service Contract Claims
Troubleshooting 9
The Basics of Diagnosing
99 BBaassiiccss ooff ddiiaaggnnoossiinngg rreeppaaiirrss
Aftermarket 13
Stepping Up
Top This! 77 SSeerrvviiccee ccoonnttrraaccttss 12 An RV That Couldn’t Hold Water
Board of Directors
From the Editor
13 New Products 14 Recalls
Certification Page 16
1122 TThhee RRVV tthhaatt ccoouullddnn’’tt hhoolldd w waatteerr
Chairman Jeff Pastore Hartville RV Center, Inc. Hartville, OH (330) 877-3500 jeff@hartvillerv.com
Director Andy Heck Alpin Haus Amsterdam, NY (518) 842-5900 aheck@alpinhaus.com
Director Tim O'Brien Circle K RVs, Inc. Lapeer, MI (810) 664-1942 t.obrien@circlekrvs.com
Vice Chairman Dan Pearson PleasureLand RV Center, Inc. St. Cloud, MN (320) 251-7588 D.Pearson@pleasurelandrv.com
Director Jeff Hirsch Campers Inn of Kingston Kingston, NH (603) 642-5555 jhirsch@campersinn.com
Secretary/Treasurer Bill Koster Protective St. Louis, MO (636) 536-5704 bill.koster@protective.com
Director Rick Horsey Parkview RV Center Smyrna, DE (302) 653-6619 rhorsey@parkviewrv.com
Director Randy Packard Natl Assn of RV Parks & Campgrounds/Pine Acres Family Camping Resort Oakham, MA (508) 882-9511 opa203@aol.com
President Mike Molino, CAE RVDA Fairfax, VA (703) 591-7130 mmolino@rvda.org
Director Newt Kindlund Kindlund Investments Winter Park, FL (407) 628-4211 newt@kindlund.com
Director Bob Been Affinity RV Service Sales & Rentals Prescott, AZ (928) 445-7910 bobbeen@affinityrv.com
Director John McCluskey Florida Outdoors RV Center Stuart, FL (772) 288-2221 john@floridaoutdoorsrv.com
Director Randy Biles Pikes Peak Traveland, Inc. Colorado Springs, CO (719) 596-2716 rwbiles@pikespeakrv.com
Director Matthew Miller Newmar Corporation Nappanee, IN (574) 773-2381 mlmiller@newmarcorp.com
Director Eleonore Hamm RVDA of Canada Richmond, BC (604) 204-0559 eleonore_hamm@rvda.ca
Director John Myers Myers RV Center Inc. Albuquerque, NM (505) 298-7691 j.myers@myersrv.com
Director Steve Plemmons Bill Plemmons RV World Rural Hall, NC (336) 377-2213 steve@billplemmonsrv.com Director Jim Sheldon Monaco RV, LLC Rancho Mirage, CA (760) 883-5556 jim.sheldo@monacorv.com Director Tom Stinnett Tom Stinnett RV Freedom Center Clarksville, IN (812) 282-7718 tstinnett@stinnettrv.com Director Brian Wilkins Wilkins R.V., Inc. Bath, NY (607) 776-3103 bwilkins@wilkinsrv.com
Mike Molino, CAE RVDA Education Foundation President Ronnie Hepp, CAE Vice President for Administration Phil Ingrassia, CAE Vice President for Communications Karin Van Duyse Chief, RV Learning Center Mary Anne Shreve Editor
Page 3
Chuck Boyd Dealer Services Manager Susan Charter Associate Services Manager Hank Fortune Director of Finance Jeff Kurowski Director of Industry Relations Brett Richardson, Esq., CAE Director of Legal & Regulatory Affairs
Liz Shoemaker Education Coordinator Butch Thomas Field Representative Tony Yerman RV Service Consultant Isabel McGrath Technician Certification Registrar
December/January 2012
Learning From Others Happy New Year, and welcome to the latest edition of RV Technician. I hope that everyone is staying busy this season. I’ve heard mixed reports from my contacts— some say they’re swamped with work while others are experiencing a slowdown. Let’s hope that the new year brings more business, fewer hassles, and prosperity all around. Before we go any further, I’d like to give a special thanks to the individuals who wrote stories for the “Top This!” column during the past year. The column itself was the brainchild of one of our advisory board members, Steve Savage, who convinced me that there are a million strange and entertaining stories out there in RV Repair Land and that they’d make for both interesting and informative reading. He and Tony Yerman and Gary Motley have generously contributed stories to keep the column alive, and each one has generated positive feedback. The stories aren’t just entertaining, though—they give readers the benefit of these master technicians’ years of experience dealing with challenging situations and hard-to-make diagnoses.
