Ram's Ear February 2018

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February 14, 2018



Kevin Hines Shares His Empowering Story by Madison Myer, Features Editor

photo: Bailey Adgate

“It was the first millisecond, the first body after the plunge off the Golden Gate. moment of free fall. I knew it was the worst After the surgery and recovery, Hines was mistake I ever made.” admitted into thirteen different psychiatric Kevin Hines was 17 when he was hospitals to help him heal. diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He sufHines has written books to share his fered from hallucinations experience and in hopes and paranoia. After living of preventing more suithrough those conditions “It is okay to cides. Hines believes that not be okay. everyone should be edufor two years, at 19 years old, he attempted to take It is not cated on brain health and his own life by jumpwellness. Cracked Not okay to not ing off the Golden Gate ask for help.” Broken, his first book, was Bridge. He was one of the released in 2013. He also ~Kevin Hines very lucky 36 survivors of starred in The Bridge, a thousands who have atdocumentary film. tempted this jump. That’s a less than one Hines has become a motivational percent survival rate. speaker and wellness advocate. He shared Hines fell 220 feet down into the his story for the first time in public to his frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay, lacerating most of his lower organs. He also shattered his T12, L1, and L2 vertebrae. A Coast Guard boat saved him and took him to Marin General Hospital. There, they performed an unforeseen, experimental surgery that left just a few scars on Hines’ One of only 36 to ever survive a suicide attempt off the Golden Gate Bridge, Kevin Hines has dedicated his life to spreading the word about mental illness.

Booster Club Dinner Dance Raises Over $8,000 for Athletics, Arts and Academics The annual Booster Club Dinner Dance took place on Saturday, January 27 at the Portuguese Hall. Guests started arriving at 6 p.m. for cocktails and appetizers, with dinner following shortly after at 7. Attendees enjoyed drinks and a live band all night long. This year, the usual steak, portuguese beans, and salad was accompanied by key lime pie and chocolate cheesecake, courtesy of Mrs. Montgomery’s culinary arts class. Students and athletes served parents, faculty, and alumni throughout the night. Towards the end of the event, all tickets are put in a raffle where every tenth ticket wins $100 and the final ticket wins $800. Stacia Olson had the winning ticket and received a check from the Booster Club. Club President Corey Farrell said a few words thanking everyone for their continuous support

photo: Bailey Adgate

by Tillie McTeer, Staff Writer

and asking them to continue providing for the school. The silent auction made a $6500 profit while the wine grab made over $900. All the proceeds from the night support the athletes and clubs at RVHS, and the Portuguese Hall donates everything made from bar sales back for senior scholarships. The dinner dance helps pay for transportation, uniforms, and new equipment for all the sports teams. After dinner and drinks, guests hit the dance floor and listened to the live band. The night was successful, having raised over $8,000 for the students here at RVHS.

childhood middle school. After he spoke to the school, he received a letter from each of the students that heard his story. Six of those letters were from suicidal students. Through those letters they were able to get help. Since then, Hines has made it his goal to help as many people as he can. Hines now travels the world to speak to people from all different backgrounds, from high schools, colleges and universities, to clinicians, corporations, and military personnel and policymakers. “Life is a gift, that is why they call it the present. Cherish it always.”

Carson Spradling’s poster design was chosen by the Booster Club to represent the event. Congratulations Carson! (Digital Imaging I, Block A)

Love is in the Air During Valentine’s Spirit Week

by Brooke Okamura, Staff Writer

This year’s annual Valentine’s Day themed Vice and spirit week comes with a sweet twist; spirit week will be kicked off sparking our excitement for the dance theme of ‘Party Hearty’ taking place February 24th at the Veteran’s Hall on Saturday with, not only our spirit for Valentine’s Day, but also our rivalry of Battle of the Sexes. In tying these two events together,

our spirit week begins on Tuesday, after our monday holiday, with ‘Frat vs. Sorority’ dressing as your 22 Jump Street stereotype or as your Legally Blonde inspiration. Following up on Wednesday, is ‘GI-Joe vs. Barbie’ day revealing your full on camo gear or your 60s Barbie attire. In addition, we have ‘Twin Day’ where you match with the opposite sex, and lastly Fri-

day ends with ‘Pink Vs. Blue.’ With this iconic event we host every year, girls take the lead in asking guys to accompany them to the dance. The girls take charge, in not only Vice proposals, but also in the corresponding spirit week, (which they have for the past 3 years!). Boys, collect your Ram Pride to make this a true “Battle” of the Sexes for the year 2018, and for girls,

have your confidence soar; ask a friend, or that new guy you have a crush on to Vice to make it one for the books and a high school dance you’ll never forget! Buckle up and get ready for this year’s Party Hearty, Battle of the Sexes incorporated themed Rio Vista High annual Vice Dance!

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February 14, 2018

Calendar of School Events

Why the Cultural Appropriation Rationalization is Covert Racism FEBRUARY____________________ by Kalia Howell, Staff Writer

by Aiden D. Mayhood, Editor-In-Chief

Cultural appropriation, the stealing of aspects from one culture by another culture, especially when involving the majority race and culture, has been used as an excuse to prohibit the mixing and fusing of cultures, ideas, and beliefs in modern-day history. Under the guise of cultural appropriation, ideas, languages, religion, fashion, music, and even technology are segregated to their corresponding race or culture, and, as everyone knows, segregation is not the best path to equality. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 proscribes discrimination based on race, gender, religion, and national origin. To back that up, the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America protects from abridging free speech, and the cultural appropriation concept could be a direct violation of the Constitution and American values. Japan, for the longest time, was the most isolated nation in the entire world. Under the sakoku policy, or the period of national isolation, foreigners were forbidden from the Japanese mainland. The capitalist societies and economies of the West led to the Industrial Revolution, while the Japanese were stuck in an agrarian society where elements of the periodic table were not even known. When the United States


with superior military technology arrived in 1853 under command of Commodore Matthew Perry, the Japanese surrendered and allowed the spread of free trade and Western culture into the nation. Japan would later become the strongest power in Asia while maintaining independence from Western rule until the end of World War II. By isolating themselves from all foreign cultural and technological influences, the Japanese had jumped into modernization late, created food shortages, missed the Industrial Revolution, and weakened themselves in the world political sphere. Is it absurd to say that everyone could benefit from the participation between cultures? America was built by the intermixing of wildly different cultures and religions, from the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam in modern-day New York made up of Lutherans, Quakers, Jews, Baptists, and Catholics, the Spanish-Mexican population in the Southwest, and the (albeit forceful and terrible) diaspora of black slaves because of the slave trade. The United States of America would not be the same as it is today if cultural appropriation debarred individuals from engaging in each other’s culture.