And that’s one of the reasons for the column—to help technicians think beyond the obvious symptoms and solutions when they encounter an unusual repair. This time around, technician Peter Bowring is contributing a story about an RV with an alleged factory defect. Please read “An RV—And a Husband’s Story—That Wouldn’t Hold Water.” And then make a new year’s resolution to send in your own story about an unusual job you’ve encountered. Also in this issue: A story on troubleshooting pilot gas water heaters by Mike Williams, a technical application specialist for Atwood Mobile Products. Williams walks the reader through the sequence of events that occurs from the time the heater is turned on until it begins heating, explaining what can go wrong along the way and how to fix it.
Mary Anne Shreve Editor 3930 University Drive Fairfax, VA 22030 mashreve@rvda.org (703) 591-7130 x117
RV Technician Advisory Board Randy Biles, Pikes Peak Traveland, Inc. Tom Fribley, Fribley Technical Services, Inc. Ellen Kietzmann, Blue Ox Gary Motley, Motley RV Repair Steve Savage, Mobility RV Service
Page 4
Water Heaters
Diagnosing problems with pilot gas water heaters By Mike Williams
There are several types of RV water heaters used in the industry. In this article, I’ll discuss the tank-style pilot gas water heater. The most important thing when diagnosing a water heater that fails to heat is to understand the sequence of operation--what takes place from the time it’s turned on to the time it starts heating. Pilot Model Water Heater Sequence of Operation:
Pilot orifice – This meters gas to the heat thermocouple. The flame should be high enough to engulf the thermocouple. Thermocouple – This generates mill voltage to the gas control’s magnet assembly. Magnet – When it receives 12 mill volts or more, it allows gas to flow freely to the pilot without holding the pilot knob. ECO – This passes mill volts through the gas control and back to the thermocouple. It trips open permanently if the water temperature exceeds 190°F.
Pilot Orifice (inside)
Gas pressure – 11” W.C. to control is necessary. Set with two gas appliances running. Gas control – supplies gas to the pilot orifice when the control ON/OFF pilot knob is held at the pilot position. Page 5
Gas control – This supplies gas to the main burner when the control knob is set to the “ON” position and the temperature lever is set to the desired temperature after the pilot is lit.
Main burner orifice – This meters gas through the burner tube. Main burner – The pilot ignites gas when it reaches the end of this tube. Flame height is adjusted by sliding the air shutter. The ideal setting is one-quarter open (.20”). The flame should be blue with a trace of yellow.
Temperature knob – This knob’s setting determines the burner cycle and water temperature, ranging from 70°F - 140°F. Troubleshooting If the pilot won’t light, check the gas pressure. If it’s correct, then check the pilot orifice for blockage. If neither is the problem, check the pilot gas line to see if gas is being released when the gas control knob is held to the pilot position. If there’s no gas present, the gas control is defective. If the pilot lights but won’t stay lit, make sure the flame is engulfing the thermocouple’s tip. If it’s a nice tall flame, then test the thermocouple by heating its tip for approximately 30 seconds and testing it for mill volts (16 – 21).
Testing the ECO in the valve by use continuity
All RV water heaters are equipped with a pressure relief valve to keep the pressure from getting too high in the tank if the water were to overheat. It is sometimes referred as a pop-off valve. Sometimes this valve may start to drip if the tank has lost its air pocket and there’s no room for expansion when the water is heated. This situation is easily resolved: 1) Turn off the water supply. 2) Open the hot water faucet that’s closest to the water heater. 3) Lift the lever on the end of the relief valve so it points straight out. Allow water to drain until the level drops below the level of the relief valve and stops. 4) Close the lever, turn the hot faucet off, and turn the water supply back on.
Testing a thermocouple
If the thermocouple tests ok, next test the ECO at the gas control by using a VOM to test continuity. It should show closed. If the ECO test opens, it’s defective and the gas control must be replaced.
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When heated, minerals in the water may attack the tank, causing leaks. Maintenance procedures vary, depending on what the tank is made of. Refer to the owner’s manual for proper techniques. Mike Williams is a technical application specialist for Atwood Mobile Products. He can be reached at M.Williams2@atwoodmobile.com.
Service Contracts
Processing Extended Service Contract Claims From the RV Learning Center’s Warranty Administrator Learning Guide
The RV Learning Center offers a comprehensive RV warranty administrator learning guide, developed in conjunction with The Ohio State University, that includes five sections detailing the knowledge and skills required of warranty personnel. The following is an excerpt from the guide’s section on processing open/closed repair orders. Unlike a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) warranty repair, the work done under an extended service contract will not always include work guidelines or procedures. You, as the warranty administrator, will have to find out exactly what procedures you need to follow to meet all the conditions of the extended service contract. Because there are many extended warranty providers, each provider is likely to have a somewhat different set of steps required for authorizing the repair work. When processing a claim, your goal is to maximize the amount of coverage the customer gets from the contract while ensuring your dealership will be paid in full without a long wait. Different providers pay for different incidentals. Be sure everyone involved knows who is paying for what before work starts. Some contract providers won’t pay the full shop door rate or diagnostic fees. Also pay special attention to sales tax, freight, and handling; special order fees; fluids, belts, and hoses that will need replacing; upgrades; and supplies such as lock washers, lock nuts, and clamps. Page 7
You want the customer to know exactly what he/she will be expected to pay (such as a deductible amount) and not have an unpleasant surprise because the total outof-pocket payment is much higher than originally stated. Here’s a checklist of items you’ll need to process an extended service contract claim: • Contact information for the provider • Authorization forms • The authorization number (after the authorization forms have been filed and approved) • Documentation for the intended repair • Date of failure • Accurate description of the repair or failure • Parts numbers and prices • Labor times and rates • Repair order (RO) • Credit card number of the provider company (to complete processing the payment) • Date the repair is needed (customer’s desired completion date)
• Address where to send information • Signatures, as needed, on forms
• Assembling all parts numbers and prices • Determining the applicable labor rates for the planned work
Contacting the provider Here are some hints for expediting the claim:
• Confirming that an accurate and clear description of the repair or failure is available
• The estimate for repair or replacement work will include both parts and labor. Get the parts numbers and prices. Use the flat rate manual for labor costs. Have a complete understanding of the repair or replacement and what it includes.
• Assembling a complete set of documents
• Get an example of a successful claim application to a specific provider and see what language, lists, information, and attached documents or photos were used. Try to use similar language on your repair so that the contractor is more likely to approve. If you say things in their terms, they’re more likely to authorize the work, with fewer problems or resubmittals.
the work is received
needed to process the claim • Ensuring that the authorization paperwork has been submitted correctly • Ensuring that an authorization to perform
Expedite payment by: • Reviewing the cash-out and warranty payment procedures that need to be followed • Confirming the name and address of the person who should receive the paperwork
• Before submitting financial forms, be sure to have all the documentation, signatures, and information needed to transfer funds between your dealership and the provider. Become familiar with cash-out and warranty payment procedures. The sooner the payment is received, the sooner you can cash out the RO and reconcile the claim.
• Confirming that all needed signatures are in place • Ensuring you have the credit card number of the contract provider so the financial transaction can occur without problems • Ensuring that the payment is received • Ensuring that the RO can be cashed out
Processing an extended warranty claim The steps for processing an extended warranty claim include the following:
and the claim reconciled This excerpt is from the RV Learning Center’s
• Understanding the estimate and the
“Warranty Administrator Learning Guide,” one of
repairs that are going to be made
five instructional publications developed by The
• Determining how best to present the
Ohio State University for the RV Learning
claims information to the provider – in language that matches the provider’s needs Page 8
The Basics of Diagnosing RV Repairs By Steve Savage Last week I refused customer requests to order a heat pump, a refrigerator, two air conditioner blower motors, and an assortment of repair parts. Last week was nothing special--I refuse to order or sell things to customers nearly every day. In fact, over the years, I’ve built a reputable business by refusing to meet customer requests. That doesn’t mean I never sell appliances or repair parts. I maintain a warehouse stocked with parts and appliances. But far too often, good parts are sacrificed in the name of “fixing” something. When it comes to knowing what it takes to repair an RV, the customer is not always right! Experts might say that bucking a customer’s request isn’t a wise strategy. And many RV owners do seem to think they know more about repairing their units than I do. But I’m going to share some rules that govern my approach to service work in the hope they might save you money and aggravation. Rule 1: If you can get to it easily, it probably isn’t the problem. As you know only too well, motorhomes are not paragons of serviceability. If you’ve ever had to trace a circuit or locate a component, you no doubt have had to call manufacturers and say, “All right, you win--I know what I’m looking for, can you give me a hint where you hid it?” And you’ve also discovered that owners’ manuals are seldom poster children for accuracy. Simply getting to a component can easily take more time than determining whether it’s at fault. Page 9
In spite of the old adage, customers aren’t always right. Sometimes they need to be talked out of ordering a part for something that’s not actually the problem.