of the Month

by Atzri Villasenor and Annalisa Avalos Staff Writers

Kaylee salomon Kaylee is a senior and this is her third year in ceramics. “I didn’t think I was good enough until I really put in effort and had lots of patience,” Kaylee commented. “I feel very honored to be artist of the month.”


Published by Rio Vista High School, Digital Publications Class 410 South Fourth Street | Rio Vista, CA 94571 (707) 374-6336 ext. 1224 email: rvhsramsear@gmail.com

Editor-in-Chief Aiden D. Mayhood

Features Editor Madison Myer

Adviser Julie Griffin

Ram’s Ear Staff Bailey Adgate, Kiara Agan, Annalisa Avalos, Conor Cline, Mariko Dupuis, Samuele Francescetti, Kalia Howell, Brynae Martinez, Tillie McTeer, Brooke Okamura, Guadelupe Ruiz, Liam Smith, Brianna Summitt, and Atziri Villasenor

February 5 - 15 ELPAC testing February 7 - Basketball Senior Night vs. Vacaville February 13 - Soccer vs San Juan February 14 - Student Showcase February 14 - Boys Basketball vs Golden Sierra (home) 4:30(JV) 7:30(V) February 15 - Arena Night February 16 - Rammie of the Month Lunch February 16 - 17 - Wrestling DV Section TBD February 16 - 28 - Girls Basketball Section Playoffs TBD February 17 - First Schrimage Swimming February 17 - Lady Rams Softball vs Jim Elliot (away) 5:30 PM February 17 - 23 - Boys Basketball Section Playoffs TBD February 19 - Holiday February 20 - Booster Club 6:00 pm February 22 - Girls Soccer D-VI Playoffs TBD February 23 - First Swim Meet February 23 - Baseball vs Liberty Ranch (away) JV and V 4:0 PM February 23 - 24 - Wrestling Masters TBD February 24 - Vice Versa Dance February 26 - Baseball vs Delta (home) 3:30 PM February 27 - Lady Rams Softball vs Dixon (away) JV and V 3:30 PM February 28 - Lady Rams Softball vs St. Helena (away) JV and V 4:006:00 PM

MARCH_______________________ March 1 - Baseball vs Valley HS (away) JV and V 4:00 PM March 1 - 2 - Girls Basketball Section finals TBD March 1 - 4 - Boys Basketball Section Finals TBD March 2 - Baseball vs Delta(away) 4:00 PM March 3 - 4 - Girls Soccer D-VI Playoffs Finas TBD March 5 - Lady Rams Softball vs Mountain House (away) 4:00 - 6:00 March 6 - Lady Rams Softball vs Winters (away) JV and V 3:30 PM Baseball vs Vacaville Christian (away) 3:30 PM March 7 - Coffee with RVHS 8:00 PM March 8 - Swim Meet (home) March 8 - Baseball vs Vacaville Christian (home) 3:30 PM March 9 - Lady Rams Softball vs Highlands (home) 3:30 March 9 - 13 - MAP Testing (9th - 11th grade) March 13 - Winter Sports Award Night 6:00 PM Baseball vs Durham Double Header (home) 12:00 PM March 14 - Student Showcase Lady Rams Softball vs San Juan (home) 3:30 PM March 15 - Swim Meet (away - Highlands) March 15 & 16 - Mini Day March 16 - Lady Rams Softball vs Bradshaw Christian (away) 4:00 PM March 16 - 17 - Baseball Gridley Tournament TBD March 20 - Baseball vs Bradshaw Christian (home) 4:00 PM March 21 - Lady Rams Softball vs Golden Sierra (home) 4:00 PM March 22 - Baseball vs Bradshaw Christian (away) 4:00 PM, Swimming Center Meet (home) March 23 - Lady Rams Softball vs Encina (away) 4:00 PM March 27 - Girls soccer D-VI Playoffs TBD Baseball vs Delta @ Raley field in Sacramento


April 2 - 5 - Baseball Sutter Spring Tournament TBA April 3 - 6 CST testing (10th grade) April 6 - 97% Attendance BBQ April 6 - Lady Rams Softball vs Rio Linda (away) JV and V 4:00 PM April 11 - Student Showcase April 12 - Swim Meet (away - Highlands), Baseball vs Encina (away) 4:00 PM April 13 - Honor Roll Showcase April 14 - Prom April 17 - Baseball vs Highlands (home) 4:00 PM April 18 - Lady Rams Softball vs Highlands (away) 4:00 PM April 19 - Swim Meet (home) Baseball vs Highlands (away) 4:00 PM April 20 - Lady Rams Softball vs San Juan (away) 4:00 PM April 23 - 27 SBAC testing (11th grade) April 24 - Baseball vs San Juan (away) 4:00 PM April 25 - Lady Rams Softball vs Bradshaw Christian (home) 4:00 PM April 26 - Baseball vs San Juan (home) 4:00 PM April 27 - Block B Proress Report April 27 - Lady Rams Softball vs Golden Sierra (away) 4:00 PM April 28 - Last Swim Meet (home)

February 14, 2018

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CLUB UPDATES by Mariko Dupuis, Staff Writer

Dance Club

RDC held a canned food drive the week before Thanksgiving and a toy drive before Christmas, in hopes of collecting foods and toys to donate. Before winter break, there were dance team tryouts and the team gained a few new members. Since it’s soccer season and many of the dance girls also play, the dance team holds practices on Saturday mornings to practice for the Vice Rally. President Kiara Agan says, “We have plans for a Cinco de Mayo dance.”