And the most frequent error anyone who services RVs makes is assuming something is faulty without actually testing it. So Rule 1 is that the parts most easily replaced or best known will seldom prove to be the culprit. The problem parts will most often be ones you’ve never heard of and can’t see. Parts that are especially suspect won’t have access panels or will be located in places where, in order to access them, rust flakes will rain down on your face or you’ll be sprayed with something wet, slippery, smelly, or all of the above. The things that are most often wrongly diagnosed fall into one of two categories-either they’re easy to access, like thermostats and circuit breakers, or they’re something most folks have heard of, like Freon, to name a frequently misdiagnosed component. I haven’t replaced a circuit breaker in years, I seldom have to replace
Too often, good parts are sacrificed in the name of “fixing” something.
thermostats, and air conditioners are sealed and don’t have service ports, so refrigerant is the least likely thing to be at fault when units fail to cool. Rule 2: If you don’t know where you’re going, stop! Several years ago, I was called ostensibly to work on an air conditioner in an older high-end pusher. Upon arrival, I discovered things weren’t as I had been told. The owner had decided to do some electrical work. By modifying the wiring to the three transfer switches routing power from the inverter, generator, and shoreline, he had destroyed the power converter and shortcircuited all power sources. Normally, I would have returned things to their initial condition, but I didn’t have a wiring diagram and the owner was unable to retrace his steps. After examining the situation, I concluded that I couldn’t complete the repair and left. So Rule 2 is that service work is not a willynilly process. If, after 15 minutes, you don’t have a plan of attack or you’re in over your head, stop! Call someone for help, do Page 10
additional research, review service manuals, or allow someone who knows more about the problem to step in. Some but not all manufacturers have technical support available by phone. I also carry a laptop with wireless access. There’s nothing wrong with working on something you haven’t seen before. But it’s a mistake to randomly modify equipment or replace parts without understanding how they’re supposed to work, the nature of the problem, and other possible avenues of repair. Rule 3: Serious problems seldom travel in packs. When customers say that multiple items have failed at the same time, the problem is seldom as severe as it sounds. Here are some examples. In one case, a motorhome owner called and told me his refrigerator, heat pump, and furnace didn’t work. He said he’d already been told that he needed a new refrigerator and asked me to order one and check the heat pump and furnace when I came to install the refrigerator. I suggested a service call instead to evaluate the situation. Here’s what I found--his propane tank was empty. After filling it, his furnace immediately fired, as did his gas-powered refrigerator. When switching his thermostat to heat pump setting, the furnace engaged but the heat pump did not. Bypassing his thermostat, the heat pump worked fine. That meant I needed to install a new thermostat. Checking the refrigerator further, I found that the electric element needed to be replaced. The total cost to the customer was a fraction of what he had expected. A word of caution here about bypassing controls: If
you do it incorrectly, you will instantly send the board to heaven, so you must have the service manual on hand. Here’s another example of Rule 3. The owner of an almost-new motorhome with two low-profile air conditioners called and asked me to order new fan motors for both coolers because their motors refused to budge. I declined, because the probability of two relatively new fan motors failing at the same time is all but nonexistent. Each year I’m asked to replace dozens of fan motors, and I actually replace only one or two. What I’ve discovered over the years is that fan motors don’t have much oomph when starting. All it takes is a little corrosion between the motor shaft and bushing for things to come to a halt. Pull the cover on the rooftop unit and give things a quick spin. Once the fan runs a short time, the corrosion and the problem are gone. Use the air conditioner more often and the problem never returns. Yes, there are other things that can cause a motor to fail or not start, but try my way first. The customer took my suggestion and was a happy camper once again. Rule 4: What we have here is a failure to communicate. Communication between owners and technicians is a major hurdle, particularly when it involves motorhomes, which are the most complicated type of RV on which to work. These units have multiple intertwined systems, and there’s no single way all of the parts are tied together. Owners frequently want to tell me what needs to be done to fix a problem before they even tell me what the problem is. If customers would only take the Page 11
time to write down some basic information before picking up the phone, technicians could work faster, cheaper, and hopefully even fix the problem. I need to know brand and model, the problem’s symptoms in as much detail as possible, and whether a repair has already been attempted. Does something work some of the time or none of the time? Does it work on gas or electric? These are the kinds of questions you need to ask your customers up front. Reputable service centers don’t want to sell customers things they don’t need. It’s simply bad business. Over the years, I’ve had many customers say, “Is that all it costs?” when they receive the bill. When I hear that, I figure I’ve made a customer for life. Steve Savage is a Master Certified RV technician, the owner/operator of Mobility RV Service in Bristol, TN, and a member of the RV Technician Advisory Group. His articles appear frequently in consumer and industry magazines.