Tabletop Club

The Tabletop Club holds exclusive meetings after school which are invite only. They are currently playing Dungeons and Dragons.

Academic Decathlon

The theme for this year’s Academic Decathlon is “Africa.” Since the team is preparing for the “Super quiz,” as President Bryan Cairo calls it, there are meetings everyday during lunch.

AFS - American Field Service

This year, AFS will be going to Charlotte, NC from March 23-27. Seventeen RVHS students and two teachers will be attending. So far, 8 students wil be visiting Rio Vista High from New York and an unknown number will be visiting from North Carolina.

Interact Club

The Interact Club President and Vice President, Kiara Agan and Mariko Dupuis, attend Rotary meetings every Friday morning at 7 a.m., joined by Samuele Franceschetti and Liam Smith. Some days, Rotarians have Kiara and Mariko run the whole meeting. Camp Royal applications were due in December, and applicants will be notified if they were chosen very soon. Interact Club meetings are held on Thursdays at lunch and welcomes anyone to join.

Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Apple

What Determines Success?

by Aiden D. Mayhood, Editor-In-Chief

“Time is money” is an ageless phrase that shows that time in the modern age is the most valuable commodity. Society has taught everyone that time well spent is time that further progresses your prestige and monetary success, but does that mean you have to constantly work to become successful? Are you keeping yourself so busy to achieve success that you forget to appreciate the world and your surroundings? It is extremely beneficial for your health to take a break from rigorous work and do nothing. There has to be more to just working hard, or else there would be a lot more people around the world who are monetarily successful. In a 2011 study by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, researcher Alejandro Lleras said, “...deactivating and reactivating your goals allows you to stay focused…” (Lleras, ScienceDaily). Taking a break from tough work can give your mind a refresher and boost productivity. Coming back to that work, you’re rejuvenated and ready to get the task done. The word “inactivity” has a negative connotation, but in fact, it is essential for productivity and success. Often, important decisions are made during times of diligent work and exhaustion, and that can be dangerous. Research shows that “decision fatigue” can affect your rationale. According to a study published by the National Academy of Sciences, Israeli judges were more likely to grant parole after their daily break than they were without that break (Daniel Kahneman, PNAS). Instead of an easy,

quick “no” to grant parole, the judges were open to the idea of parole more often when they had that break and could reasonably decide it was a better resolution. Being successful doesn’t mean you always have to work, and being able to defer from work for short periods of time can lead to more reasonable decisions and increase productivity. Take a break from work, have fun, or just sit around and relax. Remember, “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Soroptimist Student of the Month

Samuele Franceschetti Sam was chosen by Mrs. Griffin to represent the Graphic Design Dept. as the student of the month. “He has a great work ethic and puts his all into everything he does.

photo: Brynae Martinez


by Brynae Martinez, Staff Writer

Mrs. Apple has been in the educational field for eight years and she has been a full-time teacher for two years in the district. If she wasn’t a teacher, she would have been a meteorologist. Mrs. Apple is originally from Mooreland, Oklahoma and attended a very small school in Oklahoma named Mooreland High School, home of the Bearcats. Then she attended Oklahoma State University for four years after she graduated from high school. She ended up finishing up her bachelor’s at CSU Chico. She lives in Isleton with her husband, RVHS alumni, Hoot Apple and her two kids Blake and Hunter Apple. Her favorite toy as a child was her bike, because as a child that was how they got around town. She used to ride her bike to the store, the swimming pool, to her friends’ houses and anywhere else she needed to go. Her favorite activities as a child were to ride bicycles, playing hide and seek, and catching tadpoles with the neighbor kids. She also used to play basketball and softball in junior high and throughout her high school years. She also told us that she was involved in many different clubs during

her high school years. In college she used to work at Walmart and cleaned houses for property management companies. Then she got the wonderful job of a stay-at-home mom for several years before she started working at River Delta Unfied School District as a instructional aide. On the weekends, Mrs. Apple enjoys spending time with her family because they all have busy schedules so they don’t get to see each other much during the week. She likes to get away and go camping when they can because her family believes that camping is relaxing and peaceful. The kind of music that Mrs. Apple listens to is country music because she was raised and she listened to country music all of the time. When asked what was the hardest and easiest things about her job is she said: “The wonderful students and staff at RVHS makes my job easy. She says the hardest part of her job is getting some students to realize that everything the teachers do at Rio Vista High is so the students get ready for the future. All of the teachers here at Rio Vista High truly do care about their students and want them to be successful.”

January 2nd Devon Paminto-Alexander Justin Romero Mrs. Surla January 5th Janitzi Aguilar Mota January 6th Devin Petersen Conrad Vosefski January 9th Montana Sullivan January 10th Steven Fernandez Elliott Hagan January 11th Tuck Forbes January 12th Ashley Hennessey January 13th Ofelia Montano January 14th Lizbeth Guerrero-Ramirez January 15th Hailey Rice January 16th Ms. Chestnut January 17th Stephanie Powers January 18th Cameron Birdsong Hannah Burgess January 20th Mr. Smith January 21st Tyler Abood Anthony Gonzalez January 22nd Erick Galeno January 23rd Angus Smith January 25th James Cox January 26th Brandon Aragon Alisi Hagen January 27th Angel Aguilar Mota

January 28th Bailey Adgate Savana Groves Guadalupe Ruiz Antonio Silva Ibarra February 1st Madison Myer February 2nd Zoe White February 3rd Jared Beechler Joshua Gaxiola February 4th Orson Giffin III February 7th Johnny Gornto February 8th Jesus Castillo February 10th Madison Davis Dillon Russell February 12th Julian Gutierrez February 14th Cecilia Berti Tyler Stevenson February 17th Atziri Villasenor February 20th Jaqueline Leal-Carrilo February 21st Spencer Weatherford February 22nd James Blake Aiden Mayhood February 23rd Austin Francis February 24th Meagan Delancy February 24th Ms. Mason February 27th Stacy Gomez February 28th Araceli Elisea

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February 14, 2018




Eamonn Drury Preston Ebert Hannah Eckard-Henderson Christian Escoto Tuck Forbes Cody Fuller Fallon Garrett Wyatt Hagan Jaqueline Leal-Carrillo Anna Lett Fisher Lyon Zachary McLean Lacee Myer Devin Petersen Josie Preston Peter Rossi Miguel Tejeda Jr. Caroline Upham Tyler White

SOPHOMORES Stephanie Aguilera Valerie Rodriguez Megan Ross Bailey Adgate Emily Bellante River Billoups Yocelyn Corona Lane Eggers Stacy Gomez Alicea Gonzales Deanelly Martinez Kaitlyn O’Conor Sydney Sandoval Brena Stoval Zoe White Madison Myer


Brooke Okamura Amaya Frisbie Montana Olson Suheng Chiv Brennen Bellante Meagan Delancy Aiden Mayhood Henry Rossi Jameson Torres Cindy Torres Comacho Mitzi Vera Zazueta Alondra Villalpando Benjamin Whiting Brady Bowers Bryce Ciaramitaro Conor Cline Ingrid Gallardo Camberos Cecilia Hernandez Jacob Kinser Gerado Mandujano Rojas Jesus Rivas Andrea Villasenor Robert Zamarripa


Lupita Ruiz Austin Francis Tillie McTeer Brianna Summitt Hadrian Valladares Mariko Dupuis Cecilia Berti Bryan Cairo Kendra De La Torres Samuele Franceschetti Tillie McTeer Emma Wright Hunter Apple Caitlin Bowers Janet Tejeda James Cox Blaine Dart Yasmin Garcia Mikayla Hagan


Dawna Coad Jeff Contreras Aidan Frisbie Liseth Mendoza Bryan Rish Aidan Rosen Marisol Segoviano Carson Spradling Lexie Steinbrook Nathan Torres Arthur Weller Kevin Jimenez Rosales Macie Oglesby Fatima Sandoval Villanueva Savannah Arias Zachary Davi Yalicza Fernandez Muniguia Lily Griffin Alondra Gutierrez Marivella Torres Ashlee Weller


Per Andersson III Asucena Casotrena Isabel Flores Alicea Gonzales Elliott Hagan Kaylee Kitchens Ethan Medders Olivia Roberts Samuel Sandoval Aidan Walker Ilikea Brown Madison Davis Alexis Lackey Masne Maria Segoviano Ruben Silva Cassandra Steinbrook Richard Zamarripa


Erick Galeno Isabella Hernandez Jaylynn Lacy Katlyn Langlois Carla Navarro Jennifer Ortiz Destanie Rendon Angela Romero Payton Carademos Avila Jennifer Oropeza Jason Mandujano Escobar Kaytlin Preciado Anna Ramirez Darin Rasmussen Mercedes Roberts Elizabeth Webber Symphony Weller


Page Baldwin Hannah Burgess Melina Majors Ryan Murphy Jeannie Perez William Russell Kaylee Salomon Heather Stulke Rachel Halderman Ryan Racela Kiara Agan Ana Fernandez Munguia Emily Fraser Alyssa Groves


Tyler Abood Jared Belcher Ofelia Montano Christopher Nunes Alex Tejeda Garcia Conrad Vosefski Benjamin McFarlane Everardo Ordonez Karson Christianson Anthony Garcia James Blake Kawika Makua Nicholas Bowen Trevor Gomes Benjamin Sisneros Jason Tello


Lizbeth Antunez Griffin Bendowski Abel Garcia Raygoza Guadalupe Lopez-Manjarrez Carson Quintana Edgar Rodriguez-Flores Jose Luis Vega Austin Wilson August Giannini Neida Segoviano Lozano


Martin Magana Wyatt Preston Michael Arellano Judith Chavez Gavin Corley Gladiz Chavolla Marlys Eckard-Henderson Chance Gentry Jaden Lira Colton Merville Guadalupe Salcedo Montana Sullivan Lillian Welbourn Randy Arriola Gabriel De La Rosa Jayden Griffin Kalia Howell Christopher Kimbrow Teresa Pezzaglia Christian Riedmiller Marduck Sanchez


Destiny Reynolds Itzel Aragon Kady Feliz Trinity Gonzales Abel Torres Cameron Birdsong Madison Henry Michael Mason Yessenia Santiago Bryce Swink

Rio Vista High School Juniors are Going Places by Kalia Howell, Staff Writer

At this point in the year, juniors are busy preparing for senior year and graduation. Not only do they have to sign up for classes and keep their grades up, but they also have the option to take tests such as the SAT and ASVAB. Some juniors are even starting to look at colleges they are interested in going to. A few juniors already have ideas on their plans for after highschool. Elizabeth Webber loves being on the water, so she plans on joining the Coast Guard. After that, she wants to major in Marine Biology in college. She spends a lot of her time on boats, fishing, and swimming. Lillian Welbourn wants to go to the Art Institute of Seattle and become a pastry chef, but if she doesn’t go to the college in Washington, she says a different college would be okay too. To get ready for this

career, Lily is taking Mrs. Montgomery’s culinary classes. Wyatt Preston is going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, which is a trail from Mexico to Canada and it’s over two and a half thousand miles long. Wyatt plans on graduating early and is busy working to save up money before he starts goes on this remarkable, life-changing event. Aaliyah Maynard is interested in engineering, specifically chemical engineering. By signing up for engineering classes for senior year and taking AP courses, she’s making sure she’s doing everything she needs to be ready for this college career. What do seniors have to say about juniors getting ready for the upcoming years? Caitlin Bowers says they shouldn’t get overwhelmed or stressed with everything they have to do.