Top This!
An RV — and a husband’s story — that wouldn’t hold water By Peter Bowring
Had the manufacturer left to look. Slowly You see a lot of actually neglected to put a and calmly, I what we call “farm water fill outlet on this closed his trailer fixes” up here, couple’s brand-new RV? door and pointed. everything from bad wiring to using The problem was garden hoses for that every time he propane lines. The had opened the craziest fixes door, it had covered up the outlet. you’ve ever seen. But this problem was different. A couple who had bought a brandThe husband just stared and rolled his eyes. new travel trailer from us a couple months And right away his mind starts working. earlier were preparing to take their first-ever “Can we pretend that isn’t there?” he says. RV trip and encountered a unique factory “We’ve got to make up a different story for defect. the wife or she’ll never let me off the hook.” “Sure,” I say, “you make something up and To make matters worse, because there are I’ll just nod and cover your butt.” so few certified technicians here in Saskatoon, they had to drive five hours to It was, after all, kind of a weird place to put get to our dealership for the repair. the fill. And they were first-time RV owners, who sometimes get overwhelmed and forget They showed up unannounced, and I could what they learned during the walk-through. see by the husband’s look that he was in one foul mood. While his wife waited I don’t actually know what story he quickly patiently in the truck, he went off on an thought up to tell his wife, but it had to be extended rant about how he couldn’t fill up good enough to save him from five hours of his potable water tank because there was grumbling on that long trip home. no fill outlet on his RV. To prove his point, he insisted on leading me around the whole trailer, showing me that there was absolutely no fill. Since he couldn’t find it Peter Bowring is an RV technician at anywhere, he figured the factory hadn’t put Canada West RV. He can be contacted at one on. peterbow2001@yahoo.com. He was right—I didn’t see one, either. Then I suddenly realized that there was one place
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New Products
Porta Potti pumps up the comfort level
RV stereo provides entertainment in a small package The close-knit quarters of an RV usually result in a small dashboard to save space. Providing entertainment in a small package, Prospec Electronics' Milennia MIL-PRV15 Stereo easily slides into existing cup holder or gauge openings.
Thetford Corporation's entire Porta Potti line has been revamped. The brand-new Curve model features a user-friendly, batterypowered flush to complement its sleek, modern design. A raised seat height and increased bowl size create a more comfortable sitting position, and the toilet paper holder is integrated. Controls are hidden to keep them in working order and maintain a smooth appearance. Fresh and waste water tanks can be monitored by checking easy-to-read level indicators. The entire Porta Potti line has been revamped with a modern appearance and cleaner cover and seat design. A more ergonomic carrying handle simplifies transportation, and a now-standard lid latch prevents accidental spills. All models also offer a redesigned valve handle, fill cap, and pump. Porta Potti fresh and waste water tank sizes remain unchanged, and the toilets retain an exclusive, rotating pour-out spout.
Page 13
Featuring AM/FM radio, USB, and aux-in for connecting portable media devices, this stereo is made for the modern RV traveler and can either be retrofitted or installed by the OEM. The MIL-PRV15 doesn't require cut-outs. It has an installation depth of 15/8", not including wires, and an outside dimension of 3-1/2". The MIL-PRV15 operates at 4 x 40 watts. It has a solid aluminum chassis and IP-66 and ASTM 117 salt fog ratings.
Dicor has single slider steps These motorized steps for smaller, lower-to-theground motorhomes are sized to fit different chassis and come with optional LED lights embedded in a non-slip rubber safety grip. The steps are powered by the coach’s 12-volt battery and automatically retract when the engine is started.
Tiffin recalls Allegros, Phaetons Tiffin Motorhomes Inc. is recalling some 2011 Allegro and Phaeton RVs built on Freightliner chassis and equipped with a Cummins ISC, ISX, ISM, or ISL diesel engine. The v-band clamp assembly used to connect the inlet and outlet cone sections to the diesel oxidation catalyst include a T-bolt that can fracture and fail when subjected to stress or load, causing the clamp to loosen and the inlet or outlet sections attached to the doc/dpf housing to disconnect. If that happens, hot exhaust gases can vent prior to exiting the tailpipe, creating the risk of combustion and fire. If both clamps fail, there is a risk that the doc/dpf housing may detach completely, creating a road hazard.