OPINION POLL What is the most favorite Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever sent or received? Marivella Torres Gr. 9- “A teddy bear” Trevor Gomes Gr. 9- “Once got Fundip” Iliana Mandujano Gr. 10- “Red roses” Payton Avila Gr. 11- “I got a giant white teddy bear from my dad when I was 8” Bryce Swink Gr.12- “I bought and gave myself flowers and chocolate” Katlyn Langiois Gr. 11- “Hannah Montana and lolipops” Anna Ramirez Gr.11- “Nothing because people don’t know how to be

ROMANTIC anymore. If your man is, then you’re lucky” Annalisa Avalos Gr. 9- “Received golf clubs” Mariko Dupuis Gr. 12- “My dad adopted a dog for Valentine’s Day in 2006” Tyler Stevenson Gr. 9- “Chocolate from my dad” Pete Rossi Gr. 9- “Getting a bunch of stickers in 1st grade” Madison Henry Gr. 12-”Chocolate and flowers” Brianna Summit Gr. 12-”Chocolate covered strawberries”

Senior Scholarship Application Deadlines Begin This Month

by Mariko Dupuis, Staff Writer

Mrs. Montgomery’s


of the



1 large egg 3 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. liqud red food coloring 3 tbsp. buttermilk 2 tsp. pure vanilla extract 1/4 cup granulanted sugar 2 tbsp. unsweeted cocoa powder 1/4 cup self-rising flour pinch of kosher salt 1/4 tbs. cider, white or rice vinegar

DIRECTIONS In a large mug, wisk together the egg and oil with a fork. Stir in the food coloring , buttermilk, vanilla, and sugar. Add the cocoa, flour, salt, and vinegar. beat the batter until smooth. Divide the batter between two mugs. Microwave separately for 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 minutes each until risen and firm. Topping Ideas: Cream cheese frosting, marshmallow fluff, whipped cream, fresh berries, red sugar sprinkles, candied pecans, or chocolate shavings.

Scholarship Websites www.scholarships360.org www.ncsfscolarships.org www.studentscholarships.org www.finaid.org/scholarships

www.americancollegefoundation.org www.equalityscholarship.org www.sacregcf.academicworks.com www.asianpacificfund.org/scholarships

Scholarship Opportunities Youth On Course - Need and merit based scholarship awarded to full-time high school seniors with a minimum of a 3.0 GPA. Deadline February 18. 2018 Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival Scholarship - For graduating seniors of Japanese descent in Northern California. Minimum of 2.5 GPA. Two winners will receive $2,500. Deadline March 11.

Caners Foundation Scholarship High school seniors must be entering a college under a horticulture-related field. Deadline March 15. Cabrillo Civic Clubs of California Scholarships - Must be of Portuguese

descent with a minimum GPA of 3.5. Deadline March 15. Winegrape Growers Foundation Scholarship - Applicant must be a child of someone employed by a California Vineyard. Deadline March 16. Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Scholarship - Applicants must be of Italian descent or be pursuing an Italian foreign language major. Deadline March 17. BG Scholarship - Applicants must have a minimum of 2.0 GPA and submit an essay about your academic goals and your contributions to your school and/or community. No deadline

February 14, 2018


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Fall Athletes Honored at Sports Awards Night by Bailey Adgate, Staff Writer

The Fall Sports Awards were held on December 11, 2017 in the theater to honor athletes playing football, volleyball, and cheer. Chris Medders, Luann Haley, Ann Arroyo, and Danielle De-

Flores all gave out awards to the athletes who showed the most talent, hard work, or improvement. The following students received awards:

-Varsity Volleyball-

Defensive Player of the Year- Lupita Ruiz Most Inspirational- Mercedes Roberts Offensive Player of the Year- Hannah Burgess Most Improved/Coaches Award- Emily Fraser All League - Lupita Ruiz Honorable Mention All League - Hannah Burgess and Janet Tejeda

-Junior Varsity Football-

Co - Most Valuable Player- Zach Davi Co - Most Valuable Player- Anthony Gonzalez

-Varsity Football-

League Most Valuable Player Lineman- Blaine Dart Most Valuable Player- Blaine Dart Most Outstanding Offensive Player- Ryan Hurley Most Outstanding Defensive Player- Hunter Apple Most Outstanding Lineman- Shawn Davis First Team All League -Dakota Mills, Hunter Apple, Shawn Davis, Ryan Hurley, Mikey Arellano, Ethan Medders, Kamren Robles, and Brennen Bellante Second Team All League- Justin Donaldson, Steven Fernandez, and Chris Kimbrow

-Junior Varsity Cheer-

Most Valuable Cheerleader- Bailey Adgate Most Improved- Noelani Coffey Most Dedicated- Macie Oglesby Most Spirited- Kylei Goodwin

-Varsity Cheer-

Most Valuable Cheerleader- Melina Majors Most Improved- Anahi Gutierrez Most Dedicated- Mary Griffin Most Spirited- Meagan Delancy

Academic All League Players 3.5 GPA or Better! Volleyball Caitlin Bowers Emily Fraser Hannah Burgess Jaylynn Lacy Tillie McTeer Destanie Rendon Mercedes Roberts Lupita Ruiz Brianna Summit Janet Tejeda Emma Wright

Cheer Kendra De La Torre Meaghan Delancy Melina Majors Brooke Okamura Montana Olson Andrea Villasenor Symphony Weller Zoe White

Football Hunter Apple Brennen Bellante Blaine Dart Samuele Franceschetti Ethan Medders Ryan Racela

photo: Brynae Martinez

-Junior Varsity Volleyball-

Most Valuable Player- Sydney Saldana Coaches Award- Madison Myer Defensive Player of the Year- Kaitlyn O’Connor Offensive Player of the Year-Amber Griswold

2017-18 wrestling team: Liam Smith, Kamren Robles, Brennen Bellante, Coach Chris Smith, Samuele Franceschetti, Emma Bellante and Asst. Coach Brian Bellante (top row). Jacob Awender, Page Baldwin, Javier Lopez, James Blake and Letty Bellante (Emma and Brennen’s little sister).

Pre-Season Wrestling Training Paying Off

by Liam Smith, Staff Writer

The Rio Vista wrestling team’s last two months of preparation has paid off in amazing dividends as they end their 5th regular season with a 3-2 record, losing only to Bradshaw Christian’s massive lineup and an extremely close battle against Golden Sierra that came down to the last match! Of these matches, there was a miraculous win over Highlands on Tuesday, January 9. The wrestling team traveled to Highlands to face off against the Scots on their home mat. Highlands had many more wrestlers on the roster than Rio Vista, giving them points for forfeits in four different weight classes and making the score 0-24 in favor of Highlands without a single match wrestled. In order for the Rams to claim victory, they had to not only win almost every match, but also win by pin. And that is exactly what happened. Six out of the seven wrestlers pinned their opponents, with Kamren Robles dishing out the fastest pin in a mere 22 seconds! The Rams came out on top 36-30, making them contenders for the second place spot in league behind Bradshaw Christian. When asked about how important this win was, Kamren stated, “If we wanted to be in the playoffs, we had to wrestle hard tonight, and that’s exactly what we did.” With the victory over Highlands, the only team that stood in the wrestling team’s path towards the postseason was the Golden Sierra Grizzlies. The Rams hosted them on their home mat on January 23 and lost 31-35, halting their dreams of a postseason until next winter. When asked about how the team took the loss, Coach Smith said, “It was frustrating because it came down to the last match, and we could have won if we had just one more wrestler on our roster, but I think everyone was happy with their individual performance this

One afternoon, Hungry Horace made a large number of mince pies for his Christmas party the following day. He left them to cool overnight.

Google Classroom for the Senior Class and their parents/guardians for information, resources, and any deadlines. Class code: (dui5z6q)

During the night Horace’s brother, Boris, came downstairs and divided the mince pies into four equal piles with one left over, which he ate. He also ate one of the four piles, then went back to bed.

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Math Department’s Problem of the Month

Later on, Horace’s sister, Doris, came downstairs and again divided the mince pies into four equal piles with one left over, which she ate. She also ate one of her four piles and returned to bed. In the morning, Horace found 60 pies left. How many had he made?

For updates, resources, deadlines, community service opportunities, scholarship opportunities, and much more.

season.” Although they will not be making it to postseason team duels this year, they look toward the individual postseason with reinvigorated determination to make it past league and all the way to state! Emma Bellante has already put her name in Rio Vista wrestling history in a big way. Emma is the first female wrestler in Rio Vista history to have competed in the league tournament, and she absolutely crushed it. Emma faced off against two other wrestlers, one from Golden Sierra and another from San Juan, pinning both of them within the first round, making her the second league champion and the first female league champ in history! She also placed 10th in the section in her first year on the wrestling. Needless to say, Emma has a bright future in wrestling ahead of her.


OPINION POLL What are your Valentine’s Day Plans?

Noelani Coffey Gr. 10- “My Valentines Day plans are to get dressed really nice and do my makeup” Kiara Agan Gr.12- “Probably have practice and then go to dinner with my boo” Emily Fraser Gr. 12- “Hang out with my boyfriend and eat chocolate covered strawberries” Jaylynn Lacy Gr. 11- “Eat a whole medium pepperoni pizza by myself” Jameson Torres Gr. 11- “Stay single” Isabella Hernandez Gr.11- “Eat some pretty good food” Ayla Houk Gr. 10- “Stay inside and eat candy while I read” Tyler White Gr. 9- “Watch Netflix” Olivia Mendes Gr. 10- “Listen to my husband sing (Shawn Mendes)” Devin Peterson Gr. 9- “Watch Disney movies and eat ice cream” Rosa Lomeli Gr. 11- “Going on long walks at the beach with my boyfriend” Eamonn Drury Gr. 9-”Sit at home alone wondering why I am alone”

Page 6

February 14, 2018


Athletes of the Month by Analisa Avalos and Atziri Villasenor, Staff Writers

Varsity boys soccer team: Coach Sarah Rendon, Aiden Mayhood, Ivan Antunez, Jose Vega, Brandon Aragon, Diego Ortiz, Jose Chavez, Samuel Sandoval, Per Andersson, Angel Aguilar, and Abel Garcia (top row). Alex Tejeda, Justin Romero, Anthony Ornelas, and Coach Francisco Ornelas (bottom row).

Boys Soccer Returns After Year Off by Lupita Ruiz and Kiara Agan, Staff Writers

After coming back from a season that got cancelled last year, the varsity boy’s soccer team is back and better than ever. The beginning of the season started a little rocky, in efforts of trying to get all the boys eligible to play and having to reschedule some games. Nevertheless, the boy’s soccer team pushed through these struggles, and to help with their grades they have study hall after school a few times during the week. From January 16 to January 19, the team had three games. The first game, on Tuesday, was against Golden Sierra. This game was where the boys showed how skilled they were and won the game 4-2. The following Thursday they played San Juan. This was a tough setback; the boys lost 1-1. Even though they lost to this highly competitive team, they played their best. They ended their week with a 7-0 win against the Vacaville Christian. Bouncing back from their game against San Juan,

they did not let that loss affect the way they played Vacaville Christian. When asked about how he felt about his first time playing on an actual team in high school, Sophomore Diego Ortiz responded with, It feels great and I feel privileged to be playing on the Rio Vista High School team. It’s a great young team that is effective in every position that we play.” His comment on the three games they had that week was, “Friday was a great game with 7-0, and the two games before that were rough but we gave our best efforts.” The team has six more games coming up within the next month. Although they have a season record of 2-5 as of press they are still determined to come back. Regardless of the losses, the boys are still ranked in 4th place in the Sierra Delta League (as of press). They plan on finishing the season on a high note, and ensuring a spot in playoffs.