Navistar windshield shade recall Navistar is recalling approximately 630 model years 2009-2011 Beaver, Holiday Rambler, and Monaco Coach brand RVs manufactured from January 11, 2008, through April 15, 2011. The front windshield shade may separate from the cabin body without warning, possibly impairing the driver's ability to see the roadway. The affected Beaver Coach models include Contessa, Marquis, and Patriot. The Holiday Rambler units include Ambassador, Endeavor, Imperial, Navigator, Neptune, Scepter, and Trip. The Monoco units include Camelot, Cayman, Diplomat, Dynasty, Knight, Signature, and Vesta.
Tiffin will notify owners, and repairs will be performed by Cummins dealers. Owners may contact Cummins (1-812-377-5000) or Tiffin (1-256-356-8661) or NHTSA’s vehicle safety hotline (1-888-327-4236) or go to http://www.safercar.gov.
Navistar will notify owners, and dealers will inspect the shade mounting clips and make necessary repairs. Owners may contact Navistar (1-877-466-6226) or NHTSA's vehicle safety hotline (1-888-327-4236) or go to http://www.safercar.gov.
Keystone recalls Cougars
Starcraft power converter recall
Keystone is recalling approximately 805 Cougar fifth wheel trailers manufactured from May 12, 2006, through February 12, 2009, for incorrect information on the federal identification tag and tire and loading information label.
Starcraft RV Inc. is recalling approximately nine Autumn Ridge and Travel Star travel trailers manufactured from October 6, 2011, through October 17, 2011. The power converters may have an undersized input coil, which could cause overheating, smoking, and melting of the converter. This could result in fire, injury or death.
The labels list the maximum tire pressure as 80 psi instead of the correct maximum pressure of 65 psi. Keystone will mail consumers the corrected label, or they can have dealers install the label. Owners may contact Keystone customer service (1-866-425-4369) or NHTSA's vehicle safety hotline (1-888-3274236) or go to http://www.safercar.gov. Page 14
Starcraft will notify owners, and dealers will make necessary repairs. Owners may contact Starcraft (1-800-945-4787) or NHTSA's vehicle safety hotline (1-888-3274236) or go to http://www.safercar.gov.
The RV Learning Center proudly recognizes the following
CONTRIBUTORS: Additional/New Contributions Received 7/01/10-7/01/12
Page 15
Ace Fogdall, Inc. Affinity RV Service Sales & Rentals All Seasons (CA) Alpin Haus Altmans Winnebago American RV Automotive Recruiting Best Value RV Bill Plemmons RV World Bill Thomas Bill Thomas Camper Sales, Inc. Bowling Motors & RV Sales Byerly RV Center Camperland of Oklahoma, LLC Campers Inn of Kingston Capital R.V. Center, Inc. Carolina Coach & Camper Carpenter’s Campers, Inc. Circle K RVs, Inc. Crestview RV Center Curtis Trailers, Inc. Diversified Insurance Management, Inc. Dixie RV Superstore Bill & Kristin Fenech Floyd's Recreational Vehicles Fretz Enterprises, Inc. Sherman Goldenberg Greeneway, Inc. (Route 66 Dealer) Hartville RV Center Hayes RV Center Hemlock Hill RV Sales, Inc. Ronnie Hepp Hilltop Trailer Sales, Inc. Holiday World of Houston Horsey Family Memorial Fund J.D. Sanders, Inc. Jamatt RV Sales Jayco, Inc. Kroubetz Lakeside Campers La Mesa RV Center, Inc. Madison RV Supercenter Manteca Trailer & Camper Maxxair Vent Corporation MBA Insurance, Inc. McClain's RV Superstore Craig Mellor Mike Molino Rose Zella Morris Motley RV Repair Myers RV Center, Inc. Newmar Corporation Newell Coach Niel’s Motor Homes Noble RV, Inc. Open Range RV Company Pan Pacific RV Centers, Inc. Paul Evert's RV Country, Inc. PleasureLand RV Center, Inc. PPL MotorHomes Protective RCD Sales Company, Ltd. Reines RV Center, Inc. Rich & Sons Camper Sales Rivers Bus & RV Sales RV Assistance Corp. RV World Recreation Vehicle Center RV Outlet Mall Skyline RV & Home Sales, Inc. Spader Business Management Spader 20 Group #20 Stag Parkway Steinbring Motor Coach Tacoma RV Center Tarpley RV The Trail Center Tiffin Motor Homes, Inc. Tom Stinnett Derby City RV United RV United States Warranty Corporation Wilkins R.V., Inc. Winnebago Industries, Inc. The Kindlund Family Scholarship Endowment
Received 7/01/10-1/03/12 $3,500 $1,000 $49 $4,000 $5,000 $250 $30 $1,750 $2,550 $500 $500 $300 $16,000 $750 $7,000 $1,000 $100 $3,000 $500 $1,000 $1,000 $2,200 $5,000 $10,000 $250 $250 $25 $8,300 $250 $100 $2,000 $275 $41 $5,000 $6,000 $250 $500 $1,000 $250 $10 $500 $501 $250 $1,100 $5,000 $100 $175 $25 $1,235 $1,200 $25,000 $1,000 $250 $400 $2,000 $500 $1,875 $1,350 $100 $42,179 $500 $4,500 $4,000 $2,000 $3,000 $250 $200 $250 $1,000 $1,700 $5,250 $250 $500 $250 $100 $2,500 $200 $2,000 $2,000 $4,200 $7,000
Total Received $37,100 $6,000 $37,049 $16,500 $50,500 $5,925 $30 $1,750 $7,550 $500 $20,500 $300 $26,000 $3,850 $32,422 $6,000 $100 $4,000 $5,750 $1,500 $7,000 $14,400 $15,000 $50,000 $250 $250 $25 $13,300 $10,250 $5,100 $6,000 $325 $1,581 $25,000 $67,000 $2,500 $500 $18,500 $250 $3,510 $4,000 $4,501 $2,500 $13,100 $35,000 $100 $10,761 $25 $8,075 $2,000 $135,000 $1,000 $250 $400 $2,500 $36,500 $25,000 $76,350 $100 $110,963 $1,250 $22,025 $6,000 $16,850 $26,000 $1,850 $1,550 $250 $1,000 $1,700 $32,100 $250 $500 $4,500 $1,100 $18,500 $100,700 $2,000 $4,250 $13,600 $34,000 $270,000
Last Contribution Received 12/272011 8/30/2010 7/10/2010 7/11/2011 1/21/2011 1/25/2011 11/7/2011 5/12/2011 5/27/2011 10/26/2010 10/26/2010 12/16/2011 1/3/2012 7/1/2011 7/11/2011 12/7/2010 3/30/2011 6/24/2011 6/28/2011 12/17/2010 12/7/2010 6/14/2011 8/18/2010 7/29/2010 10/19/2010 1/3/2012 2/23/2011 12/3/2010 6/28/2011 1/28/2011 9/16/2010 2/23/2011 6/20/2011 8/24/2010 6/17/2011 9/1/2011 12/3/2010 12/27/2011 12/2/2011 12/30/2010 8/22/2011 6/24/2011 6/30/2011 6/1/2011 6/14/2011 10/25/2010 2/17/2011 10/25/2010 11/4/2011 12/16/2010 10/28/2011 9/1/2011 6/20/2011 6/16/2011 4/6/2011 10/21/2010 4/14/2011 12/16/2011 8/12/2010 12/2/2011 12/20/2010 12/22/2011 11/2/2011 6/21/2011 11/23/2011 12/10/2010 6/10/2011 7/14/2011 12/2/2011 3/30/2011 11/12/2010 10/14/2010 7/7/2010 9/10/2010 11/01/2010 4/19/2011 12/02/2011 10/17/2011 4/19/2011 6/17/2011 9/30/2011
RV Technician Certification Preparation Course Every RV Technician Can Have Access to Individual Self‐Study Training and Certification Preparation Interactive-Multimedia, Online Format • Combines text, audio, graphics, and video, with mentor-led technician community forum – all content is online (no extra books or handouts needed)
Developed by RVIA Available through the RV Learning Center
Corresponds to RV Certification Test Sections • Propane; Electrical; Plumbing; Brakes, Suspension & Towing; Appliances; Generators; Hydraulics; Exterior; Interior; Expandable Rooms; Miscellaneous (Welding Safety, Customer Care) • Fulfills 40-hour RVDA-RVIA Service Technician recertification requirement • RVIA RV Service Technician recertification requirement
Personal Progress Tracking
• Automatically tracks individual’s progress • Quizzes after each chapter and section with immediate feedback • 205 question assessment that’s similar to the RV technician certification test
Registration information
$249 per technician*
Company: Address: City/State/Zip: Phone:
In order for the program to function properly, each technician MUST have his own personal e-mail address that only he has access to.
*Quantity discounts available when registering four or more technicians at one time. E-mail info@rvda.org or call 703-591-7130 for details. Note: Registration fee subject to change without notice.