Mercedes Roberts

Robert Zamarripa

Mercedes Roberts is a junior on the Varsity Girls Basketball team. “Mercedes has been dominating the basketball court. She is leading the teams in rebounds and blocks. She is without a doubt an intricate part of the Lady Rams basketball team. Her ability to push herself and her teammates does not go unnoticed!” exclaimed Coach LuAnn Haley.

Robert is a junior on the Varsity Basketball team. “Robert is an extremely coachable student athlete who leads the Varsity Rams by example each practice and game. He attends every practice, obeys all instructions, is a team player who isn’t concerned with personal stats, and always gives maximum effort. Robert is an adept defender with a penchant for creating turnovers and then layups for our fast breaks. A junior, Robert helped lead the Rams JV boys to a Sierra Delta League last season, and is a huge part of Rams basketball in the future,” commented Coach Greg Lucas.

Zoe White

Lupita Ruiz

Zoe White is a sophomore on the Junior Varsity Soccer team. “Zoe has become an outstanding leader on the soccer field. She sets the example of how to communicate and organize her team.” stated Coach Codi Agan.

Lupita Ruiz is a senior on the Varsity Soccer team. “After a season of not being able to play on the field because of injury, Lupita has come back stronger than ever. She is a force to reckon with. She constantly reaches for improvement and helps her team do the same,” commented Coach Codi Agan.

Justin Romero

Emma Bellante

“Justin plays hard and never gives up no matter what the score, and is willing to play any position I put him in,” commented Coach Francisco Ornelas. “I really appreciate Justin’s dedication to the team and what he’s been able to accomplish in such a short time as a soccer player,” added Coach Sarah Rendon. “We are going to miss him next year.”

“Although a first-year wrestler, Emma is having a great season. She took 2nd place at her second-ever tournament and is quickly moving toward being one of the best lady wrestlers in the league. She has been chosen as one of our three team captains. I believe she has a chance to advance to the section tournament in February, even to Master’s and State before she graduates,” commented Coach Smith.

Varsity Basketball

photo: Kiara Agan

Junior Varsity Soccer

Varsity Basketball

Varsity Soccer

Brady Bowers preparing to splash a three against San Juan.

Varsity Boys’ Hoops Hope to Turn Season Around by Conor Cline, Staff Writer

The RVHS Rams Varsity Basketball team got off to an astounding start this season. Starting 5-0, and taking a ‘ship at the Foresthill Wildfire Classic Tournament, the Rams beat Forest Lake Christian in the championship 50-33. After all their success as a team, a few players took home awards as well. Jacob Kinser and Jaden Lira took home all-tournament teams, and Conor Cline took home Tournament MVP. After some time, the Rams are 8-12 overall and 1-7 in league. Starting league off with a bang, the Rams beat Encina in overtime. After this exciting start, Rio took some painful losses to Highlands and San Juan (both league games). Rio then traveled to the always tough Vacaville Chris-

tian Falcons and fought hard, ending in a loss. Trying to avenge a couple losses, Rio took on first place Bradshaw Christian. They hung tough in the first quarter, but Bradshaw just was overpowering and went on to win. Rio looks to avenge their losses and turn their season around. A returning Varsity player Logan Boothe was asked how he was feeling coming into the season being the youngest player on the team. He replied, “I felt like I had to prove my spot on the team. Having Greg as my coach has helped me a lot as a player. I’ve been working hard in the offseason playing for Rio Storm, so I felt prepared coming into my sophomore season.”

Varsity Soccer


February 14, 2018

Page 7


RAM Winter Stats



Liam Smith / Brennen Bellante Emma Bellante / Kamren Robles Sam Franceschetti

4 2 1


Liam Smith 27 Sam Franceschetti / Kamren Robles 24 Brennen Bellante 18

Coach LuAnn Haley pumps up her team during the quarter break. Olivia Roberts is shooting an impressive 80% free throw average.

Lady Rams Look Forward to Good Game Against Golden Sierra

by Brianna Summitt, Staff Writer

During winter break, the Lady Rams participated in the St. Helena Basketball Tournament where they played three games, resulting in two losses and one win in overtime with a final score of 57-54. Mercedes Roberts was awarded the AllTourney award at the tournament for her high scoring games. The first league game was cancelled against Encina, which then followed up with an away game against Highlands. The game resulted in a win with a final score of 50-37. In one of their biggest games of the season, the Lady Rams played a tough nail-biter game against Golden Sierra, ending in a rough lost. The team is hungry for

a big win in their very last league game over at Golden Sierra. “It’s going to be intense with a good rally. We have to come out with all we’ve got,” says Coach Sierra. They now stand 3-3 in league and are ready to come back to fight even harder with the second rounds of playing all teams. The team is determined to get their spot for playoffs this season. When asked how the team is doing so far and thoughts on playoffs, River Billoups said, “We’re doing okay but I think we can do a lot better. If we try hard enough, we’ll make playoffs and I’m excited!” We all hope to see the Lady Rams participating in playoffs this season. Good luck Lady Rams!




Caroline Upham Zoe White Marivella Torres

3 3 2


Caroline Upham Zoe White TOTAL STEALS


Lily Griffin Liseth Medoza Araceli Elisea



143 107 69

Updated: 2/4/18 19 games played




Conor Cline Jacob Kinser Jaden Lira

279 192 103



Conor Cline Jaden Lira Jacob Kinser TOTAL REBOUNDS PLAYER

Conor Cline Jacob Kinser Brady Bowers


46 42 30


110 84 74


by Tillie McTeer, Staff Writer


the 5-0 win against the previously tough team Vacaville Christian as well as bringing home a win against big rival Delta High. The top three teams head to playoffs at the end of February and the way these ladies are playing, they are guaranteed a spot. At the beginning of the season, coach Codi Agan had both teams write out their short-term goals and long-term goals for both the season and school year, which included things like “We will make it to playoffs,” “We will make honor roll,” and “I will go to college” helping the Lady Rams set and achieve said goals. Coach Agan came back for a second year of coaching and is confident and proud of how both Junior Varsity and Varsity are playing. When asked what the best part of being on the team was, it was unanimously agreed that they aren’t just friends or teammates; they are a family with an indescribable bond. Junior Jenny Oropeza said, “The best part of being on the team is having a second family to rely on. I honestly know that I’ll always have a friend that I can trust.” Senior and forward Caitlin Bowers offers some advice to those wanting to play. “Always give it your all. The idea of trying to improve will have already improved you.”

Updated: 2/4/18 19 games played



Kawika Makua Richie Zamarripa Austin Wilson

264 133 107



Kawika Makua Richie Zamarripa Art Weller TOTAL REBOUNDS PLAYER

Austin Wilson Ben Sisneros Dominic Vieira Richie Zamarripa

Liam Smith Sam Franceschetti Brennen Bellante

16 7 5




Janet Tejeda Betty Romero Yasmin Garcia

9 6 5



Janet Tejeda Caitlin Bowers Betty Romero Yasmin Garcia TOTAL STEALS


Yasmin Garcia Khaenani Mamea Lupita Ruiz


22 11 6


66 60 44 44

Do you have a signature move?

“Slide tackles.” -Destanie Rendon (D)

“My crazy leg dance;)” -Yasmin Garcia (F,M,D)

What’s something only the soccer team would know?

“Our secret communication skills.” -Janet Tejeda (F,M,D) “The love-hate relationship we have from laughing to screaming and wanting to kill each other.” - Kiara Agan (D)


6 4 2 2


217 196 192

VAR. BOYS SOCCER Updated: 2/4/18 3 games played




Abel Garcia Jose Vega Alex Tejeda

3 2 2



Anthony Ornelas TOTAL STEALS

Lady Rams Have Visions of Playoffs The Rio Vista Lady Rams soccer program has not one, but two teams this year. The Junior Varsity team made a second comeback after having a first-ever JV team last year. Although JV has half the amount of games Varsity does, they are hopeful and confident with where their season has taken them. JV captains Marivella Torres, Zoe White, Yocelyn Corona, and Valerie Rodriguez are very proud with how their season ended with a win against Highlands High (2-1) and an even bigger win against Encina Prep (7-0), each scoring multiple goals in a shutout against Encina. Freshman Caroline Upham and sophomore Zoe White are the teams top scorers, both raking in some points for their team. The Varsity team started the season with some tough losses in scrimmages against Division 1 teams, but are coming back strong in the season with visions of playoffs. Seniors and defenders, Nani Mamea and Lupita Ruiz, are both averaging about 170 steals just from the beginning of the season and are still coming up strong. Top scorers Yasmin Garcia, Janet Tejeda, and Betty Romero (forwards) are also at the top of the list for shots attempted and scored. The Varsity Lady Rams currently have a league record of 5 wins and 2 losses. A big accomplishment for Varsity is


Updated: 2/4/18 11 games played





Updated: 2/4/18 5 games played


Janet Tejeda setting up for her favorite corner shot goal.



Justin Romero Erick Galeno Jose Vega




66 50 48

VAR. GIRLS BASKETBALL Updated: 2/4/18 14 games played



Mercedes Roberts Brianna Summitt Olivia Roberts


55 48 44



Brianna Summitt Anna Ramirez River Billoups Kaylee Kitchens Mercedes Roberts TOTAL REBOUNDS PLAYER

Mercedes Roberts Olivia Roberts Brianna Summitt


10 8 4 4 4


35 27 24

What’s the best memory you have from the season?

“How supportive and joyful we are when someone achieves something.” -Andrea Villasenor (M,D) “From having fun while losing to having fun while winning.” -Hannah Burgess (M)

“Laughing so much with your team that you start crying and choking on hamburgers while trying to make music.” -Destanie Rendon (D)

Page 8

February 14, 2018


Happy Valentine’s Day to: Varsity soccer girls To: Liseth Mendoza

“add me on snapchat @tylerstevenson17” to: dakota mills To: Shelby davis

from: emily fraser

“you’re my best friend, love you lots!”

from: justin donaldson

to: hunter

“hay qt let’s dayt and hug”

from: lupita ruiz

to: mariko dupuis

“don’t worry you’re always on-sides in my heart”

from: jaden lira

from: bryce swink

“i love you and all the ladies want you!”

from: hailey rice

to: mercedes roberts

“i love you so much sister sister”

to: ryan murphy

To: Mayra De La Torre

from: dillon russell

to: anna lett

from: mariko dupuis

from: jiggy

“your the bestest person!”

From: Joshua Gaxiola

“Have a good day!”

“hey there sailor, i could get lost in your stormy seas ;)”

to: kiara agan

from: kiara agan

“hey hot stuff *wink wink*”

to: bryce swink

“i carry you in fortnite sorry! :)”

to: jessa majors

from: ki

“hey baby dude”

to: betty romero

to: robert zamarripa

from: Kady feliz

“you all are amazing individuals who have made this season one to remember! love ya!”

From: Tyler Stevenson

from: jeff


“when i met ya, girl, my heart went knock knock”

to: elliott hagan to: elliott hagan

from: pete rossi


from: aidan walker


to: elliott hagan

from: bryan rish

“you” to: my friends to: robert Zamarripa

from: big rich

“i love ya big bro!”

from: anna ramirez

“i love yall! stay golden tabs! :)” to: robert zamarripa

from: anahi gutierrez

“you’re cute!” to: Hannah burgess

from: trinity gonzales

“I love you girl!!! YOu are smart, funny, and gorgeous! you never fail to brighten my day!”

to: anna

from: brena

“i love you. you are awesome and fantastic!” to: lupita ruiz from: destanie rendon “i just wanted to send you a note because you get emotional and i love making you cry of happiness because soon you’ll be leaving to college and i’ll miss you so happy valentine’s day from your defensebuddy, i love you!!!”

to: my friends

from: kay

“i’m thankful for you guys. you make my world go round. TAB :)”

to: my friend

from: jay

“i hate you all, it’s a forced friendship tabs :)”

to: joseph

from: *secret*

“baby you light up my world like nobody else”

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