Sign up the following RV technicians from our dealership: Name: E-mail: Name: E-mail: Name: E-mail: Send progress reports to the following supervisor: Name:
Method of payment
Important: • The RV Technician Certification Preparation course offers RV service technicians the means to prepare for certification through an online, self-study format. A computer with high-speed Internet is needed to access the course. • Visit www.rvtechnician.com for information about the RVDA-RVIA RV Service Technician certification program. The certification testing fee is not included in the course registration fee. • Registration gives the technician 365 days to complete the course by achieving 80% or higher on the final practice test. The technician should plan for certification testing within the enrollment period since course extensions are not available.
All registrations must be pre-paid in U.S. funds.
□ Check enclosed (make check payable to The RV Learning Center) □ Send invoice (RVDA members only) □ VISA □ MC □ AMEX □ DISCOVER C Cardholder’sName:_____ Acct. number: Cardholder’s signature: Billing address:
Page 16
Exp._______ Security code: _ Return completed form to: RVDA I 3930 University Drive I Fairfax, VA 22030 I Ph. (703) 591-7130 I Fax (703) 359-0152 www.rvlearningcenter.com I info@rvda.org
10th Edition Service Management Guide (Flat Rate Manual) The expanded Service Management Guide offers over 100 pages of average work unit times for the most basic service functions performed by competent RV technicians. th
The 10 Edition of the Service Management Guide offers extensive updates and additions provided by dealers, service managers, and technicians.
It also offers all new Service Check Sheets that provide a valuable reference for service managers and technicians.
It is a great tool for the service department when working with extended service contracts.
The Service Management Guide is also available in CD-ROM.
The Service Management Guide is designed to provide reasonable guidance relative to the time required for competent technicians to complete assigned tasks. It is an important part of the service management system, but it is not intended to be the sole determinant of prices or rates charged in that sale of service. Manual or CD-ROM: RVDA Members $164.95
Non-Members: $330.00
Manual and CD-ROM: RVDA Members $275.00
Non-Members: $550.00
Order Online at http://www.rvlearningcenter.com - prices are subject to change without notice
Order Form – 10th Edition Service Management Guide (Flat Rate Manual) Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Name:___________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________________________ City:__________________________________________State:________Zip Code:______________________________ Phone:___________________________________Fax:______________________E-mail:________________________ ___RVDA Member
___Non-RVDA Member Manual - # of Copies:___ CD-ROM - # of Copies:____
Method of payment (Please check one) ___Check enclosed (Made Payable to The RVDA Education Foundation) ___Send an invoice (members only) Credit Card: __Visa __Master Card __American Express Card Number:____________________________________________Expiration Date:___________________________ Name on Card:_____________________________________Signature:______________________________________ Billing Address:_________________________________________________________Billing Zip:_________________
Page 17
RVDA, 3930 University Dr, Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 591-7130, Fax (703) 359-0152, Email: info@rvda.org
Online Training with FRVTA’s
supplier-specific advanced repair and troubleshooting classes designed to upgrade technicians’ skills. Completion of these classes qualifies for recertification hours. Classes are available 24/7 throughout the program year, providing maximum flexibility.
$995 per year for each dealership location. Over 50 sessions available, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with full access to training through July 31, 2012. The DLN offers your dealership: • • • • •
Onsite training Group training No travel time or expenses Self-determined pace One fixed price of $995 for the subscription term
• Service Writers/Advisors – This three-hour program is valuable for both new staff and experienced personnel preparing for the RV Learning Center’s Service Writer/Advisor certification. • Greeters/Receptionists – This 50-minute session is suitable for all employees who need customer service skills. It includes a final exam and certificate of completion.
The DLN offers online training for:
• RV Technicians – The certification prep course helps technicians get ready for the certification exam. Your subscription includes unlimited access to more • Dealers/GMs – This program features important topics for management, including lemon laws, LP gas than 50 training sessions, reviews, and test preparalicensing issues, and the federal Red Flags Rule. tion sections. Also included are manufacturer- and
DEALERSHIP REGISTRATION Company Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City:________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________ Phone: ______________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________ Mentor Name: ________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ E-mail (at dealership) : __________________________________________________ Fax: ________________________________
**High speed Internet access required. RVIA service textbooks not included** _____ location(s) at $995 each = payment due: $__________________ (select payment method below)
Complete lower section and mail or fax to:
Florida RV Trade Association, 10510 Gibsonton Drive, Riverview, FL 33578, (813) 741-0488, Fax: (813) 741-0688 Name on Credit Card: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Card Number: ________________________ Security Code: _________ Expires: ______________________________________ Card Billing Address: ________________________________ City:________________________ State: ____ Zip: __________ Card Holder Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________________
For more information, call (386) 754-4285 or go to www.fgc.edu/rv-institute.aspx Page 18